Human Resourse Project

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"Human resource management is responsible for how people are treated in organizations. It is responsible for bringing people into the organization, helping them perform their work, compensating them for their labours, and solving problems that arise" (Cherrington, 1995, p. 5). There are seven management functions of a human resources (HR) department that will be specifically addressed: staffing, performance appraisals, compensation and benefits, training and development, employee and labor relations, safety and health, and human resource research. Humans are an organization's greatest assets; without them, everyday business functions such as managing cash flow, making business transactions, communicating through all forms of media, and dealing with customers could not be completed. Humans and the potential they possess drive an organization. Today's organizations are continuously changing. Organizational change impacts not only the business but also its employees. In order to maximize organizational effectiveness, human potential—individuals' capabilities, time, and talents—must be managed. Human resource management works to ensure that employees are able to meet the organization's goals.

INTRODUCTION OF CREATIVE Creative electronics private limited is the worldwide leader in digital entertainment products for the personal computer (PC) and the Internet. Creative was founded in Singapore in 1981 with the vision that multimedia would revolutionize the way people interact with their PCs. Famous for its Sound Blaster sound cards and for launching the multimedia revolution, Creative is now driving digital entertainment on the PC platform with products like its highly acclaimed ZEN line of digital audio players. The company's innovative hardware, proprietary technology, applications and services enable consumers to experience high-quality digital entertainment-anytime, anywhere. Today, Creative is widely recognized as a global leader for product innovation in the audio and PDE segments, offering consumers a complete, high quality digital entertainment experience through Creative's hardware, software applications and services. Finding the perfect balance between form and function, Creative strives for every product to be a sensory feast for the eyes and ears. Creative is expanding the power of the personal computer with a wide range of interactive PDE products that comprises MP3 players, portable media centres, multimedia speakers and headphones, digital and web cameras, graphics solutions, revolutionary music keyboards and PC peripherals. The more recent and notable awards include the Consumer Electronics Show "Best of CES" awards for four consecutive years for Prodikeys PC and music keyboard (2003), ZEN Portable Media Centre (2004), ZEN MicroPhoto MP3 player (2005) and ZEN Vision:M MP3 player (2006). The ZEN Micro MP3 player also won the Ziff Davis Media "Best of DigitalLife 2004" award. 1


The role of HRM in the organization performs the following 

functions as a strategic business partner and represent the employees

 Performs forward thinking and support the business strategy of the

company  Assists the organization to maintain its competitive advantage

 Strive in value addition for the organization The key HRM activities in the organization includes  Staffing  Performance appraisals  Training and development  Employee and Labor Relations  Motivation and Maintenance These are again sub divided into a number of other activities. Let us look at each of them in detail. 1.1 STAFFING The Human resource manager of the company had made more activity for staffing needs, Both the job description and the job specification are useful for the staffing process, the first of the seven HR functions to be discussed, Someone (e.g., a department manager) or some event (e.g., an employee's leaving) within the organization usually determines a need to hire a new employee. But in this organization an employee requisition must be submitted to the HR department that specifies the job title, the department, and the date the employee is needed. From there, the job description can be referenced for specific job related qualifications to 2

provide more detail when advertising the position—either internally, externally, or both (Mondy and Noe, 1996). Not only must the HR department attract qualified applicants through job postings or other forms of advertising, but it also assists in screening candidates' resumes and bringing those with the proper qualifications in for an interview. The final say in selecting the candidate will probably be the line manager's, assuming all Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) requirements are met. Other ongoing staffing responsibilities involve planning for new or changing positions and reviewing current job analyses and job descriptions to make sure they accurately reflect the current position.

1.2 Performance Appraisals The performance appraisal of the company plays the major role in examining the employee’s performance, once a talented individual is brought into an organization, another function of HRM comes into play—creating an environment that will motivate and reward exemplary performance. One way to assess performance is through a formal review on a periodic basis, generally annually, known as a performance appraisal or performance evaluation. Because line managers are in daily contact with the employees and can best measure performance, they are usually the ones who conduct the appraisals. Other evaluators of the employee's performance can include subordinates, peers, group, and self, or a combination of one or more (Mondy and Noe, 1996). Just as there can be different performance evaluators, depending on the job, several appraisal systems can be used to calculate the rate of performance of the employee’s. Some of the popular appraisal methods include (1) ranking of all employees in a group; (2) using rating scales to define above-average, average, and below-average performance; (3) recording favorable and unfavorable performance, known as critical incidents; and (4) managing by objectives, or MBO (Mondy and Noe, 1996). The company illustrates how performance appraisals serve several purposes, including:(1) guiding human resource actions such as hiring, firing, and promoting; (2) rewarding employees through bonuses, promotions, and so on;(3) providing feedback and noting areas of improvement; (4) identifying training and development needs in order to improve the individual's performance on the job; and (5) providing job related data useful in human resource planning.

1.3 CREATIVE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Creative organization Employee Training & Development methods enhance the existing skill sets and encourage the employees to maximize their potential both on and off the job. Provide counseling and career development methods, training and development is the field concerned with organizational activity aimed at bettering the performance of individuals and groups in organizational settings. It has been known by several names, including employee development, human resource development, and learning and development 3

Each and every employee of this company are trained by the training department, The term Talent Development is becoming increasingly popular in this organization as company is now moving from the traditional term "Training and Development". Talent Development encompasses a variety of components such as training, career development, career management, and organizational development, and training and development. As we proceed through the 21st century more companies will begin to use more integrated terms such as "Talent Development" Human Resource Development was rejected by academics, who objected to the idea that people were resources — an idea that they felt to be demeaning to the individual. Eventually, the CIPD settled upon Learning and Development, although that was itself not free from problems, learning being an over general and ambiguous name. Moreover, the field is still widely known by the other names. Training and development encompasses three main activities: training, education, and development. Garavan, Costine, and Heraty, of the Irish Institute of Training and Development, note that these ideas are often considered to be synonymous. However, to practitioners, they encompass three separate, although interrelated, activities. Performance appraisals not only assist in determining compensation and benefits, but they are also instrumental in identifying ways to help individuals improve their current positions and prepare for future opportunities. As the structure of organizations continues to change—through downsizing or expansion—the need for training and development programs continues to grow. Improving or obtaining new skills is part of another area of HRM, known as training and development. "Training focuses on learning the skills, knowledge, and attitudes required to initially perform a job or task or to improve upon the performance of a current job or task, while development activities are not job related, but concentrate on broadening the employee's horizons" (Nadler and Wiggs, 1986, p. 5). Education, which focuses on learning new skills, knowledge, and attitudes to be used in future work, also deserves mention (Nadler and Wiggs, 1986). Because the focus is on the current job, only training and development will be discussed. Training can be used in a variety of ways, including (1) orienting and informing employees, (2) developing desired skills, (3) preventing accidents through safety training, (4) supplying professional and technical education, and (5) providing supervisory training and executive education (Cherrington, 1995). The training methods mentioned in this company has benefits to the individual as well as to the organization. Some of the benefits are reducing the learning time for new hires, teaching employees how to use new or updated technology, decreasing the number and cost of accidents because employees know how to operate a machine properly, providing better customer service, improving quality and quantity of productivity, and obtaining management involvement in the training process (Cherrington, 1995). When managers go through the training, managers are showing others that need taking the goals of training seriously and are committed to the importance of human resource development. The type of training depends on the material to be learned, the length of time learners have, and the financial resources available. One type is instructor-led training, which generally allows participants to see a demonstration and to work with the product 4

first-hand. On-the-job training and apprenticeships let participants acquire new skills as they continue to perform various aspects of the job. Computer-based training (CBT) provides learners at various geographic locations access to material to be learned at convenient times and locations. Simulation exercises give participants a chance to learn outcomes of choices in a nonthreatening environment before applying the concept to real situations. Training focuses on the current job, while development concentrates on providing activities to help employees expand the current knowledge and to allow for growth. Types of development opportunities include mentoring, career counseling, management and supervisory development, and job training (Cherrington, 1995).

1.3.1 Creative Organization & Career Development: Ensure effective communication among employees of organization resulting in knowledge transfer and betterment of individual and organization as a whole. In organizational development (or OD), the study of career development looks at, • How individuals manage their careers within and between organizations and how organizations structure the career progress of their members, it can also be tied into succession planning within some organizations.

1.4 Employee and Labor Relations Just as human resource developers make sure employees have proper training, there are groups of employees organized as unions to address and resolve employmentrelated issues. Unions have been around since the time of the American Revolution (Mondy and Noe, 1996). Those who join unions usually do so for one or both of two reasons— to increase wages and/or to eliminate unfair conditions. Some of the outcomes of union involvement include better medical plans, extended vacation time, and increased wages (Cherrington, 1995). Today, unions remain a controversial topic. Under the provisions of the Taft-Hartley Act, the closed-shop arrangement states employees (outside the construction industry) are not required to join a union when they are hired. Union-shop arrangements permit employers to hire non-union workers contingent upon their joining the union once they are hired. The Taft-Hartley Act gives employers the right to file unfair labor practice complaints against the union and to express their views concerning unions (Cherrington, 1995). Not only do HR managers deal with union organizations, but they are also responsible for resolving collective bargaining issues—namely, the contract. The contract defines employment related issues such as compensation and benefits, working conditions, 5

job security, discipline procedures, individuals' rights, management's rights, and contract length. Collective bargaining involves management and the union trying to resolve any issues peacefully—before the union finds it necessary to strike or picket and/or management decides to institute a lockout (Cherrington, 1995).

1.5 MOTIVATION AND MAINTENANCE  Setting effective job design and performance standards  Effective compensation and benefit programs  Maintain effective coordination among the employees in a group/team.  Keen understanding and application of motivational theories. Creative organization motivates the employees for the set of reasons that determines one to engage in a particular behavior. The term is generally used for human motivation but, theoretically, it can be used to describe the causes for animal behavior as well. This action refers to human motivation. The managers motivates their employee’s to be rooted in the basic need to minimize physical pain and maximize pleasure, or it may include specific needs such as eating and resting, or a desired object, hobby, goal, state of being, ideal, or it may be attributed to less-apparent reasons such as altruism, or morality, or overcoming mortality. A reward, tangible or intangible, is presented after the occurrence of an action with the intent to cause the behavior to occur again. This is done by associating positive meaning to the behavior. Studies show that if the person receives the reward immediately, the effect would be greater, and decreases as duration lengthens. Repetitive action-reward combination can cause the action to become habit. Motivation comes from two things: company and employee. There is extrinsic motivation, which comes from others, and intrinsic motivation. Rewards are organized to the employees for the extrinsic or intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic rewards are external to the person; for example, praise or money. Intrinsic rewards are internal to the person; for example, satisfaction or a feeling of accomplishment.


Some authors distinguish between two forms of intrinsic motivation: one based on enjoyment, the other on obligation. In this company, obligation refers to motivation based on what an individual thinks ought to be done. For instance, a feeling of responsibility for a mission may lead to helping others beyond what is easily observable, rewarded, or fun. A reinforce is different from reward, in that reinforcement is intended to create a measured increase in the rate of a desirable behavior following the addition of something to the environment.

1.6 JUSTIFY HOW THE OBJECTIVES OF THESE WERE ACHIEVED BY EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES? The effective management of human resources has resulted in achieving several objectives of the organization resulting in individual betterment and overall organizational development. The justification of some of them given below  The effective management of human resources resulted in improvement

of health and safety of the employees enhancing the work environment  Better communications resulting in knowledge transfer and speedy

performance of different activities within and also outside the group. This also ensures that the employees are well informed and their voices are better heard.  Employee assistance programs helped to improve the knowledge and

skill sets of the employees. 1.7 HRM MODELS The two HRM models in use are: 1.7.1 Control based HRM The company follows control based HRM for Employees Relations and resource planning. The field draws upon concepts developed in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Human resource of this company has at least two related interpretations 7

depending on action. The original usage derives from political economy and economics, where it was traditionally called labor, one of four factors of production. The more common usage within corporations and businesses refers to the individuals within the organization, and to the portion of this organization that deals with hiring, firing, training, and other personnel issues. This article addresses both models. The objective of this model is to maximize the return on investment from the organization's human capital and minimize financial risk. It is the responsibility of human resource managers to conduct these activities in an effective, legal, fair, and consistent manner. The control based HRM model in this organization is strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization’s most valued assets - the people working here who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the business. The soft-hard dichotomy in HRM exists primarily within normative, or prescriptive, models of human resource management, rather than in what Legged ( 1995 b ) terms the descriptive-functional or critical-evaluative traditions. The earliest examples where this terminology is used are in the work of Guest ( 1987) and Storey ( 1987; 1992). Guest ( 1987), in seeking to define HRM, identifies two dimensions, soft-hard and loose-tight. Similarly, Storey ( 1992) plots existing interpretations of HRM along the two dimensions of soft-hard and weak strong. Although these two commentators draw heavily on the work of American HRM academics in drawing a distinction between the two forms-the Harvard model for the soft version ( Beer et al, 1985) and the Michigan model for the hard version ( Fombrun et al. 1984)--the terms 'soft' and 'hard' have not been used in the American literature, and the debates surrounding them have taken place exclusively in a British context ( Hendry and Pettigrew 1990). Guest ( 1987) and Storey ( 1992) in their definitions of soft and hard models of HRM view the key distinction as being whether the emphasis is placed on the human or the resource. Soft HRM is associated with the human relations movement, the utilization of individual talents, and McGregor's ( 1960) Theory Y perspective on individuals (developmental humanism). This has been equated with the concept of a 'high commitment work system' ( Walton 1985b), 'which is aimed at eliciting a commitment so that behavior is primarily self-regulated rather than controlled by sanctions and pressures external to the individual and relations within the organization are based on high levels of trust' ( Wood 1996: 41). Soft HRM is also associated with the goals of 8

flexibility and adaptability (which themselves are problematic concepts, as we shall see in more detail later), and implies that communication plays a central role in management ( Storey and Sisson 1993). Hard HRM, on the other hand, stresses 'the quantitative, calculative and businessstrategic aspects of managing the "headcount resource" in as "rational" a way as for any other factor of production', as associated with a utilitarian-instrumentalist approach ( Storey 1992: 29; see also Legge 1995 b ). Hard HRM focuses on the importance of 'strategic fit', where human resource policies and practices are closely linked to the strategic objectives of the organization (external fit), and are coherent among themselves (internal fit) ( Baird and Meshoulam 1988; Hendry and Pettigrew 1986), with the ultimate aim being increased competitive advantage ( Alpander and Botter 1981; Devanna et al. 1984; Lengnick-Hall and Lengnick-Hall 1990; Miles and Snow 1984; Storey and Sisson 1993; Tichy et al. 1982; Tyson and Fell 1986)

1.7.2 Commitment based HRM

The use of this model in this organization provides the basic automation of success in organization and provides proper payroll to the employees, as de-regulation continues to spread and technology improves, settlement arrangements are being replaced by commitment deals. The main types are the minutes swap and pay or play deals. In a minutes swap, carriers agree to terminate a certain amount of designated traffic for each other, the difference in volumes reflecting the difference in the official costs of terminating the product. In order to protect against the losses this model becomes important for this organization. If Creative has too much product it must find a way to deliver it without it affecting the deal it has. It must by-pass the deal. The de-regulated markets in the major cities of London, New York, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Amsterdam provide many such opportunities. The major goals of any social group or team are to  Perform tasks efficiently  Achieve common objectives 9

The pre-requisite for achieving them is to manage the most important resource i.e. people of the organization. Let us study the policy areas, the activities under each of the models and what the company is doing to put the same into effectiveness


To expand the base organization with 12000 staff the planning and development methods are discussed below, The planning and development methods carried out to enhance the performance of the individual in particular 10

and company as a whole. The planning and development activities includes provision of  Provide consultancy services  Ensure better team work and coordination  Understanding the work culture, norms and procedures of work etc Human Resources planning and Development is a framework for the expansion of human capital within this organization. Human Resources Development is a combination of Training and Education that ensures the continual improvement and growth of both the individual and the organization. In this Organization the capacities of individuals depended on their access to education. Human Resources Development is the medium that drives the process between training and learning. Human Resources Development is not a defined object, but a series of organized processes with a specific learning objective, Human Resources Development is the structure that allows for individual development, potentially satisfying the organization’s goals. The development of the individual will benefit both the individual and the organization. The Human Resources Development framework views employees, as an asset to the enterprise whose value will be enhanced by development, “Its primary focus is on growth and employee development…it emphasizes developing individual potential and skills, Human Resources Development can be in-room group training, tertiary or vocational courses or mentoring and coaching by senior employees with the aim for a desired outcome that will develop the individual’s performance. A successful Human Resources Development program will prepare the individual to undertake a higher level of work, the organized learning over a given period of time to provide the possibility of performance change. Human Resources Development is the framework that focuses on the organizations competencies at the first stage, training, and then developing the employee through education to satisfy the organizations long-term needs and the individuals’ career goals and employee value to their present and future employers. Human Resources Development can be defined simply as developing the most important section of any business its human resource by attaining or upgrading the skills and attitudes of 11

employees at all levels in order to maximize the effectiveness of the enterprise. The people within an organization are its human resource. Human Resources Development from a business perspective is not entirely focused on the individual’s growth and development, development occurs to enhance the organization's value, not solely for individual improvement. Individual education and development is a tool and a means to an end, not the end goal itself

The three most important planning and development methods include 2.1 Performance Review Planning and Development: The performance review planning and development applies for general staff in the organization. This aims to provide positive feedback on employing the 12000 staff, assist them in work load planning and enhance their professional development activities and help them perform tasks in accordance with the company goals and policies. Company’s performance review planning and development process follows best practices, while some of these best practices can be implemented even with manual systems, many become significantly easier to accomplish with automated solutions, including:  Iterative Review Process. Because automation makes it easier to route forms, individuals participate more consistently and reliably in the review process.

 Cascading Goals. Goals are rarely an individual’s sole responsibility. Most goals are achieved because of the efforts of multiple people across this organization. Performance Management experts agree that cascading and aligning goals across multiple owners creates a shared accountability that is vital to a company’s success. Creative companywide automated application greatly simplifies the task of establishing shared goals and ensures that employees are working toward the company’s overall objectives.


 Pay For Performance Culture. A high quality automated system includes a Compensation Planning module

giving managers easy access to all the

information they need to reward individuals for actual performance. Access to 360 degree feedback, goal attainment metrics, review data and performance notes taken throughout the year ensures managers make consistent, quantifiable and fair decisions. Consequently, employers can reduce the cost of overcompensating underperformers and can increase employee engagement across the company.

The supervisors take the onus of completing the performance analysis and rating of the employees every year end. Training is given to the supervisors as well as the employees to equip them necessarily for the performance review planning and development process. 2.2 Workforce Planning: The successful workforce planning of this company is: • • • •

Sense of urgency, or the “burning platform” Sponsorship Scope Clear Accountabilities

Workforce planning is a strategic planning tool used for 12000 employees to make the job more reliable and easy to access all individuals. The company is working at the individual level then it is performing development or career planning not Strategic Workforce Planning. Ensure that employees are working with groups. It’s important that company creates the right groups based on what work is being done, groups of people who are logically grouped together based on the work the organization needs them to do. A breakdown according to organizational design tends to be the easiest, but Company could also divide the workforce according to functions or roles. This is what we call creating a CAP group. It is about grouping like output, and focuses on the three things that make up output: Capability, Availability, and Productivity. This is according to organization design, functional group, a manager’s span of control, geography etc. The breakdown of the groups will depend on the situations of this organization. Process of planning for staffing needs a workforce that it is capable

of delivering organizational objectives now and in the future. It is integrated 13

with strategic and operational planning processes. This ensures to deliver the right people at the right place at the right time. It’s a dynamic process which involves frequent changes to be made to ensure that the goals are achieved according to the changing business scenario. 2.3 Performance Management Program: The performance management of staff has been revised with the help of new policies which are as under  Performance review planning and development policy  Staff Study Support policy  Performance Reward and Recognition policy All these policies are followed by the company to enhance the performance. The goal of the new revised polices and forms is to develop and implement a user-friendly comprehensive, consistent performance management system that is followed by the company. The additional planning and development method is manufacturing resource planning. 2.4







ORGANIZATIONAL OBJECTIVES Performance Review Planning and Development  Timely feedback to enhance performance  Effective planning of work load to cater to needs of organization  Effective and efficient training in different processes Workforce Planning  Effective planning for staffing needs 14

 Timely delivery of organizational objectives  Ensure integration with strategic and operational planning processes  Align personal goals with company goals to ensure better success in work

Performance Management Program  Develop and implement user friendly atmosphere  Develop individual and organizational capability in accordance with the strategic and organizational goals of the company


TASK-3 3.0 Performance Appraisal:

NOTE: To: The Director Fm: HR director Sub: The performance of the subsidiary company and the target for the next year plan

Creative subsidiary companies projected performance

sales salary Top level weight age 11employees(10%) Commission based salaries 5employees (1.8%)

Initial years performance $ 70,00,000

current year’s performance $ 10,000,000




1,62,000 6,

net income


8,83 8,000.00

The Assumption of performance appraisal for future year sales salary Top level weight age 11employee's(10%) Commission based salaries 5employees(1.8%) Net income

$ 12000000 1200000 194400 10605600

With reference to the creative subsidiary company performance the net income of the current projects to $8,838,000.00, so the company is not facing any barriers  The future assumptions of the company many reach a turnover of 12M or 13M when comparing with the current performance status .


 The company has the real potential to grow in the market and not facing any panic situation at the moment as per the sales of the company. The company need to show the Profit and loss account presentation in the way it is procured.  It is assumed that the quarterly incentive should not be based on the net income rather capitalized to sales and will be depreciated in future years.  A performance appraisal is designed to show the financial performance of this company over a given period(usually monthly or annually) and to indicate whether it is profit or lose money.  Planning, forecasting and managing the business has become easy when work done by multiple number of staffs.

3.1 Staff dedication to company: All the staff’s of the company combined together and performed the year’s award, The staff’s of this company said, This year’s awards demonstrate the drive and determination our staff have to change services for the better. Throughout the entries for the ten categories there was a recurring theme of staff pushing forward change because they know it will improve care and outcomes for the consumer. It was incredibly hard to choose the winners and of course all of our staff deserves our thanks and recognition. This year’s winners are lead by senior manager of the Company, The hr also supports people with substance misuse problems. One of the staff was nominated for the Community Award by the company for their exceptional level of commitment and dedication. Staff’s appreciated the company because the company always communicates in a genuinely warm and friendly manner, so staff’s are able to develop a rapport very quickly with consumers on all levels and can bring a smile to the faces of people in the most difficult and desperate of circumstances.

3.2 Motivation of the company:

 Professional development activities for all the staff members  Development and implementation of improved workforce management policies and practices in the areas of performance management, reward and recognition;  professional support to managers in the planning and implementation of organizational change processes


3.3 Compensation and Benefits Compensation (payment in the form of hourly wages or annual salaries) and benefits (insurance, pensions, vacation, modified workweek, sick days, stock options, etc.) can be a catchy because an employee's performance can be influenced by compensation and benefits, and vice versa. In the ideal situation, employees feel they are paid what they are worth, are rewarded with sufficient benefits, and receive some intrinsic satisfaction (good work environment, interesting work, etc.). Compensation should be legal and ethical, adequate, motivating, fair and equitable, cost-effective, and able to provide employment security (Cherrington, 1995).

3.4 CRITICALLY REVIEW HOW HR PERFORMANCE IN AN CREATIVE ORGANIZATION IS CURRENTLY INDICATED AND MONITORED. SUGGEST WAYS OF IMPROVEMENT The HR performance in this organization is monitored on the following parameters: Better team work and coordination  Effective catering to organizational goals  Timely delivery of work and improved performance  Improvement of skill sets of the people/employees. The different ways of improvement for the currently indicated methods are  Better team work and coordination added up with discussions, opinion polls, where the employees have the chance to voice their opinions will definitely work out to improve the work effectiveness  Make the organizational goals clear to employees and align their tasks accordingly.  Regularly monitor their work and suggest ways of improvement


 Encourage the employees to improve their skill sets according to the market/client requirement to ensure greater success  Peer to peer evaluation and 360 degree evaluation can add value to the existing work of the employee and improve it accordingly.

4.0 Conclusion Research is part of all the other six functions of human resource management. With the number of organizations participating in some form of international business, the need for HRM research will only continue to grow. Therefore, it is important for human resource professionals to be up to date on the latest trends in staffing, performance appraisals, compensation and benefits, training and development, employee and labor relations, and safety and health issues in the global market. One professional organization that provides statistics to human resource managers is the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), the largest professional organization for human resource management professionals. Much of the research conducted within organizations is sent to SHRM to be used for compiling international statistics.



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