Human Intelligence Increase

  • December 2019
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b can expoct more changesin human life during the next 40 yearsthanoccunedin theprevious4,ffi years. This is a perfectlysafe,non-Utopian prediction becauseof a littleunderstood factor in humanlife which I call the I'function. I' stands for several things simultaneously-Intelligence Intensificationand Information lncrease,for instance.I'can also mean ego'-that is, the mutation and dilation of our self-imagesaswearecontinuallytransformed by the techno-socialforces that havebeenmutating us for the past several milenniums. Before discussingthe acceleratedmetamorphosesof the next40 years,let us review briefly how the I'function hasbeenprogr€ssivelydiscovered. JustbeforetheAmericanandFrenchrevolutions of 1776ilnd l7EE, severalphilosophersbeganto proposethat therewasno limit to "progress"-that there was nothing in humanfife that couldn't be changedand improved indefinitely. Condorcet, the mathematician, this idea most pointedly of a[, daringto sprz-kof " the i4linile pedrtqbility of mankind." Such ideas played a large role in unleashingboth of the revolutionsmentioned,and the Mexicanrevolution of 1810, and a great deal of su@uent radicalism. Ofcourse, Condorcetand the other lEth 980 FUTURE L|FEr2l, Saplemb€r'l

century radicals were a bit too optimistic; theydl tendedto think that therewouldbeno hindranceto perpetualprogressonce monarchy had beenreplacedby democracyand thePopehadbeenpreventedfrom int€rfering with sciantificenquiry.Thingswerenot quite that simple,andmostof theUtopian thought of the l9th century-including that of Karl Marx, whose passionatedesire for justioe combinedwith his intolerant authoritarianism unleashedthe Communistmovementwas basedon attemptsto produce "lnstant Progress"by givingtheStatethepowerto, as it were,torcu anerybodyto be happy. This hasn't worked very well. In the l8lh, however,two brotherswho happenedto be the grandsonsof one Amerof anicanpresidentand thegreat-grandsons other, namelyBrooksand Henry Adams,beganto seethelawsof socialchangeabitmore clearly.Theyproposedwhat Henry calledthe Low of Acelemtion. This allegedlaw, which is not quiteaccurate,claimsthat changeisnot causedby politics or revolutions,which are only symptoms;change,theAdamsessaid,is caused by economic-technologicalfaEors within soci*y itself. And, guessingwildly, Henry Adams proposedthat changeoccurs at a rate which is the inversesquareof time. Spcifically, Henry assumeda X),flXbrcar intervd from thedawnof HomoErctus(anthropology was just bginning thcn) to the ScientificRcvolutionof Galileo, Bacon,etc. circa l6m. Hc assumedfurthcr that the ncrt jump had bccn complacd circa lm, with

qusntum theory,thediscoveryofradium,the WriSht Brothers,etc. Now, 3fl) is the square root of 90,ffi, rc Henry Adamsassumq[le ncxt jump would be ompleted in.m years-that is, in rougNy 22ll yars, or around June 192. Thingsare not (or werenot).movingquite that fast. But, while Hcnry was indulSing in wild mathematics, brothcr Brooks had hit on somching ev€nmoneintcrcstiltg..He noted that the accumulationof capital-that is, the centcrof mnomic powerin the world-had bccn moving steadily westward for several thousand yean. It had morrcd, he noted, from Greeceto from Babylon to Gre, Itdian cityRomeand thenc to R€naissancc states,upwardbut still westwardtoGerrnany and thenErUland,andwashovcringwhenhe wrotc betw€cnlpndon and New York. He pr€dictd that it would shift to New York, which hasindcedhappcttcd. Qsit about to reboundcastwardsuddenly, due to the erncrgitryArab oil*tatc? We will soercas)nsto doubt that aswe prooeed.) In l9lE, a military aryinccr,Major C.H. Dowlas, who oridantly had not readBrooks and Hcnry Adams but soundsas if he had, canicd thcir kind of thinkfurya *cp further. Thc major factor in socid changp,Douglas which said,wasthe izczerzeatotmistion, satcsacrituml hsitage. Thc incremcntof associationsimplymeans that whcn you'vc got mor€ poplc orSnnized togpthcr, you can accomplishmore work;

moreinclusivekindsof symbolism.As weadIn thenextfewyears,almostsimultaneousvanced,he says,we nrovedfrom gnrnts and ly, Claud Shannonof Bell Laboratoriesand howls, like other primatc, to articulate Norbert Weiner of M.I.T. realizedthat the human speoch,to written language,to math information in a message couldbemathematand graphsand calendars,to scientificlaws; ically expressedas negative entropy. The and now to computersimulationsand elec- wholescienceof cyberneticscomesout of this tronic world-wide information s'6terns.At discovery, but that is not our topic here. eachste?,welearnmoreabout how to model What is interestingto us,in termsof I', is that the universc,and how to predict what will the momentumof life toward greatercoherwork and what will fail. enceis, asShannonand Weinernoted,vastly The timc-bindingfurrction,Korrybski cal- acceleratedas life's techniquesof informaculated,operatedrougNy like a geometrical tion-processingimprove. In short, the moveprogression: ment from grunts to language,to math, to 2 4 8 1 6 3 2 6 / ' computers,is a movementtoward InformaThis seemsto bea muchcloserapproxima- tion Intensification and against entropy, a tion of thetruth than HcnryAdams'sinverse- movement toward coherent order and squaregu€sstinate.Dr. O.R. Bontragerhas againstrandom decay. As BuckyFullerwasquick to point out, the collected scoresof graphs of the rate of changein various fields of technology,and development of Information Theory by they all approximateto the graphof Korarb- Shannonand Weiner enablesus to seethe human mind as the greatest synergyski's simplegeometricalprogression. Although this is not as shockirry,at fint machine,the greatesttool for doing-moresight, as Adarns'guess,it is equdly stading withJess,in this part of the universe. Fuller points out that knowledgecan only whenyou look at it for a while. For instance, continuingthe 24E scriesfive morestepebe. increase(orceptfor tragedieslike brain damyond the sixthterm, 64,whereweleft off, we age in an individual or totalitarianism in a find ourselvessuddcnlyx T)4; and going soci*y). As our communicationskillsand informationprocessing improve,humanknowlfive stepsfurther,at 63,536.. . Wenow know that somethingsaremoving edge as a whole acceleratessynergetically. wen faster.For instance,J. R. Platt of Mch- Therefore,both hard and soft technologyaclf igan State University has calculated that celerate-ideasand tools both changefaster, faster, faster. And capital accumulates speedof ravel increasedl,flXlfold sincclS accordingly. and speedof ommunication l0,ffi,flD.fold. One mm flew the Atlantic in l!I28, but The wer-provocativeDr. Timothy Leary 2m,m,m men, wom€n and children flew gtvesus a final set of modelsto understand the Atlantic in ItE, 50 yearslater. the law of acceleration.ln The Intelligence somethingAdarn Smith had alreadynoticed In l!I2E, when that lone man, Charles Agents, ln9, I-ary claimsthe east-to-west n1776. But Douglassawthismoredynamic- Lindberg,wasflying the Atlantic in hiscrude movement,s€enasa migration of capital by ally than Smithhad. The incrernentof associ- bi-plane, engineerdesigncrR. Buckminster Brooks Adams, is really a movement of ation increasesfrom generationto genera- Fuller, who had r€adKorzybski,definedthe genes.The Earth turnswest-to-east;thehardtion, henoted,because of culturd hoitageI'function assynergy.Synetgyis the kind of ier, more innovative genes,he claims, go the passing-onof knowledge,gimmicks,de- reactionwhere I + I doesnot equal 2, but againstthis and moveeast-to-west.The shift vicc, tools, ideas,etc. 2 + . For instance,put a manand a womanin of power from Babylon to New York noted Obviously,a tribal sociey could not build bedand you might get, in ninemonths,three by Brook Adams is still continuing, Leary the Parthenon,wan if an architectof genius people,not two. Add molyManum to st€el avers;the pioneergenesare piling up on the werebom amongthenr.The incrementof as- and you get an slloy tougha than either or WestCoast,andgettingreadyto blastofffor sociationand the cultural heritagewerenot both. Bring Arabian mathernaticsto Europe, space. thcre. Similarly, a Renaissancecity-state, mix it with the empirical knowledgeof the This oddly parallelsthe theory of socioloevenwith L,eonardoda Vinci in charge,could craftsmen,and you gBtGalileo and the sci- gist Carl Oglesbythat thereis a cowboy-vernot put Neil Amstrons on the Moon. From anceof phpics. sus-yankeewar in our nrling class.The cowtrajectories like thcc, Douglas calculated Fuller realizedthat thehighestform ofsyn- boys are still looking for a new frontier, that the movement of capital, noted by ergywasmind itself, which is, as he sap, in- Oglesbysaln; the Yankeeshaveturned conBrooks Adams, followod the movementof herentlyself-augmenting.That is, you can't servative.Control of our economyis split beideas-of brlth hord and solt technology. put two ideastogetherwithout a third idea tweentheoldNewYorkcapitalistsand theinAnd, sinoeour stockpileof ideasis increasing emerging,almost as in our sexualexample novative Western cowboy-capitalists.The from gancrationto gen€ration,changeis in- above.Fuller agreeswith Douglas:capitalin- latter group, of course,are the oneswho are decdaccelerating,althoughnot quite accord- creas€s,becauseideasare alwaysincreasing. heavilyinvestingin the spaceindustry. ing to Hcnry Adams' invers€square"law." The world is movingtoward largerandlarger There is clear relevancebetweenall these Douglasalso noted that capital itself was coherentlyorganizedsystems,eachcapable notions,and theyall contributeto our underincreasing-a radical idea at the time, and of doing more, synergetically,than earlier, standing of socio-economicchange. The disputedby both socialistsand FreeMarket lessorganizedsystems. Adams€s on migration and acccleration, economists.We now know that Douglaswas ln 1914,Nobel physicistErwin Schridin- Douglas on increment-of-association,Korright, andeconomistsof all schoolsagrecthat ger addedthe next block to the definition of zybskion "time-binding," Fuller on synergy, capitalisincreasingat aroundtwo p€rcentper I', in a book calld WhatIs Life?Schrddinger Schriidingeron life as an anti+ntropic proyear(whichmeansthat world capitaldoubles noted that werything in the universe,ucept cess,Shannonand Weineron infofmation as about wery 25 years.) &/e, follows the SecondL,awof Thermody- negativeentropy, and Leary on neuro-genetA few yean after Douglas,in l92l, Count namicsin moving steadilytoward maximum ics, all illustratepart of what we meanby InAlfred Korzybski,anotherengineer,delined entropy (which for our purpos€swe qln formation Increase.That IntelligenceIntenthe I'function in hisown way, callingit time definelooselyaschaosor incoherence.)Life, sification (a term borrowed from Leary) is binding. Time-binding is the mechanismof however, moves in the opposite direction: part of the worldround 4,@year informathe cultural heritage,Korzybskisays,and it is toward higher orgnization, greater'coher- tion explosionshouldalsobeclear.Our huntbascdon our capacityto g€n€ratemore and ence,negotiveentropy. ing-gatheringancestorsdid not needthevari-

R. Buckminster Fuller definedthe12functionas

srynery-the kindof

reactionwhere l+ldoes

notequal 2,but2 + .For put a mananda instance,

wonranin bedandyou mightget,in ninemonths, tlree people,not two.

Fullerrealized thatthe highest formof synergy wasmindimelf,whichis,

ashe sy$, inherently selt-augmenung.


FUTURELlFEt2l. S€otember1980

ety of kindsand stylesof intelligencethat the signals,You begin to seeyour own nervous Greeksof Plato's age needed.More intelli- slntemasa marvelouscomputerin itself, and gence, of different flavors and functions, you want to expandand accelerateits workwere necessaryfor the transformations ings. You want it to receivemoresignals,inthe Indus- tegrate then|, into better simulations or known to us as the Renaissance, of representational models of the world, tronsmit them more rise the Revolution, trial government.Newtypesof intelligencearebe- efficiently. Intelligence Increasebegins to ing producedto copewith thecomputerrevo- seemas hedonicas the quest for consciousexpansionin the'60s. lution and the burstinto sPace. You begin to understandMcluhan's The other aspect of l'-the continuous mutation of the ego-is more subtle.Tribal priradoxical claim that the medium is the The ideasin this article
drugsand Anti-aging life-extension willsoon techniques deliverus fromthe curseof death,and withinthe next40 years we will all be re-oriented not to livingcenturies, decades,andto pursuing the scientific questfor actual We haveto immortality. expectsuchquantum leapseverydecade now. than at present. Assuming that the ltrst breakthrough,howevercrude,will occurbetweennowandlD5 isrearcnable.Evenif the frst life otteruion drug or{y increaseslifespan l0 or 15 perccntthe psychologicalimpact witt be immense.Expectationswill rise, and researchwill acceleratewen faster. Far-out sociologistF.M. Esfandiarymay in claiming,"lf you can surnot be excessive vivethe nort 20years,you will probablynever die." The fue of Space,of @urse,hasalreadY begun.Over lfi) men and womenhavebeen into space;our TV bringsus satellitephotos o,ery night on the weatherforecasts,and has brought us picturesof Mars and Jupiter. As home computerslinked up with satellitesin spacebecomemore cornmon,the sqtsewill grow in all of us that we are participatingin the SpaceAgewan if wearestayingat home. But the longwity revolution will certainlyincreasethe "population problem" in everybody's awareness,so that miSration into spacewill s€emmore and more nocessary. Sincewealreadyhavecommunicationsatellites in plenty, the solar powa satellites "flakey" urged by California's allegdly After far away. be CrovernorBrown cannot all, ground-lwel solar power collectorscan only tap the sun's encrgyhalf a day at best' and not at all on cloudy, rainy or overcast days.Yeta solarsatellitecancollecl enagyA houn a day, everyday of the year.Evenwith anti-techbias in somecirclesthesedays, an idealike that cannot be long ignored. Dr. Barry Commoner, one of the leading al

FUTURELlFEr21, S€otemb€r198O

will acceleratemuch fasterthan the two percent per yearthat hasprevailedsincethe late l9th century. In fact, it indicatesthat we are about to experiencethe greatestquantum jump in energy,resourcesand wealth since history began. Theword "we" in theabovesentence is,of course,ambiguous.In grressing how much the GreatEconomicBoom of spaceindustrializationmeansto the humanracegenerally, ratherthanjust to themultinationalcorporations, keep in mind: (a) The Third World liberation movements and other poor people'scrusades arenol goingto goaway(b) Evenunderour presentsystemofmonopoly capitalism, living standards have steadily risen for the majority. (Ihat is, contrary to Marx, capitalismhasnot meantthat the rich always get richer and the poor always get poorer;rather,therichcontinueto getricher, but fewerand fewerarepoor in the l9th century sense. Our unemployed poor, on Welfare, are far more comfortable and healthier than the working poor in Marx's day.) (c) As the information-intelligence revolution continues, the deprivedwill find better, more rational waysto presstheir demand for a fair shareof the pie. That is, it is easyto ignore, or refuseconcessionsto, a bandof crazytenorists;it isnot easyto ignore a group of people as well organized as Americanlabor today. Bucky Fuller and Werner Erhard have picked 195 asa taryet datefor the abolition of starvation worldwide. This may sound hopelesslyUtopian now-but that is only becxpcrtson ecology,pointed out at the 1960 c{lus€we are so accustomedto stupidity and meetingof the AmcricanAssociationfor the narrow grd in high places.Making every Advancementof Sciencethat, ev€n before allowancefor that factor of human cussedsomc'kindof coologicaldisastcrhits the plan- ness,it seemsreasonableto saythat the Fulet, we will be in seriousconomic trouble, i/ ler-Erhard goal must be achieved in the we continueto bascour economychiefly on 4Gyearspanthis article is considering.And non-renewableresources suchasoil and mal. thereis no reasonwhy we shouldn't aim for It is a simplefact of oconomicsthat as a re- 1995;asany karateteacherwill tell you, sucsouroe grows scarcer, its price go€s up. cessdependson aiming at more than you (Lookd at your garcline bill lately?) If en- think you can achieve. agyis not to becomesomething onlytherich And here's where the much-maligned can afford, Dr. Commonff sls, we must Human PotentialMovementcomesinto the s,tritchtorenewubleresourcespretty damnd picture.This wasnot inventedin the I 970s,as quick. shallow critics believe,but in the 1950s.It Solar power is the most abundantlyavail- emergedfrom the interpersonalemphasisof ableofall renewableresources,and satellites psychologistslike Harry StackSullivan,who are the bestway to tap a lot of it. realizedthat a "sick" personis just one part just But such solar satellitesare the first of a "sick" situation; and from the rising step in our expansioninto extra-terrestrial popularity of group therapy, replacingthe economy. old individual therapy; and especiallyfrom EngineerG. Harry Stine has calculated Dr. AbrahamMaslow'sdiscoverythat healthy that there are l0'@ technicalprocessesthat people are more interesting than sick canbeperformedcheaperor moreefficiently people-i.e. that healthis what psychologists in spacethan on the surfaceof a planet.This reallyought.tostudy. is an exampleof doing-more-with-lessthat Frzud studiedthe neurotic,and tried to remight makewen Bucky Fuller blink, but it is storethem to normalcy,without a very clear simplephysics,basedon thezero-gravitycon- idea of what normalcywas.Maslow studied ditions and high-gradevacuum availablein the conspicuouslyhealthy-the personshe spae. called "self-actualizing individuals"-and Incaseanybodydoesn't know, l0,oomeans found they wereasfar from the norm asthe l0 with a hundredzeroesafter it. This is quite mentally ill are. Due to Maslow, psycholoa largenumber(sayshe with Englishunder- gistsbeganto realizethat the normal stateis statement)and makesthe Industrial Revolu- ratherdull andstupid.Emphasisshiftedfrom tion look like a tempestin a teapot by com- treatingthe ill to "make them normal" into parison. It seernsto mean that, as industry treatingboth the ill and the normal to make movesinto space,the rate of capitalincrease them self-actualizing,i.e. to showthernhow

We areles like our

gandparentsthan th.y

werelike the first food, gathering hominids. Every timeyou tum on the TV, you participate in a miraclethatis you more ransforming thanyou know.This


whichhasbeenrising for and accelerating

4,000 yea$,is not going to stopor deceleratein


to achievetheir full potential. Although there are now severalbranches or schoolsof the Human Potential movement, with severalvarietiesof jargon and "psychobabble," the bestsurnmaryof what the whole ConsciousnessRevolution is all about is, I think, that given by Dr. Leary in the previouslymentiord IntelligenceAgents. As Leary statesthe case,there are eight varietiesof consciousness-intelligence which weall potentiallypossess andwhichwecanall develop to a higher general level than the presentnorm. Theseare: Bio-survivalintelligence.Using your body to avoid dangerefficiently, as any intelligent animaldoes.We only learnthis kind of consciousness ifour majorinterestissportsofthe more violent sort, like footbdl. We can all learnmorethrough martial artssuchaskung fu, karate,akido etc. Emotional intelligence.Using the emotional circuitsin your brain to understand other people's emotions, "where they're coming from," and how to relateto them when they seemirrational. In our society, only womenseemto betrainedin this kind of consciousness, and menaregenerallyclumsy as oafs.Women'sLiberationand the growing influenceof Human Potentialhasmade the qvontthird of the malepopulationmore or lessaware of this, and the attempt to becomemore "sensitive" to others has at leastbegun.We canonly expectit to increase (andthe soonerthe better). kmontic intelligence.The ability to use wordsandothersymbolswithoutcommitting grosserrorsof judgement.This is the only typeof intelligencewhich our schoolsevenaltemptto t@ch,andsincewelivein a delugeof words,symbolsandothersignals-andsince the computerrevolutionis upon us-we all needto learn how to receive,integrateand transmit symbolsmore efficiently. bcio-sexual intelligence.The capacityto relateto otherswithout beingexploitativeand without beingan exploiter.Our societytraditionally treats sexas a specialcase,but it is really part of the whole socialconsciousness game. The rules are the same,in sex or in other relations between people: treat the other personas you want to be treated. At present, few have that degreeof maturity, and most are either bulliesor masochists.A grcat deal of therapy, group or otherwise, merely consistsof teachingpeople a modso they icum of socio-sexualconsciousness, can ceaseto be bulliesor masochists. Neurosomoticintelligence.The ability to stay "high," to look and feel like a happy, healthy young adult all your life. This is somewhat "spookier" than the previous kinds of consciousness, but only becauseit is still statisticallyrare. When somebodyelse transmitsthis to you, it called"Christian Science"or "faith-healing,"etc.Maslowfound peopledo it for themthat hisself-actualizing selves,without a gu$. However arcane it may seemat present,this type of intelligence is increasingbecauseweedhasmadetemporary flashesof it familiar to abouta third of the population, becausebiofeedbackis showing ushow to control it scientifically,and because FUTURELlFEt2l, S€ptember1980

the Human Potential movement,and such factories. That is, neither male nor female exoticimportsasZenand yoga,aremakingit engineerscanbeexpectedto put in long stints out there without the heterosexualmajority to more peopleeveryyear. accessible Metoprogramming intelligence. The demanding the usual companionshipand, capacityof the brain to becomeawareof its eventually,the traditional family structure. own programming, and to rewire itself for Since desigrrsfor spacecities have existed more pleasurable,more efficient, more suc- since 1968,and havebeenimproved several cessfulprograms.This is the goal of all the times already,real spacecitiesare inevitable more advancedforms of psychotherapyand in our 4Gyearforecast. Peopleliving in spacewill be as different the Easternmystictraditions. It meansturning all your mechanicalreflexesinto volun- from Tenansasthe hrst settlersof the U.S. ury choices-ceasingto bea robot anddevel- were from traditional Europeans.They will oping your full Human Potential-and it is be the pioneer,mavericktypes-those who, still exceedingly unconrmon. The whole if we trust BrooksAdams and Leary, have Aquarian philosophy,of course,is basedon been moving westward for the last several the hopethat thistransformationof human- years,draggingthe rest of humanity in their ity from MechanicalReactionsto Creative wake, as they endlesslyproduce new ideas, Actions can be acceleratedby the growing newtools, newcapitaland higherlevelsofinsynthesisof Easternand Western psychol- formation processing.Sincethereis nowhere ogtes,by new discoveriesin the neuro-sci- left for them to go on Earth, they will be ences,and by the fact that the accelerated leadi-ngthe migration into space. Or considerthe following Utopian visions: changeswe are going through demandthat' intelligence; accelerateand change. -Drugs to permanentlyin'crease our brainsthemselves Leary adds two further kinds of intelli- -Artificial sight for the blind; gence,which are so infrequentin our society -A cure for cancer. Does it seem visionary to predict thes€ at presentthat to tdk of them at all sounds "mystical." These are neurogeietic intelli- within the next 40 years?A poll of scientists gence-the capacity to intuitively grasp, conductedby Mccraw-Hill in 19/7 found bethrough direct brain-DNA feedback, the that the majority of informed researchers 20 next within the three will have all we I', and lieve meaning of Eyolutionary script, the one's own role in the entire drama of I' yeo,s. In fact, sincethesepredictionsweremade emoging out of the primordial slime to higher and higher levelsof coherence;and in 19|,7,we have alreadyseenthe develop neuro-qtomicintelligence,which has to do ment of onetypeof very limited' very expenwith the weird stuff that somescientistsdon't siveartificial sightfor theblind, in laboratory evenadmit edsts, suchas ESP and psycho prototype only; and it has beendiscovered that oneknown drug, lecithin,canraiseintelkinesis. predict within the ligenceto a limited degree. that, I think it safe to Onepsychiatrist,Dr. RobertNewport,has 4Gyearspanof this article,wewill havemuch predicted that, within 15 years,psychotherhow about moreprecisescientificknowledge to increaseaI eight of theselevelsof con- apistswill be mainly diagnosticians.That is, sciousnes.In short, I think we can expecta they will merelydecidewhat is wrong with a quantum jump in human functioning, to given patient and then prescribethe right greater intellectual efficiency, greater emo- chemicalsto restorethe brain to equilibrium. tional sensitivityand stability, and moreself- This was perhapsuttered with somewhimawareress,selfdirection and zest-for-living. sy-but Freud himself predicted that such Now let uslook brieflyatsomeof theother chemotherapywould makehiswork obsolete changesand breakthroughsthat can be ex- someday. Dr. Nathan Kline has claimed that, by pectedin the next40 years. (One we will have such specific chemical AD, senHuman cloning will be Wssible. sational book, rejectd by most scientists, brain-changeagentsas: drugs to increaseor claimsthat it hasalreadyoccuned.)Someof decreasemothering behavior, drugs to imthe implicationsof this areso staggeringthat prove memory or to removespecificmemthey make the wildest sciencefiction seem ories,dru8sto prolong or shortenchildhood tame. One can imaginea dictator cloning a or any other stageof life, etc. It is hardly visionary,then, to projectthat' wholearmyof killer-zombiesfrom somelowIQ high-muscleprototype, or someeccentric within our 40.yearpurview,wewill all beable Sultan cloning a harem of Sophia [.orens, to prognm our nervoussystemsto add, subetc. Dozensof similarly bizarrefantasieswill tract or multiply any behavior we wish to be possible,and one can only acceptcloning alter. if onebeliwesthat I'is reallygoingtoinoease we havetraditionally beenlimitedand tormentd by threefactorswhich theologycalls also. "the world, the flesh and the devil." As the More significantly, cloning will complete philosopher Bernal pointed out, in French has Contraception our sexualreorientation. "law" by making modern terms, the world meansthe limited brokenthe sex= pregnancy sex without reproduction possible;cloning resourcesofthis planet, over which we have will changeour attitudes further by making been fighting for the past scveralthousand reproductionwithout sexpossible.A whole years.Spacemigration meansthat we areno new definition of humanity, sexuality and longerhemmedin by this limitation. We are sociatitywill emerge,whichwecanonly dirnly movingfrom theclosedsystanof Terrato the op€n systemof extraterrestrialexpansion. foresee. The flesh. to Bernd, meantthe brwity of space follow Citia in spacemustinevitably FUTURELlFEa2l,Soptember19€0

I thinkit safeto Predict that,withinthe 4O-Year spanof thisarticle,we willhavemuchmore precisescientific abouthowto knowledge all levelsof conincrease I thinkwe sciousness. can expecta quantum jumpin humanfunctioning,to greaterintellectual greateremoefficiency, more tionalsensitivity, and self-awareness zest-for-living. humanlife-thegrim factthatformostof us, of age,and death senility, the other diseases itself comeupon us beforewe havebegunto figure out what life is all about. Anti-aging drugsand other life+xtensiontechniqueswill soon deliver us from that curse,and within the next 40 yearswe will all be re-orientedto living centuries,not decades,and to pursuing the scientificquestfor actualimmortality. our Thedevil,ofcourse,merelyrepresents own inner irrationality. All that we havesaid about intelligenceincreaseand consciousness expansionindicatesthat weareon the threshold of major victoriesagainstthe most perniciousof thethreetrapsthat havepreviously constrainedus. limits in space That is, the world represents whlch weareoutgrowing,the fleshrepresents limits in life-time which wearealsooutgrowing, and the devilrepres€ntslimits in our own which we can also outgrow' consciousness We areevolvinginto an entirelynewrelationship to space,time and mind. The law of acceleration.incrementof associAtion'synergy' etc. are all aspectsof the singlefact that intelligencehas been increasingmore rapidly sincelife began.At first, major changescame only in billions of years,thenin millions, then in thousands.After the scientific revolution circa l6m, we began to get used to rapid jumps every c€ntury. Some of us are now growingaccustomedto rapid quantum leaps to highercoherenceeverygeneration. We haveto exp€ctsuchleapseverydecade now, to understandwhat the next 40 years will really be like. E 2t

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