Human Immunodeficiency Virus Ppt

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  • Words: 3,702
  • Pages: 64

By Alick Mwambungu Dublin Institute of Technology Republic of Ireland

Contents 

Introduction – History and Overview of HIV

Pathogenesis – Structure and Lifecycle of HIV

Effect On The Immune System – Destruction of Cells and Resulting Immunodeficiencies

Diagnosis and Treatment

What is HIV? 

Genus Retroviridae

Lentivirus, which literally means slow virus - it takes such a long time to develop adverse effects in the body.

This virus attacks the immune system

There are two strains – HIV 1 & HIV 2

It belongs to a group of retroviruses.

These contain RNA, the genetic material of HIV

The outer layer of the HIV virus cell is covered in coat proteins, which can bind to certain WBCs. This allows the virus to enter the cell, where it alters the DNA.

The virus infects and destroys the CD4 lymphocytes which are critical to the body’s immune response.

History of HIV 

The HIV virus first came to light during the early 1980’s.

A number of healthy gay men in New York began to develop rare opportunistic infections & cancers, that were resistant to treatment.

One such viral opportunistic infection is cytomegalovirus that causes blindness & inflammation of the colon

Transmission HIV is transmitted from person to person in several ways: 

Through unprotected sex with an infected person

Exposure to infected blood

By the use of contaminated equipment for injections (by drug users or medical treatment in developing countries)

From an infected mother to her baby before or during birth, or by breast feeding

HIV Origins 

Research teams in the U.S.A & France made independent research discoveries of the virus.

French researchers discovered a virus linked to AIDS in 1983, they called it Lymphadenopathy-Associated Virus (LAV)

In 1984, American researchers isolated a virus that caused AIDS, calling it Human Tlymphotropic Virus type 111 (HTLV-111)

These two viruses were later found to be the same virus - HIV

HIV Origin 

The emergence of HIV & AIDS has resulted in countless debates as to where it originated from

It’s suspected that it originated from S.I.V (Simian Immunodeficiency Virus)

SIV affects Monkeys

HIV Origins 

Certain strains of SIV closely resemble the two types of HIV

HIV 1 – was difficult to link with SIV

In 1999 SIVcpz closely related to HIV 1

Originated from chimpanzees but it has significant differences from HIV-1

HIV 2 closely related to SIVsm

Originated from the green monkey

Conspiracy Theories 

Two different SIV infections combined to form a new third virus, leading to zoonosis

Several theories regarding zoonosis

Hunter Colonialism – Transferred by hunting & killing chimpanzees - Colonial rule in Africa, forced labour - Eating SIV infected chimpanzees 

Conspiracy Theories  -

Oral Polio Vaccine Grown on kidney cells from chimpanzees Infected with SIVcm2 leading to HIV 1

Contaminated needles - Not sterilising needles between patients - Sharing of needles 


Linked to the CIA

Early known cases of HIV 

Plasma sample taken from male adult in the Congo in 1959

A 1998 analysis of the plasma sample from 1959 has suggested that HIV-1 was introduced into humans around the 1940s or the early 1950s

Tissue sample taken from a teenager, St. Louis in 1969 – died

Tissue sample from Norwegian sailor- died 1976

Another sample was dated back to the end of the 19th Century

Incidence 

~ 42 million people have been infected with HIV to date.

AIDS has caused millions of deaths

Only conditions typical of old age, such as heart disease & stroke cause more fatalities worldwide

In Africa, HIV has reached epidemic proportions, responsible for 1 in 5 deaths in 1998

In the UK 37,900 HIV + in 1999

Global Incidence

Global Incidence Trends 

More than 25 million people have died of AIDS since 1981

Africa has 12 million AIDS orphans

At the end of 2006, women accounted for 48% of all adults living with HIV worldwide, and for 59% in subSaharan Africa

Young people (under 25 years old) account for half of all new HIV infections worldwide - around 6,000 become infected with HIV every day

In developing and transitional countries, 6.8 million people are in immediate need of life-saving AIDS drugs; of these, only 1.65 million are receiving the drugs

Global Incidence Trends 

During 2006 around four million adults and children became infected with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), the virus that causes AIDS

By the end of the year, an estimated 39.5 million people worldwide were living with HIV/AIDS

The year also saw around three million deaths from AIDS, despite recent improvements in access to antiretroviral treatment.

World Statistical Regions of HIV

Structure of HIV

 Genome and Proteins of HIV

• The genome of HIV is encoded on two identical strands of RNA when the virus is in the free form. • It has nine open reading frames (leading to nine primary translation products) but 15 proteins are actually made in all as a result of cleavage of three of the primary products. • The GAG gene and the GAG and POL genes together are translated into polyproteins which are then cleaved by a protease.

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GAG polyprotein is cleaved to into four proteins:  matrix protein (p17) which anchors the gp160 receptor capsid protein (p24) which forms a capsule around the RNA genome the nucleocapsid protein which binds to the HIV packaging signal on viral RNA p6 which plays a role in incorporating proteins into new virons. ENV gene is translated to gp160 which is then cleaved by a host cell protease found in the Golgi body to: Gp41 Gp120 Together these form the HIV receptor

• POL polyprotein is cleaved to:  Protease, an enzyme required for maturation and functioning of other viral proteins  Reverse transcriptase which is responsible for incorporation into the host genome.  Integrase which cuts the host DNA and attaches the proviral genome to the cut ends. • Six other proteins are made by HIV • Three of these are incorporated into the virus:  Tat and Rev are regulatory proteins  Vpu (HIV-1) indirectly assists in assembly • The others are not found in the mature virus:

The HIV receptor

Gp160 is composed of gp41 and gp120 and forms the receptor for binding to the host cell (CD4 positive cells).

The gp41 portion is half embedded in the membrane envelope and interacts with gp120 portion on the exterior side of the membrane.

Each receptor is composed of 3 subunits of gp41 and 3 subunits of gp120.

The HIV Receptor

Lifecycle of HIV

HIV particles enter the body in a fluid as it can not survive without a support medium.

The virus targets any cell expressing CD4, including T helper cells, macrophages, dendritic cells and monocytes.

• Receptor Interactions •

The first stage of infection involves the binding of the gp120 portion of the receptor on the HIV to the CD4 receptor on the host cell.

This binding also requires the interaction of the virus with a chemokine co-receptor

Of the chemokine receptor family the two most important co-receptors for HIV are CCR5 on macrophages and CXCR4 on T-cells.

Attachment of HIV to a co-receptor first allows for a more stable and intimate association with the CD4 receptor.

This interaction with the CD4 receptor causes a conformational change in the gp120 portion, which in turn causes a change in the gp41 portion, initiating the membrane fusion step of the infection.

2. Cell Membrane Fusion and Integration •

Virus particles enter the CD4 positive host cell.

HIV is transported in as a pre-integration complex and p17 carries nuclear localisation signals which are a sequence of proteins recognised by the host cell as belonging in the nucleus

Intergrase protein cleaves the host genome and reverse transcriptase reads the sequence of viral RNA and transcribes it into a complementary DNA sequence of the host.

HIV is now a genetic disease, once the viral genome is integrated it becomes a permanent component of the host cell.

3. Viral Replication •

As with all viruses HIV is an obligate intracellular parasite – it can only replicate when incorporated with the host’s genome.

Once integrated the virus can remain dormant in the host cells, or can begin the production of new RNA.

Non-genomic RNA is translated into large polyproteins. This is then cleaved into structural proteins which are assembled around genomic RNA.

Protease completes cleavage of polypeptides into fully functional proteins resulting in a multiple mature viral particles being released from the cell.

This causes cell lysis which is one of the most destructive mechanisms in the depletion of CD4 T-cell populations.

Mature Viral Particles Escaping From A T-Helper Cell

Infection of the Lymphocytes • HIV can exist in two forms, the M-trophic strain which is associated with infection of macrophages and the T-trophic which infects T-helper cells. •

Due to the high error frequency of HIV polymerase one strain can readily mutate with the other strain.

• The M-trophic strain has an important role in the initial infection as the primary site of infection for HIV is the macrophage. • The infected macrophage then acts as a “trojanhorse” in bringing the virus to the lymphatic system since it’s job is antigen presentation.

After infection of the macrophage the M-trophic genome undergoes mutation and T-trophic strains are produced.

The generation of the T-trophic strain results in the infection of the T-helper cell populations within the lymph nodes and lymphatic tissue.

T-cells are attracted to the lymph nodes and lymphatic system by two chemokines produce by the infected macrophages - MIP-1alpha and MIP-1beta

Migration and proliferation of T-helper cells in response to the infection means more and more cells will be continuously infected.

HIV is also thought to have the ability to infect Tmemory cells. This is an important factor in persistence of the disease in the lymphatic system over decades. Eventually there is loss of lymph node architecture.

Effects of HIV on the immune system 3 areas: 1. Destruction of CD4+ T cells population 2. Immune effects due to HIV infection 3. Progression of HIV infection to AIDS

Destruction of CD4+ T cells  

Direct virological mechanisms Host’s immune responses

1.Direct virological mechanisms 

HIV destroys individual infected cells through cell lysis or the formation of syncytia when large numbers of uninfected cells fuse with the infected cell.

This results in the deaths of potentially hundreds of uninfected cells.

The half-life of an actively infected CD4+ T cell is less than 1.5 days.

2.Host’s immune responses 

Both humoral and cell-mediated immune responses partially control the viral production but in this process they destroy the infected CD4+T cells, leading to a gradual decline of CD4+ T cells

HIV-specific CTLs kill infected CD4+ T cells

Antibodies that recognize a variety of HIV antigens are produced - Antibody dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity

Apoptosis of infected cells

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Immune responses fail to eradicate all viruses. Viral load is maintained at low level Continuous decline of CD4+ T cells

Role of CD4+ T cells 

Role: secrete cytokines that enable activation of B cells, Tc cells and macrophages

CD4+ T cells - TH1 cells and TH2 cells

TH1 cells – secrete IFN-γ => phagocyte-mediated immunity.

TH2 cells – secrete IL-4 => Ig synthesis.

Some studies demonstrate that the proportion of TH1 T cells decreases in HIV-infected patients but TH2 T cells increases. - disrupt the normal balance of cytokines.

Immune defects due to HIV infection Almost all aspects of immunity are affected as the disease progresses. Impaired cell mediated responses CD4+ T cell  Rapid loss of memory helper T cells and the inability to replace these cells leads to increasing immunodeficiency. 

CD4+ T cells that have bound gp120 may not be available to interact with class II MHC molecules on APC => T cell responses are inhibited.

Autoimmune response can occur as the HIV receptor shares homology with the MHC II molecules.

HIV becomes a component of the CD4 T-cell genome and as a result everytime the cell is activated there is further viral replication. Cytokines produced by innate immunity activate infected CD4+ T cells.

Immune defects due to HIV infection CD8+ T cell 

Full differentiation of CD8+CTLs requires cytokines that are produced by CD4+ T cells Progressive decline of CD4+ T cells over time, is associated with decreased activation and survival of CD8+ cytotoxic T cells resulting in a decreased ability to destroy virally infected cells. HIV Nef protein inhibits expression of Class I MHC molecules. High mutation rates of HIV also allow the virus to escape adaptive immune responses.

Immune defects due to HIV infection B cells – impaired humoral response B-cell hyperreactivity  Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia due to enhanced nonspecific IgG and IgA production.  Impaired Ab-isotype switching and inability to respond to specific antigen.  High incidence of B-cell lymphomas 

Lymph nodes HIV kills cells in the lymph nodes  Early HIV infection: destruction of dendritic cells  Late stage: extensive damage, tissue necrosis, a loss of follicular dendritic cells and germinal centres.  An inability to trap Ag or support activation of T+B cells 

Immune defects due to HIV infection

Impaired Innate Immunity Macrophages

macrophage is infected directly by HIV or phagocytosis of other infected cells or Fc receptor-mediated endocytosis. 

•Act as a reservoir for the virus • Normal functions are impaired which include •Phagocytosis + killing of organisms •Ag presentation •Chemotaxis •Cytokine secretion exhibit defective phagocytic function and impaired chemotaxis due to imbalance of cytokines production. Neutrophils -

Immunodeficiency 

Immunodeficiency - due to defects in one or more components of the immune system

Main causes for immunodeficiency in HIV infection - destruction of lymphoid tissue and depletion of CD4+ T cells.

The CD4+ T cell count gives an indication of the level of damage that has already occurred to the immune system as a result of HIV infection.

Progression of HIV infection

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After initial infection with HIV, there is usually an acute flu-like illness. This illness may include Fever Headache Tiredness Enlarged lymph nodes But after this most individuals are clinically asymptomatic for years. This is called the clinical latency period.

Progression of HIV infection Exposure to HIV normal Acute HIV disease

Immune competence

Slightly reduced


Clinical latency period -declining CD4+ T cell amount


Opportunistic infections

Severely impaired


Progression to AIDS 

During the latency period, lymph nodes and the spleen are sites of continuous HIV replication and cell destruction.

The immune system remains competent at handling most infections with opportunistic microbes but the number of CD4+ T cells steadily declines.

Symptoms often experienced months to years before the onset of AIDS.  Lack of energy  Weight loss  Frequent fevers and sweats  Persistent or frequent yeast infections  Persistent skin rashes  Dysfunction of CNS

Progression to AIDS 

Final stage of HIV infection - AIDS

Occurs when the destruction of peripheral lymphoid tissue is complete and the blood CD4+ T cell count drops below 200 cells/mm3. (Healthy adults usually have CD4+ T-cell counts of 1,000 or more).

AIDS – acquired immunodeficiency syndrome – is marked by development of various opportunistic infections and malignancies.

The level of virus in the blood and CD4+ T cell count can predict the risk of developing AIDS. Viral titres often accelerate as the patient progresses towards AIDS.

Without treatment, at least 50% of people infected with HIV will develop AIDS within ten years.

Opportunistic Infections 

Opportunistic infections can be caused by bacteria/viruses/fungi/protozoa that are able to invade the body only when the immune system is weakened. 

Common HIV-related opportunistic infections and diseases:

Bacterial diseases: tuberculosis, bacterial pneumonia, septicaemia

Protozoal diseases: PCP(pneumocystis carinii pneumonia), targets the lungs

Fungal diseases: candidiasis, cryptococcosis (most often appears as meningitis)

Opportunistic Infections 

Loss of cellular immunity - associated with increased susceptibility to intracellular pathogens such as viruses.

Cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex

HIV-associated malignancies: Kaposi's sarcoma, lymphoma, squamous cell carcinoma and cervical cancer.

In people with AIDS, these infections are often severe and sometimes fatal.

Diagnosis of HIV      

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Initial test for HIV is an indirect ELISA test Economic, rapid, performed easily, high sensitivity and specificity Detects anti-HIV antibodies in patient serum Antibodies are generally detectable within 3 months of infection Antibodies are typically directed at the envelope glycoproteins (gp120 and gp41) Absence of antibody, as in ‘window period’ does not exclude the presence of the virus which can be detected by PCR amplification approx ten days after infection ‘Window period’ – time between infection and detection of serological viral marker Direct ELISA for p24 antigen can also be used although the false negative rate is higher

Diagnosis of HIV 

Although very sensitive, ELISA may yield nonspecific reactions resulting in false positive results

Positive or indeterminate ELISA tests for anti-HIV antibodies are confirmed by immunoblotting (Western Blotting) which identifies specific HIV virus proteins

PCR can also be used

Detects pro-viral DNA or viral RNA

It is highly sensitive and specific but is more costly than ELISA

Can be used to test infants born to HIV-infected mothers

Principle of ELISA Test    

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Recombinant HIV antigens, corresponding to viral proteins of HIV-1 and HIV-2 are coated on a solid phase Patient serum is added and if any antibodies are present, an antibody-antigen complex is formed Unbound material is removed by washing The Ab-Ag complex is detected by adding an enzymeconjugated secondary antibody that binds to the primary antibody. Washing step A substrate for the enzyme is added Coloured reaction product formed and absorbance is measured Intensity of the colour of the solution is proportional to the amount of antibody present

Indirect ELISA test

Western Blotting  

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Confirms HIV infection Proteins are separated by electrophoresis and transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane by the passage of an electric current The proteins are treated with antibodies Similar to ELISA technique, addition of secondary antibodies with an enzyme attached allows the use of colour to detect a particular protein A discrete protein band represents the specific antigen that the antibody recognizes The bands from a positive Western blot are from antibodies binding to specific proteins and glycoproteins from the HIV virus The CDC recommends that the blot should be positive for two of the p24, gp41 and gp120/160 markers (gp160 is the precursor form of gp41 and gp120, the envelope protein)

Western blot

HIV Western blot

Treatment of HIV

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Eradication of HIV infection not possible with currently available drugs Viral replication can not be completely suppressed Latently infected CD4+ T cells established at early stage Goals of antiretroviral therapy are to: - Suppress viral replication - Restore and/or preserve immune function - Improve quality of life - Reduce HIV-associated morbidity and mortality Combinations of antiretroviral drugs are used Referred to as HAART (highly active antiretroviral therapy) Suppress levels of plasma viraemia for long periods Plasma viraemia is a strong prognostic factor in HIV infection

Antiretroviral Drugs Significant declines in AIDS related morbidity and mortality are seen as a result of HAART  Several strategies for development of effective antiviral drugs  Potential therapies based on knowledge of the way in which HIV gains access into the cells and its method of replication  Targets for therapeutic anti-retroviral drugs: - Inhibiting reverse transcription - Inhibiting proteases - Inhibiting integrase – interferes with integration of viral DNA into host genome - Inhibiting fusion – prevents virus from fusing with host cell 

Inhibition of Viral Replication 

Inhibition of activity of reverse transcriptase (RT), an enzyme responsible for viral RNA being reverse transcribed to cDNA Example: Zidovudine or AZT (azidothymidine) – first type of agent to be developed for treatment of HIV infection AZT is an analogue of thymidine that competes with natural nucleotides at the RT active site for incorporation into DNA Introduction of AZT into a growing cDNA chain of the retrovirus causes termination of the chain, yielding inactive proviral DNA A different approach - drugs such as nevirapine and delaviridine (non-nucleoside analogues) which inhibit the action of the reverse transcriptase enzyme

Action of AZT


The administered AZT is used not only by the HIV-1 RT but also by human DNA polymerase Incorporation of AZT into the DNA of the host cells kills them Precursors of red blood cells especially sensitive to AZT, results in anaemia and other side effects RT inhibitors have several disadvantages: Toxic Select for resistant viral variants quickly when used alone Lack of effect of cells already effected with HIV, which no longer require RT to complete the viral replication cycle

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Protease Inhibitors 

Prevent the assembly of new infectious viruses

Inhibits activity of viral protease enzyme necessary to cleave viral precursor proteins (gag proteins) into the p24 and p17 virion components, required for viral activity


Resistance appears after only a few days, single mutation required In contrast, resistance to AZT takes months to develop as it requires three or four mutations in the viral reverse transcriptase

Therapeutic Options 

Combination of RT inhibitors protease inhibitors results in potent anti-viral activity

In most cases, two nucleoside analogues and one protease inhibitor are taken together

HAART lowers plasma viral loads in many cases to levels not detectable by current methods

Has improved the health of AIDS patients to the point that they can function at a normal level

Effect of Treatment on Viral Load

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