Hudson Taylor Study Guide

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  • Words: 1,438
  • Pages: 3
Hudson Taylor Study Guide How to use this guide: This study guide is meant to help you think deeply about Hudson Taylor’s example. We can learn a lot from his experiences. As you read through Hudson Taylor’s book, stop at the pages where there is a question. Take time to think about the question before looking at the answer. Read slowly and listen to what the Holy Spirit may being telling you. Chapter 1 1. Page 10. For Hudson Taylor’s skeptical friends, what was the strongest argument against Christianity? Chapter 2 2. Page 15. What didn’t Hudson Taylor take the medical apprenticeship? 3. Page 18. What did Hudson Taylor do in order to fully tithe? 4. Pages 19-20. Why did Hudson Taylor decide to give away things he did not need or was not using at the time? Chapter 3 5. Pages 23-27. How did Hudson Taylor’s experience with the poor family prepare Him for future service? Chapter 4 6. Page 33. Why did Hudson Taylor decline help from his father and the missionary society? Chapter 5 7. Page 40. Why did Hudson Taylor survive the fever? Chapter 6 8. Page 41. Why did Hudson Taylor not tell others about his needs? 9. Page 45. What did Hudson Taylor believe God allowed the trials described here? How was God glorified? Chapter 7

10. Pages 50-51. What does Hudson Taylor think evangelism is sometimes unsuccessful? What does Hudson Taylor think would make our evangelism more successful? Chapter 8 11. Page 53. As he listened to his mother’s cry as the ship left the dock, what did Hudson Taylor learn about the heart of God? Chapter 9 12. Pages 62-63. According to Hudson Taylor, why did God allow him to face such hardship when he arrived in Shanghai? Chapter 11 13. Page 76. What did Hudson Taylor do that made Chinese people more receptive to his message? 14. Page 88. Read the verse at the end of this chapter. How did God bless some of the “ills” that happened to Hudson Taylor in Chapter 11? Chapter 12 15. Page 90. Reading all of page 90 and the first paragraph of page 91, what can you say about how Hudson Taylor made decisions in ministry? 16. Page 95. Give your own short interpretation or summary of the song “The Missionary Call.”

Chapter 13 17. Page 108. Read through Hudson Taylor’s self-examination and prayer. What things did God show Him about the experiences of the previous two days? 18. Page 112. How did Hudson Taylor respond to his new situation without money or strength to walk to Kashing? How was his attitude different from two days prior? Chapter 14 19. Page 114. What was Hudson Taylor’s response to the servant who stole his things? 20. Page 118. Why did Hudson Taylor say Christians are sometimes like the fishermen who did not save the drowning man? Chapter 15 21. Page 121. Why did Hudson Taylor say ministers and ministries should not go into debt, even for the work of God? Chapter 16 22. Page 129. Why does Hudson Taylor not consider himself truly poor? Chapter 17 23. Page 138. In his letter home, how does Hudson Taylor describe the workers he would like to see come to China? Name three qualities. Chapter 18 24. Page 142. For what greater purpose did God allow Hudson Taylor to become so sick and weak that he had to leave China? 25. Page 143. What did Hudson Taylor learn was a biblical way to raise more ministry

workers? What practical steps are listed in the second paragraph? 26. Page 144. What was Hudson Taylor’s fear that kept him from asking God for missionaries? Chapter 19 27. Page 151. Hudson Taylor says no amount of money can convert a single person. What does he say is infinitely better than money? What is the benefit of thinking this way?


The hypocrisy of Christians; many Christians believed in God, but did not act accordingly.


He did not consider his life his own to do with as he pleased. He wanted to keep himself free of unnecessary commitments so that he could do the will of God.

12. To help him appreciate God’s word and presence more. 13. He dressed as a Chinese man.





He moved into less expensive— and less comfortable—living arrangements. He wanted to be ready to give a good account to Jesus when He returned. He wanted to be a good steward of the things God gave Him, and not be caught “burying his talent” like the unfaithful servant. The experience taught Hudson Taylor to trust God and not to be afraid to give everything up, if needed. “If we are faithful to God in little things, we shall gain experience and strength that will be helpful to us in the more serious trials of life.” He wanted to learn to trust God alone, because he reasoned that God was able to supply all his needs so that he could go to China.


Because God had called him, and had work for him to do in China.


So that his needs would be met by God through prayer alone.


God allowed these things to happen to Hudson Taylor so that He would be glorified by Hudson Taylor’s testimony to the doctor.

10. Christians would be more successful in evangelism if they had tearful distress for unsaved souls, and an understanding of the eternal consequences of evangelism. 11. He understood what the Bible meant when it says, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son …” He realized his mother’s love for God was mixed with pain at having to give up her only son.

14. Evangelists’ persistence in the face of opposition helped new converts like Mr. Yao see their sincerity, and they were able to rest during the rain. 15. Hudson Taylor considered the needs of the kingdom of God first, but also struggled because he did not want to leave Mr. Burns. 16. The call of God comes to the listener as though in a dream. She asks why she is alive, and realizes it is not to enjoy the things of this world, but to give an account to God. Therefore, she is willing to give up all hope that draws her away from God, even her attachment to her homeland. She prays that she will be strong for the coming difficulties, but knows that when one soul is saved, the gratitude and satisfaction she receives will be worth all the effort. And she will never regret her decision for all eternity. 17. He realized he had not prayed for lodging, and had only been concerned about himself while ignoring the salvation of souls around him. He also understood Jesus’ willingness to go without food and rest for the salvation of people, such as when Jesus preached to the Samaritan woman at the well. 18. Hudson Taylor did not try too hard to make a way for himself, but instead focused on God’s work and trusted God to provide for his needs. 19. He did not seek revenge, but wrote a letter urging the servant to repent, with concern for his eternal salvation. 20. We often say it is inconvenient to go and preach to the unsaved. 21. He figured that if God did not provide the means, it must not be God’s will.

22. Because God uses his life as a channel of help to others, and God gets all the glory for providing his needs and the needs of the ministry. 23. Earnest (sincere, not fake); devoted (faithful and responsible); desirous (ambitious to serve God in greater capacity); and not greedy for money. 24. So that he could establish the China Inland Mission, which would eventually spread the gospel throughout the country and not just in the coastal areas. 25. Hudson Taylor learned not to beg people to serve God, but to ask God in earnest and private prayer for more workers. Also, he sought to deepen people’s relationship with Jesus so that they could not resist going, and even wanted to dedicate their lives to His service. 26. He was afraid that people would blame him for difficulties they encountered; he doubted that God’s “keeping power and grace” would help them overcome obstacles, as it had in his own life. 27. He said Christians need to give themselves to the work. If people give themselves, they will not hesitate to do anything to support the work of God, and the work will never cease for lack of funds.

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