Jeremy Keeshin Writing Discussion Entry #4 12/18/06 When John and I had our conference on our thesis, ideas, and draft, I got a good amount of feedback during the process. We had agreed that my thesis was doable and did not need much work because it was concise and made a debatable argument. We also talked about how I had a good, clear distinction between the separate parts of my paper and the main ideas of each section. John agreed that I led my topic sentences with ideas and that I had strong analysis in all of the sections. We talked about how there were possible places where I could add more analysis to make my point come across more clearly. We also cautioned to make sure that the paper had a significant deal more analysis of the idea than pure summary and textual evidence. The feedback I received in general was very helpful, but some of the ideas were too broad for me to apply directly to my paper easily. I think John noted the main problem areas of my paper in a solid effort towards my improving it. I think it was a fruitful discussion, because we shared final interpretations of characters and tried to think of and articulate the best way to express a certain point. I think my editing of John’s paper was very helpful to him. I caught many typos and small punctuation errors that would not be caught by spell check or possibly the reader reading his own essay. I think I found places and told him where he needed to express his idea more clearly, and I gave him important advice about the topic sentences. This conference was rather helpful.