Huawei Base Station 3703

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,060
  • Pages: 3

Huawei WiMAX Base Station 3703 The Huawei BTS3703, a WiMAX base station, based on IEEE 802.16e-2005 and WiMAX Forum NWG Release 1.0. The BTS3703, networking with WASN9970 and Mobile Station, is widely applied to the wireless broadband services in both fixed and mobile broadband access.

De si gne d in a us er-or ie nte d an d modular manner, the BTS3703 is also a highly integrated, small-sized and light-weighted, catering to operators’ requirements for wide coverage, large capacity, easy installation and maintenance.

Great Capacity and High Spectral Efficiency

Low Operational Cost and Fast Networking

close to the antenna and feeder system to reduce the costs of the feeders and power

A single sector has a maximum of

The BTS3703 adopts a distributed

512 online users. One base station has

structure design. It consists of the Base Band

a maximum of 1,536 online users and a

Unit (BBU) and the Remote Radio Unit (RRU).

maximum of 10 k work flow. The maximum

The BTS3703 is small in size and light in

It includes flexible networking modes

throughput of a single sector of the

weight, which enables low operational cost

and frequency reuse modes. The BTS3703

BTS3703 is 30 Mbps at a bandwidth of

and fast networking. The BTS3703 is easy to

supports the star networking and cascaded

10 MHz or 15 Mbps at a bandwidth of 5

carry and can be separately installed, which

networking, so that the operator can

MHz. In addition, 2x2 MIMO techniques

is not restricted to load bearing or land area.

choose according to their needs.

and OFDMA technique enhance the system

In such a situation, large scale construction

capacity and spectrum efficiency.

engineering is not required.


Flexible Networking

In addition, the BTS3703 supports the f lexible cellular frequency reuse

Moreover, The BBU can be either

modes, such as Single-frequency PUSC

installed on a wall or built in a standard

networking, Three-frequency FUSC/PUSC

The BTS3703 allows large coverage

19-inch cabinet or a rack (the GSM outdoor

with all SC networking, Single-frequency

and supports both intra-frequency and

cabinet or APM for instance), and this

PUSC + PUSC with all SC networking. The

inter-frequency networking. Therefore, the

avoids redundant investment. The RRU

operator can choose a suitable one for

coverage quality and spectrum efficiency

can be mounted to a concrete pole, a stay

different scenarios.

are enhanced.

tower, or a building wall. It can be installed

Extensive Coverage


Multiple Timing &Synchronization Modes The BTS3703 allows multiple timing

with standards supplied by different

based on the command line mode of

vendors. And BTS3703 connects to the

the Command Line Interface (CLI), the

ASN-GW based on the NWG R6 standard.

remote maintenance by the iManager

and synchronization (T&S) modes to

Moreover, the standard Common Public

M2000 or a third party NMS based on the

accommodate timing modes in various

Radio Interface (CPRI) applies to the Base

SNMP interface. Environment monitoring,

networks. The BTS3703 allows external

Band Unit (BBU) and the Radio Remote Unit

alarming, testing, interface tracing and

timing input, such as the Global Positioning

(RRU) of the BTS3703. You can upgrade

online help, all these features improve

System (GPS) timing. The BTS3703 provides

the BBU and the RRU separately using new

network reliability, and ensure Quality of

the GPS 1PPS input as synchronization

technologies. Thus, you don’t need to

Service (QoS) of the network.

signals for the BBU while the GPS 1PPS

replace the entire BS for upgrade.

Smooth System Upgrade

output for the stacked BBUs. When the

Huawei is one of the five leading

external GPS clock is lost, the BTS3703 can

founders of CPRI standards, intending

T h e B T S 3 7 0 3 i s f u t u re o r i e n t e d .

still run normally under free running mode

to define open and standardized ports

The hardware upgrade is achieved by

for up to 48 hours.

between the baseband processing unit

simple expansion. The BBU supports

and the RF unit. The rest are Ericsson, NEC,

stack expansion, so that BBU and RRU

Siemens, and Nortel Networks.

can be flexibly configured based on the

Powerful Compatibility The standardized interfaces and ports

requirements of capacity and coverage. The

on the BTS3703 improve the scalability and

Easy Operation and Maintenance

BBU and the BBU stacked on it can share

compatibility of the system. The BTS3703

The BTS3703 supports convenient and

the GPS clock signals. Due to the stack

provides air interface that complies with the

pragmatic Operation and Maintenance

expansion, it is not necessary to change the

IEEE 802.16e-2005 standard, and allows

(O&M) modes such as: local maintenance

entire modules, thus reducing the cost of

interconnection with the MSs that complies

for the Ethernet ports and serial ports

device upgrade.

Key Characteristics of BTS3703 • Profile C

• QoS Guaranteed Service

• Authentication and Encryption

• 802.16e AIR Interface

• Hard Handover


• Interface with ASN-GW based on NWG Protocol

• Flexible Networking, Pusc and Fusc

• QoS

Technical Specification BTS3703 system performance items Item

Operating Frequency Band

Physical and electrical specifications of the BTS3703 Performance

The BTS3703 operates in TDD mode. • 2.5 GHz: 2.496 GHz to 2.690 GHz • 2.3 GHz: 2.3 GHz to 2.4 GHz • 3.5 GHz: 3.4 GHz to 3.6 GHz

Maximum transmit power of each antenna port

2.5 G Hz or 2.3 G Hz: 10 W 3.5 G Hz: 5 W

Maximum total transmit power of each RRU

2.5 G Hz or 2.3 G Hz: 20 W 3.5 G Hz: 10 W

Channel Bandwidth

5M or 10M



BBU Dimensions

H: 42 mm W: 436 mm D: 300 mm

RRU Dimensions

H: 430 mm W: 554 mm D: 152 mm

Total weight

BBU: 5 kg RRU: 22 kg

Power input

–48 V (BBU: –40 V to –60 V RRU: –36 V to –60 V)


Appendix Acronyms and Abbreviations AAA

Authentication, Authorization and Accounting


Access Service Network Gateway


Base Station


Connectivity Service Network


Base Band Unit


Fully Used Sub-Channel


Multiple Input Multiple Output


Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access


Partially Used Sub-Channel


Quality of Service


Radio Resource Control


Remote Radio Unit


Voice over IP


Time division duplex


Wireless Fidelity


Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access Forum

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