Ht Switch Gear & Breakers Manual

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  • Words: 16,719
  • Pages: 73
Chandrashekar Shriyan




s PLEASE REFER DOC. No. 25194-JGZ-ES0L01-MA-000-B02-0001 FOR COMMENTS Op er at io n an d M ai n t en an ce In st r u ct io n s

Air In su l at ed M et al-Clad Sin g l e Bu sb ar M ed iu m Vo lt ag e Sw it ch g ear Typ e 8BK80 On w ithdraw able circuit -breaker t ruck upto 24 kV

Table of Con t en t s Page Nos

Page Nos 1. 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.2.6 1.2.7 1.2.8 1.2.9 1.3 1.4

Tech n i cal Descri pt i o n General Applicat ion Specific St andards Am bient Tem perat ure an d Hum idity Site Alt itude Design Feat ures Sw it chgear Layout Circuit Breaker Com part m ent Service Posit ion Test Posit ion Isolated Posit ion Rem oved Posit ion Busbar Com part m ent Cable & CT Com partm ent Compart m ent for Low Volt age Equipm en t Accessory Item s Range of Panels Feeder Pan els Bus Sect ion alizer Panel M etering Panel Panel w it h I/C & O/G Con nect ion s General Const ruct ion In terlocks Technical Dat a Ratin g Plate

2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.6 2.6.1 2.7 2.7.1 2.8 2.8.1 2.8.2 2.8.3 2.8.4

In st allat ion Foun dat ion Elect rical Service Room Dim ensions Tran sport ation Units Packing Unloading Handling Equipm ent Required Procedure Exam ining t h e Sw it chgear against dam ages Storage Transferring t he Transport Units Rem ove t h e t ruck f rom t he panel Assem bling t he Sw it chboard Bolt ing t he Panels t ogether Fixing t he Sw itch board t o t he Foun dat ion Bolt ing th e Busbars t oget her Bolt in g the M ain Eart h Busbar section t oget her M akin g HV Cable Connect ions Earthin g of Sw itchboard Oth er Work t o be carried out Checking th e HV Connect ion Checkin g the bolt ed Joint s Cleaning t he Sw it chboard Insert ing th e w ith draw able parts Protecting th e panels again st Environm en t al ef fects Interpan el Wirin g

2.9 2.10 2.11 2.11.1 2.11.2 2.11.3 2.11.4 2.11.5 2.12 3. 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.2 3.3 3.4


Pu t t i n g t h e Sw i t ch gear in t o Ser v ice Test Operat ions With Door Open With Door Closed Checking the Accessory It em s Revising t he Circuit Diagram Space Heaters

3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 10 11 11 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15

4. 4.1

Op erat io n s Wit hdraw able Truck



Posit ions of t he w it h draw able t ruck



Transferring the Wit hdraw able Part from t he test / disconnected posit ion m anually 4.1.3

Norm al Operat ions Transferring th e Wit hdraw able Part from th e Con nected posit ion t o t he test / discon nected posit ion m anually


Norm al Operat ions

21 4.1.4

Cast ell Key Operation (Opt ional) Rem oving t he LV Plug

22 22


Connect ing th e LV Plug



Circuit Breaker Operat in g M echan ism



Circuit Breaker Operat ion



Chargin g the closin g spring by hand Breaker ON and OFF

22 22

M echanically




4.3.2 4.4

Sw itch ing St ate Indicat ion Line PT w it h Draw out Fuse M echanism

23 23


Eart hing



Eart hin g of Busbars and Cables Direct Earthing of Busbars w it h Conductors

23 23

Eart hing of Cables w ith Con duct ors


Rem oving Eart hing Conn ect ions



Eart hin g of Busbars / Cables w it h a Draw out Truck 4.5.3

Disconnect ion of Eart hing Draw out Tru ck Eart hing t he Busbars / Cables w ith Earth ing Sw it ch


Eart hin g Busbars w it h Earth ing Sw it ch Earthing Cables w it h Earthin g Sw it ch

24 24

Disconnection of Earthing Sw it ch



Eart hing of Busbars or Cables w ith Truck


Eart hing of Busbars w it h Bus Earthin g Truck


Eart hing of Cables w ith Cable Eart h ing Truck Link Type Eart hing Truck

25 25


Breaker Com part m en t Door



To Open t he Door


4.6.2 4.7

To Close The Door Door to LV Com part m ent

25 25






To Open t he Door


15 15 16 16 16 16 16 17


To Close t he Door


5. 5.1

M ain t en an ce Inspect ion Schedule



Clean ing



Lubricat ion



Replacem ent Part s



17 17


Defeatin g t he Door Interlock of HV Com partm en t Draw out Unit in Connected Posit ion

27 27


Draw out Unit in Discon nected Posit ion



Restoring t he Door Interlock



Disp o sal o f Prod u ct



Su m m ar y of Im p or t an t In st ru ct ion s


18 18 18 19 19 19


Ad di t io n al In f o rm at io n

8.1 8.2

Reference list of It em s Jointing Torque

30 31

Warn in g To En su re Per son n el & Produ ct Saf et y

This equipm ent carrries hazardous volt ages and m oving m echanical part s t hat shall be controlled rem otely. Non observance of the safet y inst ruct ions w ill result in death and / or severe personnel injury or dam age to property & environm ent . Only qualif ied personnel shall w ork on or around this equipm ent af ter becom ing thoroughly fam iliar w it h all w arnings, safety notices and m aintenance procedures contained herein. The com ponents labeled w ith t he Dan g er Sig n shall be rem oved only af t er ensuring that t he supply to the live parts behind t hem is deenergized & earthed. Successful and safe operation of t his equipm ent is dependent on perfect planning of the syst em , proper handling (t ransport, storage), inst allat ion, operat ion and m aintenance.


Tech n ical Descript ion


Gen eral

8BK80 m et al clad sw it chgear is of .horizont al isolation & horizont al draw out t ype suitable for easy extension of sw itchgear in bot h direct ion for system volt age upto 24kV. The sw it chgear is designed for single busbar system & is fully com part m ent alized. The design incorporates the set of interlocks for safe operat ion of sw it chgear. 1.1.1

App licat ion

The sw it chgear is suit able for use as dist ribut ion unit f or sw itching load at subst at ions of elect ric supply com panies as w ell as for pow er st ations & indust rial plan t s. 1.1.2

Specif ic St an d ar d s

The m et al clad m et al enclosed sw it chgear has been t ype test ed as per all the requirem ents of IEC 60298 "Specif icat ion for Rat ing & test ing of insulat ion of elect rical Sw itchboards & sw it chgear for AC Volt ages above 1 kV & conform s to t he st andards IS3427, IS12729. The Sw it chgear is supplied in ready assem bled condition. The Sw it chgear can be inst alled f ree st anding. 1.1.3

Am b ien t Tem p erat u re an d Hu m id it y

Am bient t em perat ure is understood as t he

Fig 1: Basic Circuit Diagram

tem perat ure of the air in the sw it chboard room . At am bient tem peratures below -5°C prevailing for a longer period t he sw it chboard room has t o be heated. The air tem perature in t he panels should alw ays be about 5°C above the am bient tem perat ure to avoid condensat ion. (Sw itch on t he heater against condensat ion!) The hum idity of upto 95% is perm issible. If t he t ruck-type sw itchboard is exposed to a hum id clim at e and rapid tem perat ure changes, t he sw it chboard room has to be heated. 1.1.4

Sit e Alt it u d e

The rated insulat ing capacit y values (rated im pulse w ithstand voltage, rated pow er frequency w ithstand volt age) 1 ) specif ied for t he equipm ent are, in accordance w ith t he provisions of IEC Publicat ion 71, based on st andard at m ospheric condit ions (1013 h Pa, 20°C and 11 g/m 3 w ater content). i.e. sea level. The insulat ing capacity of an insulation in air decreases w ith increasing altitude as a result of changes in t he air density. Standards prom ulgated by IEC and ot her disregard this decrease in insulating capacit y for alt it ude of up to 1000 m , i.e. t he decrease of approxim ately 9% at t his alt it ude is still perm issible. The standards provide no guideline for alt it udes of m ore than 1000 m w it h respect t o insulation rat ings; they leave t his up to an agreem ent betw een m anufact urer and user. Our ow n recom m endat ion is as follow s: Since this m et hod used for rat ing insulation up to alt itudes of 1000 m has proved to be sat isf actory, it should also be applied to higher alt it udes. The alt itude correction factor a should therefore be based on t he insulat ing capacit y at 1000 m , w hich is low er by 9% (corresponding to 0.91 or 1/1.1) t han t he capacit y at sea level. The follow ing expression t hus applies for t he select ion of the equipm ent : 3

Rated w it hst and volt age to be selected 2) Required w it hst and volt age 2 ) 1,1 · a Exam p le: Sit e altit ude above sea level .......................... 3000 m Required im pulse w it hstand volt age .................. 75 kV Correct ion factor a .............................................. 0 ,7 3 (according to Fig. 1.1) 75 kV Rated im pulse w ithst and = 93 kV volt age to be selected 1.1 x 0.73 Sw it chgear w it h rat ed volt age of 15 kV, IEC List 2 (rat ed light ning im pulse w ithst and volt age of 95 kV) m eet s t his requirem ent. The act ual insulat ing capacit y at the site is t hen 3)

Fig. 1.1 Relat ionship betw een the correct ion fact or "a" and the site alt it ude Th e follow in g def initions apply: 1)

Rated w it hst and volt age2 ) = required value corresponding to the provisions of IEC etc. for sea level. With st and volt age 3 ) = act ual value for the given altitude


Rated light ning im pulse w ithst and volt age Rated pow er f requency w it hst and volt age


Lightning im pulse w it hst and voltage Pow er f requency w it hst and volt age


w ithst and voltage = a · rated w it hst and volt age of the selected sw it chgear unit .







Circuit Breaker com part m ent (HV Com part m en t)


Low Voltage com part m en t (LV Com part m ent)


Busbar com part m ent


Withdraw able Truck


Cable & CT com partm ent

Fig 2:


Side view of sw itchgear cubicle


3.3 3.6


3.7 3 .8




3.2.5 3.2.6



3.1 3.2.7

3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7. 3.8.

Fig 3 :

Vacuum Interrupt er Insulat ing Sw itchin g Rod LV Plug on t he truck Cont act Arm Truck Handle Cast Resin Insulat or Guide Roller on truck PP Tube

3.2.1 M echanical `ON' Push But ton 3.2.2 M echanical `OFF' Push Button 3.2.3 Spring Chargin g Opening 3.2.4 Spring Ch arge Indication 3.2.5 M echanical `ON' & `OFF' indication 3.2.6 M ech an ical Operat ions Count er 3.2.7 Eart hing for the Truck

Wit h draw able Tru ck w it h Circuit Breaker

Fig 3.2: M echanical ON & OFF Push But tons


Desig n Feat u res


Sw it ch gear layo u t (Ref er Fig . 2)

M et al partit ions subdivide each panel int o




Circuit breaker com partm ent (2.1)


Cable & CT com part m ent (2.3)


Busbar com part m ent (2.2)


Low volt age com partm ent (2.4)


Wit hdraw able Truck (2.5)

The outside covers are bolted to the f ram e and the doors are hinged. 1.2.2


3.1.1 Pole Flange (Upper)

Circu it b reaker Com p ar t m en t

The circuit breaker com partm ent cont ains a w ithdraw able truck w it h Vacuum circuit breaker or Bus PT Truck. The breaker term inals are fit ted w ith cont act arm s (3.4, Fig 3) The w it hdraw able truck can be t ransferred bet w een the service & test posit ions behind closed doors using a hand crank.

3.1.2 Pole Flange (Low er) 3.1.3 PT's on the t ruck

Fig. 3.1: Rear View of th e truck


Ser vice Po sit io n (Con n ect ed Posit ion )

The posit ion of a Withdraw able Truck in w hich it is fully connected for it s intended funct ion. In t his posit ion of t he t ruck, t he cont act arm s of t he circuit breaker are connected t o t he busbars as w ell as to the out going cables via the fixed m ount ed isolating cont act s in the cubicle. The t ruck is locked against w ithdraw ing.


4.2 4.3

4.5 4.10

The low volt age circuit is connected through the low volt age plug & socket connect ion (3.3, Fig. 3 & 4.5, Fig. 4).


4.12 4.4

Test Posi t io n

4.13 4.8



4.1. Door Lockin g h inge pin 4.2. Door close interlock 4.3. View ing w indow for truck posit io n 4.4. View ing w indow for Spring charge indicator and M ech anical Counter 4.5. LV Socket 4.6. Drive M echanism h ousing 4.7. Ram p

Fig 4:

4 .8. Int erlocking Plate (Drive Box) 4.9. Holder for LV Plug 4 .10. Clip for locking LV Plug to Breaker 4.12. Trip m echanism for operat ing the breaker in ser vice posit ion 4.13. Rod Lever

The posit ion of w it hdraw able t ruck in w hich an isolating dist ance or segregat ion is est ablished in t he m ain circuit & in w hich cont rol circuit s are connected. In the test posit ion, the t ruck w ith t he breaker is w ithdraw n so f ar bet w een busbars & out going cables that t here is isolat ing dist ance according t o VDE 0670, part 2 / 2.65. The truck is locked against m oving. The low voltage circuit is connect ed through low volt age plug connect ion (4.5, Fig. 4). The circuit breaker can be sw it ched for t esting & all funct ion s. 6.2



Wit h draw able Truck in Test Posit ion & door open



5.2 5.1



5.1. Bushings of upper m atin g co nt act 5.2. Cast resin insulat or

Fig 5:


Busbar Com part m ent


M ain Earth Busbar


Bushings for low er m at ing cont act


Current t ran sform er

5.3. Feeder connect ions


Cable connect in g pieces

5.4. Busbars


Wiring Cover


Gland Plat e for Pow er Cables

Fig 6: Looking into Cable com partm ent



Bushings w ith the m ating cont act s for t he low er cont act arm s of t he w ithdraw able part (6.2)


Cable t erm inat ion pieces (6.4)


A sect ion of t he m ain earth bar (6.1)


Current t ransform ers (6.3)

The cable t erm ination pieces are accessible f rom t he rear. 1.2.5

This com part m ent cont ains all t he low volt age devices (protect ive relays, M CB's, term inals, et c.,) Indicators and relays are accom m odated in door cutout s.



Co m p ar t m en t f or Low Vo lt age Eq u ip m en t (Ref er Fig 7)

LV Com part m ent Door

1.2.6 Fig 7: Looking int o LV com part m ent

Di sco n n ect ed Posit io n (Isolat ed Po sit io n )

The posit ion of w ithdraw able t ruck in w hich an isolating dist ance or segregat ion is est ablished in t he circuit s of the w ithdraw able t ruck, the t ruck rem aining m echanically at tached to the enclosure. In this position the t ruck is w ithdraw n as in test posit ion but t he LV plug is disconnected. In the test & disconnected posit ion t he cont act arm s & t heir m ating cont acts are separated by m et allic shut t ers.

Rem oved Posi t ion

The posit ion of w it hdraw able t ruck w hen it is out side t he panel and electrically & m echanically separated f rom it . Ram ps are provided at t he front bottom of the panel to w it hdraw t he truck out of the panel sm oot hly. Drive Mechanism of t he t ruck is at t ached t o the cubicle f ram e using Rod Lever. The Earthing st rip at the bott om of the breaker com partm ent , along w it h the spring loaded pin provided at t he bottom of t he circuit breaker t ruck ensures t he eart hing of t he t ruck in all t he posit ions. 1.2.3

Accessor y It em (Ref er Fig .8)

Follow ing accessories are supplied w ith the sw it chgear. -

Changing handle for charging the closing spring of t he vacuum circuit breaker (8.1)


Cranking handle for truck m ovem ent bet w een service and test posit ioning (8.2).


Double bit key for locking t he t ruck transfer operating m echanism (8.3)


Rod Trap key for LV com part m ent. (8.4)


Earthing Sw itch Handle (Opt ional). (8.5)


Ran g e o f Pan el s

Gen eral: For a m et al clad enclosed sw it chgear there are various panel m odules available. All t he panels are const ructed using ident ical part s as f ar as possible.

Feed er Pan els (Fig 9a)

The feeder panels are suit able for input or out put of elect rical energy.

Bu sb ar Com p ar t m en t (Ref er Fig .5)

The busbar com part m ent cont ains: -

The busbars (5.4)


Bushings w it h t he m at ing cont act s for the upper cont act arm s (5.1)


Feeder Connect ions (5.3)

The M ain Busbars are m ounted on cast resin insulators (5.2). The ends of t he sm aller M ain Busbars are connected w it h the longer Busbar Links extendin g f rom one panel to t he next. 1.2.4

Cab le an d CT com p ar t m en t (Ref er Fi g .6)

The Cable com part m ent cont ains:

8 .2




8 .3


Chargin g Handle


Rod Trap Key


Cranking Handle



Double Bit Key

Eart hin g Sw it ch Handle

Fig 8: Accessories


panels are interchangeable.Trucks are earthed w ith panel in both test & service posit ions.

Out going feeder panels w it h C.B. on t he truck are m ost f requent ly used. Alt ernat ively, t hese panels can also be equipped w ith an isolating t ruck. The panel is available w it h current t ransform er eit her w ith earthing sw it ch or w it hout eart hing sw itch. The eart hing sw itch is alw ays equipped w it h m anual drive.

Out going cables can be earthed by m eans of m anually operated earthing sw it ch. (Opt ional)


C.T.s are m ounted on stationery part in t he Cable Ch am ber.


Line P.T.s are available w it h a draw out arrangem ent and w it h fuses.


Fut ure extension of exist ing sw it chboard is possible

Bu s Sect ion alizer Pan els (Fig 9b )

In bus sect ionalizing panel one panel is used for t he truck w ith t he C.B. (alt ernat ively, an isolat ing t ruck) & one panel for connection of busbars to the t op. Bot h the panels are usually delivered as one assem bled transport unit.


In t er lock s

The positions of t he w ithdraw able part are described on page 4 State

The follow ing operat ions are n ot possible

Withdraw able t ruck in ser vice position, sw itching device "ON"


Withdraw able t ruck in ser vice position, sw itching device "OFF"


Withdraw able t ruck located bet w een the ser vice and t est posit ion s


Withdraw able truck in test posit ion , sw itching device "ON"


Transfer of the w it hdraw able t ruck to service position

Withdraw able t ruck in disconnected posit ion LV plug pulled of f , sw itching device "OFF", door open


Closing of t he door transfer of t he w it hdraw able t ruck to service posit ion.

M et er in g Pan el (Fig 9c)

Basically m etering panels are of t he sam e construct ion as the st andard out going panels. The m etering truck w ith volt age t ransform ers & HRC f uses in series is equipped w it h 3 top contact arm s.

Pan el w it h I/C & O/G Con n ect io n s (Fig 9d)

These panels are com prising of Incom ing & Out going Cables in t he sam e panel. 1.2.8 -


Gen er al Co n st ru ct ion

Safety devices & interlocks are provided to avoid any m alfunctioning. These devices protect t he operat ing personnel & ensure reliable operat ions. The int erlocks are explained in sect ion 1.2.9.


The panel is com partm ent alized in dif ferent com partm ents w it h m etallic part it ions.


Vacuum Circuit Breaker for t he panel is m ounted on t he t ruck. All t he ident ical t rucks in dif feren t I/C









Rem oval of t he w it hdraw able t ruck Opening of t he door Pulling of the LV plug Rem oval of t he w it hdraw able t ruck Opening of t he door Pulling of the LV Plug Closing of t he sw itching device Opening of t he door Pulling of the LV plug

Tech n ical Dat a

Rated Voltage, Frequency (50Hz) 7.2kV CT



Fig 9a

Fig 9b







Fig 9c


Fig 9d



Rated Current of the Feeders




Rated Current of the Busbar




Rated Power Frequency withstand Voltage (rms) 60 sec.


28kV/ 38kV* *


Rated Lighting Impulse Withstand Voltage (peak) 1.2/50 Micro sec.


75kV/ 95kV* *


Rated short circuit breaking current




Rated short time withstand current (3 sec)







Rated short circuit making current (peak) * * On request upt o 31.5 kA

750† d2 800 m in on either side


800 m in


1100* / 2000* *











10.1. End Covers are f itted to t he lef t & right h an d end pan els of th e sw it chboard 10.2. Pressure relief channel for the term inat ion com part m ent , 110 m m deep.


Single Row of Panels

* * Dou ble Row of Panel †

M inim um from h ighest pressure relief flap (Part 10.1) af t er it has opened

All dim ensions are in m m and are for th e standard pan el

10.3 Pressure Relief Flaps

Fig: 10 Overall Panel Dim en sions

M axim um values indicated Overall Pan el w ei g h t : Approx. w eight w it h vacuum circuit breaker 15 kV (800W)

650 kg approx.

12 kV (600W)

450 kg approx.

24 kV (1000W)

800 kg approx.

Overall Pan el Dim en sion s : w mm

h mm

h1 mm

d mm

d1 mm

d2 mm

d3 mm

Upto 15 kV 60 0/80 0


20 00



38 0


24 kV





38 0

1 00 0

1 .4

1 00 0

Rat i n g Plat e

A Rat ing Plate cont aining the par ticular dat a is fixed inside each panel. The w it hdraw able vacuum breaker has its ow n rating plate and t he rated norm al current stated on it does not apply to t he sw itchgear. Degree of protect ion Basic m odel

IP 4X acc. To IEC 298 or IP 40 acc. To IEC 529

The panels are gaskett ed to m ake t hem dust & verm in proof. IP 41, IP 5X and IP 51 can also be provided.

Fig 11: Rating Plate of a Panel



In st allat ion

The installat ion sequence should be planned and prepared w ith care. Ensure t hat t he erectors and th e operat ing personnel read t he operat ion, inst allat ion & m aintenance inst ructions.

Rear cover 65.0


65.0 20.0 65.0


2.1 -

Fou n d at ion


Fal se Fl oo r

Place a girder in t he cutout com m on to several or all of t he sw itchboards so that it is parallel to the operat ing f ront . The girder is m eant to support th e panel bot tom rails below t he 30m m x 30m m cutouts. Tw o girders (depthw ise) m ust be fixed along the w heel tracks of t he truck as show n in t he foundat io n plans (Fig. 12a, 12b & 12c). -



295 .0

6x holes for M 12 bolt s (for fixing to foundation)

Wheel Track



Con cr et e Floo r

This should be provided w ith foundat ion rails on w hich t he panels are t o rest. For floor cut outs refer t o Fig 12a,12b &12c. The foundation should be prepared before the panels arrive. Level dif ferences bet w een t he m ount ing surfaces of t he individual panels should be det erm ined and com pensat ed for by using a sheet as show n in Fig 16.








120.0 32.5

38.0 H.T./L.T. Front door Rear cover 175.0 65.0





65.0 20.0



Not e : All dim ensions are in m m CUTOUT FOR POWER CABLES

Fig.12b Foun dat ion Plan for 12 kV (800W) Panel










Rear box

Wheel Track

75 75

1750.0 6x holes for M12 bolts (for fixing to foundat ion)

Standard panel



295.0 32.5




300 10




120.0 3 2.5


30 ø

Wheel Track 1215

















H.T./L.T. Front door 175 .0


38 .0 Front

1000 600.0


Note : All dim ension s are in m m

Fig.12a: Foun dat ion Plan for 12 kV (600W) Pan el


Not e : All dim ensions are in m m

Fig 12c : Foundation Plan for 24 kV (1000 W) Panel


Base Fram e (opt ion al)

A solid base fram e can be provided. The base f ram e gives a st rong support to t he panels at t heir joining line & also under it along the m ovem ent of t he t ruck w heels. It is m ade up of rolled steel sect ions. A reference sket ch of the base f ram e is as show n in Fig 13a, 13b & 13c


14 Ø


ISA 40x40x5

.0 1780.0

75 .0




ISA 40x40x5

Ø1 4



ISMC 75x40








952 .5

ISMC 75x40x5






0 75.0





14 .0

47.5 0.0



457 .5


425 .0


142 .5



Fig 13c: Base Fram e Dim ension s (24 kV


14 Ø

75 .0

Fig 13a: Base Fram e Dim ensions (12 kV 600W)

.0 1780.0

Elect rical Ser vice Ro om Dim en sio n s

Min. Clearance to the ceiling above t he top (Refer Fig. 10)

750 m m m in

Min.Clearance on the sides of the Panels

800 m m m in

Min.Widt h of cont rol aisle in front of the Pan el for Single row

1100* / 1500* * m m m in

Min.Widt h of control aisle in front of the Panel for tw o row s facing each other

2000* / 2500* * m m m in




ISA 4 0x4 0x5


Ø1 4





102 7.5



ISM C 7 5x40x5






142.5 175.0

47.5 0.0 0.0 67.5

* For upto 15 kV Panel

* * For 24kV Panel

A pow er source m ust be available. Work likely to produce dust or dirt m ay not be carried out w hile t he panels are being inst alled. The floor should be levelled to enable transport unit s t o be m oved on roller and/or sim ilar devices.





Fig 13b: Base Fram e Dim ensions (12 kV 800 W)


Tran spo r t Un it s

A transport unit consist s of m axim um upto 3 assem bled sw itch cubicle w ith w ithdraw able t ruck. The cubicle should not be lif t ed f rom the t op w ith circuit breaker inside. 11

The straigh tn ess to leran ce sh all n ot exceed o ne m illim eter per m eter of leng th of t he rails in bo th t he flat an d th e edgew ise position of th e rails. U -channel reference surface



The to p h orizon tal surf aces of t he f oundat io n rails shall be sm o oth (grind w elded join ts sm ooth). Foun dation rails em bedded in concrete shall b e fully gro ut ed for th eir fu ll len gth an d be able to support a load at any point .

Toleran ce as per DIN 43661:


The st raightness toler ances, as required by DIN 43 661 shall include the level tolerance and shall now here in the com plete plant to be inst alled exceed 2 m illim eters.

St raight ness 1m m . Per 1m t r. Length, 2m m . For t otal length


Level 1m m w it hin 1m tr.m easured length.

m easuring surface

Higher tolerances are to be com pensated by laying sheets (below panel)

Fig 14 : Dim ension dat a sheet for t he foundat ion .

In case foundation rails or f abricated channel f ram es are em bedded in cem ent concrete, care should be t aken t o leave open pockets below th e location of f ixing holes of t he panel for t ightening th e foun dat ion bolt s.


According t o DIN 4 3 661 , DIN 718 4 an d DIN 18 20 2 , sh eet No . 3, the fo llo w in g steps sh ou ld be adh ered t o: - For equalizat ion of all irregularities of t he rough floor, th e screed to be applied to the floor shou ld be at least 10 m m higher th an the h eigh t of the foundation rails. - Before applyin g the screed t o th e floor, t he fou n dat ion rails should be align ed, leveled and ancho red t o the ro ugh flo or. - The to p edge o f t he foun dat io n rails shou ld be flu sh w it h th e upper surface of th e fin ish ed flo or, t akin g ceram ic t iles, ston ew are t iles or any other flo or coverings into accou nt . Th e su rface of th e screed or of the floor coverin g sh ould not be h igh er th an the l evel of the top edg e o f t he foun dation rails. - The p lane defin ed by t he carr ying surfaces of both (or several) p arallel fou n dat ion rails h as to be levelled in tw o d irections 9 0 degrees apart by m eans of a levellin g instrum ent con sisting of tw o w ater filled glass tu bes co n nected by a rubber h ose. - The level toleran ce, m easured alon g a d ist an ce of o n e m eter, sh all not exceed o ne m illim eter.

2 .4

bolt ing t he t ransport units together and also t em porarily to check t hem for any signs of t ransport dam age.

Pack in g

As required : (a) For shipm ent to inland dest inat ions each transport unit is f ixed on a st urdy w ooden pallet and covered by plast ic sheet for surf ace protect ion and packed in norm al w ooden case. (b) for shipm ent overseas each t ransport unit m ay be additionally packed in a seaw orthy case. It is enclosed in plast ic sheet, w hich is sealed air-tight and includes bags cont aining dessicant . Accessor y item s are packed separately, or kept in t he panel t ransport unit (see dispatch advice). 2 .5

Un loadin g

While unloading care m ust be t aken to see t hat t he panels are not rolled on it s sides & they m ust be kept in upright condit ion. 2.5.1


Exam in in g t h e sw it ch g ear ag ain st d am age

As soon as t he sw itchgear has been unloaded and unpacked exam ine it t o see that it is com plete w ith reference to the relevant docum ent s. Record any dam age and it s cause w it hout delay, in t he presence of t he forw arding insurance agent , if the dam age w as caused en route. This report is essent ial for any dam age claim s. 2.6.1

St o rag e


Store t he unit s in upright position only


The units m ust be stored in adequet ly covered locat ion such t hat they are protected from Sun, Rain, Flood Waters & ot her such Natural elem ent s

Han d lin g equ ip m en t requ ired


A m obile crane or a chain pulley block for unloading t he transport unit .



Lif t ing tackle



A fork-lif t t ruck w it h a fork lengt h of about 3.0 m tr, for handling t he sw it chgear inside t he building.

Transfer t he t ransport unit s including t heir w ooden pallet s t o t he point of t heir inst allation using fork lif t rollers.


Hydraulic jacks or w inches & roller pads.


The handling/transport gear m ust m eet t he site requirem ents w it h regard to it s construct ion and load bearing capacity. Refer to the w eight s (for raising and t ransport ing) st ated on t he transport or in the covering docum ent s.

Wit hdraw the t rucks out of t he panels using tw o w ooden w edges below the ram ps & close the door.


Put t he panels dow n on the cleaned site or at least im m ediately in front of it in t he correct order, leaving a clearance of about 25 m m bet w een t h em .

2 .5.2


To rem ove the t ransport unit s from t heir w ooden pallet s


Place four w inches under the f loor rails of outer panels and uniform ly raise the panel.


Rem ove the w ooden pallet .


Low er the transport unit as far as it w ill go & place it on tw o w ooden beam s if it is located above it s site or place on f our roller pads if it is in f ront of t he sites


In the lat er case roll t he unit s to t heir m ount ing posit ion. If this m eans changing the direction of t ravel raise t he unit & reposition t he roller pads accordingly. Now place the planks & channels in t he foundat ion cutout s t hat have to be crossed.


To raise t he panels on t heir m ounting posit ion & rem oving the roller pads


Pro ced u r e

Do not unpack w hile unloading t he t ransport unit s. Take care not to dam age the plast ic sheet because it protect s the sw it chgear against any environm ent al ef fects.


Use of m obile crane or a f orklif t t ruck.


At tach t he ropes to the w ooden pallet .


Carefully raise the t ransport unit and check to see t hat it is correct ly balanced, if necessar y low er the t ransport unit and correct any im balance by reposit ioning the ropes on t he lif t ing tackle.


Unloading t he sw itchgear w it h a fork-lif t t ruck. Transport unit s of not m ore t han t w o panels can be unloaded w ith a fork-lif t t ruck if the access routes perm it this. M ake sure the transport unit s are correct ly balanced.

Tran sf er rin g t h e t ran sp o r t u n it s t o t h eir p oin t s o f in st allat io n


M ove t he t ransport units as close as possible to t he sw it ch house and put them dow n.


Low er t he t ransport unit as far as possible & place t hem on t w o w ooden beam s.


Dism ant le and rem ove the crates.



M ove each transport unit into the building.


Take of f t he plast ic sheet im m ediat ely prior t o

Now , raise t he unit s, f irst on one side & t hen on t he ot her side, using roller-t ype crow bars. Pull out t he planks & low er t he panels onto the cleaned foundat ion. Posit ion t he crow bars only at t he 13

(refer Fig. 14) and be absolut ely vert ical. If necessar y place shim s.

corners of the panels below the vert ical f ram e m em bers. 2.7.1

To rem ove t h e Tru ck f rom t h e Pan el


under the fram e upright s and


under the bot tom rails near the 30 m m x 30 m m cutout s for t he foundation bolt s.


Open t he door of t he panel (Refer clause 4.6.1).


Bring the t ruck to t he test posit ion by cranking (Refer clause


Rem ove t he bolts fit ted at the lef t hand end of each panel, as view ed from t he f ront.


Disconnect t he LV plug (4.5, Fig. 4) & place it its holder (4.9, Fig. 4) on t he door.


M ove up the second panel.



M ark t he t ruck & t heir panel num bers for ident if ication.

Align this second panel on the foundat ion, raise it to the correct level and m ake sure the panels stand vert ically.


Lif t & t urn t he Levers (4.13, Fig. 4) on t he f ront interlocking plate (4.8, Fig. 4) by 90º ant iclockw ise. (upt o 15kV) OR


Unscrew t he f ront interlocking plate (for 24kV).


Slow ly m ove t he t ruck aw ay from t he panel. The t w o ram ps drop autom at ically enabling free & easy w ithdraw al of t he t ruck.


Use shim s as for the f irst panel. -

Using t he nut s & bolts join the adjoining panels.


Check to see w hether the panels are t ruly ver tical. If necessary slacken the screw s and seal t he gaps w ith rubber.


M ove up t he other panels in sequence, align them and bolt them toget her.

Put back t he ram ps t o norm al posit ion & close t he door. 4.5


Assem b lin g t h e sw it ch b oard

Carry out the w ork described under clauses 2.7.1 and 2.8.1 to 2.8.4. Keep t he bolt s loose, not fully tightened, t ill all the bolt s for sect ions are in posit ion. Then t ighten t he joining bolts, follow ed by Busbar bolts, follow ed by Foundat ion bolt s. 16.2


Bolt in g t h e p an els t o g et h er

It is assum ed t hat the f irst t ransport unit is in it s f inal posit ion and that the ot her unit s are posit ioned on the foundat ion rails in t he correct order but w it h an adequate clearance betw een them .


It is alw ays preferable to inst all the central panel f irst . This pract ice should invariably be adopted for a board w ith 20 or m ore panels. Af t er inst alling t he central panel, the other panels can be installed on it s lef t & right in proper sequence. ·

Pr o ced u r e


Cent rally align t he f irst t ransport unit on it s f oundat ion. The panels m ust be at t he correct level



16.1. Breaker Com partm ent door 16.2. Upper m et allic shut t er 16.3. Low er m et allic shut ter 16.4. Heater 4.5

Fig 15 : Procedure for bolt in g t he panels t ogether



LV socket

View int o Circuit Breaker cubicle aft er rem oving th e draw out t ruck


Bo lt in g t h e Bu sb ar s t o g et h er

St art w orking on the busbars only af t er panel unit s have been adjusted correct ly and interconnect ed. Access to t he busbars are f rom t he rear side or f rom the top side by opening the Explosion Vent s. All necessary hardw are is supplied on t he t he m ain busbars.(5.4, Fig. 5)

17.1 5.1



1 . Brush t he cont act faces criss-cross w ise unt il bright , & w ipe using a clean clot h. (applicable only for bare Alum inium Busbars) 2 . Square neck, round head, coach bolts are used for busbar joint s. These bolt s do not rotate in their slot s & hence can be t ightened f rom one side. Recom m ended torque is 70 Nm . 3 . Allow the joint to set t le dow n in 24 hrs & check t he value of t he torque w it h t he torque w rench.



4 . The busbars of adjacent units m ust be joined t ogether using the busbars & hardw are supplied. While insert ing coach bolt s ensure that t he round head of coach bolt is f acing sheet m et al struct ural part s. That m eans t he nuts w ill alw ays be tow ards t he live parts such as busbars/feeder connect ions. The busbars (5.4, f ig. 5) of the panel form ing a t ransport unit are already bolted. 5 . Refix t he upper rear cover af ter the busbars are bolt ed. 2.8 .4


Upper Cont act Bushing

17.1. Fixed Cont acts (Upper) 6.2.

Low er Cont act Bushing

17.2. Fixed Cont act s (Low er) 17.3. Truck ear thing Srip 16.4. Space Heater

Fig 17: View int o circuit breaker com part m ent w ith shut ter held open


Fix in g t h e Sw it ch b o ard s t o t h e Fou n d at io n

The panels bot tom plat e has four 30 m m x 30 m m cutouts (refer Fig 15) for f ixing purposes. ·

Bol t in g t h e M ain Ear t h Bar sect ion s t o g et h er

The m ain earth bars of t he t ransport unit s m ust be linked toget her. One of the t w o part s t o be bolted together is already f it ted w it h a link. This m ust be undone, passed through t he part it ion and bolted to the t w o adjacent eart h bar sections. The cover on the side w all should be properly adjust ed af ter joining t he eart h bars. 2.9

M akin g HV Cab le co n n ect io n s

The cable connect ion pieces are provided w it h Hex. Headed bolt s M 16 w it h w ashers., spring w ashers &

Weld in g

Weld t he bottom plate to t he foundat ion at t he cutouts. Insert shim s (refer clause 2.8.1) w here necessary to avoid having t o w eld across air gaps. Coat t he w eld w it h enam el paint . ·

Bo lt in g Dow n

Em bed anchor-bolt s in t he foundat ion (through the 30 m m x 30 m m cutout ) or drill the appropriat e holes in t he foundat ion rails (false f loor). Insert shim s bet w een t he foundation and the bott om rails near t he cutouts. Tighten the screw w it hout distorting t he panels.


18.2 6.1


Ear th Busbar

18.2. Eathing St rip (from CB ch am ber)

6.6 18.1. Ext ension Links 6.6.

Bottom Covers

Fig 18: Eart h Busbar Assem bly


hex. Nut s for m ount ing t he cable lugs of the conduct ors.


Three part bott om cable cover is supplied f itted w it h the sw itchboard. Of these, t he outer m ost cover has to be rem oved & cut outs t o be m ade of the size as per t he instructions given by cable kit m anufact urer. 2.10



Ot h er w o rk t o b e carried ou t


Ch eckin g t h e HV Co n n ect io n s

Check t he pow er and auxiliary circuit connect ions of the sw it ching devices at random . Exam ine all the t erm inal block connections, m aking sure that the blocks are correct ly labeled and replace any m issing labels by referring to the circuit diagram .


The torque values of all t he busbar joint s m ust be checked

t he bolt s for t ight ness


t he sealing and earthing

2.11.3 -

Cl ean in g t h e Sw it ch b oar d

Clean all the post insulators, Bushings and Busbars in all t he com partm ents using sof t dry cloth.

Do n ot u se an y ab r asive ch em icals or d et ergen t s t o clean in st alled par t s.

On all HV cables, check -

Ch eckin g t h e Bo lt ed Jo in t s


Ear t h in g t h e Sw it ch b o ard

Connect t he eart h term inals of at least one or tw o panels to the st at ion eart h. This could be done to suit the local guidelines. Term inat ion f acility for earth connect ion is provided on the earth busbar m ount ed in t he cable cham ber.

the core spacing on t hree core cables and the ant im agnet ic clips on single-core cables.

Use on ly d ist ill ed w at er if n ecessar y. En su re t h at all p ar t s ar e dr ied u p b ef o re ap p lyin g an y vo lt ag e.








16.2, 16.3. Sh ut ters 19.1. Shut ter operat ing rod 19.2. Roller Guide Angle

16.1. Breaker com part m ent Door

19.3. Truck guide


Fig 19: View inside circuit breaker compart m ent w ith out w it h draw able t ruck.


Breaker Truck

Fig 20: Insert ion of trolley in t he panel


In ser t in g t h e w it h d raw ab le p ar t s


Prot ect in g t h e p an els ag ain st env iron m en t al ef f ect s


open the front door (16.1, Fig. 20)


put dow n the ram ps (4.7, Fig. 4)


place t he breaker t ruck in front of the correspon ding pan els.


Transfer t he t ruck inside the panel and push it as f ar as it w ill go.


Fix t he racking m echanism / interlocking plate to struct ure f ram e by using lif t & turn levers (upt o 15kV) & by using bolts (for 24kV)


Fix t he ram ps back in t he position


Close t he door (16.1, Fig 20)



Inser t all ot her draw out t rucks in t he sam e m anner.

The w ire have been lef t loose in the LV compartm ent of certain panels.

(a) Dam aged sect ions of t he paint finish m ay only be t ouched up w ith original paint. (b) Fit t he parts supplied to protect against the in gress of rept iles. Check in case they are rem oved during in st allat ion . (c) Close all the doors & covers properly. (d) Any opening that is lef t open af ter inst allation should be closed & sealed to m ake it t ruly verm inproof . In t erp an el Wir in g

These w ires m ust be connected from panel to panel as per approved w iring diagram s.



Put t in g t h e sw it ch gear in t o serv ice 7.1

For det ails of operat ion refer sect ion 4 3.1

Test op er at ion s


Wi t h d o or o pen


The m otor operat ing m echanism st art as soon as t he LV plug is inserted and cont rol supply is available (If t he VCB is not already charged)


Open & close t he breaker several t im es.

4.3 4.12 21.1 21.6




4.3 21.8

21.4 4.11





View ing w indow for truck posit ion

4.11. Opening for charging h an dle for charging t he breaker closin g spring 4.12. Trip m echan ism for operat ing the circuit breaker in the con nect ed posit ion. 7.1. LV com par t m ent door 16.1. Breaker com partm en t door 21.1. Ball grip 21.2. ON & OFF Push But ton (On HT Door) 21.3. Window for t he in dicators of the w it hdraw able part -

Num ber of operat ions (Operat ion Counter)


Closing Spring of t he circuit breaker - Charged - Lable w it h spring sym bol - Discharged - Blank Lable

21.5 21.3






21.4. Opening for Double Bit Key for locking t he transfer operat ing m echanism 21.5. Opening for rackin g handle for rackin g t he breaker t ruck

View in g w in dow for t ruck position

21.6. Opening for defeat ing int erlock

4.11. Openin g for charging handle for charging t he breaker closing sprin g 4.12. Trip m ech anism for operat ing the circuit breaker in the con nect ed posit ion . 7.1.

Indicator for circuit breaker sw it chin g stat us - Circuit Breaker Closed - " I " Tripped - " O "


LV com part m ent door

16.1. Breaker com part m ent door 21.2. ON & OFF Push But ton (On HT Door)

21.8. Bolt s for door locking

Fig. 21a: Openin g Elem ent s (for 24kV Panel)


Pull off the LV plug. Charge the breaker closing spring by hand (refer clause 4.2)


Operate the circuit breaker


Refit the LV cable Plug.

21.3. Window for the indicat ors of t he w ithdraw able part -

Num ber of operat ions (Operat ion Counter)


Closing Spring of t he circuit breaker - Charged - Lable w ith sprin g sym bol - Discharged - Blank Lable


Indicator for circuit breaker sw it ch ing status - Circuit Breaker Closed - " I " Tripped - " O "

21.4. Opening for Double Bit Key for locking the t ran sfer operat in g m echan ism


Wit h d oo r clo sed

Each sw itchpanel should be tested as follow s: -

Transfer the w it h draw able truck to t he disconnected position (see 4.1).


Sw it ch ON t he auxiliary and cont rol supply.


Transfer t he w ithdraw able part t o t he connected posit ion.

21.5. Opening for racking han dle for racking the breaker truck 21.6. Opening for defeatin g in terlock 21.7. Door Han dle

Fig. 21: Open ing Elem ent s (upto 15kV Panel)



Open and close t he breaker as long as no high volt age is applied.


Without using force check all m echanical and elect rom echanical interlocks for satisfactory f unctioning. Check t o see w het her the sw itching states are indicated correctly in the cont rol room .


3 .2

Check w het her the position of the w it hdraw able t ruck is indicat ed correctly (if t he appropriat e posit ion sw itches are f itted refer to t he circuit diagram s).

Ch eckin g t h e Accessor y It em s

The accessory it em s required m ust be easily available in the Sw itchgear Room or an adjacent room . They include one Hand Crank for t ransferring t he t ruck and f or charging the breaker closing spring, a Double Bit Key for locking t he hand-operat ing m echanism , t he basic circuit diagram , Operat ing Instruct ions, Castell Lock Key (opt ional) and Earthing Sw itch Handle (Opt ional)

The Hand Crank for t ransferring t he t ruck is also suit able for all M 8 bolts. 3.3

Revisin g t he Circu it d iagram s

If circuits have to be m odif ied during inst allation t he existing circuit diagram s are m arked up. When w ork has been com pleted m ake sure t hat the original diagram s are revised. 3 .4

Space Heat ers

For panels inst alled in hum id at m osphere, space heaters are f itt ed in t he circuit breaker & cable com partm ent s. The therm ost at cont rolled heat ers should be sw itched "ON" before t aking the panels int o service. The t herm ostat shall be set to cut of f supply to heat ers at about 5º higher t han t he m axim um am bient tem perature. Heaters m ust alw ays be kept "ON" in all the condit ions (even during m aint enance)






In det ail:

Operat ions

Each row of cubicles is provided w ith brief operating instruct ions. Refer to fig. 22. 4 .1


The castell key can be re,m oved in this posit ion also for any int erlocked operations w hich are t o be perform ed w it h circuit breaker in open posit ion.


Fit t he hand crank (8.2, fig. 8)to t he hexagon shank in opening (21.5, fig. 21) turn it clockw ise as f ar as it w ill go and pull it of f.


Insert the castell key if it w as rem oved for interlocked operat ions. Turn t he key clockw ise t h rough 90 degrees f rom posit ion "M anual Racking" t o "Connected position(locked)" and pull it of f .

Po sit i on s o f t h e w i t h d raw ab le t ru ck

Refer clause 1.2.2 for Circuit breaker Cham ber Ser vice p osit ion (con n ect ed p osit ion )

The circuit breaker is connected w ith t he busbars and t he out going circuit Auxiliary circuit is connect ed t h rough LV plug and socket. ·

M ake sure t hat t he circuit breaker is open, the LV plug(3.3, fig. 3) and socket connector has been put toget her and lock it . The breaker com part m ent door is closed.

Wit h d raw ab l e t r u ck




Test p o sit io n

The circuit breaker is disconnect ed from t he busbars and t he outgoing circuit . Segregat ion as specified in IEC 60298 is m aint ained. The LV circuit s are connect ed through LV plug and socket .


Tran sferrin g t h e w it h d raw ab le p ar t f r om t h e co n n ect ed p o sit ion t o t h e t est / d iscon n ect ed p osit ion m an ually

No rm al Op erat io n s

Discon n ect ed p osit ion The circuit breaker is disconnect ed from t he busbars and the out going circuit . LV circuits are disconnected by pulling out t he LV socket from t he plug. -

When t he LV plug and socket are connect ed t he follow ing functions can be carried out. ·


The breaker can be tested / operated, also from th e control room .


The breaker com partm ent door can be opened.


Funct ions such as ON / OFF indication and elect rical interlocks can be tested.

1 st St ep Turn double-bit key

f rom

The breaker com part m ent door cannot be closed. Hence the truck cannot be inserted.


Tran sf er rin g t h e w it h d raw ab le p ar t f rom t h e Test /Discon n ect ed Posit io n m an u all y

N orm al o p er at io n





2nd Step Insert and t urn han d crank as f ar it w ill go and pull it of

3rd Step Turn double-bit key





as far it w ill go and pull it of

3rd Step Turn double-bit key






Fig. 23b

In det ail: -

M ake sure t hat the circuit breaker is open.


insert the double bit key in lock (21.4, f ig. 21) and t urn it ant i-clockw ise t hrough 90 degrees f rom "connected posit ion (locked)" t o "M anual Racking". The hexagon shank opening (21.5, f ig. 21).is now accessible. The hand racking m echanism is u nlatched.


Fit t he hand crank (8.2, fig 8) t o the hexagonal shank in opening (21.5, fig. 21) turn it anticlockw ise as f ar as it w ill go and pull it of f .


Turn the double-bit key anti-clockw ise through 90 degrees from t he posit ion "M anual Racking" to "Disconnected position (locked)" and pull it of f .

In brief : 1st Step Turn double-bit key


2n d Step In sert and turn hand crank


When the LV plug and socket are disconnect ed. ·

In brief

Opening (21.5, fig. 21) is now closed. The hand racking m echanism is now locked.

Fig. 23a


Cast el l Key Op erat i on s (Opt io n al)

1st Step Turn cast ell key from



2nd St ep as f ar it w ill go and pull it of

4 .2

3rd Step Trun cast ell key f rom





Fig. 23c

In det ail:

Circu it -b reaker op erat in g m ech an ism

The operat ing m echanism is of t he st ored energy type. For elect rically operat ed breakers, m otor autom at ically charges t he closing spring af ter each sw it ching operat ion. If the m otor supply should fail the closing spring can also be charged by hand. The tripping spring is charged each tim e t he breaker is closed.

4 .3

Circu it -b reaker Operat io n


Ch arg in g t h e closin g sp rin g b y h an d


M ake sure t hat the circuit breaker is open.



Turn the cast ell key (w hich is trapped in t he m echanism ) ant i-clockw ise through 90º from "Connected posit ion (locked)" to "M anual Racking".

If the breaker com part m ent door


In this position t he castell key can be rem oved for any interlocked operat ions w hich are to be perform ed w ith circuit breaker in open condit ion. The hexagon shank opening(21.7,f ig.21)is now accessible. The hand racking m echanism is un latched.


Fit t he hand crank (8.2, f ig.8) to the hexagonal shank in opening (21.5, fig.21) t urn it anticlockw ise as far as it w ill go and pull it of f .


Inser t t he castell key if it w as rem oved f or interlocked operat ions. Turn t he double-bit key ant i-clockw ise th rough 90 degrees from t he posit ion "M anual Racking" to "Disconnected Position(locked)" and pull it of f .


The castell key can also be rem oved in this posit ion t o f acilit at e the opening of t he HT compartm ent door and / or other interlocked operat ion s.

4.1 .4 -


Open the breaker com part m ent door (refer clause 4 .6.1).


Unlock the LV plug (3.3, f ig. 3) and LV socket (4.5, f ig. 4 & 16) by turning dow n the clip.


Pull of f t he plug and at t ach it to the holder (4.9, f ig. 4) w hich is fixed t o t he door.

is op en (disconnect ed position) fit the hand crank direct ly to t he breaker operating m echanism in opening (21.7, f ig. 21).


Operat in g M ech an ism


Turn the crank unt il t he sym bol "spring charge" appears in view ing w indow (21.3, f ig.21) on indicator. The operator is not at risk if the m otor supply recovers,because the hand crank f reew heels and detaches in t he anti-clockw ise direct ion.


Pull t he crank off .

Breaker ON an d OFF

4.3 .1.2

M ech an ical ly (locally by m eans of push butt on)


In the connected position : Trip m echanism (4.12, Fig. 4 & 21) as f ar as it w ill go, hold it there, press but tons "ON" and "OFF" (21.2, Fig 21) and then release the grip.


In the disconnect ed posit ion w ith t he door closed : Press buttons "ON"and "OFF" (21.2, Fig 21) on t he breaker com part m ent door.


In the disconnected posit ion w it h the door open : Press butt ons "ON"(4.14, Fig 4) and "OFF" (4.15, Fig 4) on t he breaker t ruck

Con n ect in g t h e LV Plu g


Put t he LV plug (3.3, f ig.3) and LV socket (4.5, f ig. 4 & 16) toget her and lock it w it h t he clip.


Close t he breaker com part m ent door (refer clause 4 .6.2).


is closed (connect ed posit ion) t urn plate (21.6, fig. 21) so that it clears opening (21.7, fig. 21) inser t the hand crank and fit it into the breaker

Disco n n ect in g t h e LV Plu g

Transfer t he w ithdraw able part to the disconnected position(in accordance w it h clause 4.1.3) and lock it .


Proced u res

4.3 .1.3

Elect ri cally (f rom the con trol room or locally)

by m eans of push but ton/sw it ches in t he control room or on the LV com part m ent door. If the cont rol supply fails t he breaker can alw ays be t ripped m echanically (see above)

4 .3 .2

Sw it ch in g St at e In d icat io n

In the m iddle part of view ing w indow (21.3, Fig 21) `O' m eans "OFF", `I' m eans "ON".

Dan ger Precau t ion s f o r Saf e Worki n g High Volt age ! Touching live part s w ill result in severe personnel injury and / or death. 24.1

This equipm ent shall be operat ed only by qualified personnel w ho have becom e thoroughly f am iliar w it h the operat ing instruct ions m anual and in part icular all t he safet y inst ruct ions.

4 .5

Ear t h in g


Ear t h in g of Bu sb ar s an d Cab les

Direct Ear t h in g of Bu sb ars w i t h co n d u ct o rs

(Side view )


Sw itch of f all breakers feeding to t he busbars.


Open upper rear bolt ed cover & inside covers (of busbar cham ber). Touch all phases w ith an earthing conductor m ounted on the long insulat ing pole.


Shor t all t he phases w it h a conductor and bolt it to eart h.


Place necessary w arning plat es at all not iceable locat ions.



Ear t h in g o f Cab les w it h con d u ct or s


Sw itch of f the breaker in the panel w here cable earthing is desired.


Ensure that t he cables are not get ting t he supply f rom t he other end.


Rem ove the low er rear cover of the cable cham ber.


Follow t he procedure described for busbar eart hing. (Rear view )

4 .5.1.3

Rem ov in g Ear t h in g Con n ect ion s


Disconnect and rem ove t he short ing and earthing conduct ors.


Close the rear cover and bolt it f irm ly.


Rem ove t he w arning plates.



24.1. Fixed Cont act s (E sw it ch ) 24.2. M oving Cont act (E sw itch ) 24.3. Eart hing Sw itch Shaf t 24.4. Operating Link 6.1. Eart hing Busbar

Fig 24: Eart h sw it ch Arran gem ent on cable side


4.5 .2

Ear t h in g o f Bu sb ar s or cab les w it h a Draw ou t Tru ck

Separate draw out Trucks can be supplied opt ionally for busbar and cable eart hing. In case f ault m aking capacit y is required, a circuit breaker is m ounted on such draw out trucks.

4.5 .3

Ear t h in g t h e Bu sbar s or Cab les w it h Ear t h in g Sw it ch

Ear t h in g t h e Bu sb ar s w it h Ear t h in g Sw it ch es


Sw it ch of f t he supply to the m ain busbars.


Pr o ced u r e



Rem ove the circuit breaker or the link draw out t ruck f rom the panel w here eart hing is t o be done (refer clause 2.8.1)

Ensure t hat t he supply to t he m ain busbars cannot be sw it ched "ON" from rem ote point s.


Insert t he desired earthing draw out t ruck i.e. cable or busbar earthing draw out t ruck in the panel (refer clause 2.11.4)

In case t he elect ro-m agnet ic interlocks, ensure th at all t he interlocking conditions are sat isfied. Otherw ise the earthing sw it ch cannot be closed.


Close the ear thing sw it ch by insert ing the earthing sw itch handle in posit ion and t urning it in the clockw ise direct ion t ill stop. Wit hdraw the handle.


Place t he w arning plates at all necessar y locat ions.



Connect the LV plug and socket (refer clause 4.1.5)


Close t he panel door (refer clause 4.5.2)


Ensure t hat there is no voltage available on t he parts to be eart hed w hen eart hing draw out t ruck w ithout m aking capacity is used.


Transfer the draw out unit to the connect ed posit ion (refer clause 4.1.3). In case the earhting draw out t ruck has an elect ro-m echanical interlock unit m ounted on it , t he t ransfer is possible only af ter all the interlocking condit ions are sat isfied.

4.5 .3.2 -

M ove the t ruck t o test / disconnected posit ion. Eart hing sw it ch cannot be closed unt il t his posit ion is reached.


Ensure t hat t he cables cannot be energized from the other end. Follow t he procedure for Busbar earthing sw it ch.


Lock it in t he connected position.



In case the draw out t ruck has a circuit breaker m ounted on it sw it ch "ON" (refer clause 4.2 & 4.3).

4.5 .3.3


Place t he w arning plates at all necessary locations. -

Disco n n ect io n of Eart h i n g Draw o u t t ru ck

Sw it ch "OFF" t he breaker in case of earthing draw out truck w it h m aking capacit y (refer clause 4 .3 ).

Ear t h in g Cab les w it h Ear t h in g Sw it ch (f ig .24)

Discon n ect io n o f Ear t h in g Sw it ch es


Insert the earthing sw it ch handle in position. Turn it in t he ant i-clockw ise direct ion till stop. Wit hdraw the handle.


Rem ove w arning plates f rom all the locat ions

4 .5 .4

Ear t h in g t h e Bu sb ars or Cab les w it h Tru ck Ear t h in g t h e Bu sb ars w it h Bu s Ear t h in g Tru ck


Transfer it to t he disconnected posit ion (refer clause 4.1.3)

4.5 .4.1


Disconnect the LV plug (refer clause 4.1.4)


Sw it ch of f t he supply to the m ain busbars.


Open t he HT com part m ent door (refer clause 4 .6.1)


Ensure t hat t he supply to t he m ain busbars cannot be sw it ched "ON" from rem ote point s.


Rem ove w arning plates.


Rack ou t he breaker t o diconnected posit ion.


Inser t t he original draw out t ruck of the circuit breaker or link draw out truck in the panel (refer clause 2.11.4)


Diengage t he LV plug & socket.


Draw out t he nreaker t ruck com pletely out of the panel.


Insert t he Bus eart hing t ruck in the panel t o diconnected posit ion.


Connect t he LV plug to socket.


Rack in t he truck t o ser vice posit ion.


Place t he w arning plates at all necessar y locat ions.


Connect the LV plug (refer clause 4.1.5)


Close t he door (refer clause 4.5.2)


The original draw out truck is now ready for t ransfer to connect ed position.


4 .5 .4 .2

Ear t h in g t h e Cab les w it h Cab le Ear t h in g Tru ck


Unscrew t he door closing bolt s of HT com part m ent door. The bolts are capt ive (for 24kV Panel) Open the door.


M ove the t ruck t o test / disconnect ed posit ion



Ensure that t he cables cannot be energized f rom t he other end.

4.6 .2

Follow t he procedure for Busbar eart hing sw itch.


Sh ut t he door.


Rot at e t he handle clockw ise till it get s closed. (For upto 15kV) Tighten the capt ive screw in case of bolted door.


4 .5 .4 .3

Lin k Ty p e Eat h in g Tru ck

To close t h e d o or


Sw itch of f t he supply to t he m ain busbars.



Ensure t hat t he supply to t he m ain busbars cannot be sw itched "ON" f rom rem ote point s.

4 .7

Do o r t o LV Com p ar t m en t

Ensure that t he cables cannot be energized f rom t he other end.


To o p en t h e d oor

Follow t he procedure for Busbar eart hing sw itch.


Rot at e t he t urnlocks w ith a key in ant i-clockw ise direct ion or unscrew t he capt ive bolt s in case of bolt ed door.


Open the door.



4 .6

Breaker Co m p ar t m en t Doo r

The door can be opened & closed w hen t he t ruck is in t he disconnected posit ion and the plug & socket connect or for LV cables has been connected together. The door int erlock can be defeated as described under clause 5.5 below .

4.6.1 -

4.7 .2

To close t h e d o or


Sh ut t he door.


Rot at e t he t urnlock in clockw ise direct ion or t ighten t he bolt s in case of bolt ed door.

To op en t h e d oo r

Rotate the handle ant i-clockw ise t o open the door. (For upto 15kV)



Dan ger Precau t ion s f o r Saf e Work in g M aintenance, repair and subsequent conversion or extension w ork shall be carried out only by specially trained personnel in accordance w it h t he operating instruct ions and/or special conversion inst ructions. Training and inform at ion sessions for personnel w ill be provided by the com petent Siem ens depart m ent . Before st arting any w ork on the panels references m ust be m ade t o local regulat ions for high volt age sw itchgear. Sw it ch of f the pow er supply, close/ open the breaker m anually to ensure that t he closing spring of t he breaker is discharged. Then rack out the truck from ser vice t o test posit ion. Control term inals in the LV com part m ent m ust not be touched if t he cont rol supply is not disconnected. Non obser vance w ill result in death and / or severe personnel injury or subst antial dam age to proper t y.

5.1 -


Check t he sw itchpanel f unctions and put the board back into service.

If w ork has t o be carried out in t he panels; isolate t he board, m ake sure that it cannot be m ade live again, check its isolated st ate and eart h and short-circuit the feeders and w here applicable, the busbars. Adhere to all regulat ions and safety m easures, m aint ain and service the built -in equipm ent , e.g. circuit -breakers, volt age t ransform ers, current t ransform ers, relays, m eters, protect ive devices, etc. in accordance w it h their operating inst ruct ions. Before rem oving the front plat e of t he breaker operat ing m echanism discharge the closing and tripping springs. Follow t he instruct ions given on t he m echanism housing. Only st andard tools are required. Put the sw it chgear back into service as described under clause 3 above. Ser vice t h e sw it ch gear at sh o r t er in t er v als if t h e ai r is ver y m o ist or f u ll o f d u st o r is ot h er w ise p oll ut ed . The cause of any dist urbance or shortcircuit m ust be determ ined im m ediately and dam aged part s replaced, irrespect ive of w hether an inspect ion is due or not.


In sp ect ion Sch edu le

Clean ing

Cau t ion

Each year

Fo r Saf et y


M ake a general visual check.


Check w hether t he accessories are com plete and in proper order.


Clean and lubricate the w heels as w ell as m oving part s of the truck and interlocking plate.


Relays to be tested f or t heir funct ionality.

Cleaning Agent s


Clean t he Panels (refer clause 5.2)

Perchloret hylene, 1.1.1 t richloroethane, sm all brushes, dusters and vacuum cleaner for sheet m et al part s.

Every five years ·

Transfer t he w it hdraw able t ruck t o t he disconnect ed posit ion.


Test-operate the circuit-breakers.


Rem ove t he w it hdraw able t rucks (refer clause 2.7.1) and carry out all m aint enance w ork, also on the sw it ching devices.




M ain t en an ce

Clean t he panels (refer clause 5.2) and check t he connect ions.


Lubricat e all bearing surfaces, bearings and articulated joints.


Reinsert the w ithdraw able t rucks.

For safet y reasons, cleaning of panels shall be taken up only w hen the shutdow n of M ain & Auxilliary Pow er supply is taken, the breaker is in the open st ate, closing spring of the breaker is discharged & the breaker t ruck is rem oved out of the panel.

Note: Trichlorethylene, perchloroethylene an d tet rachloroethylene have a harm f ul ef fect on cast resin part s and m ust not com e into cont act w ith them . Cast resin part s should be cleaned w ith dist illed w ater on ly. Silver plated and other cont act surfaces t o be cleaned w ith clean cloth.

5 .3

Lu b ricat io n


Def eat in g t h e Doo r In t erlo ck o f HV Com p ar t m en t

Im m ediat ely af ter cleaning: -

Lubricate t he isolating cont act s and their m at ing cont acts w ith neutral grease.

Cau t io n : Take u t m o st care w h i le d ef eat in g an y in t erlo ck as t he def eat o p erat ion lead s t o access t o t h e areas / p ar t s w h ich are likely t o b e live.


apply a film of neut ral grease to the bearings and articulat ed joint s of t he operating m echanism s, to t he w it hdraw able part s and shutt ers, and t o t he door hinges and locks.


Recom m ended neutral greases are: (i)

SERVOGEM 2 (m ult ipurpose) of Indian Oil Corporat ion m ake


M ult ipurpose grease `H' of Hindust an Pet roleum Lt d. m ake


5 .4

The breaker com partm ent door interlock should only be cancelled if t he truck cannot be transferred to t he disconnected posit ion and t he sit uation cannot be cleared in any w ay. -

Sw itch of f the circuit -breaker.


M ake sure that t he busbars are not live.


Insert a sm all screw driver in t he opening (21.6, f ig. 21) and screw -in t he grub screw visible t h rough t he opening.t ill it falls out inside t he panel.


Open the door by t urning t he door h andle.(refer clause 4.5.1).

Any ot her chem ically neut ral grease w hich can w it hstand t em perat ure up to 15° C.

Rep lacem en t Par t s

Item s such as post insulators, bushings m ating cont act s, m easuring inst rum ent s, current t ransform ers et c., can be replaced. If replacem ent is likely to prove dif ficult ask the nearest Siem ens represent ative in good t im e f or deput at ion of suitable personnel. The representat ive w ill also assist you in deciding w hat spare part s to keep in stock. When ordering spare parts and unit s give the f ollow ing details: -

Type and Serial No. of t he sw it chboard (see n am eplate).


Exact description of the unit or part , referring to t he appropriate operat ing instruct ions w here applicable, or t o a draw ing; sket ch or circuit diagram . Use reference list of item s in Sect ion 8.

Dan ger Precau t ion s f o r Saf e Worki n g

Draw o u t Un it in Con n ect ed Posit ion


Draw o u t Un it in discon n ect ed p o sit i on


Press the interlocking lever on interlocking plat e by h an d.


Insert t he double-bit key in lock(21.4, fig.21) and t urn it (locked) to "M anual Racking".


Fit t he hand crank (8.2, fig. 8) to the hexagon shank in opening t urn it clockw ise as far as it w ill go and pull it of f(21.5, f ig.21).

Turn t he double-bit key clockw ise t hrough 90º f rom posit ion "M anual Racking" to "Connected Posit ion(locked)" and pull it of f . 5.5.3

Rest o rin g t h e Do o r In t erlo ck s

Af ter carr ying out the operat ions t o defeat the door int erlock as described in clause 5.5.1 or clause 5.5.2, the door of t he HV com part m ent can be closed and int erlocks can be rest ored by follow ing the procedures in clause 5.5.1 in t he reverse sequence.

High Volt age ! Touching live part s w ill result in severe personnel injury and / or death. This equipm ent shall be operat ed only by qualified personnel w ho have becom e thoroughly f am iliar w it h the operat ing instruct ions m anual and in part icular all t he safet y inst ruct ions.



Disp osal of Produ ct

This product is environm ent ally com pat ible. The follow ing m aterials have been used to m ake up the device : Steel, Copper, Alum inium , Cast-resin glass-fibre-reinf orced th erm oplast ics, rubber, porcelain, greases & sim ilar m aterials. PVC is used as an insulat ion m at erial for control w ires. In disposal, priorit y m ust be given to re-use of th e m aterials w hich can be recycled. In as-supplied-condit ion, t he product does not incorporate any hazardous subst ances. In operat ion, t he product does not em it any hazardous m aterials or gases. During disposal of the product , care m ust be t aken to dism antle as f ar as possible in m ore environm ent ally accepted w ay as Recyclable & Non-cyclable scraps i.e


steel, copper, alum inium , rubber, PVC, cast-resin & glass-fibre-reinforced m aterials to be segregated properly. The Re-cyclable m aterials like Steel, Copper, Alum inium can be reused. Non cyclable m aterials like Cast -resins, glass-fibrereinforced et c can be broken in to pieces & can be used as secured land filling m aterials. Rubber being biodegradable m at erial m ust be recycled through authorized cont ractors. PVC m at erial should not be burnt as t hey m ay release Halogenat ed hydrocarbons w hich can af fect t he ozone layer. Therefore, PVC m ust be recycled t hrough aut horized contractors. Local Siem ens of f ice can answ er any questions concern ing disposal.


Su m m ar y of Im p or t an t In st ruct ion sDOs


Du rin g In st al lat ion & Co m m ission in g St ag es :-


Do not leave any equipm ents or tools in t he panel.


Do not put hands or tools in operat ing m echanism w hen electrically operated.


Do not operate the breaker during cleaning process.


Do not use any other chem ical or grease f or clearing or lubricat ing other t han m entioned in t hese inst ruct ions.




Brush t he cont act surf aces properly before bolt ing busbars. Also grease t he joints & apply proper torque on the bolts. Check rated volt ages of equipm ent s such as m otor, closing & tripping releases m ounted in the operat ing m echanism w ith the available auxiliar y supply to be connect ed to these equipm ent s in the substat ion. Ensure t hat all the foundation bolt s are t ightened along w it h the square w asher and also seal of all cont rol and pow er cable cutouts t o prevent verm in ent ry.

Du rin g ser v ice lif e of t h e p an el-


Keep door & covers firm ly closed to prevent ent ry of dust, m oisture, insects etc.


Ensure spring charging handle & m anual handle are available easily.


Decide m aintenance schedule based upon (a) no. of short circuit operat ions, (b) frequency of breaker ON/OFF operations, (c) pollution level (d) hum idity, et c.


Isolat e & earth the breaker before carrying out m aintenance & ensure it is in OFF position & springs are discharged com plet ely before cleaning.


Ensure that t he shut t ers are close and pad locked before start ing t he m aintenance or cleaning of t he panels.


Depending on site conditions, inspect -

t he interior of the panels for dust , cobw ebs et c. & clean t hem .


porcelain insulators & clean t hem ,


operat ing m echanism part s such as plungers of releases, m oving joint s etc. & clean them , and


f unctioning of space heaters.


Lubricate m oving par t s w it h lubricant s provided f or t he breaker.


Ch eck in sulat ion resist an ce w it h a m egger bef ore putt ing the breaker back int o service.


Keep a log-book for each panel.


Follow inst ructions given in the operat ing m an ual.


Ensure panel operations, m aintenance et c. is done by t rained persons.


Operat e the defeat int erlock of CB door only in case of em ergency.



Ad dit ion al In f orm at io n


Ref eren ce List o f It em s


Circuit Breaker Com partm ent

Fig 2


Bushings of low er m ating cont act

Fig 6, 17


Cable & CT Com partm ent

Fig 2


Current Transform er

Fig 6


Busbar Com part m ent

Fig 2


Cable Connect ion Pieces

Fig 6


Low Voltage Com part m ent

Fig 2


Wiring Cover

Fig 6


Breaker Truck

Fig. 2, 20


Gland Plate for Poer Cables

Fig 6, 18


Vacuum Interrupter

Fig 3


LV Compart m ent Door

Fig 7, 21, 21a


Insulating Sw it ching Rod

Fig 3


Charging Handle

Fig 8


LV Socket on truck

Fig 3


Cranking Handle

Fig 8


Cont act Arm

Fig 3


Double Bit Key

Fig 8


Truck Handle

Fig 3


Rod Trap Key

Fig 8


Cast Resin Insulator

Fig 3


Earthing Sw it ch Handle

Fig 8


Guide Roller on t ruck

Fig. 3


End Covers

Fig 14


PP Tube

Fig. 3


Pressure relief channel for cable term inat ion com part m ent

Fig 14


Pressure Relief flaps

Fig 14


Breaker Com part m ent door

Fig 16, 20, 21, 21a


Upper m etallic shutter

Fig 16, 19


Low er m et allic shut ter

Fig 16, 19


Space Heater

Fig 16, 17


Fixed Contacts (Upper)

Fig 17


Fixed Cont act s (Low er)

Fig 17


Eart hing Strip Truck

Fig 17


Extension Links

Fig 18


Earthing strip from CB Cham ber

Fig 18


Shutter operating rod

Fig 19


Roller Guide Angle

Fig 19


Truck guide

Fig 19


Ball grip

Fig 21a


ON & OFF Push Button (On HT Door)

Fig 21, 21a

Window for the indicators of t he breaker truck

Fig 21, 21a

3.1.1 Pole Flange (Upper)

Fig 3.1

3.1.2 Pole Flange (Low er)

Fig 3.1

3.1.3 PT on the truck

Fig. 3.1

3.2.1 M echanical `ON' Push Button

Fig. 3.2

3.2.2 M echanical `ON' Push Button

Fig. 3.2

3.2.3 Spring Charging Opening

Fig 3.2

3.2.4 Spring Charge Indicat ion

Fig 3.2

3.2.5 M echanical `ON & `OFF' Indication

Fig 3.2

3.2.6 M echanical Operat ion Counter

Fig 3.2

3.2.7 Earthing Pin for Truck

Fig 3.2


Door Locking hinge pin

Fig 4, 21


Door close interlock

Fig 4


View ing w indow for truck position Fig 4


View ing w indow for Spring charge Indicator and M echanical Counter Fig 4


LV connection Plug

Fig 4


Drive Mechanism housing

Fig 4


Ram p

Fig 4


Interlocking Plate (Drive Box)

Fig 4


Holder for LV Socket

Fig 4


Opening for Double Bit Key

Fig 21, 21a


Clip for locking LV Plug to Breaker

Fig 4



Trip m echanism for operat ing t he breaker in service position

Opening for the cranking handle for racking t he breaker truck

Fig 21, 21a

Fig 4


Opening for defeat ing interlock

Fig 21, 21a


Rod Lever

Fig 4


Door Handle

Fig 21


Bushings of upper m ating contact

Fig 5, 17


Door locking bolts (for 24kV Panel) Fig 21a


Cast resin insulator

Fig 5


Fixed Contacts (E. Sw itch)

Fig 24


Feeder connections

Fig 5


M oving Cont act (E. Sw itch)

Fig 24



Fig 5


Earthing Sw itch Shaf t

Fig 24


Main Earth Busbar

Fig 6, 18


Operating Link

Fig 24



When ordering spare part s st at e t he follow ing: 1 . Type designat ion, Rat ing, Year of m anuf acturing of t he panel as stat ed on t he rat ing plate. 2 . The designat ion of part , as located from the phot ograph or sket ch given in t his m anual. 3 . The descript ion of t he part as given in t he reference list on page 29. 4 . In case the item is not list ed below or is not show n in any of the photograph or sket ch, please com m unicate w ith, brief descript ion of the part and it s locat ion in t he panel. 5 . Alternat ively, a sam ple m ay be subm it ted.

8 .2

Join t in g To rq u es

Sr. No.

Typ e of Join t

To rq u e (Nm ) ± 10%

Size of Bolt


M 10

M 12

M 20

Propert y Class



8 .8



Steel to Steel






Steel w it h Insulat or






Busbar Joint






Busbar w it h Steel





Note: The Values given in t he t able above are for Tig h t en in g To rqu es. For test ing t he joint 70% of above values are to be considered as Ch eckin g Torq u e.


Siem ens Lt d. Pow er Transm ission & Distribut ion Division M edium Volt age Sw it chgear Thane Belapur Road, Than e 400 601. Tel. : +91-22-760 0135 Fax : +91-22-760 0134

Siem ens Lt d. PTD-03-152-015 This replaces PTD-03-152-003

'Product developm en t is a con tinuous process. Consequent ly, t he dat a in dicated in t his Booklet is subject t o change w ith out prior not ice. For t he latest inform at ion please con tact our Sales Of fices.'

Order No. 4 -XXBXX-03-17231-101 030001



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