Hsk Database L-m

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á an interjection / to express doubt or to question / to show realization / to stress 啊 à oh (interjection) 啊 ǎ (interj. for surprise) 啊 ā (interj.) / ah a (a modal particle showing affirmation, 啊 approval, or consent) á an interjection / to express doubt or to 啊 question / to show realization / to stress 啊 à oh (interjection) 啊 ǎ (interj. for surprise) 啊 ā (interj.) / ah a (a modal particle showing affirmation, 啊 approval, or consent) 矮 ǎi short (not tall) 爱 ài to love / affection / to be fond of / to like 爱人 ài ren spouse / husband / wife / sweetheart 安静 ān jìng quiet / peaceful / calm 安排 ān pái to arrange / to plan / to set up 八 bā eight / 8 把 bà handle bǎ (a measure word) / (marker for direct把 object) / to hold / to contain / to grasp / to take hold of 把 bà handle bǎ (a measure word) / (marker for direct把 object) / to hold / to contain / to grasp / to take hold of 爸爸 bà ba (informal) father ba (modal particle indicating polite 吧 suggestion) / ...right? / ...OK? 吧 bā (onomat.) / dumb bái white / snowy / empty / blank / bright / 白 clear / plain / pure / gratuitous 百 bǎi hundred bǎi pendulum / to place / to display / to 摆 swing / to oscillate / to show / to move / to exhibit bān team / class / rank / squad / a work shift 班 / a measure word / (a surname) 搬 bān remove / transport / move / shift bàn half / semi- / incomplete / (after a 半 number) and a half / half bàn tiān half of the day / a long time / quite 半天 a while bàn to do / to manage / to handle / to go 办 about / to run / to set up / to deal with 啊


妈妈 mā ma mama / mommy / mother 麻烦 má fan trouble / troublesome 马 mǎ horse / horse chess piece Mǎ (Surname) / abbr. for Malaysia T:馬來西 马 亞|S:马来西亚 马上 mǎ shàng at once / right away / immediately 嘛 ma (a modal particle) 吗 mǎ morphine 吗 ma (question tag) 买 mǎi buy 卖 mài to sell mǎn Manchurian / to fill / to fulfill / filled / 满 packed mǎn yì to be satisfied / to be pleased / satisfied / 满意 pleased 慢 màn slow 忙 máng busy máo hair / pore / fur / surname / measure word 毛 for jiao (0.1 yuan) / dime 帽子 mào zi hat / cap 没 mò drowned / to end / to die / to inundate 没 méi (negative prefix for verbs) / have not / not 没关 méi guān xi it doesn't matter 系 méi yì si (idiom) unable to put forward an 没意 opinion; have no idea / (adj) not interesting; 思 boring / (adj) not worth talking about méi yǒu haven't / hasn't / doesn't exist / to not 没有 have / to not be 每 měi each / every 妹妹 mèi mei younger sister mén opening / door / gate / doorway / gateway / valve / switch / way to do something / knack / 门 family / house / (religious) sect / school (of thought) / class / category / phylum or division (taxonomy) 门口 mén kǒu doorway / gate men (plural marker for pronouns and a few 们 animate nouns) 米 mǐ (measure word) meter / rice 米饭 mǐ fàn (cooked) rice 面包 miàn bāo bread 面条 miàn tiáo er (n) noodles 儿 民族 mín zú nationality / ethnic group 明年 míng nián next year 明天 míng tiān tomorrow 名字 míng zi (a person's) name

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bàn fǎ means / method / way (to do something)

办公 bàn gōng shì office 室 帮助 bāng zhù assistance / aid / to help / to assist 饱 bǎo to eat till full / satisfied bào to hold / to carry (in one's arms) / to hug 抱 or embrace / surround / cherish bào to announce / to inform / report / 报 newspaper / recompense / revenge 杯 bēi cup / a measure word 杯子 bēi zi cup / glass 北 běi north 北边 běi biān (n) location to the north bèi (two, three, etc) -fold / times (multiplier) 倍 / double / to increase or multiply bèi by (indicates passive-voice sentences or 被 clauses) / to cover / to wear běn roots or stems of plants / origin / source / this / the current / root / foundation / basis 本 / (a measure word for books, periodicals, files, etc.) 本子 běn zi book / notebook / edition 比 bì associate with / be near bǐ "(particle used for comparison and ""-er 比 than"") / to compare / to contrast / to gesture (with hands) / ratio" bǐ jiào compare / contrast / fairly / 比较 comparatively / relatively / quite / rather 比赛 bǐ sài [athletic or other] competition / match bǐ pen / pencil / writing brush / to write or 笔 compose / the strokes of Chinese characters / measure word for sums of money, deals 必须 bì xū to have to / must 边 biān side / edge / margin / border / boundary biàn to change / to become different / to 变 transform / to vary / rebellion biàn chéng to change into / to turn into / to 变成 become 变化 biàn huà change / vary biàn a time / everywhere / turn / all over / 遍 one time biǎo surface / exterior / to watch / to show / 表 express / an example / a list or table / a meter / a watch / chart / external biǎo shì to express / to show / to say / to 表示 state / to indicate biǎo xiàn expression / manifestation / show / 表现 display / manifest / to show (off) / to display / performance (at work etc.) biǎo yǎn perform / act / play / show / 表演 performance / exhibition / demonstrate


母亲 mǔ qīn mother (formal) 目前 mù qián at the present time / currently ná to hold / to seize / to catch / to apprehend / 拿 to take 哪 něi which (followed by M or Num) 哪 nǎ how / which 哪 na (final part. preceded by N) 哪里 nǎ li where / wherever 那 nǎ how / which nèi that / those / (sometimes used before a 那 measure word, especially in Beijing) 那 nà that / those 那 nà that / those nèi that / those / (sometimes used before a 那 measure word, especially in Beijing) 那 nǎ how / which 那个 nà ge that one 那个 nèi gè that one 那里 nà li there / that place nà me like that / in that way / or so / so / so 那么 very much / about / in that case nà me like that / in that way / or so / so / so 那么 very much / about / in that case 那些 nà xiē those 那样 nà yàng that kind / that sort 哪 něi which (followed by M or Num) 哪 nǎ how / which 哪 na (final part. preceded by N) 呐 ne (final part.) 呐 nà battle cry 南 nán south 南边 nán biān (n) location to the south 男 nán male 难 nàn disaster / distress / to scold nán difficult (to...) / problem / difficulty / 难 difficult / not good 呢 ní woolen material ne (question particle for subjects already 呢 mentioned) 内 nèi inside / inner / internal / within / interior 内容 nèi róng content / substance / details 能 néng can / may / capable / energy / able 能够 néng gòu be capable of / can / is able 嗯 ng4 exclamation 嗯 ēn (a groaning sound) èn "In Taiwan, a common grunting sound used 嗯 when giving a positive response to a question i.e., ""yes""" 你 nǐ you 你们 nǐ men you (plural) 年 nián year

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表扬 biǎo yáng to praise / to commend 别 biè contrary / difficult / awkward bié leave / depart / separate / distinguish / 别 classify / other / another / do not / must not / to pin 别的 bié de else / other 别人 bié rén other people / others / other person bìng ailment / sickness / illness / disease / 病 fall ill / sick / defect 不错 bù cuò correct / right / not bad / pretty good 不但 bù dàn not only (... but also...) 不要 bù yào don't! / must not 不用 bù yòng need not 不 bù (negative prefix) / not / no bù jiǔ not long (after) / before too long / 不久 soon / soon after bù rú not equal to / not as good as / inferior 不如 to / it would be better to bù tóng different / distinct / not the same / 不同 not alike bù to declare / to announce / to spread / to 布 make known / spread / (cotton) cloth bù to declare / to announce / to spread / to 布 make known / spread / (cotton) cloth 部分 bù fen part / share / section / piece cā to wipe / to erase / rubbing (brush stroke 擦 in painting) / to clean / to polish 才 cái just / not until cái ability / talent / endowment / gift / an 才 expert / only (then) / only if / just 菜 cài dish (type of food) / vegetables cān guān to look around / to inspect / visit 参观 and observe 参加 cān jiā to participate / to take part / to join 操场 cāo chǎng playground / sports field cǎo grass / straw / draft (of a document) / 草 careless / rough / manuscript / hasty céng a measure word for layers / laminated / 层 repeated / floor / story (of a building) / layer / (math.) sheaf 茶 chá tea / tea plant 查 zhā (surname) chá to research / to check / to investigate / 查 to examine / to refer to / to search chāi send / a messenger / a mission / to 差 commission 差 chà differ from / short of / to lack / poor chā difference / discrepancy / to differ / 差 error / to err / to make a mistake 差 cī uneven cháng always / ever / often / frequently / 常 common / general / constant


年级 nián jí grade 年纪 nián jì age 年轻 nián qīng young 念 niàn to read aloud 您 nín you (formal) 牛 niú ox / cow / bull 牛奶 niú nǎi cow's milk 农村 nóng cūn rural area / village 农民 nóng mín peasant 农业 nóng yè agriculture / farming 努力 nǔ lì great effort / strive / try hard 女 nǚ female / woman 女儿 nǚ ér daughter 暖和 nuǎn huó warm / nice and warm 暖和 nuǎn huo warm 爬 pá crawl / climb 怕 pà to be afraid / to fear pāi to clap / to pat / to beat / to hit / to slap / to 拍 take (a picture) 排球 pái qiú volleyball 派 pài clique / school / group / faction / to dispatch 旁边 páng biān lateral / side 跑 pǎo to run / to escape 跑步 pǎo bù to walk quickly / to march / to run 朋友 péng you friend 碰 pèng to touch / to meet with / to bump 批评 pī píng to criticize / criticism 啤酒 pí jiǔ beer piān sheet / piece of writing / (a measure word) 篇 / chapter / article 便宜 pián yi inexpensive 片 piān disc / sheet 片 piàn a slice / piece / flake / thin / slice 漂亮 piào liang pretty / beautiful 票 piào bank note / ticket 苹果 píng guǒ apple 瓶 píng bottle / (a measure word) / vase / pitcher pò to break / to split / broken / damaged / worn 破 out 七 qī seven / 7 骑 qí to ride (an animal or bike) / to sit astride qǐ to rise / to raise / to get up / measure word 起 for cases or unpredictable events 起床 qǐ chuáng to get up qǐ lai beginning or continuing an action / 起来 upward movement / stand up 汽车 qì chē car / automobile 汽水 qì shuǐ soda / pop 铅笔 qiān bǐ (lead) pencil 千 qiān a swing 千 qiān thousand

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常常 cháng cháng frequently / usually / often zhǎng chief / head / elder / to grow / to 长 develop cháng length / long / forever / always / 长 constantly chǎng a courtyard / open space / place / 场 field / a measure word for competitions or wars 唱 chàng sing / to call loudly / to chant cháo to face / towards / facing / direct / a 朝 dynasty / the imperial court / (abbr.) Korea, esp. N. Korea 朝 zhāo morning 车 jū vehicle on land chē car / a vehicle / machine / to shape with 车 a lathe 车站 chē zhàn (bus) station 城 chéng city walls / city / town 城市 chéng shì city / town chéng finish / complete / accomplish / 成 become / turn into / win / succeed / one tenth chéng jì achievement / performance records 成绩 / grades 吃 jí stammer 吃 chī eat / eradicate / destroy / receive 吃 chī eat 迟到 chí dào to arrive late chōu to draw out / to smoke (cigarettes) / to 抽 pump chū to go out / to come out / to occur / to produce / to go beyond / to rise / to put forth 出 / to occur / to happen / (a measure word for dramas, plays, or operas) 出发 chū fā to start out / to set off 出来 chū lai to come out / to emerge 出去 chū qù (v) go out 出现 chū xiàn to appear / to arise / to emerge 出租 chū zū qì chē taxi / cab 汽车 chuān to bore through / pierce / perforate / 穿 penetrate / pass through / to dress / to wear / to put on / to thread 船 chuán a boat / vessel / ship 窗 chuāng shutter / window 窗户 chuāng hu window 床 chuáng bed / couch / (a measure word) chuáng bed / couch / sofa / bench / chassis / anything shaped like a bed / two sets of 床 bedding / the ground under a body of water / riverbed


qián (surname) / coin / money qián before / in front / ago / former / previous / 前 earlier / front 前边 qián biān (n) the area in front of sth 浅 jiān sound of moving water 浅 qiǎn shallow 墙 qiáng wall 桥 qiáo bridge 青年 qīng nián youth qīng light / easy / gentle / soft / reckless / 轻 unimportant / frivolous / small in number / unstressed / neutral / soft 清楚 qīng chu clear / clearly understood / distinct 晴 qíng clear / fine (weather) qíng kuàng circumstances / state of affairs / 情况 situation qǐng to ask / to invite / please (do sth) / to treat 请 (to a meal, etc) / to request 请假 qǐng jià ask for time off 请问 qǐng wèn may I ask... 秋 qiū autumn / fall / harvest time / a swing 秋 qiū a swing 秋天 qiū tiān autumn 球 qiú ball / sphere 取得 qǔ dé to acquire / to get / to obtain 去 qù to go / to leave / to remove 去年 qù nián last year 全 quán all / whole / entire / every / complete 全部 quán bù whole / entire / complete 全体 quán tǐ all / entire 确实 què shí indeed / really / reliable / real / true rán hòu after / then (afterwards) / after that / 然后 afterwards ràng to ask / to let / permit / have (someone do 让 something) / to yield / to allow rè heat / to heat up / fervent / hot (of weather) / 热 warm up rè qíng cordial / enthusiastic / passion / 热情 passionate / passionately 人 rén man / person / people 人们 rén men people 人民 rén mín (the) people 任何 rèn hé any / whatever / whichever / whatsoever rèn shi be acquainted with (a person) / to know 认识 / to be familiar with / to recognize rèn wéi to believe / to think / to consider / to 认为 feel rèn zhēn earnest / serious / take seriously / take 认真 to heart 日 rì Japan / day / sun / date / day of the month 钱

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chuī to blow / blast / puff / boast / brag / end in failure chūn spring (time) / gay / joyful / youthful / 春 love / lust / life 春天 chūn tiān spring (season) 磁带 cí dài magnetic tape cí works / phrases / classical Chinese poem / 词 word / diction 词典 cí diǎn dictionary cì nth / number (of times) / order / sequence 次 / next / second(ary) / (measure word) 从 zòng second cousin 从 cōng lax / yielding / unhurried 从 cóng from / obey / observe / follow 从前 cóng qián previously / formerly cuò mistake / error / blunder / fault / cross / 错 uneven / wrong 错误 cuò wù error / mistake / mistaken 打 dá dozen dǎ to beat / to strike / to hit / to break / to type / to mix up / to build / to fight / to fetch 打 / to make / to tie up / to issue / to shoot / to calculate / since / from dǎ suàn to plan / to intend / to calculate / 打算 plan / intention / calculation dà big / huge / large / major / great / wide / 大 deep / oldest / eldest 大 dài doctor dà gài roughly / probably / rough / 大概 approximate / about 大家 dà jiā authority / everyone 大声 dà shēng loudly / loud 大学 dà xué university 大夫 dài fu doctor dài to put on / to respect / to bear / to 戴 support / wear (glasses, hat, gloves) dài band / belt / girdle / ribbon / tire / area / 带 zone / region / to wear / to carry / to lead / to bring / to look after / to raise dài biǎo representative / delegate / to 代表 represent / to stand for 但是 dàn shì but / however dàng at or in the very same... / to pawn / 当 suitable / adequate / fitting / proper / replace / represent dāng to be / to act as / manage / withstand / when / during / ought / should / match 当 equally / equal / same / obstruct / just at (a time or place) / on the spot / right / just at dāng to be / to act as / manage / withstand / 当 when / during / ought / should / match equally / equal / same / obstruct / just at (a 吹


rì zi a (calendar) date / days of (someone's) life / day / date 容易 róng yì easy / likely / liable (to) 肉 ròu meat / flesh 三 sān three / 3 散步 sàn bù to take a walk / to go for a walk 山 shān mountain / hill 商店 shāng diàn store / shop shàng on / on top / upon / first (of two parts) / previous or last (week, etc.) / upper / higher / 上 above / previous / to climb / to go into / above / to go up shàng on / on top / upon / first (of two parts) / previous or last (week, etc.) / upper / higher / 上 above / previous / to climb / to go into / above / to go up 上边 shàng bian upside 上课 shàng kè to attend class shàng lái (v) come up / (v) approach / used 上来 after verb to indicate success 上去 shàng qù (v) go upwards 上午 shàng wǔ morning 上学 shàng xué to go to school / to attend school 少 shǎo few / little / lack 少 shào young 社会 shè huì society 身体 shēn tǐ (human) body / health 深 shēn deep / profound 什么 shén me what? / who? / something / anything shēng sound / voice / (a measure word, used for 声 sounds) / tone / noise 声调 shēng diào tone / note 声音 shēng yīn voice / sound 生产 shēng chǎn to produce / manufacture 生词 shēng cí new word 生活 shēng huó life / activity / to live 生日 shēng rì birthday 省 xǐng comprehend / introspect / visit shěng frugal / save / to omit / to leave out / to 省 save (money) / province 剩 shèng have as remainder 胜利 shèng lì victory 师傅 shī fu master / a qualified worker 十 shí ten / 10 十分 shí fēn fully / completely / very 时候 shí hou time / length of time / moment / period 时间 shí jiān time / period 食堂 shí táng dining hall shí jiàn to practice / to put into practice / to 实践 fulfill 日子

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time or place) / on the spot / right / just at dàng at or in the very same... / to pawn / 当 suitable / adequate / fitting / proper / replace / represent dāng rán only natural / as it should be / 当然 certainly / of course / without doubt 刀 dāo knife dào upset / turn over / to tip / to pour / to go 倒 home / to the contrary / inverted dǎo to fall / to collapse / to topple / to 倒 change trains or buses / to fail / bankrupt dào to (a place) / until (a time) / up to / to go 到 / to arrive dào direction / way / method / road / path / principle / truth / reason / skill / method / 道 Tao (of Taoism) / a measure word / to say / to speak / to talk dào lǐ reason / argument / sense / principle / 道理 basis / justification dé obtain / get / gain / proper / suitable / 得 proud / contented / allow / permit / ready / finished de a sentence particle used after a verb to 得 show effect / degree or possibility 得 děi to have to / must / ought to / to need to 得到 dé dào to get / to obtain / to receive 的 dì aim / clear 的 dí really and truly 的 de (possessive particle) / of 地 de (subor. part. adverbial) / -ly 地 dì earth / ground / field / place / land 得 děi to have to / must / ought to / to need to dé obtain / get / gain / proper / suitable / 得 proud / contented / allow / permit / ready / finished de a sentence particle used after a verb to 得 show effect / degree or possibility 得很 de hěn very (much, good etc.) dé obtain / get / gain / proper / suitable / 得 proud / contented / allow / permit / ready / finished 得 děi to have to / must / ought to / to need to de a sentence particle used after a verb to 得 show effect / degree or possibility 灯 dēng lamp / light děng class / rank / grade / equal to / same as 等 / wait for / await / et cetera / and so on / after / as soon as / once děng class / rank / grade / equal to / same as 等 / wait for / await / et cetera / and so on / after / as soon as / once


shí xiàn to achieve / to implement / to realize / to bring about shǐ yòng to use / to employ / to apply / to make 使用 use of 世界 shì jiè world 事 shì matter / thing / item / work / affair 事情 shì qing affair / matter / thing / business 是 shì is / are / am / yes / to be 市 shì market / city shì to test / to try / experiment / examination / 试 test shōu to receive / to accept / to collect / in care 收 of (used on address line after name) 收拾 shōu shi to put in order / to tidy up 手 shǒu hand / convenient 手表 shǒu biǎo wrist watch 首都 shǒu dū capital (city) 输 shū to transport / to lose 舒服 shū fu comfortable 书 shū book / letter 熟 shú familiar / skilled / ripe / done / ripe / cooked 数 shǔ to count 数 shuò frequently / repeatedly shù number / figure / to count / to calculate / 数 several 树 shù tree 数学 shù xué mathematic / mathematics 双 shuāng two / double / pair / both 谁 shuí who 谁 shéi who 水 shuǐ water / river 水果 shuǐ guǒ fruit shuǐ píng level (of achievement, etc.) / standard 水平 / horizontal 睡 shuì to sleep 睡觉 shuì jiào to go to bed / to go to sleep 说 shuì persuade (politically) 说 shuō to speak / to say shuō míng to explain / to illustrate / explanation 说明 / directions / caption 思想 sī xiǎng thought / thinking / idea sǐ to die / inpassable / uncrossable / inflexible / 死 rigid 四 sì four / 4 sòng to deliver / to carry / to give (as a present) 送 / to present (with) / to see off / to send 宿舍 sù shè dormitory / living quarters / hostel 酸 suān sour / sore / ache / acid suàn regard as / to figure / to calculate / to 算 compute 虽然 suī rán although / even though 实现

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dī to lower (one's head) / to let droop / to hang down / low / to incline / beneath / low 地 dì earth / ground / field / place / land 地 de (subor. part. adverbial) / -ly 地方 dì fang area / place / local dì "(prefix before a number, for ordering 第 numbers, e.g. ""first"", ""number two"", etc)" 弟弟 dì di younger brother diǎn (downwards-right convex character stroke) / o'clock / (a measure word) / point / 点 dot / (decimal) point) / to order (food in a restaurant) diǎn (downwards-right convex character stroke) / o'clock / (a measure word) / point / 点 dot / (decimal) point) / to order (food in a restaurant) diǎn (downwards-right convex character stroke) / o'clock / (a measure word) / point / 点 dot / (decimal) point) / to order (food in a restaurant) diǎn xīn light refreshments / pastry / Dim 点心 Sum (in Cantonese cooking) / dessert 点钟 diǎn zhōng (indicating time of day) o'clock 电 diàn electric / electricity / electrical 电车 diàn chē trolleybus 电灯 diàn dēng electric light 电话 diàn huà telephone / phone call 电视 diàn shì television / TV 电影 diàn yǐng movie / film 掉 diào to drop / to fall 丢 diū to lose / to put aside / to throw 东 dōng east 东边 dōng biān (n) eastern side 东西 dōng xī east and west 东西 dōng xi thing / person 冬 dōng winter 冬天 dōng tiān winter 懂 dǒng to understand / to know 动 dòng to use / to act / to move / to change 动物 dòng wù animal dōu all / both (if two things are involved) / 都 entirely (due to)each / even / already 都 dū (surname) / metropolis / capital city 读 dú to read / to study 读 dòu comma / phrase marked by pause 短 duǎn lack / short duàn liàn to engage in physical exercise / to 锻炼 toughen / to temper duàn (surname) / paragraph / section / 段 segment 低


岁 suì year / years old / (a measure word) 所以 suǒ yǐ therefore / as a result / so 所有 suǒ yǒu all / to have / to possess / to own 他 tā he / him 他们 tā men they 它 tā it 它们 tā men they (for inanimate objects) 她 tā she 她们 tā men they / them (for females) tái to lift / to raise / (of two or more persons) to 抬 carry tài highest / greatest / too (much) / very / 太 extremely 太阳 tài yáng sun 态度 tài du manner / bearing / attitude / approach tán to speak / to talk / to converse / to chat / to 谈 discuss / (surname) 汤 tāng (surname) / soup 糖 táng sugar / sweets / candy 躺 tǎng to recline / to lie down 讨论 tǎo lùn to discuss / to talk over 特别 tè bié especially / special / particular / unusual 疼 téng (it) hurts / love fondly / ache / pain / sore 踢 tī kick / play (football or soccer) 提 dī carry (suspended) tí to carry / to lift / to put forward / (upwards 提 character stroke) / lifting (brush stroke in painting) / to mention 提高 tí gāo raise / increase 体育 tǐ yù physical culture / physical training / sports 天 tiān day / sky / heaven 天气 tiān qì weather tiáo measure word for long, thin things (i.e. 条 ribbon, river, etc.) / a strip / item / article 条件 tiáo jiàn condition / prerequisite / factor tiào jump / hop / skip (a grade) / to leap / to 跳 bounce / to beat 跳舞 tiào wǔ to dance 听 tīng listen / hear / obey 听 tìng let / allow 听见 tīng jiàn hear 听说 tīng shuō to hear told 听写 tīng xiě dictate / dictation 停 tíng to stop / to halt tǐng be straight and stiff / rather (good) / quite / 挺 very tōng go through / know well / to connect / to 通 communicate / open tōng guò by means of / through / via / to adopt / 通过 to pass through / to get through / to switch over 通知 tōng zhī notify / inform / notice / notification

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duì couple / pair / to be opposite / to oppose / to face / for / to / correct (answer) / to answer / to reply / to direct (towards sth) / right duì couple / pair / to be opposite / to oppose / to face / for / to / correct (answer) / to answer / to reply / to direct (towards sth) / right

对不 duì bu qǐ I'm sorry / pardon me / forgive me 起 dùn a time / jerk / stop / meal / bout / spell / 顿 (measure for beating) duō many / much / a lot of / numerous / 多 multiduō many / much / a lot of / numerous / 多 multiduō many / much / a lot of / numerous / 多 multiduō me how (wonderful, etc) / what (a great 多么 idea, etc) / however (difficult it may be, etc) 多少 duō shǎo number / amount / somewhat duō shao how much / how many / which 多少 (number) / as much as 饿 è to be hungry / hungry ér qiě not only ... but also .... / ... as well as 而且 ... / moreover / in addition 儿子 ér zi son 二 èr two / 2 fā "to send out / to show (one's feeling) / to 发 issue / to develop / measure word for gunshots (""rounds"")" 发 fà hair fā shāo have a high temperature (from 发烧 illness) / have a fever 发生 fā shēng to happen / to occur / to take place 发现 fā xiàn to find / to discover fā zhǎn development / growth / to develop / 发展 to grow / to expand 法语 fǎ yǔ French (language) 翻 fān flit about / translate / turn over 翻译 fān yì translate fǎn duì to fight against / to oppose / to be 反对 opposed to / opposition 饭 fàn food / cuisine / cooked rice / meal 饭店 fàn diàn restaurant / hotel 方便 fāng biàn convenient 方法 fāng fǎ method / way / means 方面 fāng miàn respect / aspect / field / side fāng xiàng direction / orientation / path to 方向 follow 房间 fáng jiān room


同时 tóng shí at the same time / simultaneously 同学 tóng xué (fellow) classmate 同意 tóng yì to agree / to consent / to approve 同志 tóng zhì comrade 痛快 tòng kuai jolly 头 tou suff. for nouns 头 tóu head 突然 tū rán sudden / abrupt / unexpected 图书 tú shū guǎn library 馆 团结 tuán jié (hold a) rally / join forces 推 tuī push / refuse (responsibility) / shove 腿 tuǐ leg tuì retreat / to decline / to move back / to 退 withdraw tuō to shed / to take off / to escape / to get 脱 away from 袜子 wà zi socks / stockings 外 wài outside / in addition / foreign / external wài bian (n) outside / (n) exterior surface / (n) 外边 place other than one's home town 外国 wài guó foreign (country) 外语 wài yǔ foreign language wán to finish / to be over / whole / complete / 完 entire 完成 wán chéng complete / accomplish 完全 wán quán complete / whole / totally / entirely 玩儿 wán er to play 碗 wǎn bowl / cup 晚 wǎn evening / night / late 晚饭 wǎn fàn supper 晚会 wǎn huì evening party 晚上 wǎn shang in the evening wàn Wan (surname) / ten thousand / a great 万 number 往 wàng toward / (of a train) bound for wǎng to go (in a direction) / past / previous / 往 towards 往 wàng toward / (of a train) bound for wǎng to go (in a direction) / past / previous / 往 towards 忘 wàng to forget / to overlook / to neglect 危险 wēi xiǎn danger / dangerous wéi act as / take...to be / to be / to do / to serve 为 as / to become wéi variant of 為 / to take as / to serve as / to 为 act as / to behave as 为 wèi because of / for / to 伟大 wěi dà great / mighty / large 喂 wèi to feed

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fǎng wèn pay a visit (to) / to access / to interview fàng to release / to free / to let go / to put / 放 to place / to let out 放假 fàng jià to have a holiday or vacation fēi cháng unusual / extraordinary / extreme / 非常 very / exceptional 飞 fēi to fly 飞机 fēi jī airplane 分 fèn part fēn to divide / minute / (a measure word) / 分 (a unit of length = 0.33 centimeter) 分 fèn part fēn to divide / minute / (a measure word) / 分 (a unit of length = 0.33 centimeter) 分之 fēn zhī (indicating a fraction) 分钟 fēn zhōng minute 丰富 fēng fù rich / plentiful fēng to confer / to grant / to seal / (a 封 measure word) 风 fēng wind / news / style / custom / manner 夫人 fū ren lady / madam / Mrs. 服务 fú wù to serve / service 服务 fú wù yuán waiter / waitress / server 员 fǔ dǎo to coach / to tutor / to give advise (in 辅导 study) 复习 fù xí to revise / to review 复杂 fù zá complicated / complex 父亲 fù qīn father fù zé in charge of / to be responsible for 负责 (sth) fù jìn (in the) vicinity / nearby / neighboring 附近 / next to gāi that / the above-mentioned / most likely 该 / to deserve / should / ought to / owe gǎi to change / to alter / to transform / to 改 correct 改变 gǎi biàn to change / to alter / to transform 干净 gān jìng clean / neat gǎn dào to feel / to sense / to have the 感到 feeling that / think that / to move / to affect 感冒 gǎn mào to catch cold / (common) cold gǎn xiè (express) thanks / gratitude / 感谢 grateful / thankful / thanks 敢 gǎn dare 干 gān dry / to concern / shield 干 gàn to work / to do / to manage 干 gàn manage / stem gàn bù a cadre (i.e. manager, staff, officer, 干部 etc.) 访问


wèi (interjection) hello / to feed (someone or some animal) / hey / telephone greeting wèi position / location / (measure word for 位 persons) / place / seat wéi variant of 為 / to take as / to serve as / to 为 act as / to behave as wéi act as / take...to be / to be / to do / to serve 为 as / to become 为 wèi because of / for / to 为了 wèi le in order to / for the purpose of / so as to 为什 wèi shén me why / for what reason 么 文化 wén huà culture / civilization / cultural 文学 wén xué literature 文学 wén xué jiā writer / man of letters 家 文艺 wén yì literature and art 文章 wén zhāng article / essay 问 wèn to ask 问好 wèn hǎo say hello to / send one's regards to 问题 wèn tí question / problem / issue / topic 我 wǒ I / me / myself 我们 wǒ men we / us / ourselves 握手 wò shǒu to shake hands 屋子 wū zi house / room 五 wǔ five / 5 午饭 wǔ fàn lunch 物理 wù lǐ physics / physical 西 xī west 西边 xī biān (n) west side; to the west of 希望 xī wàng to wish for / to desire / to hope xí guàn habit / custom / usual practice / to be 习惯 used to 喜欢 xǐ huan to like / to be fond of 洗 xǐ to wash / to bathe / to launder 洗澡 xǐ zǎo bathe / shower 系 xì trad variant of 系 系 xì be / connection / relation / tie up / bind 系 xì be / system / to tie / department / faculty 系 xì connect / to tie 细 xì fine / minutely / thin / slender xià under / second (of two parts) / next (week, 下 etc.) / lower / below / underneath / down(wards) / to decline / to go down / latter xià under / second (of two parts) / next (week, 下 etc.) / lower / below / underneath / down(wards) / to decline / to go down / latter xià under / second (of two parts) / next (week, 下 etc.) / lower / below / underneath / down(wards) / to decline / to go down / latter 下边 xià biān (n) under 喂

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gāng hard / firm / strong / just / barely / exactly 刚才 gāng cái (just) a moment ago 钢笔 gāng bǐ fountain pen 高 Gāo surname 高 gāo high / tall gāo xìng happy / glad / willing (to do sth) / 高兴 in a cheerful mood gǎo to do / to make / to go in for / to set up / 搞 to get hold of / to take care of 告诉 gào su to tell / to inform / to let know 哥哥 gē ge older brother 歌 gē song 个 gè (a measure word) / individual 各 gè each / every gè zhǒng every kind of / all kinds of / 各种 various kinds gěi to / for / for the benefit of / to give / to 给 allow / to do sth (for sb) / (passive particle) 给 jǐ to supply / provide 根 gēn radical (chem.) / root / basis 跟 gēn to follow / to go with / heel / with / and 更 gēng to change gèng more / even more / further / still / still 更 more 工厂 gōng chǎng factory 工人 gōng rén worker 工业 gōng yè industry gōng zuò job / work / construction / work / 工作 task 公共 gōng gòng qì chē bus 汽车 公斤 gōng jīn kilogram 公里 gōng lǐ kilometer / axiom (logic) 公园 gōng yuán a public park 够 gòu to reach / to be enough 姑娘 gū niang girl 故事 gù shì narrative / story / tale guā to scrape / to blow / to shave / to 刮 plunder / to extort 刮 guā blow (of the wind) 挂 guà to hang / to put up / to suspend 挂 guà hang / suspend guān (surname) / mountain pass / to close / 关 to shut / to turn off / to concern / to involve guān xi relation / relationship / to concern / 关系 to affect / to have to do with / relations / guanxi 关系 guān xì relations 关心 guān xīn caring / concerned 馆 guǎn house / establishment 刚


下课 xià kè class is over xià lai to come down from a higher location / to be harvested (of crops) / to be over (of a period 下来 of time) / to go among the masses (said of leaders) / ((lit.&fig.) indicating a motion down toward) 下去 xià qu go down (descend) / go on (continue) 下午 xià wǔ afternoon xià summer / Xia (proper name) / the Xia or 夏 Hsia dynasty c. 2000 BC 夏天 xià tiān summer 先 xiān early / prior / former / in advance / first xiān sheng sir / mister / teacher / (title of 先生 respect) xiàn dài modern times / modern age / modern 现代 era / Hyundai, South Korean company xiàn zài modern / current / present / at present / 现在 now / nowadays xiāng xìn be convinced (that something is true) 相信 / believe / to accept sth. as true xiāng fragrant / incense / (of food) savory / 香 appetizing / sweet / scented / popular 香蕉 xiāng jiāo banana xiǎng to think / to believe / to suppose / to wish 想 / to want / to miss xiǎng to make a sound / to sound / to ring / (a 响 measure word for sound) / loud xiàng (look) like / similar (to) / appearance / to 像 appear / to seem / image / portrait / resemble / seem 向 xiàng guide / opposite to xiàng direction / part / side / towards / to / guide 向 / opposite to 消息 xiāo xi news / information 小 xiǎo small / tiny / few / young 小姐 xiǎo jie young lady / miss 小时 xiǎo shí hour 笑 xiào laugh / smile 些 xiē some / few / several / (a measure word) 鞋 xié shoe 写 xiě to write 谢谢 xiè xie to thank 辛苦 xīn kǔ hard / exhausting / with much toil 新 xīn meso- (chem.) / new / newly 新年 xīn nián New Year 新闻 xīn wén news 心 xīn heart / mind 信 xìn letter / true / to believe / sign / evidence 信封 xìn fēng envelope 星期 xīng qī week 星期 xīng qī rì Sunday 日

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广播 guǎng bō broadcast guì expensive / noble / your (name) / 贵 precious 贵姓 guì xìng what is your name? 国 guó country / state / nation 国家 guó jiā country / nation guò (experienced action marker) / to cross / to go over / to pass (time) / to celebrate (a 过 holiday) / to live / to get along / (surname) / excessively / tooguò (experienced action marker) / to cross / to go over / to pass (time) / to celebrate (a 过 holiday) / to live / to get along / (surname) / excessively / too过来 guò lai to come over / to come up guò lái to manage / to handle / to be able to 过来 take care of guò qu (in the) past / former / previous / to 过去 go over / to pass by guò qu (in the) past / former / previous / to 过去 go over / to pass by 哈哈 hā hā (an onomatopoeia for laughing) hái also / in addition / more / still / else / still 还 / yet / (not) yet 还 huán (surname) / pay back / return 还是 hái shì or / still / nevertheless 孩子 hái zi child 海 hǎi ocean / sea 寒假 hán jià winter vacation 喊 hǎn call / cry / to shout 汉语 hàn yǔ Chinese language 汉字 hàn zì Chinese character, kanji 好 hào to be fond of 好 hǎo good / well 好 hǎo good / well 好 hào to be fond of 好吃 hǎo chī tasty / delicious 好处 hǎo chu benefit / advantage 好看 hǎo kàn good-looking 好像 hǎo xiàng (v) as if; seem like 号 háo roar / cry hào day of a month / (suffix used after) 号 name of a ship / (ordinal) number 喝 hè shout applause 喝 hē my goodness / to drink 和 huò mix together / to blend 和 huó soft / warm hú to complete a set in mahjong or playing 和 cards hé and / together with / with / peace / 和 harmony / union


háng a row / profession / professional xìng behavior / conduct xíng all right / capable / competent / OK / okay 行 / to go / to do / to travel / temporary / to walk / to go / will do 幸福 xìng fú blessed / happiness / happy 姓 xìng surname / family name / name 休息 xiū xi rest / to rest xū yào to need / to want / to demand / needs / 需要 to require 许多 xǔ duō many / a lot of / much 学 xué learn / study / science / -ology 学生 xué sheng student 学习 xué xí to learn / to study 学校 xué xiào school xué yuàn college / educational institute / school 学院 / faculty 雪 xuě snow 呀 ya (final part.) 呀 ya (final part.) 研究 yán jiū research 颜色 yán sè color 眼睛 yǎn jing eye 演出 yǎn chū (acting) play / perform 宴会 yàn huì banquet 宴会 yàn huì banquet / feast / dinner party 羊 yáng (surname) / sheep 样子 yàng zi manner / air / looks / aspect yāo qiú request / require / stake a claim (to 要求 something) / to ask / to demand 药 yào medicine / drug / cure 要 yāo demand / ask / request / coerce yào important / vital / to want / to be going to / 要 must 要是 yào shi if 也 yě also / too 也许 yě xǔ perhaps / maybe 页 yè page / leaf 夜 yè night 一 yī one / 1 / single / a(n) yī dìng surely / certainly / necessarily / fixed / a 一定 certain (extent, etc.) / given / particular 一共 yí gòng altogether 一会 yī huì er a while 儿 一块 yī kuài er (adv) together / (n) at the same 儿 location 一切 yī qiè everything 一切 yí qiè all / every / everything 一下 yí xiar4 a little bit / a little while 儿 行 行

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和 hè cap (a poem) / respond in singing 合适 hé shì suitable / fit / decent 河 hé river 黑 hēi black / dark 黑板 hēi bǎn blackboard 很 hěn very / extremely 红 hóng bonus / popular / red / revolutionary 后 hòu empress / queen / surname hòu back / behind / rear / afterwards / after / 后 later 后边 hòu biān back / rear / behind 忽然 hū rán suddenly / all of a sudden 湖 hú lake 互相 hù xiāng each other / mutually / mutual huā flower / blossom / to spend (money, 花 time) / fancy pattern huā flower / blossom / to spend (money, 花 time) / fancy pattern 画 huà draw / picture / painting 画儿 huar4 picture / drawing / painting 化学 huà xué chemistry / chemical huà dialect / language / spoken words / 话 speech / talk / words / conversation / what someone said 坏 huài bad 坏 huài bad / spoiled / broken / to break down 欢迎 huān yíng to welcome / welcome 还 huán (surname) / pay back / return hái also / in addition / more / still / else / still 还 / yet / (not) yet 换 huàn change / exchange 黄 huáng (surname) / sulfur / yellow huí (a measure word for matters or actions) a time / to circle / to go back / to turn 回 around / to answer / to return / to revolve / Islam huí (a measure word for matters or actions) a time / to circle / to go back / to turn 回 around / to answer / to return / to revolve / Islam 回答 huí dá reply / answer 回来 huí lai return / come back 回去 huí qu return / go back 会 kuài to balance an account / accounting huì can / be possible / be able to / to 会 assemble / to meet / to gather / to see / union / group / association huì can / be possible / be able to / to 会 assemble / to meet / to gather / to see / union / group / association 会 kuài to balance an account / accounting 会话 huì huà conversation


yī yàng same / like / equal to / the same as / just like yī bān same / ordinary / common / general / 一般 generally / in general 一点 yī diǎn er a bit / a little 儿 一起 yī qǐ together 一些 yì xiē some / a few / a little yì zhí continuously / always / from the 一直 beginning of ... up to ... / all along 一直 yī zhí always 医生 yī shēng doctor 医院 yī yuàn hospital 衣服 yī fu clothes 椅子 yǐ zi chair 已经 yǐ jīng already yǐ hòu after / later / afterwards / following / 以后 later on / in the future 以前 yǐ qián before / formerly / previous yǐ wéi to believe / to think / to consider 以为 erroneously 艺术 yì shù art 亿 yì a hundred million / calculate yì jiàn idea / opinion / suggestion / objection / 意见 complaint 意思 yì si idea / opinion / meaning 意义 yì yì meaning / significance 因为 yīn wèi because / owing to / on account of 音乐 yīn yuè music yīn (of weather) overcast / Yin / feminine / 阴 moon / cloudy / negative (electric.) / shady 阴 Yīn (Surname) 银行 yín háng bank 英语 yīng yǔ English (language) 应该 yīng gāi ought to / should / must 赢 yíng to beat / to win / to profit yǐng xiǎng an influence / to influence / to affect 影响 (usually adversely) / to disturb 永远 yǒng yuǎn forever / eternal 用 yòng to use 尤其 yóu qí especially / particularly 邮局 yóu jú post office 邮票 yóu piào (postage) stamp 游泳 yóu yǒng swim yǒu to have / there is / there are / to exist / to 有 be yǒu de (there are) some (who are...) / some 有的 (exist) 有名 yǒu míng famous / well-known 有时 yǒu shí hou sometimes 候 一样

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huó to live / alive / living / work / workmanship huó to live / alive / living / work / 活 workmanship 活动 huó dòng activity / exercise / behavior 火车 huǒ chē train 或者 huò zhě or / possibly / maybe / perhaps 基本 jī běn basic / fundamental / main 基础 jī chǔ base / foundation / basis jī chǎng airport / management / to manage / 机场 to administer 机会 jī huì opportunity / chance / occasion 机器 jī qì machine 鸡 jī fowl / chicken 鸡 jī chicken / variant of T:雞|S:鸡 鸡蛋 jī dàn (chicken) egg / hen's egg 极了 jí le extremely / exceedingly 集合 jí hé congregation / gather / set (set theory) 急 jí hurried / worried 挤 jǐ crowded / to squeeze 几 jī small table 几 jǐ how much / how many / several / a few 几 jī almost 技术 jì shù technology / technique / skill jì lodge at / to mail / to send / to entrust / to 寄 depend jì huà plan / project / program / to plan / to 计划 map out jì to remember / to note / mark / sign / to 记 record jì xù to continue / to proceed with / to go on 继续 with 家 jiā furniture / tool jiā -ist / -er / -ian / home / family / a person 家 engaged in a certain art or profession / measure word for firms or shops 家庭 jiā tíng family / household 加 jiā to add / plus jiān chí to continue upholding / to remain 坚持 committed to / persistence / to persist / to uphold / to insist on / persevere 间 jiàn interstice / separate jiān between / among / space / (measure 间 word) 检查 jiǎn chá inspection / examine 简单 jiǎn dān simple / not complicated jiàn to see / to meet / to appear (to be sth) / 见 to interview 见 xiàn appear 见面 jiàn miàn meet / see (someone) 件 jiàn M for things, clothes / item / component 活


有些 yǒu xiē some / somewhat 有意 yǒu yì si interesting 思 友好 yǒu hǎo friendly (relations) 友谊 yǒu yì companionship / fellowship / friendship 右 yòu right (-hand) 又 yòu (once) again / also / both... and... / again 鱼 yú fish yú kuài cheerful / cheerily / delightful / pleasant 愉快 / pleasantly / pleasing / happy / delighted 雨 yǔ rain 语法 yǔ fǎ grammar 语言 yǔ yán (spoken) language 遇到 yù dào to meet / to run into / to come across 预习 yù xí to prepare a lesson yuán Chinese monetary unit / dollar / primary / 元 first / the Yuan or Mongol dynasty (1279-1368 AD) yuán lái original / former / originally / formerly 原来 / at first / so... actually 原谅 yuán liàng to excuse / to forgive / to pardon yuán yen (Japanese currency) / Japanese 圆 variant of T:圓|S:圆 yuán circle / round / circular / spherical / (of the 圆 moon) full / unit of Chinese currency (Yuan) / tactful / to justify 远 yuǎn far / distant / remote yuàn yì to wish / to want / ready / willing (to do 愿意 sth) 月 yuè moon / month 月亮 yuè liang moon 月球 yuè qiú (the) Moon 云 yún (classical) to say 云 yún cloud / (abbr.) for Yunnan / surname 运动 yùn dòng movement / campaign / sports 再 zài again / once more / re- / second / another 再见 zài jiàn good bye 在 zài (located) at / in / exist 在 zài (located) at / in / exist 咱 zá we (incl.) 咱 zán we (incl.) 咱们 zán men we (including the person spoken to) 脏 zàng viscera / (anatomy) organ 脏 zāng dirty / filthy 早 zǎo early / morning 早晨 zǎo chén early morning 早饭 zǎo fàn breakfast 怎么 zěn me how? / what? / why? 怎么 zěn me yàng how? / how about? / how was it? / 样 how are things? 怎样 zěn yàng how / why

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健康 jiàn kāng health / healthy jiàn shè to build / to construct / construction 建设 / constructive 将来 jiāng lái (the) future 江 jiāng river jiǎng to talk / speech / to speak / to tell / to 讲 explain jiāo to deliver / to turn over / to make 交 friends / to intersect (lines) / to pay (money) 教 jiào religion / teaching 教 jiāo teach 脚 jiǎo a kick / foot / role 脚 jué role 角 jué Chinese musical note / angle / horn jiǎo angle / horn / horn-shaped / unit of 角 money equal to 0.1 yuan 饺子 jiǎo zi dumpling 教室 jiào shì classroom 教育 jiào yù to educate / to teach / education 叫 jiào to (be) call(ed) 叫 jiào to (be) call(ed) jiē to extend / to connect / to receive / to get 接 / to join jiē zhe continue / went on to (do something) 接着 / to follow / to carry on / then / after that 街 jiē street jié festival / section / segment / point / part / 节 to economize / to save / temperate 节目 jié mù program / item (on a program) 节日 jié rì holiday / festival 结果 jié guǒ outcome / result jié shù termination / to finish / to end / to 结束 conclude / to close jiě jué to settle (a dispute) / to resolve / to 解决 solve 姐姐 jiě jie older sister jiè to lend / to borrow / excuse / pretext / by 借 means of / to seize (an opportunity) / to take (an opportunity) jiè shào to present / introduction / to 介绍 introduce 斤 jīn catty / weight equal to 0.5 kg 今年 jīn nián this year 今天 jīn tiān today / at the present / now 紧 jǐn tight / nervous / strict jǐn zhāng nervous / keyed up / intense / 紧张 tense / strained / in short supply / scarce 进 jìn advance / enter / to come in 进来 jìn lái (v) come in 进去 jìn qù (v) go in


增加 zēng jiā to raise / to increase zhǎn lǎn to put on display / to exhibit / 展览 exhibition / show zhàn to occupy / to constitute / to make up / to 占 account for 占 zhān to divine 站 zhàn station / to stand / to halt / to stop 站 zhàn station / to stand / to halt / to stop zhāng (measure word for flat objects) / 张 (surname) / open up / spread / sheet of paper cháng length / long / forever / always / 长 constantly 长 zhǎng chief / head / elder / to grow / to develop 掌握 zhǎng wò grasp 着急 zháo jí worry / feel anxious zhǎo to try to find / to look for / to call on (sb) / 找 to find / to seek / to return / to look for / to give change zhào gu take (good) care of / show some 照顾 consideration / to attend to / to look after 照相 zhào xiàng take a photograph zhèi this / these / (sometimes used before a 这 measure word, especially in Beijing) 这 zhè this / these 这个 zhè ge this / this one 这里 zhè lǐ here 这么 zhè me so much / this much / this way / like this 这些 zhè xiē these zhè yàng this (kind of, sort of) / this way / such 这样 / like this / such 着 zhāo catch / receive / suffer zhe -ing part. (indicates an action in progress) / 着 part. coverb-forming after some verbs zhuó to wear (clothes) / to contact / to use / to 着 apply 着 zhāo catch / receive / suffer zháo part. indicates the successful result of a verb / to touch / to come in contact with / to 着 feel / to be affected by / to catch fire / to fall asleep / to burn zhù to make known / to show / to prove / to 着 write / book / outstanding zhe -ing part. (indicates an action in progress) / 着 part. coverb-forming after some verbs zhuó to wear (clothes) / to contact / to use / to 着 apply zhù to make known / to show / to prove / to 着 write / book / outstanding zháo part. indicates the successful result of a verb / to touch / to come in contact with / to 着 feel / to be affected by / to catch fire / to fall asleep / to burn

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jìn xíng to advance / to conduct / underway 进行 / in progress / to do / to carry out / to carry on / to conduct / to execute 近 jìn near / close (to) / approximately 精彩 jīng cǎi brilliant / splendid jīng shén vigor / vitality / drive / spiritual / 精神 mental / psychological jīng cháng day to day / everyday / daily / 经常 frequently / constantly / regularly / often jīng guò to pass / to go through / process / 经过 course 经济 jīng jì economy / economic 经验 jīng yàn to experience / experience 久 jiǔ (long) time / (long) duration of time 九 jiǔ nine / 9 酒 jiǔ wine / liquor / spirits / alcoholic beverage 旧 jiù old (opposite of new) / former jiù at once / then / right away / only / 就 (emphasis) / to approach / to move towards / to undertake / already 橘子 jú zi orange jǔ to lift / to hold up / to cite / to enumerate 举 / to act / to raise / to choose / to elect jù (a measure word, for sentences or lines of 句 verse) / sentence 句子 jù zi sentence 觉得 jué de to think / to feel jué dìng to decide (to do something) / to 决定 determine / to resolve 咖啡 kā fēi coffee 卡车 kǎ chē truck kāi open / operate (vehicle) / start / to 开 prescribe (medicine) 开始 kāi shǐ begin / beginning / start / initial 开玩 kāi wán xiào to play a joke / to make fun of 笑 / to joke 开学 kāi xué school opens / new term begins kān to look after / to take care of / to watch 看 / to guard 看 kàn it depends / think / to see / to look at 看病 kàn bìng see a doctor / see a patient 看见 kàn jiàn to see / to catch sight of 考试 kǎo shì exam 棵 kē M for plants kē xué science / scientific knowledge / 科学 scientific 咳嗽 ké sou to cough kě néng might (happen) / possible / probable 可能 / possibility / probability 可是 kě shì but / however 可以 kě yǐ can / may / possible / able to


真 zhēn real / true / genuine 真正 zhēn zhèng real / true / genuine 整齐 zhěng qí tidy / neat zhèng just (right) / main / upright / straight / 正 correct / principle 正 zhēng Chinese 1st month of year 正确 zhèng què correct / proper zhèng zài in the process of (doing something or 正在 happening) / while (doing) 政府 zhèng fǔ government 政治 zhèng zhì politics / political 只 zhǐ only / merely / just / but zhī (a measure word, for birds and some 只 animals, etc.) / single / only 只 zhǐ but / only 只 zhī M for one of a pair zhī (a measure word) / to support / to sustain / 支 to erect / to raise / branch / division / to draw money 知道 zhī dao know / be aware of zhī shi intellectual / knowledge-related / 知识 knowledge 之间 zhī jiān between / among / inter指 zhǐ finger / to point / to direct / to indicate 只 zhī M for one of a pair 只 zhǐ only / merely / just / but 只 zhǐ but / only zhī (a measure word, for birds and some 只 animals, etc.) / single / only 只好 zhǐ hǎo to have to / to be forced to 纸 zhǐ paper zhōng within / among / in / middle / center / 中 while (doing sth) / during / China / Chinese 中 zhòng hit (the mark) zhōng jiān between / intermediate / mid / 中间 middle 中文 zhōng wén Chinese language 中午 zhōng wǔ noon / midday 中学 zhōng xué middle school zhōng clock / time as measured in hours and 钟 minutes / bell 钟头 zhōng tóu hour zhǒng kind / type / race / breed / seed / species 种 (taxonomy) 种 zhòng to plant / to cultivate chóng to double / to repeat / repetition / 重 iteration / again / a layer 重 zhòng heavy / serious 重要 zhòng yào important / significant / major

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kě thirsty kè gram / subdue / to restrain / to overcome kè subdue kè quarter (hour) / (a measure word) / to 刻 carve / to engrave / to cut / oppressive 客气 kè qi polite 课 kè subject / class / lesson 课本 kè běn textbook 课文 kè wén text 空气 kōng qì air / atmosphere 口 kǒu mouth / (a measure word) kǒu yǔ colloquial speech / spoken language 口语 / vernacular language / slander / gossip 哭 kū to cry / to weep 苦 kǔ bitter / intensely / miserable / painful kuài yuan (unit of currency) / fast (of a watch) / swift / rapid / happy / joyful / soon 块 / quick / (a measure word, for cloth, cake, soap) kuāi piece / chunk / lump / (measure word 块 for chunks, lumps) 快 kuài fast / quick / swift kùn nan (financial, etc.) difficulty / problem 困难 / issue lā to pull / to play (string instruments) / to 拉 drag / to draw 啦 lā (onomat.) / (phonetic) la (an auxiliary word performing the 啦 grammatical functions of mood) / fusion of le + a / follows after 比如 listed examples 来 lái to come 蓝 la kohlrabi 蓝 lán blue 篮球 lán qiú basketball 劳动 láo dòng (physical) labor 劳驾 láo jià excuse me lǎo (a prefix used before the surname of a person or a numeral indicating the order of 老 birth of the children in a family to indicate affection or familiarity) / old (of people) 老师 lǎo shī teacher 了 liǎo clear le (modal particle intensifying preceding 了 clause) / (completed action marker) 了 liǎo to know / to understand / to know 了 liào look afar from a high place 累 léi cumbersome 累 lèi implicate / tired 累 lěi accumulate 冷 lěng cold 离 lí to leave / to depart / to go away / from


渴 克 克

zhōu (surname) / complete / encircle / circuit / 周 lap / week / cycle / all / every / attentive / thoughtful / the Zhou dynasty from 1027 BC 周 zhōu cycle / week 周 zhōu bestow alms 周围 zhōu wéi surroundings / environment 周围 zhōu wéi encompass / surrounding 猪 zhū hog / pig / swine 主要 zhǔ yào main / principal / major / primary 主意 zhǔ yi plan / idea / decision 住 zhù to live / to dwell / to reside / to stop 注意 zhù yì take note of / (pay) attention (to) zhù invoke / pray to / wish / to express good 祝 wishes zhuāng adornment / adorn / dress / clothing / 装 costume (of an actor in a play) / to play a role / to pretend / to install / to fix 准备 zhǔn bèi preparation / prepare 桌子 zhuō zi table / desk 自己 zì jǐ self / (reflexive pronoun) / own 自行 zì xíng chē bicycle 车 字 zì letter / symbol / character / word 总是 zǒng shì always 走 zǒu to walk / to go / to move 足球 zú qiú football / soccer 祖国 zǔ guó homeland / motherland 组织 zǔ zhī organization 嘴 zuǐ mouth 最 zuì (the) most / -est 最初 zuì chū first / primary / initial 最后 zuì hòu final / last / finally / ultimate 最近 zuì jìn recent / recently / soon 昨天 zuó tiān yesterday 左 zuǒ left 做 zuò to do / to make / to produce zuò to regard as / to take (somebody) for / to do 作 / to make zuò yè school assignment / homework / work / 作业 task / operation / to operate zuò to sit / to take a seat / to take (a bus, 坐 airplane etc.) zuò seat / base / stand / measure word for large, 座 solid things

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离开 lí kāi to depart / to leave lǐ inside / internal / interior / village / 里 Chinese mile (approx. 0.5 km) 里 lǐ inside / internal / interior lǐ Chinese mile (approx. 0.5 km) / 里 neighborhood / Surname / hometown lǐ inside / internal / interior / village / 里 Chinese mile (approx. 0.5 km) lǐ Chinese mile (approx. 0.5 km) / 里 neighborhood / Surname / hometown 里 lǐ inside / internal / interior 里边 lǐ biān (n) inside 礼物 lǐ wù gift / present 历史 lì shǐ history lì yòng exploit / make use of / to use / to 利用 take advantage of / to utilize 例如 lì rú for example / for instance / such as lì kè forthwith / immediate / prompt / 立刻 promptly / straightway / thereupon / at once 俩 liǎng craft / cunning 俩 liǎ (a numeral-measure word) two / both lián xì connection / contact / relation / 联系 contact / (in) touch (with) / to integrate / to link 脸 liǎn face 练习 liàn xí exercise / drill 凉快 liáng kuai nice and cold / pleasantly cool 两 liǎng both / two / ounce / some / a few / tael 辆 liàng (a measure word for vehicles) 亮 liàng light / bright 了 liào look afar from a high place le (modal particle intensifying preceding 了 clause) / (completed action marker) 了 liǎo clear 了 liǎo to know / to understand / to know liǎo jiě understand / come to understand / 了解 find out 零 líng remnant / zero 领导 lǐng dǎo lead / leading / to lead / leadership liú leave (message) / to retain / to stay / to 留 remain / to keep / to preserve 留念 liú niàn keep as a souvenir 留学 liú xué shēng student studying abroad / 生 (foreign) exchange student liú to flow / to spread / to circulate / to 流 move 六 liù six / 6 lóu house with more than 1 story / storied 楼 building / floor 路 lù (surname) / road / path / way 录音 lù yīn (sound) recording

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旅行 lǚ xíng travel 绿 lǜ green / chlorine 乱 luàn in confusion / disorderly

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