Hr+management Revised

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 2,983
  • Pages: 46
Training Material Project Human Resources Management

© Tata Consultancy Services ltd.

October 15, 2008


Change log Update date - Updated by - Log of changes Devi - Created the PPT 11-Dec-02 Gajendri Jayakumar – Updated the Document 02-Feb-03 - Rakesh Gupta - Updated as per PMBOK 2000 version. Modified the organization and presentation of topics. 17-Feb-03 - Alexander Jesumarian - Reviewed the material 18-Feb-03 - Prasad Raghavulu - Reviewed the contents and inserted diagrams as appropriate. 21-Feb-03- Rama Ramesh- Reviewed and made some cosmetic changes in the document. 03-Mar-03 – Vijay 14-Aug-05 –Ramcharan Arya – Updated PMBOK2004 new content 16-Sep-05 –Mohammad Nashimuddin – Reviewed and made some changes in the document TCS Confidential

HR Management Ver 1.0.


Project Human Resources Management Project Human Resource Management includes the processes that organize and manage the project team

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HR Management Ver 1.0.


roject Human Resources Management Enterprise Environment Factor

Organization culture Human Resource text Planning

Project management Plan

Develop Project Management Plan

Template/Checklists Organizational Process Assets

Activity Resource text Estimating

Roles and Responsibilities Project Organization Charts Staffing Management plan

Activity Resource Requirement Acquire project team

Approved Change Request Approved Corrective actions Approved preventive actions

Project staff assignments Resource availability Staffing management plan ( updates)

Performance Reporting

Performan ce Report

Direct and Manage text Project Execution

Work Performan ce Informatio n

Develop Project text Team

Team Performance Assesment

Manage Project text Team Close Project

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Organizational process Assets

HR Management Ver 1.0.


Project Management Plan (updates) Requested Changes Recommended correction actions Recommended Preventive actions

Process Flow Diagram Project Human Resource Managem ent

Integrated Change text Control

Project Human Resource Management Human Resource Planning – Identifying and documenting project roles, responsibilities, and reporting relationships, as well as creating the staffing management plan. Acquire Project Team – Obtaining the human resources needed to complete the project. Develop Project Team – Improving the competencies and interaction of team members to enhance project performance. Manage Project Team – Tracking team member performance, providing feedback, resolving issues, and coordinating changes to TCS Confidential HR Management Ver 1.0. 5

Project Human Resource Management Human Resource Planning


Tools & Techniques

.1 Enterprise Environmental Factors .2 Organizational Process Assets .3 Project Management Plan

.1 Organization Charts and Position Descriptions .2 Networking .3 Organizational Theory

Outputs .1 Roles and Responsibilities .2 Project Organization Charts .3 Staffing Management Plan

Human Resource Planning : Inputs, Tools & Techniques , and Outputs

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HR Management Ver 1.0.


Project Human Resource Management Human Resource Planning •Human Resource Planning determines project roles, responsibilities, and reporting relationships, and creates the staffing management plan. •The staffing management plan can include •How and when project team members will be acquired •Criteria for releasing them from the project, •Identification of training needs, •Plans for recognition and rewards, •Compliance considerations, safety issues, •Impact ofHRthe staffing7 management plan on the TCS Confidential Management Ver 1.0.

Project Human Resource Management Human Resource Planning Human Resource Planning: Inputs Enterprise Environmental Factors : Define the project roles and responsibilities as per existing organizations & how the technical disciplines and people currently interact with one another. • Organizational • Technical • Interpersonal • Logistical • Political Constraints that can limit flexibility in the Human Resource Planning process are: • Organizational structure. • Collective bargaining agreements. TCS Confidential HR Management Ver 1.0. 8

Project Human Resource Management Human Resource Planning Human Resource Planning: Inputs Organizational Process Assets: lessons learned from past Human Resource Planning experiences are available as organizational process assets to help plan the current project. • Templates • Checklists Project Management Plan : Includes the activity resource requirements, plus descriptions of project management activities. • Activity Resource Requirements : determine the human resource needsHR for theVerproject. TCS Confidential Management 1.0. 9

Project Human Resource Management Human Resource Planning Human Resource Planning: Tools & Techniques • Organization Charts and Position Descriptions •Hierarchical-type charts •Matrix-based charts •Text-oriented formats •Other sections of the project management plan •Networking •Organizational Theory TCS Confidential

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Project Human Resource Management Human Resource Planning Human Resource Planning: Outputs Roles and Responsibilities • Roles • Authority • Responsibility • Competency •Project Organization Charts •Staffing Management Plan •Staff acquisition. •Timetable. •Release criteria. •Training needs. •Recognition and rewards. •Compliance. •Safety.

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Project Human Resource Management Acquire Project Team


Tools & Techniques

.1 Enterprise Environmental Factors .2 Organizational Process Assets .3 Roles and Responsibilities .4 Project Organization Charts .5 Staffing Management Plan

.1 .2 .3 .4

Pre-Assignment Negotiation Acquisition Virtual Teams

Outputs .1 Project Staff Assignments .2 Resource Availability .3 Staffing Management Plan (Updates)

Acquire Project Team: Inputs, Tools & Techniques, and Outputs

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Project Human Resource Management Acquire Project Team: Inputs • Enterprise Environmental Factors : Project team members are drawn from all available sources, both internal and external • Organizational Process Assets: organizations involved in the project may have policies, guidelines, or procedures governing staff assignments • Roles and Responsibilities : define the positions, skills, and competencies that the project demands • Project Organization Charts : provide an overview regarding the number of people needed for the project • Staffing Management Plan : identifies the time periods each project team member will be needed and other information important to acquiring the project team .

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HR Management Ver 1.0.


Project Human Resource Management

Acquire Project Team: Tools and Techniques • Pre-Assignment: Project team members both internal and external • Negotiation • Acquisition : organization lacks the in-house staff needed to complete the project, the required services can be acquired from outside sources. Hiring individual consultants or subcontracting • Virtual Teams: Virtual teams can be defined as groups of people with a shared goal, who fulfill their roles with little or no time spent meeting face to face The virtual team format makes it possible to: .


• Form teams of people from the same company who live in widespread geographic areas HR Management Ver 1.0. TCS Confidential 14

Project Human Resource Management

Acquire Project Team: Outputs

• Project Staff Assignments: Project team members both internal and external • Resource Availability • Staffing Management Plan (Updates) : Changes in the staffing management plan needed because people seldom fit the exact staffing requirements that are planned. Other reasons for changing the staffing management plan include promotions, retirements, illnesses, performance issues, and changing workloads. .

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HR Management Ver 1.0.


Project Human Resource Management Develop Project Team


Tools & Techniques

.1 Project Staff Assignments .2 Staffing Management Plan .3 Resource Availability

.1 General Management Skills .2 Training .3 Team-Building Activities .4 Ground Rules .5 Co-Location .6 Recognition and Rewards

Outputs .1 Team Performance Assessment

Develop Project Team: Inputs, Tools & Techniques, and Outputs

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HR Management Ver 1.0.


Project Human Resource Management Develop Project Team Develop Project Team improves the competencies and interaction of team members to enhance project performance. Objectives include:

•Improve skills of team members in order to increase their ability to complete project activities •Improve feelings of trust and cohesiveness among team members in order to raise productivity through greater teamwork.

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Project Human Resource Management Project Team: Inputs Project Staff Assignments : Project staff assignment documents identify the people who are on the team. Staffing Management Plan : Identifies training strategies and plans for developing the project team. Resource Availability : Identifies times that project team members can participate in team development activities. .

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Project Human Resource Management Develop Project Team: Tools and Techniques

General Management Skills: known as “soft skills,” are particularly important to team development. Skills such as empathy, influence, creativity, and group facilitation are valuable assets when managing the project team. Training : includes all activities designed to enhance the competencies of the project team members. Training can be formal or informal. Team-Building Activities :Team-building strategies are particularly valuable when team members operate virtually from remote locations, without the benefit of face-to-face contact. Ground Rules : Establish clear expectations regarding acceptable behavior by project team members. Co-Location : placing many or all of the most active project HR Management Ver 1.0.

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Project Human Resource Management Develop Project Team: Outputs Team Performance Assessment: Effective team development strategies and activities are expected to increase the team’s performance, which increases the likelihood of meeting project objectives. The evaluation of a team’s effectiveness can include indicators such as: •Improvements in skills that allow a person to perform assigned activities more effectively •Improvements in competencies and sentiments that help the team perform better as a group •Reduced staff turnover rate. TCS Confidential

HR Management Ver 1.0.


Project Human Resource Management Manage Project Team


Tools & Techniques

.1 Organizational Process Assets .2 Project Staff Assignments .3 Roles and Responsibilities .4 Project Organization Charts .5 Staffing Management Plan .6 Team Performance Assessment .7 Work Performance Information .8 Performance Reports

.1 Observation and Conversation .2 Project Performance Appraisals .3 Conflict Management .4 Issue Log

Outputs .1 Requested Changes .2 Recommended Corrective Actions .3 Recommended Preventive Actions .4 Organizational Process Assets (Updates) .5 Project Management Plan (Updates)

Manage Project Team: Inputs, Tools & Techniques, and Outputs

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HR Management Ver 1.0.


Project Human Resource Management Manage Project Team Involves tracking team member performance, providing feedback, resolving issues, and coordinating changes to enhance project performance. The project management team observes team behavior, manages conflict, resolves issues, and appraises team member performance. Management of the project team is complicated when team members are accountable to both a functional manager and the project manager within a matrix

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Project Human Resource Management Manage Project Team: Inputs • • • • • • • •

Organizational Process Assets Project Staff Assignments Roles and Responsibilities Project Organization Charts Staffing Management Plan Team Performance Assessment Work Performance Information Performance Reports

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Project Human Resource Management Manage Project Team: Tools and Techniques Observation and Conversation :Observation and conversation are used to stay in touch with the work and attitudes of project team members. Project Performance Appraisals : Objectives for conducting performance appraisals during the course of a project can ensure team members receive positive feedback. Evaluation information also can be gathered using 360-degree feedback principles. Conflict Management : Successful conflict management results in greater productivity and positive working relationships. Conflict should be addressed early and usually in private, using a direct, collaborative approach. If disruptive conflict continues, increasingly formal procedures will need to be used, including TCS Confidential Management Ver 1.0. the possible useHRof disciplinary 24 actions.

Project Human Resource Management Manage Project Team: Outputs •Requested Changes :. •Recommended Corrective Actions: •Recommended Preventive Actions: •Organizational Process Assets ( Updates)  Input to organizational performance appraisals.  Lessons learned documentation. Lessons learned in the area of human resources can include: Project organization charts, position descriptions, and staffing management plans Ground rules, conflict management techniques, and recognition events Procedures for virtual teams, co-location, negotiation, training, and team building that proved to be successful Special skills or competencies by team members that were discovered during the project TCS Confidential HR Management Ver 1.0. 25

Other Important Topics Theories of Motivation Maslow’s Theory People do not work for money/security alone but to realize their full potential and to become the best they are capable of becoming

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Project Human Resources Management Theories of Motivation McGregor’s Theory All of the work force could be put into one of the two groups - either ‘X’ or ‘Y’ Group X: People dislike work and avoid responsibility so they need to be controlled and threatened before they work hard enough. Group Y: People are willing to work on their own and can direct their own work.

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HR Management Ver 1.0.


roject Human Resources Management Theories of Motivation Herzberg’s Theory Deals with Hygiene factors and motivating agents. Hygiene factors: Lack of Hygienic factors destroy motivation but improving them will not improve motivation. Motivation agents: What motivates people is the work itself. Expectancy Theory Individuals expect to be rewarded based on their performance and stay productive as long as TCS Confidential HR Management Ver 1.0. 28 rewards meet their expectations.

Project Human Resources Management Responsibility Assignment Matrix Work Item


GetSensor Data AssembleControl Board HW Architecture SW Architecture SoftwareDevelopment Integration Test Documentation& Report

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Backup Prime




Backup Y


Prime Y





HR Management Ver 1.0.





Project Human Resources Management Resource Histograms 300 250

Resource Usage


Designers Programmers Testers

150 100 50 0




Resource Usage Staff Hours TCS Confidential

HR Management Ver 1.0.



Project Human Resources Management Organizational Chart An organization chart is a graphic display of project reporting relationships M r./M s . A B C E x e c u t iv e V ic e P r e s id e n t C h ie f I n f o r m a t io n O f f ic e r M r/M s . D E F L E C S o f t w a r e D e v e lo p m e n t

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HR Management Ver 1.0.

M r/M s . G H I E -C o m m e rc e


M r/M s . J K L C o m m u n ic a t io n s & I n f o r m a t io n S e r v ic e s

roject Human Resources Management Leadership There are numerous Definitions for Leadership. As per PMI, leadership involves  Establishing Direction  Aligning people  Motivating and Inspiring

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HR Management Ver 1.0.


roject Human Resources Management Leadership Styles Authoritarian (autocratic) The leader dominates the team member, tells them what he/she wants to be done and how, without seeking their advice. Participative (democratic) The leader makes decision by consulting with his team, while maintaining the final decision making authority. Delegative (Laissez-Faire) The leader allows the team members to make the decisions, while still being responsible for the decision TCS Confidential

HR Management Ver 1.0.


roject Human Resources Management Powers of Project Managers Expert: Expertise in the project related work Formal : Based on the position Penalty: Authority to penalize within the project framework Referent: Referring to senior management Reward: Giving out rewards TCS Confidential

HR Management Ver 1.0.


Project Human Resources Management Seven Sources of conflict In order of frequency  Project Schedule  Project Priorities  Project Resources  Technical Opinion of the team members  Project/Organizational Administrative Procedures  Project Cost  Team Member’s Personality

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Project Human Resources Management Conflict Resolution Techniques  Compromising  Forcing  Problem Solving  Smoothing  Withdrawal TCS Confidential

HR Management Ver 1.0.


Project Human Resources Management Some important terms Perquisites (Perks) Parking Spaces, Corner offices, executive dining Fringe Benefits Education, benefits, insurance, profit sharing Halo Effect Using one factor as the deterministic factor for other qualities as well to judge individuals War Room Co-locating the entire project team in a room.

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HR Management Ver 1.0.


Q&A An organization chart which shows the organizational units responsible for specific work packages is also called : 1 Organizational breakdown structure 2

Staffing plan


Responsibilities Assignment Matrix


Organization Plan

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Q&A All the following tools and techniques can be used for staff acquisition except: 1 Negotiations 2 Contractual agreements with unions or other employee groups 3 Preassignment of staff through a competitive proposal 4 Staff assignment as defined in the project charter

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HR Management Ver 1.0.


Q&A According to Herzbergs theory, the absence of hygiene factors can create job dissatisfaction, but their presence does not motivate or create satisfaction. Which of the following can be categorized as a hygiene factor? 1 Recognition 2



Advancement in career


Interpersonal relations

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HR Management Ver 1.0.


Q&A In your previous project, the project manager gave a lot of autonomy to the team members to do as they deemed fit. At times, this lead to anarchy because the team members were not very sure of what needed to be done. The manager however followed a management style, which was: 1 Directing 2 Laissez Faire 3 Delegating 4 Democratic

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Q&A In your project, you have designated a "war room" where your team congregates and posts schedules, updates etc. This is an example of: 1 Collocation 2

Team-building activity




Solving critical problems

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HR Management Ver 1.0.


Q&A Management has requested that you create a chart depicting all of the project resource needs and the associated activities. Management is looking for which type of chart? 3 A roles chart 5 A roles matrix 7 A roles and responsibilities matrix 9 A Gantt chart TCS Confidential

HR Management Ver 1.0.


Q&A You are the project manager for the GBK Project. This project effects a line of business and the customer is anxious about the success of the project. Which of the following is likely not a top concern for the customer? 1 Project priorities 1 Schedule 1 Cost 3 Personality conflicts TCS Confidential

HR Management Ver 1.0.


Key Terms Coercive power

Herzberg’s Theory of Motivation

Referent power

Collective bargaining

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Resource histogram


McGregor’s Theory of X and Y



Ouchi’s Theory Z

Reward power

Expectancy Theory



Expert power

Project interfaces



Staffing management plan

Formal power

War room Withdrawal

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HR Management Ver 1.0.


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HR Management Ver 1.0.


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