Hr Development & Training

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 23
HR DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING Q1 (a) Explain the importance and scope of Human Resource Development in an organization.

Ans. Human Resource Development (HRD): -

HRD Means Developing The Human Resources Upgrading Their Skills And Extending Their Knowledge Would Lead To Economic Development And Organizational Development. Therefore Human Resource Development (HRD) Is Key To Optimize Utilization Of Human Intellectual Technological And Entrepreneurial Skills. Scope of HRD: Dr. Len Nadler, Carrel and Jones Have Used the Term 'HRD' Mainly to Refer to Training Education and Development. In HRD Emphasis On: Improving Existing Skills and Exploring Potential Skills of an Individual. Attachment of Organizational and Individual Goals. Prof. T.V. Rao Defines HRD as A Process in Which Employees of an Organization Are Continually Helped In A Planned Way To(A)

Acquire or Sharpen Their Capabilities Required To Perform Various Obligations, Tasks and Functions.


Develop Their Capabilities As Individual So That They May Be Able To Discover Their Potential And Exploit them To Full Their Own and/or Organizational Development Purpose And


To Develop An Organizational Culture Where Superior Subordinate Relationship Team Work And Collaboration Among Different Sub Units Are Strong And Contribute to Organizational Wealth, Dynamism And Pride To The Employees.

Importance of HRD: (1)

Proper utilization Of Human Resource: - HRD Helps In Maximizing the Utilization of Human Resource for the Achievement Of Individual And Organizational Goals.


Development of Human Resources: HRD Helps To Provide an Opportunity And Comprehensive Framework for the Development of Human Resource in an Organization for Full Expression of Their Talent and Manifest Potentials.

HR Development and Training(Page 1) Name : (Amresh Anjan)


Help In Increasing Skills of Employees: - HRD Helps In Increasing Skills of Employees It Helps to develop The Constructive Mind and An Overall Personality of the Employees.


Team Spirit: - HRD Develop the Sense of Team Spirit team work and Inter Team Collaborations.


Systematic Information: - HRD Also Used To Develop Organizational Health Culture and Effectiveness and Generate Systematic Information about Human Resources.


Healthy Working Environment: - HRD Helps In Creating The Healthy Working Environment it helps to build Good Employee, Employees Relationship So That Individual Goals Matches With Organizational Goal.

the To

Conclusion: From Above Discussion We Can Say That HRD Takes Wealth Capabilities Skills Attitude Of People, Which Are More Useful To The Development Among Them And Nation Overall Development As Well.

HR Development and Training(Page 2) Name : (Amresh Anjan)

Q1 (b) What is meant by HRD Audit? Ans.

HRD Audit: - HRD Audit Starts With And Understanding Of The Future Business Plans And Corporate Strategies While HRD Audit Can be done even in organizations that look well formulated Future Plans And Strategies It Is Most Effective As A Tool When The Organization Already Has Such Long Term Plans. HRD Audit Is A Comprehensive Evaluation Of The Current HRD Strategies, Structure Systems Style And Skills In The Content Of The Short And Long Term Business Plans Of A Company. It Attempts To Find Out The Future HRD Needs Of The Company After Assessing The Current HRD Activities And Inputs. In Last Few Years The Author Along With His Colleague Udav Pareek Pioneered, In India A Methodology For Auditing The HRD Function Called HRD Audit And Implemented It In Many Companies.

HR Development and Training(Page 3) Name : (Amresh Anjan)

Q2 (a) Explain the relevance of Human Resource Planning in an industry. Ans.

Relevance Of Human Resource Planning Is Described Are As Follows – (1)

Determine Recruitment Needs: - An Essential Prerequisite To The Process Of Recruitment Is To Avoid Problems Of Unexpected Shortage, Wastage, Blockage In The Promotion Flow And Needless Redundancies.


Determining Training Needs: - This Is Fundamentally Important To Planning Training Programmed For Which It Is Necessary To Not Only Quality But Also Quantity In Terms Of The Skills Required By The Organization.


Management Development: - A Succession Of Trained And Experienced Manager Is Essential To The Effectiveness Of The Organization And This Depends On Accurate Information About Present And Future Requirement In All Management Parts.


Balancing The Cost Between The Utilization Of Plant And Workforce: This In Values Comparing Costs Of These Two Resources In Different Combinations And Selecting The Optimum. This Is Especially Important When Costing Projects.


Industrial Relations: - The Business Plan Will of Necessity Make Assumptions about Productivity of the Human Resource. It Will Have An Impact On The Organization Industrial Relations Strategies In Practice, HR Planning Is Concerned With The Demand And Supply Of Labor And Problems Arising From The Process Of Reconciling These Factors. Any System Has To Be Based On Analyses Of Demand And Supply And The Plans And Decisions, Which Follow These Analyses.

HR Development and Training(Page 4) Name : (Amresh Anjan)

Q2 (b) What are the stages in the career of an employee? Explain each stage. Ans.

Stages In the Carrier Of An Employee: 1.

Exploration: - Many To The Critical Choices Individual Make About Their Carrier Are Made Prior To Every Entering The Word On A Paid Basis Our Parents Relatives, Teachers As Well As What We See On Television And Films Very Early In Our Parents Their Interests, Their Aspirations And Their Financial Resources Will Be Heavy Factors In Determining Out Planets, Their Interests, Their Aspirations And Their Financial Resources Will Be Heavy Factors In Determine Out Perception Of What Carriers Are Available.


Establishment: - The Establishment Period Begins With The Search For Work And Includes Getting Your First Job Being Accepted By Your Peers, Learning The Job And Gaining The First Tangible Evidence Of Success Of Or Failure In The 'Real World'


Mid-Carrier: - Most People Do Not Face Their First Carrier Dilemmas Until They Reach The Mid-Carrier Stage This Is A Time Where Individual May Continue Their Prior Improvements In Performance Level Off Or Begin To Deteriorate. At This Stage The First Dilemma Is Accepting That On Is No Longer Seen As A Learner.


Late-Carrier: - For Those Who Continue To Grow Through The MidCarrier Stage The Late Carrier Usually Is A Pleasant Time When One Is Allowed The Luxury To Relax A Bit And Enjoy Playing The Part Of The Elder State Man. It Is A Time Their One Rest on One's Laurels and Both in the Respect Given By Younger Employees. One Begins To Look Forward To Retirement And The Opportunities Of Doing Something Different Life Off The Job Is Likely Lot Carry For Greater Importance Then It Did In Earlier Days.


Decline: - The Final Stage In One's Carrier Is Difficult For Everyone But Ironically Is Probably Hardest On Those Who Had Continued Successes In Earlier Stages. After Several Decades of Continued Achievements and High Level of Performance. For The Most Performers or Those Who Have Seen Their Performance Deteriorate over the Years. It May Be Pleasant Time. The Frustrations That Have Been Associated With Work Will Be Left Behind.

HR Development and Training(Page 5) Name : (Amresh Anjan)

Q3 (a) What is meant by Performance Appraisal? What are the objectives of a Performance Appraisal System? Ans.

Performance Appraisal: - Performance Appraisal Programs Are Among The Most Helpful Tools An Organization Can Use To Maintain And Enhance Productivity And Facilitate Progress Towards Strategic Goals. The Success or Failure Of A Performance Appraisal Program Depends On The Philosophy Underlying It. Its Connection With Business Goals And The Attitude And Skills Of Those Responsible For Its Administration Many Different Methods Can Be Used To Gather Information About Employee Performance. Objective Of Performance Appraisal: (1) Salary Administration (2) Performance Feedback (3) Identification of Individual Strengths and Weaknesses (4) Recognition of Individual Performance (5) Determination of Promotion (6) Identification of Poor Performance (7) Assistance In Goal Identification (8) Evaluation Of Goal Achievement (9) Identification of Individual Training Needs (10) Determination of Organizational Training Needs.

HR Development and Training(Page 6) Name : (Amresh Anjan)

Q3(b) Explain the concept of 360-degree Appraisal and its relevance in Industry. Ans.

360-Degree Appraisal: - As Name Implies, 360 Degree Feedback Is Intended To Provide Employee With As Accurate A View Of Their Performance As Possible By Getting Input From All Angles = Superiors Beers Subordinates Customer And The Like Although In The Beginning 360 Degree Systems Were Purely Developmental And Were Restricted Mainly To Management And Carrier Development They Have Migrated To Performance Appraisal And Other Administrative Applications. Objectives Of 360 Degree Appraisal Or Pros And Cons Of 360 Degree Appraisal Is Given BelowPros:  The System Is More Comprehensive In That Response Are Gathered From Multiple Perspectives  Quality Of Information Better (Quality Of Respondents Is More Important Than Quantity)  It Complements TQM Intestines By Emphasizing Internal/External Customer And Teams.  It May Lessen Bias/Prejudice Since Feedback Comes From More People Not One Individual.  Feedback From Peers And Other May Increase Employee SelfDevelopment. Cons:  The System Complex In Combining All The Responses  Feedback Can Be Intimidating And Cause Resentment If Employee Feels The Respondents Have "Ganged Up  These may be conflicting opinions, though they may all be accurate from the respective standpoints.  The System Require Training To Work Effectively.  Employees May Collude Or Game The System By Giving Invalid Evaluation To One Another.  Appraisers May Not Be Accountable If Their Evaluations Are Anonymous. Relevance Of 360-Degree Appraisal In Industry – ♦ Assure Anonymity ♦ Make Respondents Accountable ♦ Prevent " Gaming " Of The System ♦ Use Statistical Procedures ♦ Identify And Quantify Biases Based On The Experience Of Companies It Appears As Though 360 Degree Feedback Can Provide A Valuable Approach To Performance Appraisal Its Success, As With Any Appraisal Technique Depends On How Managers Use The Information And How Fairly Employees Are Treated. HR Development and Training(Page 7) Name : (Amresh Anjan)

Q4 (a) Explain the process involved in Appraisal Interview. Ans.

Process Involved In Appraisal Interview: (1)

Ask For A Self-Assessment: Give Employees A Form Of SelfAssessment According To It Employee Has Evaluated His Or Her Own Performance The Interview Can Be Used To Discuss Those Area Where The Manager And The Employee Have Reached Different Conclusion Not So Much To Resolve The Truth But To Work Towards A Resolution Of Problem.


Invite Participation: - The Core Purpose of A Performance Appraisal Interview Is To Initiate A Dialogue That Will Help an Employee Improve Her or His Performance. To The Extent That An Employee Is An Active Participant In That Discussion, The More Likely It Is That The Roof Cause And Obstades To Performance Will Be Uncovered And The More Likely It Is That Constructive Ideas For Improvement Will Be Raised


Express Appreciation: - Praise Is A Powerful Motivator And In An Appraisal Interview, Particularly Employees Are Seeking Positive Feedback It Is Frequently Beneficial To Start The Appraisal Interview By Expressing Appreciation For What The Employee Has Done Well. In This Way He Or She May Be Less Defensive And More Likely To Talk About Aspects Of The Job That Are Not Going So Well.

Minimize Criticism: - Employees Who Have A Good Relationship With Their Managers May Be Able To Handle Criticism Better Than Those Who Do Not If An Employee Has Many Areas In Need For Improvement, Managers Should Focus On Those Few Objectives Issues That Are Most Problematic Or Most Important To The Job Some Tips For Using Criticism Constructively Include The Following. ♦ Consider Whether It Is Really Necessary ♦ Don't Exaggerate ♦ Make Improvement Your Goal Focus On Solving Problems: In Addressing Performance Issues, It Is Frequently Tempting To Get Into The Blame Game In Which Both Manager And Employee Enter Into A Potentially Endless Discussion Of Why A Situation Has Arises. Frequently Solving Problems Requires And Analysis Of The Causes But Ultimately The Appraisal Interview Should Be Directed Devising A Solution To The Problem.

HR Development and Training(Page 8) Name : (Amresh Anjan)

Q4 (b)What are the Objectives of Potential Evaluation? Ans.

Potential Evaluation: - Potential Evaluation Refers To An Individuals Behaviors, Skills, Abilities In Meeting The Requirements Of The Job Which The Individual Currently Holds On The Other Hand Potential Refers To The Abilities Present But Not Currently Utilized Or Not Required To That Degree In The Present Job As Would Be Required In Possible Future Higher Jobs Which The Individual May Hold. It Refers To The Abilities To Discharge Higher Responsibilities In Future Roles. Objective of Potential Evaluation: Potential Evaluation Poses A Number Of Problems, Nobody Has Ever Questioned The Need For Assessment Of Potential For Vital Personnel Decision It Is In Fact Pre-Requisite To The Very Survival Of An Organization. It Is an Important Area because People Have To Be Prepared To Take Up Higher Responsibilities. It Also Help In Identifying High Fusers and The Dead Wood Early. Some of the Major Areas Where Potential Evaluation Plays A Critical Role And Help in Handling the Employees of Organization. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

Promotions Transfer Placement Training And Development Carrier Planning Succession Planning Salary Increase Organization Planning

Every Organization Has To Make an Assessment Of Potentials Of Its Employee For The Purpose Of A Varity Of Administrative And Developmental Decisions.

HR Development and Training(Page 9) Name : (Amresh Anjan)

Q6 (a) Explain the importance of Job description and Person specification. Ans.

Importance of Job Description: 1. Job Identification: - Job Identification or Original Position, Which Includes the Job Title, Department, Division Plant and Code Number of the Job. The Job Title Identifies and Designates the Job Properly the Departments Division Etc. Indicate the Name of the Department Where It Is Situated Whether It Is the Maintenance Department, Mechanical Shop Etc. 2. Job Duties And Responsibilities: - Job Duties And Responsibilities Are Two Important Purposes. First It Provides A Short Definition Which Is Useful As An Additional Identification Information When A Job Title In Not Adequate. 3. Job Duties And Responsibilities: - Job Duties And Responsibilities Gives A Comprehensive Listing Of The Duties Together With Some Indication Of The Frequency Of Occurrence Or Percentage Of Time Devoted To Each Major Duty. 4. Relation To Other Jobs: - This Helps To Locate The Job In The Organization By Indicating The Job Immediate Below Or Above It In The Job Hierarchy. 5. Supervision: - Under It Is Given The Number Of Persons To Be Supervised Along With There Job Titles And The Extent Of Supervision Involved General Intermediate Or Close Supervision. 6. Machine, Tools and Equipments: - Job description also defines Each Major Type or Trade Name of the Machine and Tool And The Raw Material Used. Job Description Is an Important Document Which Is Basically Descriptive In Nature And Contains A Statement Of Job Analysis.

HR Development and Training(Page 10) Name : (Amresh Anjan)

Q6 (b) Discuss the relevance of innovative employee reward system. Ans.

Innovative Employee Reward System Is Very Important for Motivating the Employees Its Importance is discussed below: (1)

Motivation: - Innovative Employee Reward System Help in Motivating the Employees. Employees Put Their Efforts To Show Their Performance.


Increasing Productivity: - Innovative Employee Reward System Helps In Increasing the Individual Productivity Hence Increase Organizational Productivity.


Healthy Completive Environment: - It Also Helps In Creating Healthy Completive Environment, Which Is Useful For Achieving The Group Goals And Organizational Goal.


Self - Satisfaction: - Reward for the Work Help In The Employee Job Satisfaction. Employees Take Initiative In Every Kind Of Activity.


Differentiate Between Efficient And Inefficient Employees: Innovative Employee Required Also Help In Differentiating Between Efficient And Inefficient Employees Efficient Employees Can Be Awarded Accordingly For There Efforts.

HR Development and Training(Page 11) Name : (Amresh Anjan)

Q7 (a) Explain how the Training needs can be identified? Ans.

Identifying Training needs: An analysis of training needs is an essential prerequisite to the design of effective training. The purpose of this diagnostic is to determine whether there is a gap between what is required for effective performance and present level of performance. Training needs arises of three levels (a) Organizational (b) Group (c) Individual levels The corporate needs arises at three levels organization group and individual levels they are interdependent because the corporate performance of an organization ultimately depends on the performance of its individual employee and its sub group. The corporate needs of the organization and its group may be identified in the following ways (1)

The evidence of human resources planning: - This provides information about the demand and supply of human resources and the possible implications for training needs. Thus a forecast of a possible difficulty in recruitment people with required entry levels in knowledge and skills could effect recruitment and training policy. Compelling the organization to recruit at lower level and then to provide compensatory training to fill the performance gap.


The introduction of new methods: Whenever new methods of work e.g. computers are introduced this changes the requirements for effective performance. Creates a performance gap in knowledge and skills.


Collective evidence from performance appraisal and formal methods for needs assessment information emerging from performance appraisal of individual employee or from formal method such as meetings interviews or questionnaires in which line managers hr and training staff and individual employee are involved may reveal need for training that are common throughout the organization

HR Development and Training(Page 12) Name : (Amresh Anjan)

Q7 (b) What are the ways a Training programme is evaluated. Ans.

Training like any other function should be evaluated to determine its effectiveness. A variety of methods are available to assess the extent to which training programs improve learning affect behavior on the job an impact the bottom line performance of an organization There are four basic criteria available to evaluate training (1)

Reactions: - one of the simplest and most common approaches to training evaluation in assessing participant reactions. Happy training will be more likely to want to focus on training principles and to utilize the information on the job potential question might include the following  What were your learning goals for this program?  Did you achieve them?  Did you like this program?  Would you recommend it to other who have similar learning goals?


Learning: - beyond what participants think about the training it might be a good idea to see whether or not they actually learned anything testing knowledge and skills before beginning a training program gives a baseline standard on trainees that can be measured again after training to determine improvement.


Behavior: - to maximize transfers, managers and trainers can take several approaches: 1. Feature identical elements 2. Focus on general principles 3. Establish a climate for transfer 4. Give employees transfer strategies


Result: - according to a study approximately two third of training managers surveyed reported that they were coming under additional pressure to show that their programs produce bottom line results fume of the results based on criteria used in evaluating training include increased productivity, fewer employee complains decreased cost and waste and productivity.

HR Development and Training(Page 13) Name : (Amresh Anjan)

Q9 (a)What is system approach to training?

Ans. Systems Approach to Training: - The Training Should Achieve the Purpose of Helping Employee To Perform Their Work to Required Standards. The Steps Invoked In Assigning A Training Programme Are As Follows: 1. Identify Training Needs Who Need Training And What Do They Need To Learn. 2. Taking Account Of Learning Theory- Design And Provide Training To Meet Identified Needs. 3. Assess whether Training Has Achieved Its Aim In Terms Of Subsequent Work Performance. 4. Make Any Necessary Amendments to Any Of The Previous Stays In Order To Remedy Or Improve Failure Practices. The process is commonly known as the system approach to training (sat) the sat is so called because it is a series of interdependent system’s functionally linked together and integrated into the whole work system interdependence of the stage is crucial since the malfunction or neglect of any one of them inevitably affects the others and the total systems For Example: If Job Analysis Has Not Defined The Criteria For Effective Performance Training Need Cannot Be Identified By Performance Appraisal.

HR Development and Training(Page 14) Name : (Amresh Anjan)

Q9 (b) Explain briefly different training and development methods. Ans.

Training and Development Methods: There Are Two Training And Development Method Which Are Defined Are As Follows

1. Employee Training Methods: - The most popular training methods used by organization can be classified as either on the job or off the job training few better technique from each category are briefly explained a. On The Job Training: The Most Widely Used Method Of Training Take Place On The Job. On The Job Training Places The Employee In An Actual Work Situation And Make Them Appear To Be Employee Is An Actual Work Situation And Make Them Appear To Be Immediately Productive.

Apprenticeship Programs: - People Seeking To Enter Skilled Trades Are Often Required To Undergo Apprenticeship Training (a) Off The Job Training: - Off The Job Training Covers A Number Of Technique Classroom Lectures Films Demonstrations Cause Studies And Others Relations Exercise And Programmed Instructions. Different Type of Off the Job Training Are as Follows:  Films  Simulation Exercise  Cases  Experimental Exercise  Computer Modeling  Vestibule Training  Programmed Instructions (2) Management Development Method: - Management Development So More Future Mented And More Concerned With Education Than Is Employee Training Or Assisting A Person To Become A Better Performer By Education We Mean That Management Development Activities Attempt To Instill Sound Reasoning Processes. Successful Managers Have Analytical Human Conceptual And Specialized Skills. They Are Able To Think And Understand Management Development Method Is Further Divided Into Two Parts (a) On The Job Development :The Development Of A Manager’s Abilities Can Take Place On The Job. We Will Review Four Popular On The Job Techniques (i) Coaching (ii) Understudy Assignments (iii) Job Rotation (iv) Committee Assignments HR Development and Training(Page 15) Name : (Amresh Anjan)

(i) (ii)


Coaching: - When A Manager Takes an Active Role in Guiding Another Manager We Refer To This Activity as Coaching. Understudy Assignments: - Different Job Related Assignments Are Prepared And Given To Managers For Study.

Job Rotation: - Job Rotation Represents an Excellent Method for Broading the Manager or Potential Manager and For Turning Specialist into Generalists


Committee Assignments: -Assignment to A Committee Can Provide an Opportunity for the Employee to Share in Manager Decision Making To Learn By Watching Others. Appointment to Permanent Committee: - Appointment to Permanent Committee Increases the Employee’s Exposure to Other Member of the Organization.

Off The Job Development: -There Are Many Management Development Technique That Personal Can Partake In Off the Job. Few Popular Ones:  Sensitivity Training  Transactional Analysis  Lecture Courses  Simulation Exercises

Responsibility for Training and Development: - Training is the responsibility of four major groups: The Top Management, Which Frames the Training Policy. The HRD Department Which Plans Establishes and Evaluates Instructional Programmes Super Ions Who Facilitate Training And Development Activities Employee’s Who Provide Feedback Revisions And Suggestions For Corporate Educational Endeavors.

HR Development and Training(Page 16) Name : (Amresh Anjan)

Q11(a)Explain HRD approach to strategic management. Ans.

HRD Approach To Strategic Management: HRD approach is important in Strategic Management in two distinct ways:(a) Strategy Formulation (b) Strategy Implementation

Strategy Formulation: - The Most Fundamental Long Term Important Of HRD Is In The Participation Of People In The Formulation Of Strategy. Such Participation Will Need To Vary According To the Content of Strategic Formulation. Strategy Implementation: - The Involvement of Top/Senior Management in Carrying Out-Group Strategy Decisions Such As Expansion in Retained Business Exit from Unviable Business Entry into Promising New Business and Globalization HRD Approach to Strategic Management Has Many Benefits, Which Are Studied, Are As Follows: Creative Strategies Search In Products Markets And Functional Strategies. High Ownership Of The Plan And More Energetic Implementation. Team Building Impact With Sobs And Between The Corporate Groups. Identify First: SBU Functional, Locational, Personal Development Of Talent. Testing Morale And Motivation Retention Of Talent Absorption Of Strategic Planning Skills Institutionalization of Planning Process and Culture.

HR Development and Training(Page 17) Name : (Amresh Anjan)

Q11(b)What is the role of HRD managers in the current environment?

Ans. The New Environment Has Thrown Many Challenges An Opportunity To Industry. The Opportunities Are For New Ventures The Challenges Include A Fast Movement To Become Customer Driven Cost Effective Quality Oriented, Quickly Responding Service Centered And Technology Adoptive Organization (1)

The First And Foremost Role In Continuous Education Of Employee About The Changes And Challenges Facing The Organization. It Is Important That All Employees Should Understand And Locate India On The Global Map In Terms Of Its Share In Global Businesses. It’s Standing In The Global Economy It’s Standing In Terms Of The Quality Of Life Of Its People.


The Second Task Is In Terms Of Educating Employees About The Company. It Is Important That The Employees Know A Lot More About The Economy Where They Work Other Than Who Do Not Work There They Should Down About Their Balance Sheet Progress Diversification Plans Restricting Plans Consultants Being Used.


The Third Task Is To Assess And Keep Re-Assessing The Core Competencies Required By Various Group And Teams Need To Be Assessed And Strategies Of Developing These Competence May Be Evolved. For Example: Quality Orientation, Cost Consciousness Entrepreneurship, Teamwork Etc May Be Common To All.


The Fourth Task Therefore To Plan And Implement Strategies To Develop New Competencies At All Levels. This Again Could Be Through Training Appraisal System, Seminars And Workshop Participative Discussions Quality Circles And Other Forms Of Group Work.


The Fifth Task Is To Review Revamp And Rejuvenate The Existing People Management Systems And HRD Manager Has A Significant Role To Play. The Systems May Include Reward Systems Incentive Schemes Reporting Relationships And Organizational Structures Promotion Policies Transfer Policies Rotation Systems Training Policies Etc. These Five Roles Of HRD Managers Are Critical In The New Environment. These Require The HRD Manager To Also Develop People To Be Internal Are External Customer Oriented Highly Responsible Cost Conscious Technology Driven And Entrepreneurial. HR Development and Training(Page 18) Name : (Amresh Anjan)

Q8(a) Explain the inter relashionship between Human Resource Development and Total Quality Management.

Ans. Total Quality Management (TQM) Is An Important Onorement, Especially Against The Backdrop Of Globalization Of Business. Considerable Efforts Have Been Made In A Number Of Industrial Undertakings To Make Quality A Way Of Corporate Life. While The Concepts Of Quality Control QC And PQM Have Gained Ground In Some Indian Organizations Still A Few Corporate Functions Like Human Resources Development Have Been Subjected To The Quality Test In Many Organizations. HRD Is One Of The Several Organizational Processes Evolved To Cope With Changing Environment And To Maintain Organization At Its Effective But It Is A Process By Which The Employees Of An Organization Ate Assisted In A Continuous And Planned Manner. (a) (b)


To Acquire / Sharpen Capabilities Required To Perform Various Functions Associated With Their Present Or Expected Failure Roles. To Develop Their General Competencies As Individual And Discover And Exploit Their Inner Potential For Their Own As Well As Organizational Development To Develop An Organizational Collusive In Which Suppression Subordinate Relationship Terms Work And Collaboration Amongst Sub Units Are Strong And To Contribute To The Well Being Motivation And Bride Of Employees. In Other Words HRD Is A New Concept Of People Based On Understanding Of Their Comples And Shifting Goals. It Is Also A New Concept Of Human Values Based On Humanistic And Demons Tic Ideas Important Points Find In Both HRD And TQM Are a) Induction And Orientation b) On The Job Training c) Off The Job Training d) Performance Appraisal And Counseling e) Team Building And Participative Processes

HR Development and Training(Page 19) Name : (Amresh Anjan)

Q8 (b) What is the role of HRD in improving Organizational effectiveness. Ans.

The New Environment Has Thrown Many Challenges An Opportunity To Industry The Opportunities Are For New Ventures The Challenges Includes A Fast Movement To Become Customer Driven Cost Effective Quality Oriented, Quickly Respond Service Centered And Technology Adoptive Organization. All There Challenges Require Employees At All Level To Change. (1)

The First And Foremost About The Changes And Challenges Facing The Organization. It Is Important That All Employees Should Understand And Locate India On The Global Map In Terms Of Its Share In Global Business. For Example: The Star TV And BBC Have Made Education Easier Such Education May Also Involve Sending Teams Of Employees To Visit Other Countries Particularly To Those Where The Organizations Business Interest May Low.


The Second Task Is In Terms Of Educating Employees About The Company. It Is Important That The Employees Know A Lot More About The Company Where They Work Than Others Who Do Not Work There. They Could Use A Group Of Trainers From Their Own Staff Alternatively They Could Use Outside Trainees.


The Third Task Is To Assess And Keep Re-Assessing The Core Competences Required By Various Groups And Teams (E.G. People From Finance, Marketing, Production, Corporate Planning, HRD Superior, Personnel Staff Etc.) For Example: Quality Orientation Cost Consciousness Entrepreneurship Teamwork Etc. may be common to all.


The Fourth Task Therefore Is A Plan And Implement Strategies To Develop New Competencies At All Levels. The Again Could Be Through Training, Appraisal System Seminar And Workshops, Participative Discussions Quality Circles And Other Of Group Work.


The Fifth Task Is To Review Revanip And Rejuvenate The Existing People Management Systems And The HRD Manager Has A Significant Role To Play The System May Include Reward Systems Incentive Schemes Reporting Relationships And Organizational Structure Promotion Policies Transfer Policies Systems Training Policies Etc. These Five Roles Of HRD Managers Are Critical In New Environment These Require The HRD Manager To Also Develop People To Be Internal And External Customer People To Be Internal And External HR Development and Training(Page 20) Name : (Amresh Anjan)

Customer Oriented Highly Responsive Cost Conscious Technology Driven And Entrenevrial.

HR Development and Training(Page 21) Name : (Amresh Anjan)

Q13 (c)Write short notes on :

Ans. Selection Process: - The Selection Process Consists Of Seven Steps 1. Initial Screening Interview: - In Culmination Of Our Recruiting Efforts We Should Be Prepared To Imitative A Preliminary Review Of Potentially Acceptable Candidates. The Screening Is In Effort A Few Step Procedures. i. The Screening Of Inquiries And ii. The Provision Of Screening Interviews. 2. Completion Of Application Form: - Once The Initial Screening Has Been Completed Application Are Asked To Complete The Organization Application Form. The Amount Of Information Required May Be Only The Applicant’s Name, Address And Telephone Number. 3. Employment Tests: - Organizations Historically Relied To A Considerable Extent On Intelligence Aptitude Ability And Interest Tests To Provide Major Inputs To The Selection Process. 4. Comprehensive Interview: - Those Individuals Who Are Still Viable Applicants After The Initial Screening Application Form And Required Tests Have Been Completed Are Then Given A Comprehensive Interview. The Applicant May Be Interviewed By Personnel Department Interviewers. 5. Background Investigation: - The Next Step In The Selection Process Is To Undertake An Investigation Of Those Applicants Who Appear To Other Potential As Employees. They May Include Contacting Former Employers To Confirm The Candidate Work Record And To Obtain Their Appraisal Of His Or Her Performance. 6. Physical Examination: - The Last Step Prior To The Final Selection Decision May Consist Of Having The Applicant Take A Physical Examination. For Most Jobs This Is A Screening Device In The Selection Process. 7. Final Employment Decision: - Those Individuals Who Perform Successfully On The Employment Tests And The Comprehensive Interview And Are Not Eliminated By The Development Of Negative Information On Either The Background Investigation Or Physical Examination Are Now Considered To Be Eligible To Receive An Offer Of Employment. This Is The Whole Selection Process Adopted By Almost All The Organizations In Order To Choose The Best Candidate For The Job Among All Candidates.

HR Development and Training(Page 22) Name : (Amresh Anjan)

Q13 (a). Write short notes on: Ans.

(a) Management By Objectives: - Management By Objectives (MBO) is a philosophy of management that has employees establish objectives (MBO) though consultation with their superiors and then uses these objectives as a basis of evaluation. MBO is a system involving a cycle that begins with setting the organization’s common goals and objectives and ultimately return to the step. The system acts as a goal setting process whereby objectives are established for the organisation (step 1), department (step 2), and individual managers and employees (step3). Example: Production Cost, Sales Per Product, Quality Standard And Profits

Management By Objectives (MBO)

Step 1: Organization Goals & Metrics

Step 2: Department Goals & Metrics

Step 7: Review of organization performance

Step 5a: inappropriate Goals/metrics deleted

Step 3A: Supervisor lists goals & metrics for subordinate

Step 3B: Subordinate proposes goals and metrics

Step 4: Manual agreement of goals & metrics

Step 5b: New inputs are then provided

Step 3B Subordinate Proposes goals and metrics

Step 6: Final review

Step 5: Interim Review

Given Figure Illustrates a significant features of the cycle is the establishment of specific goals by the employees but those goals are based on a board statement of employee responsibilities prepared by subordinate.

HR Development and Training(Page 23) Name : (Amresh Anjan)

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