Hr 1207 Signers 06-10-09

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  • Words: 1,577
  • Pages: 15
Sheet1 5-7-09 Jake Towne Rep. Ron Paul, TX HR 1207 Cosponsor Rep Bonner, Jo Rep Boswell, Leonard L. Rep Carney, Christopher P. Rep Childers, Travis Rep Johnson, Henry C. "Hank," Jr. Rep Mitchell, Harry E. Rep Murphy, Patrick J. Rep Pascrell, Bill, Jr. Rep Shea-Porter, Carol Rep Tonko, Paul D. Rep Holden, Tim Rep King, Peter T. Rep Kratovil, Frank, Jr. Rep Lipinski, Daniel Rep Frelinghuysen, Rodney P. Rep Grijalva, Raul M. Rep Halvorson, Deborah L. Rep Young, C.W. Bill Rep Hinchey, Maurice D. Rep Jordan, Jim Rep Roskam, Peter J. Rep Berkley, Shelley Rep Ross, Mike Rep Thornberry, Mac Rep Welch, Peter Rep Altmire, Jason Rep Berry, Marion Rep Brown-Waite, Ginny Rep Forbes, J. Randy Rep Latta, Robert E. Rep Pastor, Ed Rep Reichert, David G. Rep Rogers, Mike J. Rep Scalise, Steve Rep Schauer, Mark H. Rep Ortiz, Solomon P. Rep Ryan, Paul Rep Whitfield, Ed Rep Boustany, Charles W., Jr. Rep Hunter, Duncan D. Rep Minnick, Walter Rep Perriello, Thomas S.P. Rep Rogers, Mike D. Rep Turner, Michael R. Rep Barrow, John

Constituency AL-1 IA-3 PA-10 MS-1 GA-4 AZ-5 PA-8 NJ-8 NH-1 NY-21 PA-17 NY-3 MD-1 IL-3 NJ-11 AZ-7 IL-11 FL-10 NY-22 OH-4 IL-6 NV-1 AR-4 TX-13 VT PA-4 AR-1 FL-5 VA-4 OH-5 AZ-4 WA-8 MI-8 LA-1 MI-7 TX-27 WI-1 KY-1 LA-7 CA-52 ID-1 VA-5 AL-3 OH-3 GA-12

Joined 06/09/09 06/09/09 06/09/09 06/09/09 06/09/09 06/09/09 06/09/09 06/09/09 06/09/09 06/09/09 06/04/09 06/04/09 06/04/09 06/04/09 06/03/09 06/03/09 06/03/09 06/03/09 06/02/09 06/02/09 06/02/09 05/21/09 05/21/09 05/21/09 05/21/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/14/09 05/14/09 05/14/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/12/09

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Sheet1 Rep Fortenberry, Jeff Rep Inslee, Jay Rep Mack, Connie Rep Maffei, Daniel B. Rep Mica, John L. Rep Royce, Edward R. Rep Flake, Jeff Rep Gerlach, Jim Rep Hare, Phil Rep Harper, Gregg Rep Hastings, Doc Rep Lance, Leonard Rep Boozman, John Rep Conaway, K. Michael Rep Guthrie, Brett Rep Lungren, Daniel E. Rep Michaud, Michael H. Rep Sensenbrenner, F. James, Jr. Rep Shadegg, John B. Rep Shuster, Bill Rep Walz, Timothy J. Rep Aderholt, Robert B. Rep Adler, John H. Rep Austria, Steve Rep Davis, Geoff Rep Dent, Charles W. Rep Herseth Sandlin, Stephanie Rep Linder, John Rep Radanovich, George Rep Schakowsky, Janice D. Rep Schock, Aaron Rep Barton, Joe Rep Bilirakis, Gus M. Rep Campbell, John Rep Cassidy, Bill Rep Crenshaw, Ander Rep Hensarling, Jeb Rep LoBiondo, Frank A. Rep McCarthy, Kevin Rep McHugh, John M. Rep McMorris Rodgers, Cathy Rep Moran, Jerry Rep Walden, Greg Rep Buyer, Steve Rep McHenry, Patrick T. Rep Neugebauer, Randy Rep Bachus, Spencer Rep Bono Mack, Mary

NE-1 WA-1 FL-14 NY-25 FL-7 CA-40 AZ-6 PA-6 IL-17 MS-3 WA-4 NJ-7 AR-3 TX-11 KY-2 CA-3 ME-2 WI-5 AZ-3 PA-9 MN-1 AL-4 NJ-3 OH-7 KY-4 PA-15 SD GA-7 CA-19 IL-9 IL-18 TX-6 FL-9 CA-48 LA-6 FL-4 TX-5 NJ-2 CA-22 NY-23 WA-5 KS-1 OR-2 IN-4 NC-10 TX-19 AL-6 CA-45

05/12/09 05/12/09 05/12/09 05/12/09 05/12/09 05/12/09 05/11/09 05/11/09 05/11/09 05/11/09 05/11/09 05/11/09 05/07/09 05/07/09 05/07/09 05/07/09 05/07/09 05/07/09 05/07/09 05/07/09 05/07/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 04/30/09 04/30/09 04/30/09 04/29/09 04/29/09

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Sheet1 Rep Calvert, Ken Rep Hall, Ralph M. Rep Kline, John Rep McDermott, Jim Rep Murphy, Tim Rep Upton, Fred Rep Wilson, Joe Rep Barrett, J. Gresham Rep Biggert, Judy Rep Brown, Henry E., Jr. Rep Goodlatte, Bob Rep Granger, Kay Rep Hoekstra, Peter Rep LaTourette, Steven C. Rep Miller, Candice S. Rep Myrick, Sue Wilkins Rep Pitts, Joseph R. Rep Putnam, Adam H. Rep Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana Rep Simpson, Michael K. Rep Smith, Adrian Rep Tiahrt, Todd Rep Tiberi, Patrick J. Rep Gohmert, Louie Rep Inglis, Bob Rep Jenkins, Lynn Rep Johnson, Timothy V. Rep Kaptur, Marcy Rep Brady, Kevin Rep Graves, Sam Rep Johnson, Sam Rep Massa, Eric J. J. Rep Rooney, Thomas J. Rep Shimkus, John Rep Smith, Adam Rep Thompson, Glenn Rep Baldwin, Tammy Rep Bilbray, Brian P. Rep Bishop, Rob Rep Cole, Tom Rep Doggett, Lloyd Rep Ehlers, Vernon J. Rep Herger, Wally Rep Lamborn, Doug Rep Latham, Tom Rep Lucas, Frank D. Rep Luetkemeyer, Blaine Rep Manzullo, Donald A.

CA-44 TX-4 MN-2 WA-7 PA-18 MI-6 SC-2 SC-3 IL-13 SC-1 VA-6 TX-12 MI-2 OH-14 MI-10 NC-9 PA-16 FL-12 FL-18 ID-2 NE-3 KS-4 OH-12 TX-1 SC-4 KS-2 IL-15 OH-9 TX-8 MO-6 TX-3 NY-29 FL-16 IL-19 WA-9 PA-5 WI-2 CA-50 UT-1 OK-4 TX-25 MI-3 CA-2 CO-5 IA-4 OK-3 MO-9 IL-16

04/29/09 04/29/09 04/29/09 04/29/09 04/29/09 04/29/09 04/29/09 04/28/09 04/28/09 04/28/09 04/28/09 04/28/09 04/28/09 04/28/09 04/28/09 04/28/09 04/28/09 04/28/09 04/28/09 04/28/09 04/28/09 04/28/09 04/28/09 04/23/09 04/23/09 04/23/09 04/23/09 04/23/09 04/22/09 04/22/09 04/22/09 04/22/09 04/22/09 04/22/09 04/22/09 04/22/09 04/21/09 04/21/09 04/21/09 04/21/09 04/21/09 04/21/09 04/21/09 04/21/09 04/21/09 04/21/09 04/21/09 04/21/09

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Sheet1 Rep McCaul, Michael T. Rep Olson, Pete Rep Pence, Mike Rep Roe, David P. Rep Fallin, Mary Rep Smith, Lamar Rep Westmoreland, Lynn A. Rep Capito, Shelley Moore Rep Wittman, Robert J. Rep Carter, John R. Rep Gingrey, Phil Rep Paulsen, Erik Rep Terry, Lee Rep Culberson, John Abney Rep Stark, Fortney Pete Rep Blunt, Roy Rep Miller, Jeff Rep Deal, Nathan Rep Franks, Trent Rep Sessions, Pete Rep Akin, W. Todd Rep Burgess, Michael C. Rep Lummis, Cynthia M. Rep McCotter, Thaddeus G. Rep Peterson, Collin C. Rep Platts, Todd Russell Rep Fleming, John Rep Buchanan, Vern Rep Castle, Michael N. Rep Blackburn, Marsha Rep Wamp, Zach Rep Grayson, Alan Rep Marchant, Kenny Rep Alexander, Rodney Rep Foxx, Virginia Rep Petri, Thomas E. Rep Price, Tom Rep DeFazio, Peter A. Rep Chaffetz, Jason Rep Duncan, John J., Jr. Rep Heller, Dean Rep Kingston, Jack Rep McClintock, Tom Rep Rohrabacher, Dana Rep Stearns, Cliff Rep Taylor, Gene Rep Young, Don Rep Garrett, Scott

TX-10 TX-22 IN-6 TN-1 OK-5 TX-21 GA-3 WV-2 VA-1 TX-31 GA-11 MN-3 NE-2 TX-7 CA-13 MO-7 FL-1 GA-9 AZ-2 TX-32 MO-2 TX-26 WY MI-11 MN-7 PA-19 LA-4 FL-13 DE TN-7 TN-3 FL-8 TX-24 LA-5 NC-5 WI-6 GA-6 OR-4 UT-3 TN-2 NV-2 GA-1 CA-4 CA-46 FL-6 MS-4 AK NJ-5

04/21/09 04/21/09 04/21/09 04/21/09 04/02/09 04/02/09 04/02/09 04/01/09 04/01/09 03/31/09 03/30/09 03/30/09 03/30/09 03/26/09 03/26/09 03/24/09 03/24/09 03/23/09 03/23/09 03/23/09 03/19/09 03/19/09 03/19/09 03/19/09 03/19/09 03/19/09 03/18/09 03/17/09 03/17/09 03/16/09 03/16/09 03/11/09 03/11/09 03/10/09 03/10/09 03/10/09 03/10/09 03/09/09 03/06/09 03/06/09 03/06/09 03/06/09 03/06/09 03/06/09 03/06/09 03/06/09 03/06/09 03/05/09

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Sheet1 Rep Abercrombie, Neil Rep Bachmann, Michele Rep Bartlett, Roscoe G. Rep Broun, Paul C. Rep Burton, Dan Rep Jones, Walter B., Jr. Rep Kagen, Steve Rep Poe, Ted Rep Posey, Bill Rep Rehberg, Denny Rep Woolsey, Lynn C.

HI-1 MN-6 MD-6 GA-10 IN-5 NC-3 WI-8 TX-2 FL-15 MT CA-6

02/26/09 02/26/09 02/26/09 02/26/09 02/26/09 02/26/09 02/26/09 02/26/09 02/26/09 02/26/09 02/26/09

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House Financial Services Committee Democratic Members Rep. Paul E. Kanjorski, PA Rep. Maxine Waters, CA Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney, NY Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez, IL Rep. Nydia M. Velázquez, NY Rep. Melvin L. Watt, NC Rep. Gary L. Ackerman, NY Rep. Brad Sherman, CA Rep. Gregory W. Meeks, NY Rep. Dennis Moore, KS Rep. Michael E. Capuano, MA Rep. Rubén Hinojosa, TX Rep. William Lacy Clay, MO Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, NY Rep. Joe Baca, CA Rep. Stephen F. Lynch, MA Rep. Brad Miller, NC Rep. David Scott, GA Rep. Al Green, TX Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, MO Rep. Melissa L. Bean, IL Rep. Gwen Moore, WI Rep. Paul W. Hodes, NH Rep. Keith Ellison, MN Rep. Ron Klein, FL Rep. Charles Wilson, OH Rep. Ed Perlmutter, CO Rep. Joe Donnelly, IN Rep. Bill Foster, IL Rep. Andre Carson, IN Rep. Jackie Speier, CA Rep. Travis Childers, MS Rep. Walt Minnick, ID Rep. John Adler, NJ Rep. Mary Jo Kilroy, OH Rep. Steve Driehaus, OH


Has Not Co-signed

Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat

Rep. Suzanne Kosmas, FL Rep. Alan Grayson, FL Rep. Jim Himes, CT Rep. Gary Peters, MI Rep. Dan Maffei, NY Rep. Barney Frank Republican Members Rep. Spencer Bachus, AL Rep. Michael N. Castle, DE Rep. Peter King, NY Rep. Edward R. Royce, CA Rep. Frank D. Lucas, OK Rep. Ron Paul, TX Rep. Donald A. Manzullo, IL Rep. Walter B. Jones , NC Rep. Judy Biggert, IL Rep. Gary G. Miller, CA Rep. Shelley Moore Capito, WV Rep. Jeb Hensarling, TX Rep. Scott Garrett, NJ Rep. J. Gresham Barrett, SC Rep. Jim Gerlach, PA Rep. Randy Neugebauer, TX Rep. Tom Price, GA Rep. Patrick T. McHenry, NC Rep. John Campbell, CA Rep. Adam Putnam, FL Rep. Michele Bachmann, MN Rep. Kenny Marchant, TX Rep. Thaddeus McCotter, MI Rep. Kevin McCarthy, CA Rep. Bill Posey, FL Rep. Lynn Jenkins, KS Rep. Christopher Lee, NY Rep. Erik Paulsen, MN Rep. Leonard Lance, NJ

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Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican Republican


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