How Will The Prophet Jesus As Be Recognised

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HOW WILL THE PROPHET JESUS (AS) BE RECOGNISED? 2 The Prophet Jesus’ (as) Activities In the first part of this article, published last month, we examined the physical and spiritual characteristics that will enable the Prophet Jesus (as) to be recognised when he returns to Earth, in the light of the hadiths of our Prophet (saas) and the views of Islamic scholars. In this month’s second part we look at another of the portents that will enable the Prophet Jesus (as) to be recognised when he comes, his activities. The End Times in which we are living is a holy period of glad tidings for all believers. Because we are told, in the verses of our Lord and the hadiths of our Prophet (saas), of the return to Earth in the End Times of the Prophet Jesus (as), after 2,000 years. One of the most important features of the Prophet Jesus (as) that will enable him to be recognised when he returns will be his activities. By performing these activities that are incapable of being imitated, the Prophet Jesus (as) will, by Allah’s leave and together with Hazrat Mahdi (as), be a means whereby a Golden Age dawns on Earth. With his birth and the miracles he performed, the Prophet Jesus (as) is a holy prophet. Allah determined a special destiny for the Prophet Jesus (as), in the light of which he foiled the plans of the deniers to kill the prophet. As is clearly stated in the Qur’an, the deniers failed to kill the Prophet Jesus (as), although they were made to think they had. (Surat an-Nisa’, 157) Allah took the Prophet Jesus (as) into His Presence, in the literal biological sense, without taking his soul from him, and the Prophet Jesus (as) will return again to Earth. During that second coming, however, as we shall be seeing below, he will be recognised by very few people, and his community will be few in number. Very Few People Will Recognise the Prophet Jesus (as) When He Returns In both Christian and Muslim circles, the number of people capable of recognising the Prophet Jesus (as) in the early years of his return will be very small, due to certain misconceptions regarding that return as well as negative activities and propaganda. The great Islamic scholar Bediuzzaman Said Nursi tells us this about this situation that will arise in the End Times: “When the blessed Prophet Jesus (as) comes, it is not necessary that everyone should know he is the real Jesus (as). His close disciples will

recognise him with the light of faith. Otherwise, not everyone will recognise him at once and clearly.” (Letters, p. 60) Elsewhere, Bediuzzaman has described how the Prophet Jesus (as) will not be recognised by a large part of his community: “Indeed, the coming of the blessed Prophet Jesus and the fact that he is the blessed Jesus is known through the light of faith, but not by all.”(Rays, p. 487) According to Bediuzzaman, when the Prophet Jesus (as) first comes back to Earth, it will not be known that he is the Prophet Jesus (as), though people will realise this later. His followers will only recognise him through the light of faith. To put it another way, society in general will not know that he is the Prophet Jesus (as). On the contrary, as a result of various methods of indoctrination and propaganda perpetrated on society by the dajjal, most people will be hostile to him and strive to neutralise him. The Number of the Prophet Jesus’ (as) Community Will Be Very Small It is indicated in the Qur’an that when the Prophet Jesus (as) first came to Earth the number of his followers was very few. According to accounts, only a very few disciples believed in him, and the people gave this holy prophet no support at all. This is described as follows in the Qur’an: You who believe! Be helpers of Allah as ‘Jesus, son of Maryam said to the Disciples, ‘Who will be my helpers to Allah?’ The Disciples said, ‘We will be the helpers of Allah.’ One faction of the tribe of Israel believed and the other disbelieved. So We supported those who believed against their enemy and they became victorious. (Surat asSaff, 14) When he returns, the numbers of those who at first believe in and support him will again be very small. Bediuzzaman Said Nursi describes this situation: “…The dajjal will be very large and taller than a high minaret, and the Prophet Jesus will be relatively much smaller.’ One interpretation of this must be: a sign and an indication that the number of people in the community of spiritual fighters for the faith who follow the Prophet Jesus and recognise him through the light of faith is much smaller than the intellectual and physical armies of the sect of the dajjal.”(Rays, p. 495)

In another extract Bediuzzaman says: “It is related that at the time of the Prophet Jesus’ (as) struggle against the dajjal, the dajjal will be so physically larger than the Prophet Jesus (as) that he can leap ten thrones in the air and then settle his sword on his knee. This means that the dajjal must be perhaps ten or twenty times taller than the Prophet Jesus (as)… First Point: If the community of Christian leaders that takes the essence of the Christian religion as its foundation and seeks to impose it in the face of atheism becomes a physical body, then it can be no more than a child beside a man as tall as a minaret.” (Kastamonu Addendum, p.75) In this extract, Bediuzzaman is saying that as well as having physical and spiritual strength, dajjal will also have a large number of people around him. He says that in comparison to the community of the dajjal, the community of Prophet Jesus (as) will be very small. The negative propaganda the dajjal will engage in with this wide following and the means at his disposal will play a major role in the failure of many people to recognise the Prophet Jesus (as). (Allah knows the truth) The Appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (as) Will Herald the Coming of the ProphetJesus (as). One of the most important signs of the second coming of the Prophet Jesus (as) will be the appearance in the End Times of another holy individual, Hazrat Mahdi (as). As Bediuzzaman emphasises in his works, Hazrat Mahdi (as) will discharge three duties at the same time when he appears. By the will of Allah, the second coming of the Prophet Jesus (as) will take place during the third stage of these duties of Hazrat Mahdi’s (as). At this time, Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have established and be leading an Islamic Union among all the Muslims of the world under his title as caliph of our Prophet (saas), in other words as the spiritual leader of the Islamic world. When the Prophet Jesus (as) comes, there will be no change in this state of affairs regarding Hazrat Mahdi (as), and the Prophet Jesus (as) will be Hazrat Mahdi’s (as) helpmate. This fact is related in a hadith: Although their imam is a pure individual, Hazrat Mahdi (as), they will seek refuge in Jerusalem. There, when their imam is in the fore to lead them in prayer, they will look and see that Jesus son of Maryam has descended in the morning. Hazrat Mahdi (as) will withdraw to place the Prophet Jesus (as) in the fore. The Prophet Jesus (as) will place his hand on his shoulders and tell

him: “Go to the front and lead the prayers. Because the call has been issued for you (Related from Abu Rafi; Imam Sharani, Portents of Death, Doomsday, the Hereafter and the End Times, Bedir Publishing, pp. 495-496) ACTIVITIES THAT RECOGNISED









As already stated, the Qur’an tells us the glad tidings that the Prophet Jesus’ (as) second coming will be accompanied by various portents. In one hadith the Prophet (saas) says; “I swear that Jesus son of Maryam will return, and he will descend as both a just judge and as a just ruler…” (Sahih Muslim), and several other hadiths and statements by Islamic scholars describe, with various examples, the activities in which the Prophet Jesus (as) will engage when he comes, and the features of the times. These signs that will be a means whereby he can be recognised may be set out as follows: The Prophet Jesus (as) Will Bring No New Religion, But Will Adhere to Islam Just like Muslims, Christians are also awaiting the second coming of the Prophet Jesus (as). However, when the Prophet Jesus (as) returns, once he has done away with various distorted beliefs and corrupted superstitious practices among Christians, he will call all people to the morality of the true religion revealed in the Qur’an. That is because in that period Christianity will join with Islam, the true religion, and in spiritual terms Christianity will turn into Islam. Christians’ own prophet telling them of the distorted nature of the belief in the trinity, that there is no other god than Allah, that nobody can assume burden of the sins of anyone else and that the Qur’an is the true Holy Book, will have a major impact on the whole Christian world. With the Prophet Jesus (as) people will be freed from ascribing partners to Allah and from distorted beliefs and will, by the will of Allah, turn to Islamic moral values in large numbers. Some hadiths of our Prophet (saas) on this subject read as follows: “(The Prophet Jesus) will rule for forty (40) years with the book of Allah and my Sunna, and then die.” (The Book of Proofs of the Portents of the Mahdi of the End Times, p. 92) “There is no prophet between him (the Prophet Jesus) and me. He will certainly come down. Know him when you see him! He is of medium stature, with whitish red colouring. He will wear two costumes dyed yellow. Even if it does not rain, water will drop from his hair. He will fight alongside people for Islam. He will

destroy the dajjal, and then remain on Earth for 40 years. Then he will die, and Muslims will perform his funerary prayers.” (Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi, The Great Hadith Collection, Rudani, Vol. 5, p. 380) Bediuzzaman Said Nursi imparts the glad tidings that the Prophet Jesus (as) will return to Earth at a time when atheist and materialist ideologies dominate the world. As is reported in the extract below, when the Prophet Jesus (as) returns, he will rule with the Qur’an and adhere to it. Christianity and Islam will unite, prevailing over the movement of disbelief with the morality of the Qur’an.The relevant section of the Risale-i Nur Collection reads: “The secret in the text of the coming of the Prophet Jesus (as) in the End Times and his labours with the Sunna of Muhammad is this: In the End Times, when the Christian religion will be purified from the atheistic trends and denial of Allah caused by naturalist philosophy and will pass to Islam by being rid of superstitions, in the same way that the spiritual entity of Christianity will eliminate that terrible atheism with the sword of divine revelation, so the Prophet Jesus (as), the representation of the spiritual entity of Christianity, will destroy the dajjal, the representation of the spiritual entity of atheism … in other words, he will eliminate the philosophy of denial.” (Letters, p. 6) “…The Christian religion will be purified from the atheistic trends and denial of Allah caused by naturalist philosophy and will pass to Islam by being rid of superstitions…” In this wise statement Bediuzzaman says that the Prophet Jesus (as) will act according to the requirements of Islamic moral values. The Prophet Jesus’ (as) struggle will begin with Christianity, which has moved away from its true essence with various superstitions and traditions, returning to its original form. The Prophet Jesus (as) will cleanse Christianity of all superstition and will take the moral values of Islam, the true religion, as its basis. Together with Hazrat Mahdi (as), the Prophet Jesus (as) Will Cause Islamic Moral Values to Prevail All over the World When the Prophet Jesus (as) comes he will, by the leave of Allah, together with Hazrat Mahdi (as), cause Islamic moral values to prevail over the whole world, despite all the difficulties they encounter, their small numbers, their lack of helpmates and the negative campaigns waged against them. By the will of Allah, the Earth, that was full of oppression and injustice before the coming of these holy individuals, will be filled with peace, justice, security and abundance after their coming. One hadith describes how Islamic moral values will prevail with the second coming of the Prophet Jesus (as):

He will accept no other religion than Islam … He will be a spiritual guide … No other being or entity than Allah will be worshipped… (Ruhu'l Meani, 7/60) The Faithful Will Be Protected against the Strife of the Dajjal by Means of the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as). The concept of the dajjal, which means “liar, cheat, he who confuses good and bad, truth and superstition, in people’s minds and hearts, one who gilds a thing to conceal its true face, an evil and inauspicious entity who moves everywhere,” is described as someone who will emerge in the End Times, the source and representative of all evil and strife. The hadiths of our Prophet (saas) contain detailed information about the characteristics of the dajjal. According to this, the dajjal will turn people away from the true path; depict good as bad and bad as good; deceive those who follow him with supposed blessings and oppress and use force against those who do not; bring forth confusion in the world and incite conflict; oppose religious moral values and act to turn people away from those values. The dajjal’s time on Earth will be one when sincere believers face many troubles and difficulties and when the great majority of people turn their backs on religious moral values. However, with the coming of the Prophet Jesus (as) and the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (as), this troubled age will come to an end. Because the hadiths impart the glad tidings that the strife of the dajjal will only be ended by the activities of these two holy personages, and that when the dajjal sees the Prophet Jesus (as) he will “dissolve like salt in water.” One of the hadiths that refer to the Prophet Jesus’ (as) elimination of the dajjal reads: When the dajjal, the enemy of Allah, sees him he will dissolve like salt in water. If he leaves him he will dissolve of his own accord until he is destroyed, Allah will destroy the dajjal by the hand of the Prophet Jesus. (Muslim, Fitan: 9, No. 2897, 4/2221) In another hadith, of our Prophet (saas) it is revealed that the Prophet Jesus (as) will put an end to the strife of the dajjal alongside Hazrat Mahdi (as): “Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear with Jesus (as), and destroy the dajjalat the gate of Lud in the land of Palestine, and he will help Hazrat Mahdi (as) destroy the dajjal.” (The Book of Proofs of the Portents of the Mahdi of the End Times, p. 105; The Mahdi and the dajjal, Saban Dogen, p. 127)

Statements by the Companions and the Subsequent Generation Regarding the Coming of the Prophet Jesus (as) The Companions are very valuable believers who attained the honour of being alongside our Prophet (saas) and were personally raised with Islamic moral values by that holy man. Statements by the Companions about signs regarding the Prophet Jesus (as) were made in the light of information taught them by the Prophet Muhammad (saas) himself. It appears from them that the Prophet Jesus (as) has not died, and that he will return to Earth. Ibn Zayd says with regard to verse 46 of Surah Al ‘Imran that “The Prophet Jesus (as) spoke with people from the cradle. When he destroys the dajjalhe will speak with people in a state of “kahl” (middle age).” 1 The word ‘kahl’ means “between the ages of 30 and 50, a mature person whose youth is over and who is about to enter old age.” Islamic scholars are united in translating the word as “indicating the period after 35.” As we know, the Prophet Jesus (as) is agreed to have been taken into the Presence of Allah in this early 30s, a young age. Islamic scholars state that the Prophet Jesus’ (as) old age will be after he returns to Earth, and that this verse is therefore evidence of the Prophet Jesus’ (as) return to Earth (The Book of Words Regarding the Elevation of ’Isa in Body and Spirit and the Slaying of the dajjal, p. 20) Abdullah ibn Abbas said this about verse 159 of Surat an-Nisa’; “This verse is proof of the appearance of Jesus son of Meryem … All the Peoples of the Book will believe in Jesus (as) before his death.” 2 Muhammad ibn Ali Abu Talib (also known as Ibn al-Hanaffiya) explains verse 159 of Surat an-Nisa’ as follows: “…He will descend before Doomsday. All Jews and Christians will believe in him.” 3 Qatada interprets verse 159 of Surat an-Nisa’ in this way: “When the Prophet Jesus (as) comes down, all people will believe in him, and he will bear witness for them on Doomsday.” 4 Qatada interprets verse 61 of Surat az-Zuhruf as meaning, “The appearance of the Prophet Jesus (as) is a sign of Doomsday.” 5 Abu Maliq al Gifari states that verse 159 of Surat an-Nisa’ means, “The moment that Jesus son of Maryam descends to Earth, all the People of the Book will believe in him.” 6

Hasan Basri says this regarding the Prophet Jesus (as) being alive and in the Presence of Allah; “I swear to Allah that the Prophet Jesus (as) is at this moment alive in the Presence of Allah, and that when he descends everyone will believe in him.” Hasan Basri explains the meaning of verse 159 of Surat an-Nisa’ in this way: “Allah raised the Prophet Jesus (as) to Himself. He will send him as the holder of rank prior to Doomsday. Everyone, good and bad, will believe in him.” 7 Hasan Basri's evaluation of verse 61 of Surat az-Zuhruf is similar to this. He says that the verse means that the Prophet Jesus (as) will return to Earth. 8 Ibn Abbas says, “In verse 61 of Surat az-Zuhruf, Allah indicates that the Prophet Jesus (as) will appear before Doomsday.” 9

Joyful and Enthusiastic Preparations for the Glorious Coming of the Prophet Jesus (as)

It is a great blessing and mercy from Allah for all people to be able to see the coming of the worthy Prophet Jesus (as). When the Prophet Jesus (as) returns he will immediately attract people’s attention with his clean and radiant face and his wise, rational and accurate discourse; it will be the first time that anyone living in the world in those days will have seen a prophet, one with such elevated human qualities. Like his birth, elevation into the Presence of Allah and return to Earth, his subsequent life will also, by the will of Allah, be filled with miracles. Everyone will be astounded by his superior moral values and peerless mind. His every word and deed will be full of wisdom, and his every decision, inspired by Allah, will be perfectly accurate. Like all believers, we hope that our Lord will grant us the honour of encountering the Prophet Jesus (as) and permit us, in this time before his coming, to make the best possible preparations to welcome this holy guest. “When the blessed Prophet Jesus (as) comes, it is not necessary that everyone should know he is the real Jesus (as). His close disciples will recognise him with the light of faith. Otherwise, not everyone will recognise him at once and clearly.” (Letters, p. 60) “Indeed, the coming of the blessed Prophet Jesus (as) and the fact that he is the blessed Jesus is known through the light of faith, but not by all.” (Rays of Light, p. 487)

You who believe! Be helpers of Allah as Jesus son of Maryam said to the Disciples, ‘Who will be my helpers to Allah?’ The Disciples said, ‘We will be the helpers of Allah.’ One faction of the tribe of Israel believed and the other disbelieved. So We supported those who believed against their enemy and they became victorious.(Surat asSaff, 14) Jean- Baptiste de Champaigne (1631-1681) The Last Supper “…The dajjal will be very large and taller than a high minaret, and the Prophet Jesus (as) will be relatively much smaller.’ One interpretation of this must be: a sign and an indication that the number of people in the community of spiritual fighters for the faith who follow the Prophet Jesus (as) and recognise him through the light of faith is much smaller than the intellectual and physical armies of the sect of the dajjal.” (Rays, p. 495) Although their imam is a pure individual, Hazrat Mahdi (as), they will seek refuge in Jerusalem. There, when their imam is in the fore to lead them in sabahprayer, they will look and see that Jesus son of Maryam has descended in the morning. The Mahdi will withdraw to place the Prophet Jesus (as) in the fore. The Prophet Jesus (as) will place his hand on his shoulders and tell him: “Go to the front and lead the prayers. Because the call has been issued for you.”… (Related from Abu Rafi; Imam Sharani, Portents of Death, Doomsday, the Hereafter and the End Times, Bedir Publishing, p. 495-496) The Prophet Jesus (as) will come, not as a prophet to the community of Muhammed, but in order to apply the essence of Islam.” (Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntazar, p. 68) Bediuzzaman Said Nursi Has Given Muslims the Glad Tidings of the Coming of the Prophet Jesus (as) In his works, Bediuzzaman devoted considerable space to the subjects of the End Times and the second coming of the Prophet Jesus (as).

Some statements by Said Nursi, to which he devoted hundreds of pages, may be set out as follows: Bediuzzaman reported that the Prophet Jesus (as) was living, in bodily form, in the skies, and that he would return to Earth in that same form:

SINCE THE BLESSED PROPHET JESUS (AS) IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ELEMENT OF CHRISTIANITY, HAD THE PROPHET JESUS (as), WHO LIVES IN THE WORLD OF THE SKIES IN HIS HUMAN BODY AND WHO IS ALIVE, GONE TO THE FURTHEST CORNER OF THE WORLD OF THE HEREAFTER AND GENUINELY DIED, SENDING HIM BACK TO EARTH WOULD BE NO DIFFICULTY FOR THE WISDOM OF THAT GREAT SOVEREIGN, ALMIGHTY ALLAH, AS A RESULT OF THIS, and He has PROMISED THIS AND WILL OF COURSE SEND HIM BECAUSE HE HAS THUS PROMISED, because that wisdom so requires it. (Letters, 56-57) Bediuzzaman has reported that the Prophet Jesus (as) will destroy the dajjal. … AS THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SPIRITUAL ENTITY OF CHRISTIANITY, THE BLESSED PROPHET JESUS (as) will destroy THE DAJJAL, THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SPIRITUAL ENTITY OF ATHEISM… (Letters, 6) NOTE: In this extract, Bediuzzaman says that the Prophet Jesus (as) is “THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SPIRITUAL ENTITY OF CHRISTIANITY.” He states that, like all the emissaries and prophets sent through the course of history, the Prophet Jesus (as) will also have a spiritual entity consisting of those who believe in and follow him. However, in saying that he “WILL REPRESENT THE SPIRITUAL ENTITY OF CHRISTIANITY”, Bediuzzaman is stating that “THE PROPHET JESUS (AS) WILL PERSONALLY BE AT THE HEAD OF THIS SPIRITUAL ENTITY AS A GUIDE TO THE TRUTH,” in line with the law of Allah. There is no question of a spiritual entity representing a spiritual entity. In order for a spiritual entity to emerge, there needs to be “AN INDIVIDUAL” at its head. By emphasising this fact, Bediuzzaman is declaring that rather than being a spiritual entity, the Prophet Jesus (as) will be at the head of such an entity, and will lead it in person. Bediuzzaman has reported that the Prophet Jesus (as) will follow Hazrat Mahdi (as) and with him cause Islamic moral values to prevail all over the world. Indeed, the account that “THE BLESSED PROPHET JESUS (AS) WILL COME AND WILL JOIN HAZRAT MAHDI (AS) AT PRAYER AND FOLLOW HIM,” indicates THIS ALLIANCE and THE DOMINION AND SOVEREIGNTY OF QUR’ANIC TRUTH.(Rays of Light, 493)

Some Hadiths Concerning the Prophet Jesus (as) in the Kutub al-Sittah.

The Kutub al-Sittah is the name given to a collection of hadiths consisting of six well-known books. All Sunni scholars are agreed that the hadith of our Prophet (saas) reported in these six books are accurate.

Therefore, according to Sunni belief, the Kutub al-Sittah is the second most important source after the Holy Qur’an. A great many hadiths concerning the return to Earth of the Prophet Jesus (as) are reported in the Kutub al-Sittah. The fact that among human sources it appears only in the Kutub al-Sittah is enough to show that there cannot be the slightest doubt as to the truth of the matter.

Some examples of hadiths in the Kutub al-Sittah about the Prophet Jesus (as) and the End Times are given below: Sahih Bukhari Sa'id ibn al-Musayyab heard from Abu Hurayra that he said: The Prophet (saas) stated: “I swear to Allah Who holds my breath in His hands, that Jesus (as), the son of Maryam, will descend to you as a just judge. At that time, he will break the cross, kill the swine, abolish the tax on non-Muslims, and goods will so multiply that nobody will accept any more. A single act of prostration will be more auspicious than the world and everything in it.” Sahih Muslim 247- (156)..........: Jabiru'bnu Abdullah said: I heard this from the Prophet (saas), who said: “One from my community will continue to be victorious in the struggle until Doomsday.” Jesus (as), the son of Maryam will descend, and the imam of the Muslims will say: Come, and lead us in prayer. At this, Jesus will say: No, part of you will lead the other part as a boon from Allah.

Sunan Tirmidhi According to the account of Abu Hurayra, the Prophet (saas) said: “I swear to Allah Who holds my soul in His Mighty hand, that the time when Jesus (as), son of Maryam will descend among you as a just judge is close at

hand. When he comes, he will break the cross, kill the pig and abolish the tax on non-Muslims, and goods will be so abundant that nobody will accept them.” I heard from Mujamma ibn Jariya al-Ansari that he said, “Jesus son of Maryam will destroy the dajjal near the place known as the Lud’s Gate.”

Sunan Ibn Majah From Hudayfa ibn Asid Abi Sariha; he said: “Doomsday will not occur until ten great portents take place: The Sun rising in the West, the dajjal, Smoke, the Daabbt al-Ardh, Gog and Magog, the coming of Jesus, son of Maryam (from the sky), three great earthquakes, one in the East, one in the West and one on the Arabian Peninsula, and such a fire coming from the furthest part of Adan that it leads people to terrible confusion and passes the night with them and sleeps when they sleep at noon.” No other religion than Islam will be accepted… Religion will be the guide…No other being or entity other than Allah will be worshipped… (Ruhu'l Meani, 7/60) I swear to Allah Who holds my soul in His mighty hand, that the time when Jesus, son of Maryam, will descend among you as a just judge is close at hand. When he comes, he will break the cross, kill the pig and abolish the tax on nonMuslims, and goods will be so abundant that nobody will accept them." (Tirmidhi, Fitan. 2233, Ibn Majah, Fitan 33, Muslum Fitan 23) Marco Basaiti, Venice, 1470-75 When the dajjal, the enemy of Allah, sees him he will dissolve like salt in water. If he leaves him he will dissolve of his own accord until he is destroyed, Allah will destroy the dajjal by the hand of the Prophet Jesus (as)…(Muslim, Fitan: 9, No. 2897, 4/2221) The fresco “Presentation of Christ in the Temple” (1302-1305) by Giotto in the Capella degli Scrovegni Church. This famous work depicts the respect shown for the Prophet Jesus (as) by the scholars surrounding him.

Some Statements by Islamic Scholars about the Prophet Jesus (as)

In their works, Islamic scholars throughout the history of Islam have made statements about the second coming of the Prophet Jesus (as). Some of these read as follows:

Imam Rabbani In another hadith, our Prophet (saas) said: “The Companions of the Cave will be the Prophet Jesus’ (as) helpmates.” The Prophet Jesus (as) will appear in the time of the Hazrat Mahdi (as). Hazrat Mahdi (as) will consent to the Prophet Jesus (as) in the destruction of the dajjal. At the time of his rule, the Sun will be eclipsed on the fourteenth day of Ramadan; on the first of that month the Moon will be eclipsed. These and their number will be the cause of dispute among astrologers. (Letters, Vol. 2, p. 381. Letter, p. 1169-1171)

Muhammad ibn Rasul al - Husayni Al-Barzanji

As we know, the Prophet Jesus (as) will appear and destroy the dajjal. It is certain that the Prophet Jesus (as) will not assume dominion from Hazrat Mahdi (as); because the leaders are from the Quraysh. Since these two will be among people, then the Prophet Jesus (as) will be his minister, not his lord. It is for these reasons that he will perform the prayer behind Hazrat Mahdi (as) and will be his follower. (Portents of Doomsday, p. 185) Sheikh Mansur Ali Nasif

“Later, the dajjal will appear, the Prophet Jesus (as) will come down and destroy the dajjal, or the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) will help one another to destroy the dajjal.” The hadiths regarding Hazrat Mahdi (as) have been related by prominent and auspicious companions. The greatest reporters of hadiths, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, Tabarani, Abu Ya’la, Bazzaz, Immam Ahmad b. Hanbal and Haqim have drawn on them.

(Ahmet Faruk, "The Attack on the Kaaba and Mahdism", Vahdet Publishing, p. 21)


“Many conquests and spoils will make all Muslims wealthy. There will be people alongside the Prophet Jesus (as), and the Prophet Jesus (as) will destroy the dajjal and abolish the tax on non-Muslims and accept the faith of those who turn to Islam. (Kadizade, "Amantu Sharh" (Sdsh. M. Rahmi) p. 358) _____________________________________________________ Ahl al-Sunnah al-‘Aqaid (The Doctrine of the People of the Sunnah), trans. Sharafattin Golcuk, Istanbul: 1998, p. 352; Sami Baybal, The Return of the Messiah in the Divine Religions, Yediveren Publishing, July 2002, p. 238-240. 2 An-Nasafi, al-‘Aqaid, Istanbul: 1310/1892, p. 193-194; Sami Baybal, The Return of the Messiah in the Divine Religions, Yediveren Publishing, July 2002, p. 238-240. 3 Saduddin Taftazani, al-‘Aqaid al- Nasafiyya, Istanbul: 1310/1892, p. 193-194; Sami Baybal, The Return of the Messiah in the Divine Religions, Yediveren Publishing, July 1 Al-Pazdavi,

2002, p. 238-240.

Fusus al-Hiqam (The Seals of Wisdom), Istanbul:1287, p. 63; Sami Baybal, The Return of the Messiah in the Divine Religions, July 2002, p. 238-240. 4 Ibn al-'Arabi, 5 ibid.

Sharh al-Aqida al-Tahaviyya, thk. Abdullah ibn Abdi'l Muhsin, Beirut: 1988, II, 402-414; Sami Baybal, The Return of the Messiah in the Divine Religions, 6 Ibn Abi L Izz,

Yediveren Publishing, July 2002, p. 238-240 7 Qari, Dav'ul Meali li Bed'il Emali, Istanbul, 1302, p. 22-23; Sami Baybal,

The Return of the

Messiah in the Divine Religions, Yediveren Publishing, July 2002, p. 238-240. 8 Al-Ash’ari, Maqalat al-Aslamiyin, p. 295; Sami Baybal, The Return of the Messiah in the Divine Religions, Yediveren Publishing, July 2002, p. 238-240 9 Al-Bayadi, Isharat al-Maram, p. 67; Sami Baybal, The Return of the Messiah in the Divine Religions, Yediveren Publishing, July 2002, p. 238-240 Jun 11, 2009

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