How To Turn A Bad Night Into A Good Day

  • November 2019
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HOW TO TURN A BAD NIGHT INTO A GOOD DAY ACTS 16: 19 – 26 As Paul and Silas continued to teach the gospel, a servant girl who was controlled by an evil spirit began to follow them. Everywhere they would preach, she would cry out "These men are bondservants of the Most High God, who are proclaiming to you the way of salvation" (Acts 16:17). The statement was true, but it was disruptive. A look at the messages of Paul shows that his discourses were always well reasoned and logical. He wanted people to concentrate on the message. It was not just empty catch phrases or emotional outbursts, but a pursuit of salvation through Jesus Christ. He wanted people to think about what they heard, but the girl's ranting made this difficult. The evil spirit was cast out of her. Not everyone was happy. The girl had been used by her masters to "tell fortunes" and so forth. People figured she had a "gift" and paid money for her services. Paul and Silas were severely beaten with rods and thrown into prison. The jailer, told to guard them securely, put them into the inner prison in stocks. This would be where the most hardened of criminals would be kept (Acts 16:1924). Paul and Silas were violated and in a difficult condition, yet, they prayed and praised. The condition of Paul and Silas: Violation of personal rights: vs.19 - Paul's Roman citizenship granted him special privileges in regard to criminal process. Roman law forbade under severe penalty the beating of Roman citizens (see also Acts 22:25). False accusation: vss. 20, 21 - Her owners accused Paul and Silas of throwing the city into confusion and proclaiming customs unlawful for Romans. Miscarriage of justice: vs.22 - Magistrates: in Greek, strategoi, the popular designation of the duoviri, the highest officials of the Roman colony of Philippi. The lictors: the equivalent of police officers, among whose duties were the apprehension and punishment of criminals. All these never protected Paul, ordered them beaten. Tribalism or ethnicism: vs. 22 - There was no actual attack of the mob as Paul and Silas were in the hands of the officers, but a sudden and violent uprising of the people, the appeal to race and national prejudice raised a ferment of fury. Mob Assault: vs.22b - The duumvirs probably gave orders for Paul and Silas to be stripped of their outer garments (himatia), though not actually doing it with their own hands, least of all not stripping off their own garments in horror as Ramsay thinks. As a Roman

citizen this was unlawful, but the duumvirs looked on Paul and Silas as vagabond and seditious Jews and "acted with the highhandedness characteristic of the fussy provincial authorities" (Knowling). Bodily harm and injuries: vs. 23a - When they had laid many stripes} (pollas plegas). The Jewish law was forty stripes save one (2Co 11:24). The Roman custom depended on the caprice of the judge and was a terrible ordeal. It was the custom to inflict the stripes on the naked body (back) Unlawful imprisonment: vs.23b - The Roman public prisons had a vestibule and outer prison and behind this the inner prison, a veritable dungeon with no light or air save what came through the door when open Beloved, you might be in pain over difficulties in your life. You might be facing terrible and difficult conditions of life. Your personal and professional rights might have been violated by your superiors, your wife or husband might have even violated your personal rights, you are facing false accusation of rape, financial misappropriation, official misconduct, charges which you never committed. There are some of us whose justice has been denied, judges bought over by superiors and powers that be, and you have been denied what is rightfully yours. You might also be suffering in your establishment due to ethnic sentiments, your promotion, privileges; opportunities are cut short because you are not from a section of the country. You might be a victim of mob attack, suffering from bodily harm, emotional and psychological injuries. Your confidence has been bashed, at present you are depressed. Some of us are facing unlawful imprisonment in jail, unlawful cut in salaries and allowances, unlawful police brutality, unlawful attack by the rich and wealthy, and even unlawful deprivation. You might be under frustration for denied privileges, under attack from physical and demonic forces, at present you are frustrated, depressed, wounded and in pain. Your questions might be many, your pains unending, your difficulties like a mountain. These appear not to be the best of times for you. Everything has been problematic and painful, beloved; you can turn a bad night into a good day. How can you do this?

1. SPEND TIME IN PRAYER. Vs. 25. In verse 25 in spite of their condition, Paul and Silas were praying and singing. The Greek construction “proseucomenoi humnoun” of this verse means that, praying they were singing. It points out to us that they were simultaneously, blending together prayer and praise. humnew is an old verb from humnos (cf. Isa 12:4; Dan. 3:23). Paul and Silas probably used portions of the Psalms in prayer (cf. Lu 1:39f, 67f; 2:28f.) with occasional original outbursts of praise. If our prayer life consists only of petition and intercession, it can lead to anger and frustration. If prayer is not answered in the speed that we wish it to be answered, we can become bitter and resentful toward God. However, if prayer for us is only a time of making request we lose the privilege of relationship. If we grow to know God, a delayed prayer will only be an opportunity to pray again. Spending much time in prayer with the Lord is one of the only methods to truly know His ways, and not just His acts. Knowing God leads to resting in the assurance of His ultimate goodness, despite the circumstances we see around us. In prayer give your crisis to God. When we problems and difficulties are up to our necks, when we are in a mess and we can't pull ourselves out, that's when God can show his power. "Remember, The Lord never promised us an easy road, but he did promise always to be with us on that road." There's no "right" way to pray. Perhaps you've heard the ACTS of prayer: start with adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication. Those are good suggestions, but it's important to concentrate on the privilege of prayer rather than on the process. Tell God what you feel and the way you feel it. Say what you would to God the way it is in your heart without being sacrilegious. Tell him what you would do to unburden yourself. Throw your pains overboard into his court and become lighter. Pray when you don't feel like it. It’s not about feeling; sometimes there are times when our feelings are not just right. There are times when we are not just in the mood to pray. During these times, if you depend on your mood, if you wait for a spark, if you wait for a right moment when your feelings would be right and better, you will never be able to pray Our midnight is usually a divine opportunity for divine action and activity. Problems are gateway to miracles. Prayers are no empty words; they are channels to connect with heaven.

Pray when you are worst off, pray when you don’t feel like, pray when you don’t see any solution in sight, pray when your heart tells you to quit. Pray!!! 2. SPEND TIME IN PRAISE. Vs. 25. They were in prison, in chains, and in a situation beyond their personal control. They knew that they couldn't save themselves, so why fret and worry about it, or be demoralized? So they simply began praising the Lord, for they realized that He was their only hope. In verse 25 in spite of their condition, Paul and Silas were praying and singing (proseucomenoi humnoun). In this verse, it means that, Praying they were singing (simultaneously, blending together petition and praise). humnew is an old verb from humnos (cf. Isa 12:4; Dan. 3:23). Paul and Silas probably used portions of the Psalms in prayer (cf. Lu 1:39f, 67f; 2:28f.) with occasional original outbursts of praise. praying, they sang hymns. The praying and the praise are not described as distinct acts. Their singing of hymns was their prayer, probably Psalms. As we worship the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, God releases assurances and power in our hearts. In worship, we are lavishing all our attention and affections toward Him. Worship cleanses you from the "dirt" you pick up as you walk your everyday life by just living in an unsaved world. A good anointed worship time refreshes and revives you. It speaks to your spirit the truth about God and His power. To be an effective intercessor, you must be awake in your spirit. Worship will awaken and sharpen your spirit to be in tune with the will of the Lord. Hab. 3:17-18 - Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior Let your emotions show. When my son, Jay, was a toddler, he'd often exclaim, "Hey, take a see!" What if we offered that same joyful call to our heavenly Father as we thank him for a beautiful sunrise? Worship brings us into a place of communion with God where he will meet with us and speak to us. In Exodus 25:22, one of the purposes of the Ark of the Covenant was to meet with the Lord. This scripture takes on even greater meaning when you consider the Hebrew phrase; "I will meet" is the word "ya’ad". "Ya’ad" which literally means "a meeting or engagement" & has its roots in the words, "ye’diy" which means appointed, "yiddow", which means praised, and; "yadah" which means to worship or

revere with extended hands. In other words, when we come before His presence with worship, He will be there to meet with us and commune or speak to us. Praise in worship brings God into battle. It is a divine invitation that makes God the centre of deliverance. In Judges 1: 1-4 Judah went ahead of Israel into war (cf: Genesis 37:26, 43: 28). In Genesis 29: 35, 49: 8 – 12, Judah gave birth to Perez. Judah is praise and Perez is breakthrough. If you don’t Judah you cannot Perez. Worship acts as a catalyst for the prophetic. We have seen from the previous scriptures, which worship brings us to a place of communion with God. It is in the same sense that we often see the spirit of prophecy released during our times of worship and intimacy with the Lord. Let’s consider just a couple of scriptures. 3. SPEND TIME IN HIS PRESENCE. Vs. 25. Spend Time with the Lord, daily.

In any earthly relationship, the way to develop

relationship with someone is to spend time with them. Intimate relationships are born by learning to trust. Being open and vulnerable and being willing to show all of your heart invites intimacy. To be intimate is to be willing to show all that is in your heart to the person. To be an intimate friend of God, you need to be able to pour out your heart to Him, sharing the most intimate details of your life, your hopes, your dreams and your very heart with Him. Scripture not only applies to God's heart toward us, but it should be our stance toward the Lord. Our hearts should long to be with Him no matter what the circumstance. As His people, we are to love Him and be His friend first. From that base of intimacy, we can pray effectively. Practice the Presence of God. Practice just "being with God." Just enjoy each other’s company. Sometimes, just sitting with the Lord in silence can bring deep communion and refreshment to your spirit, soul and body. An earthly example of this sort of "being", would be a loving couple who have been married for years. They do not have to say a word to each other yet a glance or a smile can pass on deep intimacy and "knowing." You don't always have to be talking to God. You don't always have to be expecting heavy revelation from heaven, in prayer, you can just enjoy being with Him. Part of practicing the presence of God is to understand he is with you always. It is a biblical fact and is not based on your emotions. The presence of God is there all the time. Learning to know He is there, however, will take time and patience. Just drink in His love for in the presence of God, fear

cannot reside, anxiety cannot reside, heaviness cannot abide. You need to learn to tune into His presence, it is always there, but we need to practice becoming aware of it. Stay in His presence as you would with a friend. I enjoy talking to God so naturally that often I'd walk outside and just talk. Sometimes one would mistake it to be that am expecting to see a neighbor, but it was just me and the Lord discussing. Deut 31:6 (NIV) - Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."

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