How To Study Strategy 2

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  • Words: 1,981
  • Pages: 7
Class X Session 10.6



I Can Improve My Performance In The Exams! INTRODUCTION

Examinations are a common source of stress for students. This session attempts to provide some guidance and tips to the students to optimize their knowledge to perform well in examinations. The focus is on explaining the value of time management by allocating time for each question and tips for writing correctly and neatly in the answer books. Handling and coping with situations where students feel that the question paper is difficult, they are not able to remember the correct answers, are getting confused and nervous are also addressed. 1. Objectives


By the end of the session, the students will be able to: 9

Manage time by allocating proper duration for each question .


Select and prioritize the questions so that they can be answered appropriately.


Understand the importance of writing the answers correctly and neatly.

2. Time


35 Minutes Two continuous periods

3. Life Skills being used


Self awareness, Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Decision Making.

4. Advance Preparations


i. Previous year’s answer sheets on some of the subjects ii. Charts, sketch pens etc.

5. Linkages


Please see Contents

6. Methodology


Group Discussion, Question Answers.

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7. Process


Step 1: Please read the fact sheet carefully, and go through this session well in advance before you carry it out with the students. Greet the students and tell them that they would today be discussing about their approach on receiving the examination paper in the examination hall. Start the discussion by asking them questions like; 1. 2. 3. 4.

What are your feelings just before and after receiving the question paper in the examination? How much time do you take in reading and selecting the questions to be attempted by you in the examination? Do you allocate the time for each question? What are your criteria for allocating the time?

Expected Responses • Initially we feel fear, anxiety, stress, tension etc. • Whether the question paper is easy or difficult • Take 5-10 minutes to read the entire paper • Sometimes yes, we allocate time but sometimes no • I start writing as soon as I get the paper • How many of the questions are well learnt and prepared • How many choices are there • Whether I will be able to finish the question paper well in time. • How many marks will I be able to secure? Note for Teachers: Note down the responses on the board. Lead a focused discussion by giving following tips to the students. • • •


Read the instructions and question paper carefully. If there are any doubt get it clarified with the invigilator or teacher. (Link up with the fact that CBSE now allocates extra time for reading the question paper!) Allot appropriate time for each question on the basis of marks allocated to that question. This will prevent you from spending too much time for the initial questions ending up with very little time for the latter ones. If you feel the question paper is difficult for you do not get nervous or confused. Read the question paper twice or thrice. Try to find out a little to start with. Slowly you will find that there are questions whose answers are known to you. Other criteria for selecting the question – refer to the “Fact sheet”

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Step-2 Get some answer sheets/test papers of previous years. Give one or two answer sheets to each student. Ask them to read and observe the following points in the answer sheets. - Way of numbering the questions, - Writing, - Neatness, - Clarity in Diagrams, Calculation, Tables etc. Tell the student to rotate their answer sheets amongst the class. Motivate them to go through as many answer sheets as possible. Note for Teachers: Before starting the above activity a variety of answer sheets should be selected. These should contain very good, good and deficient answer sheets. Names of the examinee should be eliminated. Step-3 Start the discussion with the following questions:- What did you like in the answer sheets? - What do you think were the shortcomings in the answer sheets and the methodology used? Expected Responses - Numbering of the questions attempted was proper. - Writing was good. - Diagrams were clear and properly labeled. - Sufficient space has been given between the lines. - Topics and sub topics were written in bold and under lined also. - Fresh questions were started from the new page. The following deficiencies were noticed in the answer sheets:- The writing was not readable. - Numbering was not done properly. - Diagrams were not properly made. - New questions were started just after finishing the previous question. - No proper space was given for the margin. - Headings were not clearly written. - Calculations, Tables etc. were not understandable and were not done neatly. Step-4 Continue the discussion to emphasize that if we follow some tips we can perform better in the examination. Explain the following and involve the whole class by getting their opinions. Tips: -

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Proper numbering of the question should be done in the margin, preferably in different colour, but not with the red pen. 3


If not sure of an answer, not spending long time thinking and recalling answers, but going to the next known question. Attempt the questions that you think are “difficult” towards the end. Write legibly – if a mistake is made do not overwrite but cross it out. Highlight important points – underline, write in capital etc. Answer to the point and do not provide unnecessary information to make the answer appear long. Give equal importance to things like formulae (Maths, Science), drawing and labeling, diagrams (Physics, Chemistry, Biology), making the map (Geography), graphs (Maths and Physics) and tables (Commerce, Political Science, Social studies) etc. Try to finish ten minutes before the end. This will help you to go through the paper once again and correct mistakes/underline important points etc.



This can be achieved by regular practice. So, student should not keep away from the tests and regular examinations. It will equip them with greater confidence and any examination fear will be reduced. Key Messages: •

It is possible for students to secure more marks just by remaining calm and following a few simple steps outlined in this session

FACT SHEET Maximizing performance in Examinations THE EXAMINATION DAY Students should look after themselves , for example, getting enough rest and eating light food - is more important and effective than trying to do some last minute cramming. This is a day to be planned beforehand and to take things gently in order to conserve one’s energy for the exams. Students• • • •

Should not get up very early, as this will just make them more tired. Eat breakfast, but should not drink too much liquid! If they have spare time, they should do something they find relaxing - have a bath, go for a stroll Keep away from those whose stress levels are contagious.

Rather than trying to learn any new material, perhaps just look over a few key points.

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Arrive at the exam hall comfortably in time but not too early; the tension hanging over this short period of waiting just before the exam is highly contagious so they should do well to minimize their exposure to it! It is natural to feel some anxiety when they go into the examination room. They should do some simple relaxation and breathing exercises; sit back and separate themselves mentally from those who are getting stressed. Read the exam paper through slowly. If they feel some anxiety, they should take a deep breath Read the questions thoroughly twice to make sure they have understood and not misread the question. They should underline key words or phrases in the questions. Look back at the question and check whether they are answering the question asked.

IF ONE PANICS DURING AN EXAM In an examination situation it is not uncommon for one's mind to go blank for a moment, or to be confused by a question put in an unfamiliar way. At these times it is easy to begin to panic. This is likely to take the form of doom-laden thoughts as well as physical symptoms such as feeling your heart racing, feeling faint, hot or sweaty. Although these symptoms are disturbing, perhaps even frightening, they are in fact very common and are not at all dangerous In such a situation the students should pause for a few moments: put their pens down and sit back; slow their breathing down a little. Let their body relax. Relaxation and breathing exercises will help to reduce these symptoms. Reassure themselves that they are not going to collapse or lose control - these things never happen because of anxiety. They should try and push upsetting thoughts to the back of their mind and re-focus their attention on relaxing, and then back on the exam itself. No matter how bad the anxiety feels, they should not leave the exam as the anxiety level will fall within a short space of time. Panic symptoms will reduce in a short while. When they are able and have calmed down, they should get back to work - remember that it is better to put something down rather than nothing. Some DO’s on the day of the Exams: 9 9 9 9

Having a good night’s sleep the previous night. Having a light but adequate breakfast. Leaving for the examination hall well in advance. Checking whether one has taken all the necessary things – pens, pencils, geometry box, hall-ticket – a checklist of all items is essential. 9 Going to the toilet before entering the examination hall. 9 Taking deep breaths, and keeping calm. YUVA Help Line No. 1800116888


Steps to be followed when the students get the Question Paper in the hall: ¾ Reading the instructions carefully. If there are any doubts clarifying with the instructor, teacher or invigilator. ¾ Budgeting the time and planning the answers. Allocating time for each question. Students frequently write one answer for too long and end up with too little time for the other questions. ¾ Choosing the questions they are sure of if choices are available, choosing the questions they are sure of. ¾ If not sure of an answer, not spending long time thinking and recalling answers, but going to the next known question, and handling the least known questions towards the end. ¾ Writing legibly – if a mistake is made not to overwrite but cross it out. ¾ Highlighting important points – underline, write in capital etc. ¾ Answering to the point and not writing unnecessary information to make the answer appear long. ¾ Giving equal importance to things like formulae (maths, science), drawing figures (science), marking on the map (geography), graphs (maths and physics). ¾ Trying to finish ten minutes before the end. This helps the student to go through the paper and correct mistakes/underline important points, etc. ¾ Most of the students have a habit of discussing answers with friends after the examination. This makes the student anxious and worried. The anxiety may interfere with the study for the next examination. Once an exam is over it is better to concentrate on the next one. Reviews and discussions can be carried out after the last examination. These were some practical guidelines for handling the time leading up to examinations, as well as some tips about the examinations. Suggestions given are simple, 'obvious' and basic. At times when one is under pressure one can easily forget these basics.

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