How To Perform Ablution

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 9

1. Wash Palm & gargle: It is preferable to wash hands and gargle three times 2. Sniffing: It is preferable to sniff; breathe water into the nose three times 3. Resolution, Intention (Niyat) to perform ablution: I perform ablution to attain the love of Allah or I perform ablution Qurbatan-il-Allah 4. After the Resolution begin to wash the face from forehead to the chin vertically and between the thumb and long finger horizontally 5. Wash the right hand: Start from above the elbow by a little “downwards” till the end of the fingers, wetting the whole hand 6. Wash the left hand: Start from above the elbow also till the end of the fingers, downwards so the whole hand gets wet 7. Cajole (Rub) the head: Cajole with the already wet right hand. 8. Cajole (Rub) the feet: Cajole with the already wet right hand, also the right foot beginning from the tips of toes of the ankle and Cajole with the already wet left hand, also the left foot beginning from the tips of toes of the ankle SEVEN THINGS WHICH INVALIDATE THE ABLUTION: 1. Passing of urine 2. Excretion 3. Gas release from the body 4. A sleep, deep enough to restrict sight and hearing. However, if the eyes do not see anything, but the ears can hear, Wuzu does not become void 5. Things on account of which a person loses his sensibility, like insanity, intoxication or unconsciousness 6. Istihaza – which will be dealt with later 7. Janabat, and, as a recommended precaution, every state which requires Ghusl

TAYAMMUM Tayammum should be performed instead of Wuzu or Ghusl in the following seven circumstances: • When it is not possible to procure sufficient water for performing Wuzu or Ghusl. • If a person is unable to procure water on account of old age or weakness, or fear of a thief or a beast, or because he does not possess means to draw water from a well, he should perform tayammum. The same would apply if acquiring water is intolerably difficult. But in this last situation, if a person, in spite of the difficulty, did not perform tayammum, and did Wuzu, his Wuzu will be valid. • If a person fears that if he uses water his life will be endangered, or he will suffer from some ailment or physical defect, or the illness from which he is already suffering will be prolonged, or become acute or some complications may arise in its treatment, he should perform tayammum. However, if he can avoid the harm by using warm water, he should prepare warm water and do Wuzu, or Ghusl when it is necessary. • If a person fears that if he uses water for Ghusl or Wuzu, he will be involved in hardship because of thirst. • If the body or dress of a person is najis and he possesses only as much water as is likely to be exhausted if he does Ghusl or Wuzu, and no water would be available for making his body or dress Pak, he should make is body or dress Pak and pray Namaz with tayammum. But if he does not have anything upon which he would do tayammum, then he should use the water for Ghusl and Wuzu, and pray with najis body or dress. • If a person possesses such water or container which is not permitted to use, like when they are usurped (Ghasbi) he should perform tayammum instead of Ghusl and Wuzu. • When the time left for Namaz is so little that if a person does Ghusl or Wuzu he would be obliged to offer the entire prayers or a part of it after the prescribed time, he should perform tayammum.

METHOD OF PERFORMING TAYAMMUM • Intention (Niyat) I PERFORM TAYAMMUM, QURBATTAN-IL-LULLAH • Striking or keeping both the palms on the object on which tayammum is valid. As an obligatory precaution, this should

be done by both the palms together. Wiping or stroking the entire forehead with the palms of both the hands, and, as an obligatory precaution, its two ends commencing from the spot where the hair of one's head grow down to the eyebrows and above the nose. And it is recommended that the palms pass over the eyebrows as well. To pass the left palm over the whole back of the right hand and thereafter, to pass the right palm over the whole back of the left hand. n, every state which requires Ghusl.

CONDITIONS OF DRESS WORN DURING PRAYER (SALAT) There are six conditions for the dress used in Namaz: 1. It should be Pak (Clean & Pure from filth). 2. It should be mubah (permissible for him to use). 3. It should not be made of the parts of a dead body. 4. It should not be made of the carcass, whose meat is haraam. 5. If a person who offers prayers is a male, his dress must not be made of pure silk. 6. If a person who offers prayers is a male, his dress must not be embroidered with gold. The details of these will follow later. PLACE WHERE THE PRAYER SHOULD BE OFFERD There are seven conditions for the place where one should offer prayers: 1. The place where the prayers are offered should be Mubah. If a person prays on a usurped property, then as an obligatory precaution, his prayers are void, even it he prays on a carpet, or a couch, or similarly objects. However, there is no harm in offering prayers under a usurped roof or a usurped tent. 2. The place for prayers should not have such a vigorous movement which would make normal standing, Ruku or Sajdah impossible. 3. A person should offer prayers at a place where he sees the possibility of completing the prayers. To pray at a place where one cannot complete the prayers, because of strong winds, or heavy rains or a teeming crowd, will render namaz void, even if one somehow manages to finish the prayers. 4. The ceiling of the place where one prays should not be so low, that one may not be able to stand erect, nor should the place be so small, that there may be no room for performing Ruku or Sajdah. 5. If the place where one wishes to pray is najis, it should not be so wet that its moisture would reach the body or the dress of the person praying. But, if the place where one places one's forehead while performing Sajdah, is najis, the prayers will be void, even if that place is dry. And the recommended precaution is that the place where one offers prayers should not be najis at all. 6. As an obligatory precaution, women should stand behind men while praying. At least, her place of Sajdah should be in line with his thighs, when in Sajdah. 7. The place where a person places his forehead while in Sajdah, should not be higher or lower than a span of four fingers, when compared to the place of thighs or toes of his feet. The details of this rule will be given in the rules relating to Sajdah

There are 5 basic prayers 1. Fajar (morning prayer)-2 Rakaats 2. Dhuhr (afternoon prayer)-4 Rakaats 3. Asr (mid afternoon prayer)-4 Rakaats 4. Maghrib (evening prayer)-3 Rakaats 5. Isha (night prayer)-4 Rakaats For each of the five prayers there is an appointed time that must not be taken lightly. • The time for Subha prayer is from the start of dawn till sunrise • The time for Dhuhr and Asr prayers is from Zawal to sunset. The first portion is confined to Dhuhr prayer and the second to Asr prayer in as long as each of which takes. • The time of Maghrib and Isha starts from sunset and lasts till midnight. The first part is confined to Maghrib and the latter part to Isha in as long as each of which takes.


For How To Pray *Instructions are for 2 Rakaats. If you are performing prayer of more than 2 Rakaats (Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib or Isha), do not perform Salaam, Repeat the second Rakaat’s steps except Qunoot and at the end of 3 or 4th Rakaat perform Tashahud & Salaam*

Niyat (Intention) - Beginning of Prayer

Recitation an


I offer Fajar pray seeking nearness to Go

Takbirat-ul-Ihram (The First Takbir - Allah hu Akbar)


Allah is Lift both hands up to the ears and say

BISMILLAH HIR RA In the Name of Allah, the mos

First Rakaat - Qirat (Recitation) It is Wajib (essential) to recite Surah al Hamd, followed by any other complete Surah in the first 2 rakaats. First Surah (Surah al Hamd)

AL HAMDU LIL LAHI RAB BI NIR R All praises belong to Allah the Ch and Perfector of the worlds, the m

MALIKI YAWMID DIN. IYYA NASTA Master of the Day of Judgment. Th alone do we

IHDI NAS SIRATAL MUSTAQE AMTA AL Keep us along the straight path, t bles

GHAIRIL MAGHZOOBI ALA Not of those whom Thou art ang

BISMILLAH HIR RA In the Name of Allah, the mos

Second Surah (Surah al Kausar)

INNA A'TAINAKAL KAUSAR HA To thee have We granted the Foun to your Lord and

INNA SHANI AKA Surely your enemy is the

SAY ALLAH Allah is

Ruku (bend half-way down and keep both hands on your legs just above your knees)

Straighten up, saying


SUBHANA RAB BI AL A Free from All Defects is my Lo

SAMI ALLAH HU L God listens to one

ALLAH H Allah is

Sajdah (Go down to Sajdah so that the forehead touches the place of Sajdah directly make sure that the material covering the head is not in the way.)

Sit up and say

Second Sajdah


SUBHANA RAB BI AL Free from all defects is and with His pra

AS TAGH FIR UL LAHA R I ask Allah, my Lord, to unto him I tu


SUBHANA RAB BI AL Free from All defects is and with His pra

Stand up saying

Second Rakaat First Surah (Surah al Hamd)

BI HAWL LIL LAHI WA QUWA Due to the Vigor given by Allah, Him I rise

BISMILLAH HIR RA In the Name of Allah, the mos

AL HAMDU LIL LAHI RAB BI NIR R All praises belong to Allah the Ch and Perfector of the worlds, the m

MALIKI YAWMID DIN. IYYA NASTA Master of the Day of Judgment. Th alone do we

IHDI NAS SIRATAL MUSTAQE AMTA AL Keep us along the straight path, t bles

GHAIRIL MAGHZOOBI ALA Not of those whom Thou art ang

BISMILLAH HIR RA In the Name of Allah, the mos

Second Surah (Surah Tawheed)

QUL HU WAL LAH HU AHAD, LI Say He is God, the One, the Un Independent. H

WA LAM YU LAD, WA LAM Y AH Nor is He Begotten. And th

Qunoot (after Second Surah in 2nd Rakaat While still standing) Raise your hands and bring them together in front of your face, with the palms of your hands raised up, inclined towards you. Say

RABBANA AATINA FIDD O our Lord! Bestow upo

WA FIL AAKHERA-TI HASAN NA And good in the Hereafter, and p Fi

ALLAH H Allah is



Straighten up, saying

SUBHANA RAB BI AL A Free from All defects is my All H I bo

SAMI ALLAH HU L God listens to one

ALLAH H Allah is



Sit up and say

SUBHANA RAB BI AL Free from all defects is my All-H adore

AS TAGH FIR UL LAHA R I ask Allah, my Lord, to cover repen


Second Sajdah

Sit up and say

Tashahud Then say the Tashahud and t hen the salaam (while still sitting)

SUBHANA RAB BI AL Free from All defects is my All H adore

ALLAH H God is

ASH HADU AN LAA I bear witness that there

WAHDAHU LA S He is One, with

WA ASH HADU AN NA MUH RASO And I bear witness that Muham

ALLA HUMMA SAL LI ALA MUHAM O our God, bless Muhammad a


ASSALAM MU ALAIKA AYYU UL LAHI WA Peace be unto thee, O Apostle boun

ASSALAM MU ALAINA W SUALI Peace be unto us and unto t

ASSALAM MU ALAIKUM WABARA Peace be unto ye all, and the m


LA ILAHA I There is no G

ALLA HUMMA SALLI ALA MUHA O our God, bless Muhammad, a

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