How To Perform A Windows Xp Repair Install

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How to Perform a Windows XP Repair Install

How to Perform a Windows XP Repair Install Author: Michael Stevens MS-MVP 2001-2007

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Michael Stevens Tech

Warning #1 Warning #2 Warning #3 Skip to Repair Install Submitted fixes Additional Links

It is extremely important that you backup important data that is not available from other media sources. This backup should be located on a separate hard drive, CD, DVD, network storage, etc. that will not be affected by the repair install. Please check out the warning links before attempting the Repair Install. It is to your advantage you follow the suggestions to prevent data loss and especially if you also have the capability to boot into XP, perform the steps listed in the Warning #1 , before proceeding with the repair install. After completing [if Windows is still accessible] the steps listed to prevent data loss in warning #1 and you did not remedy the no boot situation, you can use an OEM XP Pro or Home, "retail" XP Home or Pro full or upgrade version CD of the same version Home or Pro to perform a Repair Install. OEM Restore disks or hidden restore folders on the hard drive will not work for the Repair Install. A Repair Install will replace the system files with the files on the XP CD used for the Repair Install. It will leave your applications and settings intact, but Windows updates will need to be reapplied. A Repair Install will replace files altered by adware and malware, but will not fix an adware, malware problem. You can use the In place upgrade option to change a Product Key in the event you entered a key that was already activated. The In Place Upgrade also produces the same result as the Repair Install. Alternate options to Change XP Product Key #18 on the FAQ list. Setup cannot continue because the version of Windows on your computer is newer than the version on the CD. If you get a "Setup cannot continue because the version of Windows on your computer (1 of 8)10/15/2008 4:05:46 PM

How to Perform a Windows XP Repair Install

is newer than the version on the CD." message, if you continue, you will need to apply the SP 2 updates after the repair install completes, plus you will need to take the following steps to keep your system from being immediately infected with a virus. 1. If you connect directly to the internet without a router or hardware firewall, disconnect from the internet by physically removing the connections cable, removing a wireless card, or any other means of internet connection. 2. After the Repair install is completed, enable the XP firewall or install third party firewall software or router before connecting to the internet. If you get the "Setup cannot continue because the version of Windows on your computer is newer than the version on the CD.". You should create a slipstreamed copy of your XP CD by using the software and step by steps supplied in the links below. Slipstream XP Automatic Updates If you cannot download Automatic updates after the Repair install , follow the steps in the link below submitted by MS-MVP's Richard Harper and Ron Martell. Automatic Updates stops working after a repair install of Windows XP

XP Repair install Please read carefully and make sure you followed the warning links before initiating the Repair Install. You can print a text version for reference. repair.txt 1. Boot the computer using the XP CD. You may need to change the boot order in the system BIOS so the CD boots before the hard drive. Check your system documentation for steps to access the BIOS and change the boot order. 2. When you see the "Welcome To Setup" screen, you will see the options below This portion of the Setup program prepares Microsoft Windows XP to run on your computer: To setup Windows XP now, press ENTER. To repair a Windows XP installation using Recovery Console, press R. To quit Setup without installing Windows XP, press F3.

3. Press Enter to start the Windows Setup.

do not choose "To repair a Windows XP installation using the Recovery Console, press R", (you Do Not want to load Recovery Console). I repeat, do not choose "To repair a Windows XP installation using the Recovery Console, press R". 4. Accept the License Agreement and Windows will search for existing Windows installations. 5. Select the XP installation you want to repair from the list and press R to start the (2 of 8)10/15/2008 4:05:46 PM

How to Perform a Windows XP Repair Install

repair. If Repair is not one of the options, END setup. After the reboot read

Warning#2! 6. Setup will copy the necessary files to the hard drive and reboot. Do not press any key to boot from CD when the message appears. Setup will continue as if it were doing a clean install, but your applications and settings will remain intact.

If you get files not found during the copying stage. Blaster worm warning: Do not immediately activate over the internet when asked, enable the XP firewall before connecting to the internet. You can activate after the firewall is enabled. Control Panel - Network Connections. Right click the connection you use, Properties and there is a check box on the Advanced page. KB 833330u Blaster removal What You Should Know About the Sasser Worm and Its Variants Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-011 7. Reapply updates or service packs applied since initial Windows XP installation. Please note that a Repair Install using an Original pre service pack 1 or 2 XP CD used as the install media will remove SP1/SP2 respectively and service packs plus updates issued after the service packs will need to be reapplied.

Windows XP Service Pack 1 Service Pack 2 An option I highly recommend; is creating a Slipstreamed XP CD with SP1, SP2, etc. . Slipstreaming Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2) Good Another Slipstream step by step Better AutoStreamer mirror link for AutoStreamer Best!! Step by Step on AutoStreamer Printable Repair Install step by step. repair.txt XP Repair Install in PDF XPrepairinstall (3 of 8)10/15/2008 4:05:46 PM

How to Perform a Windows XP Repair Install

Warning! #1 Should you do a repair install and is it the best choice? A Repair Install is not foolproof and should not be considered the cure-all fix for nonboot situations. The below procedure applies only if you can still boot into Windows. To prevent loss of data and/or program settings, perform the following before the Repair Install. Manually delete the Undo_guimode.txt file from the Windows\System32 folder before you perform any of the actions that are listed in the "Symptoms" section of this article. To do this in Windows XP, type the following command at a command prompt: del /a /f %windir%\system32\undo_guimode.txt 1. From the Start menu, click Run. See screen shot Image 2. In the Run dialog box, in the Open text box, type: cmd. Click OK. 3. Delete the undo_guimode.txt file. In the C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe dialog box, type: del /a /f c:\windows\system32\undo_guimode.txt. Press the ENTER key. See screenshot Image KB Q312369 Check the link below for an option for recovering from a non-boot event. Windows XP Crashed? Here's Help A salvage mission into the depths of Windows XP, explained by a non-geek by Charlie White

Also as a precaution the windows\system32\WPA.DBL and WPA.BAK should be copied to a floppy before doing a repair install. For more information see Alex Nichol's article on XP activation. More articles to help prevent data loss. Chris Quirke

Additional tips to perform before initiating the Repair Install. You should complete the basic requirements of backing up all files and folders that cannot be restored from other media. This includes passwords, applications purchased and downloaded from the internet without CD support, financial records and folders, (4 of 8)10/15/2008 4:05:46 PM

How to Perform a Windows XP Repair Install

digital images that cannot be replaced............... Backup copies of your registry files (in the %systemroot%\Repair folder) are also replaced after the in-place upgrade is complete. Copy these registry backups to another location before you perform an in-place upgrade/Repair Install. You may need to use them after the in-place upgrade is complete. It would also be a good idea to run the Files And Settings Transfer wizard F.A.S.T located on the XP CD. If you made unorthodox registry changes with third party software, there is the potential of data loss from a Repair Install. Another consideration of concern would be a power failure during the repair install could render your system un bootable and result in loss of data. The likelihood of you losing the files and folders is probably of minimal risk, but you have to expect the worst and make sure you are prepared for recovery. If you are sure you have explored all other troubleshooting avenues, then proceed with the repair install. If you get a warning message: "Setup cannot continue because the version of Windows on your computer is newer than the version on the CD." You get this message when you use a pre-SP 1, SP2 XP CD on an XP installation that has been updated to SP1, SP2. You have the options listed below. 1. Remove the SP 1, SP2 update if the option is available from Add/Remove. 2. Create a slipstreamed XP CD merging the SP1 or SP2 update. 2a Autostreamer for creating a slipstreamed CD the easy way. 3. Purchase an XP CD with SP2 included. Slipstreaming Windows XP with Service Pack 1 or 2 (SP1, SP2) Another Slipstream step by step AutoStreamer mirror link for AutoStreamer Step by Step on AutoStreamer

Warning!! #2 If the Repair Option is not Available What should I do? Most important do not ignore the information below! If the option to Repair Install is NOT available and you continue with the install; you will delete your Windows folder and the Documents and Settings folders. All (5 of 8)10/15/2008 4:05:46 PM

How to Perform a Windows XP Repair Install

applications installed that place keys in the registry will need to be re-installed and will require the original install media. You should exit setup if the repair option is not available and consider other options. I have found if the Repair option is not available, you have a few paths I have listed below to try before XP requires a Clean install. Another option to consider (since the cost of 100 + gig hard drives has dropped to well under $75) would be to disconnect the current hard drive and install a clean XP from retail disks or restore media to a new hard drive. You can then connect the original hard drive after configuring the jumpers to a slave drive. You can retrieve important files. One thing to remember, if a hard drive has not been formatted or written over by reinstalling, the data is accessible. The less you access a hard drive after a non-boot episode; the better your chances of retrieving your data. Very important!! If you still have the ability to access the Windows XP installation, backup all important files not restorable from other sources before attempting any recovery console or other trouble shooting attempts.

Possible Fix by reconfiguring boot.ini using Recovery Console. 1.Boot with XP CD or 6 floppy boot disk set. 2. Press R to load the Recovery Console. 3. Type bootcfg. 4. This should fix any boot.ini errors causing setup not to see the XP OS install. 5. Try the repair install. One more suggestion from MVP Alex Nichol "Reboot, this time taking the immediate R option and if the CD letter is say K: give these commands copy K:\i386\ntldr C:\ copy K:\i386\ C:\ (two other files needed - just in case) 1. Type: attrib -h -r -s C:\boot.ini del C:\boot.ini 2. Type: BootCfg /Rebuild which will get rid of any damaged boot.ini, search the disk for systems and make a new one. This might even result in a damaged windows reappearing; but gives another chance of getting at the repair" (6 of 8)10/15/2008 4:05:46 PM

How to Perform a Windows XP Repair Install

Try the link below if the repair option is not available.

Windows XP Crashed? Here's Help. A salvage mission into the depths of Windows XP, explained by a nongeek by Charlie White

Feedback Feedback on success or failure of the above fixes would be greatly appreciated. Please submit your solution to fix the repair install option as not available. New fixes submitted and verified will be posted with credit below. Charlie Russel MS-MVP Charlie Russel submitted this valuable information that if you have Symantec GO Back installed, you will not get an option to repair install until you disable it.(you will get a warning that you will lose your restore points.) You will then get the option to repair install. Please submit your fixes. [email protected]

Warning!! #3 Updates must be applied before connecting to the internet after a repair install. Reapply updates or service packs applied since initial Windows XP installation. Please note that a Repair Install using an Original pre service pack 1 or 2 XP CD used as the install media will remove SP1/SP2 respectively and service packs plus updates issued after the service packs will need to be reapplied.

Windows XP Service Pack 1 Service Pack 2 Service Pack 3 An option I highly recommend; is creating a Slipstreamed XP CD with SP1, SP2, etc. . Slipstreaming Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2) Good (7 of 8)10/15/2008 4:05:46 PM

How to Perform a Windows XP Repair Install

Another Slipstream step by step Better AutoStreamer mirror link for AutoStreamer Best!! Step by Step on AutoStreamer

Additional Links Chris Quirke's Blog XP Repair Install essential info Dell Restore link This article will answer your questions about the Dell restore partitions and what if any options you have if they are corrupted, formatted or overwritten. Related Microsoft KB Articles You May Lose Data or Program Settings After Reinstalling, Repairing or Upgrading Windows XP (Q312369) System Restore "Restore Points" Are Missing or Deleted (Q301224) How to Perform an In-Place Upgrade (Reinstallation) of Windows XP (Q315341)

This page was last updated on Monday, September 22, 2008 At 03:12:04 PM, You accessed it on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 At 04:01:44 PM. (8 of 8)10/15/2008 4:05:46 PM

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Michael Stevens Tech

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Michael Stevens Tech

2001-2007 MS-MVP Adward Recipient

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Where do I find information on XP Service Packs ?

Information on the XP Service Pack 2 and 3 can be found at

How do I format my hard drive with XP installed so I can start over? This question is frequently asked and raises a red flag that the user is in trouble and may need special help transitioning from the Win 9X/Me platform to XP. The first question that should be asked is what problem has prompted the need to start over. Usually it is not necessary to start from scratch with XP. You have a few options before using the hammer approach (aka format).

1. Your first option would be to try System Restore from Start> All Programs> Accessories> System Tools> System Restore. Look for the last program; update; etc. you installed before the problem occurred and select a restore point accordingly.

2. Make a post to the Microsoft XP newsgroups explaining the problem in as much detail as possible. I suggest you setup a newsreader instead of using the web based format.

3. Do a Repair Install (1 of 2)10/15/2008 4:07:42 PM

Michael Stevens Tech

4. Do a Clean Install using the XP CD. 5. See links from XP FAQ page for more format options. How to Format XP.

If the system manufacturer supplies only a method to restore to original shipped state located on the hard drive or restore CD's; formatting the hard drive may remove the restore files and you should consult your system documentation and web site.

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MS-MVP published links Ron Badour John Barnett Mike Burgess Jim Byrd Eric Cross Jim Eshelman James M. Fisher Sandi Hardmeier Richard Harper Chris Hassler John Hildrum Jupiter Jones Bert Kinney Doug Knox Tom Koch Marc Liron Patty MacDuffie Alex Nichol Harry Ohrn Chris Quirke M. Rajesh Fernando Saludos Mark Salloway Larry Samuels Bruce Sanderson Len Segal Michael Solomon Ramesh Srinivasan Terri Stratton Kelly Theriot Steve Winograd Gary Woodruff

Global Listing of Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals MS-MVP Home | MS-MVP | OE Newsreader | Move XP | Restore | Format XP Clean Install | XP Repair Install | F.A.S.T. | Access BIOS | Upgrade Issues | ViewKeyXP Spell Check | XP FAQ | Computer Links | WinLinks | SW&Tools | Share Ware MotorSports |Online Mags | FTP Links | Donate | Contact This page was last updated on undefined, undefined NaN, NaN At NaN:NaN:NaN AM, You accessed it on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 At 04:07:43 PM. 4:07:44 PM

Setting up Outlook Express Newsreader

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Setting up Outlook Express Newsreader Using the web based access to newsgroups is a very difficult way to use high volume newsgroups like the XP newsgroups. With several XP newsgroups average daily volume well over 1000 messages, the web formats lack of the search ability severely limits the usefulness of the newsgroups forum. Home MS-MVP

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Below are steps and tips on setting up the Outlook Express Newsreader for viewing and posting to the Microsoft newsgroups. 1. Open Outlook Express or if you have Outlook configured, open Outlook [see below for enabling news for Outlook 2003. 2. From Tools menu, select Accounts. 3. Click the Add button and select News. 4. This will launch the Internet Connection Wizard. 5. Type the name you want to appear in the "From" column in the Display field. 6. Type your email address, this can be any email address, but I suggest creating an anonymous email account just for newsgroup posting. (As a further warning, never use your real email address in the configuration of your newsgroup reader or your signature. Alter the address with something obvious to someone with a legitimate reason to reply, but so you will not have your email address harvested by spam harvesters. Use a prefix/suffix like no spam or bogus, etc. Change the part of the email address after the @ sign. This will lessen the possibility email will be sent to a real person.)

7. 8. 9. 10.

Anonymous email accounts are available for free. Hushmail Secure Email is one of many examples available. For more examples do a Google search for "anonymous email" Enter for the NNTP server. Since the Microsoft public newsgroups do not require a password, leave the checkbox "my newserver requires me to log on" unchecked. In the Newsgroup Subscriptions dialog box, type microsoft.public.windowsxp. to display all Windows XP newsgroups. Click the newsgroups you're interested in, then click Subscribe. When you have subscribed to the desired newsgroups, click OK From OE Tools> Options> Read> Set the number of headers to retrieve to 1000. Uncheck the checkbox to download all the messages in a newsgroup. (recommended, but takes a considerable amount of time. OE Newsreader will give a much higher estimate of the posts to download. Estimate is over a million headers for the general group, but actual (1 of 4)10/15/2008 4:07:47 PM

Setting up Outlook Express Newsreader

11. 12. 13. 14.

number is around 90 to 100 thousand.) The XP newsgroups have a very high volume and average posts in some groups exceed 1000 posts per day, using the default 300 headers to download would give only a fraction of the posts and replies to the newsgroups. From View> Current View select Show All Messages. From View> Sort By select Sent Optionally From View> Layout> Preview Pane, select open preview pane, then 'below messages' or 'beside messages' and finally Show preview pane header. This option allows you to see messages as you select them. Use Help for more tips on configuring OE for newsgroups.

Cross-Posts When posting the same question to multiple newsgroups, do so by cross-posting rather than making individual posts to each group. By cross-posting, replies will show in all groups regardless of the newsgroup the reply was made. Cross-posts should be limited to topic relevant newsgroups with the usual accepted groups limited to (3) three per post, but more or less can be posted to with most newsreaders. Screen shot images below illustrate how to cross-post. 1. Reply to message.

Click image to enlarge. 2. Select Newsgroups.

Click image to enlarge. 3. Add Newsgroups.

Click image to enlarge. 4. Example of cross-post.

Click image to enlarge.

Additional tips for OE newsreader. After the initial download of the headers, you should compact the newsgroups by right clicking on a subscribed newsgroup and selecting Properties from the menu, then Compact (2 of 4)10/15/2008 4:07:47 PM

Setting up Outlook Express Newsreader

For Outlook 2003, the tool bar must be customized to enable a link to open Outlook Newsreader. If you receive an error message or the news option is not available from the customize menu option, uninstall Outlook and reinstall making sure you have closed Outlook Express before reinstalling. If Outlook Express has been previously setup to receive newsgroups, you may need to remove the newsgroup accounts to get Outlook 2003 to properly intergrate OE seamlessly into Outlook 2003. When properly configured, opening OE newsreader from Outlook 2003 will show Outlook Newsreader on the application title line. Example of OE properly intergrated into Outlook 2003 shown below.

click the above image to enlarge.

Finally, there are other newsgroup applications and some are more specialized to specific newsgroup tasks, but I find the Outlook Express newsreader especially well suited for Microsoft peer support newsgroups. For downloading files and binaries, I would suggest other newsreaders more suited for this task.

Printable text version. Right click text file and choose print target: oesetup.txt

MICROSOFT PUBLIC NEWSGROUPS List of Microsoft Public Newsgroup links compiled courtesy of MS-MVP Jim Eshelman. Clicking the links will automatically create any necessary account configuration in Outlook Express and take you directly to the Microsoft newsgroup you have selected — no complicated technical configurations are needed! Over 2000+ newsgroups available. Microsoft newsgroups rules of conduct. Useful tips on E-mail Addresses and Privacy. (3 of 4)10/15/2008 4:07:47 PM

Setting up Outlook Express Newsreader More tips on OE mspx

Alternative Newsreaders Netscape Agent Gravity

NewsBin Pro v4.05 Xnews

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Changing a Motherboard or Moving

Changing a Motherboard or Moving a Hard Drive with XP Installed Revised 4/19/05 to incorporate new procedure based on MS KB824125

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Michael Stevens Tech

Important information to consider before attempting the move of XP to new hardware. Please read carefully and follow through with the recommendations!

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If you found this web page before attempting to move a currently installed Windows XP to new hardware. I highly recommend you either create an image of the hard drive or make sure you have all important data that can not be replaced from other media backed up to XP compatible media before proceeding. Even under the best of circumstances the chances of booting a hard drive moved from another computer is a crap shoot, and doing so without an image or backup is asking for trouble. I hope this advice does not fall on deaf ears. Windows .QIC and CD-R/CDRW's using the packet writing format will need to have XP compatible software installed to access the information. * Advisory: Changing a Branded OEM XP system motherboard to a non-factory replacement motherboard or moving a hard drive with OEM XP pre installed to a non-OEM system is not advised. The new OEM EULA states: The sale of XP OEM software is only allowed when accompanied with a complete computer. Defined as "We grant you a nonexclusive right to distribute an individual software license only with a fully assembled computer system. A "fully assembled computer system" means a computer system consisting of at least a central processing unit, a motherboard, a hard drive, a power supply, and a case." A non-password protected explanation can be accessed from the link below. OEM Microsoft Windows (including XP Pro and XP Home) Licensing Changes You Need To Know About! Two problem areas exist. 1. Non-compliance with the OEM EULA. 2. The OEM's practice of using a set of restore disks or hidden restore folders on the hard drive to satisfy Microsoft's restore requirement. The first example can result in a denial of activation. The second means you have no media (i.e. no XP CD) to use for the repair install if it is necessary. Generic OEM versions would seem to classify the builder of the computer as the OEM (1 of 8)10/15/2008 4:07:50 PM

Changing a Motherboard or Moving

and as the OEM can determine what upgrades are allowed. See this link to confuse you even more. OEM

New OEM restrictions initially affecting the top 20 Direct multinational OEM's. As of February 28th 2005, all COA keys affixed to the computer case will have internet activation disabled. A mandatory phone call will be prompted to receive an override key after answering a series of questions which manually verify them as legitimate. >>More See 59 and 60>>> and More This does not affect unbranded OEM versions purchased with authorized hardware through legitimate vendors. Branded OEM versions [I.E. Dell, HP, Gateway, etc..] purchased from eBay and other similar vendors will be affected and may lose the ability to activate the questionable copies. Also make sure you read through the entire OEM NOTES from the OEM XP system motherboard link.

Since in my opinion the repair install or upgrade run from Windows is an absolute necessity when changing a motherboard or moving a hard drive with XP installed. I would not attempt booting into the new hardware configuration when the option to do a repair install or upgrade run from Windows is not an option. If you do make the choice to boot Windows XP without doing the repair install or upgrade run from Windows, I once again highly recommend you create an image of the hard drive or make sure you have all important data that can not be replaced from other media backed up to XP compatible media. Backups of Windows that create .QIC and CD-R/CDRW's using the packet writing format will need to have XP compatible software installed to access the information. *

This article explains: 1. Preparing for a motherboard change with XP installed. 2. Changing/Replacing/Upgrading a computer motherboard currently running XP. 3. Moving a hard drive with XP installed to a new computer. 4. Setting XP to new motherboard and hardware. 5. Activation

Preparing for the Change (2 of 8)10/15/2008 4:07:50 PM

Changing a Motherboard or Moving

As with all changes that have the potential of data loss, it is strongly recommended to make a backup of all important data that cannot be restored from other media. You should either create an image of the hard drive using third party imaging software, tape backup, backup to CDRW, floppies or the Files And Settings Transfer Wizard located on the XP CD. (F.A.S.T), etc. If you have information located in non-standard locations, do not expect the backup device or software applications default settings to backup the data. You will need to make custom adjustments to the backup settings. Check the motherboard manufacturers web site for updated drivers and any drivers that need to be loaded from a floppy at the beginning of XP installation. Check the motherboard manufacturers web site for BIOS updates for the new motherboard. As with all hardware, you should always check for updates. Download and Flash the BIOS to the latest version before setting up your motherboard with the hard drive setup with XP. BIOS

The Change of hardware Changing the motherboard on a computer currently running XP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Start Windows and Logon as Administrator. Insert the XP CD in the CD drive. Let Autorun start. Click on Install. Select the Upgrade [recommended] from the Windows Setup window Installation Type list. Click Next Follow on screen prompts until computer restarts. Turn off computer as it restarts. Remove power cord from computer. Open Case. Use either an anti-static wrist band or make sure you touch bare metal before handling or touching a component. After labeling all cables and other power connectors; remove cables from motherboard. Remove old motherboard and replace with new motherboard. Attach cables and power connectors by consulting the motherboard user manual, and the labels you made when you disconnected them from the original mother board. Reboot and access BIOS Depending on the BIOS and OEM manufacturer, set date and time [very important], hard drive detection, CPU settings [if necessary] and boot order. You will need to set the CD DRIVE before the Hard Drive in the boot order when booting from XP CD to Repair Install. For this Upgrade procedure, Ignore "Press a key to boot from CD" on restart. EXIT and say YES to SAVE BIOS settings. Reboot Allow upgrade to continue. ❍ Setup installs the HAL [Hardware Abstract Layer] ❍ The IDE controller drivers [Hard Drive] (3 of 8)10/15/2008 4:07:50 PM

Changing a Motherboard or Moving ❍ Other drivers that the new motherboard must have. 22. Before connecting to the internet, read the Blaster worm warning !

and then click the browser back button to continue. Moving a hard drive with a currently running XP installed to another computer. The following applies to currently working XP systems. For moving a hard drive from non-booting XP system 1. follow steps 25-31 then proceed to 2. Option #1 Repair Install. The following information works if the hard drive being moved is a single partition or multiple partitions on a single drive on the computer or if XP is installed on another hard drive [other than the primary master partition Disk 0] and all hard drives from the system XP is moved; are also moved and cabled exactly as the previous computer. 23. Follow the above steps 1 - 7 before shutting down Windows on the computer the hard drive/s are to be removed. 24. Press Pause/Break as soon as computer reboots. Remove XP CD. 25. Turn off computer 26. If multiple hard drives are being swapped, write down and label how they were configured. It is very important to preserve the cabling so all drives retain the same drive letters. 27. Remove the hard drive or drives 28. Install hard drive with XP installed to new computer, making sure to duplicate the cabling of computer hard drive/s is moved from. 29. Power on the computer and access the BIOS by pressing the key combination prompted by the BIOS, configure as described in the steps #16 & #17 above. 30. EXIT and SAVE BIOS settings. 31. Press Pause/Break, Insert XP. 32. Press Pause/Break again to continue upgrade. 33. Before connecting to the internet, read the Blaster worm warning !

Setting XP to new hardware Option #1 Repair Install to SET XP to New Motherboard Option #2 IDE replacement and Safe Mode procedure to SET XP

to New Motherboard. Option #1 Repair Install Do Not BOOT into Windows XP on first boot after Motherboard or Hard (4 of 8)10/15/2008 4:07:50 PM

Changing a Motherboard or Moving

Drive change! If booting from CD is not an option, return to BIOS and make sure booting from CD is the first boot option. Booting into Windows is only an option when you do a direct replacement of the Motherboard, otherwise it is like playing Russian Roulette. If you lose, it is fatal! If your computer does not support booting from the CD, check your OEM or Motherboard makers web site for updated BIOS.

Perform a Repair Install by following the step by step below. 1. When you see the "Welcome To Setup" screen, you will see the options below 2. This portion of the Setup program prepares Microsoft Windows XP to run on your computer:

To setup Windows XP now, press ENTER.

This is the option you want to enable to proceed to the Repair Install. 3.

To repair a Windows XP installation using Recovery Console, press R. For the Repair Install do not choose "To repair a Windows XP installation using the Recovery Console, press R", (you Do Not want to load Recovery Console). I repeat, do not choose "To repair a Windows XP installation using the Recovery Console, press R". To quit Setup without installing Windows XP, press F3.

4. Press Enter to start the Windows Setup. 5. Accept the License Agreement and Windows will search for existing Windows installations. 6. Select the XP installation you want to repair from the list and press R to start the repair. If Repair is not one of the options, read this Warning!! 7. Setup will copy the necessary files to the hard drive and reboot. Do not press any key to boot from CD when the message appears. Setup will continue as if it were doing a clean install, but your applications and settings will remain intact. Blaster worm warning: Do not immediately activate over the internet when asked, enable the XP firewall before connecting to the internet. You can activate after the firewall is enabled. Control Panel - Network Connections. Right click the connection you use, Properties and there is a check box on the Advanced page. KB 833330 Blaster removal What You Should Know About the Sasser Worm and Its Variants Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-011 Reapply updates or service packs applied since initial Windows XP installation. Please note that a Repair Install from the Original install XP CD will remove SP1/SP2 (5 of 8)10/15/2008 4:07:50 PM

Changing a Motherboard or Moving

and service packs will need to be reapplied. Service Pack 1 Service Pack 2 An option I highly recommend is creating a Slipstreamed XP CD with SP2. Slipstreaming Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2) Another Slipstream step by step Option #2 Setting XP to new hardware.

This option should only be used when you have a complete backup of your data that can not be restored from other sources. The original source of the modified information below came from Before you swap out the current motherboard go to device manager and select the IDE ATA/ATAPI Controller and select your current storage controller. Right click, select update driver and select install from a list or specific location. Click don't search I will choose the driver to install and select the standard dual channel IDE controller. This will prevent the inaccessible boot device blue screen. With this method, booting the first time with the new motherboard should be done in Safe mode. XP will install the drivers it needs and you can install the new motherboard drivers. I would suggest accessing the motherboard web site to get the latest drivers and bios updates rather than use the CD media included with the MB. The CD is usually a couple of revisions behind the latest updates. ACTIVATION

What happens when you change a motherboard or move a hard drive depends on the accumulated changes made within a 120 day period since initial activation. As a precaution the windows\system32\WPA.DBL and WPA.DBL should be copied to a floppy before doing a repair install. For more information see Alex Nichol's article on XP activation. It also depends on the version of Windows XP intended for the move.

Retail versions of XP Retail versions of XP can be moved from and reinstalled as many times as you want as (6 of 8)10/15/2008 4:07:50 PM

Changing a Motherboard or Moving

long as it is in compliance with the EULA. The EULA states: You may install, use, access, display and run one copy of the Software on a single computer, such as a workstation, terminal or other device ("Workstation Computer")

OEM versions of XP According to the OEM EULA, systems pre installed with OEM XP versions cannot be transferred to another computer. This is defined in the OEM EULA. OEM versions sold with a piece of hardware are tied to the original computer it is installed on. From the link [clarification], hardware can be upgraded and only the change of mother board will qualify as a non-original computer. For clarification: Contact Microsoft Corporate and Legal Affairs Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA

What information are you required to give? As long as it is only installed on one computer, nothing needs to be said other than it was uninstalled from one computer and installed on another or the hardware was upgraded on the same computer. You do not need to or have to provide more information.

Why was activation added to XP? The purpose of Activation is to make the general public aware it is a violation of the Windows XP EULA agreement to install a single licensed copy to more than one computer at a time. It was not expected to stop the ability to disable or work around the activation. You can effectively recover from most non-boot situations from the information included in this web site.

Email replies will be accepted and answered when time allows. Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP SHELL

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How do I format a NTFS

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How do I format a NTFS/Fat/Fat32 drive with XP installed? Move mouse over menu below to display format options.


Identify the file system you are using: XP system disk using any file format booting from XP CD:


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Format non-system hard drive or partition using XP Disk Management:

If you have a problem and have exhausted all other options [read below] and currently have an XP CD (not Restore media supplied by the OEM) and simply want to Clean install XP, select the Clean Install link below with a step by step guide to Clean install XP.

XP system disk using NTFS with Win98/Me boot disk:

If you want information how to format a hard drive with XP installed, see the options from the menu on the left for your situation.

Format XP installed on a Fat/ Fat32 file system using a Windows 98/Me Boot Disk :

Before formatting a hard drive, make sure you have backed up all the important data and anything that cannot be replaced from other sources.


Need a boot disk? You can get images to create all types from www.bootdisk. com.

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Browser not supported or JavaScript disabled? Download the Printable text version. format XP Non-JavaScript version Format XP

Hint: It is usually not necessary to format XP to correct a problem. You should first try to find a solution from the Microsoft Knowledge Base, the Microsoft newsgroups, manufacturer web sites or if you suspect a virus, get the latest virus definitions from your AV manufacturer's web site; you can also run one of the many free web format virus scans. As a last option before resorting to a format and reinstall, a Repair Install will usually fix file corruption problems and leave your applications and setting intact. Updates not included on the XP CD used for the repair install will need to be reapplied and should be applied before connecting to the internet. Updates can be downloaded and burned to CD media prior to the Repair Install or clean install. The alternative to applying the SP updates after the repair or clean install is to slipstream the updates into the XP CD. Check for links in the Clean Install link below as they will be the latest updated links for slipstreaming. (1 of 2)10/15/2008 4:07:53 PM

How do I format a NTFS

The Repair Install is not a fix for and will not remove a malware or adware problem, but it will restore files affected by the malware or adware applications after they are removed. The links below will help the reconfiguration of your computer. Repair Install Clean Install XP FAQ (2 of 2)10/15/2008 4:07:53 PM

XP Clean Install

Clean Install Windows XP

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Click here to skip to "Steps to Clean Install XP" Prepping for a Clean install Microsoft XP boot floppies Specialized floppy boot disk

Why clean install? While a clean install is not always necessary, slightly better stability and performance can be expected when XP is installed to a clean hard drive or partition. The XP upgrade is a vast improvement over previous Windows upgrades, and is usually the best choice when transitioning from a previous Windows version to XP. I recommend the clean install approach as a last resort, not the first option. My recommendation is to prepare for a clean install, but first try the upgrade option. If in the unlikely event results of the upgrade are a failure, nothing is lost but the time spent doing the upgrade and evaluating the results. The preparation to clean install is in place and the upgrade experience will serve as a hands on tutorial to familiarize you with the XP setup procedure.

What are the positives Slightly better performance, a smaller footprint on the hard drive, knowledge that nothing is carried over from a previous OS. There really isn't that much more than the issues in the link I included below. Known Issues for XP Upgrades More KB setup related articles

What are the negatives? You will need to reinstall all your programs, backup and restore your data and files along (1 of 9)10/15/2008 4:08:01 PM

XP Clean Install

with custom tweaks. There are exceptions where a clean install can impair the performance over a well prepared upgrade. The exceptions being systems with proprietary hardware and system utilities like laptops and some OEM desktops. Hint: When you experience a situation where the hardware or software worked when you upgraded, but is no longer functional after clean installing. You can restore the original OS along with the software/drivers that work and then use the retail Home or Pro, upgrade or full XP version to install XP. This will be as close to a clean install as possible without actually clean installing.

Preparation Does your system meet the minimum requirements? Run the Upgrade Advisor from the XP CD, or download from Microsoft. Upgrade Advisor Even though XP will recognize most of the hardware and peripherals the clean install does NOT furnish all the latest drivers. For instance, without downloading the appropriate drivers from the card manufacturer's web site; Graphics cards will not be enabled for OpenGL. Does your system allow booting from the CD? Check your BIOS by noting during boot up the Key Commands needed to access the BIOS, this will be a text message usually at the bottom of the screen. If your system has a splash screen with the OEM logo hiding the boot up screen, press ESC as soon as you start boot up. When you get to the BIOS, access the screen that allows you to change the boot sequence. Set it to boot from CD before hard drive in the boot sequence. Some systems can change the boot sequence without accessing the BIOS, laptops for the most part do not need to access the BIOS. If your computer does not support booting from the CD, check your OEM or Motherboard makers web site for updated BIOS. If the system is old enough it doesn't support booting from CD, you should carefully evaluate your options. Sometimes the complete replacement of the system will be a better investment than the likely need to upgrade hardware and software to run XP. If booting from CD is impossible, you have the options below. Download the XP floppy boot disk set from Microsoft. Home and Pro plus the SP1 version of Home and Pro can be downloaded from the link below. XP Boot Floppy Set

Another option to the floppy disk set from (2 of 9)10/15/2008 4:08:01 PM

XP Clean Install

Dr. D's Windows XP System Setup Disk Look for bootdisk essentials

Allows you to boot from a single floppy disk, partition and format the drive and then begin the XP installation from CD Note: A lot of people appear to be unaware of the fact that you do NOT need the 4 or 5 setup disks in order to install Windows 2000 and XP. A common Win98 boot disk such as the Boot Disk Essentials diskette below can be used to install these OS's. This is what the Win XP System Setup Disk above does. Here's how to do it: 1. Start the computer with your chosen boot disk. 2. Change to the cdrom drive. 3. Go into the \i386 directory on the cdrom. 4. Run WINNT.EXE to begin the install process. The above was copied from Dr. D's web site. If a bootdisk other than the essentials is used, smartdrv.exe must be added and loaded manually before running WINNT.EXE

If the system you have files and setting on the drive is the one you are clean installing, you should run the Files and Settings Transfer wizard* on the XP CD before running setup. Also backup anything you do not have other media to restore from. This also includes software downloaded from the internet that is only accessed from the hard drive. Make sure you have all passwords and serial numbers backed up. If possible it would be a good idea to use Imaging software like Ghost or Disk Image to create an image of the partition before clean installing. The two mentioned have the ability to restore individual files from the images.

*See the link below for the ultimate user friendly illustrated guide on the valuable XP transition tool F.A.S.T by MS-MVP Gary Woodruff You will need to have a qualifying Win98/Me/2000 CD to insert if you are using an upgrade version of XP to clean install. OEM restore disks will usually not fulfill the qualifying requirement. If the restore disk has a i386 folder, it will usually work. (3 of 9)10/15/2008 4:08:01 PM

XP Clean Install

As a final preparation tip, download critical updates and burn to CD or obtain update CD's from Microsoft before running the XP setup. Since XP is now on Service Pack 2, if your XP CD does not include SP2, I highly recommend creating a slipstreamed XP CD with SP2 to use for the Clean Install. Slipstreaming Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2) Another Slipstream step by step AutoStreamer mirror link for AutoStreamer Step by Step on AutoStreamer

Windows XP Service Pack 1 Get Windows XP SP1a on CD Service Pack 2 Windows Security Update CD below is shipped free of charge. Microsoft Windows Security Update CD

Steps to Clean Install XP If the above instructions for configuring your system to boot from CD or you have acquired the necessary boot floppy/floppies; you can now boot the computer and follow the on screen prompts. Have your Product Key available, typical install is around 30 minutes. If setup seems to hang, wait at least 10 minutes + before restarting system. You should experience momentary screen blackouts.


Power on the computer. Press the Pause/Break key as soon as you see text on the screen. [If you currently are running in an OS of any flavor, insert XP CD and restart computer. Skip to #3 if system is configured to boot from CD.] (4 of 9)10/15/2008 4:08:01 PM

XP Clean Install


Insert XP CD into CD drive. Press ENTER to resume booting from the XP CD. (BIOS must support booting from CD and boot order must be set so CD boots before hard drive. If computer does not support booting from CD go to 2a for floppy install). 2a. Floppy install: Boot from Win98/Me/Special XP install floppy disk with smartdrv.exe added to the boot disk; or the Win XP set of 6 floppy disks.


Look for message "booting from CD" usually located at the bottom of the screen. If you have a factory splash screen, press ESC to unload it. 3a. Floppy install: From the A Prompt; A:\type: smartdrv.exe. then press ENTER. If you are using the XP boot floppy setup disks skip to step #5.


Press any Key when you see the prompt to 'Press Any Key" 4a. Floppy install: CD to the location of the CD-ROM drive with the XP setup files; CD to the i386 folder where you will type: winnt.exe to start setup.


Setup will start copying files, if you need to install any third-party or RAID drivers press F6 at this time. the copying of files can take awhile.


Next you will get the option to repair or enter setup, choose to enter setup. Press ENTER. To see images full size, place mouse cursor over image and click/double click or press the left button and open.


Press F8 if you agree to the license.


Setup will scan for previous Windows installations


If you are using the upgrade version of XP on a computer without any version of Windows currently installed, this is where you will replace the XP CD with your qualifying CD, XP setup will scan the qualifying CD and instruct you to replace it with the XP CD to continue XP setup; otherwise, you will not see this screen. Clean install qualifying media can be any of the following Win NT3.51, 4.0, 2000, Win 95, 98, Me and XP Home when upgrading to XP Pro.

10. Choose the location to install.

10a If this is a clean hard drive, you can choose to create a partition in the unpartitioned space. At this point, you can allow Setup to use all the space or set a size for the partition. (5 of 9)10/15/2008 4:08:01 PM

XP Clean Install

10b If the hard drive or partition has a previous installation of XP you want to remove, choose to delete the partition by pressing "D". You will then be prompted to create a new partition in the empty space. This will remove all data from the deleted space. If setup returns a message the partition contains the setup files and cannot be deleted use the info from this link: Delete NON-DOS Partition 10c If you intend to use multiple partitions, or dual boot, this is where you specify the size of the boot partition and or setup location for XP. If you are planning to dual boot XP, I would create a small 100 meg DOS partition for the first primary partition, then an 8 to 10 gig partition for XP. You can partition and format the remaining space after XP is setup from Disk Manager. If you do not intend to dual boot, you can either use all the unpartitioned space, or create an 8 to 10 gig partition for XP and leave the rest free to partition later. If a fat32 partition larger than 32 gigabyte is desired, the hard drive or partition will need to be created before running XP setup. XP will not create a fat 32 partition larger than 32 gig, but will support one previously created.

11. Choose the file system from this screen. If dual booting and you created the small 100 meg partition, make it a fat partition. NTFS is configured at the optimal file size during the initial setup. See this link for more on NTFS If you have more that one partition or hard drive on your system, make sure you are formatting the correct partition/drive.

12. This is where you reinsert the XP Pro Upgrade CD if necessary.

13. Press Enter to continue. 14. Setup will show a progress box and reboot when copying files is complete.

15. When you see the "Press any Key to Reboot" do not Press any Key. If CD boots anyway, remove CD and reboot. 16. From this point, you will follow the on screen prompts. (6 of 9)10/15/2008 4:08:01 PM

XP Clean Install

17. If you live outside the US, you will probably need to modify the default settings.

18. Personalize your XP Enter your Name and Organization.

19. Enter the Product Key. The Key is located on the back of the CD folder in the Retail versions, and on a holographic label with the OEM versions purchased with a piece of hardware. Write this key down and secure it in a safe place in case the original is misplaced or destroyed through natural causes.

20. Choose a name for the computer, this should be a unique name for the computer, especially if it is to be connected to a network. In Pro, you are given the option of creating a password or leaving it blank.

21. Set your Time Zone and Time and Date.

22. Setup will scan for network. 23. If detected you will have the choice to choose a typical configuration or custom. Choose typical if you are unsure.

24. For home you will choose your workgroup, if a network is already established and you intend to connect to it, use the existing workgroup name, otherwise, I suggest using the default.

25. For Pro, the same goes for Pro as suggested for Home, but you will have the choice to join a Domain, if you do not have a Domain or do not know leave blank. 26. Setup will continue and reboot when completed ignore the "Press Any Key". (7 of 9)10/15/2008 4:08:01 PM

XP Clean Install

27. The XP loading window will now display after reboot. Note: All XP SP2 versions now show the same XP loading screen. Windows XP is displayed for both Home and Professional.

28. You will see a change display settings, say yes, and accept the setting if you can see the screen after accepting.

29. You will see a welcome screen, press next and unfortunately you have to wait for the dialog to finish.

30. Set up your internet or network connection. 31. This is the Activate, Register screen. You must activate within 30 days of installing XP, but you do not ever have to register, Registration is completely optional and if you do not register, no personal information will be transmitted during activation. If you register, then activation will transmit that information along with the activation. The first Activation is usually done over the internet if the computer is connected to the internet, otherwise, it can be accomplished by copying the alphanumeric string from the activation screen and make a phone call to the phone number [Usually Toll Free] supplied on screen. The activation center will then give you a slightly longer number to input into for activation. I suggest you do not activate immediately in case you need to make hard ware changes, or install to a different system within the thirty days, and you will be reminded on boot up until you do. Blaster worm warning: Enable the XP firewall before connecting to the internet. Do not immediately activate over the internet. You can activate after the firewall is enabled. To enable the XP firewall: Control Panel - Network Connections. Right click the connection you use, Properties, and there is a check box on the Advanced page.

32. Setup users screen. Set at least one user for yourself or the person that will be using the computer.

33. Thank You

34. Logon to XP and apply Service Pack and Critical updates from Windows Update before installing any software or hardware. (8 of 9)10/15/2008 4:08:01 PM

XP Clean Install

35. Install your anti-virus software. 36. Install all applications and setup your email. 37. Restore from Files and Settings transfer after reinstalling all applications. Printable version of Clean Install: clean.txt This page was last updated on undefined, undefined NaN, NaN At NaN:NaN:NaN AM, but you have accessed it on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 At 04:07:55 PM. (9 of 9)10/15/2008 4:08:01 PM


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Microsoft Windows XP FAQ NOTICE Click here to receive email notification if this page is updated. MS-MVP 2001-2007 Search Web

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What are the minimum requirements to install XP?


How do I format a NTFS, Fat/Fat32 drive with XP installed?


How do I remove XP and install Win9X/Me?


How do I install from DOS using a Win 98/Me startup disk?


How do I get around the 32 GB limit XP imposes for Fat 32 hard drives?


How do I "deactivate", move to another computer or sell a previously activated XP? (1 of 4)10/15/2008 4:08:09 PM


To navigate this FAQ : To Expand : Click on subject text To Collapse : Click subject text To Collapse All: Refresh page. Non-Java Script

FAQ version


Windows XP additional license pricing


Selling/Transferring License Ownership


Can I install IIS on the Home version of XP?

10. 11.

Backup on the Home edition of XP is not installed by default. After upgrading to XP you get the message cannot find the file \\.\DRI_KBFiltr when booting HP laptop.


How do I access Safe Mode?


How do I find the XP version info and EULA?


I need to contact Microsoft to replace a CD, Lost Product key, License


I have multiple PC's can I download XP SP1 to install across a network or burn to CD?


What does SP1 for XP fix?


I have an OEM version of XP, what makes it cheaper than the retail versions?


I need to change my XP Product Key


Remove a Dual Boot


I have two installations of XP on the same partition.......


Recovery Console SP2 revision (2 of 4)10/15/2008 4:08:09 PM



How Do I Edit The Boot Menu


How do I change Registered Owner Name?


How do I tell if I have the 32 or 64 bit version of Windows XP?


How to Uninstall Windows XP and Revert to a Previous Operating System


How do I turn off Windows Automatic Updates?


Do I need Service Pack 1 installed before applying Service Pack 2


My Browser Has Been Hijacked.


Setup cannot continue because .....newer...version.


Can I burn an ISO image with XP native burning software?


Does Windows XP have a spellchecker for Outlook Express or Wordpad?


How do you Remove Windows 98 uninstall files?


How do I setup a hard drive larger than 137 gig?


How do I activate after the 30 day grace period?


How do I verify faulty device drivers?


SP2 Blocking Tool Expires April 12th 2005, does it affect me?


How to tell if XP is activated. (3 of 4)10/15/2008 4:08:09 PM



How to Remove Windows XP Uninstallation Files.


Setup stops responding with 34 minutes remaining


How can I tell if my copy of XP is real?


Genuine Advantage Diagnostic Tool (1.5.0540.0) returned the message, "Blocked VLK" beside the heading Genuine validation status. Copyright © 2005 MichaelStevensTech. All rights reserved.

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Restore XP


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Michael Stevens Tech

Restoring XP to its original state is dependent on how XP was installed. If XP came Pre-installed from a computer OEM [Original Equipment Manufacturer] with the option to: ●

Restore from a recovery procedure you can select from the boot up menu that will allow either a selective restore, or a format and restore to shipped state. Warning! Because some restore procedures completely wipe out the entire hard drive and delete added partitions and the data on them. If you only have the option to restore to shipped state, make sure you backup your important data, contacts, photos, anything that cannot be restored from other media locations to a location not on the current hard drive. Do not backup to another partition created by third party software on the original hard drive.

You can restore by booting from the OEM restore CD disk media included with the system. As in the above recovery procedure, it can sometimes allow selective restore or format and restore to original shipped state. Same Warning applies from above.

Some OEM's include along with restore media to restore back to original shipped state; a BIOS locked XP CD capable of loading the Recovery Console, or doing a Clean install or a Repair Install. This CD can also be used to slipstream Service Packs into original XP CD. In some instances this may require activation by phone. If phone call activation is required tell the activation center you upgraded your computer to the service pack with a slipstreamed OEM XP CD supplied by the vendor.

The OEM vendor is only obligated to provide a means of restoring to (1 of 2)10/15/2008 4:08:12 PM

Restore XP

original shipped state. The OEM has the choice of how to provide this restore procedure. Consult your documentation shipped with the computer, OEM specific Help files from Start> Help and Support or the OEM web site. Microsoft does not mandate any specific method; it is decided by the OEM. ●

Some OEM's give instructions on how to burn the XP setup files to a CD. Look in the manual included with the computer or in a special OEM Help and Support folder. Note: Also look for the folders i386 or Options as they will contain the files needed to create a bootable XP CD. You can find instructions on creating a bootable CD from the files in i386 or options from this web site.

Purchased Retail or OEM with hardware: If you purchased the retail or OEM version you will have the option to restore by doing a Repair Install or Clean Install Michael Stevens MS-MVP 2001-2007 (2 of 2)10/15/2008 4:08:12 PM

Using the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard

Using the Files And Settings Transfer wizard [F.A.S.T] Search Web

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Michael Stevens Tech

The Files and Settings Transfer Wizard helps you move your data files and personal settings from your old computer to your new one, without having to go through much of the same configuration you did with your old computer. For example, you can take your personal display properties, folder and taskbar options, and Internet browser and mail settings from your old computer and place them on the new one. The wizard will also move specific files or entire folders, such as My Documents, My Pictures, and Favorites. Notes ●

To open the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard, click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click Files and Settings Transfer Wizard. For more information, click Related Topics.

The above is copied from XP Help and Support. Revised with SP2 additions: Detailed illustrated article on the use of F.A.S.T. by Gary Woodruff, MS-MVP More F.A.S.T links: List of Programs Whose Settings Are Migrated When You Use the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard 304903 Article by By Sharon Crawford

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Win 98/Me/2000 to XP Upgrade Issues

Win 98/Me/2000 to XP Upgrade Issues Search Web

Michael Stevens Tech

Home Win 98/Me/2000 to XP Upgrade Issues MS-MVP OE Newsreader 1. HOW TO: Troubleshoot Windows XP Setup Problems When You Move XP Upgrade from Windows 98 or Windows Me Format XP 2. Cdplayer.exe Still Present but Does Not Work Correctly After Upgrade Clean Install XP from Windows 98 or Windows 2000 XP Repair Install 3. Computer Stops Responding After Upgrade from Windows 98 or XP FAQ Windows Me Restore 4. Dial-Up Networking Connections Do Not Work After Upgrade to F.A.S.T Windows XP Upgrade Issues 5. Error Message When You Upgrade to Windows XP: Migisol Caused an Access BIOS Error in KERNEL32.DLL Spell Check 6. Error Message: Setup Cannot Continue. Please Contact Microsoft View XP Key Technical Support. (Error: 3E6h) SW&Tools 7. Error Message "Setup Cannot Upgrade..." When You Upgrade to Shareware Windows XP Professional Computer Links 8. Error Message After Upgrade to Windows XP: The Following File Is WinLinks Missing or Corrupted: Windows\System\Vgaoem.fon Motorsports 9. Error Message: The System Has Recovered from a Serious Problem Online Mags 10. Internet Access Is Restricted After You Upgrade from Windows Me FTP Links 11. Missing Data or Program Settings After Upgrade to Windows XP Donate 12. Missing Data or Program Settings After You Upgrade to Windows XP Contact 13. Modem Does Not Work After You Upgrade a Hewlett Packard Pavilion Computer to Windows XP 14. "NTLDR Is Missing" Error Message When You Upgrade or Install Windows XP Over Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Millennium Edition 15. Passwords Are Unexpectedly Assigned to User Accounts After You Upgrade to Windows XP 16. Previously Installed SBLive! Accessories Do Not Work After Upgrade from Windows Me to Windows XP 17. Setup Error Appears During an Upgrade from Windows 98 or Windows Me to Windows XP 18. "Setup Was Unable to Load File" Error Message When You Upgrade to Windows XP Home Edition (1 of 3)10/15/2008 4:08:17 PM

Win 98/Me/2000 to XP Upgrade Issues

19. "Stop 0x0000000A Irql_Not_Less_or_Equal" Error Message During Windows XP Upgrade 20. Upgrade to Windows XP Does Not Retain the Mapping of Two Keys on the Gateway Enhanced Keyboard 21. Windows XP Setup Halts When You Start Installation from Within Windows 95 22. Windows XP Setup Stops Responding (Hangs) During the "Preparing Installation" Phase 23. Windows XP Upgrade Advisor Warning About the IrDA Protocol 24. Audio Devices Listed as Unknown Hardware in Device Manager After Upgrade from Windows 98/Me to Windows XP 25. Uninstall Option Not Available" Error Message When You Upgrade Your Computer to Windows XP

Windows 2000 to XP Known Upgrade Issues 1. Cdplayer.exe Still Present but Does Not Work Correctly After Upgrade from Windows 98 or Windows 2000 2. Passwords Are Unexpectedly Assigned to User Accounts After You Upgrade to Windows XP 3. "Setup Unable to Gain Access to Your Existing Boot Configuration File" Error Message During Upgrade 4. Stop Error When You Upgrade from Windows 2000: Bad_Pool_Caller 0xC2 5. "STOP: 0x1000008E In EMUPIA2K.SYS" Blue-Screen Error Message Appears After Upgrade from Windows 2000 6. "STOP 0x000000ED UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME" Error Message During Windows XP Upgrade

NT 4 to XP Known Upgrade Issues 1. Windows Upgrade Advisor Quits Abruptly During System Compatibility Check and No Report Appears 2. You Receive a "Windows Setup Cannot Continue Without Service Pack 5 or Greater Installed" While Upgrading to Windows XP Thanks to LabMice for compiling this list of known MS-KB XP upgrade issues. Please visit the LabMice web site. More KB setup related articles

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Win 98/Me/2000 to XP Upgrade Issues (3 of 3)10/15/2008 4:08:17 PM

How to access/enter Motherboard BIOS

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Access/Enter Motherboard BIOS Search Web

Michael Stevens Tech

The information below can be used to access the BIOS from all the major suppliers of BIOS chips and the Computer Manufacturers that use them. During the initial boot of a computer the BIOS supplier will be displayed. If OEM logo splash screen is displayed, press ESC key to see the boot up information. Press the Pause/Break key if text displays too fast. The major BIOS suppliers are listed below and can be used to search for special BIOS updates not supplied by the Computer vendor.* During the initial boot, if a beep or combinations of beeps is emitted from the motherboard system speaker , the system speaker must be connected to mother board to hear beep codes )[consult motherboard manual for speaker connection configuration], click on the Computer Hope (tm). (Copyright 1998-2006) link below to find the beep code definition. BIOS System beep codes

For a very comprehensive and visual look at the BIOS, follow the link below from Eric Legge's web site. The BIOS: the 'Basic Input Output System' Setup Program used in a computer

Warning: Making changes to BIOS settings can have adverse effects on the way a computer performs. Use caution when performing BIOS modifications. (1 of 4)10/15/2008 4:08:19 PM

How to access/enter Motherboard BIOS

Bios Suppliers

Keyboard Commands

ALR Advanced Logic Research, Inc. ® PC / PCI


ALR PC non / PCI


AMD® (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.) BIOS


AMI (American Megatrends, Inc.) BIOS


Award™ BIOS


Award BIOS


DTK® (Datatech Enterprises Co.) BIOS


Phoenix™ BIOS


Phoenix BIOS


Phoenix BIOS


Computer Vendor

Keyboard Commands







Compaq® 8700






Dell BIOS web site search links

For models not listed below.

Dell® 400

F3, F1

Dell 4400


Dell Dimension®

F2 or DEL

Dell Inspiron®


Dell Latitude

Fn+F1 (while booted)

Dell Latitude

F2 (on boot)

Dell Optiplex


Dell Optiplex


Dell Precision™



DEL , F 2

Fujutsu Manuals & BIOS

Manuals & BIOS Download

Gateway® 2000 1440


Gateway 2000 Solo™

F2 (2 of 4)10/15/2008 4:08:19 PM

How to access/enter Motherboard BIOS

HP® (Hewlett-Packard)

F1, F2 (Laptop, ESC)



E-pro Laptop




IBM Thinkpad® (newer)

Windows: Programs-Thinkpad CFG.

Intel® Tangent


Lenovo(formerly IBM)

Lenovo BIOS Access page


F1, F2, or DEL

Packard Bell®

F1, F2, Del



Sony® VAIO






Toshiba® 335 CDS


Toshiba Protege


Toshiba Satellite 205 CDS


Toshiba Tecra

ESC then F1 or F2

Toshiba Notebook [Newer models]

1. Turn on computer by Holding down power button while pressing the ESC key. The machine will beep, then display: Check System, then press [F1] key. 2. Release ESC key 3. Press F1 key

BIOS FAQ - For frequently asked questions on BIOS…

Notebook BIOS FAQ – For frequently asked questions on Notebook BIOS....

click here

click here

Warning: Computer vendor and Mother Board manufacturers customize their BIOS to the individual specifications of the mother board. Care must be taken when applying a BIOS update. A BIOS update should be applied to the exact make; model; version; etc. specified in the update description.

DrDflash Boot Disk For BIOS Flashing - No Drivers: Save this file to your hard drive, insert a blank floppy in the floppy drive and double click the drdflash.exe file to create the boot disk. Follow the onscreen prompt and after creating the boot disk; copy the files for flashing the BIOS to the boot disk.

Applying the BIOS update to the wrong BIOS chip can render the system unbootable and could necessitate a Mother Board or BIOS chip replacement.

Not all Motherboard and BIOS manufacturers require a bootable floppy disk to create the BIOS boot floppy disk. Gateway for example specifies a blank IBM formatted disk and creates the bootable floppy from the downloaded BIOS update file. Make sure you check out all the available flashing information from the vendors web site before flashing the BIOS.

NOTICE: The information supplied on this web page is compiled from published sources publicly available in digital and traditional printed media and may be used as needed.

If the direct link above is no longer valid or you would (3 of 4)10/15/2008 4:08:19 PM

How to access/enter Motherboard BIOS Copying of the web page source code is not permitted without consent of the author.


like to know more about the downloaded file, you can find a wealth of information and boot disks for all occasions at: Due to the high volume of traffic to, if you can make a donation to help with the web hosting, it would be much appreciated by the owner of the web site. I have no affiliation with

Although I do enjoy helping users with their unique problems, I would request that you exhaust all the links supplied as options to your basic BIOS questions I supply on my web site. If you do not find a specific solution from a link in my BIOS page, look for a link to the manufacturers web site and look for your specific make; model; revision; etc. This information should also be included in any correspondence directed to me. Try a Google search for the motherboard manufacturer and exact model if the information is not listed above. Please contact me with any bios access information you feel I need to add to my BIOS ACCESS page. I supply the information as a public service, and rely on feedback as one of my major sources update information.

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Getting spellcheck to work in Outlook Express XP

Spell check not working in XP Outlook Express

Don't have Office, Word, Works, etc.?

Search Web

Michael Stevens Tech

Outlook Express requires a word processing or stand alone spell checking application installed before spell checking can be enabled. Home MS-MVP OE Newsreader Move XP Format XP Clean Install XP XP Repair Install XP FAQ Restore F.A.S.T Upgrade Issues Access BIOS

Problem area: Outlook Express Spellchecking is not functional after installing an enabling application (i.e. Office, Word, Works Suite that includes Word, etc.), try the steps below. !!!When tweaking your system files and/or registry, always set a new restore point before making changes.

To follow the the steps below, you need to change the default Windows setting for Hidden Files and Folders. ●

Spell Check View XP Key SW&Tools Shareware Computer Links WinLinks Motorsports Online Mags FTP Links Donate Contact

● ●

From the Explorer Menu bar Tools>Folder Options> View Tab or by going to Start> Control Panel> Folder Options> View Tab. Uncheck the boxes that hide files. Click for Example


Open Explorer> Go to [Drive XP is installed]:\|Program Files\Common Files \Microsoft Shared\Proof


Delete CSAPI3T1.DLL (If not found continue to next step)


Put in the Windows XP CD


Go to Start>Run (1 of 4)10/15/2008 4:08:23 PM

Getting spellcheck to work in Outlook Express XP


In the Open box type msconfig and then click OK


Click on the "Expand File" button located in the bottom right corner of the System Configuration Utility (2 of 4)10/15/2008 4:08:23 PM

Getting spellcheck to work in Outlook Express XP


In the "File to Restore" box, type in CSAPI3T1.DLL


In the "Restore From" box type in there "?:\i386 \CSAPI3T1.DL_" without the quotes and substituting your cd-rom drive letter in place of the ?


In the "Save file in" box type "[Drive XP is installed]:\Program Files\Common Files \Microsoft Shared\Proof" without the quotes


Click on the Expand button

If you have trouble expanding the file. Download it from HERE


Go back to C:\Program File\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Proof


Rename CSAPI3T1.DL_ to CSAPI3T1.DLL (I was told to do in lower case but everything else was in upper case-it didn't matter which way I did it still worked)


Go into Outlook Express, open Tools - Options and then go to the Spelling tab. Put a check mark in "Always check spelling before sending."


Feedback from sources that have tried the fix suggest you may need to reboot the computer to complete the fix. (3 of 4)10/15/2008 4:08:23 PM

Getting spellcheck to work in Outlook Express XP


Test by creating a new e-mail message sent to yourself and spel sume wirds incorrektly. 8-)

I would like to thank RC for the basic text of this article. Chris and Ron for suggestions If the above procedure doesn't fix the problem, check the links below for alternate fixes. Ron Bogart Tech-Pro Kelly's Korner MS KB q224176

Major Geeks Eric Miller's User Tips MS KB Q178238 WD97: Spelling, Grammar Not Available : KB 257643

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Retrieve your XP Product Key [CD Key] Search Web

Michael Stevens Tech

Important information you must read to determine the validity Home MS-MVP OE Newsreader Move XP Format XP Clean Install XP XP Repair Install XP FAQ Restore F.A.S.T Upgrade Issues Access BIOS Spell Check View XP Key SW&Tools Shareware Computer Links WinLinks Motorsports Online Mags FTP Links Donate Contact

of the key retrieved by the key finder utilities and system resource utilities listed in the links below. 1. If your system came pre-installed with XP, the Product Key that any (free or paid for) key finder or system resources utility retrieves most likely will be the Generic Key the OEM uses to install and NOT the Product Key you need to reinstall. 2. If you successfully reinstalled XP since the initial OEM setup(i.e. The first time you booted the computer), the Product Key if requested and input from the key located on the case or generic OEM sticker label will be the valid Product Key supplied with the computer. 3. If XP was not reinstalled the retrieved Product Key will be the generic Product Key used by the OEM and will return an invalid message when used to reinstall from the OEM disk. The correct Product Key will be the one from the sticker on the outside of the case. 4. The Product key is not hard coded [i.e. does not have a singular unique identity] to the Windows XP CD or any other version of Windows installation disk media. If the above applies to your situation continue to the information and key retrieval resources listed below. The utility "ViewkeyXP" showcased by the web page title no longer works with XP SP 2 and has been removed, but there are multiple key retrieval options that will accomplish the same thing. You can apply the same instructions to the key retrieval tool links below. This also includes the system resource links, but you will need to access the information from the system resource utilities tabbed folders. After you download the utility file below, you can simply select open and then click on the file to view your encrypted Product Key. If you would like to save the file to your hard drive, select save and designate the location. You will need to remember the location, I avoid saving downloaded applications to a My Documents folder and create a folder named download where I direct my downloads to download sub folders. This protects the files from accidental loss if the system must be reinstalled and not repair installed. Download ViewKeyXP (1 of 3)10/15/2008 4:08:25 PM


ViewKeyXP no longer works on SP2, use this link to New version Keyfinder 2.01 Information on new version and official updated versions can be obtained from Magical Jelly Bean To viewKeyfinder from Internet Explorer; click this link [Keyfinder] and select open from the file download options. Vista makes you jump thru a few more hoops to view without saving to your hard drive, but it will open without saving the file to the hard drive. To save to disk; choose save. If using Netscape, in the save window, right click with mouse pointer over keyfinder. exe and select open from the menu. Other resources to view your XP Product Key. Advisory: There is no need to pay for a resource to find the Product Key, even one listed in the ad links on this web page. If the key retrieved is the one used by the OEM to install the original system, that will be the only key retrievable. Paying for a key retrieval tool will not retrieve the valid key. View Product Key XP RockXP: Retrieve, change, Product Keys and more. Everest: from Lavalys The successor to AIDA32. AIDA32: Still available, but no longer updated. Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder Belarc Advisor Free Personal PC Audit (version 6.1f). Related articles to change a key when the invalid message or situation listed below is relevant to your configuration. ●

"Blocked VLK" beside the heading Genuine validation status" For whatever licensing reason using one of the listed methods from the link: " I need to change my XP Product Key" will probably work if you have a valid product key and access to Windows media necessary for the process. If you have no physical XP media or only restore media, the retrieval software will have limited use. Do not pay for a key retrievable utility for any reason, reinstalled, upgraded or clean installed XP since purchasing or building the computer. No paid key retrieval tool will retrieve a valid key from a (2 of 3)10/15/2008 4:08:25 PM


OEM installation that used a generic key. This page was last updated on undefined, undefined NaN, NaN At NaN:NaN:NaN AM, You accessed it on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 At 04:08:24 PM. (3 of 3)10/15/2008 4:08:25 PM

XP Tools

MS Windows XP Compatible Software Tools A collection of Windows XP compatible software. Some freeware, some shareware and some software you must purchase to use. Adware, Spyware and Scumware free at the time of listing. Search Web

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Michael Stevens Tech

12 Ghosts Backup


Adobe Reader

LView Pro

Alex Feinman ISO Recorder


Auto Spell Checker for OE

Nero Burning ROM





Application Mover 2.6



NTFS Data Recovery

Outlook Express Backup Expert 1.33 NG

Offline NT Password reg editor OpenOffice

BootIT NG PDF Producer CDBurner Pro PixelToolbox CloneCD Power Toys for XP CloneDVD PSPad CleanCenter Recover My Files CPUID Resource Hacker Cute CD DVD Burner 1.9.5 Restart 1.54 DeepBurner (1 of 5)10/15/2008 4:08:31 PM

XP Tools



Desktop DNA

Send To Toys 2.3

DVD Shrink

Spell Checker for OE (free)

Easy Desk Software

SuperShredder (free)

Explorer XP

Ultimate Boot CD

File Recovery 3







XP SysPad




ZipGenius (2 of 5)10/15/2008 4:08:31 PM

XP Tools (3 of 5)10/15/2008 4:08:31 PM

XP Tools (4 of 5)10/15/2008 4:08:31 PM

XP Tools

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Best of the Net Shareware

Shareware Search Web

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Rocket Download

Pass The Shareware

Tom's Hardware Guide

Media Builder


Shareware Junkies (1 of 2)10/15/2008 4:08:35 PM

Best of the Net Shareware

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Computer and Related Web Sites

Computer and Related Web Sites

Home MS-MVP OE Newsreader Move XP Format XP Clean Install XP XP Repair Install XP FAQ Restore F.A.S.T Upgrade Issues Access BIOS Spell Check View XP Key SW&Tools Shareware Computer Links

WinLinks Motorsports Online Mags FTP Links Donate Contact

Search Web

Michael Stevens Tech

3Com : Communications giant that merged with U.S. Robotics. Abit : Motherboard manufacturer. Acer : Computers and hardware. Adobe Systems : Tech help, drivers, etc. Acronis : Partitioning, boot management, privacy, data migration, and other system software. Adaptec : Adaptec Home Page, SCSI cards, Ethernet etc. Ahead Software : CD recording software, Nero CD burning application. Aida32 : Diagnostic utility Allaire : Cold Fusion, Homesite, Spectra and more. AMD : Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Anawave Software Inc. : Home of Gravity News reader and more. AOPEN : Motherboard manufacturer. Apple : Apple home page Artisoft : Modem sharing software Asus : Asus Mainboard Home page. Specifications, descriptions, etc. ATI Technologies : leader in the design and manufacture of innovative visual processor solutions. Aztech : Aztech Labs WWW site. AZZA Board : AZZA motherboard, product descriptions, bios updates, availability, etc. Be: OS Boca Research: Modems Borland : Online BulletProof Corp : Makers of JDesignerPro the Java Intranet Application Development System Canon Computer Systems : Driver updates and support. CeQuadrat : Cd Recording software company acquired (7/8/99) by Adaptec. Compaq : Compaq Online (1 of 6)10/15/2008 4:08:40 PM

Computer and Related Web Sites

Conner Peripherals : Hard drive information and drivers update files etc. Corel : Corel Home Page. Draw, Word Perfect, etc.. Creative Labs : Soundblaster AWE 16 &32 upgrades &tech support : " is dedicated to providing Internet users around the world with cutting edge Internet software products and services that Leverage Internet Connectivity." Products include Wingate, FTP-servu and others. Dell Computer Systems : Dell Computer home page Diamond Multimedia : Video driver upgrades and other Diamond product info. Digital Equipment Corp. : Digital Home page. Product descriptions and technical information. D-Link : Networking hardware. Dspeed Network : Dspeed Networks is an ISP (Internet Service Provider) on the cutting edge, specializing in DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) service. ECS : EliteGroup, manufactures of motherboards, VGA cards, desktop and notebook computers. Electroson : The Electroson has been merged with Gear. Creators of Gear Software for CD-R recording. Electronics Arts Online : Electronic Arts (EA) is a independent interactive entertainment software company. E-Machines : E-Machines home page. Epson : Epson.........Best known for their printers. FIC : First International Computer Co, Mainboard, Notebook and Network computers. Fore Front Software : Makers of Web Whacker, Web Printer, and more. Fort'e,inc. : Agent and Free Agent news readers....Best of the news readers... Fujitsu : Fujitsu home page, Product and technical information, driver updates, etc........ Gateway 2000 : Gateway 2000 Home page : from Binary Research Gibson Research Corporation : GRC is the home of Spinrite and the ShieldsUp security checking web site Gigabyte : Motherboards Hayes : Hayes Modems Home Page. Hewlett-Packard : Product support for the wide range of Hewlett Packard products. Hitachi : Hitachi homepage. HI-VAL : Hi-Val, Inc.Multimedia Solutions. CD-R etc. Homesite : The Best HTML editor out there. (2 of 6)10/15/2008 4:08:40 PM

Computer and Related Web Sites

IBM : IBM Web Site for their product line id Software : Quake and Doom Creators InContex :Web site analyzer and InContex Spider Intel Corporation : Info on their new products and specs. Intuit : Intuit Home Page the makers of Quicken financial software. Technical support and updates can be found here. Iomega : ZIP, DITTO, JAZ, all you need to know about their systems. Upgrades ITServ Inc : ITServ is a leading developer of Internet communications software and hardware applications. JVC : The JVC Information Products Company of America KDS : Korea Data Systems KDS is the top manufacturer of monitors and multimedia PCs in Korea. You can get the latest .inf file for Windows 9X.................. Kingston Technology : Kingston Technology is the world's largest manufacturer of memory products for servers, workstations, desktops, notebooks, and other electronic devices and also manufactures a wide range of Storage, Networking, Processor upgrade and other peripheral products.. Lexmark : Lexmark Home Page. Technical information and drivers for the Lexmark line of printers. Linksys : Linksys networking peripherals. Litestep : LiteStep is a Windows 95/98/NT shell replacement that resembles an X-Windows window manager. Logitech : Mouse, Scanning devices, Trackballs, Joysticks, driver updates, product info................... Lotus : Lotus Home Page. Information and support for Notes and the rest of their extensive line of software. Very nice and informative. Lucent: Lucent Systems Technology K-Flex 56K modem chips Macromedia : Shockwave, Flash, Dreamweaver, cutting edge technology. McAfee Home Page : Virus Tools Matrox : Video Accelerator boards Maxtor : Maxtor's online Internet resource center. Maxtor is one of the world's premier manufacturers of hard disk drives for personal computers. Micron : Micron Electronics Home page. Microsoft Corporation : Where do you want to go today? Well you have to go here. Microtek : Scanners : Resource site that provides information and the Microsoft – Novell partnership NDC : National Datacomm Corp. NEC : NEC home page (3 of 6)10/15/2008 4:08:40 PM

Computer and Related Web Sites

Netgear : Networking products. Netscape : Netscape web browser Novell Inc.: Home Page takes you to information about the companies products and services. NTi : NewTech Infosystems is a premier developer of CD-Recordable software. Nusoft : Image, OCR software. nVIDIA : Video Processing Solutions Old : Database for old computers. Oracle : Oracle Home Page O&O Software : Recovery software Packard Bell : Packard Bell Home Page. Lot's of information here. Padus : "Creators of DiscJuggler, professional-quality CD duplication software for the Windows 95/98 and NT operating systems." Palm : Palm PDA and Palm OS. Panasonic : Panasonic Systems division of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co, LTD. CD drivers, etc. Pegasus : Accounting and business software. Philips : Philips Magnavox Consumer Products Plextor : CD-ROM/CDRW PowerQuest Corporation : Makers of Partition Magic, Drive Image, etc. Now part of Symantec Procom : Storage devices CD-R CD-ROM Psion : Psion palmtop computers Qualcomm : Qualcomm's Eudora Place email at it's best. Quantum Corporation : Hard drive setup info. Raxco : Disk utilities Redhat : "Red Hat Software is a computer software development company that sells products and provides services related to Linux, a freely available UN*X-like operating system." Relisys : Current Relisys product lines consist of flatbed scanners, monitors, and Unix & Windows terminals. Rockwell : Roxio : Adaptec's software division, now the home of Easy CD Creator, ETC. RTX : Microsoft, Panasonic and Skype are some of the world brands who have chosen RTX for wireless solutions. Samsung : Samsung Home page. SanDisk : SanDisk is the world's leading supplier of flash data storage

products in consumer, OEM and industrial markets. (4 of 6)10/15/2008 4:08:40 PM

Computer and Related Web Sites

SANtools : Software for configuring, monitoring and tuning your disk subsystems. Sausage Software : Software from the Hot Dog people. Seagate : Hard drive information and setup info. Jumper settings etc. Silicon Graphics : High end UNIX based graphics systems Shuttle : Shuttle main boards home page. SiS : Silicon Integrated Systems Corporation (SiS). Smith Micro Software : Quick Link Fax Voice Mail Sun Microsystems : Java Stuff. You can get the Java Files here. SOHOware : Small Office Home Office networking. Sonic : CD & DVD burning software, now the parent company of Roxio. Sony : Everything to do with Sony SOYO : SOYO motherboards, Barebone systems, and other peripherals. Starfish Software : Starfish Software is the home of Sidekick PIM, Dashboard, and other software applications. StarTech : Specializing at manufacturing hard-to-find parts. SuSE : One of the better Linux distributions. Symantec : Tech support for Norton Utilities, Navigator, Anti virus, WinFax Pro and the rest of their extensive line of apps. Sysinternals : The Systems Internals Web site provides you advanced utilities, technical information and source code related to Windows 95 and Windows NT internals that you won't find anywhere else. Tekram : "Product lines, ranging from engineering-oriented products to value-added oriented ones, include Main boards, Storage Controllers, Network Peripherals, and Multimedia." Terabyte : Hard drive management software and boot manager to partition and multi boot your computer. TGTsoft : StyleXP Toshiba : Toshiba Home page. Drivers, Tech, and product info. Turtle Beach-Voyetra : Audio hardware and Software solutions. Tyan : Tyan is a leading manufacturer of Motherboards. UMAX : Umax Scanners US Robotics/3Com: Tech support, Product information V-Com : System Commander, PowerDesk, Fix-It Utilities, etc.......... Veritas : Home and Data protection. Backup software. ViewSonic : Monitors, projectors, Pocket PC. Visioneer : Imaging hardware. Voyetra-Turtle Beach : Audio hardware and Software solutions. (5 of 6)10/15/2008 4:08:40 PM

Computer and Related Web Sites

VXI Corporation : VXI Corporation manufactures the world's highest quality and broadest range of voice recognition headsets. Wacom : Wacom Graphics Tablets Wang Technologies : Western Digital Corporation : Hard drive setup and support files. Jumper settings and installation info. Whitepine : CU-seeME Wingate : "WinGate, the award winning proxy server and firewall software package, allows an entire network to share a single Internet connection." A product of WinZip : Windows GUI Zip utility. Wolfram Software : Mathematica World Wide Web Consortium : W3C Web standard for HTML Zenith Data Systems : Zoom : Zoom Telephonics This page was last updated on undefined, undefined NaN, NaN At NaN:NaN:NaN AM, you accessed it on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 At 04:08:37 PM.

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XP In Place Upgrade

XP In Place Upgrade To perform an in place upgrade of XP, follow the steps listed below. 1. From Windows insert the XP CD into the CD player. 2. Choose install 3. Select upgrade 4. Follow prompts and when asked for Product Key, supply a valid Product Key. 5. Continue setup to completion and activate over the internet if necessary. 6. All updates and hot fixes will need to be reapplied.

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