How To Manage Our Growing Business

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 505
  • Pages: 19
How to Growing

Manage Our Business

Presented by Group 07

Our organization We are a printing and copying business Offer range of services Currently there is only 17 members  

With the increase of demand , Ø We are going to hire 15 new workers……

  


INTRODUCTION H o w to m a n a g e o u r b u sin e ss  

e ffe ctive ly? A cco rd in g to W e b e r’ s th e o ry A cco rd in g to Fa yo ls ’ th e o ry

H o w to a p p ly M a ry Pa rke r Fo lle tt's

th e o ry?

What management approach we use to

motivate and coordinate our

According to Max Weber Who is he? What is his theory?  

 Is his theory suitable for our organization??

  The principles applicable to our organization  Division of labor  Position arranged hierarchy  Clearly defined authority  Selection based on technical qualification 

Hierarchy based on that theory

According to Fayol’s Theory Who is he? What did he say? 

 Which principles are we applying to our business?       

 

Division of labor Authority Discipline Unity of command Equity Stability of staff Order


Mary Parker Follett’s Theory  Introduction

  How we are going to apply her theory? fully or partly?  

“A man discovers his true nature gain true Freedom only through the group”  Mary Parker Follett  Creative Experience  1924 


“Two way” communication between workers and the owner W o rk G ro u p s

O w n e rs

W o rk G ro u p s


Other Management Approaches 

 American Management Approach  Japanese Management Approach  Theory Z

American Management approach & Japanese

Management Approach – CHARACTERISTICS  Are we applying one of them or……  What about theory Z 


Theory Z 

The hybrid of both American and Japanese Management Approaches 


The Characteristics which are we applying to our business 

Long- term employment and holistic

concern for employee as a person Individual Responsibility Slow evaluation and promotion Collective decision making

Continue…. Long term employment 

We consider our organization is

completely embracing on workers rather than the aggregate of business operation

Human oriented personal management 

Concern for the employee’s family

affairs and private life

Bonuses and retirement allowances


Individual Responsibility 

Identify the work job

D ivisio n o f la b o r

A u th o rity R e sp o n sib ility


Slow evaluation and promotion  

Because of hiring new people to the business, the existing workers can promote to the next level Eg:- Supervisors, Experienced workers


Thank you

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