How To Love Yhwh

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  • Words: 862
  • Pages: 3
How to Love The Eternal YHVH

by Minister, D. J. Love, TSN, SBC revised 12-24-2001 revised 3-26-2007

I would like to qualify what Love is and is not when I use the word with regards to Loving The Eternal YHVH. Yes, Love is a spiritual feeling; after all Love is a Heartfelt Mind Set, but just because we get a blissful sense of emotion towards our Creator or even "Misty Eyed" does not mean we Love YHVH! It is not we, but YHVH Himself, who determines what Love is. If our actions towards our Creator are only based on Human Sentiments and Notions of Love, then we are not going to be pleasing To YHVH . . . . Even though we may Feel that we are expressing genuine Love towards YHVH. YHVH considers Love to be an Action Taken that is Both Selfless and Voluntarily Obedient to His Will. YHVH made it this way, because He knows that without True Love. . . . false believers cannot mentally force themselves to be Obedient. No human being can go against his or her true nature. They may try, but they will always have feelings of being oppressed, and ultimately all false believers will turn away from YHVH's ways in favor of their own ways. This is why all Universal Roman Christopagan societies have so many of the "Traditions of Man," (which they lust after) and celebrate pagan holidays instead of The Creator's Holy Days (which they do not love).

So what is YHVH's Will? YHVH's Will is found written in His Righteous Commandments; The "Intent" of which can only be properly discerned by True Believers through a heart (deep mental-Spirit character) of selfless love. This is contrasted by the Liberal Legalist only looks for Loopholes in YHVH's Commandments. There are no Loopholes in YHVH's Words or His Commandments, except as

found in the understanding of the legalistic and the liberal minds of nonbelievers or false believers. The True believer sees nothing but harmony in YHVH's word, while everyone else sees division, chaos, contradiction, and mystery. Could this be why there are so many different denominations among the traditional (Christopagan) churches around the world today? The answer is a resounding, "Yes!" Every Word From YHVH's Spiritual Mouth is a Commandment and Lesson in the understanding of His very Nature (of Righteous Love). YHVH doesn't make suggestions, and He doesn't waste His time or our time with idle conversations. The Words of YHVH are not unstable and subject to whims. When YHVH's eternal word says to keep my Sabbaths Holy, He shouldn't have to keep on repeating Himself like some human parent with a stiffnecked child. YHVH expects us to be Still, to Listen, and to Dwell on His every word! If we find ourselves searching for reasons not to keep His True Sabbath (Friday evening to Saturday evening at sunset) or not to follow any other Commandment(s). . . . Then we do not have an attitude that is pleasing to YHVH ! YHVH's Future Children (Messiah's brothers) will all be Chosen from among those of us with Spiritually Conservative Minds. . . . . . Legalism is a Spiritually Discernible Liberal Attitude towards Obedience to YHVH, that is Self-Seeking and NOT YHVH-Seeking. And it is YHVH's "WILL" that we wholeheartedly seek, so as to become just exactly like Him in mind (Spirit), character (Spirit), righteous attitude (Spirit) and Love (Spirit). YHVH will not give eternal life to anyone that is not Truly Made Anew Into His Righteousness Seeking Spiritual Image!

So . . . . You say that you Love YHVH ? Then Keep His Commandments; All of them, and Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself ! Be Thankful that your Self-existent Creator First Loved us enough to give us the opportunity to regain favor in His eyes (Grace) so that we (His Human Creation) would not have to perish, but have Eternal Life through the Only Gift in all of creation that YHVH cannot give to Himself. The Only Gift that is truly mankinds to give. The Only Gift that Messiah freely gave to Our Eternal Father, as an example for mankind to do likewise. So, what is that Only Gift you say? Well, since YHVH already owns the entire physical universe, you can be assured that it is nothing physical; not even the blood of sacrifice. Nothing physical can satisfy The All Powerful Spiritual YHVH. No, there is only one gift that each man or women ever created may possess that YHVH wants, but cannot possess until we give it to him; that one gift is our returned

Love in the form of an Obedient Righteousness Seeking Spirit, that has our individual name on it. Those of us that "By Intent" can sacrifice SELF-centeredness in favor of YHVH-centeredness will discover "Righteous Love Begets Righteous Love."

Ephesians 4:22-24 22 that you put away, as concerning your former way of life, the old man, that grows corrupt after the lusts of deceit; 23 and that you be renewed in the Spirit of your Mind, 24 and put on the new man, that like YHVH has been created in Righteousness and Holiness of Truth.

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