JCA using Netbeans 1. create normal java app 2. at nbproject/project.properties , change the value of property dist.jar to generate .rar instead of .jar file 3. Add the reference of JCA library jar file at Libraries section. 4. if you have custom manifest file : a. open nbproject\build-impl.xml b. Replace any ${manifest.file} with your custom the manifest file path. 5. Deployment to the J2EE Server a. open nbproject\project.properties b. add the custom property to refer to deployment directory ,in format of key,value pairs , i.e. :deployment.dist=c://server//deploy add the following code to <echo>Deploying <move description="TrxPlug-in Deployment" file="${dist.dir}/txplug-in.rar" todir="${ deployment.dist }" />
6. if want to encapsulate the resource archive into enterprise application archive “EAR file”, you can use the below code : <echo>Deploying <ear destfile="axiombank-server-ear.ear" update="true" > <move description="TrxPlug-in Deployment" file="
todir="${ deployment.dist }" />
Note : I assume that you already have the EAR file , if not use ant script the create it.