How To Build Strong Faith

  • November 2019
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Life Building Station : How To Build Strong Faith : Session I : Faith Explained




What Is Faith? Faith is the act of TRUSTING and COMMITMENT to the object or the person whom we project it to. Faith is our BELIEF SYSTEM. Faith has its expressions in our VALUE SYSTEM and LIFESTYLE. Faith is our SPIRITUAL TOOL in unlocking God’s abundant grace and mercy upon our lives. Our faith in God is expressed in : 1.

HEARING God’s Word. Rom 10:17


OBEDIENCE to God’s Word. Col 1:23


Faith is build on hearing

Grounded and steadfast in the Word

ACTING on God’s spoken Word. Mark 11:24 Ask believing and you will receive it Luke 17:6


Faith of a mustard seed

ALLOWING God to step into your life and circumstances. Jn 6:29


Believe in God

Rom 10:9-10 Believe in righteous living by confession 5.

EXCHANGING self-trust with God-trust Prov 3:5-6

Acknowledge God to direct your path

2 Cor 8:7

Abound in God’s grace


Life Building Station : How To Build Strong Faith : Session I : Faith Explained



Having God’s Kind Of Faith Mk 11:22

“have the faith of God”. (Greek literal translation).

Having God’s kind of faith is not human confidence in doing, or expecting, something. It is a POWER that comes from the life of God ( ETERNAL LIFE ) that is in every believer. Faith is a GIFT from God. God gives to every believer. Eph 2:8

We receive faith by the grace of God

1 Cor 12:9

Given by the Spirit of God


To have God’s kind of faith : a.



We must allow Him to deal with our MIND Col 3:16

Being saturated completely by the indwelling of the Word

Rom 12:2

Being transformed through the renewing of the mind

We must allow Him to deal with our


Eph 3:17

Being rooted and grounded in love.

Heb 4:12

Being sharpened by the power of the Word

We must allow Him to deal with our WILL Phil 4:13

Being strengthened by Christ – able to do all things

Mk 9:23

All things are possible to him who believes

Life Building Station : How To Build Strong Faith : Session I : Faith Explained


Ten Blessings In Having God’s Kind Of Faith Having the faith of God will bring about the following fruits in our lives. 1.

The gift of SALVATION a.

Our sins are forgiven. (1 Jn 1:9)


We have received eternal life. (Jn 3:15-16)


The FRUIT of the Holy Spirit. (Gal 5:22-23)


The GIFTS of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 12:8-10)


The ENLIGHTENMENT of the Holy Spirit (Eph 1:18; Heb 6:4)


The ADOPTION into the family of God. (Jn 1:12; Rom 8:14-15)


The HOLINESS of God. (1 Pet 1:15-16)


The ACCESS we have to God. (Heb 4:14-16; 10:22)


The inheritance of God’s PROMISES


The absence of God’s WRATH. (1 Thes 4:16-18)


The PRESERVATION until Jesus comes again. (1 Pet 1:5)

. (Gal 3:22)

Without faith a man can do nothing; with it all things are possible. Sir William Osler


Life Building Station : How To Build Strong Faith : Session II : Power of Faith Confession




“Be it done to you according to your faith” (Matt 9:29). Jesus Himself established the importance of understanding how faith operates. When faith is being confessed, it births spiritual powers for the works of miracles. Believers then would access into the realm of making IMPOSSIBILITIES into POSSIBILITIES. A.

Confessing The Word Of Faith There are 2 ways of confessing the Word of faith. 1.

Confessing The Word of Faith In Your HEART a.

Luke 6:45

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speak


Rom 10:8

The Word is near you in your month and in your heart


Prov 4:4a

Retain god’s word in your heart

The professing of the word of faith is the natural word of faith which has first spoken to your heart.


of the

Confession the Word of faith is speaking it within you UNTIL you are able to speak it with CONVICTION . 2.

Confessing The Word of Faith in Your MOUTH A believing heart will find confessing the Word of faith a NATURAL thing. Matt 12:34b Out of the abundance of the heart the month speak The force of faith is ACTIVATED when you confess faith with your mouth Mk 11:23

Confess without doubting and you will have whatever you say.

Rom 10:15-18 Faith comes by hearing of the word Confession is AFFIRMING something you believe, TESTIFYING of something you know, and WITNESSING for a truth you have embraced.

Life Building Station : How To Build Strong Faith : Session II : Power of Faith Confession



Praying The Word Of Faith Praying with the Word of Faith PRODUCES results. Mk 11:24

Believe and you will receive them

It is talking to God and asking without DOUBT. Matt 7:7

Ask (given), seek (find) and knock (open)

James 1:5-6 Ask in faith without doubting C.

Preaching The Word Of Faith When the Word of faith is spoken forth, it becomes a Spiritual command with AUTHORITY. What happens when the Word of God is being preached? 1 Cor 2:4-5 1.

It DEMONSTRATES the working power of the Spirit.


It RELEASES the power of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of the listeners.


It OPENS the ministry to the manifestation of spiritual gifts, signs, wonders and miracles.


It PRODUCES faith in believers.


It teaches the listeners not to depend on the wisdom of men but in the POWER OF GOD .


It CONFIRMS God’s working power to minister to the body of Christ by word of revelation and word of knowledge for that season.

The Word of God has its proper place in our lives when we allow it to accomplish for us and in us what God intended it to. Millie Stamm

Life Building Station : How To Build Strong Faith : Session II : Power of Faith Confession



Hearing The Word Of Faith 1.

“Faith comes from hearing” (Rom 10:17). It is important that every believer should learn WHAT Word to hear, and HOW we hear it. Failing to do so has ended many to unbiblical doctrines and unbelief (2 Tim 4:3-4). Pro 4:20-22 Be attentive to hear the Word and store them in your heart. It will be life to those who find them and health to all their flesh

Mk 4:24

To those who hear, more will be given

Lk 8:18

Take heed how you hear

If we hear the Word attentively and correctly, we begin to build faith and godliness in our spirit.


Matt 7:24

Liken to a wise man – build house on the rock

Rev 3:20

God is knocking at the door of our heart

Seven-Fold Enrichment In Hearing The Word Of Faith a.

FAITH multiplied Rom 10:17 Faith comes by hearing the word


BLESSINGS in our lives Rev 1:3


Who reads and hears the words of this prophecy and keep it

Overcoming SINS in our lives Ps 119:9-11 Word hidden in the heart


WISDOM gained Ps 119:99

Meditate on God’s word (His testimonies)

Life Building Station : How To Build Strong Faith : Session II : Power of Faith Confession


FRUITFULNESS in the things we do Matt 13:23



Fertile ground reaps a 30-fold, 60-fold and 100-fold return

EQUIPPED for ministry 2 Tim 3:16-17 Inspired word of God is for teaching, rebuke (correcting), reproof, & training for good works.


MINISTERED TO by God Heb 4:12

Word is sharp, active and alive

Faith is to believe on the Word of God, what we do not see, and its reward is to see and enjoy what we believe. People are only as secure as the source of their security; if we are secure in Christ, then we have every reason to be confident. Joni Eareckson Tada

Life Building Station : How To Build Strong Faith : Session III : Ways To Build Strong In Faith




Killers Of Faith Before we talk about building strong faith, we need to identify several factors which are faith killers. 1.



Not much sign of the working of miracles

James 1:7

We can’t expect anything from God e.g. blessing, healing, provision, etc.

UNFORGIVENESS Mk 11:24-26 If we do not forgive, neither will our heavenly father forgive us. Matt 18:35


No true forgiveness in the heart towards your brother for every wrong deed he has done towards you

A Bad CONSCIENCE 1 Tim 1:19

Reject right living (faith in God) and suffered shipwrecked

1 Tim 4:1-2 Attention drawn to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demon Heb 10:22 4.

Evil conscience

Love For The WORLD 2 Tim 4:10

Deserted the ministry

James 1:14-16 Tempted to do evil, sin 5.

RELIGIOUS Spirit 2 Tim 3:1-5 Person defiant towards God in everything. Full of pride and proud of himself only. Avoid such a man.

Life Building Station : How To Build Strong Faith : Session III : Ways To Build Strong In Faith


FEAR 1 John 4:18 Fear involves punishment Mk 4:36-41 Fear to operate in god’s given authority


The Desire Of The FLESH Gal 5:16-21 Destruction of the flesh


Builders Of Strong Faith 1.




Guard Your MIND Rom 12:2

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind

Phil 4:8

Meditate on things that give good reports

Guard Your HEART Col 3:12

Be forgiving at all times

Col 3:15

Peace of God rule and be thankful always

Guard Your LIFESTYLE (Consecration) Rom 12:1

Living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God

Eph 2:10

Be God’s workmanship to do good works (walk in them)

Guard Your LOVE For God Matt 22:37

Love Him with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind

Matt 6:33

Always seek His kingdom and righteousness first


Life Building Station : How To Build Strong Faith : Session III : Ways To Build Strong In Faith



Guard your ACTION Col 3:17, 23-24 Do all things in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to the Father through Him

1 Cor 6:19-20 Do all things heartily unto God and not to men 6.


Guard The WORD 2 Tim 1:13

Hold fast to the pattern of sound words

2 Tim 2:15

Be diligent to read the word – read it, study it, memorise it

Josh 1:8

Do not let the word depart from your mouth, meditate in it day and night

Guard Your RELATIONSHIP Jn 13:34-35 Love God (wholeheartedly), love one another (fervently) Rom 12:16-18 Be humble, have regard for good things and live peaceably with all men.


Guard Your FRUIT Of The Holy Spirit Gal 5:22-23 Nine fruits of the Spirit – love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, patience and self control


Guard Your PRAYER Jude 20

Build up most holy faith, pray in the Holy Spirit.

1 Thess 5:16-18 Rejoice always, pray without ceasing and give thanks for everything – will of God


Guard UNITY Among Brethren Phil 1:27

Stand fast in one spirit and one mind

Eph 4:3

Keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace

Faith is REAL and TANGIBLE. Develop a passion for it and you will see SUPERNATURAL results in your NATURAL life.


Session I



A. What Is Faith? B. Having God’s Kind Of Faith C. Ten Blessings In Having God’s Kind Of Faith

Session II

Power of Confessing Faith A. B. C. D.

Session III

Confessing The Word Of Faith Praying The Word Of Faith Preaching The Word By Faith Hearing The Word By Faith

Ways To Build Strong Faith A. B.


Killers Of Faith Builders Of Strong Faith



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