How To Be A Teacher Advisor

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 951
  • Pages: 8
What’s “advise”? • Counseling •Consultancy •Helping •________________ •________________ • “How am I going to help my student academically and personally speaking TODAY?

Why is important to consider this? • Teaching = Educating? Although many teach only SOME are the ones really involved in the student’s learning process and developing as person. •Teaching as well as a other professions (MD, Nurse, etc) interact with other people • ______________________ • ______________________ By Lic. Gerson G. Cisneros Soto

Is it really important knowing how to advise in my profession? Yes •

The Teacher has a risky job • Why? Because if you talk to more people you will have more chances to offend a person” • Example: Going to an ATM at 12 p.m. or 12 a.m. Why risky? 1. The teacher interacts with the student not just to solve a specific problem but to guide in life. 2. The teacher usually is viewed as a figure outside family not as a “friend” himself or a relative, but a person that the student can talk without having DOs or DON’Ts as answer. 3. These reasons impel him to get more involved in the student’s learning process and developing as persons. 4. His interaction with students brings the responsibility of helping to develop skills, attitudes and values of our students. Activity • Brainstorm “What do you think about that?” • How many times have you had students talking to you “I don’t know what to do!?” See “Giving counseling real cases”

Should I give an advise or not?

• You just can’t go away from it? • “Teacher I’m quitting my job what do you think?” • You’re a Teacher-Adviser •Don’t break that relationship “Teacher-student” • Example: “Teacher I’d like to move to another city away from my family” teacher interrupts and explains his view point, ST stops talking to her.

We must take into consideration three influences when giving an advise! Society




Society • The society has placed over the teacher the responsibility of not just teaching in an academically way but personal • We must take into consideration: traditions, local habits, etc. What almost everybody thinks. • “I’m pregnant”

Students • A kinder garden teacher is not the same as a high school teacher. • Why? _________________ • Every student has a different need • Children not the same as young adults • Two ways to convey ideas • As group. More powerful, more time spent, requires more preparation • Individually. More dangerous, requires careful words.

Institution • The institution keeps working in a large scale because of us. “It’s the hand that feeds us” • Teacher must have clear understanding of institution’s rules, policies, mechanism, headship, etc. • Teacher must be aware of way to improve the student’s learning process ALONG with the institution • Find a balance to teacher subject and values. • High school teacher • ______________________ • ______________________ • ______________________ • University teacher • ______________________ • ______________________ • ______________________

The importance of teacher's attitudes

• Why? • _________________________ • _________________________ • _________________________ What must the teacher-adviser in order to have clear and improve the impression of our attitude in our student’s learning process?

1. Observe the positive aspects of our students 2. If a correction is made to a student’s actions must explain that is not personal 3. It’s vital to keep in mind the behavior of our students (inner problems)

The importance of teacher’s emotions • Where do I place my emotions? • _____________________ • _____________________ • _____________________

What can you do? 1. Look for a constant self-examination of our developing as teacher 2. Find a balance in your emotions (You have to learn it) 1. ___________________________ 2. ___________________________ 3. ___________________________ 3. Improve your teaching-advising skills 1. ____________________________ 2. ____________________________ 3. ____________________________

The importance of teacher’s mental healthiness • Is it really possible that we can have some kind of mental problem? • When we accepted to teacher – to interact (Doctor – Patient) • Experience: Teacher – in a very bad stage sitting on chair not wanting to do anything • The teacher’s most precious tool is his personality (very important) BURNOUT – The concept Symptoms: • “I just can do it anymore” • “I just can handle that group” • What’s the point anyways?”

•Don’t tired out! •Find your skill and use it! •Cherish teaching •Love your teacher-adviser profession

What can we do? • Realize problem (psychologist) • Identify source(s) (family, job) • Set up real goal to improve • Learn to say NO • Give in responsibilities • SENSE OF HUMOR Mental Healthiness

“Giving-counseling real cases” Susan’s Memory • Susan is a 19 years-old young girl, second semester in Law School. She’s gotten always good grades. She has a problem memorizing the articles for her Rights Class, she thinks that she forgets easily. She’s failed the first mid-term exams, she approaches her teacher and describes her way of studying. She’s crying because she’s terrified with the idea of failing? •Questions: • What most Susan’s teacher do to calm her down? • Should the teacher get involve in her personal way of studying? • Does she need extra counseling from other people? Why?

Jose’s weekend • Jose is a 18 years-old LAE student, after English class he helps his teacher carrying the cd player to the next class, while walking he tell him that this weekend he’s taking his girlfriend to Pto Vallarta alone, and no one else knows. He asks him what does he think about that? •Questions: • Should the teacher answer or not? • What would happen is the teacher tried to stop him? • What would happen is the teacher paid no attention to him? (deaf ears)

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