How To Be A Green Business

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 1,579
  • Pages: 26

     |   October 14, 2008 Presented by:

ï   ï  

þ obay ± goba warming þ ationa ± energy independence þ oca ±sustainabe communities þ ut hey, I¶m preaching to the choir here

ï        þ ma usinesses represent 52% of a U.. workers þ ou¶re the decision maker. An empoyee at a bigger firm has ess of a say þ ut hey, I¶m preaching to the choir here

ï |     ï            

   þ A growing number of customers care about the impact companies have on the environment, and wi reward companies with sustainabe business modes. The foowing is from a study by the atura Marketing Institute:

ource: atura Marketing Institute

ï |     ï            

*        þ A study by the Harvard choo of Pubic Heath found that  ! " ""       "|  | #||$ that improved when away from the workpace. Another study by the awrence erkeey ationa aboratory showed that productivity osses associated with   % |      &'(&)))    .

ource: U.. ma usiness Administration

ï |     ï            

*     þ Peope work for more than just money. They want to fee invoved in something bigger, in a mission to improve our word. The top up-and-coming taent cares more about the environment than previous generations. Do potentia recruits see your company as a eader in environmenta sustainabiity? Wi you have the edge when it comes to attracting top taent?

ï |     ï            

|     þ Many of the improvements your company wi make wi have a positive emotiona impact on its peope. They can aso have a positive impact on your bottom ine. Conserving resources can mean conserving money.

ïï     þ What does it mean to go green? ± Hep prevent goba warming ± Create a heathy environment for empoyees ± Reduce our strain on natura resources ± ave money« after a it¶s green too ± Avoid ³eco-rhetoric.´ et achievabe goas, and do them

ïï   + ,*   þ Aso caed greenwashing þ Customers are wary, wi punish firms that are dishonest þ ampes:

ïïï -.   ï  þ

tart with the ow-hanging fruit: ± Many items take itte effort, and either cost nothing or save you money right off the bat * /0 


+ +"" 

HVAC, ighting, Periphera contros

ighting, HVAC, Coo roof, Renewabe energy

1 -"" 

Indoor pants, Ceaning suppies

Ceaning suppies, Heathy ighting

Reduce, reuse, recyce

Address waste stream

*    %

andscaping, pumbing fitures

 +""  Teecommuting, Carpooing


Preferred parking

ïïï + +"" 

ïï   þ 2% of the nation¶s eectricity, or over 908 biion kiowatt-hours, goes towards ighting, heating, cooing, and providing other eectrica needs for office buidings. þ That equas 804 miion tons of carbon dioide. And you thought cars were big pouters. þ It costs businesses $66 biion.

ïïï + +""  +"" 3 2 2-"" Digita Thermostat þ Use a programmabe thermostat to make sure heating is turned down after hours. This can save around 10% a year on heating and cooing energy.1 That means ~$100/yr. and /4 of a ton of CO2 Motion ensors in Conference Rooms þ Can save ~$100/yr. and /4 of a ton of CO2 each ighting Poicy þ An office of 20 peope that eaves a quarter of its ights on at night can save ~$ 40 and 2 1/2 TO of CO2 by turning these off Computers, printers, etc. þ Turn off computers, printers, etc where and when you can

ource: 1. U.. Department of nergy

$570, 4.5 tons CO2 saved

ïïï + +""  +"" 3 0

2 " 0+4

ïïï + +""  5  " þ R  TARŒ compiant roofing materias with high emissivity can reduce peak cooing demand by 10±15%1 þ This aso reduces urban µheat isands¶. The heat isand effect can raise temperatures 2-10° F in urban areas.2 For each degree the temperature rises above 70 in .A., % more smog is created.2 ource: 1.; 2. U..

reen uiding Counci

ïïï + +""  2  þ The shade from a mature tree correcty positioned to shade the buiding can reduce cooing costs by 20-40%. One of the benefits of deciduous trees (trees that ose their eaves in the autumn) is that they aow sunight to reach and warm the buiding during winter. þ Coud save $400 and tons of CO2 per year þ Pasadena has rebates for $50 per shade tree

ïïï + +""  *   +  þ Caifornia oar Initiative ± Rebates depend on your utiity, system size ± Rebates are bigger in the eary years, wi decine ater þ Pasadena Water & Power offers $ .50/watt, $4/watt for non-profits þ Federa Ta Credit renewed two weeks ago

ïïï 1 -"" 

ïï   þ þ

þ þ þ

Indoor air poution is estimated to ki 11,400 peope each year1 In the mid-1980s, the Word Heath Organization determined that as many as 0% of buidings wordwide have poor Indoor Air Quaity, causing "sick buiding syndrome" symptoms2 ³For many peope, the risks to heath may be greater due to eposure to air poution indoors than outdoors´1 ome eampes of VOCs are formadehyde, trichoroethyene, benzene and touene ± a known or suspected carcinogens easona affective disorder (AD) is a form of depression that has been inked to empoyees whose workspaces are not we it

ource: 1. U.. nvironmenta Protection Agency; 2. Word Heath Organization

ïïï 1 -""  ï 6 7, ï 8 þ Remove VOCs þ iminate ick uiding yndrome þ righten up your office þ Motivate Workers uide:

*  "9-5 +  "    *   ï  ï"   2   *

08   : 


8  0

ïïï 1 -""  ï 6 7, 5 | 

reen ea þ reen ea has ists of ow VOC paints, coatings, adhesives, seaants, etc. þ

Carpet & Rug Institute þ ook for reen abe and reen abe Pus for ow VOC-emitting carpeting þ

ource: U.. nvironmenta Protection Agency, Word Heath Organization

ïïï 1 -""  1 04 þ

þ Dayighting


þ D tubes ource: 1. U..

reen uiding Counci

easona affective disorder (AD) is a form of depression that has been inked to empoyees whose workspaces are not we it ³tudies have demonstrated that productivity increases dramaticay for buiding occupants working in dayit areas´1 In addition, the stroboscopic effects of fuorescent tubes can cause eyestrain which can cause decreased productivity, headaches, and absenteeism ook for fu spectrum ighting which contains a the coors. Try to avoid coo white fuorescent ighting.

ïïï *    % *  *  *  þ ource reduction is the most important ± paper, packaging, etc þ Recycing x Overa diversion can save hundreds of doars by reducing waste pickups Why recyce? Puente His, the nation¶s argest andfi, receives 1 ,200 tons of waste per day. It and other oCa andfis are cosing in -5 years. Disposa costs may rise 10 times whie recycing wi cost roughy the same

ïïï *    % *  *  *  6  -"" þ þ þ

Printing, Marketing materias - FC Certified Paperess Office 100% post-consumer recyced paper is now very comparabe in price and quaity to reguar paper. Here are the benefits for the environment compared to virgin paper: ± 100% fewer trees used ± mits 7% fewer greenhouse gases ± Uses 4 % ess energy ± Uses 46% ess water ± Reduces soid waste up to 49%

ïïï   +""  +"" 0 þ Caifornia is in a drought þ Metropoitan Water District of oCa offers significant rebates for efficient irrigation ± high efficiency spray nozzes and rotating spray nozzes þ ven better, use   that require modest or zero irrigation þ These aso benefit by being non-invasive Caifornia ative Pants ource: Theodore Payne Foundation

ïïï   +"" 

 :;   þ

Metropoitan Water District and Pasadena Water & Power have rebates for water-efficient fitures ± Up to $400 for waterfree urinas ± save up to 45,000 gaons per year per urina1 ± $165 or more for High fficiency Toiets (HTs). The average water savings for HTs is estimated to be 19,000 gaons per year when repacing an average, non-efficient toiet and 4,000 gaons per year when repacing a UFT1

ource: 1. Metropoitan Water District of outhern Caifornia

ïïï 2    5  /2   nergy Use in the U..1

 In a firm of 20 empoyees, if 20% of your


empoyees teecommute/carpoo rather than drive 20 mies to work just one day a week, you wi save the foowing annuay:

27% ransportation


þ eary 2 tons of CO2 þ 181 gaons of gas (roughy $750) þ eary 200 pounds of carbon monoide þ 12 pounds of nitrogen oides þ Missed days associated w/ car accidents

ource: 1. U..

reen uiding Counci

Presented by: Mark D¶Andrea, D AP Vice President

(626) 578-0678 mark@ o www. o

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