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How t oAut omat e Us i ngPyt hon

How t o Aut omat e Usi ng Pyt hon TABLEOFCONTENTS 1.I nt r oduct i on( p. 1) 2. WhyPyt hon( p. 3) 3.How CodeCanEnhanc eYourCar eer( p. 4) 4.How t oI ns t al lPyt hon( p. 5) 5.Get t i ngSt ar t edwi t hPyt honFunct i ons( p. 8) 6.Sc r i pt i ngwi t hPyt hon( p. 11) 7.Conc l us i on( p. 12)

I nt r oduct i on Lookar ound,and youcanseePyt honcodebei ng used t o do j ustaboutanyt hi ng.Pyt honi spopul ari nsci ent i fic fiel dsl i kedat asci ence,mat hemat i cs,and AI ,buti t ’ sj ust asheavi l yused i nsi mpl erappl i cat i onssuchasweb devel opment .Pyt honi saflexi bl el anguaget hati sbei ng used ever ywher et hesedays.I t ’ sahi ghl evelpr ogr ammi ng l anguagewi t hsi mpl i st i csynt axt hatal so boast sal ar ge l i br ar y.Butwhati fyou’ r eanI T pr of essi onal ? Sof t war er unst hewor l dt hesedaysand codei show t hat sof t war ei scr eat ed.Regar dl essofi ndust r y,you' r ebound t o usesof t war eand havi ng evenabasi cunder st andi ng ofhow t hatsof t war ei sbui l ti scanbeahugeadvant age. I T pr of essi onal shaveal eg up i nt hefir stpl ace.Wedeal wi t hsof t war eever yday.We' r eal r eadyt echi esso i t ' s goi ng t o beeasi erf orust ol ear ncodet hant hef ar mer mor ewor r i ed aboutt henextweat herpat t er nt han depl oyi ng anew pi eceofsof t war e.

How t o Aut omat eUsi ng Pyt hon


WhyPyt hon? Thi sseemsl i kesi mpl equest i on,butanswer i ng i ti s compl i cat ed. Honest l y,i ti sgoi ng t o depend onyou.You’ l lneed t o consi dert heenvi r onmentt hatyou’ l lbecodi ng/ scr i pt i ng i n.Forexampl e,i fyouar ewor ki ng i nast r i ct l yW i ndows envi r onment ,youmayoptt o usePower Shel li nst ead of Pyt hon,si nceyou’ r el i kel yal r eadyf ami l i arwi t ht he Wi ndowst er mi naland i t scommands.Thedi ffer entt ypes ofcommuni t i esf oreachscr i pt i ng l anguagei sal so an i mpor t antconsi der at i on.Maybeyoufind onel anguage’ s communi t ymor ewel comi ng t o yout hananot her . W hat everyoudo,don’ tf al li nt ot het r ap oft hi nki ng one l anguagei sbet t ert hananot her .

I t ’ snothar dt o find cont r over sywheni tcomest o whi chscr i pt i ng l anguagei st hebest .I T pr osand devel oper sal i kear edr awnt ot hei r owncommuni t i esand ar ef ever oussuppor t er soft hel anguaget hey use.Somet i mesi t ’ seasyt o getcaughtup i nt hear gument s,butI war nyout hati ti sn’ twor t hi t .Chooseascr i pt i ng l anguaget hat meet syourneeds,nott heneedsofot her s.

How t o Aut omat eUsi ng Pyt hon


W hyPyt honCont i nued. . . Eachscr i pt i ng l anguagehasi t spr osand cons, butmostcangett hesamej ob done,j usti na di ffer entway.Chooseal anguaget hatmakes senset o you. I fyouhappent o deci det ol ear nPower Shel l i nst ead,wer ecommend ourot hereBook, How To Aut omat eUsi ng Power Shel l .

I fyou’ ver ead t hi sf ar ,t henchancesar eyouar eser i ousaboutusi ng Pyt hon. You’ vemadeagr eatdeci si on.Sur e,t her ear eal otofgr eatpr ogr ammi ng l anguagesoutt her ef r om Al golt o Zeno wi t hhundr edsofl anguagesi nbet ween. ButwhyPyt hon?Forone,becausei t ' sbui l tonsi mpl esynt axand easeof i nt er pr et at i on,i ti sf ast ert o wr i t ei nand easi ert or ead t hanot herpr ogr ammi ng l anguagesl i keJava,whi chi sgood whenyou’ r epr essed f ort i me. W hi l ebot hRubyand Pyt honar eobj ect or i ent ed l anguages,Pyt hon' ssi mpl i ci t y makesi tmor efitf orscr i pt i ng.Thi si spar t i cul ar l yusef uli fyouar ewor ki ng i nI T and need t o getup and r unni ng t o aut omat et asksqui ckl y.W i t hi nt hest r uct ur e ofPyt honcode,t her ear ef astand defini t esol ut i onst o pr obl ems,maki ng i t easi erf oruser swho ar en' tpr ogr ammer s.Ruby,ont heot herhand,al l owsf or mor evar i at i oni nsol ut i ons,whi chcancausef r ust r at i ont o new user sand I T empl oyeeswho onl yneed i tf oraut omat i on. Asahi ghl evell anguage,Pyt honl anguagei sdesi gned t o beeasyt or ead and l ear nwi t houtsacr i fici ng anyofi t spower .And becausei ti sagener al pur pose pr ogr ammi ng l anguage,Pyt honhasdi ver seusesf r om web devel opmentt o compi l i ng dat aand l i stcompr ehensi on.Pyt honi sver yver sat i l e.I tmakesi teasy t or euseorext end aut omat i onr out i nes,especi al l ybecauseofanext ensi ve st andar dl i br ar yand t housandsoft hi r dpar t yl i br ar i est hr oughi t sopensour ce configur at i on.And youcanusei tt o connectot herscr i pt sand bashcommands t hatal r eadyexi sti nt hesyst em.

How t o Aut omat eUsi ng Pyt hon


How CodeCanEnhanceYourCar eer Eveni fyou’ r ewor ki ng i nI T,pr ogr ammi ng knowl edgewi l l accel er at eyourcar eerbygi vi ng youamor euni queand var i ed ski l lsett hanyourpeer s.You’ l lhavemor echoi cesf orhow t o wr i t escr i ptwhet heryouwantt o do i ti nPyt hon,Power Shel l , orsomet hi ng el se. Lear ni ng t hePyt honpr ogr ammi ng l anguagewi l lmakeyou mor esel f suffici ent .Forexampl e,whent her e’ sanaut omat i on bug,r at hert hanwai t i ng ar ound f oryourt echni calt eam t o bai l youout ,youcanhel p your sel f .Theext ensi veonl i nePyt hon communi t y,aswel last heeasi l yaccessi bl eopensour ce sof t war e,havemadei teasi ert hanevert o fixsmal lscr i pt er r or syour sel f .And i twi l lmakeyouf eelgood,i mpr essyour boss,and saveever yoneal i t t l ebi tofval uabl et i mei nt he pr ocess.

Ther e' sno need t o beaPyt honexper t buthavi ng abasi cunder st andi ng of t hecodei shugel ybenefici al .

ThePyt honl anguagecanal so hel p youi mpr oveyour col l abor at i veski l l sont hej ob.I tcanbeeasyt of eelf r ust r at ed and conf used whendeal i ng wi t hengi neer sorpr ogr ammer s, especi al l ywhenyou’ r enotal lont hesamepage.Bygai ni ng evenabasi cwor ki ng knowl edgeofpr ogr ammi ng synt ax,you canbet t erunder st and wher et hey’ r ecomi ng f r om,r at hert han j ustt heval uet hey’ r epr ovi di ng t o you.You’ l lbeabl et o t r oubl eshootaut omat i oni ssueswi t ht heabi l i t yt o pr obl em sol veand cr eat esol ut i onst hatbenefitever yone.

How t o Aut omat eUsi ng Pyt hon


How t oI nst al lPyt hon Si ncePyt honi sgener al l yused onLi nuxand MacOS,i t ’ sal so cr oss pl at f or m,so i twor ksonW i ndowsaswel l .Wewantt o ensur ewe’ r e abl et o usePyt honr egar dl essoft heoper at i ng syst em we’ r eusi ng,so l et ’ sgo overhow t o getPyt honup and r unni ng onbot hW i ndowsand Li nux/MacOS.

Det er mi ni ng Cur r ent l yI nst al l ed Ver si on Unl i keW i ndows,Pyt hont ypi cal l ycomespr ei nst al l ed onmany* ni x oper at i ng syst emsand MacOS.To det er mi nei fyoual r eady havePyt honi nst al l ed,fir eup yourcommand pr omptort er mi naland t ypepyt honver si onorpyt honV.Thi swi l li mmedi at el ydi spl aywhat Pyt honver si oni si nst al l ed. However ,t hi si snotent i r el yaccur at e.Unl i kePower Shel l ,f ori nst ance, Pyt honcanbei nst al l ed i naf ew di ffer entpl aces,and youmi ght act ual l yhaveanot herver si oni nst al l ed i nadi ffer entdi r ect or y.Runni ng t hepyt honexecut abl eonl yexecut est hepyt hondefined i nyourPATH envi r onmentvar i abl e.Al so,t heal i aspyt honwi l lgener al l yr ef ert o any 2. xver si on.I fyouhavePyt hon3. xi nst al l ed,youwi l lal so havet he pyt hon3al i as. Youcanseebel ow t hatbot h2. 7. 1 0 and 3. 6. 2ar ei nst al l ed.

$ python -V Python 2.7.10 $ python --version Python 2.7.10 $ python3 --version Python 3.6.2 $ python3 -V Python 3.6.2 How t o Aut omat eUsi ng Pyt hon


I nst al l i ng Pyt hononMacOS Event hought her eseemst o beal otofcodest i l loutt her er unni ng 2. x,pyt hon2i ssl owl ybecomi ng obsol et e.Pyt hon3. xi st hewayof t hef ut ur eso we’ dl i ket o ensur ewehavet hel at estver si oni nst al l ed onourmachi nes. OnMacOS,t her ecommended wayt o getPyt hon3. xonyour machi nei st o uset heHomeBr ew ut i l i t y.HomeBr ew i sapackage managersi mi l art ot hePower Shel lGal l er yt hatal l owsuser st o downl oad and i nst al lpr ogr amsf r om apubl i cr eposi t or y.

Youcanseeher et hatHomeBr ew al r eadyknew t hatIhad anol der ver si onofPyt hon3i nst al l ed and pr ompt ed met o upgr ade. $ brew install python3 Updating Homebrew... ==> Auto-updated Homebrew! Updated 1 tap (homebrew/core). ==> New Formulae .....

Inow havePyt hon3. 6. 2i nst al l ed and am up t o dat e!

Error: python3 3.6.0 is already installed To upgrade to 3.6.2, run `brew upgrade python3` $ brew upgrade python3 ==> Upgrading 1 outdated package, with result: python3 3.6.2 ==> Upgrading python3 ==> Installing dependencies for python3: readline, sqlite, gdbm, openssl ...... ==> Summary /usr/local/Cellar/python3/3.6.2: 3,598 files, 55.9MB $ python3 Python 3.6.2 (v3.6.2:5fd33b5926, Jul 16 2017, 20:11:06) [GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

How t o Aut omat eUsi ng Pyt hon


I nst al l i ng Pyt hononLi nux I nst al l i ng Pyt hononLi nuxi sal so j ustas st r ai ght f or war d asMacOS.To i nst al lPyt honon Ubunt u1 6. 1 0 ornewer ,wecanuset heapt get packagemanager . $ sudo apt-get update

I nFedor a,wecoul d do:

$ sudo apt-get install python3.6

$ sudo dnf install python3

I nst al l i ng Pyt hononW i ndows I nst al l i ng Pyt hononW i ndowsi sasst r ai ght f or war d as anyst andar d MSIpackageyou’ r eused t oi nst al l i ng. Si nceW i ndowsdoesn’ thavePyt honi nst al l ed bydef aul t , t hi si samust .You’ l lfir stneed t o head overt ot he Wi ndowsdownl oad sect i ononpyt hon. or g and gr ab t he appr opr i at ei nst al l er .Justscr ol lovert o downl oadsand cl i ckPyt hon3. 6. 4f orW i ndows.

How t o Aut omat eUsi ng Pyt hon


Get t i ng St ar t ed wi t hPyt honFunct i ons Aswi t hj ustaboutever ypr ogr ammi ng l anguage,Pyt honhasaconcept cal l ed f unct i ons.Att hei rsi mpl est ,f unct i onsar egr oupi ngsofcodet hat per f or m acer t ai nt ask.Typi cal l y,f unct i onsar et ypi cal l ycr eat ed whena cer t ai nt askneedst o beper f or med t hatr equi r esmor et hanonel i neof code.Funct i onsar eagr eatwayt o packageup mul t i pl el i nesofcode whi cht henpr ovi dest heuseraneasywayt or unal loft hatcodeatonce i nst ead oft ypi ng eachl i ne,hi t t i ng Ent erand r epeat i ng. I nPyt hon,af unct i oni scr eat ed byusi ng t hedefkeywor d whi chcr eat es af unct i ondefini t i on.Thedefkeywor di sani ndi cat ort ot hePyt hon i nt er pr et ert hatsomecodei mmedi at el yf ol l owi ng t hedefkeywor d wi l l beaf unct i onand t ot r eati tl i ket hat .Thedefkeywor di st henal ways f ol l owed byt henameoft hef unct i on,anopenand cl osesetof par ent heses( i fno par amet er s)and acol onwhi chi ndi cat est hest ar tof t hebodyoft hef unct i on.Thi scol oni ssomet i mesr epl aced wi t hanopen cur l ybr acei not herl anguages.

def printhelloword(): We’ vecr eat ed ourfir stf unct i on!Hi tEnt er ,and i tdoesabsol ut el ynot hi ng. Let ’ sadd somecodei nsi deoft hef unct i ont o act ual l ymaket hi seffor t wor t hwhi l e.To bui l dt hef unct i on’ scode,weneed t oi ndentt henext i mmedi at el i nebyatl eastonespaceal t houghf ourspacesorasi ngl et ab i scommon.To t hedi smayorsome,Pyt honuseswhi t espacet o del i neat e var i ousconst r uct si nt hel anguage.So,f orexampl e,i fyouwantmy pr i nt hel l owor d( )f unct i ont o pr i ntt hephr ase,“ Hel l o,wor l d! ”wheni t ’ sr un, youcoul di ndentt henextl i neand add apr i nt ( )r ef er ence.

def printhelloword():

print('Hello world!')

How t o Aut omat eUsi ng Pyt hon


Oncedefined,youcant hencal lt hi sf unct i onwi t hpr i nt hel l owor l d( ) . def printhelloword(): print('Hello world!') printhelloword() Hello world! However ,i fyoudon’ ti ncl udet hatwhi t espacebef or et hepr i nt ( )r ef er ence, youwoul d getasynt axer r orso r emembert oi ndent ! def printhelloword(): print('Hello world!') print('Hello world!') ^ IndentationError: expected an indented block

We’ venow cr eat edourf i r stf unct i on,butwhati fIdon’ t al wayswantt opr i ntt hest r i ng,“ Hel l owor l d! ”Per haps I ’ dl i ket or et ur n,“ Hel l odol l y! ”i nst ead.I nt hatcase,I needt oi nt r oduceapar amet ert omyf unct i on.A par amet eri sawayt opr ovi deani nputt oyourf unct i on. Apar amet eral l owsyout opassdi f f er entval uesi nt oyour f unct i ont ot henbepr ocessedi nsi deoft hef unct i on.I n ourcase,Iwantt heabi l i t yt ochanget hest r i ngwor l d wi t hwhat everwor dIwantwhent hef unct i oni sexecut ed.

How t o Aut omat eUsi ng Pyt hon


Cr eat i ng Par amet er si nPyt hon To cr eat eapar amet er ,wecr eat eavar i abl ei nsi deoft hef unct i on’ spar ent heses separ at ed byacomma.Si ncei nourcase,wej ustneed asi ngl epar amet er ,I ’ l l j ustadd onecal l ed wor d.It henneed t or epl acemyst at i cr ef er encet ot he wor d" wor l d"and i nst ead r epl acei twi t ht hepar amet ervar i abl e. To r epl acet hest at i cwor l dr ef er ence,not i cet hatIhad t o cr eat et hr ee“ gr oups” ; ' Hel l o' ,wor d and ' ! ' .Thi si scal l ed st r i ng concat enat i onand i sonemet hod of i nser t i ng avar i abl ei nsi deofast r i ng i nPyt hon.The+oper at or“ adds”each st r i ng t oget hert of or mt hefinalst r i ng ofHel l o dol l y! .

def printhelloword(word): print('Hello' + word + '!') Oncewe’ veadded t hepar amet er ,wecant hencal lt hef unct i onagai n,but i nst ead ofj ustappendi ng anopenand cl osepar ent hesesaf t ert hef unct i on name,wecani nser tt hepar amet erar gument .Thepar amet erar gumenti st he val ueoft hepar amet eratr unt i me. printhelloword('dolly') Hello dolly!

How t o Aut omat eUsi ng Pyt hon

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Scr i pt i ngwi t hPyt hon Now t hatyouhaveabasi cuder st andi ngofhow t hesynt axandf unct i onswor ki n Pyt hon.l et scoveracoupl eofscr i pt st ogi veyouani deaofhow Pyt honcanhel pyou aut omat esi mpl eI Tt asks.Asyougetmor ecomf or t abl ewi t hPyt hon,youwi l lwantt o j umpi nt omor er esour cesonl i net ocr eat emor ecompl exscr i pt s. Butbef or ewest ar twi t hscr i pt s,i ti si mpor t antt onot eagai nt hedi f f er encesbet ween i nst al l i ngPyt hononWi ndows,MacOs,andLi nuxdi st r i but i ons.Speci f i cal l y ,r unni ng scr i pt si naWi ndowsenvi r onmenti sal i t t l ebi tmor ei nvol vedt hanMacOS andeven Li nux. Forbr evi t y ,wewon’ tj umpi nt odet ai lher e,butt her ear epl ent yofdet ai l sonl i ne t hatdi vei nt oI DEs,suchasPyChar m,t hePyt honshel l ,andhow t or unscr i pt son Wi ndows. Thef i r stscr i ptwe’ l lcoverher ewi l lhel pyougetsomebasi ci nf oonamachi ne. Not i cet her ei sanexcept i onf orWi ndowsmachi nes.Thi si sanexampl eofaPyt hon scr i ptt hatcont ai nssomei f / t henl ogi ct odet er mi net heoper at i ngsyst em we’ r e r unni ngon.You’ l lhavet odot hi ssomet i mesi fyou’ r ecr eat i ngcr osspl at f or m scr i pt s meani ngaPyt honscr i ptt hatwi l lr unondi f f er entoper at i ngsyst ems. Thi spar t i cul arscr i ptgr abssomei mpor t anti nf or mat i onf r om t hesyst em i t ’ sr unni ng onandwr i t esi tt oaCSV f i l e-acommonI Tadmi nt ask. import csv import platform import math csvFile = open('OSInformation.csv', "w") writer = csv.writer(csvFile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL) def convert_size(size_bytes): if size_bytes == 0: return "0B" size_name = ("B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB") i = int(math.floor(math.log(size_bytes, 1024))) p = math.pow(1024, i) s = round(size_bytes / p, 2) return "%s %s" % (s, size_name[i]) if platform.system() == 'Windows': import wmi c = wmi.WMI() diskFreeSpace = c.win32_logicaldisk(DeviceId='C:')[0].FreeSpace mem_bytes = c.win32_PhysicalMemory()[0].Capacity else: import os diskFreeSpace = os.statvfs('/').f_ffree mem_bytes = os.sysconf('SC_PAGE_SIZE') * os.sysconf('SC_PHYS_PAGES') osVer = '{0} {1}'.format(platform.system(), platform.release()) memory = convert_size(int(mem_bytes)) diskFreeSpace = convert_size(int(diskFreeSpace)) data = [['DiskFreeSpace', 'OSVersion', 'TotalMemory'], [diskFreeSpace, osVer, memory]] writer.writerows(data) csvFile.close() How t o Aut omat eUsi ng Pyt hon

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Youshoul dnow haveaf oundat i onf oraut omat i ngi nPyt hon.I hopet hatyouf oundt hi smat er i alhel pf ulandcont i nuet odi scover new wayst oaut omat eyourj obi nI T. I fyouwantt ocont i nueyourscr i pt i ngj our ney ,t her e’ savastamountof cont entavai l abl eonl i neawai t i ngyourcust om.Andmakesur eyou al waysengagewi t ht hePyt honcommuni t y .Thecommuni t yi sknown f orbei nghi ghl yaccept i ngofnewbi es, sodon’ tbeaf r ai dt oaskf or hel pt her e. Happyscr i pt i ng!

Lear nmor eabouthow I pswi t chcanhel p youand yourI Tt eam. Vi si twww. i pswi t ch. com

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