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A New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance STR is a second, best step to equipping yourself with the best means of looking into most things. There are many editions, some much better than others. A Reese Chronological Bible RCB is a particularly excellent and unique invaluable asset to getting a grip on these things. Get a Vines too, look up Christ. Computer users MUST Google e-sword , and download the free program. It works off line. The very best step is to talk with Jonathan about your interests and concerns with spiritual growth and begin to look into pastures prepared for you, even this stuff: OT-HC1004houseNT-GC3624    Genesis 30:20 And Leah said, God hath endued me with a good dowry; now will my husband dwell with me, because I have born him six sons: Isaiah 46:3 Hearken unto me, O house of Jacob, and all the remnant of the house of Israel, which are borne by me from the belly, which are carried … Matthew 25:32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: John 6:70 Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil? Jeremiah 5:11 ForH3588 the houseH1004 of IsraelH3478 and the houseH1004 of JudahH3063 have dealt very treacherouslyH898 H898 against me, saithH5002 the LORD.H3068 Matthew 10:6 ButG1161 goG4198 ratherG3123 toG4314 the lostG622 sheepG4263 of the houseG3624 of Israel.G2474 Bible Tutor House is not where you live, a TV series, or where you came from. It is who, when you come too. “Yeah. Sometimes the Bible or somebody quoted in it, will refer to Israel and other times it will say The House Of Israel, or the house of someone else. I don’t know what’s going on with that or if there is really anything to it.” I do. You will. I AM JON. [email protected] [email protected] 6420 Glenoak Avenue Balto MD 21214-1411 revised early March 2009 The House Of ..Israel The man Israel was born Jacob. Jacob had occasion to wrestle with.. somebody, and got renamed. Then, he and his descendants were Israel. Now over the years some individuals and racial groups properly joined up with Israel. Moses ruled that they were to be treated as other Israelites as they conformed. After the time of David and Solomon Israel was split up. Like the lands of Egypt and the United States, there was a north and a south. The sheep, the vast majority who lived in the north, were more industrial and came from a certain ten of the sons of Jacob/Israel. These people, are the ten tribes, The House Of Israel . revised early March 2009 The man Israel had twelve boys and one girl. They had four mothers. Two were endowered arranged marriages while the other two wives were married lets say, romantically. Concubines were a sort of unendowered employee, with privileges. Any children, by default prenuptial agreement, were not entitled to inheritances. At this point Israel consists of The House Of Israel, the ten tribes, and The House Of Judah, the southern two of the tribes of the two endowered wives, Judah(except for The House Of David) and the rebellious half of the Tribe Of Benjamin. Relatively quickly however a third group emerges,

The Remnant, of the King Lord David Christ, to be the royalty, from whom comes no less than King Lord Jesus Christ, and the better half of the tribe of Benjamin, known in the New Testament as Galileans, from whom come most of the twelve initial Apostles(not: Simon a Canaanite, Saul/Paul a Jewish/non Galilean Benjamite Israelite being the thirteenth, and Judas Iscariot who was not an Israelite at all but a Jewish devil goat nation Edomite of Esau like Herod). The House Of Judah becomes over run. Jews, are variant escapees’ generations from Babylonia. Also because of disobediences, The House Of Israel becomes over run, they, by Assyria. By endurance, grace and the prophesies, coming out - their curse ends 2520 years later in 1776 AD.

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