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The Horn Players' FAQ [Image]

This is version 0.54 of the Horn Players' FAQ, last [Yamaha YHR667D] modified on 03 Sep 97, 16:21:32 CDT. Maintainer of the FAQ is Ron Boerger, [email protected], aka [email protected] .. this document is copyrighted; see here for more information. First, a note about what this FAQ is, and is not. It is a collection of commonly-asked questions about the French Horn. It does NOT represent the views of the International Horn Society (IHS), although I am a member of that group. Originally, this FAQ was designed to handle questions that cropped up frequently on what used to be the IHS' Horn e-mail list. Nowadays, it is just the Horn mailing list, as membership is open to any and all. In a like vein, once you have joined the mailing list, you are NOT a member of the IHS! To join the IHS, please see the entry below on the IHS itself. This FAQ is the sole external reference cited by Encyclopedia Britannica Online regarding the [French] Horn :-) It (in somewhat modified form) was also selected as a "Hot Link of the Week" [Brass Instruments] by Music Interactive. The master location for this FAQ is http://www.io.com/~rboerger/Hornfaq.html. A plain text version is stored at http://www.io.com/~rboerger/plaindocs/horn.faq, and this version may also be obtained via ftp at ftp://ftp.io.com/pub/usr/rboerger/horn.faq. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Changes since last major revision [0.50, 10 Apr 96]: * 0.54: made manufacturer listings, etc. tabular, added some links, "So, you want to buy a new horn" link, etc. * 0.53: Added sections on double horn, descants, wraps * 0.52: Major maintenance update; info on the NWHS, etc. * 0.51: No changes to the FAQ, but a version incorporating frames is now available at http://www.io.com/~rboerger/hornfaq.html. Thanks to Bill Muth for the html! * 0.50: [Image] I will use this icon (thanks to Yahoo) to indicate things that have changed since the last numbered release. * 0.50: Incorporated a lot of piddly changes, added a section for summer horn camps, etc. Contributions will be acknowledged with the contributor's name and email address unless otherwise requested. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------You were the 53876th visitor here since 12 May 1995. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS about the Hornists' Mailing List, and the horn: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Why isn't this formatted with HTML? Is it "french" horn? What is a FAQ? What is the Hornists' Mailing List? o a. How do I subscribe to the mailing list? o b. How do I send a message to the mailing list?


6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

o c. Who do I send questions to about the mailing list? o d. Can I send mail about other musical instruments to this mailing list? o e. How do I cancel my list membership? The IHS .. o a. what is the IHS? o b. Aims and Purposes o c. how can I join? o d. When is the next IHS conference? o e. Does the IHS have a web site? Where is it? Speaking of conferences, what other horn-related conferences are there? Are there any other brass mailing lists? Are there any other musical mailing lists or newsgroups? Is there a horn newsgroup? How do I get to the newsgroup? What are the names/addresses of horn manufacturers? What are the names/addresses of horn dealers and suppliers? What are the names/addresses of horn ensemble music suppliers? What music is available for horn ensemble? What horn ensembles are out there? Contact info? (note: these are not endorsements of any group/person by the IHS or the maintainer of the list or the FAQ.) Where can I get my horn repaired? How can I improve my: o a. range (and what are the fingerings?) o b. endurance o c. tone quality o d. technique How do I find out about o a. full-time positions with symphonies, etc. [Image] o b. part-time or "one-shot" gigs What's the difference between a "single" and a "double" horn? What is a "descant" horn? What is a "natural" or "hand" horn? What are the "Geyer" and "Kruspe" wraps? How old is my horn? Are there any "WWW" sites for the horn? What are some pieces with great horn parts? What are some summer horn camps/festivals? [Image] What are some good books/etc. for beginning players? Where can I get more information about the internet/usenet? Contributors to this FAQ Who the heck is Ron Boerger?

---------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Why isn't this formatted in HTML (for you WWW users) It is, thanks to Bill Muth, who tired of reading in in plaintext. ;-) --------------Return to Index --------------2. Is it "french" horn? Only in the United States, Canada, and the U.K. is the horn known as the "french" horn. Most European literature deems the instrument simply "horn"

[cor, etc.] and most purists follow that nomenclature. It's a sad fact, however, that in the US, outside of the music community, telling someone that you play horn will usually elicit a "Oh? What kind of horn, trumpet?"-type response. We won't even go into the disgusting habit that saxophone players have of calling their instruments "horns". Look, guys, this is a reed, and therefore it's not a horn of any kind! For what it's worth, the International Horn Society's official opinion is that it is the Horn that we all play. Marilyn Kloss ([email protected]) adds: > > > >

I thought it was in Britain where the term originated, of course carried over here. I agree with your writer that it is frustrating and annoying that people in general don't know what a "horn" is. Actually, try talking to the general public about "English horn" and see what you get!

Seth Urion ([email protected]) relates Barry Tuckwell's thoughts: > > > > > > > > > >

The name for the instrument in English speaking countries, meaning England, came from the fact that hunting horns differed greatly from England to the continent, France in particular. While French hunting horns were large, worn over the shoulder, and looked roughly similar to what we now call simply a "hunting horn", British hunting horns were much smaller, say ten inches in diameter, held in a single hand, and pitched signifigantly higher. Thus, to differentiate between what the Brits' called a "horn" and the larger thing we call a "horn", the larger modern instrument was given the prefix "French", as it reminded them of the continental hunting horn. This also explains why the continental types don't call it anything but a horn.

Finally [!], from Alan Cole ([email protected]) comes musings from long-time hornist Glen Wren: > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

1. The Horn, often incorrectly referred to as the "French Horn" was not developed in France, but in the Alps of the Germanic countries, commonly used to warn animal intruders who threatened the shepherd's flock. The instrument was constructed entirely of wood and straw, and the conical designed mouthpiece was also wooden. Since those sparse beginnings, the Horn went through a miriad of changes in order to make it more appropriate to play diatonically, but , for some unknown reason, kept its conical bore design which gave it the unique tone quality we identify as the Horn sound. Since the French dominated most of the Alpine region during this developmental stage of the horn, the term "French Horn" became a popular term which has stuck with us 'til this day. Bottom line, the "Horn" should never be called a "French Horn," unless you are speaking with the uninformed public, or don't want to get involved in a heated discussion because you are busy dumping out the spit, and only have 8 measures of rest to do so. --------------Return to Index ---------------

3. What is a FAQ? Among the Usenet and Internet community, it soon became obvious after the first common mailing lists/newsgroups were established, the same questions would come up over and over again. This becomes annoying after a while .. so the tradition of the FAQ evolved. A FAQ (which stands for Frequently Asked

Questions) is a list of commonly asked questions and answers to those questions, and is sent out periodically to the mailing list membership. This reduces traffic to *new* and hopefully *exciting* questions. FAQs are not meant to be static documents. If you have a correction, or suggestion for the FAQ, please send it to THE FAQ MAINTAINER, not the mailing list. Contributors' names and email addresses will be listed in the FAQ unless they state otherwise. This FAQ is sent out on the 1st of each month. Comments should be sent to Ron Boerger, [email protected]. THIS IS NOT WHERE YOU SUBSCRIBE TO THE LIST; see item 4 below. --------------Return to Index --------------4. What is the Hornists' Mailing List? The International Horn Society (IHS) has, for a period of time, "sponsored" this list as a means for horn players to communicate with one another on topics of interest to the horn community in general. Any sort of question, announcement, or posting that involves the horn is appropriate for this group. It is NOT, however, a place to discuss general music theory, brass ensembles, or other topics that do not have relevance to horn players. Although membership was originally (Feb 1994) were members of the IHS, that restriction was you have to do is be interested in horn to be Rumour has it there's even a saxophone player

limited to those hornists who lifted in May, 1994. Now, all added to the email list. on the distribution somewhere.

We have all levels of hornists on the distributions; professional hornists, teachers of the instrument, student hornists, semi-pros and people who just enjoy playing (or listening to) the horn. You don't have to do this for a living to join the group! You will also get more information when you subscribe to the list. A copy of this info may be obtained by sending the text "info horn" as the body of a message to " [email protected]". a. How do I subscribe to the mailing list? Simply send a message to " [email protected]". The body of your message should state the following, EXACTLY: subscribe horn end After you send this message, you will receive a reply from the list server; after this point, you're on the horn mailing list! A digest form of the list is now available! This lets list subscribers receive a single message per day with all postings for that day concatenated together. Many people find digests less obtrusive than 10 or 20 messages daily, especially if they are getting their email at work. To subscribe to the digest, send the message below to [email protected]: subscribe horn-digest end

If you're already signed up for the horn list, you'll need to unsubscribe from it first, and then resubscribe as the instructions above state (actually, you can just send one message with three lines; one to unsubscribe from horn, one to subscribe to the digest as above, and an end line). If you have friends that might be interested, PLEASE GIVE THEM THIS INFORMATION; administrative requests such as this should NOT go to the horn distribution itself. b. How do I send a message to the mailing list? Compose your message with your choice of mailer, then send it to: [email protected] If you think of it, putting HORN: in the subject line might help some people filter the messages. Your subject line should be descriptive so that those of us who receive literally hundreds of messages per day can easily decide if they want to take the time to look at the body. c. Who do I send questions to about the mailing list? If you have questions about how the list is administered, whether or not you are getting mail, or other administrative questions, they should go to Dr. Greene ([email protected]). Questions about the FAQ should go to [email protected]. Questions about postings to the list should be directed to the originator of the posting, unless you feel that your question has interest to the entire group; in this case, post your question to [email protected]. d. Can I send mail about other musical instruments to this mailing list? Generally not; this list is for horn-specific topics, although occasionally we may touch on other things in the course of a horn question. See items 7 & 8 below for some other mailing lists that may be of interest. e. How do I cancel my list membership? Send a message consisting of the text, "unsubscribe horn", to [email protected]. You will get a confirmation that your membership in the list has been terminated by your request. Naturally, if you subscribed to the digest, send unsubscribe horn-digest instead. In either case, you'll have to unsubscribe from the same email address that you subscribed from .. majordomo has no way of knowing that your new, different address is for the same person as your old one. Again, we ask that you do NOT send a cancel request to the horn mailing list itself. --------------Return to Index --------------5. The IHS a. What is the IHS?

The International Horn Society [IHS] was formed in June of 1970 for the purpose of furthering knowledge about the Horn and its literature, as well as to promote communications among its players. These goals now extend into virtually every aspect of the instrument itself, its literature, and the techniques by which we can better communicate as musicians. The Society has something to offer every player or Horn enthusiast. For those interested in technique, there are articles in the HORN CALL (the IHS Journal), and lectures, master classes, and clinics at its workshops. For those interested in literature and performance, there are music and record reviews in the HORN CALL plus recitals and exhibits at the workshops. If you are someone interested in knowing more about the physical aspects of the instrument, there have been several major acoustical studies reported in the HORN CALL, and it is possible to speak directly with many of the Hornmakers who exhibit at the workshops. In addition, you will receive details and scholarly research stuides pertaining to the Horn as published in the Society's refereed journal, The Horn Call Annual. Members also receive an annual Directory listing the membership of the IHS. Four Newsletters are published each year to keep the membership informed of immediate horn news and activities. For the rest ... there is a communication (and a commiseration) - which replenished the spirit, restores the faith, and renews the determination to be a stronger player and a better musician. The IHS is more than an organization, it is an opportunity to participate in the very best of what the Horn has to offer. Please join us. b. Aims and Purposes The purpose of this society shall be to promote musical education with particular reference to the horn. In pursuit of its aims and purposes, the Society and its members: * Hold and encourage workshops, lectures, and seminars open to the public. * Publish a Journal consisting of materials appropriate to the horn, as well as periodic newsletters and membership lists. * Encourage the awarding of grants and scholarships to competition winners. * Encourage composers and arrangers to write music featuring the horn. * Foster competitions for and the commissioning of new repertoire featuring the horn. * Establish and foster an Archives/Research Facility pertaining to the horn and horn playing. * Establish close working relationships with music teachers. * Present honors and recognition for distinctive service relating to the horn. c. How can I join? As of this writing [Dec 1996], IHS dues are: * Regular Membership: $30/year * Three-year membership: $75 * Life Membership: $500

You may print this application out and mail it to the address listed below, or contact Heidi Vogel ([email protected]), Executive Secretary of the IHS, for more information. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------INTERNATIONAL HORN SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION [from the Horn email FAQ] Please Print or Type Name: _________________________________________________ (first) (initial) (last)



Reg. Membership: $30.00/year 3 years: $75.00

Telephone: (____) ________________ Address: ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ email address (optional):

Life Membership: $500 (once) Membership year is calendar year, beginning with receipt of dues


Payment must be by U.S. Check, U.S. Bank Draft, or International Money Order, made payable to "International Horn Society". Send with this completed application to: Heidi Vogel, Executive Secretary, IHS 8180 Thunder Street Juneau AK 99801 USA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------d. When is the Next IHS Conference? The 1998 International Horn Summit will be held 2-8 June, 1998, in Banff, Alberta, Canada. The triumvirate of Froydis Ree Werke, David Hoyt (Edmonton Symphony), and Isobel Moore Rolston (Banff Centre) will co-host the event. The conference already has a basic URL, at: http://www.banffcentre.ab.ca/Music/horn.html The 1999 Conference will likely be held somewhere in Europe, although there is a certain amount of sentiment for it to be held in China. The IHS is actively seeking bids from those interested in hosting the event. For those wondering why seemingly many of the IHS conferences are held in North America, it has been because bids from other locations to hold the conference have been few and far between. Want to have a conference in your country? Contact the IHS. What goes on at an IHS conference? Follow this link to read "Reports from Rochester", an unofficial summary of each day's goings-on at the 1997 conference. e. Does the IHS have a web site? Where is it?

Yes!! The IHS' official site is on-line at http://www.wmich.edu/horn. It is a fact-filled, visually pleasing site created by Bruce Hebmd, a.k.a. "Horndog" and creator of the Thomas Bacon home page. You can get complete information about the IHS by visiting this wonderful site. --------------Return to Index --------------6. Speaking of conferences, what other horn-related conferences are there? There are several yearly horn conferences, held both in the US and in other countries. As more information becomes available, it will be posted here. The only conferences I have solid information on are: Call of the Wild Horn Festival Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada 05-07 September 1997 Contact: Jeff Gaye, +1 (403) 639-2291, +1 (403) 840-8000 x8184 Scheduled to appear: David Hoyt, Gerald Onciul, Mary Pearon, Tom Staples, William Gordon, Canadian Forces Horn Choir. Other activites include massed horn choir, master classes, and more.


Horn, Hand Horn, Baroque Horn Master Class Week Sillico di Castelnuovo Garfagnana-Lucca, Italy 09-15 September 1997 Contact: Paul Thomas, c/o Paruzzolo via V. E. Orlando, 7; 35100 Padova,

phone 0039049-8072606, Fax 0039-49-810866, email [email protected]

college a

Featured Artist: Michael Thompson The course is intended for fourteen horn players of professional or music level who wish to improve their musicality, technique, and endurance over week of intense practice. Taller Regional de Trompas en Puerto Rico Conservatory of Music, Santurce, Puerto Rico 07-08 November 1997 Contact: Roberto Rivera, Badorioty Gardens, Apt 1-A, Santurce Puerto Rico



+1 (787) 723-7178/+1 (787)723-0976, Fax +1 (787) 723-0846

Guest Artists: Rafael Irizarry, Raimundo Diaz, Pedro Mojica, Roberto Rivera and

Will feature exhibits, ensembles, a concert by the Puerto Rico Symphony, clinics by the artists mentioned above. 1998 Northeast Horn Workshop Crane School of Music, Potsdam, New York, USA 17-19 April 1998 Contact: Roy Shaberg, Rt 1 Box 3, Potsdam NY 13676

phone: +1 (315) 265-6938, Fax +1 (315) 267-2413, e-mail [email protected] More information forthcoming later this year! Additionally, the Horn Call is an excellent source for conference information, and is another reason why you should join the International Horn Society. Some of the conference information is from the IHS Newsletter, copyright � 1997, International Horn Society, and is reprinted here by permission. --------------Return to Index --------------7. Are there any other brass mailing lists? Yes! Try these for starters: email [email protected], stating that you want to subscribe to the Brass Mailing List. You can specify Brass Digest: digest (1 message/day) or individual messages (many messages/day). The list maintainer is Ted Zateslo at the above address. send a message containing the line subscribe tubaeuph Tuba-Euphonium:


[email protected]

The list maintainer is Joseph Dyvig, [email protected]. Send a one line message (no Subject:) to: [email protected] Trumpet:

with the message: subscribe tpin [or, tpin-digest] The list maintaner is Michael Anderson. The web site is http://trumpet.dana.edu/~trumpet. Send a one line message (no Subject:) to:


[email protected] with the message: sub trombone-L Your Name Send a message (no Subject:) to: [email protected] containing the text: subscribe community-music

Community Music:

end or, for the digest version, subscribe community-music-digest end

Brass Bands:


home page: http://www.io.com/~rboerger/community.html Send a message to: [email protected] containing the text: subscribe brass-band YourName When will you sax people get it through your head that the Sax is NOT A BRASS INSTRUMENT! :-) --------------Return to Index ---------------

8. Are there any other musical mailing lists or newsgroups? There are many "usenet news groups" on the topic of music. As of May 1995, here is a list of some "music" related newsgroups: rec.music.cd rec.music.christian rec.music.classical rec.music.classical.performing rec.music.compose rec.music.info rec.music.makers rec.music.makers.bands rec.music.makers.marketplace rec.music.makers.percussion rec.music.makers.french-horn rec.music.makers.trumpet rec.music.marketplace rec.music.misc rec.music.movies rec.music.reviews rec.music.video Please note: These are just a few of the groups that are available. There are also mailing lists available for other instruments. As we find out about them, they will be added to the list. The canonical USENET list of musical mailing lists can be obtained by any of the following methods: via finger [email protected] by sending email to [email protected]; no special commands are required; via anonymous FTP at: ftp://server.berkeley.edu/pub/misc/lomml ftp://ftp.uwp.edu/pub/music/misc/mail.lists.music

on the World Wide Web (WWW) in plaintext at: http://www.shadow.net/~mwaas/lomml.html list maintained by Mitchel Waas, [email protected] --------------Return to Index --------------9. Is there a horn newsgroup? A recent CFD/CFV for the group rec.music.makers.french-horn was submitted and passed by C. J. Liotta. While I personally find the name of the group anaethema, it has passed according to all the guidelines and the group has been propogated. It is unclear at this point if the newsgroup and the mailing list will ever be tied together; the amount of traffic on the newgroup is perhaps 10-20% that of the mailing list. --------------Return to Index --------------10. How do I get to the newsgroup? It's really beyond the scope of this document to tell you how to get the newsgroup, because there are so many different systems. If you are using a newsreader such as rn, trn, etc, you can subscribe by entering the command, "grec.music.makers.french-horn". If you are on AOL, you will have to use the "Expert Add" command under "Newsgroups", and just enter "rec.music.makers.french-horn" at the prompt. Other news browsers should have similar mechanisms. If, after entering the correct subscription command, *and* the correct newsgroup name, you get a message stating something like "no such newsgroup", talk the the people responsible for administering your system about manually adding the group. Some sites do not automatically add all newsgroups, even ones validly created such as r.m.m.f-h. --------------Return to Index --------------11. What are the names/addresses of horn manufacturers? If you are thinking about buying a new horn, and are unsure where to start, you may want to look at "So, you want to buy a new horn?", a somewhat irreverent but hopefully useful compendium on information on the topic. Horn Manufacturers & Representatives within the US [Mark] Atkinson Music (custom made horns) 2155 Verdugo Blvd, Suite 118 Montrose, CA 91020 +1 818 547-0976 Finke of North America (also "TuneUp") 14232 Marsh Lane, Suite 126 Dallas, TX 75234

Conn United Musical Instruments USA, Inc. (8D, 10D) 1000 Industrial Parkway Elkhart, IN 56516 1 800 759-2666 (Customer Service - US/Canada) +1 219 295-0079 Karl Hill (Kortesmaki Horn Shop - custom horns) 1474 Calvin S.E. Grand Rapids, MI 49507

phone/fax: (804) 741-6852

+1 616 247-1475 Lark In The Morning (Alphorns) PO Box 1176 Mendocino, CA 95460 USA LarkInfo: +1 707 964-3762 Mail Order: +1 707 964-5569 Fax: +1 707 964-1979 email: [email protected] homepage: http://www.mhs.mendocino.k12.ca.us/MenComNet/Business/Retail/Larknet/larkhp.html "The Alphorn is a long horn. made of hardwood and covered in birch bark, so long that the bell rests on the ground when played." Lawson Brass Instruments, Inc. (Custom horns) 21023 Keadle Road P.O. Box 38 Boonsboro, MD 21713 +1 301 733-6393 S. W. Lewis Orchestral Horns 1770 Berteau Ave Chicago IL 60613 +1 (312) 348-1112 Richard M. Seraphinoff Historical Instrument Maker (natural horns) 9245 East Woodview Drive Bloomington, IN 47401-9143 +1 812 333-0167 FAX: +1 812 337-0118

Leblanc-Holton (MerkerMatic, Farkas, Super Farkas, Tuckwell) G. Leblanc Corp. 7001 Leblanc Blvd Kenosha, WI 53141-1415 800-558-9421 (US/Canada) +1 414-658-1644 (International) +1 414-658-2824 (Fax) Rauch Natural Horns Daniel Rauch, Horn Maker c/o McCoy's Horn Library 3204 West 44th Street Minneapolis, MN 55410 +1 612 927-6021 [see also the entry for Rauch Horns, Norway] Yamaha Musical Products P.O. Box 899 Grand Rapids, MI 49512 +1 616 940-4900 home page: http://www.yamaha.com/ [NB - I'd love to have some non-US addresses for Yamaha, too]

Horn Manufacturers & Representatives outside the US Gebr. Alexander Bahnhofstrasse 9 D-55116 Mainz GERMANY phone: +49 6131 288080 fax : +49 6131 224248 Engelbert Schmid GmbH Kohlstattstrasse 8 D-87757 Kirchheim-Tiefenried GERMANY phone: +49 8266 1579 Knopf Bismarckstrasse 12 D-08258 Markneukirchen GERMANY

Keith Berg (custom-made horns; SF Symphony uses extensively) General Delivery Dunster, B.C. V0J 1J0 CANADA phone: +1 604 968 4463 Finke GmbH & Co Metallblasinstrumentenbau Postfach 2006 Industriestrasse 7 D-4973 Vlotho-Exter GERMANY Telefon: 0 52 28/3 23 Manfred Moennig (custom horns; used in Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra) Fabrik Walter Moennig Ludwig-Jahn-Strasse 280

phone: +49 37422 2471

Dieter Otto Teisinger Berg 15 84494 Neumarkt Sankt Veit GERMANY Phone: +49 8639 1564

Rauch Horns PROF. KOHTS VEI 77 1320 STABEKK - NORWAY Phone: +47 67121199 Telefax: +47 67121599

9659 Markneukirchen GERMANY Phone: +49 37422-2595 Paxman Musical Instruments, Ltd. Unit B4, Linton House, 164-180 Union Street London SE1 0LH ENGLAND FAX 0171 620 1688 Workshop 0171 620 1990 0171 620 2077 0171 240 3642 Rocky Mountain Alphorns 1629 Broadview Rd., NW Calgary, Alberta T2N 3H2 CANADA phone: +1 (403) 283-4468

12. What are the names/addresses of horn dealers and suppliers? There are many fine local music stores which can give you the chance to try out horns, and it is not the intent of this item to direct you away from those. However, for a major purchase such as a horn (which can easily exceed US $5000), mail order shops may give you a substantial discount, since at least taxes are not usually payable from them. You may want to consider them for this reason. Some of these include: Horn dealers/suppliers within the U.S. Altieri +1 303-291-0658

Greg Black Phone: +1 718 897-6544

Horn gig bags, etc.

Maker of mouthpieces; has all original Giardinelli models available.

Brass Arts Unlimited (used Alexanders, Conns; "Canadian Brass" instruments) 401 Mace Avenue Baltimore MD 22121 USA +1 410 686-6108 FAX: +1 410 686-5144

Brasswinds 19880 State Line Road South Bend, IN 46637 1-800-348-5003 fax: +1 219 277-2542

Steve Dillon Music (classic used/new brass instruments) 325 Fulton Street Woodbridge, NJ 07095 +1 908 634-3399/+1 908 634-4932 email [email protected]

Giardinelli 7845 Maltlage Drive Liverpool, NY 13090 USA 1 800 288 2334 (US) +1 315 652 4792 http://www.giardinelli.com/

Tom Greer (Moosewood mouthpieces) Moosewood Hornists' Requisites PO Box 27333

Horn Accessories International (hard gig bags &c) c/o Joel Pereira

Phoenix, AZ 85061-7333 +1 602 843-9714 e-mail: [email protected] International Musical Suppliers 105 West Prospect Avenue Mount Prospect, IL 60056 1 800 762-1116 +1 708 870-1112 Fax: +1 708 870 1767 Email: [email protected] Ken Pope (used German horns, e.g. Schmidts, Geyers, Kruspes, Alexes) +1 617 522-0532 email [email protected]

336 S. Dale Ave Arlington Heights Il 60004 Vox Mail (708) 604-0530

Osmun Music 5 Forest Street Arlingtion, MA 02146 +1 617-646-5756 1 800 223 7846 email: [email protected] home page: http://www.osmun.com

Reunion Blues (gig bads & accessories) http://www.reunionblues.com Stork Custom Mouthpieces Rt. 2 Box 1818 Maple Hill Road Plainfield, VT 05667 +1 802 454-1004 email: [email protected] home page: http://plainfield.bypass.com/bypass/users/stork

Darin Sorley (mutes) 656 E. Pearl St. Greenwood, IN 46143 +1 (317) 885-1103

TrumCor (mutes) 3456 Mockingbird Lane Dallas, TX 75205 Phone:+1 214 521-0634 Fax: +1 214 521-1174

Ward's Mutes 2476 Bolsover St. #548 Houston, TX 77005-2518 +1 (713) 668-0836 home page: http://www.dxs.com/wardmutes/

Wichita Band Instruments Company 2525 E. Douglas Wichita, KS 67211 1 800 835 3006 (US/Canada) +1 316 684 0291 (International) http://www.wichitaband.com/ Horn dealers/suppliers outside the U.S.

William Hopson (Alphorn Maker) 1629 Broadview Rd. N.W. Calgary, Alberta Canada T2N 3H2 +1 403 283-4468

Bernhard Schmidt Zimmerstrasse 4 9659 Markneukirchen GERMANY Phone: +49 37422-2178 Manufacturer of horn mouthpieces, esp. German mfrd horns - Moenning, Hoyer, Kruspe, Schmidt, Alexander - and US and Yamaha horns in the Geyer and Schmidt styles.

Tapestry Music home page: http://domar.bc.ca/tapestry.html Online brass catalog.

Bob Tucci Horn and Tuba Center Hauptstr. 17-19 D-82223 Eichenau GERMANY email: [email protected]

Additionally, some manufacturers will let you tour their plant and try out whatever's currently in stock if you are seriously considering a purchase. [NB - I will try to secure non toll-free numbers for those of you who cannot take advantage of them] --------------Return to Index --------------13. What are the names/addresses of horn ensemble music suppliers? Purveyors of horn ensemble music in the US include: Southern Music Co. PO Box 329 San Antonio, TX 78292-0329 Pubs USA arrangements) 1 800 284 5443 Home page: 21093 http://www.southernmusic.com

Margun Music 167 Dudley Rd. Newton Centre, MASS, 02159 +1 617-332-6398

Baltimore Horn Club (Leigh Martinet 7 Chapel Court Timonium, MD

Thompson Editions, Inc. 231 Plantation Road Roch Hill, SC 29732-9441 USA +1 803 366-4446 [fax/tele] The Hornist's Nest Box 253 Avenue Buffalo, NY 14226-0253 USA [email protected]

Service Spindrift Music Company 38 Dexter Road Lexington MA 02173 USA 3591 +1 617 862-0884 9600

Calle Priorat, 4 E-08328 Alella (Barcelona) Spain (34) (3) 540-2721

TBQ Press 2308 Don Andres Talahassee FL 32304 email:

[fax/tele] email: [email protected] email: [email protected] Sheet Music Robert King Music Sales, Inc. 140 Main Street

of Portland 34 N.W. 8th Ave. Portland, OR 97209-

North Easton, MA 02356 USA

FAX: +1 503-222-

FAX: +1 508 238 2571

Phone: +1 503-222-

9607 Toll Free: 1-800-

452-1133 Theodore Presser Co. Composer 1 Presser Place Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-3490 horn/soprano/piano) PH: (610) 525-3636 FAX: (610) 527-7841 Jim Erwin (Mozart #1 and #3, with Library Mozart-style piano *stuff*) accompianiment) Street P.O. Box 551442 55410 Dallas, TX 75355

Onondaga Music

Simon Sargon,

412 South Clinton Street Syracuse, NY 13202

(incl work for

Tel: (800) 666-1665 Fax: (315) 422-2334

8500 Hillcrest Dallas, TX 75225 +1 214 526 8084 McCoy's Horn

Emerson Horn Editions

(also Alphorn

P.O. Box 101466

3204 West 44th

Denver, CO 80250

Minneapolis, MN +1 612 927-6021 Trombacor Music 5448 N. Tyler

Timber Ridge Music


779 Old House Road


Arcadia, Ca 91006-

Pasadena, MD 21122 email: [email protected] [email protected]


+1 818 448-1773

home page: http://www.flash.net/~t


International purveyors of horn music include: Canadian Music Centre es in music by Thunderlip Canadians) 23 Benlamond Chalmers House Ave. Joseph Street Toronto Toronto, ON Ontario M4E M4Y 1J9 1Y8 CANADA CANADA 961 6601 416 961 7198 page:


Ward Music

20 St.

412 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC, CANADA V6B 1L3 +1 (604) 682-5288 +1 416 FAX: +1 Home

http://www.ff a.ucalgary.ca/cmc June Emerson (Wind Music) American Horn Quartet Ampleforth, N Studio Music Company (Music, CDs of the AHQ) Yorkshire 77-79 Dudden Hill Lane Schulstrasse 3 Y06 4HF London NW10 1BD Oberdrees ENGLAND ENGLAND 53359 Rheinbach Fax: +44 1439 GERMANY 788715 +49 2226-7302 Phoenix Music Publications (Kerry Turner/AHQ, and others) Hanz Pizka Edition Jacob Postfach 1136 B. Schott's Soehne Obrechtstraat D-85541 Kircheim Weihergarten 5 23 GERMANY D55116 Mainz 7512 DG Fax: (49) (89) 903-9414 GERMANY Enschede email, or to obtain catalogue: phone: (06131) 2460 THE [email protected] fax: (496131) 246250 NETHERLANDS home page: phone: +31 53 http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/PizkaHans/ 432.38.64 fax : +31 53 430.92.12 Alphonse Leduc Editions Green Bay Music Musicales, 28 Dolbear Street Green Bay, Auckland 1007, NEW ZEALAND 175, Rue http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Green_Bay_Music Saint-Honore' email: [email protected] (David Woodcock) Paris FRANCE phone: +64 9 817 3295 fax: +64 9 849 4642 [many more...email them to me and I'll include them here] See also the WWW entry for the Norwegian Music Information Centre. --------------Return to Index --------------14. What music is available for horn ensemble? You name it, someone's likely to have transcribed it. The key is to find it... the above can usually send you a catalog.

In addition, it's often pretty easy to transcribe music written for brass ensemble to horn ensemble; of course, you should contact the copyright owner of the brass ensemble arrangement for legal specifics. --------------Return to Index --------------15. What horn ensembles are out there? Contact info? New England Horn Society c/o Marilyn Bone Kloss 1 Concord Greene Unit 8 Concord MA 01742-3124 Tel: +1 508-369-0011 (home) Fax: +1 508-369-0013 (work) email: [email protected] (work) Publishes Cornucopia newsletter and holds meetings a few times a year in the Boston area ([email protected]) Cornucopia is available via the Osmun Brass home page .. http://www.osmun.com/. Look under "What's New" for the latest article. [editor's note: the newsletter is *very* nicely done, indeed.] --------------------------------------------------------------------Austin Horn Ensemble c/o Thomas Pavlechko, Music Director St. Martin's Lutheran Church 606 W 15th St Austin, TX 78701 Tel: +1 512-476-6757 email: [email protected] home page: http://www.io.com/~rboerger/AHE.html Rehearsals weekly, performances several times yearly in the Austin TX area, yearly recital --------------------------------------------------------------------Horn Club of Central Kentucky 8030 Elklick Falls Road Lexington, KY 40515 USA +1 606 263-9849 --------------------------------------------------------------------Baltimore Horn Club 7 Chapel Court Timonium, MD 21093 USA --------------------------------------------------------------------Maryland Horn Club University of Maryland email: [email protected] (Kathleen L. Long)

Rehearses Saturdays during the semester at the UM Band Hall. Concerts yearly for retirement homes, and on campus --------------------------------------------------------------------Los Angeles Horn Club, c/o James Decker University of Southern California Music Department Los Angeles, CA 90089-0851 home page: http://www.usc.edu/dept/LAhorn The Los Angeles Horn Club comprises many of the professional hornists working in film studios on the West Coast. The home page contains a photo of the group, work opportunities, the Los Angeles Horn Club Library, and info about the International Video Audition Service. A text catalog is available. Also available is the "Master Series for Horn", which includes a 120 page book, a two hour video, excerpts of over 60 common audition requests, and an audio cassette. --------------------------------------------------------------------Kammercor Horn Quartet Moravian College, PA Contact: Nancy A. Krause, [email protected] Home Page: http://www.io.com/~rboerger/kammercor.html --------------------------------------------------------------------Spokane Horn Club, c/o Carl Bangs N. 33208 Shanna Drive Chattaroy, WA 99003 The Spokane Horn Club has been in existence since about 1974 and has between

Phil Lake

20 and 30 adult professionals. ommunity events various kinds.

members We meet ranging We have

varying in ability from amateur to experienced monthly and perform frequently at a variety of from Oktoberfest to Christmas and MPTF gigs of sponsored work-shops including one in 1991 with

Farkas, and have an annual weekend camp-out during the summer at South Skookum in a national forest north of Spokane. --------------------------------------------------------------------Northwest Horn Society c/o Kathleen Vaught Farmer, Professor of Horn Pacific Lutheran University Tacoma WA 98447-0003 email: [email protected] phone: (206) 535-7607 The Northwest Horn Society exists to promote the horn and horn playing in the Northwest region of North America. The Northwest Horn Society encourages concurrent membership in the International Horn Society.

Membership in the NWHS is open to any interested individual or institution at the following yearly rates: Adult $15. IHS member $7.50, Student $5.

--------------------------------------------------------------------Norwegian Horn Club Box 179, Sentrum N-0102 Oslo NORWAY The club has about 220 members. for more info, contact: [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------Nederlands Hoornisten Genootschap [Dutch Horn Society] Po-Box 294 1000 AG Amsterdam THE NETHERLANDS Publishes a magazine, "Uijlenspieghel". Both professional and amateur hornists are welcome. --------------------------------------------------------------------The American Horn Quartet is perhaps the best-known touring, professional Horn ensemble. You can get more information about the

group by following the link. Trivia fact: Your FAQ maintainer was a contemporary of AHQ's Kerry Turner when both were growing up in San Antonio, Texas. --------------------------------------------------------------------[...] --------------Return to Index ---------------

16. Where can I get my horn repaired? Oh, boy. Is THIS a loaded question, or what? We'll, let's give it a shot .. Most horn players should be be able to perform basic maintenance on their instruments. This would include such things as cleaning the instrument, oiling valves, restringing valves, changing spit valve corks, and so forth. Local music shops should be able to assist with these items, and your fellow hornists are usually more than glad to help as well. For more major repairs (overhauls, dent removal, etc.) you probably want to take your instrument to a known reputable repair shop, as improper repairs can severely damage the instrument, sometimes irrevocably. If you are fortunate enough to have a "custom" horn, you may want to either send the instrument back to the manufacturer, or ask the manufacturer for a referral. Many of the more skilled repair shops listed below will have some degrees of familiarities with many makes of horns - you might ask them if they've ever worked on an Alexander, for example. As everything else in the FAQ, these listings have been provided by your fellow musicians and are provided without any warranties, express, implied, or otherwise.

Many thanks to Carol Schurr for suggesting this section. Dick Ackright Best Instrument Repair ? 14th Street Oakland, CA William Kendall (Lawson's repair person) Baltimore, MD David Kratz (USArmy Bandsman and repairperson) 709 S. Adams Street Arlington, VA 22204-2114 +1 703 521-4588 Centex Band Repair 800-A Brandi Lane Round Rock, TX 78681 +1 512 388-7415 Ken Pope Pope Instrument Repair 80 Wenham St. Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 +1 617 522-0532 email [email protected] Osmun Music 5 Forest Street Arlingtion, MA 02146 +1 617-646-5756 1 800 223 7846 email: [email protected] home page: http://www.osmun.com" The Brass & Woodwind Shop, Inc. 519 Carothers Ave. Carnegie, PA 15106 +1 412-276-6899 Robb Stewart Brass Repair 140 E. Santa Clara #18 Arcadia, CA +1 818 447-1904 Sarah Strickland Strickland's Instruments & Repair 5570 Hidden Harbor Landing Gainseville, GA 30504 [Atlanta area] +1 770 536-7105 Ron Partch Band Instrument Services 6 Magnolia Avenue Scarborough, Ontario Canada M1K 3K1 +1 416 261-2230

Groenemans Dirk Heziuslaan 8 5591 AB Heeze The Netherlands phone: +31 40 22.64.287 Brass Specialisten Lars Gerdt Brass Specialisten Lars Gerdt Wallingatan 33 S-111 24 Stockholm Sweden tel: +46-8-411 62 62 fax: +46-8-411 62 63 --------------Return to Index --------------17. How can I improve my: * * * *

range: Practice. endurance: Practice lots. tone quality: ?? technique: Practice lots of hard stuff. :-)

At one point, I was soliciting suggestions for this section, but it's now my opinion that you should find a horn instructor to work with you on these items. Each player is different, and it's rare that any pat advice will work for all people. A teacher can listen to your current playing, evaluate it for strengths and weaknesses, and make suggestions based on their training and experience. As I am just a player "at" the instrument, rather than a student/teacher of it, I'm not qualified to offer real advice here. In any case, young students may find this fingering chart useful. Also, Robin Moffatt's Horn Mailing List Archive has a number of suggestions on improving your playing ability. --------------Return to Index --------------18. How do I find out about * a. full-time positions with symphonies, etc. * b. part-time or "one-shot" gigs [Image] ClassicWeb Horn Jobs contains a detailed list, with links, of horn positions. It seems to be primarily non-US, but that may just be all they had when I visited. [Image] Another good site containing many links to general music jobs is that of Indiana University's "Worldwide Internet Music Resources" Music Jobs page. You can find all sorts of positions through the links listed here. A net-accessible site containing music jobs (and others) within US colleges is located at gopher://chronicle.merit.edu/aa/.ads. Note this is a gopher site. Other sites containing music-related employment information include Jobs, Jobs, Jobs and Employment Searches. Eric W. Nicklas, maintainer)

A general employment web page can be found at http://www-marine.wr.usgs.gov:80/docs/jobs.html. There are many employment links of all sorts from here. The American Federation of Musicians monthly newsletter, International Musician, usually has many professional US horn positions posted in it. Union members get it as part of their benefits package. For more information, write: American Federation of Musicians 1501 Broadway New York, NY 10036 USA Subscriptions for non-AFM members are US$20, CDN$25, and US$30 for all other "foreign". One-shots are largely a function of (a) how well you play, (b) how available you are, often on short notice, and (c) who you know. Churches are a starting point as they always seem to need brass players on short notice, and often are willing/able to pay for non-members to come in and play. Don't underemphasize the importance of networking with your fellow musicians. There are sometimes musicians' bulletin boards (computer or real) in larger communities where the arts are active, and you may be able to find audition information in some cities' newspapers. If you are a AFM union member, they will probably be able to assist as well - that's their job, after all! The AFM has a BBS at 1-800-408-1330 [+1 212-768-2525]; speeds up to 28.8kbps, enter "new" for userID. Currently this BBS is only available to AFM members. Be forewarned; this is a Pentium/90 system ;-) --------------Return to Index --------------19. Single vs. Double (vs. Triple) horns Most of the following four sections were inspired by a question from Karen Comer. Most modern horns are known as "double" horns - not because there are two of them, but because they are equipped with a "trigger" valve (usually at the thumb) which changes the pitch of the instrument from F to Bb. In actuality, most horn players merely learn alternate fingerings for the "Bb side" and continue to read parts in F, without realizing that what they are actually doing is a rather difficult transposition! The Bb instrument allows more security in the upper register, and most teachers of the horn recommend playing on the Bb side on all notes above 2nd line G. The trigger also allows the seven lowest notes, C to F below the bass clef staff (new notation), to be played, if the hornist has developed that register. [Note - these are pitches "as written" in F, not concert pitches]. The standard double horn is a "full" double, meaning that there are two complete paths for air to flow, including separate tubing for the three normal valves. Older "compensating" doubles share paths through the three valves and are much more difficult to tune and generally play. A couple of horn manufacturers even make "triple" horns, with two thumb valves to chose

between the keys of F and Bb, found in a double, and F alto, found in descant horns (c.f.). Such horns are quite heavy and are rarely used today. --------------Return to Index --------------20. Descant horns A descant horn is a smaller horn (a smaller diameter, and shorter length), usually pitched in F alto, that has a brighter sound and which facilitate playing in the upper register, much as a piccolo trumpet compared to normal trumpets. These are not commonly used, but do see occasional use in woodwind ensembles and wherever sustained very high playing is called for. Triple horns incorporate a F alto side, and many descant horns include a "stopping valve" to ease playing of gestopft notes. Most descants are double horns, with Bb being the second pitch.. Christopher Stratton ([email protected]) adds: "'Descant horn' generally refers to any horn shorter than 8.5 foot Bb, typically the 6 or so foot 'high F' horn. Much as the Bb side of a double adds security in the high range, going another step to a high F horn makes very high parts just a bit less treacherous. It seems these instruments are often used for the extremely high parts sometimes found in baroque or goofy modern literature. Actually, that 'any horn shorter than Bb' statement is a bit misleading, because many modern descant horns are Bb/high F doubles. Some 1st horn players (those who would never use the F side of a traditional double anyway) prefer Bb/high F descants for all-around use. I believe Michael Thompson plays one as well. Some people with durable biceps opt for the 'swiss army knife' of horns, the F/Bb/high F triple, since it lets them feel prepared to face just about anything someone may toss in front of them." --------------Return to Index --------------21. Natural horns This section inspired by email from Bob Goodman. "Natural" horns are horns with no valves. The notes the horn can play are restricted by the harmonics corresponding to the key the instrument is in, modified by "stopping" the horn as well as those produced by the "hand mute" technique; said techniques allow the production of notes that are on half step higher and lower, respectively. Until the 1800s, almost all horns were of the valveless variety. The horn player of that era had to be a master of stopping and hand muting, and could produce notes outside the normal harmonic range by changing the key of the instrument. This was done by changing "crooks" - basically, a slide attachment that added or subtracted length from the instrument. This is one reason for the multitude of keys that modern horn players have to contend with - composers would mark sections for "horn in D" when those notes were called for, "horn in G" when a moderation from D to G might occur, etc.

Natural horns still see some use today, mostly in academic surroundings and at conferences. "Villanelle", by Paul Dukas, is probably the most well-known modern work composed for natural horn. A seminal work for the study and performance of the natural horn is: Method for Cor Alto and Cor Basse, by Louis-Francois Duprat Edited by Viola Roth ISBN 0-929309-02 (English translation; 500pp) Birdalone Music 508 North College Ave, Ste. 333 Bloomington, IN 47404-3831 USA phone: +1 (812) 333-0167 fax: +1 (812) 337-0118 --------------Return to Index --------------22. Geyer vs Kruspe wrap There is no "standard" horn design, but two major designers who have influenced modern horn design are Geyer and Kruspe. The Geyer design puts the fourth ("trigger") valve away from the player on the far side of the valve stack. The Kruspe design, which is favored by more manufacturers, places the trigger closest to the player, and may have more tuning options than a Geyer wrap. Other than the tuning differences, each type of wrap has its proponents, advantages, and disadvantages, which often relate more to the individuals' playing style as much as anything else. --------------Return to Index --------------23. How old is my horn? Often, the only way to tell the age of a horn is by checking it's serial number against a manufacturer's list. These are a bit long to put in the faq, but I will put links to html pages with the info here. http://www.io.com/~rboerger/bach.html Bach http://www.io.com/~rboerger/besson.html Besson http://www.io.com/~rboerger/boosey.html Boosey & Hawkes http://www.io.com/~rboerger/conns.html Conn [updated 26 Sep 96; how to find Texas horns] http://www.io.com/~rboerger/holton.html Holton http://www.io.com/~rboerger/king.html King/Cleveland An ftp site with many serial number lists is at: ftp://geomag.gly.fsu.edu/pub/brass. Please email any additional lists you may have to me. --------------Return to Index --------------24. Are there any "WWW" sites for the horn?

Robin Moffatt has created an web archive of topical, timely discussions from the horn mailing list. In an ideal world, they'd be in this FAQ, ;-) but Robin is doing a fine job of preserving the flow of the original conversations, rather than turning things into a dry compendium of topics such as you see here. Have a look, and for God's sake, read what is said about the Vienna Philharmonic before rehashing it on the list for the 50th time! The Norwegian Music Information Centre contains catalogues of Norwegian contemporary sheet music, including horn solo and ensemble music. Robert Ward, of the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra, is working on his home page, including a work-in-progress, "The Horn Warm Up Book". Sharon Zurflieh has set up a site with MIDI-based accompaniments of horn solos. These are great to practise to when you don't have an accompianist handy, plus with most MIDI software, you can vary the tempo, etc. to your own tastes.. Harlan Feinstein's home page includes such fun things as information about jazz horn players. The Music Publishers' Association of the United States web site may be of interest to horn players. It includes a listing of officers, MPA Sales Agency List, a copyright reshourse center, and more. [Image] Speaking of jazz horn players, see John Clark's Hidden Meaning Music site for an example of someone who is very successful as a hornist in this field. Dennis Brain lovers probably want to check out Ivan Wong's Dennis Brain Homepage and the Dennis Brain Discography. Mary Keezer sent out a survey to the amateur hornists on the list and has compiled some of the replies to the questions. The responses give quite a bit of insight into why amateurs continue to play; see Stories from an Amateur Hornist Survey for more. Prof. Thomas Bacon's Thomas Bacon Horn Page is extremely well-done and offers a wealth of information to both the amateur and professional hornist. THE web site for the Horn, it includes Prof. Bacon's study guide, audio clips, and more. Well-known European hornist Hanz Pizka offers a someone different take on things from his home page. You'll find information from his publishing firm, pictures of Wiener horns (the unique piston F horns that they use over there), advice to young players, and more. Note that Herr Piska "states it as he sees it" :-) Eric Pingel's class project on the horn is an interesting and well-designed introduction to the instrument, although you'll need a frame-capable browser to view it. Eric's site combines other net resources with original content of his own to present a visually pleasing reference to the instrument. There's even a final exam so that you can see what you learned. [Image] Christopher Cornette's Horn Pages are a new and welcome addition to the family of horn pages. An incredibly comprehensive collection of horn

links is just the starting point on this site, which includes a weekly MIDI clip (and substantial ones at that), links to the Northwest Horn Society, CMU Horn Club Online, the 560th ANG Band, a bio, and more. He even rates the sites (giving this FAQ a generous **** rating; I'm not so sure). Well worth an afternoon or evening's visit, but be prepared to spend some time here. The British Horn Society Home Page is of interest to more than UK hornists. Included here is Horn News, information on BHS publications, and more. The Swedish Horn Society Home Page looks to be of interest to those versed in Swedish. There appear to be links, stories on the horn, performance tips, book reviews, and more. I wish I could read the pages! The Historic Brass Society World Wide Web Site is a must for anyone interested in the history of their instrument. I've given up on Windplayer magazine ever adding horn to their site. Over a year now, same five "popular" instruments they've always had. OK, guys, try playing "Star Wars" with just flute, clarinet, sax, trumpet, and trombone. The FAQ author's home page will have links to WWW horn sites as time permits and as info comes in. Point to http://www.io.com/~rboerger for more. [there is a pointer to this FAQ off this page] Again, if you know of any horn sites that you'd like to have listed here, send me a note. --------------Return to Index --------------25. What are some pieces with great horn parts? Thanks to David Goldklang for compiling the following list, which arose from a thread started by K. T. Franson. * Solos to Die for: o Adams - Short Ride in a Fast Machine o Beethoven - 7th Symphony o Beethoven - 5th Symphony o Beethoven - 9th Symphony (4th horn) o Beethoven - 6th Symphony o Beethoven - 8th Symphony o Berg - Three pieces for Orchestra o Bernstein - Symphonic Dances - West Side Story o Bernstein - Overture to Candide o Brahms - 1st Symphony o Brahms - 2nd Symphony o Brahms - 2nd Symphony o Brahms - 4th Symphony o Brahms - Piano Concerto No. 2 o Brahms - Academic Festival Overture (3rd horn) o Brahms - Serenade #1 o Britten - Sinfonia da Requiem o Britten - Serenade for Tenor, Horn, and Strings o Bruckner - 4th Symphony (the "Romantic") o Bruckner - 7th Symphony o Bruckner - 8th Symphony o Dvorak - 1st Symphony

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

Dvorak - 8th Symphony Dvorak - 9th Symphony Dukas - Sorceror's Apprentice Franck - Symphony in D minor Gliere - 2nd Symphony Gliere - Red Poppy Suite Goldsmith, Jerry - Star Trek series music Haendel - Giulio Caesar (Aria) Handel - Music for the Royal Fireworks Hanson - 2nd Symphony Haydn - "Horn Signal" Symphony (no. 31) Holst - Planets Janacek - Sinfonietta and Rhapsody Tarus Bulba Kamen, Michael - Robin Hood Overture Kodaly - Hary-Janos Suite Mahler - Symphony #1 Mahler - 5th Symphony Mahler - Das Lied von der Erde Mozart - Symphony in G-minor Mozart - Horn Symphonies [d'oh!] Mendelsohn - A Midsummer Night's Dream (nocturne) Prokofiev - Peter and the Wolf Prokofiev - Romeo and Juliet Prokofiev - 5th Symphony Ravel - Pavane for a Dead Princess Ravel - Piano Concerto Rouse - 1st Symphony Schubert - Unfinished Shostakovich - Cello Concerto #1 (1st mvmt) Shostakovich - Symphony #11 Sibelius - 5th Symphony Smith, C. - Festival Variations Strauss, F. - Nocturno Op. 7 Strauss, R. - Alpine Symphony Strauss, R. - Andante op.posth. Strauss, R. - Don Juan Strauss, R. - the ending of "September", from "Four Last Songs" Strauss, R. - Heldenleben Strauss, R. - Sinfonia Domestica Strauss, R. - Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks Stravinsky - Firebird Suite Stravinsky - The Rite of Spring Tschaikovsky - Symphony #5 Tschaikovsky - 1812 Overture Vaughn-Williams - 2nd Symphony ("London") Wagner, R. - Lohengrin Prelude 3rd Act Wagner, R. - Tristan & Isolde Prelude Wagner, R. - Flying Dutchman Ouverture Wagner, R. - Rite of Vakyries (3rd Act Valkyrie) Wagner, R. - Siegfried's death & Funeral March Wagner, R. - Siegfried Call (Long Call & Shorall) Wagner, R. - Rhine Journey Wagner, R. - Siegfried Introduction 3rd Act (Tuben) Weber - Overture from "Der Freischuetz" Weber - Overture to Oberon William Grant Steele - African American Symphony Williams - Star Wars theme Williams - Indiana Jones theme

* Solis to Die for: o Bach- Brandenburgh #1 o Beethoven - 3rd Symphony o Copland - Fanfare for the Common Man o Curnow - Where Never Lark or Eagle Flew o Fucik - Entry of the Gladiators o Handel - Water Music o Hindemith - Symphonic Metamorphosis o Humperdinck - Prelude to Hansel and Gretel o Jenkins - American Overture for Band o Mahler - Symphony #1, 1st movement o Rossini - "Semiramide" Overture o Schumann, R.- Konzertstuck o Shostakovich - 5th Symphony o Shostakovich - 10th Symphony o Smith, C. - Festival Variations o Tschaikovsky - 1812 Overture o Tschaikovsky - 4th Symphony o Weber - "Freischutz" Overture o Williams - Cowboys Overture As always, if your favourite is not here, send me an email. :-) --------------Return to Index --------------26. What are some summer horn camps and festivals? Although I can't remember whose idea this thread was, A. M. Lorraine Fader collected all the replies, for which I thank her most greatfully. Unfortunately, much of the information is anecdotal in nature, and there are not a whole lot of names and addresses to go along with the camp names. If you have more information about any of these, please email me with the details. Note: The following is an html table, which requires a table-aware browser such as Netscape 1.1+. Camp Name



, sackbutts,

etc.; Playing sessions, lectures, round-table

discussion, 13th Annual Early Brass Festival [Image]



Comments/mailing addr Historic brass, e.g. alphorns, natural horns

Aug 2 - 4 1997 Amherst, MA

much more (see web site) The Historic Brass Society Editorial Office Jeffrey Nussbaum, President, HBS 148 West 23rd Street #2A New York, NY 10011 USA Tel/FAX +1 (212) 627-3820 http://www.webcom.com/~music/guide/society/hb email: [email protected] Concert, Marching, Jazz (high school) Collegiate Division Mallory Thompson, Richard Miles, Marguerite (Concert)

Bands of America

Jun 23-28 1997

Normal, Il


Blue Lake Bowdoin College

brass choir,

Doug Beach, Denis Dibiaso, et al (Jazz) Bands of America, Inc. P.O. Box 665 Arlington Heights, IL 60006 http://www.bands.org/events/camp/sy1.html [email protected] phone: +1 800 848 2263 fax: +1 847 956 8370

Jun Twin Lake MI 25-Aug 18

Beginner to High School level

Featured: Rick Todd. Application: late Bowdoin Summer Music Festival Jun-Aug Brunswick, ME Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME 0411x (207) 725-3322 Joseph Myer and Kurt Snyder, horn faculty; horn class, small ensembles, private lessons,


Jazz band/classes, adult (18) only Jo Scott, Director Fairbanks AK Fairbanks Summer Arts Festival PO Box 80845 Fairbanks AK 99708 Tel: 907-479-6778 62nd year, middle, high school camp Stephen Collins Foster Music Camp Dr. Robert Hartwell, Director Eastern Kentucky University Stephen June Eastern College of Arts & Humanities Collins 8-27, Kentucky Department of Music Foster 1997 Univ. Foster 101 Richmond, Kentucky 40475-3116 606-622-3161 | 606-622-1428 FAX email: [email protected] Home Page: http://www.arh.eku.edu/mus/fosweb.htm Great Lakes ? ? ? Limited to 10 per instrument, audition necessary (tapes by Apr 1); fellowships available for $450 fee and $200 Room/Meals fee; Featured: Randy Gardner; Audition Harmony material: Mozart #4, mvmt 1, plus a selection of your Ridge Brass July 8-14 Poultney, VT choice; more info: Festival Harmony Ridge Brass Center C/O New Song Productions 80 Brookside Terrace North Haledon, NJ 070508 email: [email protected] 16th annual, Horn-only camp, Featured: Terry Roberts, Steve Duurninand, Steve Gross Hornswoggle Fairbanks Summer Arts

21 Jul-4 Aug


May 31-Jun 2

23rd annual, Humboldt deadline April 28; State Brass Chamber Jul Music 28-Aug 2 Workshop

Interlochen Arts Camp page:


Jemez Springs, MN

104 Hummingbird Lane Jamez Springs, NM 87025 505/829-3060 email: [email protected] "good high school" to professional level, $360 or so, ages 16-80's, application

Arcata, CA


for more info: Fred Thomas, Music Department Humboldt State University Arcata, CA 95521 707/822-7917 email: [email protected] Since 1928; kids 8-18 "Info Weekend" April 19, 20 Interlochen Center for the Arts P. O. Box 199 Interlochen, MI 49643 Phone: (616) 276-7472 Email: [email protected] Home http://www.traverse.com/educ/ica/icahome.html 2nd annual, Horn-only camp, adult Featured: Canadian Brass' David Ohanian

[sp?], Kendall Kendall Betts Betts Horn Jun 23-30 Littleton, Cost: ~ $525 .. a few spots left. Contact: Camp New Hampshire Genie Epperson, KBHC Administrative Assistant 21 Village at Maplewood Bethlehem, NH 03574 phone: (603) 869-5612 Featured: Bruno Schneider, James Cox; DM 150 (camp) + DM 160 (lodging/meals) Mainz Jun 6 - 9 Mainz, William Jones, GERMANY Landesmusikakademie Rheinland-Pfalz, Klarastr. 4, 55116 Mainz GERMANY email: [email protected] Open to adult amateur musicians, woodwinds, horn, piano; coaches are pro chamber group Summerfest Cost: $300 (room, partial board) Mizzouri $140 (non-musician attendees) Ozarks Sep 3 Sunrise Patrick Berry Woodwind 7, 1997 Beach, 11911 Harrison Drive Camp[Image] Missouri Kansas City, MO 64146 phone: +1 816 941-4769 fax: +1 816 941-7646 email: [email protected] home page: http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/4302 A unique opportunity for middle school and high school New River musicians to enjoy, study and perform chamber music in a Chamber Shawsville, supportive, noncompetitive environment. Music 17-21 Jun VA Festival For more information and/or application:

[email protected] "Chamber music-intensive camp"; "talented"

high school

students only; contact Margaret Hamilton late Western Mich. Assistant Director, School of Music Jun-Jul Univ Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008-3831 616/387-4672 email: [email protected] 40th annual, age 12+ & college; students


grouped by

experience. $1,750 + lesson fee ($75-130,

optional). Sewanee Jun Summer Music 22-Jul 28 Sewanee, TN

university/adult; college

credit available; James Cryder, Wallace

Easter, Robert

Gloff, and Candace Kluesner, horn. For more

information, Skyline Brass Music Festival

Scholarships available. Contact: Sewanee Summer Music Center 735 University Avenue Sewanee, TN 37383-1000 phone: 615/598-1225 or -5881 fax: 615/598-1145 email: [email protected] Third annual; high school and

contact: Kevin Stees Jun 25-29Harrisonburg, (540) JMU-6036 VA [email protected]

singers; Southampton 21, 25-28. Chamber Long Island beautifully as Music Jul 11-28 NY Festival

Jim Kluesner (540) JMU-6650 [email protected] 2nd season; pianists, instrumentalists, and actually over three weekends, Jul 11-14, 18"Our goal is for each person to play as

their skill permits." Annabel Gordon: (212) 496-5092 [East coast] Johnathon Bley: (415) 664-5464 [West coast] email: [email protected] ? ? Valpariso Jun 22-Jul 20, 97 Again, please email if you have more information about these, or other, camps. --------------Return to Index --------------27. What are some good books, et cetera, for beginning horn students? [Thanks to Luke Zyla, [email protected], for providing the inspiration for this section, as well as the initial information..]

The following etude books and the like are especially recommended for young horn players: The Art of French Horn Playing, by Philip Farkas Canadian Brass Book of Beginning Horn Solos published by: Hal Leonard, Milwaukee, WI, USA Canadian Brass Book of Easy Horn Solos published by: Hal Leonard Chaconne and Burlesque, by Michael Horvit published by: Southern Music Company Deux cents Etudes Nouvelles, Melodiques et Progressives pour Cor, #1 (70 Etudes Tres Faciles et Faciles) pub. by: Alphonse Leduc, Paris Deux Suites de Danses de L'Epoque Baroque Allemande pub. by: Alphonse Leduc, Paris First Solos for the Horn Player, transc/arr by Mason Jones pub. by: G. Schirmer, Inc, New York, NY USA French Horn Solos published by: Amsco Publications, New York/London/Sydney/Cologne Exclusive Distributors: Music Sales Corporation 225 Park Ave. South, New York, NY 10003 USA Music Sales Ltd. 8/0 Frith St., London W1V 5TZ England Horn Solos Book One ed. and arr. by Arthur Campbell pub. by: Faber Music Ltd., London A Modern Method for the French Horn by Lorenzo Sansone Southern Music Company, San Antonio TX 78206 (1961) Selected Duets for French Horn, Vol 1 (Easy-Medium) Selected and Edited by H. Voxman Published by: Rubank Educational Library, No 188 Primary Studies for the French Horn, by Anton Horner pub. by: Elkan-Vorner avail thru: Theodore Presser Great theoretical and practical School for the Horn Josef Schantl, edited by John Bernhoff published by Milan Yancich (WIND MUSIC) --------------Return to Index --------------29. Where can I get more information about the internet/usenet? For more info about usenet news, you might want to subscribe to the news

group news.announce.newusers and news.newusers.questions. These are groups devoted to people who are new to using usenet news. Be aware that in some newsgroups, people are not very tolerant of "new user" mistakes or questions. It's usually a good idea to ride along and just read postings for a while, to get a feel for how the particular newsgroup works. After you're familiar with what goes on, feel free to post. Also, if you use America Online, the greater usenet community will be less likely to tolerate mistakes you make just because of your address. Sad, but true.. There are many good books on the Internet. Some recommendations: The USENET Handbook: A Users Guide to NetNews, by Mark Harrison O'Reilly & Assoc; ISBN 1-56592-101-1; US$24.95 The Whole Internet User's Guide & Catalog, by Ed Krol O'Reilly & Assoc; ISBN 1-56592-063-5; US$24.95 Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh, by Adam C. Engst Hayden Books; ISBN 1-56830-064-6; US$29.95, CDN$37.95 - Includes software to actually connect a Mac to the internet as well as info on a Seattle-based service provider - I think there's a Windoze version of the book out now. Connecting to the Internet, by Susan Estrada O'Reilly & Assoc; ISBN 1-56592-061-9; US$15.95 Yes, the FAQ maintainer is partial to O'Reilly books, but has no financial interest in the company ;-) --------------Return to Index --------------28. Contributors to this FAQ Many, many thanks to all of you who have contributed; besides those people listed below (who have "literal" contributions that are actually in the FAQ), a heartening number of you have sent more general comments, suggestions, and attaboys. The 'net really can be a wonderful place .. [email protected] Lisa Argiris [email protected] Prof. Thomas Bacon [email protected] Bill Baker [email protected] Barb Benson [email protected] Lydia Lowery Busler-Blais [email protected] Ron Boerger [email protected] Matthias Brixel [email protected] Warren L. Brown [email protected] Glenn Call [email protected] Matt Carr [email protected] Gene Chan [email protected] Prof. Gordon Cherry [email protected] Alan Cole [email protected] Karen Comer [email protected] James Decker [email protected] Maggie Douglas [email protected] Carl Ek [email protected] David Erickson [email protected] A. M. Lorraine Fader

[email protected] Prof. Kathleen Vaught Farmer [email protected] Harlan Feinstein [email protected] Dave Fletcher [email protected] K. T. Franson [email protected] Sander Gielen [email protected] Ed Glick [email protected] David Goldklang [email protected] Dr. David Goodman [email protected] Robert Goodman [email protected] Prof. Gary Greene [email protected] Curt Hammond [email protected] Peter Head [email protected] Brian Hill [email protected] Mary Howarth [email protected] Doug Johnson [email protected] David Kaminsky [email protected] Sean Kirkpatrick [email protected] Sam King [email protected] Marilyn B. Kloss [email protected] Mike Kraman [email protected] Cindy Lewis [email protected] Nancy A. Krause [email protected] Bjorn F Langoren [email protected] Jonell Lindholm [email protected] Prof. Peter D.M. MacDonald [email protected] Michael S. McLaughlin [email protected] Deane R. Mathewson [email protected] Robin Moffatt [email protected] Joel Morrissette [email protected] Bill Muth [email protected] Eric W. Nicklas [email protected] Douglas Nunn [email protected] Ron Olexy [email protected] Jim Paradis [email protected] Karen Park [email protected] Ian Philipps [email protected] Doug Pike [email protected] Prof. Hanz Pizka [email protected] Ellen Powley [email protected] Prof. Gary Reeves [email protected] Carol Schurr [email protected] Josh Schwannecke [email protected] R. Wayne Shoaf [email protected] Shane Meredeth Stanke [email protected] Christopher Stratton [email protected] Erik Svenson [email protected] Daniel Thumin [email protected] Charles Turner [email protected] Seth Urion [email protected] Trevor P. Wagler [email protected] Robert Ward [email protected] Scott Weaver [email protected] Ivan Wong [email protected] Nancy Weckwerth [email protected] Ted Zateslo [email protected] Sharon Zurflieh [email protected] Luke Zyla

--------------Return to Index --------------30. Who the heck is Ron Boerger? I am an amateur hornist active in community groups in the Austin, Texas, USA area. I am good enough to get the very occasional paying gig but that's about it. As to why I am the maintainer of the FAQ, well, nobody else seemed to be doing it .. in real life, I am a senior systems administrator for Tandem Computers, and am doing contract sysadmin work for VTEL Corporation. I am also president of the Austin Symphonic Band. Guess how much free time I have? ;-) I now maintain the COMMUNITY-MUSIC mailing list, as well. This list is devoted to community bands and orchestras. For more info, email me. [Image] This Horn Players Ring Site is owned by: Ron Boerger. [The Horn Player's WebRing]

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