Horarios De Los Agnihotras - Salida & Puesta De Sol - Fases Lunares

  • May 2020
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S U N R I S E A N D S U N S E T T I M I N G S EcoGranjaHoma de Olmué Av Eastman 2402 Par 11 Olmué - Chile Fono: 033 441356 Web Ppal de la ECHO: Wb de Fotos de la ECHO:

http://www.ecogranjahoma.com http://ecogranjahomaolmue.blogspot.com/ http://www.ecogranjahoma.com/mantras.html http://www.pdfcoke.com/doc/7989088/Que-es-la-Eco-Granja-Homa-de-Olmue-ECHO http://www.pdfcoke.com/doc/25980838/Visitas-y-Participacion-en-la-ECHO

Wb de Mantras de la ECHO: Para participar en la ECHO:

Jahr = 2012 - Ort

= ECHO - OLMUE – V Región - CHILE

Longitude west = 71.218887° (10-mode) = 71°13'07 '' (60-mode) Latitude south = 32.998341° (10-mode) = 32°59'54 '' (60-mode) Time difference to Greenwich Mean Time =-4.00 hour(s) no summertime changes included at calculation ! sun's centre at true geocentric horizon by 0.002444 degrees (AGNIHOTRA) At the Date 05.17.2009 SR=7h34min14sec SS=5h48min04sec © 2004 Deutsche Gesellschaft f. Homa-Therapie,Haldenhof,78357 Muehlingen

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.

January SR SS hmmss hmmss 54404 75223 54449 75233 54534 75244 54621 75252 54706 75257

February SR SS hmmss hmmss 61159 74423 61257 74340 61355 74256 61451 74211 61549 74123

March SR SS hmmss hmmss 63758 71541 63846 71429 63935 71315 64022 71201 64109 71046

April SR SS hmmss hmmss 70109 63531 70151 63414 70234 63255 70318 63138 70359 63020

May SR SS hmmss hmmss 72250 60039 72334 55941 72417 55846 72502 55751 72546 55657

June SR SS hmmss hmmss 74405 54123 74440 54109 74512 54055 74544 54044 74616 54036

54755 75301 54843 75303 54935 75303 55027 75301 55116 75259 January 55210 75254 55303 75247 55356 75240 55451 75228 55545 75216

61646 74036 61742 73946 61839 73855 61935 73803 62030 73710 February 62127 73614 62220 73519 62316 73421 62411 73323 62505 73223

64157 70930 64244 70814 64329 70658 64416 70541 64503 70424 March 64548 70307 64634 70149 64718 70030 64803 65912 64849 65755

70442 70525 70607 70651 70733

62903 62747 62632 62518 62402 April 70815 62248 70859 62134 70943 62021 71024 61909 71108 61756

72629 55604 72714 55513 72756 55424 72840 55336 72925 55247 May 73007 55202 73051 55116 73135 55032 73217 54951 73300 54911

74647 54027 74714 54022 74744 54016 74811 54013 74837 54011 June 74902 54011 74927 54011 74949 54016 75012 54020 75033 54025

55640 75203 55736 75146 55833 75128 55930 75109 60027 75048 January 60123 75026 60221 75000 60317 74934 60416 74906 60515 74837

62560 73125 62652 73022 62746 72921 62838 72817 62932 72712 February 63024 72607 63116 72502 63207 72353 63259 72246 63349 72136

64933 65636 65019 65517 65101 65358 65145 65238 65231 65119 March 65314 64960 65358 64841 65440 64722 65524 64601 65608 64442

71152 61646 71235 61536 71319 61425 71402 61317 71445 61210 April 71529 61102 71614 60955 71656 60849 71741 60744 71826 60641

73344 54832 73424 54754 73506 54718 73549 54641 73630 54608 May 73710 54538 73751 54505 73831 54438 73911 54410 73951 54342

75052 54032 75111 54039 75127 54050 75143 54102 75158 54114 June 75211 54127 75222 54143 75233 54158 75243 54216 75249 54235

60611 74804 60710 74732 60808 74657 60906 74620 61005 74543 61103 74503 SR SS January

63440 63531 63619 63709

65652 64323 65733 64204 65817 64044 65901 63927 65943 63808 70026 63649 SR SS March

71909 71953 72038 72121 72206

74028 74106 74144 74220 74256 74331 SR

75255 75301 75302 75304 75304

72028 71917 71805 71653

SR SS February


60538 60435 60335 60235 60135

SS April

54319 54255 54234 54214 54155 54139 SS May

54253 54316 54339 54400 54424


SS June

Si necesitas los horarios de Agnihotra de tu Localidad, envianos sus coodenadas (Latitud, Longitud).

S U N R I S E A N D S U N S E T T I M I N G S EcoGranjaHoma de Olmué Av Eastman 2402 Par 11 Olmué - Fono: 033 441356 Jahr = 2012 - Ort = ECHO – OLMUE – V Región – CHILE Longitude west = 71.218887° (10-mode) = 71°13'07 '' (60-mode) Latitude south = 32.998341° (10-mode) = 32°59'54 '' (60-mode) Time difference to Greenwich Mean Time =-4.00 hour(s) no summertime changes included at calculation ! sun's centre at true geocentric horizon by 0.002444 degrees (AGNIHOTRA) At the Date 05.17.2009 SR=7h34min14sec SS=5h48min04sec © 2004 Deutsche Gesellschaft f. Homa-Therapie,Haldenhof,78357 Muehlingen

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.

July SR SS hmmss hmmss 75302 54449 75259 54515 75255 54542 75248 54610 75240 54638

August SR SS hmmss hmmss 73927 60312 73838 60354 73747 60436 73655 60515 73602 60557

September SR SS hmmss hmmss 70549 62399 70432 62439 70314 62516 70155 62556 70036 62635

October SR SS hmmss hmmss 62531 64340 62411 64424 62252 64505 62133 64547 62015 64631

November SR SS hmmss hmmss 54929 70757 54835 70849 54741 70942 54650 71037 54560 71129

December SR SS hmmss hmmss 53333 73500 53329 73552 53326 73640 53325 73729 53326 73819

75231 54708 75219 54740 75207 54810 75152 54843 75137 54916 July 75121 54948 75101 55023 75041 55058 75019 55132 74955 55207

73507 60638 73411 60718 73315 60800 73217 60842 73118 60921 August 73018 61003 72917 61044 72814 61124 72711 61205 72606 61245

65916 62712 65758 62752 65638 62831 65517 62910 65357 62949 September 65237 63027 65115 63106 64955 63146 64833 63223 64711 63302

61857 64712 61739 64755 61622 64839 61505 64923 61350 65007 October 61235 65053 61120 65137 61005 65223 60854 65308 60741 65354

54510 71222 54423 71318 54338 71413 54253 71507 54210 71602 November 54129 71658 54049 71753 54011 71849 53935 71945 53859 72038

53329 73904 53333 73952 53340 74039 53349 74123 53358 74207 December 53410 74249 53424 74331 53440 74412 53456 74452 53516 74529

74930 55245 74904 55322 74835 55359 74807 55438 74735 55515 July 74703 55555 74628 55634 74553 55711 74515 55751 74437 55832

72502 61326 72356 61408 72248 61446 72140 61527 72032 61608 August 71922 61649 71812 61728 71701 61807 71549 61847 71436 61926

64550 63342 64428 63421 64307 63460 64145 63539 64023 63619 September 63901 63658 63741 63736 63618 63817 63456 63857 63335 63936

60629 65441 60519 65529 60408 65615 60259 65704 60151 65751 October 60043 65839 55937 65928 55831 70018 55727 70107 55623 70158

53826 72134 53754 72229 53723 72325 53656 72420 53628 72516 November 53604 72610 53541 72705 53519 72800 53500 72852 53442 72948

53538 74606 53559 74641 53624 74715 53649 74748 53716 74820 December 53746 74848 53817 74918 53848 74944 53922 75009 53957 75034

74358 55912 74315 55953 74233 60032 74148 60111 74103 60153 74016 60233 SR SS July

71322 62007 71209 62045 71054 62124 70938 62204 70822 62243 70706 62322 SR SS August

63214 63053 62932 62810 62651

53426 53412 53400 53349 53340

54033 75055 54111 75114 54151 75133 54229 75151 54312 75205 54355 75219 SR SS December

64018 64057 64137 64220 64300

55521 70247 55419 70338 55319 70429 55219 70522 55122 70611 55025 70704 SR SS SR SS September October

Eco Granja Homa de Olmué - ECHO Av Eastman 2402 - Paradero 11 - Olmué - Chile Fono: 033 441356 - Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.ecogranjahoma.com http://www.ecogranjahomaolmue.blogspot.com/

73041 73132 73227 73320 73409

SR SS November


Tiempo Universal


New Moon First Quarter d h m d h m Jan 1 6 15 Jan 23 7 39 Jan 31 4 10 Feb 21 22 35 Mar 1 1 21 Mar 22 14 37 Mar 30 19 41 Apr 21 7 18 Apr 29 9 57 May 20 23 47 May 28 20 16 Jun 19 15 02 Jun 27 3 30 Jul 19 4 24 Jul 26 8 56 Aug 17 15 54 Aug 24 13 54 Sep 16 2 11 Sep 22 19 41 Oct 15 12 02 Oct 22 3 32 Nov 13 22 08 Nov 20 14 31 Dec 13 8 42 Dec 20 5 19

Full Moon d h m Jan 9 7 30 Feb 7 21 54 Mar 8 9 39 Apr 6 19 19 May 6 3 35 Jun 4 11 12 Jul 3 18 52 Aug 2 3 27 Aug 31 13 58 Sep 30 3 19 Oct 29 19 49 Nov 28 14 46 Dec 28 10 21

Last Quarter d h m Jan 16 9 08 Feb 14 17 04 Mar 15 1 25 Apr 13 10 50 May 12 21 47 Jun 11 10 41 Jul 11 1 48 Aug 9 18 55 Sep 8 13 15 Oct 8 7 33 Nov 7 0 36 Dec 6 15 31

PERIGEOS Y APOGEOS DE LA LUNA PARA EL AÑO 2011 Perigeos ---------------------------------

Apogeos -------------------------Jan 10 5:39 404975 km Jan 22 0:11 362792 km F+2d 2h Feb 6 23:14 405923 km Feb 19 7:28 358246 km F+ 22h Mar 6 7:51 406582 km Mar 19 19:10 356577 km ++ F+ 0h Apr 2 9:01 406655 km Apr 17 6:01 358087 km F- 20h Apr 29 18:03 406042 km May 15 11:19 362132 km F-1d23h May 27 9:59 405004 km Jun 12 1:43 367187 km F-3d18h Jun 24 4:14 404274 km Jul 7 14:05 369565 km N+6d 5h Jul 21 22:48 404356 km Aug 2 21:00 365755 km N+3d 2h Aug 18 16:24 405159 km Aug 30 17:36 360857 km N+1d14h Sep 15 6:24 406067 km Sep 28 1:02 357555 km N+ 13h Oct 12 11:44 406434 km F+9h Oct 26 12:27 357050 km - N7h Nov 8 13:21 406176 km Nov 23 23:25 359691 km N-1d 6h Dec 6 1:14 405412 km

EcoGranjaHoma de Olmué Av Eastman 2402 Par 11 Olmué Fono: 033 441356 Web Ppal de la ECHO: Wb de Fotos de la ECHO: Wb de Mantras de la ECHO: Para participar en la ECHO:

http://www.ecogranjahoma.com http://ecogranjahomaolmue.blogspot.com/ http://www.ecogranjahoma.com/mantras.html http://www.pdfcoke.com/doc/25980838/Visitas-y-Participacion-en-la-ECHO http://www.pdfcoke.com/doc/7989088/Que-es-la-Eco-Granja-Homa-de-Olmue-ECHO

Eco Granja Homa de Olmué - ECHO Av Eastman 2402 - Paradero 11 - Olmué - Chile Fono: 033 441356 - Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.ecogranjahoma.com http://www.ecogranjahomaolmue.blogspot.com/

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