Hoping For Help

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 742
  • Pages: 3
Hoping for Help (Matt. 8:1-13) Leper In the Bible, leprosy is an illustration of sin. (Isa. 1:5,6) It has a cause that goes deeper than the skin. (Lev. 13:3) It spreads. (Lev. 13:8) And, as we have already seen, just like leprosy, sin defiles and isolates us. (Lev. 13:45,46) Don’t Wait “Right away” (Matt. 8:2) Came to How can we approach Jesus? Knelt In recognition of his power & authority Convinced - No doubt about His ability to help Relied upon His willingness To whom He will show compassion is up to God (Rom. 9:15)

He was willing This is one of the 7 “I will” statements of the Gospel, the others: John 6:37 - "...and him that cometh to me I WILL in no wise cast out." Matt. 11:28 - "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I WILL give you rest." Matt. 4:19 - "Follow me and I WILL make you fishers of men." John 12:32 - "If I be lifted up from the earth, I WILL draw all men unto me." John 14:21 - "He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I WILL love him, and WILL manifest myself to him." John 21:22 - "If I WILL that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? Follow thou me."

“Compassion”: A feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for someone in the midst of a tragedy, accompanied by a desire to alleviate the suffering. Involves awareness, feeling and action (Matt. 25:34-40) God does not willingly bring affliction or grief (Lam. 3:33) God’s compassion never fails and is new every morning (Lam. 3:22-23, Ps. 25:6) Compassion is part of God’s Name (Ex. 34:5-7) Repentance is met by God’s forgiveness out of compassion (Deut.13:17, 30:3, 2 Chron. 30:9, Ps. 78:38, Luke 15:20) The Lord sends us warnings out of compassion (2 Chron. 36:15) God is full of compassion (Ps. 86:15, 111:4, 112:4, 145:8) God’s compassion is like that of a parent to His child (Isa. 49:16) The Lord’s extends compassion after discipline (Jer 12:15, Lam. 3:32, Micah 7:19) Jesus reached out and touched him Joseph Damien was a missionary in the nineteenth century who served as minister to people with leprosy on the island of Molokai, Hawaii. Those suffering grew to love him and revered the sacrificial life he lived out before them. One morning before Joseph was to lead them in their daily worship, he was pouring some hot water into a cup when the water swirled out and fell onto his bare foot. It took him a moment to realize that he had not felt any sensation. Gripped by the sudden fear of what this could mean, he poured more hot water on the same spot. No feeling whatsoever. Damien immediately knew what had happened. As he walked tearfully to deliver his sermon, no one at first noticed the difference in his opening line. He normally began each sermon with, "My fellow believers." But this morning he began with, "My fellow lepers." (From Leadership, Spring ’97; from Ravi Zacharias in Deliver Us From Evil.) Damien, like Jesus in our Scripture today, knew that ministering with compassion meant it would become necessary to touch others in their unclean condition. Mark’s gospel tells us why. He was "moved with compassion". (Mark 1:41) Jesus had compassion on the crowds (Matt. 9:36, 14:14, 15:32, Mark 6:34, 8:2)

Jesus had compassion of the sick (Matt. 20:34, Mark 1:41, 5:18-19) Jesus had compassion on the grieving (Luke 7:13) Sent to the priest to be declared clean before proclaiming same himself Centurion Had compassion for his servant We are called to emulate the Lord’s compassion (Zech. 7:9, Matt.18:33, Luke 10:33, Heb. 10:34, 1 Pe. 3:8) Refusal to show compassion is one of the sins for which Edom was condemned (Amos 1:11) Going through trials ourselves helps to make us compassionate (Heb. 5:2) Whether or not we demonstrate compassion a way of determining whether or not the love of God is in us (1 John 3:17, Jude 1:22) He recognized his unworthiness He recognized Jesus’ authority Acclaimed faith One of many gentiles to accept His invitation to eternal salvation As you have believed, so it will be done for you (Matt. 8:13) In both cases, faith was made manifest with a request (i.e. if you want to receive, you should first ask)

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