Hoodoo Child

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  • Words: 18,855
  • Pages: 110
Hoodoo Child An Original Screenplay By La-Tonia Denise Willis

La-Tonia Denise Willis 1212 Queen Anne Ave N #602 Seattle,WA 98109 206-736-3816 [email protected]

Copyright 2005 - 2009

HOODOO  a mixture of beliefs and traditions that combine cosmology and the personal magical power of African Ifa. Also known as rootwork. The folk element that focuses on the supernatural.

-3FADE IN: EXT. NEW YORK STREET – DAY A PAIR OF BLACK AND WHITE SADDLE SHOES race through the neighborhood making quick leaps over potholes and garbage debris. Turning the corner, and elevating in speed, the SHOES make an astonishing hurdle over a tricycle that has made its way into the street. The SMALL CHILD on the tricycle stops peddling and ducks his body down as the SHOES raise over him just inches away from his head. PULL UP TO REVEAL VANESSA DUBOIS Young and athletica pretty brown face with long pigtails dangling in the wind. She is smiling now, the joy of the marathon run apparent and there is a child-like quality about her. As she nears a BROWNSTONE in the middle of the block her pace slows down considerably and she begins a playful, haphazard zigzag traipse to the STOOP where the door opens and PROFESSOR STEVENS, carrying a parcel of books grins enthusiastically at her. VANESSA (coming near) Professor Stevens PROFESSOR STEVENS Vanessa Dubois, girl you’re looking lovelier every day. I bet your mama

-4has to beat the boys away. Professor Stevens is an intellectual man. He is wearing his favorite tweed sports jacket and a white press shirt. VANESSA’S EYES pour over the parcel tied neatly together with a string. INSERT - BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4.

To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison A People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn

BACK TO SCENE Vanessa points to the middle book and there is a grim look on her face. PROFESSOR STEVENS The Bluest Eye . . . haunting tale. Poor Pecola waits all her life to be noticed, wishing for those blue eyes and what happens to her is a nightmare. VANESSA I finished reading it yesterday. It made me cry. She was only a little girl and he did that to her. PROFESSOR STEVENS I’m taking them over to the Boys and Girl’s club. (taking her by the arm) How’s your mama? VANESSA Probably’ll be pissed when I tell her Mr. Gorman was out of the special sauce she uses. PROFESSOR STEVENS I thought she made that sauce from

-5scratch. You mean to tell me its store bought? VANESSA Don’t you tell her I told you. She likes folks to think it’s homemade. She likes bragging rights. They exchange smiles of acknowledgement. INT. DUBOIS APARTMENT - DAY LILA DUBOIS, the matriarch of the Dubois clan, is looking woman.

a plain

She opens the door to VANESSA’S BEDROOM and finds the girl lying sideways on the bed leafing through a sports magazine on track athletes. THE CURRENT PAGE displays a photo of track superstar Marion Jones in action. Lila enters her daughter’s room and heads over to the TROPHY DISPLAY CASE in the corner of the room. PAN GOLD AND SILVER STATUETES arranged in a row dating from elementary to high school. LILA I got a call from Mrs. Brewster just now Vanessa ignores her. LILA (continuing) says she’s done told you about jumping over her son’s head while he’s on his tricycle. I told you about it myself, remember? (beat) Vanessa, you hear me?


VANESSA (looking up) Billy likes it when I do it. LILA Really? Where you get an idea like that? VANESSA It’s a game we play. LILA (sitting on bed) Well, Mrs. Brewster is Billy’s mama and she says stop using her baby as a hurdle in your runnin’. And I mean for you to do just that. VANESSSA (closing magazine) Yes, mama. LILA (cuddling with Vanessa) Care to tell your old mama what you want for your birthday? Sweet sixteen. My baby’s growing up so fast. VANESSA (softly) What I really want is for the headaches to stop. LILA They’re backagain? VANESSA They never went awaynot really. I’m scared mama, what if I’m in danger? LILA You’ll be fine. VANESSA

-7But according to the curse LILA (covering Vanessa’s mouth) Hush . . . don’t wanna hear nothing else about that. This is the real world, not some horror fantasy. VANESSA but the elders say LILA (interrupting) I’m your elder and I say ain’t nothing to fret over. You just rest child. INT. KITCHEN - DAY Vanessa takes a bite of the Cajun style catfish on her plate. Lila brings more food to the table and takes a seat. LILA (continuing) You don’t want any bread? I made these biscuits homemade. Shouldn’t be wasting food like that. VANESSA I eat low-carb nowadays mama, remember I’m in training. You have any idea what the starch in that yeast will do to my insulin levels? It’s high protein for me, all the way. Vanessa scoops up some spinach and chews. LILA You young people and all your newfangled diets. Always trying to make the body something God didn’t intend it to be. When are you gonna learn that we supposed to look just like we do. Too much money goes into all those ads about makin’ you look like somethin’

-8you ain’t. Vanessa remains aloof. LILA (continuing) Anyway, too bad Gorman was out of my sauce. I was thinkin’ of invitin’ the Professor over. A single man like himself probably never gets a home cooked meal. Vanessa puts her head down trying not to giggle. LILA (continuing) What’re you grinnin’ about? VANESSA Nothing. I ran into the Professor earlier today. LILA (stops eating) You did? He say somethin’? VANESSA About what? LILA Nothin’ . . . never mind. VANESSA You like him, I know. LILA He’s a smart man and I respect him. VANESSA You-u-u-u want him. LILA Vanessa! I ought to make you wash your mouth out with soap. VANESSA I’m not a baby anymore mama.

-9And you’re not getting any younger. Lila gives her daughter a fierce look. EXT. BROWNSTONE – STOOP – NIGHT Vanessa cradles her head in her arms and rocks back and forth. It is obvious she is in severe pain. There is a WHEEZING sound coming from her throat. VOICES are emitted. They call her name, “Vanessa . . .” over and over again, softly. The VOICES INTERLOOP and continue a rapid crescendo until she snaps out of the daze. TWO TEENAGED GIRLS pass by GIGGLING and pointing in her direction. GIRL WITH BRACES Witchy witch, hoodoo child . . . GIRL WITH GLASSES . . .cast a spell on Johnny Mason and made his thing swell up. GIRL WITH BRACES Everybody knows about you. GIRL WITH GLASSES Freak! Freak! Freak! VANESSA (standing up) Johnny Mason kept threatening me with his thing and he got what he deserves. You keep messing with me and you’ll get some of it too. GIRL WITH GLASSES (in Vanessa’s face) I ain’t afraid of you bitch or your hoodoo.

-10Vanessa reaches out and places her hand on the side of the face of the girl with glasses. She closes her eyes and goes into a trance. The girl with braces backs away frightened, watching what is happening to her friend helplessly. Under Vanessa’s grip, the body of the girl with the glasses begins to convulse rhythmically. The trembling becomes so ferocious that her eyes roll back into her head and a strange GURGLING sound occurs. GIRL WITH BRACES Stop it! Don’t kill her! Please, We take it all back, please?! Tell her you take it all back, Justine. Vanessa’s eyes open and she watches as the SPASMS increase with velocity to the point where saliva now drools down the gaping mouth of her victim. GIRL WITH BRACES (continuing) Help! Somebody help?! She’s gonna kill her! INT. PROFESSOR STEVEN’S BEDROOM – NIGHT Awakened by the screams, he hops out of bed and rushes over to the side of the room. THROUGH THE WINDOW he SEES the disturbance with the girls downstairs. Barefoot, he bolts down the stairs and whisks the door open outside to find that Vanessa has let go of the girl. He hurries over and grabs the girl with the glasses in his arms just before she passes out. PROFESSOR STEVENS (picking up girl) Vanessa, what happened? What happened to her? GIRL WITH BRACES (crying)

-11She used her powers. She’s an evil witch! LIGHTS FLICK ON in several windows in the neighborhood. MALE Voice (O.S.) Hey, kill that noise! FEMALE VOICE (O.S.) What’s going on out there?! GIRL WITH BRACES Attention everybody, Vanessa Dubois is a witch! Spread the word! A LIGHT FLICKS ON in the Dubois apartment and Lila sticks her head out the window. She is alarmed to see Professor Stevens holding the girl’s lifeless body in his arms. LILA Vanessa Angelina Dubois, you get up here right this minute! Professor Stevens looks up questionably at Lila but she closes the window and disappears. EXT. BROWNSTONE – DAY Lila struggles to get her keys out while balancing two grocery bags. A HAND reaches out behind her and touches her shoulder. LILA (continuing; turning around) My God, you scared the daylights out of me. Make the good Lord take me before my time. Professor Stevens takes the bags for her. PROFESSOR STEVENS Didn’t mean to frighten you Lila. Just trying to be a good samaritan. LILA (blushing) The neighborhood is lucky to lay

-12claim to a man like you. Not many gentlemen left in this world. Your mama sure did raise you right. INT. DUBOIS APARTMENT - KITCHEN – DAY Lila pours Professor Stevens piping hot water over two tea bags. She is so busy looking at him in awe that she nearly scalds him in the process. PROFESSOR STEVENS (jerking wrist away) Whoa Nelly! Some hot water hits the table just missing his hand. Lila looks down at the mess she has made. LILA I’m so sorry Professor, can you please forgive an old woman? PROFESSOR STEVENS Ah Lila, I know you wouldn’t hurt me on purpose. And you’re not old. He smiles and she is once again engaged with his presence. PROFESSOR STEVENS (continuing; stirring tea) The girl’s mother wants to press charges. Lila places the kettle back on the stove and sits down at the table across from him. She picks up her cup of tea. LILA She called me . . . PROFESSOR STEVENS I think I can talk her out of it but the doctor said the girl’s heart temporarily stopped while she was on the examining table. He said it might have something to do with the spasms. If I could just talk to Vanessa . . . Lila jumps up hastily and clears Professor Steven’s teacup away while he is stirring. He is dumbfounded.


LILA So sorry Professor but teatime is over. You better go now. PROFESSOR STEVENS What’s going on here Lila? If you need someone to talk to . . . What’s wrong with Vanessa? I hear what the children say about her. LILA That’s just talk. PROFESSOR STEVENS Until last night I would’ve agreed but something happened. She did something to that girl and you can’t deny that. He gets up slowly. With his hand on the doorknob he turns and looks at her one last time, still wanting answers. LILA Vanessa didn’t mean to hurt nobody. She’s a good girl. INT. CLASSROOM – DAY PAN the CLASS filled with TEENAGED KIDS except for one EMPTY DESK in the middle. The girl with braces casts a distasteful eye over at Vanessa, who looks away. The TEACHER has her back turned to the class writing a mathematical equation on the board. Someone THROWS AN APPLE that hits the blackboard. WE DO NOT SEE THE CULPRIT. TEACHER (flinging around) Who did that? PAN FACES. No one claims responsibility. TEACHER (continuing)

-14It’s not nice to throw fruit at your dear teacher, didn’t they tell you that in kindergarten? She picks up the apple and holds it up to the class and takes a moment of silence. GIRL WITH BRACES Vanessa did it! VANESSA Liar! GIRL WITH BRACES She’s a witch. She hurt Justine, that’s why she’s absent. Almost killed her too. I say we burn her at the stake. Like they used to do with the ones in the old days. The class explodes in LAUGHTER. TEACHER Veronica you stop that . . . the rest of you, quiet . . . . The girl with the braces rolls her eyes and shakes her head. TEACHER (continuing) Justine will be back with us next week. She has the flu. BELL RINGS The class begins to file out the room. TEACHER (continuing) All right, remember to study for the quiz. I’m not grading on the curve this time. (coming near; a beat) Vanessa, can I see you a moment? VANESSA Did I do something wrong?


The teacher waits for the classroom to clear. TEACHER Hardly. You are by far the smartest 10th grader in here. You’ve succeeded brilliantly in maintaining a wonderful academic record. Your mother would be proud as I am so very proud of you. I hear you might even be getting a track scholarship. Life is good right?

VANESSA Yeah, I guess. TEACHER (sitting down) I thought you might want to tell me what happened between you and Justine. Veronica has her side of the story and I was interested in yours. Did you hit her or knock the breath out of her somehow? VANESSA I didn’t hit her. TEACHER These things happen Vanessa. Kids fight but the important thing is to confess to your mistakes. VANESSA She insulted me. I just wanted her to shut up. TEACHER How did that make you feel? VANESSA I didn’t hit her, I swear. TEACHER Did you throw that apple?

-16Vanessa shakes her head “No”. VANESSA (getting up) Mrs. Miller? TEACHER Yes, Vanessa? VANESSA I don’t feel so good. TEACHER What is it? By the time the words clear her throat, she watches in amazement as Vanessa UTTERS SOMETHING INCOMPREHENSIBLE, swoons, and then falls to the floor. TEACHER (continuing; rushing to her) My God! Vanessa! INT. HOSPITAL


Professor Stevens and Lila join Vanessa at the bedside. The NURSE enters and checks the IV in Vanessa’s arm. LILA Is she is pain? NURSE We want to keep her overnight and do some more tests. She’s been given a small sedative. LILA What kind of tests? NURSE It could be she went into some kind of anaphylactic shock. We don’t know but maybe the tests will give us a clue. Vanessa, your mother’s here but don’t get excited, okay? Vanessa blinks twice.

-17NURSE (continuing; to Lila) That blink two times, that’s our signal to indicate she understands. The nurse exits. LILA (leaning over bed) You feelin’ all right honey? VANESSA (softly) Yes, mama. (rising up) Hi, Professor. LILA (pushing her back down) Just lay your head back honey and don’t move around too much like the nurse said. I love you baby. PROFESSOR STEVENS Vanessa, can you remember what happened right before you fainted? LILA She’s too weak to answer that Professor so you can go home now. Everything’s fine. Thanks a heap. VANESSA My head really hurts. PROFESSOR STEVENS Like a migraine? LILA (pulling Professor aside) Look, I don’t mean to be like this but it’s a family matter. PROFESSOR STEVENS All right, Lila, if that’s the way you want it. I’ll back off.

-18INT. X-RAY ROOM – DAY DOCTOR MANDRIGAL, a hippie-looking doctor studies several pent up HEAD X-RAYS. After agonizing over them, he removes his glasses and there is a disturbed look on his face. DOCTOR MANDRIGAL Where did it go? It was there just a minute ago. INT. BREAK ROOM – HOUR LATER The doctor BANGS away at the vending machine but he is unable to get the CANDY BAR to drop from the slot. The door swings opens and Professor Stevens peeks his head inside. PROFESSOR STEVENS Excuse me? DOCTOR This is boguscome on, drop! PROFESSOR STEVENS Here, let me . . . He steps over and moves the doctor aside. DOCTOR MANDRIGAL See how it’s just hanging there? Drives me mad. If I don’t get a massive dose of sugar intake, I’ll fall to pieces. I just quit smoking and I need this sugar jones. Professor Stevens gives the machine a HIP SHAKE and the bump loosens the candy bar and sends it falling to the bottom. DOCTOR MANDRIGAL (continuing) Great. I’m here knocking about like a mad man and you come along with your magic hips PROFESSOR STEVENS (smiling) Just a little trick I picked up back at the Y.


He reaches down and gets the candy bar and passes it to the doctor. DOCTOR MANDRIGAL Thanks man, I’m Dr. Avi Mandrigal. Professor Stevens takes a long look at the doctor’s shaggy hair, woven friendship bracelets around his arms and the beanie cap on his head. PROFESSOR STEVENS I’m sorry but you don’t look like the typical medical doctor. DOCTOR MANDRIGAL (patting head) You think the beanie gives it away? Well, let’s just say going to medical school wasn’t my first choice for a career. If I had my way, I’d still be in the Peace Corps roaming from one uncertain destiny to another. (tugging on medical coat) This here was all my Jewish mother’s idea. How can I help you? PROFESSOR STEVENS You worked on Vanessa Dubois, the girl with the fainting spell. What can you tell me about that? What is she suffering from? DOCTOR MANDRIGAL (unwrapping candy bar) Damn strange case is what. PROFESSOR STEVENS How strange? DOCTOR MANDRIGAL (taking a bite) Are you a relative? INT. CAFETERIA – DAY

-20Professor Stevens stirs a cup of tea. Meanwhile, the doctor scoops ice cream from two different sundaes. Various HOSPITAL WORKERS dine. DOCTOR MANDRIGAL (continuing) Ah man, this here is just great. Best high you can getglucose. PROFESSOR STEVENS You were saying about Vanessa’s case being strange? DOCTOR MANDRIGAL Actually, I was asking if you were related to the girl in some way as all information regarding patients are private and confidential. Professor Stevens takes a sip of tea. The doctor buries his face in the ice cream sundae. PROFESSOR STEVENS Dr. Mandrigal, I care what happens to that girl in there. She’s a bright girl full of dreams and aspirations (beat) but I got this feeling in the pit of my stomach. Something is definitely not in order and she’s scared and her mother’s scared and I just thought Come on doc, I got you that candy bar. The doctor’s face resurfaces from the glass with ice cream all around his mouth. Professor Stevens takes some tissue and wipes the doctor’s face for him. DOCTOR MANDRIGAL You seem genuine enough. Okay. PROFESSOR STEVENS Thanks doc. DOCTOR MANDRIGAL The girl has an incredible amount

-21of pressure around her temporal lobe. Around the meninges. Tremendous swelling. PROFESSOR STEVENS A tumor? DOCTOR MANDRIGAL That’s what it sounds like. Tumor. Aneurysm. Something. However, every test we did came back negative. PROFESSOR STEVENS Then what? DOCTOR MANDRIGAL (shaking head) I simply can’t explain it. And do you know how hard it is to treat something that’s not there? Professor STEVENS What do you mean not there? You just got through saying it was something there. DOCTOR MANDRIGAL It gets even weirder. First I saw something on the X-ray and then it disappeared. INT. BUS STATION – DAY A beautiful YOUNG WOMAN carrying a duffel bag hurries into the BATHROOM and into the nearest stall. Opening the duffel bag she removes a small wooden chest. Inside, she takes out a MOJO BAG hanging from a string. She pulls it over her head like a necklace. CUT TO: OUTSIDE THE BATHROOM STALLS


A STRANGE PALE MAN draped in white coat TAPS LIGHLTY at the top of each door as he makes the rounds. CUT TO: INSIDE THE BATHROOM STALLS the woman looks around nervously and MUMBLES INCANTATIONS to herself. Moving towards the door, she leans her head with her ear pressed tightly to the side. INT. HOSPITAL – NIGHT Lila struggles not to fall asleep while sitting near her daughter’s bed. She holds Vanessa’s hand and when the girl flinches, Lila awakens. LILA Honey? What is it? VANESSA I feel his presence, mama. He’s come for me. What am I going to do? EXT. BROWNSTONE – NIGHT The woman from the bus station BUZZES the apartment where the name “Dubois” is written. MARIE (yelling at window) Hey Yem, you there?! Meet MARIE DUBOIS, a light-skinned petite mulatto. Her appearance seems frail but a closer look in her eyes says a different story. Minutes later, Professor Stevens comes out in his pajamas. PROFESSOR STEVENS She’s at the hospital with He stops in mid sentence and gazes at the gorgeous lady before him.


MARIE Hi, she wasn’t expecting me. I’m Marie. PROFESSOR STEVENS (shaking her hand furiously) Marie, uh, it’s a pleasure to meet you, uh . . . please excuse my pajamas. MARIE You said she was at the hospital? Anything serious? PROFESSOR STEVENS Well, why don’t you come inside for a moment? I’ll explain as best as I can. MARIE I guess I can trust you, right? INT. PROFESSOR STEVEN’S APARTMENT – NIGHT The place is cluttered with mountains of BOOKS AND MANUALS. Many literary. Many scientific. MARIE (continuing; picking up a book) There must be three hundred pages here. (reading aloud) The Immutable Laws of Physics . . . (tossing book aside) Immutable, really. PROFESSOR STEVENS You got something against science? MARIE There are more things in Heaven and Earth, than are dreamt of in your philosophy, Horatio. PROFESSOR STEVENS Hamlet. I teach literature and the sciences at City College.


MARIE I never went to college. Everything I learned came from the street. It’s a hard-knock life. And that comes straight from Jay-Z. She takes a seat. PROFESSOR STEVENS I beg your pardon? MARIE I take it you don’t listen to rap? PROFESSOR STEVENS I’m a Coltraine man myself. TIME ELAPSES. ON THE COUCH Marie snuggles up close to Professor Stevens while a JOHN COLTRAINE TUNE PLAYS down low. Professor Stevens pours some red wine into Marie’s glass and watches her down it all in one gulp. He grins and then pours some more for her and then for himself. PROFESSOR STEVENS (continuing) I’ve known Lila and Vanessa for a long time now. When I first moved in Vanessa was knee high, she used to want to climb on and over everything. That’s why she loves track hurdles. MARIE It seems so strange to hear you talk about her. I’ve never met my niece. Lila moved away after she had her. PROFESSOR STEVENS You know, Lila never mentioned anything about a long lost sister.


MARIE (taking a drink) Oh there’s a good reason for that. PROFESSOR STEVENS Is that right? MARIE Oh yeahshe hates me. Marie drinks the remainder of the wine in her glass and motions for another. PROFESSOR STEVENS You better go easy on that stuff. I wouldn’t want to be accused of getting an innocent lady like yourself drunk out of her mind. MARIE Sweetheart, you flatter me but innocent is not an adjective I aspire to. PROFESSOR STEVENS It’s getting late. He puts his wine glass down and checks his watch. PROFESSOR STEVENS (continuing) I’m pretty sure Lila’s spending the night at the hospital. You’re welcome to sleep here. No need to worry. I’ll take the couch. I don‘t mind. MARIE That’s real gentlemanlike of you. I’ve always depended on the kindness of strangers. PROFESSOR STEVENS A Streetcar Named Desire. A classic. MARIE

-26So am I. TIME ELAPSES. IN THE SHOWER Marie SINGS an old African Yoruba folk song when Professor Stevens brings fresh towels and a robe into the BATHROOM. PROFESSOR STEVENS I brought you some things There’s fresh linen on the couch Made up nice and comfortable MARIE (stops humming) What was that?! The Professor remains enraptured by the outline of her physique. PROFESSOR STEVENS (under breath) You truly are a vision of loveliness. MARIE I can’t hear you! PROFESSOR STEVENS Are you hungry?! She turns off the water and opens the sliding glass doors partially to stick her head out. MARIE Yes, Professor I am. In fact, I have quite an appetite. PROFESSOR STEVENS Please. Call me Marvin. INT. BROWNSTONE – DAY Lila helps her daughter up the staircase. Vanessa appears a little weak. INT. BROWNSTONE - DAY The door to Professor Steven’s downstairs apartment opens


and he and Marie step out. ON LILA as her eyes fall immediately to their embrace and she watches Marie plant a kiss on the Professor’s cheek. PROFESSOR STEVENS (continuing; looking up) Lila? MARIE (looking up) Yem? INT. DUBOIS APARTMENT – DAY Lila enters VANESSA’S BEDROOM with a piece of cloth sodden with ointments and slightly burned on one side. She places the cloth on top of Vanessa’s forehead. She checks the girl’s glands to see if they are swollen. At that moment, Marie enters with her duffel bag on one shoulder. Looking away from Lila, she opens the bag to reveal several balms, herbs, and other potions all tossed about amidst her clothes. She dips her fingers in one of the balms and moves to smear some of the salve on Vanessa’s temple but Lila stops her. LILA We don’t want none of that here. No potions, no mojos, no nothin’. Keep your foolishness to yourself Marie. MARIE Foolishness? Yem? LILA I ain’t no pagan any more. I keep tellin’ you.


MARIE What do you call that rag on her head now? A poultice, right? It’s all folk medicine. Home remedies. It’s the same concept Yem. It’s all about curing powers. Vanessa closes her eyes. INT. DUBOIS APARTMENT - KITCHEN – DAY Lila is furious and vents her anger as she paces back back and forth, hovering over Marie who quietly accepts her big sister’s wrath. LILA You come waltzin’ back here like Miss. Thang, like you got all the answers and everybody’s supposed to jump. I take responsibility for Vanessa. She’s been raised practical and I intend to keep it that way. We lead a simple Christian life with no ghosts or magic curses included. MARIE It ain’t about you Yem and that life you talk about is a lie. LILA I ain’t gonna listen to this. VANESSA’S POV – LILA & MARIE Straddling the side of the wall Vanessa listens to her mother and Marie go at it. MARIE Yem, you gotta be prepared to go all the way. He’s coming for her. I feel him all around me. He’s watching and waiting. His fate is hers and hers his. CUT TO:

-29VANESSA moves away from the door as one of her headaches starts up again. She falls to the floor grabbing her head in agony. LILA You think I’m gonna do that to my child? Somethin’ I don’t even believe anymore? Crazy conjos. I’m a Catholic woman. I take Communion. VANESSA By turning your back on what you are you only end up hurting Vanessa. Can’t you see that? Lila moves towards her. Marie stares up into her defiant eyes, looking for some sign of hope. LILA You sleep with the Professor? MARIE Yem . . . LILA Why ask a stupid question right? ‘Specially one you already know the answer to. We shoulda left you at that Maison Blanche were you belonged . . . with all the other sinners. NOTE: Maison Blanche(white house)was believed to have been built by Marie Laveau who was a powerful priestess and seductress of her time. As folklore has it, within the walls of Maison Blanche beautiful women entertained and provided sexual favors for a price. CUT TO: VANESSA SCREAMS and collapses. INT. VANESSA’S BEDROOM – DAY Vanessa finishes the orange juice and gives the glass to Marie.


MARIE How ya feel darling? You feel like talking to your auntie Marie? VANESSA (pulling covers tight) I feel better . . . (beat) . . . but that’s not good enough . . . MARIE No darling, it’s not. (beat) How much do you know? Vanessa’s eyes wander briefly then focus on Marie’s face. VANESSA My ancestoranother Vanessa Dubois was raped by a slave master. Her daddy killed this man and later he was hung for it. Before he died, he put a curse on that White man’s family. MARIE (rubbing Vanessa’s forehead) Saying that all Caulfield heirs will die on their forty fifth birthday. None of the doctors know why you get these headaches but you do, don’t you Vanessa? VANESSA (bare whisper) I hear voices. They speak to me about the curse and my powers. I go to sleep with them in my head. And mama MARIE (interrupting) Your mama fears the unknown. VANESSA That’s why you’re here.

-31MARIE Absolutely. VANESSA Mama said you ran off with a man old enough to be your daddy and put the family to shame. That true? MARIE Vanessa? Darling do you believe people have a right to live their lives the way they see fit and to love whom they want? ‘Cause if you do then I can tell you that I’ve learned a lot in my travels. I’ve been all over this world. All kinds of countries. Experienced many cultures. The Aztecs. The Incas. Egyptians. Aborigines. I couldn’t have learned so much if I’d stayed where I was with my situation. I don’t look back on regrets honey ‘cause time is too short. VANESSA Why do you call mama Yem? What does it mean? MARIE It means your mama is a goddess of the moon. She gives life and nurtures. Like a mama should. VANESSA Is she wise? MARIE Oh yes, very. Some say she possesses the collective secrets of the land. But when she’s angry, look out. VANESSA Like mama. MARIE Exactly like your mama.


INT. OLD CURIOSITY SHOP – LATE AFTERNOON Vanessa and Marie peruse the shop for specialty items. Vanessa finds a section labeled “Sacred Arts of the AfroCaribbean from Louisiana to the West Indies”. VANESSA (running over) Look, can we get something? Marie follows after her. Vanessa picks up a strangely decorated artifact. INSERT - LIBATION BOTTLE BACK TO SCENE MARIE (looking it over) Cheap knock-off. Marie places the item in the basket when she notices a peculiar freestanding figure on a wooden chest. INSERT - ORNAMENTAL REPLICA OF TOTEM (animal-like) Marie rubs her fingers over the figure. BACK TO SCENE MARIE (continuing) We’re a special clan Vanessa. It’s more than the roots we believe. Real and pure magic is like nothing else in this world. A great and beautiful thing when you handle it right. It’s something you will learn as you age. These are but things, what-nots from a store. I believe in magic and everything medicine, art, dance, politics absolutely everything serves the spirits. I want so much. VANESSA

-33The spirits? MARIE Yes honey, the spirits. The spirits. Whosoever serves the spirits has the power to hurt or heal. He who comes looking for you uses the power for great mischief. Revenge against our ancestors. That’s what he seeks. Oh Vanessa, there is so much I have to tell you. So much you need to know. We’ll talk much more about it later. Come now, we best be going. INT. SUBWAY CAR – RUSH HOUR - DAY Loaded with miniature gift bags of curios, Vanessa and Marie squeeze in between some of the other PASSENGERS. The train stops. A lone MALE PASSENGER gets on. He is shrouded in white from head to toe. A wide-brimmed white hat is pulled firmly over his head with only his lips exposed in view. He leans against an antique cane with a pearl handle. Across the aisle from Vanessa and Marie, the strange passenger slithers into an open space. In a matter of moments, HIS LIPS launch a multitude of MULTI SYLLABIC RHYTHMIC VERSES. VANESSA & MARIE squirm in their seats, their eyelids flutter rapidly. HIS LIPS move faster, RYTHMIC SPEECH ACCELERATING TO AN UNCONSCIOUS PACE. VANESSA & MARIE fall madly into a deep sleep. CUT TO:


EXT. ALTERNATIVE REALITY – DARKNESS DRUMS BEAT ferociously. INDISTINGUISHABLE VOICES filter through the air. A SWAMP wide with boiling water percolates. SWAMP GAS clouds the air. SUDDENLY VANESSA & MARIE emerge from the waters, taking short gasping breaths, trying to stay afloat. The MOJO BAG around Marie’s neck melts away. Their SCREAMS intermix with the VOICES. From depths of the caverns a CREATURE patrols the area. VANESSA (flailing about) I can’t breath auntie! Help! Marie grabs a hold of her and pulls her back above the water. VANESSA (continuing; coughing) Where are we?! I’m burning up! It’s so hot! MONOTONOUS LAUGHTER fills the air. The SOUND OF A MAN’S VOICE speaks to them. MARIE We’re inside his head, child. He conjured it up to intimidate us. Show yourself Caulfielddemon that you arecoward! Oh true Goddess, heal these waters . . . Enemy Be Gone . . . Vanessa’s CRIES escalate.

-35MARIE (continuing) Darling you look here, he is not deserving of our pain. VANESSA But it hurts so bad! MARIE Concentrate darling, the waters are not hot. Think of a flowing stream of purple. It’ll help break the spell of his magic. A SHIFT IN THE WATERS happens. The swamp starts to rotate in the manner of a whirlpool. A FORCE tugs away at them until their bodies are sucked UNDERNEATH Many fathoms down. Further and further they sink through the bottomless void at rapid speed until CUT TO: BACK TO REALITY INT. SUBWAY CAR – DAY Dripping with sweat Vanessa and Marie awaken to find the subway car empty except for the strange man in the white suit still sitting across from them. Marie feels up around her neck, the MOJO BAG is back intact. The train stops. The man slowly rises. His face remains covered by the hat. He stops in front of them, tips his hat lightly and motions with his cane for the doors to open. Behind him, he leaves this SHARP INSIDIOUS LAUGHTER that reverberates.

-36INT. DUBOIS APARTMENT – GUEST ROOM - NIGHT Marie lights several candles placed in a circle all around her on the floor and burns incense. After the last one, she closes her eyes and falls into a meditative trance. CUT TO: THE DOORWAY Vanessa appears holding a MINIATURE DOLL made of clay and straw. MARIE (continuing; eyes closed) Yes, Vanessa? VANESSA What are you doing? MARIE (eyes closed) Sustaining harmony. VANESSA Oh. (fidgeting with doll) Is this yours? Marie opens her eyes and gazes upon the clay doll’s head. MARIE Where’d you get that thing? VANESSA It was in the store bag. It looks kinda funny. MARIE (troubled) What’s that on its head? VANESSA You mean this straw?

-37Vanessa reexamines the head of the doll and beneath the straw is a chunk of human hair. VANESSA (continuing) Oh this . . . Marie jumps up from the circle, knocking one of the candles over. VANESSA (continuing) What’s wrong auntie? Marie rushes over to Vanessa and grabs her by the pigtails. She bends her head back and near her neck, there is a huge bald gapped space where hair has been cut off. VANESSA (continuing) Auntie! The floor, it’s on fire! Marie jerks around She dashes over to stuffs it over the flames and Vanessa

to find the candles have ignited a fire. the bed, removes the bedspread and flames. She begins to stomp away at the joins her.

INT. DUBOIS APARTMENT - BATHROOM – NIGHT Vanessa scrubs away in the bathtub. The cleaning process is intense as if she is trying to scrub away the negativity of the day. INT. DUBOIS APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM – NIGHT Lila watches TV. Marie enters quietly. LILA You satisfied now? MARIE Yem, please. LILA (continuing) You come to my house . . .


MARIE It was an accident. I didn’t do it on purpose. I’m sorry. LILA . . . and you burn up my linen and put my child in harm’s way. You ain’t right in the head Marie. MAN (on TV) In just a few days, the first eclipse of the new Millennium will occur . . . a total eclipse of the moon . . . Make sure you are in a spot to observe this unique occurrence . . . MARIE My job is to protect the girl Yem not to hurt her. Didn’t she tell you what happened today? LILA About you two falling asleep on the subway and having a nightmare? Yeah, she told me. MARIE Damn it Yem! That’s not what happened and you know it. LILA To hell with you Marie. It took me years to erase the sins of the Eldersyears. The tradition. The plagueall of itgone. I done trained myself you see, not to believe. I can’t go back. I won’t go back. MARIE Yem, he slipped her a cursed doll. It’s got patches of her hair on it. He’s hexing her. We gotta destroy it.

-39Lila shakes her heads and turns to walk away but returns. LILA (throws up hands) I don’t wanna hear it.

MAN (on TV) . . . The eclipse is expected to last about three hours. And unlike solar eclipses, lunar eclipses are completely safe to watch. This will truly mark the beginning of a most memorable and historic moment . . . MARIE He’s skilled in sorcery. Vanessa’s our only chance to meet him toe to toe. EXT. SACRED BURIAL GROUND – DAY Marie digs a hole in the earth with her bare hands. Her whole body shakes as she pummels away at the dirt. Vanessa takes a white cloth and wraps it around the cursed doll. MARIE (continuing) Tie it tight, sweetheart. Real tight now. Vanessa makes sure the doll is secured within the wrapping. MARIE (continuing) Gimme . . . Vanessa hands her the doll. MARIE (continuing) Enemy Be Gone. All spells against me and mine disintegrate. Marie places the doll in the hole and reaches for the

-40matches. She scratches the box once and the flame comes too close to her face, causing her to drop the matchbook. VANESSA It’s your nerves auntie. Let me. Vanessa takes over and torches the doll, then drops it in the hole. CUT TO: INT. SACRED BURIAL GROUND - LATER Vanessa and Marie cover the remaining ashes with a liquid potion. MARIE (covering hole with dirt) Now the earth will recycle all this negative energy. VANESSA Turn it into blessings? Marie nods. INT. PROFESSOR STEVEN’S APARTMENT - NIGHT Marie sips from her wine glass slowly. Professor Stevens has a bewildered look on his face and glances back and forth at Marie awaiting more information. Marie finishes the glass of wine and places the glass squarely in the center of the table. MARIE You see, the doll had to be buried on hallowed ground. That’s why we chose that old African cemetery. Professor Stevens is like a man who has lost all connection with reality. He turns away and stares into the distance. MARIE (continuing) I know it’s hard for you. Believe me, I know. You’re a man of science but

-41you’re also a reader of literature where such things are spoken of sometimes. PROFESSOR STEVENS What you’re describing is not Shakespeare Marie, nor is it Alice Walker. You’re talking about things that don’t really have a base system other than in the minds of peasants and ignorant individuals who grasp at folklore to explain everything that happens in their lives. Don’t you understand that Black folk can’t afford to think like that in this day and age? Marie moves back. She picks up the glass from the table and hurls it against the wall. It SHATTERS TO PIECES. PROFESSOR STEVENS (continuing) Hey? Wha? MARIE If that had been a mirror, you’d probably be talking about my seven years of bad luck. Even educated people believe in a faith system. And it’s not just the ordinary man who believes in magic, either. (several beats) You want to say I believe because I don’t have the academic background you have. On the flip side, Yem wants to say I’m a sinner because I left the Church. Well, you’re both wrong. I believe in the spirits of our people before the culture was raped by the sword and the Bible. And I believe in the magic that was given to our clan to protect. INT. HIGH RISE - NIGHT The teacher pounds away at the computer only to stop when she HEARS A LOUD THUMP. Beat.

-42VOICE (O.S.) You can come out now, we have business to attend to. Come on out now I’m not going anywhere. She looks around but no one is there. Scared, she reaches for the phone. While in her hands the RECEIVER TURNS A BLARING RED HOT. She SCREAMS and drops it. VOICE (O.S.) (continuing) I’m waiting . . . don’t you want to know about Vanessa? INT. PROFESSOR STEVEN'S APTARTMENT – NIGHT Professor cleans up the broken glass. MARIE She has to be reborn. It's the customary rite of passage for the chosen one. She must face an evil so diabolical . . . so deadly. He's gonna come at her with everything he's got. He ain't one of those in self denial whose too ashamed to know what it's about. He's trained in the ways of the art. PROFESSOR STEVENS But spells? Magic? MARIE On the train, when we descended into the swamp cavern, when he controlled our minds, there was this beast. A vile creature. PROFESSOR STEVENS A beast? MARIE He planted the image in our minds. You’ve got to believe me when I say Vanessa's life is at stake. INT. HIGH RISE - NIGHT


CAULFIELD is an albino whose wavy pompadour expresses a patrician air. He personifies the very essence of genteel savagery. His mannerisms are polite and refined but his methods are barbaric. One only has to look deep into his eyes to see the malignancy. TEACHER Who are you? How'd you get in here? CAULFIELD My great, great, great, great grandfather died from the hands of one of little Vanessa's ancestors. Your dear student Vanessa. TEACHER That’s too bad but I want you to leave now before I call the cops. CAULFIELD For you it is . . . and anyone close to the bad seed. What you didn’t know is her people come from a long line of witches, descendants of the Ibo and Yoruba lot. Some of them have special powers, the ones that practice. Fortunately, so do I. He gets up and moves toward her. She takes a few steps back. TEACHER I’ll scream. CAULFIELD Gee, I hope so. That makes it half the fun. INT. PROFFESSOR STEVEN’S APARTMENT – NIGHT Professor Stevens takes Marie in his arms. MARIE I’m scared. I don’t want to

-44admit it for Vanessa’s sake. It’s my job to protect her and failure is not an option the child has. He covers her mouth with his and kisses her gently. PROFESSOR STEVENS I wanted to do that the first time I saw you. I hope you don’t mind because I have the irresistible urge to do it again. MARIE I must warn you Marvin. To get involved with me is like Chinese arithmetic. I’m not easy to crack. PROFESSOR STEVENS I can’t help myself Marie. She pulls him to her and returns his kissbut hers is much more vigorous. He begins to run his hands down the length of her body, tracing each voluptuous curve. CUT TO: LIVING ROOM FLOOR Naked and wallowing topsy-turvy on top of one another, Marie and the Professor tumble about. He has her now, her arms pinned to the floor and legs wrapped around him. Pushing into her, he leans down to suck her breasts until her nipples are erect. She MOANS in pleasure. INTERCUTING Marie and Professor Steven’s in his apartment, the killer Caulfield in the high rise with the teacher.


INT. HIGH RISE – NIGHT Caulfield has the teacher by the throat and lifts her in mid-air. Her mouth is gaped open but no sound is emitted. She goes through the emotions of screaming but there is a “muted silence”. DRUMS BEAT, heralding his torture. CAULFIELD Do you think me brutal? He releases her from his grip but she continues to hang suspended in midair, unable to say anything. He takes a seat on the couch and crosses his legs very gentleman-like. He removes the white hat and places it on his knee. CAULFIELD (continuing) My European ancestors borrowed many practices from the slaves. Indeed, they learned many interesting things. (beat) But one thing was forgotten however (beat) the element of control. (beat) I’m afraid I must show you no mercy. You are but a link in the chain to my final destiny. He motions and HIS CANE miraculously rises in mid-air and positions itself erect horizontally.

-46He points his finger in the direction of the teacher and the cane shoots through the air with the greatest of ease and slices her body in half! INT. PROFESSOR STEVEN’S APARTMENT – NIGHT The Professor cradles Marie in his arms. PROFESSOR STEVENS It’s been a long time . . . MARIE Well, that’s probably your fault. PROFESSOR STEVENS I don’t know about that, women don’t seem to be interested in the Professor Dolittle types. She smiles and taps him on the arm. MARIE You were great. (looking troubled) Oh my Goddess PROFESSOR STEVENS What is it? MARIE Something awful . . . EXT. MOVING CAR – NIGHT Professor Stevens drives Marie around the city at a MADDENING SPEED. He makes several turns, unsure of the final destination. Marie peers from the window at each turn, scouring the streets for a “sign”. PROFESSOR STEVENS This is just crazy . . . it’s insane. You don’t have a clue, do you? MARIE

-47The vibe . . . we’re getting closer. I can feel it. It’s around here somewhere. Just keep driving. PROFESSOR STEVENS I don’t know about this. MARIE Wait . . . INT. HIGH RISE – NIGHT Marie and the Professor gaze in horror at the sight before them. Blood is everywheresplattered against the walls and throughout the room. The teacher’s entrails are strewn about. She has been literally torn to pieces by this monster. PROFESSOR STEVENS My God, what on earth could have done this? MARIE Nothing on earth. INT. HIGH RISE


A POLICE DETECTIVE questions Professor Stevens. Many MEN scurry about the apartment, dusting for fingerprints and cleaning up the mess. THE BODY or what’s left of it, is scooped into a couple of plastic bags. Marie has her arms folded tight and her head down. She waits for her turn in questioning. Something happens and she begins to shudder. IMAGES OF CAULFIELD appear to her in a SUCCESSION OF FLASHES. She starts to shake her head and is quickly brought back to consciousness by the detective.

-48POLICE DETECTIVE (taking hold of her) Miss, Miss are you all right? PROFESSOR STEVENS Marie? MARIE I know who did this. She looks over at Professor Stevens who shakes his head, “No”. POLICE DETECTIVE Who did this? MARIE Crime in the city is terrible. May I have some water? The detective stops a UNIFORMED COP. POLICE DETECTIVE Get the lady some water. (to Marie) Are you’re saying she was a victim of city life? PROFESSOR STEVENS Things like that do happen detective. POLICE DETECTIVE Things like that do happen, huh? That’s funny. I got the impression she knew someone in particular who might be responsible. Like a name? PROFESSOR STEVENS She doesn’t know anything. I told you. We came here to pick up some homework for her niece. The girl’s been out of school a couple of days due to fatigue and we wanted to make sure she was caught up. That’s what she means. POLICE DETECTIVE (to Marie)

-49Is that right Miss? MARIE Yeah, what he said. The uniformed cop brings the glass of water and Marie drinks slowly while the detective looks on, still not convinced. POLICE DETECTIVE I might be interested in talking to that niece of yours. Maybe her and this teacher were close, maybe she knows some of her associates. (handing her his card) I’d like to give it a go with you as well, say over dinner? Professor Stevens steps forward and intercepts the card. INT. SCHOOL – HALLWAY – DAY Vanessa opens her locker to retrieve her books and when she closes it, Caulfield is standing there. She jumps. CAULFIELD Vanessa Dubois, we meet at last. VANESSA You’re the man from the train. CAULFIELD You’re a smart girl. VANESSA I’ll scream. CAULFIELD Those were the exact same words of your poorly departed math teacher. They are words that are like sweet Wind Song to my ears. I do enjoy them so. VANESSA What did you do to her?

-50He looks at her long and hard and a delectable grin crosses his face. VANESSA (continuing) Leave me be. She starts to walk away but he grabs her by the shirt collar. CAULFIELD I am your destiny child and you are mine. You are running out of time, little warrior girl. His voice is haunting and subdued. Vanessa closes her eyes tight and tries to focus. VANESSA Enemy be gone! When Vanessa opens her eyes Caulfield has disappeared and A GROUP OF STUDENTS stare at her bizarre behavior. INT. PROFESSOR STEVEN’S APARTMENT – DAY Lila lectures the Professor. PROFESSOR STEVENS Last time we were together you offered me tea and then took it away. There are things going on with your family but you won’t let me in. I thought we were friends. LILA I know somethin’ too Professor. You been sleepin’ with her. Don’t bother, I can smell her scent on you. PROFESSOR STEVENS Lila LILA And I guess you figure that’s none of my business but let me tell you a little somethin’ about Mariemy family found her. She

-51was thirteen years old and her momma was a whore, down at that chicken ranch in New Orleans. There’ve been plenty before you Professor. My husband was one of ‘em. At this point the Professor, not wanting to hear any more, goes to the window to get some air. LILA (continuing) Her father was a White man, a sailor. As soon as he found out he got a Black whore pregnant, he killed the mother. We took Marie in, gave her the Dubois name. Dubois name is a respectable name. You’re a good man and I don‘t want to see you get hurt or your good name drug through the mud. You deserve to know what you’re dealin’ with. EXT. THE NEIGHBORHOOD – DAY Vanessa and Marie stroll arm in arm down the city streets. Marie is stunning as ever in a low-cut blouse and snuggly fitting skirt that exaggerates her curves. For the first time, Vanessa’s hair is out of pigtails and draped over her shoulders in a smooth curl. She is no longer wearing the saddle shoes but instead sports a pair of patent leather pumps. VANESSA I don’t feel much up to this. Where are we going anyway? MARIE I know honey but some people handle grief differently. VANESSA Why did he have to do it? It’s me he wants, right?

-52MARIE Vanessa, Caulfield’s greatest joy is spreading misery and strife which is why you must respond to the call before somebody else dies. They pass a GROUP OF MEN AND BOYS whose mouths open in awe. MAN Good day to you two fine sistas. VANESSA Should we say something? MARIE Hell no, a man’ll appreciate you more if you ignore him. More WHISTELS AND CATCALLS from the men. VANESSA My birthday’s coming up. MARIE Same as his. That’s when it has to be done. INT. DUBOIS APARTMENT – NIGHT Lila is VACUUMING when Marie approaches and takes the vacuum away from her. Lila looks at her peculiarly. MARIE (continuing) I’m no stranger to hard work Yem. LILA (moving aside) Who told you to change her hair? Her appearance? MARIE (running the vacuum) Please, pigtails are for little girls. Vanessa will be sixteen soon.

-53She’s a beautiful girl. She should embrace that, not hide from it. LILA Like you? We all know where that leads. Before Marie can answer, they are both taken off guard. THE GROUND SHAKES Lila grabs a hold of Marie, who turns the vacuum off. LILA (continuing) Oh my God, an earthquake. MARIE In New York City? Several items CRASH to the floor. CUT TO: INT. STREET CORNER – NIGHT Outside the brownstone, Caulfield enters into a trance. He is the source of the “earthquake” as he controls powerful winds. HUGE WIND SPIRALS OF AIR SWIRL around him and a BEAM OF LIGHT illuminates his stature. CUT TO: INT. STREET CORNER – PARKED CAR – NIGHT The detective is alarmed by the shift in the ground as his automobile BOUNCES. POLICE DETECTIVE’S POV – CAULFIELD He watches the episode diligently as the wind escalates around the peculiar stranger, whipping havoc. CUT TO: INT. DUBOIS APARTMENT – NIGHT


Lila makes a cross against her chest. LILA Our Father, who art in Heaven . . . Hallowed be thy name . . . Thy Kingdome Come . . . Thy will be done . . . THE GROUND SHAKES MARIE That won’t do it Yem. It’s him. A KNOCK at the door interrupts. CUT TO: INT. DUBOIS APARTMENT - LATER Edgy and uncomfortable, the police detective takes out a cigarette. LILA No smoking in here. POLICE DETECTIVE (putting cigarette away) Yeah, well, just thought I needed something. What a bizarre scene. I thought I saw some nut trying to control the weather. MARIE Could you describe one more time what you saw. POLICE DETECTIVE Well, I thought I saw this man, only he was shrouded by the wind and this weird light. And the earthquake didn’t even bother him. LILA There’s a lot of freaks around

-55these parts. They come out at night. Vanessa comes in to the room. She has a LODESTONE NECKLACE on. LILA (continuing) Honey, this man is with the police and he’s got some questions to ask you. It’ll be alright just tell him what he wants to know about your teacher. I’m right here with you. VANESSA Mama, that wasn’t no earthquake. LILA Vanessa, please! POLICE DETECTIVE Now, about the teacher . . . VANESSA She was my favorite teacher. She made math fun too, said I was her star pupil. I miss her already. POLICE DECTECTIVE Think hard Vanessa. Did your teacher ever mention any boyfriends? We’re trying to check out all the angles. What was done to her was brutal. A disturbed individual did that. VANESSA An ex husband is all I know. I heard her one time talking to some other teachers and she said he was the kind of man who was always self-involved. That he didn’t even notice when she divorced him, not until she packed everything and moved out. LILA

-56That’s enough detective, my little girl’s told you everything now. MARIE (getting up) I’ll see you out detective. INT. BROWNSTONE - STAIRCASE - NIGHT On her way to escort the detective out the building, Marie is unaware that Professor Stevens is spying on them through the peephole of his apartment door. CUT TO: EXT. CITY STREET - PARKED CAR - NIGHT The detective gets up close to Marie. MARIE (continuing) You never give up, do ya? POLICE DETECTIVE You’re an incredibly beautiful woman, no man would. MARIE Let me tell you something detective, I’ve learned that most men aren’t worth the effort. But when one comes along that you see promise in, well, it might not hurt to try. POLICE DETECTIVE You mean the Professor? No answer. Stubbornly, he unlocks the car door and gets in. POLICE DETECTIVE (continuing) Ohbefore I forget. What was that strange necklace your niece was wearing? Fashion sure has changed.


MARIE It’s a lodestone charm I gave her. She draws power from it and it helps keep negativity away. POLICE DETECTIVE You mean like a talisman? My granny used to believe in that stuff. She was always trying to ward against the ‘evil eye’. I’m Italian, you see. Let me tell you something Miss. Dubois, I’ve worked homicide for ten years. Nothing keeps negativity away. MARIE (turning to walk away) Goodnight detective. Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite. (turning back) Or don’t you believe in bed bugs? INT. SCHOOL – DAY Caulfield strolls down the school corridors unnoticed. He SEES a GROUP OF GIRLS turn the corner, headed in his direction. The girl on the outside has braces. They near him, CHATTERING amongst the group. He tips his hat and with a slight of hand removes a HAIRBOW from the head of the girl with braces. He slips the keepsake into his pants pocket. INT. SCHOOL - CAFETERIA - DAY STUDENTS wait in line for their meals. Vanessa sits alone at a corner table. It is obvious something is on her mind. She is withdrawn and picks over her food. The girl with the braces bypasses Vanessa and elbows her in the arm. Her FRIENDS make snide remarks. They take a seat at a nearby table facing forward. INT. CAULFIELD’S LAIR – DAY

-58This lavish hideout is complete with fantastical European sculptures and replicas of a bygone era. His elegant boudoir draped by curtains. Accustomed to the finer things in life, Caulfield PLAYS A TUNE on the baby grand piano and muses harmoniously. Suddenly, He stops. Removes the HAIRBOW from his pocket and smiles mischievously. CUT TO: INT. SCHOOL – CAFETERIA – DAY Vanessa ducks as the girl with braces spoon-tosses peas at her from across the room. She is furious. The girls at the table are HYSTERICAL. When Vanessa turns to leave she is stopped in her tracks when she hears CHOKING SOUNDS erupt from the table. CUT TO: INT. CAULFIELD’S LAIR – DAY The sorcerer stands over a tin pale bucket full of water. Inside the pale the HAIRBOW of the girl with braces floats around. Caulfield says a few INCANTATIONS and WE SEE the IMAGE OF THE GIRL WITH BRACES reflected in the water. After the image has been captured fully, he takes a KNIFE and thrusts it into the bucket. THE WATER REDDENS WITH THE BLOOD OF HIS VICTIM ON CAULFIELD delightfully pleased; he DANCES A LITTLE JIG to celebrate. CUT TO: INT. SCHOOL – CAFETERIA – DAY

-59To Vanessa’s horror, the girl with braces begins to bleed profusely from the throat before keeling over on the floor. The rest of the girls at the table SCREAM and scatter about. A lunchroom RIOT occurs. CUT TO: INT. SCHLOOL – PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE – DAY Lila folds her arms around Vanessa. She is nervous and edgy and unconsciously squeezes Vanessa’s neck. PRINCIPAL They think Vanessa hurt Veronica. LILA (squeezing Vanessa harder) Well, they’d be wrong. She told you what she saw. All those girls are just jealous of her school talents. PRINCIPAL It’s her talents they question. LILA What’s that supposed to mean? PRINCIPAL We’re all aware of an incident with Veronica and another girl Justine, who by the way was hospitalized for a week after a confrontation with your daughter. Vanessa winces in pain as her mother tightens her grip. LILA You accusin’ my daughter of a crime? You callin’ her a liar? PRINCIPAL I hear the rumors ma’am. Some say Vanessa has strange powers.

-60That she wills things to happen to people. Vanessa looks away. LILA I’m surprised at you, this is supposed to be a traditional learnin’ institution not some two bit superstitious joint. That girl had a seizure and hemorrhaged that's all. PRINCIPAL Maybe Vanessa would be better off going to school somewhere else. It’s something we would really like for you to consider. VANESSA No! I don’t want to leave school. Beat. The Principal takes a deep breath and SIGHS. Lila rolls her eyes. LILA You heard my daughter so now what? PRINCIPAL Classes will be postponed the rest of the week. There’s a memorial service for Mrs. Miller on Wednesday and one for Veronica the day after, at the downtown civic center. Two funerals in a matter of days. Tragic. INT. DUBOIS APARTMENT - VANESSA’S BEDROOM – DAY Vanessa listens to MUSIC. Marie enters and flips on the lights. MARIE He took something from that girl at your school so he could capture her image and destroy it. That’s how it works. He laid

-61a trick. EXT. NEW YORK STREET - DAY Marie and Vanessa rush madly through the streets, bumping in to STREET VENDORS and knocking things over. In the middle of traffic, Marie hails a YELLOW CAB and they take of. CUT TO: INT. CITY UNIVERSITY - DAY Professor Stevens reads aloud to the COLLEGE STUDENTS from a book of poetry from the Harlem Renaissance. Just as he engages in a long verse, Marie and Vanessa barge into the classroom. PROFESSOR STEVENS What is the meaning of this? MARIE We need to chatright now. INT. CITY UNIVERSITY - TEACHER'S LOUNGE - DAY While Vanessa pretends not to be listening to their conversation, Marie and the Professor huddle in a corner of the room. PROFESSOR STEVENS Actually, I don't think there's anything left for us to discuss. I can't compete with your history. MARIE My history? Oh, I see, Yem's been giving you her interpretation. Marie turns away and then back again. MARIE (continuing) I was thirteena child! Vanessa looks over. Marie lowers her voice.


MARIE (continuing) Everybody, including my own mother, they all used me. They took everything. Every shred of dignity they took. They stole my childhoodripped it from right out under me. Do you blame a child for her condition? For what adults make of her? Is that what your scholarly way has taught you? You really want to know why I came here? To save your stinking life, that's why. First out of a humane duty and second Marie is a little choked up and tries to hide it. PROFESSOR STEVENS (beat) Look, I’m sorry. He takes Marie in his arms. A warm smile comes over Vanessa's face as she looks on. VANESSA (bare whisper) Yep, I guess mama missed her chance. EXT. RUN DOWN SHACK (HARLEM) – NIGHT Located near an abandoned lot, this structure is made entirely of wood scraps and metal pieces. The floor is made of sandstone. A tacked on screen door has been affixed to the front and a drawstring hangs out that when pulled, rings a bell from the inside. Professor Stevens is taken aback by the pure “bare bones” living arrangement. The OLD WOMAN of the house appears from the shadows.

-63Her most noticeable feature is the long gray dreadlocks that flow down the length of her body near the floor. OLD WOMAN I been expectin’ you, come on in, less’n the evil stop you in your tracks. Vanessa looks to Marie, who signals that it is “OK” to follow the strange old woman. Professor Stevens takes Marie by the hand. INT. PROFFESSOR STEVEN’S APARTMENT – NIGHT Caulfield picks up a PICTURE OF THE PROFESSOR and SMASHES it with his bare hands. He clears the photo from the smashed frame and tears it in half. INT. RUN DOWN SHACK (HARLEM) – NIGHT The old woman brings out a TRAY WITH THREE CUPS. PROFESSOR STEVENS (to Marie) I don’t know about this. MARIE (to Professor) Don’t be disrespectful, she knows what she’s doing. VANESSA What is? MARIE (to Vanessa) Sssh! The old woman offers the tray and each one takes a cup with the unrecognizable elixir inside. OLD WOMAN This here treatment will keep you clean of spirit. Drink it up.

-64They toss the cups back and swallow with some distaste. OLD WOMAN (continuing) Hmmf, it ain’t meant to be tasty, just efficient. The old woman retrieves the cups and walks away MUMBLING UNDER HER BREATH. Professor Stevens turns to Marie. PROFESSOR STEVENS All right, let’s have it. Who is this crazy old lady? MARIE (whispering) Watch your mouthshe hears all. PROFESSOR STEVENS Just explain to me why we’re here again. You said it was life or death. MARIE Mama Roots is going to help us lay some tricks of our own. PROFESSOR STEVENS Oh yeah, that clears it right up. VANESSA I think what auntie means is the old one is going to appeal to the spirits to protect us against his bad magic. MARIE Caulfield. How I hate his name. Mama Roots here can get down and dirty with him. On cue, the old sorceress returns. In her hand is a INSERT - LARGE BASIN FILLED WITH WATER

-65BACK TO SCENE OLD WOMAN Many stories of blood and death I sho’ could tellseen plenty. PROFESSOR STEVENS Just how old are you? Marie nudges him in the side. OLD WOMAN Wellain’t nobody been able to determine and meI lost count. She begins a THUNDEROUS LAUGH and SLAPS her knee twice. OLD WOMAN (continuing) Some bad mojo around yall. She takes out a SMALL PIN from her bosom and holds the basin over Professor Steven’s lap while she pricks his forefinger. PROFESSOR STEVENS This is crazy. OLD WOMAN It don’t help that the male species here don’t believe. MARIE He’s a Professor. OLD WOMAN That’s his problem. She takes a hold of Marie’s finger and pricks it over the basin. Before she can get to Vanessa, the girl has already stuck her finger out and closed her eyes. OLD WOMAN (continuing) This girl time’s-a comin’. What her mother think? MARIE

-66She still refuses. Vanessa winces slightly as the pin plows into her flesh and little ringlets of blood drip into the basin. The old woman finishes and mixes the contents of their blood in the water. OLD WOMAN There those men who lead a double lifethis bad spirit be one of ‘em. He sees himself in an educated and enlightened way from when he used to sail the seas. In the earthly realm he be a man of many riches. (points to Vanessa) When the girl become reborn, the spirits bestow great gifts. Professor Stevens gives Marie a chastising look but she is too busy enrapt with the old woman’s soliloquy to acknowledge him. The old woman then disappears into the back with the basin of bloody water. Vanessa licks the tip of her pricked finger. PROFESSOR STEVENS What is she going to do with it? MARIE You don’t want to know. VANESSA I bet I know. PROFESSOR STEVENS Okay. Why do I feel like I’m the only one in the clubhouse who doesn’t know the password? INT. PROFFESSOR STEVEN’S APARTMENT – NIGHT The PHOTO OF THE PROFFESSOR is BLAZING WITH FLAMES and Caulfield presides over it.


He recites the RITES OF ELIMINATION. INT. RUN DOWN SHACK (HARLEM) – NIGHT All is calm and peaceful. Vanessa and the Professor are curled up asleep on a makeshift couch. Marie and the old woman are in the middle of brewing various potions on a hot kettle in the room. MARIE (continuing) So how’ve you been Mama Roots? The old woman crinkles her withered face and GRUNTS. MARIE (continuing) That good, huh? OLD WOMAN Hand me that sachet powder. Marie reaches for a wooden chalice filled with powders and passes it to the old woman. OLD WOMAN City wanna tear down my old place here, says I be breakin’ all kinds of zonin’ codes and city ordinances by havin’ it. Hell, they just mad I ain’t needin’ them for nothin’. MARIE What’ll you do if they tear it down? OLD WOMAN Don’t worry about me, you got your own issues. Mama Roots gonna be just fine. How ‘bout we talk romance? MARIE All right now Mama Roots don’t go planting seeds hoping for something beautiful to grow. He’s just a friend.

-68OLD WOMAN Girl you can’t fool this old conjure woman. When you was born I saw you, you was the prettiest thing in the world. I knew one day men’d be fallin’ at your footsteps. Your mama made a lot of mistakes but you the lucky one to be alive. MARIE Except for his blood. OLD WOMAN Your man friend know about that? Or Vanessa? MARIE Not exactly. Yem told the Professor some bull about me being adopted. She can’t face what our mother did. And how can I tell Vanessa it’s her kin she’s gotta destroy?

OLD WOMAN (bottling potion) Old wounds gotta heal sometime. It ain’t for you or nobody else to decide on now what can’t be changed. Now’s the time to act ‘cause the plan was already laid out before your time. Now, what you believe in again? MARIE I believe in magic. OLD WOMAN And old magic believes in you too honey. Don’t you ever forget that. MARIE You think he’ll show up?


OLD WOMAN Our spilt blood should protect us tonight if so. But child, evil got many ways around the bin. PROFESSOR STEVENS rises, possessed. His eyes roll back in his head and gobs of saliva flow down the sides of his mouth. MARIE Marvin? He turns beside him and grabs a still sleeping Vanessa by the throat, shaking her fiercely. MARIE (continuing) Let her go! Marie runs over to try and pull him off the girl but his presence is too powerful and he BACKHANDS her to the floor. OLD WOMAN He got a spell in him, honey. That’s what I was talkin’ ‘bout. Caulfield’s workin’ his magic. RUN DOWN SHACK/PROFESSOR STEVEN’S APARTMENT We INTERCUT between the happenings at the shack in Harlem and Caulfield orchestrating the spell at Professor Steven’s apartment. INT. PROFFESSOR STEVEN’S APARTMENT – NIGHT Standing over burnt ashes of what used to be a photo of the Professor, Caulfield raises his hands to the sky and THUNDERING & LIGHTENING is heard outside. CAULFIELD

-70. . .Rid me of my enemy, bring down on this child thunder and lightening . . . INT. RUN DOWN SHACK (HARLEM) – NIGHT Vanessa SCREAMS madly and tries to pry the Professor’s hands away from her throat but it is no use. THE OLD WOMAN kneels down in front of them and begins to sway her hips back and forth, her hands move about and she MUBLE VERSES . She continues the swaying of her body and arms and begins to POUND the ground with her fists. Faster and faster she goes. The Professor looks empty-eyed in her direction. His pupils still invisible. As the old woman continues her verse she grabs hold of Professor Stevens’ arm. Professor Stevens lets go of Vanessa and lunges for the old woman. Marie jumps in front of him and he BACKHANDS her to the floor again. He takes the old woman down and lands on top. OLD WOMAN (continuing) Grab that bottle of Goofer dust on the table and lay it on his footsteps! She reaches into her housecoat and sprays an unknown powder substance in his face. Professor Stevens backs up slowly into his set of footprints and the “hurt” enters his body through his feet when he walks over the mark. He bounces up and down from the sheer pain of the intangible, the non-existent pins and needles in his foot.

-71MARIE Foot-track magic . . . OLD WOMAN Hot foot. Never failed me yet. Now mix some of the foot-track with the dust in the bottle and go bury it yonder under the doorstep. EXT./INT. BROWNSTONE – MORNING Marie, Vanessa and Professor Stevensall weary from last night’s peculiar activitiesstagger inside. PROFESSOR STEVENS I can’t remember a thing. You know I’d never do anything to hurt you or Vanessa. I don’t understand what could have happened. MARIE It’s not your fault. You were under his spell. VANESSA I forgive you Professor. He grimaces and pats her on the shoulders. The doors open from the INT. DUBOIS APARTMENT - DAY Lila comes out to the top of the stairs. LILA Well, ain’t this a sight. You two kept my Vanessa out all night without so much as a word. Professor, seems like it’s too late for you. The siren’s done lured you with her treachery. MARIE Yem, please, don’t be so melodramatic. I can explain.

-72LILA No need. Marie, I want you out of my house. And Vanessa, you’re grounded. VANESSA (whining) For how long? LILA Until donkeys fly, now get up here! INT. DUBOIS APARTMENT – LATER Lila tries to open the door to VANESSA’S BEDROOM but finds that it is locked from the inside. As soon as she leaves, Vanessa opens the door quietly and wanders down the hall to the GUEST ROOM where Marie is packing her things. VANESSA You can’t go. You’ve got to make her understand. You know what has to be done. I need you. MARIE (still packing) There’s nothing I can do. I best be on my way. I reckon you’ll be fine. It’s just my imagination. VANESSA Stop it! You know that’s not true. Isn’t it enough that I have to deal with being a witchthe fact that a bunch of people from long ago decided my destiny. They didn’t count on their revenge backfiring and leaving me to clean up the mess.

-73Now I’m being called on to fix it. I didn’t ask to be born into this clan. Sometimes I wish I could remove the stupid Dubois name. The curse. (calmly now) I can’t do this by myself. You’re my protector, that’s why you came, even if it means protecting me from my own mother. Do your job. In solace, Marie kisses her on the cheek. ECHO NOISES FILL VANESSA’S HEAD AND SHE BEGINS TO TREMBLE AND PASSES OUT INTO MARIE’S ARMS MARIE Yem! Come quick! Lila comes running. LILA My baby! Oh God no! Vanessa! INT. HOSPITAL – DAY Vanessa is rushed into the EMERGENCY ROOM where SEVERAL TECHNICIANS and a CROWD OF NURSES scuffle about. Marie takes a hold of Lila’s arm and guides her away from the scene to the WAITING ROOM LILA (continuing) Why Lord, why Vanessa? MARIE Yem, you know what day it is? LILA (unconcerned)

-74Don’t bother me with dates Marie, my little girl MARIE (interrupting) It’s Saturday the 12th. Tomorrow’s Sunday the 13thVanessa’s birthday and his. LILA Didn’t I throw you out? MARIE There’s nothing they can do for her in here and you know it. It’s time. Lila opens up her hands and plants her face inside. She begins to CRY. Marie waits for a minute or two before taking her sister in her arms. LILA I can’t. MARIE (patting her back) You can . . . we can . . . she’ll die here tonight if we don’t or he’ll kill her tomorrow. Your choice. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM – LATER Dr. Mandrigal consults with Lila and Marie while Vanessa lies comatose. DOCTOR MANDRIGAL (glumly) Miss. Dubois, by all scientific accounts Vanessa is . . . (looking down at the ground) . . . her heart is barely beating at an infinitesimal rate . . . she has lost complete function of all apparatus . . . internally virtually everything is shut down. The swollen

-75mass of tissue surrounding her frontal lobe has grown ten inches in diameter since I checked her laststill it doesn’t register as being a carcinogen or malignant in any way. A confounding conundrum. We doctors don’t often do well with those. By all rights your daughter should be dead. LILA She’ll stay right here! MARIE Doctor , if you could excuse us. My sister and I need some time alone. Lila gives her a look. DOCTOR MANDRIGAL Sure, sure. I know how hard this is on you. He looks back and forth between them. Immediately when he is gone:

MARIE I’ll go see if I can get my hands on the closest thing to a butcher knife. And I should give Marvin a call and have him come for us. When she is gone: LILA (at Vanessa’s bedside) Precious baby girl, Lord heal my Vanessa. She looks up to the Heavens and clasps her hands together. LILA (continuing)

-76Lord, stop me from this unholy act, bring Vanessa back to me and prove’em wrong. She checks to see if there is any change in Vanessa’s condition. There is none. She rubs Vanessa’s forehead soothingly. LILA (continuing) The sins of the elders visited upon the young. She lays her head on Vanessa’s stomach. Marie enters with a big SURGICAL KNIFE. MARIE Yemget my bag. We need to hurry. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM – NIGHT Vanessa’s body is unclothed and on her right hip is the INSERT - BIRTH MARK of the warrior child. CUT TO: Van Van Incense is burned to clear away enemy tricks during the rite of passage and to bring about prophetic dreams. CUT TO: Marie sponge bathes Vanessa. CUT TO: MAGIC CIRCLE Vanessa’s body lies in a semi conscious state on the hospital floor, enclosed in a charcoal drawn circle. LILA So many of our people done sold their soul to the monster at the

-77crossroads. And here you ask me to give my only child. MARIE Put down your religion for a second and pick up your magic for a change. Marie grabs a hold of Lila’s hands and they lock themselves around Vanessa. Marie speaks in strange TONGUES. Her fingernails dig deep into Lila’s flesh. CLOSE ON Blood drips from Lila’s palms onto Vanessa’s bare chest. A HOLD takes over Lila’s body and she’s swept into the signs of spirit trance against her will. VANESSA’S BODY heaves in the circle. They enter a supernatural realm and meet the spirits head on (parallel between this world and the near death existence). In this prophetic vision Vanessa connects with the history of her ancestor who murdered the Caulfield heir after his daughter was raped and thus brought about the commencement of the curse. MARIE (continuing) Free her from her former self. LILA No! I can’t! MARIE She must die to be reconstituted. She must respond to the call. She picks up the knife and gives it to Lila. Lila tries to let go of it but it “welds” itself to her flesh by the elements.


ILLUMINATIONS OF VARIOUS CONJURED UP SPIRITS SPRING FORTH FROM VANESSA MARIE (continuing) Now! Do it now! The knife in Lila’s hand draws near, unconsciously she plunges it into Vanessa’s body. EXT. HOSPITAL – NIGHT Marie and Lila smuggle Vanessa’s bloody body out wrapped in a hospital sheet, to a PARKED CAR where Professor Stevens looks on in horror. INT. MOVING CAR – NIGHT Lila holds Vanessa in her arms and rocks back and forth. LILA We killed her! We killed my baby! PROFESSOR STEVENS (banging steering wheel) I didn’t sign on for this Marie! You told me Vanessa was being Discharged! You forgot to tell me you’d just murdered her! MARIE She’ll be fine Yem! I know it! LILA (weeping) Your hoodoo done stole her away from me! INT. DUBOIS APARTMENT – NIGHT Marie paces back and forth talking to herself. Erratic. Unsure of herself and her methods.

-79VANESSA’S BEDROOM Lila cries over her daughter’s body. CUT TO: EXT. BROWNSTONE – NIGHT Caulfield lingers menacingly about the place. BACK TO DUBOIS APARTMENT Professor Stevens hangs up the phone. Marie enters. MARIE You didn’t? PROFESSOR STEVENS I had to. I can’t have this on my conscious. There’s a dead girl in the room and somebody has to account for her. We can’t wash it away. MARIE It’s not police business. This is family business. PROFESSOR STEVENS I didn’t know it was customary in your family to murder the young. How can you reconcile what you’ve done? Marie starts to say something but the words escape her. She grabs her head and lets out a voluminous YELL. Tears cascade down her face. MARIE I sacrificed her to a legend. She is about to fall into his arms when Lila comes from out of Vanessa’s room. She SLAPS MARIE across the face. PROFESSOR STEVENS The police are on the way. LILA

-80I didn’t hit her because the girl’s dead. I hit her because Vanessa is alive and that means all this shit is true and now she gotta fight this asshole to stay alive. Marie looks at Professor Stevens. Bewildered smile. MARIE Yem, you cursed, twice. Vanessa comes out in a bloody nightgown. VANESSA Auntie! It worked! INT. POLICE STATION – NIGHT The police detective flips through the incident report. POLICE DETECTIVE Okay gang, I’m going to read this out loud so that you all can hear how silly it sounds when I say it. Marie, Lila, Professor Stevens and Vanessa look stupefied. POLICE DETECTIVE (reads from report) “At eleven thirty a call was received from the Dubois residence by the attending on call officer, Officer Raymond. According to the caller, Professor Marvin Stevens, one Vanessa Dubois was killed by her mother Lila Dubois and her aunt Marie Dubois when their spirit possession ritual went haywire.” Is that correct so far? He looks at Marie. Marie looks at Professor Stevens. MARIE (to Professor) You ratted us out. PROFESSOR STEVENS I had to.


POLICE DETECTIVE (resumes reading) “Thirty minutes later at midnight, another call comes through indicating there had been a mistake and the girl was fine.” (looking up) Officer Raymond, now thoroughly confused pages me at home and tells me the whole sordid story. As far as he can tell something crazy is going on. Whereupon, I come to the house, find you all in one big heavenly embrace and haul your asses down here pronto. How does that sound? LILA How you gonna explain this Marie? PROFESSOR STEVENS She’ll make it right Lila. LILA Oh you’re just whupped, that’s all. She hoodooed you from Jumpstreet.

MARIE Detective, may I speak with you privately? INT. CONFERENCE ROOM – NIGHT Marie sits while the police detective parades around her. POLICE DETECTIVE This magical tradition you claim to hail from is all just another myth. MARIE That doesn’t make it untrue. (beat) What is a myth detective? I’ll tell

-82you. Almost all cultures have possessed or live according to some form of myth. The Greeks, the Romans, the Egyptians, the Polynesians, they all have myths. Christianity has the biggest myth of all. A myth is a social, political or religious structure that governs a society. That concrete enough for you? POLICE DETECTIVE Your magic is a fairy tale. MARIE My magic is reason. POLICE DETECTIVE I see. Well I do know one thing. That niece of yours couldn’t have been dead because there’s no such thing as bringing back the dead. MARIE Doctors do it all the time detective. Don’t you watch the medical channel? Can I leave now? You you any for

POLICE DETECTIVE know I could still charge and your crew in there with number of flagrant violations that whole phone call charade.

MARIE Then why don’t you? POLICE DETECTIVE I figured I might persuade you to have lunch with me tomorrow. MARIE Blackmail, huh? Well, I’m sorry but I have to prepare Vanessa for an important assignment tomorrow. He takes her hand and quickly pulls her up out of the chair and into his arms and kisses her lightly.


MARIE (continuing) The answer is still no. I have a man. INT. PROFESSOR STEVEN’S APARTMENT – 2 A.M. Professor Stevens brings Marie a tray with a sandwich and some soup on it. MARIE (continuing) I hope you don’t mind me staying here the rest of the night. I can’t go back upstairs just yet. Yem is still furious at me. PROFESSOR STEVENS Vanessa’s alive, that’s all that matters. MARIE I’m afraid that’s just the beginning. She takes a bite of the sandwich. PROFESSOR STEVENS Marie, you’re not going to like this but you still haven’t convinced me that Vanessa’s death was anything but a strange misdiagnosis. It’s possible she could have had a traumatic shock from the wound that caused her vital signs to mimic death. MARIE (eating) Coulda, shoulda, woulda . . . If a bullfrog had wings he wouldn’t bump his ass against the ground. INT. DUBOIS APARTMENT – SAME While Lila sleeps Caulfield creeps into VANESSA’S BEDROOM

-84where she is lying on her back. He slowly pulls the covers from her body and sits quietly down beside her. VANESSA’S EYES flare open at the exact moment and she GASPS. CAULFIELD I hear you’re a new person. He presses his hand firmly over her mouth. CAULFIELD (continuing) I wouldn’t struggle if I were you. You’d force me to break your neck. You see, I don’t really think you’ve had time to learn much about your powers. I’m here to show you what real magic is all about. He lifts his hand from her mouth and covers her mouth with his. He proceeds to suck the breath out of her. Veins swell up in his face as he sucks her air into his own body. BACK TO PROFESSOR STEVEN’S APARTMENT MARIE You have a knack for curing the helpless. PROFESSOR STEVENS Marie there is not one thing about you that’s helpless. You’ve got far too much fight in you for that. But, I do believe you had one hell of a rough childhood. Marie puts her feet up on the couch. MARIE Maison Blanche was a legendary whorehouse. My mother sold herself there to make a living. She catered to wealthy men of all races. If they could pay, she would lay. PROFESSOR STEVENS And Lila’s family took you in?


Marie LAUGHS. PROFESSOR STEVENS (continuing) Did I say something funny? MARIE Nobody took me in Marvin. That’s the story Yem likes to tell to ease her conscience. We were born of the same mother. The only truth is mother was actually married to Yem’s father. I had the good fortune of getting a john for a daddy. You see. I stopped needing or wanting pity a long time ago. Mother was only a child herself when she started working there. Yem’s father was an upstanding man, a businessman who traveled a lot. He met mother when she was fifteen and they went of to Nevada to get married. Her parents protested the marriage, threw her out the house and had him arrested for statutory rape. Mother was pregnant at the time with Yem and needed shelter and everybody knew about the famous cathouse. PROFESSOR STEVENS The oldest profession . . . MARIE The most marketable one. The police and some of the government officials used to go there so the place had protection. Anyway, mother’s husband was released from jail right around the time Yem was born. He found out what she was doing. He came for her and the baby. Two days later he was ran over by a freight train, so you see our family’s got a history of bad mojo.


PROFESSOR STEVENS Yeah. It’s like the House of Atreus in some Greek tragedy. I take it your mother ended up back at the brothel after his death. MARIE She did, but his family decided they wanted to raise their grandchild as long as mother wasn’t anywhere around. To make a long story short, Yem grew up nice and comfortable and respectable. In my case, well, shit has a way of hitting the fan sometimes. Mother found out she was pregnant again, with me. I came into this world surrounded by whores, addicts, pimps and drunks. Still, deep down I loved my mother very much regardless of what she did to me. Time came that I couldn’t take the shame anymore so I ran away with the first man who promised to marry me. In the long run he decided he could do better. PROFESSOR STEVENS That’s one hell of a burden. I had no right to judge you. You are a remarkable woman. MARIE I’m not the only one. Hey, I know it’s two in the morning but reflecting on all this now makes me think about how important it is for me to talk to Yem so that Vanessa can know the truth. PROFESSOR STEVENS What if she doesn’t let you in? MARIE It’s worth a shot. INT. DUBOIS APARTMENT – EARLY MORNING

-87The place is pitch black inside. Marie pushes the light switch on but nothing happens. The phone is off the hook. MARIE (continuing)) Yem, what’s wrong with you? The door was unlocked. I thought you were so careful about stuff like that. Yem? No answer. She continues to feel her way around the place, stumbling into furniture. MARIE (continuing) Vanessa? She turns a corner and a BIRD flies at her face and begins to peck away. MARIE (continuing) Demon bird, get away! She throws her arms up for protection and stumbles in the dark over to the window. When she opens the window the bird flies away. MARIE (continuing) Vanessa?! Yem?! She feels her way through the dark to VANESSA’S BEDROOM and pushes in the door. MARIE (continuing) Vanessa?! VANESSA’S BODY CONVULSES

-88Marie runs over to the bed and administers CPR, when that doesn’t work she runs into the GUEST ROOM to locate her duffel bag and returns. MARIE (continuing) It’ll be alright baby, I promise. She flips the light switch but it doesn’t work. None of the lights are working. She rummages through the bag and pulls out some type of smelling salts. MARIE (continuing) Just breath these in honey. Inhale baby, deep. Come on Vanessa! Vanessa starts to breath the smell of the salts in and slowly her heart reaches its natural pace and her body relaxes. MARIE (continuing) Oh, Vanessa, baby girl . . . She grabs Vanessa and holds her close. THE LIGHTS ALL OVER THE APARTMENT SUDDENLY COME ON Marie runs out into the LIVING ROOM to see that the place has been ransacked from top to bottom. A BLOOD SOAKED NOTE is pinned to the wall. She tears it down and reads. CAULFIELD (V.O) “Your sister is safe with me. be expecting to see Vanessa



tonight on our birthday. The night will be magical. Until then, try to keep your head. Love and kisses, your dear old dad.” INT. CAULFIELD’S LAIR – DAY Caulfield ties a rope around Lila’s neck that binds her to a metal pole. LILA (weeping) Please don’t hurt my little girl! He takes a hold of her hand and WE SEE her pinky finger has been cut off. CLOSE ON JAR with detached pinky finger in a watery liquid. CAULFIELD I think you could use another shot of anesthetic. We wouldn’t want that pain to return. Wait here. He returns with a hypodermic needle and shoots her up. LILA (nursing wound) Abomination. CAULFIELD Don’t be so dramatic. You don’t even believe. He pulls her hands behind her back and ties them to the metal pole. LILA Marie won’t let you hurt my little girl. She’s trained her now.

-90CAULFIELD You mean the same Marie that slept with your husband? LILA I shouldn’t blame her. had her working at the and she didn’t know he husband. He was a liar

Our mama cathouse was my and a cheater.

CAULFIELD It’s quite touching to know you’ve reconciled your hatred for your dear old sis. Quite touching, indeed. LILA You bastard! She’s your daughter. He lets go of her hand and gets in her face. CAULFIELD I am who I am. Our destinies and our histories are intertwined and were determined a long time ago by our ancestors. You should spend less time worrying about my motivation and more time pleading for your life. INT. DUBOIS APARTMENT – DAY Professor Stevens helps Marie clean up the disheveled apartment. MARIE The girl’s still worried about her mama. I don’t know what to tell her. I don’t want to lie to her. PROFESSOR STEVENS Then tell her Lila will be fine. MARIE Caulfield likes to inflict pain. But I’m worried about Vanessa. She should be experiencing some feelings of change, of power. Without her strength we’re useless in defeating him.


At that moment Vanessa charges into the room. VANESSA Auntie, look! She opens the palm of her hand and inside is a CALLIGRAPHY MARK OF A LAVISH EYE. VANESSA (continuing) It just appeared from nowhere. Marie takes Vanessa’s hand and kisses the palm. MARIE It came from within Vanessa. It’s the all seeing eye of the warrior. From it flows all your natural strength. When you meet up with Caulfield you will find yourself doing things that your eyes can’t believe. Your body is not just your own anymore. Inside you is the collective energy of your ancestors. They give you great strength. Trust in them and you can’t go wrong. VANESSA Magic? MARIE Yes, magic. INT. POLICE STATION – DAY The police detective is reading the paper when he is interrupted by an OFFICER and given an urgent fax. He thanks the officer and rushes through the squad room. INT. CAULFIELD’S LAIR – DAY Caulfield savors the delicacy of an expensive Bordeaux wine. CAULFIELD Ah, such pleasures of the Renaissance.

-92Lila is unconscious, still bound to the metal pole with a rope around her neck and her hands tied behind her back. HER WOUND drips blood from the severed finger that runs down the back of the metal pole and settles into a puddle on the floor. CAULFIELD (continuing) You haven’t passed out have you? I would give you another shot but you have to be very careful about addictions you know. Surely you can wait a couple of more hours. LILA (mumbling) Falling . . . CAULFIELD What was that? You’ll have to speak up. I wouldn’t go to sleep if I were you. He puts down the glass of wine and goes in to a SECRET CHAMBER where a CAGE OF BIRDS are kept. CAULFIELD (continuing) Hello, my lovelies. Which one of you will be my sacrificial lamb? He closes his eyes and picks one of the birds from the cage. CAULFIELD (continuing) So it’s you Torquemada. I salute you.

-93He waves a salute and places the bird on a carving board. He takes out his switchblade and cuts off the head and drains the blood into a chalice. CAULFIELD (continuing) Nectar from the heavens . . . (drinking blood) . . . so sweet and sublime. He presides at the ALTAR making several wildly erratic hand gestures, before flinging his head back madly. HIS EYES roll back and show only white that slowly turns into a fiery red. IN A LUCID DREAM LIKE QUALITY he chases after a DEER WITH VANESSA’S HEAD ATTACHED TO ITS BODY (acts out a hunt of the past to predict a successful hunt of the future). He catches the animal and rips it to shreds with his teeth. He LAUGHS heartily. INT. DUBOIS APARTMENT – VANESSA’S BEDROOM – DAY Vanessa has the same vision of her head on a deer and being chased by Caulfield. In her “past life regression” she turns the tables on Caulfield and rips him to shreds. Marie comes into the room. MARIE Have you located him in your mind? VANESSA (opening her eyes) I see him seeing me. He’s playing games. It’s a hunt to him and I’m like a deer.


MARIE Yes, but his location. Where is he Vanessa? VANESSA I see a dark and cold place where you can go underground but he’s made it into his home. There’s water around. MARIE It can’t be in the city, it’s too crowded. Water. Island . . . Staten Island. PROFESSOR STEVENS Snug Harbor. They look up to see Professor Stevens in the doorway. PROFESSOR STEVENS (continuing) He was a former sailor, right? This man would feel a kinship in a community such as Snug Harbor that is known for being a home to retired seaman. Marie, this man is also your father. MARIE Yes, he is Professor. How did you know? PROFESSOR STEVENS I thought about the stories both you and your sister tell about the sailor who frequented the brothel. DOWNSTAIRS BUZZER MARIE Professor, you stay with Vanessa. We can’t afford any interruptions while he has Lila. She goes to the Intercom:


MARIE (continuing) Who is it? VOICE The police. Is that you Marie? MARIE Is it urgent detective, my sister isn’t feeling well. VOICE I got a few questions. I need a warrant? MARIE All right. She presses the door release button and then runs into VANESSA’S BEDROOM MARIE (continuing) Just be quiet. She closes the door behind her and MATCHCUT TO: DOOR OPENING The police detective shoves a faxed copy image of Caulfield in her face. MARIE (continuing) Who’s that? I’m supposed to know? POLICE DETECTIVE This albino was seen hanging around the high rise where your niece’s math teacher lived. This is the same man I saw outside this brownstone during the earthquake. Who is he? MARIE I don’t know.


POLICE DETECTIVE You’re lying. Why don’t you let me help you? This man is dangerous. MARIE You can’t help me. POLICE DETECTIVE What is he after? It has something to do with the girl am I right? MARIE Goodbye, detective. Your help is not needed here. She closes the door in his face. EXT. STATEN ISLAND STREET – NIGHT – LUNAR ECLIPSE The police detective sticks his head inside the passenger window of a taxicab. TAXICAB DRIVER Where to Mr.? POLICE DETECTIVE Where did those people go? TAXICAB DRIVER Oh, just a while ago? Oh, yeah they want to go to Snug Harbor but I tell them the cab ahead of me is ready to leave first. Hey, mind if get some pictures of the eclipse to send back home. First of new Millennium. He takes out a camera. The police detective gets inside. POLICE DETECTIVE No time for photos my friend. INT. CAULFIELD’S LAIR – NIGHT The DEAD BIRD hangs from an inverted cross over the altar. Caulfield blesses it with dirty water.

-97CAULFIELD I can feel your presence little one. Your tracking ability is highly perceptive. I applaud you. You can come out now. He waits a moment and Vanessa tentatively comes out from hiding. CAULFIELD (continuing) Where are the others? VANESSA This is between you and me. CAULFIELD Indeed it is. I wager my magic is better than your hoodoo. VANESSA We’ll see. He comes down from the altar, points a finger in the direction of his white pearl cane and magically directs the object like a bullet towards Vanessa. Vanessa reaches out her hand with the all-seeing eye and stops the cane in its tracks, turns it around and sends it back towards him. He ducks and the cane flies rocket speed and embeds itself in the wall. CAULFIELD That’s very good for a beginner. VANESSA Thank you. CAULFIELD Vanessa, I have nothing against you per se you understand. It’s just that tonight’s my forty fifth birthday and if I don’t kill you I won’t live to see 46. It’s purely a matter of self preservation. The curse upon

-98Caulfield male heirs made it so. We’re both just pawns you and I. VANESSA You murdered my teacher. CAULFIELD I had to get your attention, child. Your mother didn’t believe. The same flood runs through our veins my dear one. I fathered Marie. VANESSA And you killed her mother. CAULFIELD I had toshe was a whore. She would have ruined my reputation. He grabs her by the neck, lifts her up and tosses her across the room. CAULFIELD (continuing) My dear child, evil has no real true existence, that’s where your hoodoo magic fails. What you speak of is just the illusory world of phenomena. I’m not evil. I’m just me. THE SPIRITS speak to Vanessa in an unintelligible lyrical poem. They pick her up and she floats towards Caulfield. THE APPARITION of her body merges with his body. CAULFIELD (continuing) You get out of there now! VANESSA (V.O.) How you like me now? Caulfield runs around in a dazed and confused manner.


SHOCKINGLY HE REGURGITATES VANESSA’S SPIRIT FROM HIS BODY. SHE IS EXTRACTED IN BLOOD & SLIME. DOWNSTAIRS IN THE BASEMENT Professor Stevens kicks in the door and finds Lila on a bloody mattress, semi-conscious. PROFESSOR STEVENS Marie, I found her! Marie! Over here! Marie charges in to her sister’s aid. MARIE Oh my Goddess, he’s mutilated her. PROFESSOR STEVENS She’s still alive, that’s all that counts in this war. POLICE DETECTIVE And what war would that be? They look up as the police detective enters. MARIE How did you find us? POLICE DETECTIVE By not giving up. Where’s the girl? MARIE She’s taking care of business. She wraps a pillowcase around Lila’s bloody hand. POLICE DETECTIVE I called for backup and an ambulance. MARIE You can forget about just walking up there and arresting him. It can’t be done.


POLICE DETECTIVE And why not? He’s a man, of earthly flesh. There’s no such thing as magical spirits and demons, it’s all in your mind and you forced Vanessa to do your dirty work. Talking about child neglect, this family sure fits the bill. MARIE Yem, I’m so sorry about everything. LILA (losing consciousness) Take care . . . of Vanessa. POLICE DETECTIVE Get her out of here. He rushes upstairs. BACK TO CAULFIELD’S LAIR CAULFIELD Vanessa, where are you? I don’t like this game. Come out and play fair. He peeks inside the freestanding ARMORED KNIGHT in the corner. CAULFIELD (continuing) Are you in there my lovely? No? Okay then . . . let’s see. He meanders around the room looking in all directions. POLICE DETECTIVE (barging in) Whoever you are, you’re under arrest! He wips out his gun.

CAULFIELD Oh my, who invited you? You’re the officer who wants to bang my dear sweet daughter Marie. I’d stay away from that one if I were you, she’s a real spider woman. POLICE DETECTIVE Youand Mariefather and daughter? CAULFIELD That’s right. But you weren’t invited so I’ll have to ask you to leave. POLICE DETECTIVE Don’t move creep, or I’ll blow your brains all over this place. While he moves closer toward Caulfield with his weapon drawn, the armored knight comes to life. CAULFIELD What’s the charge officer? POLICE DETECTIVE Shut up! You have a right to remain silent . . . Anything you say can and will be held against you. You have a right to an attorney, which by the looks of you can afford. Caulfield MOCKS HIM. POLICE DETECTIVE (continuing) I said shut up! CAULFIELD You’re pathetic! VANESSA Look out detective, behind you! Vanessa HANGS FROM THE CHANDELIER. CAULFIELD

(looking up) There you are. The police detective looks up and is grabbed from behind by the DEMONICALLY EMBODIED ARMORED KNIGHT. He loses his gun. A struggle ensues. Vanessa jumps down on top of Caulfield’s head and he RAMS her into the wall several times. The police detective is tossed about the room from wall to wall by the armored knight. Caulfield pulls Vanessa to the floor and MAGICALLY DRAGS her to the altar. He presses his hand against her neck and takes out the switchblade. CAULFIELD (continuing) Don’t worry, it’ll be brief. CUT TO: The police detective takes the rapier from the murderous embodied armored knight and chops its head off. The shell of the knight’s body disintegrates into scrap metal. POLICE DETECTIVE Vanessa, catch! He flings the rapier through the air and Vanessa catches it at the altar. VANESSA Sayonara, freak! CAULFIELD It wasn’t supposed to happen this way! She swings the rapier with supernatural speed and rips Caulfield’s head from his shoulders. HIS DECAPITATED BODY FALLS TO THE GROUND. POLICE DETECTIVE Fuck. VANESSA You can say that again. DECAPITATED HEAD OF CAULFIELD

Be seeing you in your nightmares girl. THE EYES in the decapitated head finally close. POLICE DETECTIVE What a mess. INT. DUBOIS APARTMENT – NEXT DAY Vanessa opens her hand to find the all-seeing eye calligraphy is no longer there. MARIE (taking her hand) The spirits have served and left. You see, the dead manifest their presence only when they’re called upon. They’ve got better things to do than just hang around. Are you ready to go see your mama? They exit the apartment and meet up with Professor Stevens in the HALLWAY. MARIE (continuing) Good day to you Marvin. PROFESSOR STEVENS Where are you two lovely ladies off to? VANESSA To check up on mama at the hospital. They reattached her pinky finger. You can come. MARIE I don’t know about that Vanessa, the Professor here still looks like a disbeliever to me. I don’t know if he can respect being in the company of two practicing witches. PROFESSOR STEVENS I guess I believe that we can be

subject and vulnerable to some kind of . . . malevolent forces. Maybe. MARIE Uh-huh. Good enough for now. Come. PROFESSOR STEVENS Thanks but I can’t right now. There’s some business down at the Boys & Girl’s Club I need to take care of. Will you be here when I get back? MARIE I’ll try. Marie blows him a kiss and her and Vanessa leave the building. INT. HOSPITAL - DAY Marie kisses Lila on the forehead. LILA Shouldn’t you be with——him? I know he likes you the same way you do so. Marie caresses Lila’s cheek and takes her by the hand. She pays particular attention to the REATTACHED PINKY FINGER. MARIE How does it feel? LILA (continuing) Oh, don’t you fret about that. They said it’s gonna be just like new. I guess I gotta live with a big ugly scar but that don’t matter ‘cause I ain’t got nobody to impress no way. MARIE Yem, I am sorry about Marvin. I didn’t know you thought of him in that way. LILA Didn’t think I had it in me, right? I know I ain’t nobody’s prized apple.


MARIE Oh Yem, don’t talk like that. LILA It’s true. My fault for not trying a little harder I guess. Man can’t read your mind, right? You gotta show him if you——Oh well, he’ll have more fun with you I know. She turns her head to the side and tries to hold back a tear. MARIE Yem, when you’re up to full strength I want to talk about something else. LILA Somethin’ else wrong with Vanessa? MARIE Not Vanessa. LILA Go ahead, spit it out. You ain’t one to hold your tongue Marie. Marie gets off the bed and slowly walks over to the bedroom window. She draws the curtains WE SEE VANESSA OUT PLAYING KICKBALL WITH SOME OF THE SICK CHILDREN ON THE HOSPITAL GROUNDS. LILA Marie? MARIE (turning around) Yem, I plan to claim my right as Caulfield’s heir. That bastard was worth a fortune and I——we——deserve whatever he’s got for all the trouble he caused. Only I don’t know how you feel about it because it would mean bringing up our mother’s past and all. Believe me I don’t take this lightly and I’d understand if


LILA (interrupting) And Vanessa? MARIE Well, I for one think she’s a tough young lady who can handle just about anything now. LILA Including being a witch? MARIE Especially that. We have to protect each other. She’s the most powerful now. In a way we are all her servants. LILA I ain’t her servant Marie, I’m her mama. MARIE (paces back towards window) I know that Yem, what I mean is, we’ll need the money to help build a foundation to preserve the coven. Everything needs structure, even magic. Gotta be on our guard at all times. How do we know there aren’t any more Caulfield male heirs out there waiting for her in the near future, waiting to take revenge? The money will help buy us freedom to move about. We are not a sedentary people. You know this. It’s important to remind ourselves of the true nature LILA (interrupting) Look, I’m grateful for how you stood by my Vanessa but I ain’t leaving my home Marie for nobody. I ain’t livin’ like no Gypsy woman. MARIE All I’m saying is Vanessa should know where she comes from. Our descendants are

all over the world and she needs to feel a connection, not to feel lost. You were right before when you said this was a great burden our ancestors left for her to fulfill but there’s nothing we can do about that. All we can do is help her to stay prepared. LILA Yeah, yeah, the money will help. As Marie stares out the window on to the hospital grounds she watches Vanessa run after a ball one of the kids has kicked. When Vanessa is out of view for too long Marie becomes worried. She bangs on the window to get the attention of some of the other kids. The kids take notice. MARIE (lifting window) Hey . . .Where did she go? Vanessa? SICK KID She went away with the hippie doctor. Marie smiles for a moment and then something comes over her. She grabs Lila’s bedside chart. LILA I know that look. What now? INSERT – BEDSIDE CHART MARIE (reading chart) Attending physician Mandrigal. BACK TO SCENE LILA He’s a kind man, that doctor. Fixed me up pretty good. He even put some kind of good luck charm under my pillow. I guess with all that done happened we really could use some luck right about now. MARIE

What kind of charm? Let me see. She leans over the bed and lifts up the edge of the pillow. INSERT – METALLIC SYMBOL OF MALE HEAD BLOWING A GUST OF WIND LILA What is it? Marie examines the symbol closely. MARIE Oh no. Yem, this character represents a malevolent spirit. It’s meant to bring harm to one’s enemy. Mandrigal belongs to Caulfield. I’ve got to find Vanessa. EXT. GAZEBO – DAY Doctor Mandrigal watches intently as Vanessa enjoys an ice cream cone. DOCTOR MANDRIGAL Thank goodness I’m off sugar now. VANESSA I’m supposed to be in training. Low carbs. DOCTOR MANDRIGAL One ice cream cone can’t hurt. I should know I‘m a doctor. VANESSA Thanks for fixing mama’s finger. DOCTOR MANDRIGAL Yeah. Sure. Listen, about that story you and the police told regarding a mentally insane person who kidnapped your mother and was holding her hostagethis insane person who cut off her finger after not being able to get his

medicationyou don’t expect me to believe that do you Vanessa? He moves closer to her in the gazebo. VANESSA I don’t want to talk about that. DOCTOR MANDRIGAL Is that right? VANESSA Why are you asking me these questions. I’m just a kid? She continues to lick the ice cream cone until she starts to feel dizzy. DOCTOR MANDRIGAL Oh you’re way more than that and you know it. You see Vanessa I know what really happened. I’m very familiar with Mr. Caulfield’s work. You could say he taught me some things about medicineand the ancient art of alchemy. It’s about control. I had to learn or he was going to kill me in cold blood. He’s not very charitable. Nauseated, Vanessa drops her ice cream cone to the ground. She foams at the mouth and throws up with intensity and increased heart palpitations. DOCTOR MANDRIGAL (continuing) I’m Caulfield’s fail safe in case he wasn’t able to fulfill his destiny in eliminating you. Oh I’m mortal man, nothing fancy. I was hoping your mother wouldn’t go through with that whole rebirthing ceremony but I knew I might be needed so here I am. Vanessa’s eyes roll back in her head and she passes out. DOCTOR MANDRIGAL (continuing; standing over her) Right now you have a combination of red

-110arsenic and nitric acid flowing through your veins. He stares at her body for a moment and then turns to walk away when he runs unexpectedly into MARIE who stabs him in the forehead with a giant syringe! MARIE Drop dead! In the far distance a MEDIC ONE AMBULANCE speeds across the hospital grounds to the gazebo. Marie grabs Vanessa in her arms. VANESSA (whispering in a daze) Auntie, it’s you. I’ll be alright. The spirits . . . they’re with me. MARIE Are you sure sweetheart? I mean . . . how do you know? VANESSA I can feel them and they gather to protect my body . . . like before . . . the warrior child remember? The MEDICS tend to Vanessa. They transfer her to a stretcher. MARIE (wiping teary eyes) Please, hurry! She’s the last one of her kind. In the distance the MEDIC ONE AMBULANCE rushes back toward the hospital. FADE OUT.


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