Homestead Ward

  • June 2020
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HOMESTEAD WARD 5605 S Vi ne S t M urray , U T 84107

O CT O BE R 2009

Bishopric Message

Bishop Richard Workman Dan Erekson, 1st Counselor


Kevin DeMass, 2nd Counselor

Kevin DeMass, 2nd Counselor


Randy Wardell, Executive Secretary


I love this time of year with cold nights and warm days. I love to see the leaves change color and start to drift slowly to the ground. I love my trips to the local Farmer’s Market where I can hunt and peck for all the best fruits and veggies of the harvest season. For me, the harvest season is one of the best times of the year. I have many fond memories of watching my mother and grandmother stay busy in the kitchen, canning to their hearts content. Nothing seemed sweeter to me as a young boy than opening a bottle of fresh peaches or pears and then digging in with a large spoon.

As I tried to balance a cut peach on my spoon I would hear my mother talk about the law of the harvest. (Galatians 6:7-10) and/or ( ) Do you remember the parable of the sower as taught in the Gospel of Mark, chapter 4? “And he began again to teach by the sea side: and there was gathered unto him a great multitude, so that he entered into a ship, and sat in the sea; and the whole multitude was by the sea on the land. And he taught them many things by parables, and said unto them in his doctrine, Hearken; Behold, there went out a sower to sow: And it came to pass, as he sowed, some fell by the way side, and the fowls of the air came and devoured it up. And some fell on stony ground, where it had not much earth; and immediately it sprang up, because it had no depth of earth: But when the sun was up, it was scorched; and because it had no root, it

withered away. And some fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up, and choked it, and it yielded no fruit. And other fell on good ground, and did yield fruit that sprang up and increased; and brought forth, some thirty, and some sixty, and some an hundred. And he said unto them, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.” (Mark 4:1–9.) Elder L. Tom Perry of the Quorum of the Twelve once wrote, The Lord’s “growth cycle has always been a marvel to me—the process of fertilizing, tilling, planting, weeding, and irrigating to produce a harvest. I am continually amazed with the power in a single seed as it multiplies itself many, many times. I’ve tried to perpetuate this understanding in the lives of my children. Each has had his turn in tilling, planting, weeding, and watering. Exposing yourself to the Lord’s system cannot help but give you an appreciation for his bounteous blessings to us. There have been very few years in my life when I have not been responsible for a garden. Even now as a city condominium dweller, I still plant and harvest a garden each year.” It really doesn’t matter what type of garden we chose to plant. It might be a garden of fruits and vegetables, relationships, friendships, spirituality, or service. No matter what we sow, that is what we will reap. Fear not to do good, my sons, for whatsoever ye sow, that shall ye also reap; therefore, if ye sow good ye shall also reap good for your reward (Doctrine and Covenants 6:33). As a Bishopric we are very grateful for the law of the harvest. ( We have witnessed many of you sharing of your harvest with each other. Whether it be eatable, spiritual, or a simple handshake and smile, it has lifted and brought us closer together. Thank you for your crops of kindness and bushels of blessings in our neighborhood. has hundreds of skits, songs, scouter's minutes, eagle scout projects, and other resources from scouts and scouters around the world. You will find at this address:

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Homestead Ward Newsletter

================================== QUIZ OF OCTOBER = surprising answer on page 4 ==================================

time or are exposed to clear and accurate information regarding Church beliefs and doctrines, their attitudes become positive and open.”

1- see into the future 2- talk to the dead 3- have extra luck

It is my hope that we will follow the instructions in Doctrine and Covenants Section 4 to “…open your mouths.”

According to tradition a person born on Halloween possesses a certain ability: Which one is it?

Ward Mission Message By Lynn Alder, Ward Mission Leader We would like to welcome Adam Harmon as the newest ward missionary. He works at Ivory Homes in Marketing and is married to Aubrey. They have two beautiful girls. Faith, two and loving Nursery and Aliza, who is all of one. The Harmon’s live in the Rivendell Condos and love the Ward. Adam will be a great addition to the missionary effort and joins Ray and Tina Nilsson, Linda Pugmire and Lynn Alder. Sadly, Cody Wardell has moved out of the Ward. Happily, he is getting into a home and we wish him, Sarah and their son Mason all the best! Now that summer is over, the kids are back in school and things have slowed down… What will you do with all that extra time? Get to know your neighbors. Take over a fresh-baked something, share some veggies, or just find out what they did this summer. “It’s easier to share the Gospel, if you have a connection with that person.” In Doctrine and Covenants Section 88:81, we read, “And it becometh every man who hath been warned to warn his neighbor.”

In April Conference, 2009, L. Tom Perry said, “I have had the privilege of traveling to many of the stakes of the Church to encourage the growth and development of ward missions. It has been a very rewarding and spiritual experience for me. I have discovered in these travels, and a recent survey has confirmed the fact, that over one-half of the people in the United States and Canada have little or no awareness of our practices and beliefs. I am certain the percentage would be much larger in other parts of the world. This same survey also showed that when nonmembers interact with faithful members of the Church over an extended period of

Don’t forget to pray daily for an opportunity to share the gospel!

...October is the deadliest month for car crashes? The risk of dying in a crash in October is 16% higher than in March-the safest month. Reason: No single cause, though daylight, weather, alcohol consumption and other factors that exhibit seasonal variations all create a joint influence.

Michael Sivak, PhD, research professor, University of Michigan Transportation Safety Institute, Ann Arbor, and leader of an analysis of US crash-death figures from 1994 to 2006, published in Traffic Injury Prevention.

Have you ever seen five angels in action? Last Tuesday, September 29th, I saw many angels dedicated to feeding God’s children who we sometimes call the “homeless.” An agency of the Catholic Church, called St. Vincent de Paul, has a place downtown that serves meals to our homeless brothers and sisters. (Many of our pioneer ancestors were homeless more than once!) It’s been providing meals for so many years that the building and its facilities are as worn and torn as its visitors. We arrived in the afternoon, at 1 o’clock, at the door labeled “volunteers entrance.” We stepped inside the main feeding hall to find the last group of clients eating on a short line of tables. While we waited for direction, our first encounter was seeing junior high school boy-angels eat the food they’d been serving. That’s right they’d left school to help out at the soup kitchen that day. As soon as we were asked if we’d come to work and signed in we were led to the back of the kitchen by a happy worker, who gave us our assignment and showed us what to do. Sheryl and Pete Robbins, Tyler, Pete Sundwall and Doug Hill found themselves slicing bread. Evidently, bakeries around town had donated bread and it need to be sliced and wrapped in containers and returned to the cooler until it is served at the next meal.

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Homestead Ward Newsletter The happy worker told us to use an old bread-slicing machine and then cautioned us that it would stop and need to be restarted, often.

her dearly. Lucky is the ward that will inherit the Wardell Family. Elizabeth Payne is the new Relief Society Secretary and we are excited to be serving alongside her and to get to know her better. September also brought our ward the opportunity to organize the Relief Society meetings for the Plantation Branch. We would like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who helped to make these meetings run smoothly, especially Holly DeMass. There was definitely a special spirit there each week, felt by those participating as well as those simply attending.

Pete Robbins, smiled and said, “You’ve given me something I can fix, I’m an electrician.” He pulled out his pocket tool and began to take the switch apart. This angel performed no small miracle! The switch wasn’t easy to take apart. Pete had a bandaged left thumb, which he called into play to complete the tricky job. We would have been out-of-business without an operating bread-slicing machine, all of us. When it was finally reassembled and operating, we began to ask for more bread as the newly sliced bread tumbled into the new containers to be plastic wrapped by doctor Sundwall’s experienced hands. Finally, after slicing all the available bread, we asked, “What is next?” and expected to go to the next assignment but were told that our mission for the day was complete. Five angels went off to their own other afternoon assignments.

Relief Society Transitions Sandra Hill, President September brought a couple of changes to the Relief Society Board. Julie Beck was released as a teacher. Julie will be serving in a student ward with her husband, Ray, while he serves as Bishop. We will miss The Best Family and with them success and happiness in their new callings. Melanie Campbell has been called to be a Relief Society teacher, we welcome her and look forward to her lessons. We know she will be a great teacher!

Finally, we would like to say an additional big THANK YOU to everyone who assisted with and/or attended our Hundred Dresses Enrichment Activity on Tuesday, September 29th. It was a very run evening, and many items of clothing were collected to donate to the "Road Home Program". A special thanks to the members of our Enrichment Committee, who always does a fantastic job at making our activities successful! Going forward, our activity meetings will be called Relief Society Meeting. We will all need to get used to not calling our monthly meeting "Homemaking" or "Enrichment". I guess in the end, no matter what we call the meetings, they are fun and we hope to see you all at our Relief Society Meetings and Relief Society Activity Meetings.

October Checklist Identity-Theft Awareness Day: Saturday, October 17. Shred old financial and personal documents. Monitor credit reports at www. Get into the habit of requesting a free report every four months from a different reporting company -Equifax (www.equifax. com)...Experian ( TransUnion (www.trans Small-business opportunity: Local banks can make interest-free loans to qualifying businesses through the new American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 government stimulus program. Details: Small Business Administration, Make A Difference Day: Saturday, October 24. Join millions of neighbors helping neighbors in a nation wide volunteer effort. Sponsored by USA Weekend magazine,

Additionally, Sarah Wardell has moved out of the ward, and has been released as Relief Society Secretary. Sarah has done an extraordinary job in her calling. We will miss

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Homestead Ward Newsletter

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October Sunday 11

Monday 12

Eleanor Roosevelt Jeremy Lowry Jennifer James

Duane Tucket Jacob Watts



2009 Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 15

Friday 16

Grover Trisha Hepworth



Star Spangled Stake Banner first Conference sung Broadcast Gary Ralison La Donna Wheat





Dyan Haskie

Yen Tran

Teddy Roosevelt

Statue of Liberty

Building Cleaning Groups

Saturday 17 Building Cleaning Sweetest Day Stake Conference Broadcast



National Nut Day

Tracey Daw

29 •7:00pm Stake


Pamela Bates Auxiliary Training John Adams (Stake Center)


Building Cleaning

Jesse Dunn


Building Cleaning

HALLOWEEN! Luke Campbell

================================== ANSWER TO THE QUIZ ================================== A person born on Halloween (Luke Campbell) in theory can talk to the dead. By the way if you see a spider on Halloween - it is said to be a spirit of a loved one guarding you! It is very lucky! <<< Oct 17 Dan & Kathy Erekson Jerry & Carol Billings Robert Startner Wayne Wilde Family Clint 7 Lisa Erekson << Oct 24 Ken & Tracy maxfield Rowley Family Kirk Erekson Rosemary Laufer Kimball Family < Oct 31 Hunt Family DeMass Family Evan & Ethel Rudd Duane & Marge Tucket Gabrielsson Family Sarah Johnson

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