Homeschooled Teen May - June 2007

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  • Words: 5,379
  • Pages: 22
Homeschooled Teen is both a magazine and an online forum for girls 12 and up. A place where girls can share their stories, poems, and thoughts. It's written by homeschooled girls for homeschooled girls.

By Mandi S-K, age 14 So this month, the magazine came out late... again. With the New Jersey Homeschoolers prom at the end of April, I was super busy. All my friends booked motel rooms, and we stayed up all night eating junk food and watching the sun rise over the Atlantic Ocean. It was a blast! (The cover picture is my older sister and I at the prom) So, there weren't that many articles submitted this issue, but I didn't want to hold up the magazine any longer. PLEASE START THINKING ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT TO WRITE NOW for July/August and send your stuff to me early (please :-) Well, here are the stats on the forum: Total members: 120 Total topics: 488 Total number of posts: 21,032 Yay!! Thanks for being active, everybody :) And thanks to the people that don't participate in the forum but still submit their articles. Yay!

~Table of Contents~ The Interesting Corner -Phobias – I wrote a little bit about some of the many phobias people have. It's pretty interesting. -Astronomy – Woah! I knew there were stars a lot bigger than the sun, but this puts

everything into perspective! Pretty cool. Debate Club -Molly and Susan gave their opinions on dating at a young age (13, 14...). Recipes -Sour cake. Rachel sent in the recipe to this interesting sounding cake! I'm thinking of trying it :P -Cherry chocolate cake. Rachel also sent in the recipe to a cherry chocolate cake. Yum! Stories -The Twelve Hero's. Kat wrote the first chapter to this story. She sent it in. -Eleven short stories. Rachael sent in 11 short stories. -Roleplay. A lot of you have been posting in the roleplaying game on the forum, and through a great suggestion I put the roleplay in the magazine. Pictures -Julia's drawing. Julia is an incredible artist and she sent in yet another awesome drawing of the members of Homeschooled Teen. -Alana's drawings. Alana made a picture on the computer (which is pretty amazing, because I stink at drawing on the computer!), and a watercolor sketch. Great artwork, Alana!

Book review and Homeschooled Teen Helpline? Both of them were missing from this issue. They'll be back, though! And then there's the usual “submitting articles to the magazine” page, along with several announcements, so make sure to check those out!


By Mandi S-K age 14 I bet some of you are afraid of heights. But did you know that that's actually called “Altophobia”? And I bet a lot of you are afraid of spiders – did you know that's called Arachnophobia? In fact, did you know there's over 500 different phobias? Some of them are totally normal, like Algophobia- Fear of pain. And then some of them are really random and weird, like Geniophobia- Fear of chins.

My older sister, who goes to college and is majoring in psychology, found this website: I was on there for hours reading all these crazy fears. I guess I would say that I have Herpetophobia- Fear of reptiles or creepy crawly things. Did you know that there's “hobophobia”? Guess what that's a fear of. Yep, a fear of “bums or beggars.”

Here are some common phobias: Achluophobia- Fear of darkness. Apiphobia- Fear of bees. Atychiphobia- Fear of failure. Autophobia- Fear of being alone or of oneself. Bacteriophobia- Fear of bacteria. Ballistophobia- Fear of missiles or bullets. Brontophobia- Fear of thunder and lightning. Claustrophobia- Fear of confined spaces. Coulrophobia- Fear of clowns. (Well, I don't know if that's common, but I always thought they were creepy...)

Gerascophobia- Fear of growing old. Kynophobia- Fear of rabies. Obesophobia- Fear of gaining weight. Here are some, um, not so common phobias. Alektorophobia- Fear of chickens. Alliumphobia- Fear of garlic. Bufonophobia- Fear of toads. Cathisophobia- Fear of sitting. Deipnophobia- Fear of dining or dinner conversations. Dextrophobia- Fear of objects at the right side of the body. Ephebiphobia- Fear of teenagers. Genuphobia- Fear of knees. Heliophobia- Fear of the sun. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- Fear of long words. Lachanophobia- Fear of vegetables. Octophobia - Fear of the figure 8. Ommetaphobia or Ommatophobia- Fear of eyes. Peladophobia- Fear of bald people. Pogonophobia- Fear of beards. Xanthophobia- Fear of the color yellow or the word yellow. Zemmiphobia- Fear of the great mole rat. It's pretty funny seeing some of the things that people are actually afraid of. Try going to today and checking out the full list of fears!

Today's “Astronomy Lesson”

By Laura C. Age 14 “My mother got this in an email, and thought it was interesting so she sent it to me. It's amazing knowing that these stars are out there!”

Beyond our sun. It's a big universe.

Antares is the 15th brightest star in the sky. It is more than 1000 light years away. Pretty cool, huh?

This month's debate is “Dating. At what age should kids start to date? Can it even be called 'dating' when you're only 13 and 14 years old?” Susan E, age 13. I am 13 years old and I have a boyfriend. He is very good to me. My parents are okay with me dating him. I don't see why it wouldn't be called dating, just because we are younger. I think people should start dating whenever they feel ready. I decided to wait until I was a teenager before I got into the whole thing, and I'm glad I waited. I think I'm mature enough to handle this.

Molly C, age 14. I'm 14. I don't have a boyfriend. I don't think I'm ready to get involved with a boy right now. Besides, my parents probably wouldn't approve. They consider dating to be when you are old enough to drive and go out to a fancy restaurant or something. I guess I agree with them – I really wouldn't feel comfortable being with a boy right now. I'm happily single until I'm about 16 or 17. =]

Next month's debate: Plastic Surgery – is it OK to change your body with surgery? Can an “improved” face or body make you more confident and/or happy? Or should women learn to accept their face and bodies as they are? Can we be happy even if our face or body isn't perfect? Please send in your opinions

Sour Cake Sent in by Rachel J. Age unknown “This is a recipe that my family made one April fools day as a joke, but it turned out very good.” You need: 1 box of white or yellow cake mix. 1 container of white frosting (or you can make it yourself). 1 package of sour straws (or any other sour gummy candy). 1 bag of sour skittles. Make the cake mix as directed on the box, add chopped up sour straws to the mix and bake as instructed on the box and let cool. Mix the sour skittles with the frosting and frost the cake. Enjoy!

Cherry Chocolate Cake You need: 1 box of chocolate cake mix 1 can of cherry pie filling 1 container of chocolate frosting Make the cake as directed substituting cherry pie filling for water. Bake as directed and let cool. Frost it with the chocolate frosting and enjoy.

The Twelve Hero's By Kat, age 14 (?) Chapter one Julia looked around. Ivory-colored flowers bloomed and gleamed in the pale moonlight of an almost full moon. A lake made of violet water was calm as it sat in the center of the field flowers. Mountains wrapped around the valley. "Where am I?" she asked the empty air. A sudden wind picked up. It spun around Julia. Her brown hair whipped around, following the wind. She could feel her feet leaving the ground. Then... nothing. The wind had stopped just as suddenly as it started. Julia couldn't see anyone, but could feel someone's presence. "You are in the Valley of the Night Flowers. Leave, now!" A huge burst of air knocked Julia off her feet. She felt

herself falling... and then she was looking up at her older sister's face. "Don't tell me you spent the whole night out here!" Julia's sister asked, annoyed. "And if I did?" Julia answered groggily. The bright aqua-colored sky showed her she had slept through breakfast. She sat-up. The dream had been so vivid; it was more like a memory than a dream. She had slept on a pile of leaves next to the gray, wooden house she lived in. She rounded the corner to find her many siblings playing in the yard, evidently done with their chores. She sighed. It was going to be a long day.

11 Short stories by Rachael age 14 Story 1 Me, myself and I One day, yesterday in fact I wished I was the only person in the world. And… it came true. The reason I wished I was the only person in the world was because my older sister ate the last jelly filled donut that was MINE. Also my parents made me take a take violin lessons. Also my younger brother was annoying me when I was trying to do my homework. It’s tough being in the middle. Anyway after going to my room after all that, I wished that I was the only person in the world. Big Mistake. After I calmed down I went to the bathroom and I noticed that it was unusually quiet. So I went to look for my brother, my sister and my parents, I couldn’t find them. Then I decided to go my grandmothers house next door, she was not home. Then I went to my friends house, she was not home. I thought something was fishy so I went to the supermarket on my bike. When I got there I went inside it was totally deserted. I went back home, thinking to myself my wish came true. I yelled, “YAY MY WISH

CAME TRUE!” The rest of the night I made dinner (a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and milk) and watched TV. The next morning I started to miss my family, friends and even the little terror I used to baby sit. So I wished that I was not alone in the world. The next thing I knew I was in my room all alone. I exited my room and went down to the living room very slowly. Once I saw my brother, sister and parents I realized my wish came true. I hugged everyone, glad that I was not the only person in the world. THE END Story 3 The Cookie Thief Everyone was setting up for the annual Christmas party. My parents volunteered for us to help get ready for the party. Ugh! I hate when they do that. When we got there everyone was pacing around muttering to themselves. My parents asked the mayor “what was going on?” He explained that all the cookies had been stolen the container and all. Then I said that I would help find out who stole them. I said “what container was the cookies in?” “A big red container with green sparkles,” the mayor whimpered. Once the mayor told everyone to investigate for the stolen cookies everyone scurried around to look for any clues. I noticed that one man was not looking around, but he went to the back room. No one was supposed to go in the back room but the mayor, that is where he kept his secret files and stuff he doesn’t want any on else to know about. I followed him with out him knowing. He went into a door at the end of the hall, it was labeled The entertainment room. I soon heard the TV turn on. I quietly entered the room, yes he did not hear me enter. I closed the door. I crept over to the couch, then I realized that he was eating the stolen cookies. “Ah ha!,” I said out loud not realizing that I said that out loud at first. The guy stood up startled that anyone was there but him. I yelled, “you are the cookie thief .” Then I added, “Why did you steal the cookies?” “Because no one ever comes to my house to sing carols or invite me to the annual Christmas party. So I stole the cookies to get a little piece of Christmas. I’m just so lonely.” he said. “Oh, now I understand. From now on we will include you in everything,” I said. He started to cry and say, “thank you.” Then he hugged me. We went out to the auditorium and we announced what happened and the guy said he was sorry. And everything was right from then on. And he went down in history as the hero of Christmas. THE END

Story 6 Fish I am a fish. After I died I turned into a fish. My name was Sally Freidenhimer and I lived a happy life until I died from a car crash on June, 4, 2006 when I was 46 years old. A horse darted in front of me when I was going home from the grocery store one night. I swerved and hit into a tree, dead on. Maybe if you die in a car crash than you turn into a fish and if you die of old age then you turn into a dog and so on. I think that is what happens after death. So now I am a fish. I was born on June, 5, 2006. I was one of the six that were born. I am in a fish store, I think and I hope I don’t get separated from my 5 siblings and parents. Anyway I am now 3 weeks old and I am a orange molly fish. 2 of my siblings and my dad were sold already. I had my 3 week birthday today. I have to be sold now and I will leave this diary with my mom so that she knows what I was like and stuff. Bye. THE END Story 9 I only wake up on my birthday I only woke up on my birthdays and I could only remember what was on my birthday. One day I woke up and it was my first birthday. I got 1 doll.

One day I woke up and it was my second birthday. I got 2 hammer toys and 1 doll. One day I woke up and it was my third birthday. I got 3 Barbie’s, 2 hammer toys and 1 doll. One day I woke up and it was my forth birthday. I got 4 toy horses, 3 Barbie’s, 2 hammer toys and 1 doll. One day I woke up and it was my fifth birthday. I got 5 kites, 4 toy horses, 3 Barbie’s, 2 hammer toys and 1 doll. One day I woke up and it was my sixth birthday. I got 6 puzzles, 5 kites, 4 toy horses, 3 Barbie’s, 2 hammer toys and 1 doll. One day I woke up and it was my seventh birthday. I got 7 books, 6 puzzles, 5 kites, 4 toy horses, 3 Barbie’s, 2 hammer toys and 1 doll. One day I woke up and it was my eighth birthday. I got 8 science kits, 7 books, 6 puzzles, 5 kites, 4 toy horses, 3 Barbie’s, 2 hammer toys and 1 doll. One day I woke up and it was my ninth birthday. I got 9 fish, 8 science kits, 7 books, 6 puzzles, 5 kites, 4 toy horses, 3 Barbie’s, 2 hammer toys and 1 doll. One day I woke up and it was my tenth birthday. I got 10 outfits, 9 fish, 8 science kits, 7 books, 6 puzzles, 5 kites, 4 toy horses, 3 Barbie’s, 2 hammer toys and 1 doll. That is the story of my 10 birthdays and the first 10 days of my life. THE END Story 11 Snake Hi my name is Kea and I have an assignment and I am writing a story about nothing. Here is my story. I don’t know anything about snakes but if I knew some thing about them I would know that they eat gum and they don’t know anything about relish about balloons which look like a ball that is blown up with air and frogs are slimy like red fish which turn into a hat when dry and it is made out of straw that grows in a field not like the word weird because the I and E is switched and the diplomatic decathlon is very much like a xylophone and queens are always pink when playing cards in January and on Fridays and on the 4th of every month which has 12 month in a year which my birthday is in July and it comes once a year and when it comes I eat gum and snakes eat gum. THE END

There is currently a roleplay on the forum. Most of the members are taking part in it. It's a tad bit confusing to read here, but check out the actual roleplay on the boards First are the list of characters, and then there's the actual story. As you can tell, each person has their own little scene going on and some people are writing in different tenses, but I thought it would be a nice idea to put the roleplay in the magazine since just about all of the active posters of the forum are participating in it, and they know what's going on. Kat typed up a short piece summing up what's happening, which you will see halfway through the story. Each paragraph is a new part that somebody wrote. Enjoy!

Name: Tawainai Age: 14 Gender: Girl

Species: Nashidan Occupation: Doesn't have one. A Bit of Background Info: She's a wanderer. She's also a Nashidan. Nashidan's [most of them] are bloodthirsty part-animal people. Name: Angel Age: 25 Gender: Girl Species: Invisible vampire that can change her visible form to suite her needs Occupation: Vampire Name: Lynx Age: 14 Gender: Female Species: Nekomusume {Meaning 'Cat-Girl'} Occupation: Queen's ''right-hand man/assistant''. A Bit of Background Info: Little else is known other than assisting the Queen, Mother Earth, in business matters and that she likes Cats... Name: Tallisha (Tally) Age: 15 Gender: Girl Species: water fairy Occupation: Doesn't have one. Background Info: as a water fairy Tally can turn into a dolphin at will. Tally's parents abandoned her at birth. Description: Tally has black hair and blue-green eyes. Name~Sandy Age~14 Gender~Girl Species~One who adapts to the souroundings Occupation~Thief Backround Info~She had her family die in a town fire, while she was out of town. She lives off of other peoples belongings. Description~Brown hair, eyes change color depending on what mood shes in, very often she has ben in a sad mood lately. Name: Chris (I'm sorry, too lazy to think of something more creative hehe). Age: 17. Gender: Male (Come on, we've gotta have at least one ^__^) Species: Vampire. Occupation: n/a A Bit of Background Info: Ditto. No one, that includes you, knows. Teehee. Name - Shyren Age - Her exact age is unknown, but she has only two tails. (The more tails a Kitsune has, the older, wiser and more powerful it is. Nine is the most one can have) Gender - Female Species - Kitsune (Kitsunes are foxes that can turn into humans) Occupation - None A Bit of Background Info - She doesn't remember much of her life before she began to wander. She hardly

trusts anyone, probably because of some kind of betrayal...? She has been alone for most of her life, so she doesn't know how to act around people. Description (Human form) - Hair is very long, dark brown with streaks of red, has random leaves and flowers in it. Wears a long green skirt (loose enough to run in), and a green shirt with long wide sleeves. Can't stand shoes, always goes barefoot. Description (Fox form) - A red fox with dark brown on her feet, muzzle, underbelly, and tips of her two tails. Name: Dusk Species: Darkwing Gender: Female Age: 14 Occupation : Mercenary and Mage A Bit of Background Info : It is rumored that Dusk killed off all people who treated her like an outcast or a freak. ----------Tawainai kept her head down as she walked into town. She was, as usual, given hard looks as she walked though. The officials eyed her suspiciously looks as she passed, but, as she had no visible weapons, they could not arrest her. She passed by stalls, looking at the produce, and sometimes buying stuff. Winter was coming, and she knew she should stock up on supplies. Humans tended to be more wary of her in the winter, with good reason. Most Nashidans wanderers retreated to the Nashidan cities for the winter. She noticed a golden gleam on the road. She went to see what it was, and found that it was a necklace. She bent to pick it up... Shyren padded silently through the heavily canopied forest. Her ears pointed forward, listening for any sound that didn't belong to the forest. Her nose picked up the stale, yet still recognizable scent of humans long before she came to the road. It cut through the dark forest, twisting this way and that around thick tree trunks and large boulders. This forest had been home to the Kitsune for the past few seasons, providing both food and protection from the outside world. But she felt this place was not the best for the cold Winter nights ahead. So she had decided it was time to move on, reasoning that the road was the best way to travel as it went in only one direction. She paused for a moment, hearing the wind make it's way towards her. She slowly closed her eyes as the gust gently brushed her small form. As it did, her body shimmered and grew silently, until she stood as a human. She opened her eyes and breathed deeply. She stood there for a moment more, before stepping up onto the road. She had been walking in silence for hours, before she began to notice signs of the town. Houses flickered in between trees, fresh horse droppings appeared on the road, and a few signs popping up along the sides. A sudden movement ahead caused her to stumble slightly. The figure of a girl was bent over farther up the road. Shyren hesitated for a moment, deciding whether to turn around or continue. Deciding on the latter, she stepped quietly towards the girl, stopping exactly twenty-five feet away from her... Chris walks into the town, looks one way, then the next, a little confused from the scene. He's never been here before, and simply needs somewhere to stay for the time being. In the distance, he sees peaceful water. He pulls his hood up more towards his head, and continues on in. She should have known, Tally told herself angrily. She knew better then to swim near the town, especially at dawn. But she couldn’t resist watching the sunrise over the water. And here she was caught in a fisherman’s net. Why hadn’t she brought along a knife? There where sharp stones at the bottom but she was caught, trapped in the net, unable to free her self and running out of air. And now the net was being puled up and her with it. But then, something hit her, cutting her arm, she instinctively grabbed at it. it was a knife, the kind used by fishermen, she smiled and with two strokes she freed herself, swimming away from the net. Tawainai picked up the necklace. It was gold, she could tell from the feel. It was in the shape of a star and had a small red gem in the center. Who would leave a gold necklace lying on the road? She stood up and looked

out over the lake. Dolphins jumped playfully over the surface. She looked down at the necklace again. The gold flashed in the sunlight. It suddenly became too hot to hold, and she dropped it... Shyren nodded politely at the girl, but was still unwilling to get any closer. She wanted to continue on her wander, but the girl was in her way. She slowly walked past, staying as far away as possible. As soon as she had gone a few feet beyond the girl, she broke out in a run. Her bare feet making hardly a sound as she dashed the last hundred yards into town. She topped in the middle of a human-filled street to catch her breath. Suddenly thirsty, she made her way through the crowd towards the lake. Crouching down, she brought a handful of water to her lips... Seeing that the girl rightly ran from her making getting a meal that much more difficult but she could tell that she had quite delicious blood became invisible and flew after her gladdened too see that she had stopped at a lake not a river or stream then promptly changed form too a different girl as not too frighten her dinner... Sandy jumped out from behind a tree and caught that rabbit, as I looked up I met with Angels eyes. I quickly jumped up surprised to see her, dropping the rabbit. We stared at each other long and hard. Then... Tawainai's hand burned. She ran over to the lake a placed her hand in. It immediately felt better. Suddenly something pushed against her back, sending her headfirst into the deep water. Tawainai struggled to swim to the surface, but, has she had never been taught to swim, she didn't go anywhere but down... Sandy pushed Tawainia in. Shyren glanced up sharply when she heard a splash. Her eyes quickly took in the girl (Sandy) standing at the waters edge, and the churning water a little ways away. A small growl formed in her throat, and not half a second later she had changed to a fox. Her paws hardly touched the earth as she charged the standing girl. Leaping into the air she rammed into the girl's chest, knocking them both over. She growled in the girl's face, hoping to distract her while the creature in the water could escape. Glancing up, she noticed no movement in the water, save for the dolphins farther away... Tally swam up the river to the lake, changing into a dolphin as she did. As she reached the lake she leaped out of the water, looked around then fell back into the water. As she jumped again she heard a splash and a scream, taking a deep breath she dived, and swam as fast as she could towards the opposite bank to see what was going on... Ahead of her Tally saw someone in the water, They weren’t moving. She sped towards them, as she reached them she changed back into human form. Grabbing the limp form she swam for the surface... Tawainai felt something touch her. She didn't look at it. Her cousins, who were aquit nashidans, had always told her stories about what lies at the bottom of the ocean. She closed her eyes, waiting to be torn apart. Her lungs were starting to burn for need of oxygen. Then she fainted... Shyren whimpered softly, worried about the creature in the water. But she dared not get off Sandy, for fear she would be pushed in too. Her eyes stayed fixed on the still water, catching a small glimpse of a dorsal fin before is disappeared... Sandy tried to struggle out of shyren's grip, but it was no use. Then I got an Idea,"Hey, I need some help here, This girl (Shyren) pushed a girl in the water (Tawainai) and tackled me so I couldn't save the girl she pushed in the water. SO HELP ME NOW, PLEASE!!!," Sandy said to the girl (trinnias character). Shyren stared at the girl, surprised at her lies. She narrowed her eyes and got off Sandy, quickly jumping out of arms reach. She paced back and forth in front of the water, keeping one eye on the other two girls...

Since the roleplay was a bit confusing, Kat typed up what was happening - Tawainai[Kat's Character] has

been pushed into a lake by Sandy[Racheal_8_U's Character]. Shyren[Raizamin's Character] actacked Sandy after watching her push Tawainai in. Tally[Dobbyknits's Character] is saving Tawainai, and Sandy is telling lies to try and get Angel's[Trinna's Character's] help to get Shyren off of her[Sandy] Oh, and Angel can't swim. Tally broke the surface, swimming to the bank pulling the person up with her. She saw that it was a nashidan female, she wasn't moving, Tally turned her over and pounded the nashidan in the back she started coughing up water. Tally sighed, the nashidan would be alright... Shyren watched the Water Fairy and the Nashidan for a few moments. When she knew they were alright, she turned around and slowly headed towards the town. A slight shimmer of light and she turned human again... Tawainai opened her eyes to see a girl with blue-green eyes and black hair standing over her. She moved slightly. It hurt. Everything hurt. She moaned and sat up. She stared at the fox in front of her. She blinked. The fox turned and walked off. She watched in amazement as the fox changed into a human. A kitsune, she thought. Then She turned to the girl who had saved her. "Thanks." She said... Sandy jumped into the water and turned into a koi fish, then swam away down the stream. .........To be continued.......

Got a photo? Got a drawing?

The Homeschooled Teen Community! Julia C. Age 14 "This is the second drawing I have done of our other forum posters. Again, if you are not on here, I apologize. I will hopefully be doing another next issue with the remaining members. But I am not sure how to draw people who haven't posted very much, as I don't know their personalities. Anyways, Enjoy!"

Key 1. (HalfBloodPrincess) 2. Shelisa (Christianchic1991) 3. Alex (Trinnia)

4. Sarah (Horsegirl) 5. Alexa (Konnichiwaareka) 6. (Blue_Haired_Wolf_Girl) 7. Bailey (Mimane)

8. Rachael (R14Kitty00x) 9. Hannah (Colliersaunt24) 10. Liz (Fang The Strange) 11. (Soliloquy)

12. (HyperHanyoGal780) 13. (Absinthe) 14. Julia (Starfyre)

A Computer drawn picture and a watercolor sketch By Alana, age 13

Keavy was the one who ran the Homeschooled Teen helpline. Unfortunately, her schedule is very tight and she doesn't get on the forum much anymore – she even requested that her position as moderator and graphics designer be removed. As of now, there is no Homeschooled Teen Helpline, but she is thinking of using the questions submitted to write a new one for the July/August issue.

No book review was submitted to this issue, but I know a lot of you love to read, so if there's a good book that you like, send in a review!

To submit articles to Homeschooled Teen, send your work to [email protected]. PLEASE BE SURE YOU INCLUDE YOUR FIRST NAME AND YOUR AGE WHEN YOU SEND IT!!! Here are things you can submit to the magazine: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Fiction stories (Make sure all stories are under 15 pages) Real life stories (things that happened to you) Articles Drawings Jokes Riddles Debate club: whatever your view on the month’s subject is Recipes Movie reviews Book reviews Crafts Any problems you have to Keavy's Homeschooled Teen Helpline. Photographs Anything to do with being homeschooled Beauty advice, girl stuff, etc Most embarrassing moments And anything else you'd like to share!

The next issue will be coming out in the first week of July, so please get all of your articles in before JULY 1st! And remember, the website for HST is

ANNOUNCEMENT: July/August 2007 will be our ANNIVERSARY ISSUE!!! Yes, that's right, one whole year of Homeschooled Teen! Please be sure to send any subbmission you might have, because we want this to be our biggest and best issue ever!

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