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  • Words: 1,055
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Date: Tuesday 13th/ November

TOPIC: “Containers and Quantifiers”  A a dozen (e dósen) - una docena a half (e jáf) - una mitad a handful (e jándful) - un puñado a heap (e híip) - un montón a mouthful (e máuzful) - un bocado a pair (a péer) - un par a piece (e píis) - un pedazo a quarter (e kuórter) - un cuarto a slice (e sláis) - una rebanada a spoonful (e spúunful) - una cucharada a stack (e sták) - una pila, un montón an armful (an ármful) - una brazada  B bag (bag) - bolsita bar (bar) - barra barrel (bárrl) - barril basket (báskit) - canasta bottle (bótl) - botella bowl (bóul) - bol box (boks) - caja bucket (báket) - balde, cubo  C can (can) - lata carton (cárton) - cartón crate (kréit) - cajón envelope (ánvelóup) - sobre de carta  G gallon (gálon) - galón glass (gláas) - vaso gramme (gráam) - gramo half a dozen (jáf e dósen) - media docena  J

jar (dchár) - frasco, pote jug (dchág) - jarro  K kilo (kílo) - kilo  L liter (líter) - litro  M mug (mág) - jarra  O ounce (áuns) – onza  P pack (pák) - paquete, cajetilla package (pákedch) – paquete pint (páint) - pinta pot (pot) - tarro, pote pound (páund) - libra  R roll (róul) – rollo  S sachet (sáshei) - sachet sack (sák) - saco, costal six-pack (síks pák) - paquete de seis spray can (spréi can) - aerosol, atomizador  T ton (ton) - tonelada tube (tiúb) - tubo, pomo

QUANTIFIERS Quantifiers tell us something about the amount or quantity of something (a noun). Some quantifiers express a small or large quantity:  

Small: I have a few things to do before finishing work. Large: I have many things to do before finishing work.

Some quantifiers express part of or all of a quantity:


Part: It rains most days in winter. All: It rained all day yesterday.

Quantifiers belong to a larger class called Determiner. Examples of quantifiers Quantifiers can be a single word (e.g. some) or a phrase (e.g. a lot of). Quantifiers that appear as a phrase are often called Complex Quantifiers. Simple Quantifiers: all, another, any, both, each, either, enough, every, few, fewer, little, less, many, more, much, neither, no, several, some. Complex Quantifiers: a few, a little, a lot of, lots of The position of quantifiers We put quantifiers at the beginning of noun phrases. quantifier + noun 

some people

quantifier + adjective + noun 

many old books

quantifier + adverb + adjective + noun 

a lot of very crazy drivers

We can also use quantifiers without a noun, like a pronoun. 

These books are old but some are still in good condition. (Some refers to some books)

Quantifier + Noun CHART COMING SOON Formal and Informal Quantifiers Sometimes we can make a sentence more formal or more informal (or natural) just by changing the quantifier. Many people where invited to the wedding. (formal) A lot of people arrived late. (informal/natural) They made little progress. (formal) They didn't make much progress. (informal/natural)

NORTH TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY UNIQUE COURSE A LOT OF VS. LOTS OF A lot of and lots of are used to express that there is a large quantity of something. We use a lot of in positive sentences, negative sentences and questions. This expression can be used with countable or uncountable nouns.    

There are a lot of dogs in the street. (Countable noun) I have a lot of time to answer your questions. (Uncountable noun) I saw a lot of people waiting in the queue. (Countable) We did have a lot of fun, didn't we? (Uncountable)

We use lots of in positive and negative sentences, however it is more informal. It can be used with countable or uncountable nouns, and occasionally in questions.    

We have lots of time to catch the plane, let's relax. (Uncountable noun) There are lots of people in the queue today. (Countable) Oh my, you have spent lots of money on clothes! (Uncountable) I have lots of questions. (Countable)

She has a lot of money = She has lots of money MUCH VS. MANY Much and Many are used to express that there is a large quantity of something. Much and Many are used in negative sentences and questions. Many is used with countable nouns Much is used with uncountable nouns.    

I don't have many CDs in my collection. (Countable noun) They don't have much money to buy a present. (Uncountable noun) How many brothers do you have? (Countable noun) Is there much milk in the fridge? (Uncountable noun)

Note: we almost never use Much and Many in positive sentences, we almost always use a lot of or lots of. I have much money. (Incorrect because the sentence is positive / affirmative) I have a lot of money. (Correct) With the word "times" we use many times more than a lot of times / lots of times. It sometimes means frequently or often.   

That is my favourite book. I've read it many times. Don't worry, I've done this many times. We have stayed at this hotel many times over the years.

NORTH TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY UNIQUE COURSE FEW VS. LITTLE We use a few and a little to suggest a small quantity or not much of something. A few is used with countable nouns (= some; not many) A little is used with uncountable nouns (= some; not much) 

 

There are only a few days left until Christmas. (Countable noun) I have a few crazy friends. (Countable noun) I would like a little milk for my coffee. (Uncountable noun) There is little hope of finding your wallet. (Uncountable noun)

While Few and Little usually have negative meanings, especially when used with very. 

He is sad because he has few friends. (Countable noun) There

 

are few honest politicians. (Countable noun) There is little hope of finding your wallet. (Uncountable noun) They have very little knowledge about politics. (Uncountable noun)

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