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Jun 30 09 08:13a

GREEN AURORA SERVICES,lnc 6/30/2009 8:06:58 AM

Fax Server TO : Greg

1(773)7i 4-0502 PAUl:::



p,2 cerver


Homeco~ .i\ G1i!AC



Note: Please ensnre tne

JtJIl(:30, 2009

closing Agent is previded

with a c"PY oftlm le«er. CH1CAGO, Re:

1L 60656

Account Number.

CHICAGO, lL 60656 Dear: KRYSTYFA WILCZEWSKA This letter will confirm our acceptance oflhe shoo: payotl'QII the above referenced property. We agree to accept the proceeds generated by the S 105,000.00 "as is condition" purchase as full and final sarisfaerion on the :ftrst mortgage indebtedness on the above referenced property. Thill agreement is subject to the following: •. Net preceeds

to be no Jess than $92,008.96

" Any reduction in the approved dosing coot; must be added to the net proceeds. " SEllER TO NET ZERO. • The following closing attorney fees


have been approved and should no! exceed the given amount: $1,000.00


title, recordiag, tax stamps

water een condo estoppel ROA dues 2nd half2008 taxes 2nd lien wi Harris BlIIIIc

$150,00 $150.00

$175,00 $1,182,21 $1.000.00

2 agents @ 6%


pee-rated2009 taxes





Homecomings Finaneia], Ltc Attn:: loss Mitigation/Chris Cordina 3451 Hammond Avenue WaterlOO, IA 5070;! Please inchldc the original executed Settlement Statement (BUD -1) along with the check. If you choose to pay via wire transfa-, all funds must be wired to: JP Morgan Chase BIlDk, NA

:M:aitCode KYI - 7102 6108 Grade Lane Lousville, KY 40213 Building 7, Suite 109 ABAROll1ing


Account#8S070241 Beneficiary; rescap

Wire transfer must:

Jun 30 09 08:14a


Fax Server TO:Greg




1(773)714-0502 PAGe





1-',,-, D~rV~I


••Be identified by a loan number••Be idew:i:fied by the mC

axed 48 hoors before cleeing for approval, PICII5e fax to S66-709-4744.

,. We will prepare 11 release oflien and. Bend to the title company for recording . •. Escrow to close 011 or before July 31, 2009 . • All escrow surplus and credits MUST be added to the DCtprOCCC

If any of tile above demands are not met the; Net Proceeds will not be accepted and the satisfaction will be delayed at your expense.

The release of the lien will be sent [() the name and addrcssoftbe

title company you have provided and.thut will ccn~


closing of the sale of the pcopcrty. Please nore that the rctease of the lien will nor be sent oUt until the above proceeds are received. Ii:will then be their responsibilitytn ensure prO]lCr recording of'the release of the lien. A "Sbort" or UN egotlated" Payoff of yo III" mortgage loan may have 1a1 consequences. e:ttent. you have any tax liabiity, YOllare encouraged to contact. Iu profewonaL

If yon have any questions feel free to cootact us directly BElWEEN

To determine

me HOlJ'RS OF 9 A.M. AND

Sincerely, Loss Mitigation Department

law requires that we advise you that this is anal1ctllpl to collect on a debt and any infocmation

we obtain will be used for that purpose only. if'you have either filed for bll!lkruptcy or been disdJarged of your persocal tiabiliry for repayment of'this debt in a bankruptcy proceeding. this letter ill being provided to you fur informational purposes only. and any rights that we rnay choose to p'lnue will be exercised only against the collateral for the loan and not against you personally.


or to what

6 P,M. (EST) at 1-800-

799-925 () oc ir'.I fax at .

Notice -The



17:25 FAX

847 434 2575




Harris, N.A 3800 West Golf Rd. Suite 300

P.O. Box 8478 Rolling Meadows, Illinois 60008 Telephone 847-434-2501

June 30, 2009

FAX #773-714-0502

Chicago, IL. 60656

RE: To: Greg Zajdel, Please allow this letter to serve as Hams Bank's approval to accept a minimum of $1,000.00 based on the sales contract for the above mentioned property. It is our understanding that the sale will be completed by August 3. 2009 and therefore this approval expires on August 4, 2009. Certified funds remitted to us will be required. Upon receipt of a minimum of'S1,000.00, Harris Bank will prepare a Release Deed and forward it to the proper party. Harris Bank further agrees to release the Borrower from liability for any deficiency balance due on the Note(s), secured by the Mortgage(s) referenced herein, as a result of the sale of the property and pursuantto federal law, you will receive the appropriate tax documentation. However if you wish to pay any deficiency balance due, Harris N.A. will treat the loan as satisfied and shan report the same to any credit reporting agencies Please check the box below with your election and return a copy of this letter with the certified funds., This Agreement is not intended to be, nor shall it be construed to create a novation or accord and satisfaction, and except as otherwise expressly stated herein, the Note shall remain in fun force and effect. • ••.•• PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THIS IS A SHORT SALE AND ANY OVERAGE IN THIS TRANSACTION SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO HARRIS BANK·"'.

[fyou have any questions, please contact me at 841434-2036

p~Ovemigbt Payoff to: arris, NA Attn: Carmen Claudio 3800 Golf Road Suite 300 Rolling Meadows,

IL 60008

[1 I will not pay the deficiency. Please send the appropriate tax documentation.

o I will pay the deficiency and the loan will be treated as satisfied. Arrangements will be made within 30 days ofreceipt of funds. MembcrFDIC

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