Home Business Magazine October 2009

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Home-Based Business & Opportunity Magazine



Special Business Start-Up Guide

SStart-up Around Your Day Job! Start a Home-Based Business that Your Boss Will Never Know About. — Pg. 16

BONUS: Consultant Start-Up Guide. Start a Consulting Business Using Your Professional Skills and Talents – Pg. 22


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IF YOU CAN INSERT A LETTER INTO AN ENVELOPE AND DROP IT IN THE MAIL YOU CAN EASILY EARN $1,000 OR MORE EVERY WEEK … AND YOU CAN START MAKING MONEY IN JUST FIVE DAYS! Dear Potential Home Mailer, Would you mail our letters for $1000's weekly? Would you like to make $2 for each envelope you mail with our letter? If your answer is YES, our company has the right opportunity for you. Congratulations! Here is your chance to become an active participant in the most outstanding home mailing program ever. This program is ideal for students, people in-between jobs, and just about anyone who would like to make some extra income. *QY&QGU6JKU2TQITCO9QTM! We need hard working people like you immediately. Our company is anxious to use your services in mailing our letters that we supply. We are a growing publishing company that markets a variety of books and self-help publications nationwide and understand that people like you want to work from the comfort of your own home. Maintaining a staff can be very costly, so instead of hiring employees, we utilize home mailers. We have found it much more cost-effective to have independent home mailers like you working with us and gives you the opportunity to make substantially more money. Best of all, you can work from home at your own pace. *QY/WEJ%CP;QW/CMG! By following our simple one page of instructions for promoting our publications, you will receive all your pre-addressed inquiry envelopes from prospects with postage stamps already affixed and payment for all envelopes before you mail them! That is $2 per envelope. Your work will merely consist of securing the envelopes, place in one of our letters and mailing them out. That is about it! You will NOT pay for any postage. You will NOT need to sell anything in order to get $2 per envelope. You will NOT have to pick up the phone and talk to anyone. That simply means that if you process and mail 100 envelopes with our letters a week, you’ll receive $200 a week. If you process 250 envelopes a week, you’ll receive $500 a week. If you process 500 envelopes, you’ll receive $1,000 and so on.

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Our Home Mailing Program allows you to work from home, without the obligation of starting your own business or going to work somewhere else. Keep in mind, this is not a get rich quick business, pyramid scheme or has anything to do with network marketing. You will never have to try to personally sell your friends or family anything. It is a legitimate honest way for you to earn extra income. Start today to let us help you earn extra money you need!



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September/October 2009



Sneak a Start-Up: In response to the turbulent economy, and to gain more control of their lives and bring in extra income, many persons are starting part-time businesses while being employed at regular jobs.


Sneak a Start-Up Around Your Day Job! Start a home-based business that your boss will never know about.


Get Started as a Consultant.


Stay Positive and Goal-Oriented in a Bad Economy.

Start a service business using your professional skills and talents.

Interview with motivational speaker and business coach Scott Chesney.

Can You Consult? If you’ve lost your job, consulting will help you stay current in your field, provide you with useful contacts, and fill the hole in your resume if you decide to seek another salaried position.



Fearless “Recessionary” Attitude: According to Scott

Courtesy of Scott Chesney

The Home-Based Entrepreneur’s Magazine

Chesney, “I think of it (FEAR) as an acronym, Fictionalized Evidence Appearing Real. I’m physically paralyzed, but emotional and mental paralysis are far greater.”



Getting into Direct Sales.


Success tips in a little known but huge homebased market.

32 Low-Cost Advertising: No matter what your product, market, or approach, the more people you reach, the more likely you’ll be to get results.


With the economic downturn, use costeffective solutions to generate new customers.

Thriving In E-Commerce.

Five ways to generate more business through your web site with SEO and PPC.


Home Business Directory Listings


Network Marketing Contact Listings




Low Cost Advertising Plan. Get your new business “out there” and known at minimal advertising cost.


Set Up a Budget for Low Cost Advertising. Consider what you can realistically afford to spend without putting other obligations at risk.


Stellar Selling: Turn Your “No” Client Into A “Yes” Client! Discover 5 trigger tips to closing bigger deals in less time.


Planning an Event to Promote Your Business? These 8 ideas for alternative event venues will save you money and wow your attendees.

Home Business


| September/October 2009

Direct Sales Opportunities: A balanced direct sales business will take advantage of every form of advertising and marketing available to it.

Seven Ways to Recession-Proof Your Online Content.


Classified Ads



Contents 60



HOME OFFICE Recession Survival: Get a New Business Technically Plugged-In. Software and technology tools make a new start-up a breeze.

Home Office Productivity: With minimal time and expense, you can set up


Inexpensive Home Office Networks.


Cover Your Legal Bases.


Counter-Intuitive Time Management.

a home office operation with enough power and capacity to work the business part-time in the evenings while you get started.

Financial Smarts: If

Even if just a part-time business, it makes sense to use a legal “professional.” Innovative techniques tame a never-ending start-up to-do list.



you know how much money your business is making and where the money is going, your can estimate future profits.



Setting Up Simple Financial Management. Don’t launch your start-up until you have the finances under control.


Managing the Bad News. What your financial management indicates you’re running out of cash?


Raising Quick Financing in the Current Economy. Small businesses and contractors have sources to raise financing to launch a part-time start-up.


Dayna Steele is a writer, media consultant, social media trainer, speaker, and author of Rock to the Top: What I Learned about Success from the World’s Greatest Rock Stars.

So you have a couple of PCs and printers and you want a home network?

12 14 28

Letter from Publisher

29 70

Notice to readers

Letters to the Editor Newsstand. The wide open and highly diverse

work-at-home sector — Key statistics on people who work at home… Home users live dangerously with computer back-up practices… How do your credit needs compare with other home business owners? Product Reviews


Work-At-Home Statistics: On average, selfemployed persons with home-based businesses worked 25 hours per week at home.



One Week Away From Welfare. Man risks money and starts a home-based cleaning business.


Helping One Family at a Time. Entrepreneur shares his story of persistence to motivate people to not give up.


Blind Painter’s A-Ha Moment Spawns Art Agency. Exclusively licensing works by handicapped artists.


From Radio Airwaves to HomeBased Entrepreneur. Previous storefront experiences teach ex-deejay that working from home is best.


Brian S. Arrington counsels families on how to turn their lives around and get out of debt.


NYS Corrections Officer also Works from Home. Maintaining great customer service keeps him recession-proof.


Tired of Playing the Corporate Game. Happy home business owner never wants to return to her old corporate life.

68 Tony O’geen’s Canvas and Leather not only repairs sports equipment but produces quality custom sports bags.

September/October 2009 | Home Business



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Plus ... Complete Printing & Mailing Services! response to your EXPRESS ENVELOPE Increase mailings by up to 8 times!! You can mail this "Express" Envelope (size: 6"x9") using a First Class (44¢) stamp yet it carries the impact of a higher priced commercial overnight envelope! Use these envelopes for all pieces that you want OPENED FIRST? Great for everything from special offers to invoices! We heard from one business owner who received a mail piece in one of these envelopes in his personal mail at home. Because of the appearance of the envelope, he opened it immediately then knew he had to use these for his own business mailings. He knew that if he rushed to open the envelope then his customers would as well! Try it NOW!


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AAJudgment JudgmentRecovery Recovery Business Business isis Hot and andininDemand. Demand.Here’s Here’show how to to start start your your own... own...


ave aveyou youever everwatched watchedJudge JudgeJudy Judy or or any any of of those those mid-afternoon mid-afternoon court courtTV TVshows showswhere wherepeople people sue sue each each other other for for unpaid unpaid rent rent or services? services?InInmany manycases, cases,Judge JudgeJudy Judyslams slamsdown down her her gavel gavel and and barks barks orders ordersatatthe thedefendant defendanttotopay payup, up, but but here's here's aa little little known known fact: fact: the the court courtdoes doesnot notenforce enforcethat thatjudgment. judgment.And And that that goes goes for for non-televised non-televised court courtcases casestoo. too. That's That'sright, right,just justbecause because aa judge judge orders orders someone someone to to pay pay aa debt debt doesn't doesn'tmean meanthat thatperson personisisgoing goingtoto do do it.it. Imagine Imagine ifif someone someone owed owed you youa afew fewthousand thousanddollars dollarsand anddecided decided not not to to pay pay you, you, regardless regardless of what whata acourt courtofoflaw lawordered. ordered.Would Wouldyou youknow knowwhat what to to do? do? Most Most people people don't, don't,sosothey theywait waitininfrustration frustrationfor forthe thedebt debtto tobe bepaid. paid. Christina ChristinaSmiley, Smiley,founder founder ofof Sierra Sierra Judgment Judgment Recovery Recovery and and selfselfproclaimed proclaimedopportunity opportunity junkie, junkie, learned learned how how to to profit profit from from this this little little known knownmarket marketofofunpaid unpaiddebt debtby byhelping helpingjudgment judgment holders holders collect. collect. She She explained explainedthere therewas wasvirtually virtuallyno no one one who who was was providing providing this this service. service. And And that that once once people people had had been been awarded awarded these these judgments... judgments... 80 80 percent percentofofthem themwere werenever neverpaid.” paid.” This Thisdiscovery discoverycouldn’t couldn’thave havecome come atata abetter bettertime; time; Christina Christina and and her her husband husbandTerry Terrywere werepart partowners ownersofofaa carpet carpet store store and and had had amassed amassed aa large largeamount amountofofdebt. debt. They Theyhad hadthree threesmall smallchildren childrenand and thought thoughtthat thatbybyowning owningaastore storethey'd they'd have havemore moremoney moneyand andtime timefor fortheir their family. family.Initially Initiallyit itwas wasan anexciting excitingtime time forfor them, them, but but that that dream dream quickly quickly turned turnedinto intoa anightmare nightmareofofdebt debt and and endless endlesshours hoursatatwork, work,as as Christina Christina remembers, remembers, "We "We accumulated accumulated monstrous monstrousdebt. debt.We Wewere weretruly trulyonly onlyaa few few paychecks paychecks away away from from being being homeless." homeless." And Andthen thenshe shelearned learned about about the the big bigmoney moneyininsmall smallclaims. claims.Christina Christina focused focusedononlearning learninghow how toto recover recover judgments judgmentsfor forpeople. people. She She says, says, "It "It was wastrial trialand anderror errorfor forsix sixmonths monthstotoaa year. year.I buried I buriedmy mynose noseinincivil civilcodes.” codes.” Christina Christinacontacted contacted aa number number ofof small smallbusinesses businessesininher herarea areatotosee seeifif they theycould coulduse useher herservices, services,and andas asitit turned turnedout, out,there therewas wasplenty plentyofofwork work forfor her. her. "These "These people people were were overjoyed overjoyedtotogive giveus usallallofoftheir theircases cases totocollect collectand andwere weremore morethan thanwilling willing toto letlet me me keep keep 50% 50% ofof what what I I collected collectedfor forthem," them,"she shesays. says. InInmost mostcases, cases,they theyhad hadfiled filedaway away their theirjudgments judgmentsaafew fewyears yearsprior priorwith with nonohope hopeofofever evercollecting collectingon on them. them. Christina's Christina's business, business, Sierra Sierra Judgment JudgmentRecovery, Recovery,gets getsthat thatmoney money back. back. These These people people figured figured they'd they'd never neversee seeany anyofofthat thatmoney moneyagain, again, sosothey're they'remore morethan than happy happy toto pay pay Christina's Christina'sfee. fee. Another Anotherattractive attractive aspect aspect ofof this this

service service isis there's there's no no up-front up-front cost to her her customers. customers. Any Any filing filing fees or costs costs incurred incurred by by Christina Christina are reimbursed reimbursed to to her her out out of the judgment judgment once once it's it's collected. collected. The customers customers don't don't have have to pay anything anythingout out of of their their own own pocket. pocket. From From what what she she says, says, this is primarily primarily behind-the-scenes behind-the-scenes work, which which makes makes itit an an entirely entirely nonconfrontational confrontational business. business. She She does everything everything through through the the court court system from from seizing seizing debtor debtor bank bank accounts, accounts, garnishing garnishing wages wages and and other other income, to toplacing placingliens liens on on property. property. One One year year after after starting starting the judgment judgment recovery recovery business, business, Christina Christina and and Terry Terry closed closed the carpet carpet store. store. Finally Finally they they could could work at at home home and and have have money money left over at at the the end end of of the the month. month. They've been been running running Sierra Sierra Judgment Judgment Recovery Recovery for for over over 10 10 years years and are bringing bringing in in aa five-figure five-figure paycheck paycheck each eachmonth. month. And And the the most most important important aspect aspect isis they've they've got got more more time for their their kids. kids. “I“I can can attend attend their their events and and my my husband husband gets gets to to go go on field trips trips now now -- he's he's usually usually the the only dad on onthem.” them.” But But the the story story doesn't doesn't end end there. Christina Christina wants wants to to share share her knowledge knowledge with with others others across across the country country as as aa home-based home-based business opportunity. opportunity. She She has has put put together together aa judgment judgment recovery recoverytraining training course. course. In In addition, students students have have access access to to aa National Network, Network, which which can can be be extremely extremely helpful helpful in in cases cases where where the the debtor has has moved moved out out of of state. state. Christina also alsoincludes includes unlimited unlimited support. support. The The training training course course is is on a home-study home-study basis basis and and itit teaches Advertisement

Christina Smiley Smiley

how to contact contact judgment judgment holders holders to get their their business, business, the the steps steps to to tracking down down aa debtor debtor and andsorting sorting through the the paperwork paperwork from from the the court. Christina's Christina's motivation motivation for for sharing this this business business opportunity opportunity with others others isn’t isn’t to to get get money moneyfrom from sales of the the course course (a (a one-time one-time flat fee of of $185.00, $185.00, she she only only makes enough enough to to cover cover the thecost costof of producing producing course course materials): materials): she she wants to continue continue to to develop develop the the National Network Network of of judgment judgment recovery specialists. specialists. Anyone Anyone interested interested in in aa homehomebased business business who who really really likes likesto to do research research could could benefit benefit from from this training training course, course, according according to to Christina. Christina. "This "This business business isisfilling fillingaa true niche. niche. ItIt provides provides steady, steady, predictable predictable home-based home-based income income of $5,000 $5,000 -- $8,000 $8,000 per per month month on on average. There There is is no no lack lack of of customers customers and and no no foreseeable foreseeable decrease decrease at at any any time time in in the the future," says says Christina. Christina. If you’d you’d like like information information on on starting your your own own home-based home-based judgment judgment recovery recovery business, business, register for for their their free free guide guide at at www.recoverycourse.com. www.recoverycourse.com. You You may also also contact contact Sierra Sierra Judgment Judgment Recovery Recovery directly directly by by calling them them at at (912) (912) 882-8190 882-8190 or email email Customer Customer Support Support at at [email protected]. [email protected].


Volume 16 Issue 5, September/October 2009 www.homebusinessmag.com

The Home Business Team ®

Publisher Richard Henderson United Marketing & Research Company, Inc. Editor-in-Chief Stacy Ann Henderson Managing Editor Sandy Larson Home Office Editor Gregory Grabowski, PE Feature Interviewer Deborah J. Sergeant Feature Writer Priscilla Y. Huff Graphic Services Tory Hobson, Slice, Inc. Production Manager Jon Auld Art Direction Richard Rabil Advertising Sales Shannon Needham Administrative Assistant Valerie Easton Distribution Manager Richard Trummer, Curtis Customer Service Monique Alponte Call 1-800-734-7042, 9 am to 5 pm PST.



email: [email protected]

Circulation Manager Mark Janusz Subscriptions National Subscription Fulfillment Call (714) 693-1866 www.homebusinessmag.com Click on “Subscribe” to Order or make an Address Change

Subscription Manager Steve Schley Print Manager Tina Valdez, R.R. Donnelley Reprints For high-quality article reprints, any quantity, email Betsy White, The Reprint Outsource, [email protected] Mailing Lists www.homebusinessmag.com (Click on “Mailing Lists” to order.)

Mailing List Manager Danny Grubert (914) 925-2400 Website Development David Blankenship, Infoswell Media Internet Manager TonyQ – Webmaster 1-866-HostMe1 (467-8631)

Editorial Christopher Bachler, Nora Caley, Deborah Jeanne Sergeant, and many others.

Distribution Curtis Circulation Company 730 River Road New Milford, NJ 07646 Tel: (201) 634-7400 Fax: (201) 634-7499

Print Advertising Home-Based Business Display Advertising: Shannon Needham: (949) 218-8729 Advertising Main Office: (800) 734-7042; fax (714) 388-3883 Email: [email protected] For Classified Ads see pages 79-81; For Directory Listings see page 78. For complete Advertising Information, visit the “Advertise” section of www.homebusinessmag.com. (Click on “Print Magazine Advertising”)

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Home Business® Magazine Home Business Magazine (ISSN 1092-4779) is published bi-monthly by United Marketing and Research Company, Inc., 20664 Jutland Place, Lakeville, MN 55044. One Year Subscription Rates: Domestic $19. Canadian $39. Foreign $59. For Subscriptions: 714-693-1866, M–F Periodicals Postage Paid at Lakeville, Minnesota, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Home Business® Magazine, 20664 Jutland Place, Lakeville, MN 55044. Printed in the United States


Home Business


| September/October 2009

Sneak a Start-Up Around Your Day Job!


ach year we devote one issue to starting up a business — an abbreviated home-based start-up guide. This year’s issue has a new twist to the theme: Sneak a Start-Up. As the economy tumbles further into recession, and eventually into a depression, starting up a new home-based business presents more challenges. Jeopardizing a “day job” is something one cannot risk. But with average workplace earnings in decline, there has never been a greater demand to bolster one’s income with a part-time home business. Finally, if you aspire to operate your business full-time, it will require a more stable foundation before you exit the day job, than it would if economic times were better. For many of us, this all Just about anyone can find adds up to a need to sneak a time to operate a business start-up business around other during the work day. full-time, outside employment. With some forethought, planning, time management, and yes, stealthiness, almost anyone can operate a part-time home business around their day job. And nothing we talk about in the cover story is unethical or not legal. It simply pushes up against workplace boundaries. It’s all about using your time more productively, to look for ways to leverage yourself during the office work day. Those who already operate a home-based business can also learn from this issue’s cover story. In tough times, you must diversify. Running a part-time business already takes up most of your free time. But if you too leverage your time during the work day, you can find a little extra for business diversification. The driving force behind this issue’s “Sneak a Start-Up” is the tragic economic climate today. A home-based business is a great financial hedge in uncertain times. My perspective continues to evolve on what I see happening in the economy, issue to magazine issue. Things were bad last year, and the trends are only getting worse. Through reckless tax cuts, reckless government spending, and reckless neoconservative policies, the Bush Administration wrecked our economy. His housewarming gift to President Obama was a $1.25 trillion annual deficit. Unfortunately, the Obama Administration has brought little fiscal discipline to the mess he inherited. In fact, his policies will increase the fiscal year 2009 deficit to a staggering $1.8 trillion. I cannot SPEAK LOUD ENOUGH to you — my readers — that these fiscal deficit numbers are unsustainable. The total national debt exceeds $12 trillion. Interest payments will soon approach $1 trillion per year. These are facts (visit the CBO web site). An economic collapse is becoming an unavoidable alternative. These are times that call for bold and unpopular steps to take control of the economic wreckage through stricter government regulation of dysfunctional economic sectors, targeted tax increases, targeted stimulus, and massive spending cuts across the board. Policies that are, for the most part, unpopular. Few political leaders have the courage to advocate them. Rather, most retreat into partisan corners, and offer little more than sound bites to appease their dumbed-down electorates. I realize I hit these points consistently in my Publisher Letter. But what has changed over these last few months is that the massive annual deficit is becoming structurally “locked in.” As we say in the military, we’re losing our “ability to maneuver.” So my advice to you is another military saying — “GET READY!” Get your financial house in order. One positive step is to start up a part-time home-based business. If needed, sneak it around your “day job.”

Publisher, Home Business® Magazine P.S. Please read my advice blog at www.homebusinessmag.com/blogs homebusinessmag.com

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NOW Is the Time for New Consumer Product Invention and Entrepreneurialism Despite all the doom and gloom news about the economy and the struggles companies are facing these days, what most people don’t realize is that NOW is actually a great time for new consumer product invention and entrepreneurialism — an opportune time for people to take their ideas for new products, make them into a reality, and get them onto store shelves at major retailers. These days, prices of invention services are lower because service providers are looking for new contracts and are willing to cut rates. Ingenuity from inventors and new start-ups can be the building blocks to a stronger economy. Jim DeBetta, veteran of the product development/invention industry www.TheAcademyForEntrepreneurs.com - www.jimDeBetta.com

From the Editor: When the economy goes into a recession — or worse — instability and turnover rises. As companies go out of business and consumer demands shift, opportunities open for new types of products and ways to deliver services.

It’s Not Just About Profitability and Survival: Leaders Need to Lead Political and economic influences have great implications for today’s leaders as they maneuver their way through everexpanding mine fields. This unsteady climate is forcing smart leaders to re-think their operating plans. This is a time for action not reaction; a time for decisive leaders to guide their companies to safety, while also preparing for the future. Unfortunately, many leaders are focused on short-term business survival. This is great for the current economy, but once the market picks up, it is crucial leaders be prepared to tackle a long-term perspective. Pat Heydlauff, President of Energy Design Author of “Feng Shui: So easy a child can do it”

From the Editor: Home-based entrepreneurs, even thought they tend to run smaller businesses, still need to lead. People who do not work directly for you, but who support your business, will respond to your positive leadership. They may be looking for leadership, and don’t even know it. Fill the void.

way conversations, adjusting messages in the moment so customers are persuaded to buy. Your readers must get these two areas of their company to deliver the right message to the right audience at the right time, and increase sales. Linda Bishop, sales trainer, author of “Selling in Tough Times,” and President of Thought Transformation

The Four P’s of Strategy Creation When creating a strategic plan, it is rarely wise to move forward with just one course of action, no matter how well thought out. Strategic planning should encourage rigorous debate developing several alternatives. Too often, businesspeople move too quickly to consensus. This can prove a big mistake when marketplace circumstances shift. “Four P’s,” can help companies create this advantage: Perceptions - Performance -

Purpose - Process. While your readers’ strategy may have been great at the time they created it, factors outside of their control can change the dynamics of their businesses. Without alternatives developed in the strategic planning process, they cannot respond quickly enough to leverage an opportunity or avoid

a significant threat. Ron Price, founder and CEO of Price Associates Author of “Finding Hidden Treasures”

From the Editor: In these tough economic times, it is important to take a fundamental look at your business and its customers — both actual and potential. This look must be founded on your strategy. Review it now.

A Sad Farewell to Phil Longenecker Phil Longenecker, the CEO of Cutting Edge Media (publisher of Home Business Connection Magazine) died in a car accident in July 2009. All of us at Home Business Magazine wish Phil’s friends, family and employees our sympathies and prayers. Although I never got to meet Phil personally, I spoke with him many times on the phone, and I have known him since the start of Home Business Magazine. Both of our publications worked together amicably throughout the years. Phil was a good, decent, honest person. He was a leader in our industry. Phil Longenecker will be missed. With Our Deepest Sympathies, Richard Henderson Publisher, Home Business Magazine

Align Sales with Marketing to Maximize ROI The goal of marketing is to match people with products, to acquire customers, and to keep them. The goal of sales is to persuade someone to buy today. Marketing activities are one-way conversations with prospects and customers. Selling makes use of two14

Home Business


| September/October 2009

We appreciate your feedback and work-from-home success stories for review and consideration. Please send both via e-mail to: [email protected], or via postal mail to: HOME BUSINESS® Magazine,

20664 Jutland Place, Lakeville, MN 55044.


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Sneak a Start-Up Around Your Day Job! Start a Home-Based Business that Your Boss Will Never Know About


By Priscilla Y. Huff


hile economists predict the present worldwide recession may soon start to ease, they generally agree that it will take time to get the economy rolling again; and that once it does some aspects of our work-lives may never be the same again. Job security, career preferences, numbers of hours worked daily, availability of financial resources, retirement plans, global industry trends, and other employment factors will continue to change and be uncertain. In response to the turbulent economy, and to gain more control of their lives and bring in extra income, many persons are starting part-time businesses while being employed at regular jobs. Utilizing the best mix of organization and time management methods, technology, and business know-how, you, too, can start and operate your own successful home business while working at your day job; and without going beyond business ethics or jeopardizing your current job’s performance. Here are some basic guidelines and management tips to get your business launched today:

riences in the industry of the business idea that interests you increases the chance of your business’ success. Home-ventures are also either performed on-site In response to the turbulent economy, and to gain more control of (your home’s office, garage, their lives and bring in extra income, many persons are starting basement, or other area); in part-time businesses while being employed at regular jobs. clients’ homes (like cleaning or professional organizing); or with a com- Automate Your Business Plan (www.busibination of these. ness-plan.com/) or Business Plan Pro (www. Make a list of business ideas that interest bplans.com - also has 60 sample plans) are you, and research information and talk to also helpful resources. others in related industries to see if a future market potential exists for your proposed Marketing Strategy – Your market plan venture(s). Are there enough potential cus- and its strategies are part of your business’s tomers ready to hire or purchase from you plan. It lists the ways you will find the best to justify your starting a particular enter- potential customers and advertise to them. prise? Often businesses that solve problems When you have decided what products or that save or make people money tend to and/or services your business will produce, have the best success rates. The good news then ask yourself: (1) Who will want these is that no matter where or what your busi- and why? (2) How much are they willness is there are common operational tasks ing to spend for them? You can determine that you can fit in between your day job’s this through test-marketing, giving people work as will be pointed out throughout sample products or free trials for services; and then evaluating their feedback. Find free this article. Visit libraries for home business idea marketing worksheets at http://marketing. START-UP BASICS books, attend business expos and search about.com/od/marketingworksheets (SEE Before you start looking for potential the Internet for small business forums, and ALSO in the Marketing and Sales Section customers/clients, you have to lay the foun- business idea web sites for ideas. Visit www. the article, “Low Cost Advertising Plan.”) dation for its operations. Some or all of the FTC.gov for questions to ask before investFinancing Matters - Most services following start-up steps can be researched ing in any home business opportunity. businesses and online businesses are easier during work breaks, lunchtimes, and other Plan for Success - Write a basic busi- and less expensive to start than productslow periods during your workday. ness plan. It will help you set goals and be based ventures. Internet businesses are What Business? - Most businesses your business’s blueprint and operations’ often the simplest because all you need ideas are either product- or service-based. guide. Revise it as your business evolves. is your idea, a laptop, and a broadband If you are recognized as an expert in your Visit www.SCORE.org, the site of the Senior connection to reach your customers. With field, becoming a professional consultant is Corps of Retired Executives, that offers a side business, you have less pressure another entrepreneurial option you might online business plan guides; or to find a to make an immediate profit, giving you consider. (SEE ALSO the article in this issue, local office and make an appointment with time to perfect your business offerings and “Consultant Start-Up Guide.”) volunteers who can give you assistance in operations; stay out of debt by reinvesting Having work, volunteer, or hobby expe- writing plans. Books and software such as profits; and finding a sufficient number of customers willing to pay the prices to make your business gainful. …no matter where or what your business is there are Growing a solid customer base will also increase your chances of obtaining future common operational tasks that you can fit in between your loans for growth and expansion. Frugality day job’s work.” is popular now, so paying down personal


Home Business


| September/October 2009


debts will free up more money for living and business expenses, enabling you to take your business full-time sooner if you choose. Open a business account to keep personal and business accounts separate. (SEE ALSO the SIDEBAR in this article for links to government loans; and the Money Corner article, “Raising Quick Financing in the Current Economy.”) Your Business’s Name & Structure – Your business’s name can be simply part of your own identity, like “Smith’s Wedding Cakes,” or you can register a fictitious one such as “WestEnd Specialty Cheesecakes.” Wait until you are certain what your business will be offering before you officially register it, because you may find out that customers prefer a different, related product or service than the ones you first offered. Choose carefully because your business’s name will be an important marketing tool. If you wish to obtain a trademark for your name and/or brand or logo, visit www.USPTO. gov for information. When you decide on a name, purchase the domain for it for a future web site. In determining your business’s legal structure, many entrepreneurs choose in the beginning to operate as sole proprietorships. Other business forms include partnerships, corporations, or limited liability companies (LLC). Which form you choose depends on your business’s liability potential, whether you hire employees; your business’s goals for growth; tax issues, and other organizational aspects. (SEE ALSO the SIDEBAR in this article for tax ID information resources.)


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Additional Legalities & Ethics – In addition to registering your business and its name, check about the legality of using your home for business; and if there are additional licenses or regulations required to operate. Get referrals from other business owners for lawyers specializing in small/ home business issues with whom you can consult whenever you have legal questions. Have them review any confidentiality or employment agreements, or non-compete contracts/clauses you signed, especially if your business will be in the same industry as your job. By law you cannot solicit any of your employer’s clients until the end of the time stipulated in the contract. Usually you can use your skills and general knowledge in your new business, but not the company’s (for whom you worked) trade secrets such as designs, formulas, or any other protected information. While working as an employee, be sure you do not do anything that is illegal or against Continued on page 19

September/October 2009 | Home Business



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Continued from page 17

company polices or you may be sued, fired, or censored by others in your network. Be discreet about your business idea and start-up until you are ready to approach your boss to discuss your venture in a professional manner. Depending on the circumstances, your boss may even end up being a client and refer others to you. If your boss asks, do not deny having your business. Your employer’s biggest concerns most likely will be that you are not accomplishing your job’s tasks because of your business’s operations; and/or that you may compete for the same clients. The main challenge of starting and running a business on the side is how to maintain your same job performance standards in an ethical manner while becoming a successful entrepreneur. For example, you should not use your company’s office supplies for your business. Instead, purchase your own paper if you use the employer’s copier machine, and all other supplies/ equipment from the start, to be used solely for your business’s use. (NOTE: The SBA site, “The Small Business Planner,” www.sba.gov/smallbusinessplanner/index.html, has more information on all these basic start-up, management, and other aspects of owning a business.)

work, volunteer, or hobby “Having experiences in the industry of the business idea that interests you increases the chance of your business’ success.


BEST: LabelManager® 450 The ultimate label maker for the office. Connect to your PC for advanced labeling, custom labels and applications.

Analyze any typical day at your job, and you will find at least an hour or two you can utilize to run your business instead of chatting with co-workers, making personal calls, or engaging in other non-work activities. In maximizing technology devices, avoiding

Use lunch periods for client meetings, business appointments and longer phone calls; and commuting time for computer work or phone calls.

time-wasters and being better-organized, many entrepreneurs not only find free time during work to spend on their businesses, but actually accomplish more for their day jobs and juggle both successfully. Home Office Set-Up – Back at your home, locate your office in an exclusive area to keep your work and files separate from personal items and to eliminate interruptions. Be thrifty and furnish it with good, used office furniture leased or purchased on sale, through ads or thrift shops. Spend more on the mobile technology and software that will enable your new business to be ready to work anywhere, including at your day job. If you plan to have in-office client visits, you can upgrade your home office appearance later. Technology Is The Key – To work successfully on your business at work, you need to create the time and use the best mobile technology you can afford to use during your job. Know, too, that a majority of your business tasks will involve communicating with prospective customers, vendors, and other people related to your business. The less you use any of your job’s office equipContinued on page 20

Start-Up Success Tips • Bootstrap your start-up. The less in debt you are, the longer time you have to perfect your business operations and become profitable. • Start out slowly, and set realistic, specific, and attainable goals. • Partner and collaborate with someone whose skills balance yours. • Set a pricing rate that reflects your value and produces profits for continued growth. • Network everywhere for clients and customers. • Look for a niche. The more specific a market, the more likely your part-time business will take off! September/October 2009 | Home Business



Sneak a Start-Up Around Your Day Job!


Continued from page 19

ment, the less likely you will get in trouble, so here are some tech (and non-tech) essentials you will want to consider buying for your business: *Home Office Tech - Invest in one of the newer lightweight laptop computers with built-in wireless capability and a business software bundle; a high-speed broadband Internet connection; plus a fax and copy machine. Get a rugged case to take your laptop and other business paraphernalia so you can “grab” and work on the go. *Cellular Phones-Smartphones – Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) of the nineties are being replaced by “smart” cell phones (convergent devices combining PDA and cell phone functions) like RIM’s Blackberry, Apple’s iphone, Palm’s new Pre, and others. These electronic devices are cameras, digital voice recorders, and mobile/text-messaging phones; plus enable you to store data and notes, access your e-mail, browse the Web, fax via the Internet, and depending on their capabilities, can run any number of apps (software applications). These personal display devices are a must for staying connected to people for your business. If you have a ground line for your home

Discuss your business plans with your family for their feedback and even help or support.

business number, you can hire a “follow-on service” to your cell/smart phone so you can save time checking voice mail or chasing lost calls. *Using a Personal Data Assistant (PDA) – Many people still prefer PDAs for

their larger screens, as a data backup, their affordability, and their independence from any carrier. *Paper Day Planner – Not electronic, but many business owners and individuals still like having access to their written (on

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Home Business


| September/October 2009


Most services “ businesses and online businesses are easier and less expensive to start than productbased ventures.

paper) schedules and information at their fingertips and using pen or pencils to jot down notes. Research each tech or non-tech device to see which ones best fit your schedule, your business and your wallet. (SEE ALSO the article in this issue, “Get a New Business Technically PLUGGED-IN.”) Web Work – Most of your potential customers and business associates are connected to the Internet or have access to it, so bringing your laptop and/or any electronic device with Web access to work will enable you to communicate and do business with them online. *E-Mail – Set-up a universal free e-mail(s) account for your business. It is the one of the best ways to communicate with your customers and associates from anywhere in the world and is easy to check whenever you have a free moment during your workday. Use your

computer, not the one you use at work to keep your e-mail communications private. *Social Networks – Post brief business updates on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other networking sites, to market and to foster customer relations. Stick to business topics and be professional. Irresponsible comments or photos posted (anywhere) online could harm your business reputation and cause you to lose customers or your day job. *Web Site – A Web presence is more than just a “silent” billboard. Make yours an interactive venue, highlighting your business’s offerings, keeping in contact with your customers or other business owners for support and possible collaboration on projects, and taking online orders. Purchase a domain business name (URL) and start with free-hosting companies that allow you to design your own site like Microsoft Office Live Small Business or use search engines to find others. Keep your site simple and easy to navigate, and update often to keep visitors coming back. Use online payment centers for your first orders. As sales increase, you can hire a Web designer for a customized site and to help you add a secure shopping cart program for credit card orders. (Visit the Ecommerce channel at www.homebusinessmag.com for more information).

Finding & Maximizing Business Time – Here are some suggestions on how to find and maximize time in your workday. *Discovering Time: Log your day job’s activities for a week to locate small and larger blocks of time you can devote to your business. Examine break and lunch periods and consider coming in an hour earlier or staying later. Set up a pre-determined schedule to block in business work time, work tasks, and time for personal/family time, but be flexible. *Productivity Tactics: Use short breaks for getting caught up on e-mails and brief calls. Use lunch periods for client meetings, business appointments, and longer phone calls; and commuting time for computer work or phone calls.** Ask business associations or other small business owners about the availability of business conference rooms for lunchtime or afterwork meetings. Save complex tasks to complete in your home office in the evenings or on days off. **Be considerate of others when using your cell phone on public transportation; and obey laws concerning cell phone use while driving. Continued on page 74

September/October 2009 | Home Business



Getting Started as a Consultant Start a Service Business Using Your Professional Skills and Talents


By C.J. Hayden


re you cut out to be a consultant? Consulting to businesses and organizations can result in higher earnings than working as an employee, provide you with needed income if you are laid off, and allow you to work from home. But success as a consultant isn’t guaranteed. In this stepby-step guide, you’ll learn how consultants work, the essential elements of starting a consulting practice, and how to land your first clients.

THE INS AND OUTS OF CONSULTING Consultants provide their clients with analysis and advice, expert guidance, or an extra pair of hands to fill staffing gaps. Corporations, small businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies hire consultants by the hour, the day, or the project to help them solve problems, complete essential projects, or handle day-to-day responsibilities when a position is vacant. During an economic downturn, layoffs and downsizing can create new opportunities for consultants. Companies who lay off full-time workers frequently hire consultants on a short-term or project basis to complete urgent tasks or provide missing expertise. If you’ve been laid off yourself, or fear you will be, working as a consultant can allow you to earn a good income in a time when salaried jobs are scarce. Working as a consultant has many potential benefits. You may be able to earn more per hour than you could as an employee, with more independence, increased flexibility, and less office politics. You can often work mostly from home and have more time with your family. If you’ve lost your job, consulting will help you stay current in your field, provide you with useful contacts, and fill the hole in your resume if you decide to seek another salaried position.

But not everyone has what it takes to be a consultant. You’ll need to be a self-starter, able to work without a boss looking over your shoulder, and manage your time efficiently. You’ll have to learn and employ sales and marketing skills in order to land consulting Consultants provide their clients with analysis and advice, clients. And you need to expert guidance, or an extra pair of hands to fill staffing gaps. present yourself as a skilled Defining a market niche enables you to professional with a defined specialty, as target the kind of clients who most interest opposed to just someone who needs a job. you, and allows you to position yourself STEP 1: DEFINING YOUR CONSULTING NICHE as an attractive solution to their needs. The first step to launching your consult- Without a niche, marketing yourself as a ing business should be to make an honest consultant can be quite a challenge. You assessment of your professional skills and will find yourself pulled in too many difexperience. What kind of consulting assign- ferent directions, pursuing unrelated leads ments does your background qualify you and opportunities. And when you speak to for? In what industries do you have the prospective clients, it will be much harder most experience? What type of work do you to convince them you are the right person both enjoy and perform well at? If you’re for their jobs. going to be an expert-for-hire, you have to STEP 2: MARKETING YOUR CONSULTING know your stuff. New consultants often make the mistake PRACTICE Once you have chosen a consulting niche, of approaching prospective clients as generalists who can work in many different begin by creating some marketing collateral. capacities. But clients prefer to hire people You’ll need business cards and a marketing who specialize in providing the specific type kit, and you may want to consider creating a web site. of help they are looking for. A typical consultant’s marketing kit The most successful consultants have a clearly defined market niche which includes includes a professional bio or resume, a both a professional specialty and a tar- description of your services or capabilities, get market. Your professional specialty is examples of the benefits or results you the specific area of expertise you plan to provide to your clients, and testimonials offer your clients — technical writing, for or endorsements from people familiar with example. Your target market is the industry your work. You might also include an article or field you plan to concentrate on — for you have written, a fact sheet about your example, health care. Your market niche is specialty, or a case study of a successful the combination of the two — in this exam- project. If you are planning to enter the consulting ple, technical writing in the health care field. field permanently, you’ll definitely want to create a web site. But even if you believe you will only be consulting for a short while, you may wish to build a simple site. Having a description of your expertise available on the web will build your credibility with pro-

During an economic downturn, layoffs and “ downsizing can create new opportunities for consultants. ” 22

Home Business


| September/October 2009

Continued on page 24


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spective clients and make you appear more professional. Consultants typically find most of their clients through three different marketing approaches: 1) contacting prospective clients directly by phone, mail, and email; 2) networking in their field or industry; and 3) speaking and writing to establish themselves as experts. When you’re first getting started, the most productive marketing tactic is usually to network with people you already know. This kind of “warm” marketing will often produce results more quickly than “cold” approaches to organizations where you are unknown. Reach out to former co-workers, members of your professional association, alumni of your school, and anyone you know in your chosen industry or field. Unless you have a contractual agreement with your former employer not to compete, clients you formerly served as an employee are also fair game. Let your contacts know what your consulting niche is, the type of work you’re seeking, and who would be a good client for you. Your contacts don’t necessarily need to work for an organization that might hire you. You should also build a network of potential referral sources — people who can refer you to possible clients. To expand this network, participate in the local chapter of your professional association or one or more business networking groups. The more people in your field you can get to know, the more referrals you’re likely to receive.

When one of your contacts “ or referrals shows interest in hiring you, you’ll still need to close the deal.”


When one of your contacts or referrals shows interest in hiring you, you’ll still need to close the deal. Ask to set up a meeting with the organization’s decision-makers to find out more about

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Home Business


| September/October 2009

If you’ve lost your job, consulting will help you stay current in your field, provide you with useful contacts, and fill the hole in your resume if you decide to seek another salaried position. homebusinessmag.com

The first step to launching your “ consulting business should be to make an honest assessment of your professional skills and experience.

their needs, and tell them how you can help. Focus on describing exactly how you can solve their problems or help them achieve their goals, rather than simply presenting your capabilities. This will allow you to demonstrate your consultative skills and encourage them to think of you as an effective problem solver. Before ending the meeting, ask for a commitment to some sort of next step. If they’re not ready to hire you on the spot, what will help move the process forward? Do they want to see a proposal? Would they like to speak to some references? Can you follow up in a week? Be prepared to follow up with your prospects multiple times, and don’t get discouraged if time goes by and you don’t hear from them. It sometimes takes weeks or even months to close a deal, but you’ll speed up the process and improve your chances of getting hired if you’re persistent. The final stage of landing a contract often centers around negotiating your fee. If your prospect balks at the hourly or daily rate you request, consider offering them a package price or reduced scope of work to lower the overall cost, or cap it at a certain amount. The client’s bottom-line concern is usually the total budget for the project, rather than what you are earning per hour.

STEP 4: FINALIZING A CONSULTING AGREEMENT Once your client agrees to hire you, it’s a good business practice to have a written agreement. With a short-term contract for a relatively small amount of money, your agreement might simply be a letter confirming what you have agreed to. With a longer contract or larger sum, your agreement should be more formal and spell out more details. A simple letter of agreement should include a statement of the work you will perform, the due date if you will be delivering a specific result, the hourly rate or project fee you will be paid, and on what schedule payment from the client is expected. A more formal contract should include all of the above, plus a termination date, payment terms for travel time or expenses, and conditions under which your fee might increase or the contract might terminate early. It might also include statements about confidentiality, ownership of the work produced, warranty for the quality of the work, and liability for any damages. A contract like this may require the advice of an attorney, especially the first time you produce one. Sometimes organizations will present you with their standard contract rather than ask you to provide one. In this situation, be sure to review all the terms to make sure they are acceptable before you sign.

STEP 5: BEGINNING A NEW ASSIGNMENT Your success as a consultant will ultimately depend on how well you serve your clients. Doing a good job on a consulting contract will increase your confidence, and lead to repeat assignments and referrals. When you begin an assignment, take the time to fully understand the client’s needs and establish what will constitute a successful outcome. Most misunderstandings in consulting arise when the client’s expectations aren’t fully understood by the consultant at the outset. Continued on page 58

September/October 2009 | Home Business



Positive AND


IN A Bad Economy

Interview with Motivational Speaker and Business Coach Scott Chesney By Deborah Jeanne Sergeant


s a two-time world traveler and notable motivational speaker and business coach for the likes of Smith Barney, ING, First Financial Group, Prudential, and Avis, Scott Chesney has accomplished much by his mid-30s. But his life hasn’t been all mountain peaks. In 1985 at age 15, Chesney manifested foix-alajouanine syndrome, an extremely rare, usually fatal condition. Chesney’s case resulted in sudden, permanent paraplegia, which destroyed the young athlete’s dream of playing college basketball. A generous benefactor later came into his life to send him on a worldwide quest to learn about alternative modalities to cure paralysis. His travels eventually morphed into public speaking engagements. Today, he advocates looking at limitations as opportunities to reach new dreams. Home Business® Magazine recently spoke with him about overcoming adversity.

case scenario?” That doesn’t mean you don’t have legitimate challenges at these times, but fear prevents us from thinking clearly and being productive. I think of it as an acronym, Fictionalized Evidence Appearing Real. I’m physically paralyzed, but emotional and mental paralysis are far greater. cash-strapped or lack impressive credentials or the stability they need to succeed. How can they overcome these kinds of limitations? SC: The best thing is very humbling for some

people. It’s getting out of that realm of having total control. I’ve run my own business for 10 years. I had to call the shots and make the decisions. It’s when you drop the need to control and partner up with other organizations, you can hold one another accountable to professional and personal goals (both of which have to be accountable to one another). Joining a trade organization is like having your own board of directors that will help you see things in a different way and challenge you to be the best you can be.

can home business entrepreneurs stay positive? Scott Chesney (SC): Exhaust the fear.

Fear is the only thing that prevents us from moving forward, even in hard economic times. Ask the question, “What’s the worst

HBM: Why is goal setting so important? SC: It’s one of those major facets of accountability. I set personal and professional goals. You have to specify a completion date. You have to break it up into monthly, even daily goals so you can see progress being made. It’s hard to otherwise see results. We need to acknowledge ourselves.

Home Business


Courtesy of Scott Chesney

HBM: How can one know the difference between realistic goals and unrealistic ones?

Chesney, his wife, Pratiksha, and their children, Nia, 6, and Ray, 4, live in New Jersey. He is writing a book he plans to promote on a third world tour.

According to Scott Chesney, “I think of it as an acronym, Fictionalized Evidence Appearing Real. I’m physically paralyzed, but emotional and mental paralysis are far greater.” HBM: How do you balance work and

HBM: Many home business entrepreneurs are

Home Business Magazine (HBM): How


Courtesy of Scott Chesney



SC: Anything is possible, but not everything happens. Be realistic with the line of work you’re in. If you want to earn a certain amount of money, are you in a business where you can generate that much? If you aren’t, maybe there are businesses you can add to it. Model the behavior of competition that is accomplishing your goals. There’s something to be learned from everyone in our lives.

| September/October 2009

home life? SC: I call working from home heaven and hell. It’s heaven because you have so much freedom and creativity. There’s no boss to answer to. It’s hell in that you don’t have a boss to answer to, and you can basically leave the lights on all day and night and develop bad patterns. There are lots of people running their home businesses who don’t get fresh air and exercise. You have to create a schedule like you were reporting somewhere. Most people don’t have a problem being flexible. They have a problem being disciplined. HBM: What is your home office like? SC: I am a collector. I have stuff with encouraging sayings on it. Behind my desk, which takes up my whole wall, is a picture of Nelson Mandela, whom I would like to meet. I have knickknacks from when I went around the world twice. They help me go back to the energy I had at that moment. I have family photos. HBM: How does technology impact your work? SC: I’m a big advocate of Skype to reach my international clients. I also use a webcam for face-to-face time.

Deborah Jeanne Sergeant writes from her home in Wolcott, N.Y. Her website is www.skilledquill.net.

For more information visit www.homebusinessmag.com and click the Newsstand > Interviews Channel. homebusinessmag.com

Do you want “a” business or “The Best” business?


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The Wide Open and Highly Diverse Home Users Live Dangerously with Work At Home Sector Computer Backup Practices Working At Home Means More than Just Running a Business

80 Percent Report They Have Suffered Data Loss




he Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor has compiled interesting statistics on the home-based business and work-at-home demographic segment. Specifically: Working at Home: 20.7 million persons usually did some work at home as part of their primary job. These workers, who reported working at home at least once per week, accounted for about 15 percent of total nonagricultural employment Occupation: Almost 30 percent of workers in management, professional, and related occupations reported working at home. Nearly two-thirds of persons who usually worked at home were employed in these occupations. Pay Status: Of the 13.7 million wage and salary workers who usually did some work at home in 2004, about 3.3 million, or 1 in 4, had a formal arrangement with their employers to be paid for the time they put in at home. About half of these paid home workers spent 8 hours or more per week working at home, and about 1 in 7 put in 35 hours or more per week at home. On average, those with a formal arrangement to be paid for their work time at home logged about 19 hours per week at home. Home-Based Business Owners and Operators: About onethird of persons who usually worked at home are self-employed. Of the 7.0 million self-employed persons who worked at home, two-thirds had a home-based business — that is, a business run from the home and no other location. Nearly half of selfemployed persons with a home-based business worked at least 8 hours per week at home, and almost 22 percent put in 35 hours or more at home. On average, self-employed persons with a home-based business worked 25 hours per week at home.

ome PCs and laptops that store ever-changing data, business information, photos, video, music and photos of consumers’ digital lives are backed up less than once a month, according to a new survey of the backup habits of home users conducted by Acronis®, Inc.(www.acronis.com - provider of storage management and disaster recovery software). The online survey of 5,964 home users found that 87 percent of users back up their hard drives just every two to three months or less frequently, far less often than any industry organization or publication recommends. This number is in sharp contrast with another survey finding — 80 percent of users have lost information and had to restore it. With consumers and businesses storing increasing amounts of critical data, those computers must be backed up more often to prevent the kind of catastrophic loss caused by hard disk failure, viruses and malware, unstable software downloads, user errors, or physical disaster. According to Robert Thaler, Senior Director, Marketing, Acronis, users must evaluate their unique situations and create backup schedules that match the importance of the data. The Acronis survey also found that fully 81 percent of users had to reinstall their computer operating system and software applications. Data loss comes with a significant loss of time, with 48 percent reporting that the reinstallation process took more than four hours. On average, self-employed persons with home-based businesses worked 25 hours per week at home.

Job-Related Work At Home on Primary Job (1) Percent Distribution by Class of Worker Percent Characteristic of Total Total Employed Total, 16 years and over 15.1 100.0

Wage and salary Un-Paid SelfPaid Work Work at Employed at Home Home (2) 16.2 49.3 33.7



















Black or African American












Hispanic or Latino ethnicity






Total, 25 years and over






Less than a high school diploma






High school graduate






Some college/associate degree






Bachelor’s degree and higher (3)






(1) Persons who usually work at home are defined as those who work at home at least once per week as part their primary job. (2) Includes both the incorporated and unincorporated self-employed. (3) Includes persons with bachelor’s, master’s, professional, and doctoral degrees. Source: The Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor. 28

Home Business


| September/October 2009


With consumers and businesses storing increasing amounts of critical data, those computers must be backed up more often to prevent the kind of catastrophic loss caused by hard disk failure, viruses and malware, unstable software downloads, user errors, or physical disaster.

Credit a Key Component of Business Success How Do Your Credit Needs Compare?


ecause the Senate passed sweeping credit card regulations recently, it should prompt you to think about how credit might impact your small business. To that end, here are survey results from PayCycle Inc. How do you compare to these statistics? Key Findings from the PayCycle Inc. Credit and Small Businesses Survey include: ■ 38% of existing small business owners say they borrowed money to start their businesses. ■ 22% got a bank loan or used a credit card for some of the capital needed.

■ ■ ■ ■

20% of small businesses continue to depend on credit to run their day-today operations. 43% are at least slightly worried about using credit to run their businesses. 60% did not depend on credit to start their business. 63% do not depend on it for ongoing operations. 13% are dependent on credit during

Notice to Readers HOME BUSINESS® Magazine is sold as information only. The publisher, United Marketing and Research, Inc., considers its sources reliable and verifies as much data as possible, although reporting inaccuracies can occur; consequently, readers using this information do so at their own risk. The publisher has not done a background check on listed companies (which includes advertisers), nor does it know people at all the companies. The publisher cannot assume any responsibility in any manner for the actions of any of the listed companies, and the publisher cannot guarantee the outcome of any correspondence, arrangements, or subsequent transactions the reader may make with any of the listed companies. HOME BUSINESS® Magazine is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering medical, legal, financial, accounting, tax, or other professional service. If medical, legal, or other expert advice and assistance are required, the services of a competent qualified professional person should be sought. The publisher, United Marketing and Research Company, Inc., assumes no responsibility for any changes of offers, nor for any companies/advertisers that may go out of business. All correspondence regarding questions or problems on a company’s (including advertisers) program, products, or services should be directed to the company, not to the publisher.

certain busy seasons only. 4% use credit on a one-time basis, for instance, for large purchases. For more information email: [email protected]

For more information visit www.homebusinessmag.com and click the News Channel.

Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all contents of advertising and for any claims arising therefrom. It is up to the user of this publication to investigate the product or service offered, and to make sure the company is reliable and that the product or service meets the user’s requirements. United Marketing and Research Company, Inc., is not responsible for the delivery of merchandise, starter kits, supplies, or other products and services ordered from advertisers. ©1993-2009. Reg. # 4180563 and 4145799. TRADEMARKS: Home Business, Serial Number 74/713646 and Home Business Magazine, Serial Number 75-086596, issued by the United States Department of Commerce, Assistant Commissioner for Trademarks. Mark Type(s): TRADEMARKS: Conform to the minimum requirements set forth in 37 C.F.R. Sec. 2.76 (e); and formal requirements set forth in 37 C.F.R. Sec. 2.76(b) and (c). All rights reserved. No part of HOME BUSINESS® Magazine may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transcribed, in any form or by any means, photocopying, electronic, mechanical recording or otherwise, without prior permission in writing of the publisher, United Marketing and Research Company, Inc., Lakeville, MN 55044. Articles appearing in this publication express the opinions, experience, and research of its authors and not necessarily the opinion of HOME BUSINESS® Magazine.

September/October 2009 | Home Business




One Week Away From Welfare Man Risks Money and Starts a Home-Based Cleaning Business By Home Business Magazine


n 1997, Jonathan Bergstein was living in New Jersey working in the corporate world in a dead end job. Jonathan knew that he had gone as far as he could in his field of customer service, and he contemplated starting his own business. While speaking to a friend in Virginia, Jonathan mentioned that there were several job opportunities in Richmond. He indicated that he could stay with his friend while searching for employment. Jonathan was somewhat hesitant about the move; however, he was young and thought it was worth the risk to start fresh. When he arrived in Virginia, he found a temp job to pay the bills and started to save for his own business. Jonathan thought the company was doing well, but after being employed for only two weeks, he was laid off. Thankfully, Jonathan had unemploy-

ment benefits; however, these benefits would only last three months. This was his chance to start a home-based business. Working from home would provide him tax advantages, For Jonathan Bergstein, providing superior customer service save on overhead, and provide is the key to building a strong brand and loyal customers. him with solace when needed. After almost three months of investiga- hire employees. He had to learn from the tion, Jonathan had not made a decision on beginning which was an exciting, but also what business to start. He was too proud to daunting task. ask his parents for money, and he had no Jonathan began by advertising via flychoice but to call the local welfare office to ers, newspaper ads, and direct mail to dual send forms so that he could apply for wel- income families in his area. He made the fare and food stamps. usual mistakes being a new business, but While waiting for the forms to arrive, after two years, Jonathan had over 200 cusJonathan decided to risk what little money tomers. Providing superior customer service he had and filed for a business license to was the key to building a strong brand and operate a residential cleaning service. He loyal customers. For more information, visit did not know how to advertise, clean, or www.maidtosparkle.net.



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Home Business


| September/October 2009


Helping One Family at a Time Entrepreneur Shares His Story of Persistence to Motivate People to Not Give Up By Home Business Magazine


rian S. Arrington was previously profiled in Home Business Magazine, back in 2001 (June issue). Up until last year, he still ran his own home-based entertainment business. He had become quite successful and was still a radio personality on a local radio station. Brian’s success in business had allowed him to purchase a home, and enabled his wife be a stay-at-home mom. Basically life was good. Then came 2008. What a year. Brian’s radio show was taken off the air due to low advertising sales. He was forced to shut his entertainment business down. Without the entertainment income, Brian nearly lost everything. His wife tried to find work, but was not able to find a job. Brian and his wife also risked losing their home as they struggled with a high mortgage. Brian became very depressed, and he and his wife came very close to splitting up. This

was especially tough, since they had three small children [Briana 8 yrs old, Brian Jr, 7yrs old; Brandon 4 yrs old]. The tough economic times really put a strain on their family. At the time when Brian thought he was going to lose everything, he turned to the one thing that took his worries away — journalism. He started writing for free for a local newspaper. He also got involved with a bible-based church. Slowly, everything again began to fall back into play. Brian’s wife helped pulled him out of his depression. He and his wife did a loan modification to save their home. His wife started providing child care for friends’ and family’s kids part-time for extra money. Brian was also able to bring back his radio show to an Internetbased radio station. Although he is not getting paid, he’s glad to be back on the air to share his love of music.

Brian S. Arrington counsels families on how to turn their lives around and get out of debt.

Brian now runs a business that counsels other families on how to turn their lives around and get out of debt. He helps one family at a time, and shows each of them that with persistence, there is hope. Says Brian, “If I can inspire just one person, then it was well worth it. Prayer is powerful, and prayer works.” For more information, visit www.SuperRadioMix.com.

September/October 2009 | Home Business




Low Cost ADVERTISING PLAN Get Your New Business “Out There” and Known at Minimal Advertising Cost By Christopher J. Bachler


ou can’t expect business to come to you. You must go after it. And the most effective way is through advertising. Of course that costs money. But that shouldn’t be a deterrent, because there are lots of simple strategies for getting your message out without breaking your bank.

All publications provide these lists, and many post them online. ■ Don’t be timid. Run the largest ads you can afford for as long No matter what your product, market, or approach, the more people as you can. you reach, the more likely you’ll be to get results. DISPLAY ADS ■ Consider seasonDisplay ads are the traditional backality. If you sell bone of small business advertising. Typically summer apparel, you obviously want to posted in newspapers and magazines, these run your ads at the right time. noticeable ads rely on large print, photos, ■ Prepare ads that stand out. Ask the publisher for ideas on how to do this. If your and illustrations to grab readers’ attention. ad appears on a page with many other How large they should be and how often display ads, you won’t want it to blend they are run are decisions you must make, with theirs. Bold colors can make an ad depending on your budget. Just remember more visible. If the ads are black and DIRECT MAIL BUDGET that if they’re not seen because they are too Despite rising postal costs, direct mail white, provide ample white space around small or run too infrequently, all that money remains the most cost-effective means of the periphery of your ad. spent is wasted! ■ Persist. Just because an ad didn’t pull advertising for most small businesses—assumonce doesn’t mean it won’t the next time. ing that it’s used effectively. If you do run display ads, therefore, folSo give it another try. It takes time and Your direct mail strategy should be based low these suggestions: ■ Research the circulation and demographpersistence to get your ad formula down on the kind of business you’re in, your ical reach of the publications you select. to a science. competition, and your target market. For instance, businesses that must sell low markup items in large quantities will not be likely to benefit from direct mail—though coopSet Up a Budget for Low Cost Advertising erative coupon packets might work. There are no hard and fast rules that apply to advertising budgeting beyond these Of course, you must closely consider your two: (1) You should establish one. (2) It should be affordable. target audience. If you’re targeting average When a business is new, much of its advertising will be trial and error. Initial efforts households, an extensive post card mailing will be largely experimental, and disappointments are likely. In short, those start-up ad might work, simply based on the law of high budgets are often largely investments in learning what works and what doesn’t. But numbers. This approach might work well even failed efforts are not totally wasted when the business owner can learn from it for for house painters, landscapers, and other his or her future benefit. Under those circumstances, the effort is a wise investment home services. that can yield substantial returns! If you’re targeting large business orgaConsider what you can realistically afford to spend without putting other obligations nizations, you’ll need to upscale your at risk. But don’t be too timid; for if you don’t put much into your effort, you won’t get approach dramatically. In other words, post much out. It might be that if you run your ads only a few extra weeks, or mail to an cards are out, and a more professional look additional 1,000 prospects, or enlarge your quarter-sized page ad to a half-page, you is required. You don’t want to look cheap might get a rewarding return! or unsophisticated. You also want a mailer As a rule of thumb, you will need to spend a disproportionately large amount on that will go to the boss, and not be tossed by your initial advertising during the early stages of your business simply because you a screener. Therefore, choose mailers rangare new. So be ready to budget accordingly. Having said that, you should also guard ing from personal letters to large packets against spending too much too soon, and only in one place. Should you make a poor containing useful information. So it won’t initial guess, you might wait long before you can afford to try again. look like junk mail, try plain large envelopes with handwritten addresses. Write someChristopher J. Bachler is a 20+-year veteran business writer and editor, based in Drexel Hill, PA. thing attention-getting on the outside in red

be timid. Run “theDon’t largest ads you

can afford for as long as you can.

Continued on page 34


Home Business


| September/October 2009








Low Cost Advertising Plan Continued from page 32

ink, such as “Enclosures.” More important than mailer design is targeting strategy. That’s why you must identify company decision-makers before you send your mailer. Who’s in the position to hire you? It’s not necessarily the President. Send it to her, therefore, and she may or may not route it to the right person. If you can’t identify the best person to target, try sending separate mailers to three key decision makers, such as the President, Manager of Human Resources, and Purchasing Director. As with simple post card mailings, business mailings should be done in sufficiently high numbers. No matter what your product, market, or approach, the more people you reach, the more likely you’ll be to get results.

INTRODUCE YOURSELF THROUGH LOW-COST POST CARDS One inexpensive way to get attention is by sending post cards. Less expensive than packaged or slick mailers, post cards can be produced inexpensively and mailed at a cheaper rate than standard first class mailers. Post card messages are also hard to miss because the message jumps to the reader’s attention. Focus on getting your target’s attention and response. You might make

Despite rising postal costs, direct mail remains the most cost-effective means of advertising for most small businesses.

special offers to those that reply. Post cards are generally best used as a way to introduce your business. Once people know you, they’ll be more likely to notice your subsequent ads. But don’t use

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them too often—you don’t want to look like a two-bit operation.

THE INTERNET Your Web Site If you haven’t set up a web site, consider doing so. It won’t guarantee more sales. But it can help; and it can provide you and prospective customers with enormous convenience. People can explore your site any time of the day or night without taking your time. Inquiries and orders will also be easy to make.

E-mail Newsletters E-mailed newsletters are a relatively easy and inexpensive way to grab people’s attention while generating interest in your products or services. It’s easy because you get to write about things you know best. It’s inexpensive because printing and mailing costs can be bypassed. Since your newsletters are free, moreover, you may provide them any time or on any terms you wish. But if time is short, or if you have trouble writing them, you might enlist the help of business partners, or even someone in a related line of business. For instance, a marketing consultant might ask printing contractors, specialty advertising services, or others that want to reach the same audience to write columns for your newsletter.

Internet Ads There’s a universe of online advertising opportunities through such popular search 34

Home Business


| September/October 2009


engines as Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask.com, and others. Simply go to their sites and review the easy-to-read information about advertising for small businesses. How much you spend on these ads will be up to you. Before you place your online ad, carefully choose your keywords—those magic words you use in your ad or web site that will draw browsers to your site. For instance, someone who paints personal portraits might use such keywords as “Personal Portraits,” in their ad, knowing that online shoppers interested in such services would be likely to search the Internet under those words. The more frequently you use certain logical keywords, the more highly-placed your site will be on the Web. To get specific information on how to do this, check the sites where you advertise, Internet information sites on the Web, and related articles published in this magazine.

POSTING LINKS ON RELATED SITES Your web site will be of little value unless people can find it. But to get them there you’ve got to find ways to reach them. You can do that by posting links at sites where your likely customers are likely to go. For instance, an entrepreneur who sells healthcare-related books and CDs might establish links on sites that provide health-related information or products. You might also be able to trade links with other sites that wish to advertise on your site. But you’ll need to invest time researching all the Net’s possibilities.

GATHERING E-MAIL ADDRESSES You can’t e-mail newsletters or anything else without getting your target’s permission. Here are some ways to do that: 1. Solicit from your own web site. Make your readers an offer such as your free online newsletter, information bulletins, or anything else they might want. 2. Ask current and past customers for their e-mail addresses and permission to send them occasional e-mails. Just don’t abuse the privilege. 3. Ask all key contacts for their e-mail addresses. Offer yours, too. First, it shows a spirit of reciprocity and consideration. Second, they might want to follow up with you. Christopher J. Bachler is a 20+-year veteran business writer and editor, based in Drexel Hill, PA.

For more information visit www.homebusinessmag.com and click the Marketing > Advertising Channel. September/October 2009 | Home Business





“Yes” Client! 5 Trigger Tips to Closing Bigger Deals in Less Time By Joe Takash


hink of all the time you have put in and the energy you’ve exhausted on attempts to cajole client contacts who love to say “no” but can’t really say “yes.” It can be a frustrating, morale-beating process. It also happens to be bad for your business’s bottom line. Making a connection with the buyer, the individual who can say “yes,” isn’t always easy. Aim low or aim high and, well, you know what you get. The following tips are both necessary and instrumental for getting bigger deals in less time, from the people who have the authority to say “yes!”

1. SEE YOURSELF AS A PEER. Before we get into approach, answer this: Are you confident enough to dialogue on equal ground with the big wheels that run the show? You would be shocked at the number of grown adults who will answer this with a “yes” to others, but say “no” to themselves in subtle, counterproductive ways. Trigger Tip: To view yourself as a peer, use positive self-talk and manage that internal cynic. Remember, how you present yourself is stronger than any service or product you offer. A strong handshake, a confident personality and voice, and the right mental attitude can make a huge difference.

your best buddy, start today. It will swiftly allow you to collect information about the companies you target, and often the professional resumes and personal interests of your buyers.

Get bigger deals in less time, from the people who have the authority to say “yes!”

3. SPEAK IN SOUND BITES. When you have the chance to speak to the buyer, get to the point and remember that less is more. Too many service providers ramble on aimlessly about what they’re selling and can kill their credibility because of the confusion they create about their product or service. Decision-makers want you to be brief. Granted, when you get those few moments to audition, it can feel like a pressure cooker. So, prepare ONLY information that demonstrates how buyers will benefit and what their return on investment will be. If you don’t have this ready to be delivered in 15 seconds or less, practice. Trigger Tip: For every piece of information about your service or company you prepare, ask the questions that your buyer would ask, such as: “So what? or “What’s in it for me?” These force you to always speak in benefits-focused, buyer-friendly language.

4. ASK GREAT QUESTIONS. 2. DO YOUR HOMEWORK. A lack of preparation may be the biggest deal killer there is. When it comes to connecting with buyers, you must know three areas — and know them well. These include: their company; their competition; and your product or service. Do these seem like no-brainers? You’d be surprised how many service providers don’t know when a company was founded, what their mission statement says, who their biggest clients are, or how they fare against the competition. As far as knowing your own product and service, read on. Trigger Tip: If you haven’t made Google


Conventional sales jargon used to be “ABC” which stood for “Always Be Closing.” People are more perceptive than ever, and most folks know when they’re being manipulated. Today’s world of collaborative, relationship selling, especially with high level buyers, should be more about “ABO,” or “Always Be Opening.” The more accurate diagnostic you make on a buyer’s needs is always a reflection of the quality of data you can learn from them. Questions are the golden nuggets that lead you down the path to “yes!” Trigger Tip: Be sure your questions are

Today’s world of collaborative, relationship selling, “especially with high level buyers, should be more about “ABO,” or “Always Be Opening.” ”

Home Business


| September/October 2009

open-ended, (which allow buyers to elaborate), and make certain they tie directly into the objectives the buyer has and how they will know when successful results are realized.

5. SAYING “NO” CAN GET THE “YES!” When trying to impress a buyer, it’s easy to try too hard. We’ve all done it, but it’s crucial to be yourself. If you disagree with something he or she says, tactfully push back and challenge them. Authentic candor has elevated many sales people from yes-(wo) man status who don’t get the business to peer status who get the “yes” simply by serving as counsel a buyer can trust and respect. Trigger Tip: Don’t try to be too enthused or eager right away. Think about how turned off you get when a telemarketer tries to impress you with glib, cheesy-speak. You want to run the other way. Be genuine and be honest at all times. High-level clients are usually a tougher sale. They require an eclectic approach of preparation, self-talk, and smart behaviors. But the common ground is when you are able to make that connection and get the right answer from the person in charge that yes, means “yes!” Joe Takash, a behavior strategist, is the author of the newly released “Results Through Relationships: Building Trust, Performance and Profit Through People,” as well as a sought-after media resource and keynote speaker. As the founder of performance management firm Victory Consulting, Joe has worked with clients like American Express, Prudential, Century 21, and General Motors. “Results Through Relationships” can be purchased at www.amazon.com and www.barnesandnoble.com and it can be ordered through any major bookseller. Website: www.JoeTakash.com

For more information visit www.homebusinessmag.com and click the Sales > Selling Tactics Channel. homebusinessmag.com




These 8 Ideas for Alternative Event Venues Will Save You Money and Wow Your Attendees By Alice Barry


re you a small business owner who wants to host an event but struggles to find an affordable venue? Choosing the right venue is one of the most important decisions you’ll make when organizing an event. But as a small business with an even smaller budget, finding a space that’s affordable and marketable can feel next to impossible. Having spent several years planning events in the technology industry, I was used to working with large hotels and conference facilities on a multi-million dollar corporate budget. Now that I produce my own events through my home-based business, I have had to find space for a shoestring budget without looking like a shoestring business. So, I rolled up my sleeves and researched the options available. My findings were staggering. Facility rental can account for more than 20% of your budget, excluding hefty food and beverage minimums often imposed by a traditional facility or its on-site caterer. Alternative venues offer more affordable and more flexible options since events are an added source of income and not the main source, as is the case with traditional venues. They also provide a stylish backdrop for your event. The following eight alternative event venue ideas for small business owners vary in capacity and aesthetics, and invoke their own distinctive palate of themes that will get the attention of your attendees and put your personality and creativity in the spotlight.

1. INDEPENDENT THEATERS AND MOVIE THEATERS These ready-made event spaces are often owned and operated by nonprofit organizations who gladly accept a renter on “dark” nights or during the day when no shows are scheduled. They provide great ambiance, offer built-in sound and lighting equipment (A/V), and can even supply a technical staff for a low fee to run A/V for you. Ranging in capacity from 25 to 2,000+ seats, these spaces are great for medium to large group presentations, seminars, and events that include video, movies, or musical guests. 38

Home Business


Alternative event venue ideas invoke their own distinctive palate of themes that will get the attention of your attendees and put your personality and creativity in the spotlight.

2. ART, HISTORY, OR CHILDREN’S MUSEUMS AND ZOOS What do you get when you join educational and artistic exhibits with a well-groomed building? Lots of creativity! A museum has multiple spaces of various sizes designated for special event rentals. Often they have everything you need for your event, including chairs, easels, A/V, and even catering contacts. To add flair to your event, consider what types of art or exhibits fit in with or relate to your theme. These are great for receptions, small groups, roundtables, workshops, large group presentations, and seminars.

3. ART GALLERIES What do artists whose works hang in galleries want more than anything? People to see (and maybe even buy) their art. Hosting your event in a gallery creates a win-win situation for artists, gallery owners, and you. You get space, flexibility, and beautiful art for your event while bringing in a group of potential buyers. These are great for small to mediumsized receptions, roundtables, and workshops.

4. HISTORIC HOMES AND BED AND BREAKFAST INNS These gems are a particularly smart choice when you have out-of-town attendees at your event and need built-in lodging. Homes vary in size and capacity, but two constants remain: beautiful surroundings and cozy intimacy. These are great for small groups, workshops, and seminars.

5. COLLEGE AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE CAMPUSES Not just for academia, campuses have become conference savvy and are wellequipped to welcome anyone from dignitaries to sporting camps. They offer a range of services, including state of the art equipment and classroom facilities, as well as catering and event entertainment by campus groups. From small conference rooms to large lecture facilities, these are great choices for seminars, workshops, receptions, and retreats.

6. NATURE OR INTERPRETIVE CENTERS Providing natural light and views of gar-

| September/October 2009

dens and greenery, these spaces lend a sense of calm and openness to your event. They can be found in medium- and large-sized cities, in smaller cities located on college campuses, or in State or City park preserves, and often have programs to include as part of your event for a low cost. They work best for evening programs with small or medium groups, workshops, seminars, and receptions.

7. FARMS, ORCHARDS, WINERIES, AND RUSTIC OUTBUILDINGS As farmers diversify their land and businesses, several orchards, farm markets, wineries, craft havens, and harvest destinations are cropping up. Found in outer areas of large cities or small towns away from it all, these destinations are perfect for day retreats, workshops, seminars, and receptions for a variety of group sizes.

8. PRIVATE ROOMS IN RESTAURANTS Increasingly, restaurants cater to a variety of events in private spaces that are some of the most imaginative and accommodating spaces around. You can’t beat the convenience when ordering food and beverage in these private spaces, not to mention the sheer variety of theme choices to add pizzazz to your event. Ranging in capacity from 6-250+, these are great choices for small, medium, and large-sized receptions, seminars, and workshops. Many of the venues on this list will have a fee schedule for nonprofits as well as for-profit organizations. Ask about both rates, and then let them know you’re a small business. You just might be able to negotiate to pay the nonprofit rate (or something in between), or ask if they will waive the catering minimums. A small budget doesn’t have to generate small results. Just be as creative with finding event spaces as you are with your event ideas! Alice Barry is the Founder of Entertaining The Idea, LLC in Minneapolis, Minnesota and consults with small businesses across the country about marketing, event planning, and creative ideas to get your business noticed. She also produces regular gatherings for Inspired Entrepreneurs to keep creative business owners inspired, motivated, and connected. She can be reached at [email protected] or www.entertainingtheidea.com.



Blind Painter’s A-Ha Moment Spawns Art Agency Exclusively Licensing Works by Handicapped Artists By Home Business Magazine


fter a successful career as a writer and editor, Ketra Oberlander left publishing around the turn of the millennium when her vision started to fail, and employment prospects concurrently diminished. Severe myopia, a lack of color and depth perception, and cone dystrophy conspired to rob her of her sight in her late thirties. With some vision that, as Ketra describes, is “like staring at the sun with shortening smeared on your glasses,” and a keen interest in visual perception–and misperception — Ketra decided to find a means to visually express the experience of her lost sight. At 40, she picked up a paint brush for the first time and, despite her blindness, she found she had a gift. Ketra works from her home studio as a painter. Despite being sightless, Ketra quickly realized much acclaim and notoriety for her paintings. Since “going pro” in 2005, Ketra received numerous awards and widespread recognition for her work, but her disability made it difficult for her to earn a

living through her craft. In search of a solution, Ketra’s research revealed that licensed artists largely worked from their home studios, solving her own logistics problem. She also learned that there were no forprofit art resources exclusively focused on the disabled. A-ha! This epiphany inspired Ketra to not just license her own artwork for profit, but also represent other physically handicapped artists facing the same career challenges. Ketra launched Art of Possibility Studios in January of 2008, the only licensing agency in the world exclusively representing handicapped artists in a for-profit model. Ketra’s ground-breaking company helps her and other physically challenged artists earn independent income as societal equals rather than dependents, while uplifting and inspiring consumers with their creativity in the process. In addition to sourcing talent, Ketra personally negotiates licensing agreements with socially conscious, causeoriented manufacturers seeking to feature

Ketra Oberlander’s ground-breaking company helps her and other physically challenged artists earn independent through their crafts, while uplifting and inspiring consumers.

Art of Possibility Studios’ beautiful and meaningful imagery on their products. Ketra hopes consumers of her licensed products will not only appreciate their beauty at face value, but also take a moment to realize the magnitude of the purchase — direct support, liberation, and empowerment of a physically disabled artist no longer dependent on charity and disability benefits, or oppressed by logistical limitations, in his or her quest for self-sufficiency.

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| September/October 2009


From Radio Airwaves to Home-Based Entrepreneur Previous Storefront Experiences Teach Ex-Deejay that Working From Home is Best By Home Business Magazine


he Houston rock and roll radio airwaves were Dayna Steele’s home for 20 years. After the birth of her first child, she left her life as a radio deejay to try her hand at television and other freelance endeavors, bouncing around trying to find her next passion. Somewhere in all of this, Dayna’s agent called to see where he could get some NASA items for a client. Dayna’s husband was (and still is) a NASA Research Pilot, and he and Dayna would often give NASA gifts to friends for various occasions. “At the time, only the NASA centers had gift shops and you had to be badged to get on site,” says Dayna. “My agent made the comment, ‘That’s crazy; someone should start a catalog or a web site or something.’” Dayna never forgot what he said; it lingered in the back of her mind and she eventually started www.thespacestore.com in the basement of her home with nine

products on the e-commerce site. After 3 years as a home-based business, Dayna sold the company to a NASA contractor, and she and her husband moved to a storefront with shipping capabilities. According to Dayna, The Space Store became the largest NASA and space-related product web site. After running the company for the contractor for four years, Dayna knew she wanted to get back to a home-based business. It took a year to transition into another business, but it is the best thing she has ever done. Steele Media Services is the umbrella company for Dayna’s many endeavors, including writing, media consulting, social media training, speaking, and more. Her clients/customers range from associations and organizations around the world to top PR companies and individual executives. “One thing I never did is hide the fact I was working from home,” says Dayna. “If you have a quality product or service and give

Dayna Steele is a writer, media consultant, social media trainer, speaker, and author of Rock to the Top: What I Learned about Success from the World’s Greatest Rock Stars.

excellent customer service, customers don’t care where you are.” Dayna can’t imagine ever working in an office again. And the best part? “When the kids come in from school, I can stop and hear all about their day. That and I’m usually in flips flops and shorts with a wonderful black Lab under my feet. Life’s great!” Visit www.daynasteele.com.

September/October 2009 | Home Business





Direct Sales Success Tips in a Little Known but Huge Home-Based Market By Deb Bixler


A balanced direct sales business will take advantage of every form of all ages, can be of advertising and marketing available to it. successful in direct sales. According to the Direct Selling Association, about 90 BENEFITS OF DIRECT SALES Direct selling has benefits for company percent of those working in direct sales are women, five percent are African American, representatives and distributors as well as 13 percent are Latino and one percent are consumers. The Direct Selling Association’s research shows that: Asian, Native American or other. According to the Direct Selling ■ Direct selling is a good way to meet and socialize with people. Association, www.dsa.org, an estimated 15 million people are involved in direct ■ Direct selling offers flexible work schedules. selling in the United States, and more than 65 million direct sellers worldwide. Most ■ Direct selling is a good way to earn extra income. are women, though nearly a third are men or two-person teams such as couples. The ■ Direct selling is a good way to own a business. vast majority are independent business people — they are micro-entrepreneurs ■ Earnings are in proportion to efforts. whose purpose is to sell the product and/ The following are tips for achieving sucor services of the company they voluntarily choose to represent — not employees of cess in a direct sales business. SIZE AND STRUCTURE OF THE DIRECT the company. Approximately 90 percent SALES MARKET of all direct sellers operate their businesses MAINTAIN BALANCE TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS People from literally all walks of life, part-time. A balanced direct sales business is one which utilizes all opportunities available to create business and cash flow. It is desirable because it will provide you with Considering a Direct Selling Opportunity? a solid business with less chance of bad seasons or events jeopardizing your busiStart up costs should be minimal. The start up fees in direct selling companies are ness and income. generally modest — usually the cost of a sales kit. Companies want to make it easy A few reasons for pursuing a balanced and inexpensive for you to start. Pyramid schemes make their money through fees direct sales business are: paid by new recruits or by loading inventory or training aids on them. High entry fees ■ Multiple streams of income should be a warning sign. ■ Constant cash flow You should be able to return unsold inventory. Companies belonging to the Direct ■ Less stress Selling Association “buy back” unsold marketable products purchased within the prior ■ Easier maintenance once you get it going

ll of us will likely have the opportunity at one time or another to take advantage of a direct selling opportunity. Many people start part-time, and later leave their other careers when direct selling becomes more lucrative. According to the Direct Selling Association (www.dsa.org), direct selling is the sale of a consumer product or service, person-to-person, away from a fixed retail location. These products and services are marketed to customers by independent salespeople. Depending on the company, the salespeople may be called distributors, representatives, consultants or various other titles. Products are sold primarily through inhome product demonstrations, parties, and one-on-one selling. Virtually every consumer product or service can be purchased through direct selling.

12 months if you decide to quit the business, for 90 percent of the price you paid for them. The DSA Code of Ethics requires that member companies do this. Beware of opportunities that encourage “front end loading,” or buying large inventories of unreturnable products to reach achievement levels or receive a “special” or larger “discounted” price. Is the money you’ll earn based on the sale of products or services? The answer

should be “absolutely.” This is a key element of a legitimate business. Direct selling, like other methods of retailing, depends on selling to customers who use and/or consume the product. This requires quality products and services sold at competitive prices. Beware of any business that claims you can get rich by solely using their products or by recruiting new people into the business. For more information, visit www.dsa.org.

PROVIDE THREE SERVICES In direct sales, generally you have the opportunity to generate income for yourself by providing three services to others. The services are: ■ Product sales ■ Conducting home party shows or events ■ Teaching others how to create income When you eliminate one of your services, you are reducing your income by one-third. A balanced direct sales business will utilize all three services to generate leads. Having a Continued on page 44


Home Business


| September/October 2009



Getting into DIrect Sales Continued from page 42

web page that describes your products and includes an ordering page can support your services. In regards to conducting home party shows, I offer the following success tips:

KEEP YOUR HOME PARTY SHOW TIME SHORT Each day more and more entrepreneurs, who have no experience or knowledge of medical billing or the healthcare industry, are leaping at the opportunities of owning a medical billing and practice management business as a licensee of ClaimTek. The healthcare industry is expanding and it is the best place to be right now ! ClaimTek offers comprehensive programs to help you launch your business quickly. You’ll have state-of-the-art software, training, marketing, and support. Put a smile on your face! Call us now or visit our website to learn more.


Your home party show time should be no more than forty five minutes. Short shows will make you more money. For every minute you go over 45 minutes. you are losing a dollar of sales. A “show” refers to your official presentation. From the time you start talking until the time you stop talking, no more than 45 minutes should elapse. That also implies that your show has official start and stop times. The guests actually are aware that you have officially started and officially ended. This applies to your company, too. The Direct Sales Association has determined in studies that when your show presentation is longer than 45 minutes, your sales will drop. Frequently when I present this topic, I get objections that the particular company I am presenting to is different than all the others and they need a longer show. I hear the same reasons why this doesn’t apply to “their company” from all sales professionals in a wide variety of companies. Everyone says the same thing whether they are selling make up, plastic containers, food and food mixes, kitchen tools, romance enhancement, vitamins — you name it, they all say the same thing.


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Provide education. Play games, have fun and educate. Enable guests to see more products. Say more about your product than XYZ products. Teach a lot of tips.

THINK THROUGH YOUR PRESENTATION Your company is not that different, so take the time to think through your presentation. Your goal is to plan a presentation that respects people’s time, so as to create better value for your guests. If anyone has ever said to you, “I am too busy…..” to host a show, or be a sales representative, then you really need to look at the length of your show. When people say, “I am too busy,” it doesn’t mean they are busy. It really means that you have not given them enough value for their time. Time and fun are the two

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| September/October 2009

There is an unlimited supply of leads out there, and when you create a balanced direct sales business, you take advantage of all of them. homebusinessmag.com

biggest commodities in America. People are not too busy to watch television, go to the movies, or sit on a lawn chair all night and watch a soccer game. When your show time creates great fun and provides value-packed time, then people will be coming up to you asking if they can host a show.

The Tutoring Industry is HOT Even in our uncertain economy – parents now more than ever are seeking tutoring for their kids

LESS TALK IS BETTER Less is more. Less is better. If there is one thing that people will not tolerate, it is being bored. Don’t rule yourself out, just because you think that your company is different. Think about how you can use this belief to create better cash flow in your business. Successful sales consultants say, “How can I?” Not “I can’t!” Less is better for everyone, because everyone has a full life. By keeping your show to 45 minutes and providing great value for that time, people will spend more money and want more time with you. When you give them more value in less time, they will see the value of hosting a show. They had fun; they learned and had a terrific time. Your calendar will fill up, and your sales will skyrocket.

MORE HOME PARTY SHOW SECRETS Home party shows are like gravy and you should take advantage of them. The more time and attention you give to booking parties, the more cash flow you can generate! When you pass on home parties, it is like passing cash on the street and not picking it up. Home party success secrets include: ■ Keep it short. ■ Keep it fun. ■ Keep it informative. ■ Keep the focus on the guest. ■ Give the guests good value for their time.

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MARKETING A BALANCED DIRECT SALES BUSINESS A balanced direct sales business will take advantage of every form of advertising and marketing available to it. Many home party plan professionals rely solely on their shows for generating future business. Others depend entirely on friends and family to create cash flow. Many network marketers rely only on cold calls or Internet-generated leads. Focusing on only one lead source isn’t the answer. There is an unlimited supply of leads out there, and when you create a balanced direct sales business, you take advantage of all of them. Suggested approaches to lead generation include: ■ Public Speaking ■ Fairs and Expos ■ Friends and Family ■ Picking Up Cards At Bulletin Boards ■ Internet Marketing ■ Home Parties There is no excuse for not having enough business. You too can be successful in a part-time or full-time direct sales business. Sources: Reprinted with permission from: http://www.CreateACashFlowShow.com Deb Bixler is a home business expert who specializes in teaching direct sales consultants how to have a consistent cash flow from their home party plan business. Deb retired from the corporate world and replaced her $80,000 year income with her home party plan business in only 9 months. Deb teaches business systems and principles that will work for all sales companies regardless of their product line. Learn more about finding an unlimited supply of business leads at www.CreateACashFlowShow.com . Invite Deb to speak at your next seminar: www.DebBixler.com . 717.751.2793. Information also provided by the Direct Selling Association, www.dsa.org.

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E-Commerce Five Tips to Generating More Business Through Your Web Site with SEO and PPC By Heather Lutze


While SEO and PPC are in-depth and intense activities for a business to undertake, they are the foundation of any good web site that effectively reaches the company’s target market and coverts prospects into paying customers.

ention the words SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and PPC (Pay Per Click) to most business owners and you’re sure to either see blank faces, or hear stories of frustration. Either they don’t utilize these techniques for their web sites at all, or they’ve handed their company’s web site SEO and PPC activities over to an agency and have little idea what’s going on with either, or they’ve “done it themselves” and had lackluster results at best. This is unfortunate, because SEO and PPC are important business-generating tools for any web site. SEO refers to manipulating web site content in a way that improves your chances of appearing on top of the results page; whereas PPC allows you to pay for an advertisement or sponsored link to show up on the top results page, and you are charged for each click. If you want to get real results from your web site, use the following five tips for generating more business with SEO and PPC.

more general traffic in. Over a testing period of at least 30 to 90 days you can see a pattern of which keywords give you business and which are a waste. The general rule of thumb is to start with approximately 100 to 500 keywords. As you see what works, you can narrow your keyword list. Also, your number of keywords depends on your industry, your company, and the length of time you’ve been testing keywords. Some companies who have years of testing and research under their belts have a finely narrowed list of keywords, while others have a keyword list in the hundreds of thousands. The bottom line is that you don’t know what your company’s findability is until you start throwing out that net and tracking your PPC results. So don’t rush into a web site redesign or other Web marketing activities until you have tested in PPC. Know the keyword phrases that result in business and bottom line improvements.



Fishing for keywords is a like throwing a big net out into the ocean. The more narrow or refined the holes are in your net, the better the quality of fish you’re going to pull back. When you’re new to PPC and SEO, you don’t know which keywords or keyword phrase will work for your web site. At this stage you need to balance the general, obvious, and informational keywords with the longer keyword phrases that will attract customers who are ready to take action. Therefore, start slowly with long keyword phrases and then shorten your phrases over time (open up the holes in your net) to let

Take the knowledge from your test period, which again is a minimum of 30 to 90 days, and apply what you learn about top performing keywords to your SEO campaigns. The goal is that you don’t waste time and money on SEO terms that will never help you. Therefore, as you analyze your PPC information, look at which keywords are getting clicks and which ones lead to a conversion or a purchase. A conversion could be someone downloading a white paper, filling out a contact form, taking a survey, etc. It’s some activity that gets people

The bottom line is that you don’t know what your company’s findability is until you start throwing out that net and tracking your PPC results.


Home Business


| September/October 2009

involved in your site. A purchase, as the term implies, is when someone buys something from you. Find out how many clicks it takes for someone to say “yes” to your offer and make a buying decision. You may find that it takes three to four clicks before someone takes action.

3. CAREFULLY GROUP OR THEME YOUR SEO KEYWORDS BY PAGE CONTENT. The prime objective of SEO is to prove to Google (or any other search engine) that the content on your site is worthy to be placed on the front page under a particular keyword. “Worthy” means you have the content on the page in such a fashion that Google sees repetition of the keyword, either in your text or in your code. This proves to the search engine that you belong under a certain keyword. The challenge is that many businesspeople have a fruit salad mentality. In other words, even though each page of their site deals with a particular topic or theme (and should therefore have page specific keywords), the keywords for every page are identical. This confuses search engines because they don’t know what you really are. As a result, your site never gets found. Rather than think “the more keywords the better,” think in terms of compartmentalizing your keywords. So if one page covers who you are as a company, that page should only have keywords about your company. Likewise, each product page should have keywords that apply to that specific product only. Those companies that clearly define who they are by keyword on a page-by-page basis win.

4. SUBMIT ONLY ONCE TO SEARCH ENGINES. While Google and other search engines will find some of your pages naturally, if you want to be sure they find every page of Continued on page 50



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Thriving in E-Commerce Continued from page 48

your site then you have to manually submit it to them. However, you don’t want to submit to them every day. Once they have spidered your site, you don’t need to submit it again unless you add a lot of new pages or make significant revisions. Many online submission tools sell the idea that you should submit your site every day. Such an approach only ends up frustrating Google rather than helping your company. So let the search engines know you’re there, but don’t harass them.

5. GET GREAT INBOUND LINKS TO YOUR WEB SITE. Google looks for two types of links. The first is a non-reciprocating inbound link from a reputable source, such as an industry association, the Better Business Bureau, etc. Since a link from another site is essentially an endorsement, getting a link from a reputable source — one where you don’t link

Your number of keywords depends on your industry, your company, and the length of time you’ve been testing keywords.

back to them — is the gold standard of links. It’s not an “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch my back” sort of arrangement, and Google likes that. The second type of link is a reciprocated link, meaning you link back and forth with

7 Ways to Recession-Proof Your Online Content With the downturn in the economy encompassing nearly every aspect of our lives, companies are hunting for cost-effective, measurable solutions to generate new prospects and customers. The goal is to recession-proof your web site’s online content and marketing. Jon Wuebben, author of “Content Rich: Writing Your Way to Wealth on the Web” (Encore Publishing) says there are 7 steps to follow: 1. Embrace the Basics: Web Content 101. Take a look at your existing copy. Perform some keyword research and use Google Analytics — how are visitors making their way through the site? 2. Expand the Breadth of Your Content. Are you writing optimized press releases? How about a newsletter? Do you have a blog? 3. Create New Content Directed at Your Existing Customer Base. Building your relationship with current customers is huge. Consider newsletters or email marketing. 4. Put Together a Content Distribution Strategy. Get your optimized content out there. Use search engine optimization (SEO) techniques. Start blogging. If you have a great product, consider an affiliate network. 5. Leverage Your Content. Write a blog post, a press release, a web page, an article, or a white paper, and then leverage it. It’s a great way to recession-proof your online content and marketing. 6. Optimize Your Online Content for Social Media. What types of content are hot on sites like Digg, Stumble Upon and Facebook? Submit this exact content so you can get in the game and maximize response. 7. Make Your Content “Conversion-Friendly” — Ask for the Sale. Are the words “Order Now” next to your product? How about “Get Your Free Newsletter” now? Add these calls-to-action so visitors will take a more active and involved approach. Jon Wuebben is a veteran copywriter, speaker, entrepreneur, and online marketing leader. The company he founded, Custom Copywriting, is one of the fastest growing content providers in the industry (www.customcopywriting.com). “Content Rich: Writing Your Way to Wealth on the Web” is his first book and is aimed at helping businesses write their own content and learning the tricks of SEO copywriting and online marketing. www.contentrichbook.com


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| September/October 2009

the company or person. Such links are good, although the search engines don’t place as much value on them. Realize that if you’re an authority you are going to link to others, and Google expects this. However, when you have 800 reciprocating in every category under the sun, you send a red flag that your site isn’t of value. Any link you have needs to be appropriate and industry related; therefore, only link to people and partners you know and that make sense for your site.

Rather than think “ ‘the more keywords the better,’ think in terms of compartmentalizing your keywords.

MAKE YOUR WEB SITE WORK SMARTER While SEO and PPC are in-depth and intense activities for a business to undertake, they are the foundation of any good web site that effectively reaches the company’s target market and coverts prospects into paying customers. So whether you decide to tackle the project yourself or hire an agency to help you, use the above five tips for SEO and PPC so you can get the results you want from your web site. Heather Lutze has spent the last 10 years as CEO of Lutze Consulting — Search Engine Marketing firm that works with companies to attain maximum Internet exposure. As a nationally recognized speaker and author, she is releasing the forthcoming book, “The FindAbility Formula: The Simple and Non-Technical Approach To Search Engine Marketing” (Wiley and Sons) Spring, 2009. Heather is a lead speaker for Pay Per Click Summit, and previously spent two years speaking for Yahoo! Search Marketing. For more information, visit www.LutzeConsulting.com.

For more information visit www.homebusinessmag.com and click the E-commerce Channel. homebusinessmag.com


Setting Up

Simple Financial Management Don’t Launch Your Start-Up Until You Have the Finances Under Control By Nora Caley


ometimes you don’t need a lot of money to start a business. What you need instead is good financial management. If you plan carefully, control spending, and monitor the money that comes into your business and the money that goes out, you can prevent a monetary emergency later. Besides preventing disaster, there are other reasons for sound financial management. If you know how much money your business is making and where the money is going, that can help you estimate your future profits. By making accurate projections, you will be able to decide whether you should expand your business. Your well-organized and accurate financial records might help you get a loan or other funding. Financial management also makes it easier for you to pay taxes. If you are a sole proprietor or you are self employed, you don’t get paychecks with taxes withheld. Instead, you have to pay estimated taxes four times a year, and financial management makes it easier to figure out how much to pay. Another reason to maintain good financial management is the analysis helps you see whether your business is succeeding. Sometimes when a business fails it’s not due to a lack of sales, but the inability of the

business owner to control how much money the company If you know how much money your business is making and where the money is going, that can help you estimate your future profits. spends, and how quickly the company gets paid for the products and services it cial plan you will write. If you didn’t write a business plan, or sells. Proper financial management will help if the financial pages of your plan didn’t you keep track of these important details. include a lot of specifics, then write a cash flow analysis for your business. Start with a spreadsheet. If you have Microsoft Excel, set up a spreadsheet in which the column headings are months, and the rows show money in and money out. The first row should be Cash On Hand. That’s your starting point, the money you have in the business checking account. The next few rows could have titles such as Cash GETTING STARTED Sales, Collections from Credit Accounts, First, make sure you separate your busi- and Other Cash Injection. On the bottom ness funds from your personal funds. That of that section, put a row called Total Cash. means different credit cards for your busi- This section shows cash you actually have, ness and your household, and separate not customers’ payments that you expect checking accounts. will arrive in the mail or be deposited into If you have written a business plan, you your account soon. might already have a projection of your The next rows show the cash paid out. business’s income and expenses for at least These rows include purchases of raw matethe first year. You can use this part of your rials or ingredients, office supplies, advertisplan as a guide for the more detailed finan- ing, gas mileage, shipping, and other categories. Don’t forget to include loan payments, credit card fees, and checking account fees. Managing the Bad News On the bottom of this section, put a Total Cash Out line. Click on the “sum” icon to If your financial management indicates you’re running out of cash, don’t take insert a formula into the cells on the bottom money out of your savings and bail out your business. Not only do you need to keep of each section, and the cells to the right of your business and personal accounts separate, but you might not be helping your the columns, so that you can see running business long term by loaning it more money. totals.

… make sure “ you separate your

business funds from your personal funds.

Instead, try to find a way to increase sales and to lower costs. Consider getting rid of excess inventory at bargain prices. Offer a free hour of your service with every project. These tactics can help you raise cash until you figure out what went wrong and how you will fix it. Are you offering a product that’s not much different from that of your competitors? Is your service seasonal, and you didn’t plan for the off season? Are you using a credit card that charges high fees? Your financial management might show you that you are selling enough product, but you just aren’t getting paid quickly. One way to fix this cash flow problem is to set up your business so that you can accept credit cards. That way you can get a deposit, or even the whole payment, before you deliver. Contact the e-commerce or merchant services department of your bank for more information.

HIGH TECH SOLUTIONS The drawback of using a simple spreadsheet program is that you need to manually input every item. For example, you will drive your vehicle many times to deliver items or pick up supplies. You can total the cost of these trips on another spreadsheet, or with a calculator and a piece of paper, and then input the total for the month. You must stay on top of every payment and every expenditure and be sure to type it into the correct box every time. Continued on page 54


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| September/October 2009




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Setting Up Simple Financial Management


Continued from page 52

Your credit card and your bank might help. When you shop for a business checking account, see if you can get one that offers you online banking. You should be able to go online and check the balance of your account and see which checks have cleared and which payments have been deposited to your account. You can also look at your credit card balance and make a payment. Some banks provide summaries so you can see how much money you spent on each category. Also you can connect the online banking feature with personal finance software so that you don’t have to input all the data. Personal finance software is available for less than $100. You can download the package online, buy the CD ROM online and have it mailed to you, or buy a package at an office supply store. Quicken offers a software program called Home & Business. You can access your bank account and automate certain processes such as paying bills. The software also helps you categorize your spending, so you can track where to cut back, if necessary. The software lets you choose from many different categories, such as Biz Supplies or Biz Utilities: Telephone or many others. There’s also a

If you know how much money your business is making and where the money is going, that can help you estimate your future profits.

Profit and Loss section, where you can see how much money your business made this month, compare it to last month, and project

the profit you will make next month. For more information, visit http://quicken.intuit.com/ and under Products and Services, click on Home & Business. Microsoft stopped making its Microsoft Money package, but offers an online service. The site, http://businessonmain.msn. com has free templates of charts. If you have Microsoft Excel, you can download a chart and fill in the cells yourself. There’s the Accounting Ledger, which has columns with headings including Date, Account, Description, Withdrawal, Deposit, etc. The bottom of the chart shows the current balance. Another free template is the Small Business Cash Flow Projection. You can input amounts for Cash Sales, Collections on Accounts Receivable, and others for the Cash Receipts section. Under Cash Paid Out, there are spaces for Advertising, Contract Labor, Purchases for Resale, Travel, and others. When you input the dollar amounts, the program draws a line graph so you can view your company’s financial ups and downs, month to month.


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| September/October 2009

One advantage of keeping tabs on every financial detail is that it makes it easier to fill in the blanks at tax time. Home & Business keeps a tally of your deductions, which will help you fill out your Schedule C, Profit and Loss from a Business. That’s especially true if you use Quicken’s other homebusinessmag.com

You must stay on “ top of every payment

Cleanout Foreclosures

and every expenditure and be sure to type it into the correct box every time.

Turn a truck, some tools and some cleaning products into real money!

software, TurboTax. There are other tax packages, such as H&R Block Tax Cut (www.hrblock.com, click on Software), TaxACT (www.taxact. com) and CompleteTax (www.completetax. com). If you’ve been managing your finances all year, that will make using these packages a little easier. For example, when the tax software asks how much you spent on advertising last year, you can just look it up on your spreadsheet, or in your online credit card statements, or in your financial software. The tax software fills in the IRS forms so you can print and mail them, or file electronically. Visit www.irs.gov for more information about tax forms and estimated tax payment deadlines.

Your book is phenomenal! It contains all the important info my partners & I were looking for. Your decision to share your years of experience with us will save our company from making costly mistakes. I like the way you’ve organized the chapters to show what to do from beginning to the end of the job. The sidebars are fun & informative. – Linda M., Arizona

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HIRING A TRAINED PROFESSIONAL If you need extra help, you might want to hire a certified public accountant (CPA) or a bookkeeper. CPAs and bookkeepers have different skills, so do some research to figure out which you need. A CPA will charge a higher fee, but might have more expertise or find more deductions. If your taxes are fairly simple, you might be able to hire a bookkeeper instead. You don’t need to add an employee. You can hire the person as a contractor, and only temporarily. Don’t just find a name on the Internet. Ask your banker, your small business networking group, and your lawyer to refer someone. If you do hire someone, be sure to have your documents and your charts in order. If you’ve been handling your financial management, this should be easy. As with many other small business details, a little preparation can help you avoid panic later.




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Nora Caley is a freelance writer based in Denver. She specializes in business articles.

For more information visit www.homebusinessmag.com and click the Money >> Money Management Channel.

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September/October 2009 | Home Business






Financing IN THE

CURRENT ECONOMY Small Businesses and Contractors Have Sources to Raise Financing to Launch a PartTime Start-Up By Chris E. Talis, CPA, MBA and Senior Partner at Hedgerow Mergers Acquisitions


n economy in turmoil, such as the one we are in today, creates tremendous challenges to raise capital: the life blood of any business operation. This has brought fear throughout the marketplace, which, in turn, creates further uncertainty. Government intervention has created some temporary relief, but will its programs spur a rebound and will its effects be felt in the near future? In the meantime, starting a home business part-time around a day job may be the answer. With a part-time home business, one doesn’t have time to put together a financial plan and spend time locating funds. In times like this, the focus should be on obtaining easy financing, small amounts, from under $5,000 to $10,000.

TIGHTENED LENDING There has been a significant tightening in the lending environment as a result of this economic contraction. Whatever lending is going on today seems to be focused on larger firms, but in reality the lending problems affect all businesses; most notably small and part-time businesses and independent contractors that don’t have as many options for raising required capital as larger publicly traded companies possess. When small and part-time home businesses and independent contractors need to make required purchases, hire qualified staff, or make capital expenditures, where can they turn to receive access to the funds they require? In order to create an environment to begin some sort of recovery, banks will need to ease their lending requirements in order to help alleviate the credit crunch currently being felt. Because the small and part-time home business owner will play a vital role in this recovery, it is important that there is a concerted effort to boost consumer confidence and increase incentives for the entrepreneur. Government policies must also encourage

It is important for small and part-time home business entrepreneurs

entrepreneurship. to be creative and seek every available source of financing to keep These policies must their business flush with cash during difficult times. promote innovation, provide capital, and spur employment. are unsecured loans and should be used only Until these government policies and pro- for short-term credit purposes. One’s busigrams are implemented, it is important for ness card should be a separate credit card small and part-time home business entrepre- from one’s person credit card. It is imporneurs to be creative and seek every available tant that any business owner speak to their source of financing to keep their businesses financial advisor to make sure that whatever flush with cash during difficult times. Here choice they make is the correct one for their are some of the available options the entre- unique situation. preneur should consider.

4. ASSET BASED LENDING 1. FRIENDS AND FAMILY Many times the simplest way to raise capital is to go to friends and family and ask them for help. It may be a short-term loan; it may be to make an equity investment in your business. If you would like their dollars in the form of equity but would not like them to have any sort of voting power, perhaps you can create a second level of stock (preferred stock, for example) which would give them preference should the company need to liquidate but no voting rights. Don’t go beyond those whom you know will give you a yes and a small amount.

2. USING PERSONAL ASSETS SUCH AS HOME EQUITY AS COLLATERAL Many times small and part-time home business entrepreneurs in need of immediate capital will borrow from their home’s equity until traditional financing sources become available again. This can be a precarious choice in that you are risking the home to benefit your business, but many times it is the only choice. Be careful. They can be easy to obtain with little hassle, but set a maximum amount to draw from home equity. Budget carefully.


Home Business


Creativity and resourcefulness are paramount during times of economic hardship, and it is vital that you use all available sources to keep your small or part-time home business flush with cash while the government attempts to create programs designed to ease the lending environment and improve our economy’s conditions. Chris E. Talis, Hedgerow founder and Senior Partner, holds an MBA in finance and taxation, and is a New Jersey licensed Certified Public Accountant. He has personally refinanced troubled companies, directed a management buyout and his diverse background includes business consultancy; debt and equity placements; business valuation; mergers, acquisitions and divestitures; financial analysis; succession planning; and exit strategies. For more information: www.hedgerowma.com.

Credit cards are very costly, but in reality

In times like this, the focus should be on obtaining easy financing, small amounts, from under $5,000 to $10,000. 56

Some banks will lend monies based on a company’s assets. Whether it is equipment, real estate, inventory, accounts receivable, or vehicles, banks will lend using the company assets as collateral. The advance rates will vary usually based on liquidity of the assets (accounts receivable and inventory being more liquid and therefore would have a greater advance rate), and the cost to this type of financing can be costly as well as the reporting requirements being somewhat cumbersome.

| September/October 2009

For more information visit www.homebusinessmag.com and click the Money Corner > Raising Money Channel. homebusinessmag.com

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Getting Started as a Consultant Continued from page 25

Establish a schedule for the work to be performed that takes into consideration any needed review cycles, turnaround time for project components, and the travel and holiday plans of all participants. Nothing makes a consulting assignment turn sour faster than missing important deadlines.


STEP 6: COLLABORATING OR SUBCONTRACTING WITH OTHERS As your consulting career advances, you may discover possible contracts that are larger than you can handle alone. This can be an opportunity to expand your consulting business. You may be able to collaborate with one or more colleagues to deliver the contract together. For example, a marketing consultant might bring in a web designer, photographer, and copywriter to produce a web site for his or her client.

Nothing makes a “ consulting assignment turn sour faster than missing important deadlines.

In some cases, you may wish to have your colleagues contract with the client directly, but you can also hire them as subcontractors. You would hold the contract with the client and receive payment for the entire project, and your colleagues would receive payment from you. Subcontracting arrange-

Speaking at professional meetings and conferences will add to your credibility and can often lead directly to consulting offers from people who attend your talks.

ments can lead to additional income, as you typically charge your client a higher fee than what you pay your subcontractors.

TIPS FOR LONG-TERM SUCCESS One of the biggest challenges for most consultants is the “feast-or-famine” cycle. At times you may be so busy you feel overworked, and at other times you may have no work at all. This leads to wide fluctuations in income, and can also be quite anxietyprovoking. The best way to avoid having to worry where your next job will come from is to keep your marketing pipeline full. Even when you are busy working on a contract, allow some time every week to nurture your network of contacts. Don’t wait until you are unemployed again to get back in touch; by then it will be too late. Another avenue to ensure long-term suc-

Elements of a Successful Consulting Engagement 1. Good fit for your skills. The best assignments are ones where the work closely matches your capabilities. Consultants are expected to arrive with the necessary experience, not to learn on the job. 2. Adequate compensation to do a superior job. It may be tempting to reduce your fee to land a contract, but don’t lower your price so much that you’ll have to skimp on producing results. 3. Generation of referrals and repeat business. When you do good work and are paid appropriately, you’ll land more contracts that will lead to the same. If your work is substandard, you won’t get referrals. If you work too cheaply, you’ll get referrals for more low-fee work. 4. Enjoyable work environment. Consulting allows you to choose your clients; don’t feel you have to accept every offer. If you lock yourself into work you don’t enjoy, you won’t be available for more rewarding jobs. 58

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| September/October 2009

cess is to establish yourself as an expert in your field through public speaking and writing articles about your specialty. Speaking at professional meetings and conferences will add to your credibility and can often lead directly to consulting offers from people who attend your talks. Publishing articles in trade journals and web sites that serve your target audience will build your name recognition and provide compelling new elements for your marketing kit. Consulting can become a lucrative permanent occupation, or simply serve as a bridge between salaried positions. Consulting contracts sometimes turn into full-time job offers, once an employer gets to know what you can do. The choice is ultimately up to you. If you enjoy the security of a steady income and the comfort of not having to constantly market yourself, you may wish to leverage your consulting experience back into a full-time job. But if you prefer the freedom, flexibility, and autonomy of running your own business, and the potential for a higher income, then consulting may be the ideal long-term career. C.J. Hayden is the bestselling author of “Get Clients Now! A 28-Day Marketing Program for Professionals, Consultants and Coaches.” Since 1992, C.J. has been helping selfemployed professionals make a better living doing what they love. Thousands of professionals have used her simple sales and marketing system to double or triple their income. “Get Clients Now!” is more than just a book; it’s a complete support system for marketing your business. To find out more and get a free copy of C.J.’s special report Five Secrets to “Finding All the Clients You’ll Ever Need”, visit www.getclientsnow.com.

For more information visit www.homebusinessmag.com and click the Businesses > Consulting Channel. homebusinessmag.com

Do you think this mother really wants to leave her baby with a babysitter; not knowing for sure if her baby will be treated right? Do you think she’d be interested in a simple hidden camera system that would reveal to her exactly how her baby is being treated?

Doo Youu Wantt A Piecee off thee Millionss off Dollarss Beingg Spentt On Hiddenn Cameras,, Nannyy Camss andd Surveillancee Systemss Everyy Year?? These Are the Perfect Products for A Bad Economy! People Associate Bad Economic Times With A Rise In Crime and They Look For Ways to Protect Themselves and Their Property. Now YOU Can Help People Protect Their Homes, Businesses and Family…Plus Put 1,000’s of Dollars In Your Pocket Every Month! In the past, surveillance equipment was only used by the government and private investigators. But now more and more people are finding a need for this specialized but easy to use equipment.

employees to baby sit, no face to face selling, no stress, no fuss, no bother. If you want big money but also lots of freedom, then you MUST turn your attention to Internet Marketing. Don’t worry, we will teach you how to sell on the Internet.

Millions of people are using nanny cams to check on their babysitters, surveillance cameras to keep an eye on their homes and businesses and hidden cameras to catch theft, abuse and infidelity. No other method can give you the undeniable proof or evidence that a surveillance camera can.

Fifth...Our reputation for fair-dealing, quality and service stands behind you. I started small, off a card-table in my house! Over these 20 years, I've seen a lot of "operators" come and go....sell cheap; imitation products that don't work right... then disappear. Safety Technology has been in business for over 20 years. We stand behind all our products and fully guarantee them.

In this business, you can take real pride in the fact that you protect property and lives for a living. That you provide peace of mind and real security. That you earn your money by helping people make their lives, homes and businesses safer.

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This is a very, very, very PROFITABLE business. In fact, I'm happy to show you how to add a few thousand dollars a month of spare time income, if that's what you want...or how to make $10,000.00 a month, $20,000.00 a month, even $50,000.00 a month. Our top dealers enjoy GIANT incomes --- with far less work, stress and investment than owners of other kinds of businesses.

You came this far. You read this information; you demonstrated sincere desire for success in a good, profitable business of your own. Now - don't wimp out!!! The temptation is to procrastinate, to waffle, and to "think it over". But what is there to think over? Do you want success or not? Act NOW!

Most people are "under-protected" and admit that "they ought to…" as soon as these products are put in front of them. A lot of our products are "Impulse Items", purchased as soon as shown and explained. Like the Wrist Watch or Ball Point Pen Hidden Cameras and built in Digital Video Recorders. You can view the video on your TV or Computer. We also carry a full line of non-lethal self defense products, such as: Stun Master® Stun Guns, Pepper Shot® and Wildfire® Pepper Spray, the new C2 TASERS®, Mace®, Personal Alarms and more. The current economy is not helping people feel more secure. Safety is on peoples’ minds. There's a legendary marketing expert named Robert Collier who says that the secret to success in selling is to "enter the conversation already taking place in the customer's mind." Well, is there a day that crime isn't in the news? Child abductions, nanny and babysitter abuse, theft, assaults, car-jackings, breakins and home invasions. As soon as you bring up the subject of personal and home security, you tap into real concerns.

6 Reasons To Join Safety Technology First...Drop-Shipping This means we will ship to your customers with your name and address on the shipping label. You don’t have to stock anything. You are paid by your customer before you have to pay for any product. You can sell hundreds of products without any upfront costs. Second...Professional Catalogs We employ a team of mail-order experts to design and periodically re-design our two full-color, professional catalogs...one for personal and family self-defense products, the other for "spy equipment" and home and business security products. These catalogs are available to you without our company name or identity on them. They give you instant credibility and a Giant Warehouse Source of over 500 products. Third...Our Unbeatable Prices You get maximum profits from Safety Technology and true wholesale prices. Safety Technology manufactures many of the products and is also a major importer. So, you get the best prices! Fourth...at your option, a Complete "Web Site Super Stores" Business No other means of making big money lets you keep your freedom. With my web site Super Stores, you are never chained to a store counter, your time is your own, there's no handling or shipping of product, no inventory gathering dust, no

There’s a big demand for these products. I know! I’ve been doing this for over 20 years. No one knows this business better than I do and I will teach you. Join me! Founder and President of Safety Technology "Setting up an online business through Safety Technology was the best decision we ever made. We have grossed over $3,000,000.00 in ONLINE sales." Steve Thibeault, www.tbotech.com and www.hiddenpinholecameras.com “In just nine (9) months, my sales are over $10,000 a month. If you are determined to succeed, and willing to follow Michael Gravette’s plan, then, you too can be successful at this business. I am thrilled to be part of Safety Technology.” David Brackman, www.selfdefenseatl.com

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Recession Survival: GET A NEW BUSINESS

TPLUGGED-IN ECHNICALLY Software and Technology Tools That Make a New Start-Up a Breeze By Gregory Grabowski, PE, LEED AP


e’ve all started with the same question — How do I get my home business off the ground when I have to pay the bills? The bald facts are that most of us will have to have two jobs for a while; our Day Job, and what ultimately will be our fulfilling home business. With a little planning and a lot less money than you think, you can begin building your home office infrastructure while sneaking it around the day job. Let’s see how.

YOUR PC IS PROBABLY POWERFUL ENOUGH You probably already have a home PC and it works fine for what you need — but will it stand up to the demands of a home business? It’s so easy to be lured into investing into a top of the line machine for a home business, but do you really need to sink that expense right at the beginning when funds are tightest? You likely already have everything you need! With minimal time and expense, you can set up a home office operation with enough power and capacity to work the business part-time in the evenings to get things started. First, find a quiet space that can be easily dedicated for your home office use so you can take advantage of potential tax advantages. Next, you’ll need basic software and

With minimal time and expense, you can set up a home office operation with enough power and capacity to work the business parttime in the evenings to get things started.

office tools which are compatible with your customer base, so we’ll spend some time talking about your options. I recommend the Microsoft© Office Standard 2007 Suite of tools along with basic publishing and accounting applications.

… you’ll need “ basic software and office tools which are compatible with your customer base.

MICROSOFT OFFICE© FOR THE BASICS Let’ start with Microsoft© Office Standard 2007, which can be purchased online for about $250 and is filled with powerful office applications. This includes Word™, Excel™, PowerPoint™ and Outlook™. If you are not familiar with these basic tools, go to your local library and check out a training video or book this weekend! Like it or not, they form the basis of office documentation worldwide and you will need them. With Microsoft-Word™ you get full

Inexpensive Home Office Networks So you have a couple of PCs and printers and you want a home network? The path to network nirvana is straightforward! Most Microsoft operating systems support basic home office networking. In my home office I use a wireless router ($120) which connects my computers, laptop and printers vie either Ethernet cable (looks like a telephone jack, but different) or Wireless Fidelity (WiFi’s IEEE 802.11b protocol) in a Local Area Network (LAN). I use my laptop in the backyard while enjoying the sunset and can surf the Internet, view my faxes, send e-mails, and print wirelessly to one of my home printers. Don’t get too wrapped up in the technical jargon, just go to your local electronics or computer store and tell them what you are trying to do. Most reputable retailers will provide you with the basic components and technical assistance to get up and running in a few hours.

service document development with spell check, archiving, and a full suite of fonts and colors. I’m using Microsoft-Word™ to type this article. For basic number crunching, graphs, charts, and database operations you will need Microsoft-Excel™. This is where I spend the most of my time as I do not use a dedicated accounting application. I create invoices with it; use it to estimate jobs, as well as to track time and materials. It is an outstanding tool in every respect and the new home business owner will do well to learn its power. Microsoft-PowerPoint™ is a presentation tool that is the standard in the industry. You will use it to make flyers, business graphics, and presentations. When you are a bit more of an expert you can use it to publish web pages and keep your clients fully up to date on your products and services. Finally, and most importantly to keep connected to your clients, vendors and suppliers, you will need Microsoft-Outlook™. This e-mail, Personal Information Manager (PIM), and business contact tool can integrate with your Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) like a Blackberry™ or Palm Pilot™ to eliminate any more lost contacts or e-mails. I have over 4,600 contacts in my Microsoft-Outlook™ database, and all are replicated onto my Blackberry™ so they are with me when I travel or am working away from my home computer.

SMARTPHONES AND PERSONAL DIGITAL ASSISTANT (PDA) — KEEPING YOUR INFORMATION ON HAND Now that we’re talking about it, the options for PDAs today are numerous and powerful, but you don’t need one to get started, especially if you work from home most of the time. However, an integrated PDA with e-mail and cell phone, called a Smartphone, is essential when starting a home business so that you can leverage Continued on page 62


Home Business


| September/October 2009


Get a New Business Technically Plugged-In


Continued from page 60

your day job hours (lunch, commuting on the train, etc). I use a Blackberry© (www. blackberry.com) Smartphone and have for years. Other vendors include Nokia (www. nokiausa.com), Palm Computing (www. palm.com), and Apple’s iPhone (www.apple. com/iphone). Please though, do not use your PDA or cell phone while driving — your family and your business depend on you and your safety.

MONEY, MONEY, MONEY! (ACCOUNTING APPLICATIONS) If you are going to bill someone, pay someone, track time, monitor your receivables, communicate with your bank, and otherwise understand if you are making money or not you will have to have a basic accounting application that is designed for the small business. Some options are Peachtree© Accounting (www.peachtree. com) and QuickBooks™ by Intuit© (quickbooks.inuit.com). They both list for about $200. Check out the web sites and compare the features to tailor them to what you need. Don’t buy more than what you need right now — you can always upgrade later.

our systems to automatically back-up our business data online in secure and accessible archives. In order to reduce initial costs for starting up a home office, I recommend the use of online backups. For about $5 a month, you can have all of your data encrypted and backed up in a server farm away from your home. If your PC or Laptop should crash or be stolen, your data can still be accessible and intact. The online backup services available today are too numerous to mention, but if you do your research and test them out you will find that these services are secure and reliable. Many offer free trials — take advantage of them!

VIRUS, VIRUS EVERYWHERE! DATA IS THE LIFE OF YOUR BUSINESS Today’s high speed technologies enable

Protect your system’s data integrity by the disci-

Protect your system’s data integrity by the disciplined use of up-to-date anti-viral software.



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| September/October 2009


… an integrated PDA with e-mail and cell phone, “called a Smartphone, is essential when starting a home business so that you can leverage your day job hours (lunch, commuting on the train, etc).

plined use of up-to-date anti-viral software. Two excellent applications most commonly used are Total Protection™ by McAfee (www.macafee.com) and Norton 360 by Symantec (www.symatec.com). Both of these robust applications provide 24x7 protection for your PC and e-mail applications from virus infections, spyware, and spam, and they offer quite capable firewall and intrusion detection capabilities. Both are available in home office versions for about $80.

JUST THE FAX There are very reliable and cost effective services that will route your incoming fax to you as a portable document format (.pdf) file directly to your e-mail for viewing anywhere you are. These services are referred to as “Internet Fax” and for less than about $20 a month you can get a dedicated local or 800 fax number that all your clients and vendors can “send” to.

Your fax is then electronically forwarded to whatever e-mail you desire and is viewable just like a scanned document. Some well known providers are eFax (www.efax. com) and MetroFax (www.metrofax.com). Take a look and compare features and prices and select one for you.

AVOIDING VOICE MAIL HELL You don’t like voice-mail-hell and neither do any of your clients or vendors. The goal is to keep it simple, but separate and more professional than your home voicemail system. Again, here I advocate an online system to keep your initial costs and headaches low (about $30 a month), as well as present your clients and vendors with the most professional (and easiest) voicemail system. These online voicemail services are sophisticated enough so that when your home office phone doesn’t pick-up the call is automatically routed to any other number you choose. Try the

online Voicemail demos at eVoice (www. evoice.com) and eFax (www.efax.com), and check out what the latest technologies can offer you.

THIS IS ABOUT GETTING STARTED The basics listed in this article are just enough to get the computing infrastructure of your home business started while you continue with your day job to pay the bills. As your home business grows and you consider going full-time, then you might eventually consider upgrading the home office as necessary to keep pace with your business. But don’t sweat it — you probably have all the basics already! Gregory Grabowski, a registered Professional Engineer and reserve Naval Officer, focuses his Project Management talents to design and build facilities for corporate and government clients worldwide. His professional experiences have taken him to six of the seven continents. He resides in Southern California and enjoys adventure sailing.

For more information visit www.homebusinessmag.com and click the Home Office >> Office Technology Channel.

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Even if Just a Part-Time Business, it Makes Sense to Use a Legal “Professional” By Jim R. Sapp


hile you may be able to handle most of the issues that will arise in a new part-time business, you will want professional assistance for more complex legal issues. Even the smallest businesses need legal advice from the beginning. Don’t wait until you have a legal problem to look for an attorney.

Many times, the problems that businesses encounter could have been avoided by getting the appropriate legal advice beforehand.

Make your final selection carefully. It is expensive to switch law firms!

ISSUES AN ATTORNEY CAN HELP YOU WITH: You should do as much for your parttime business as you can yourself; however, a lawyer should review the complex issues. To begin, write a list of exactly what you want the attorney to do for you.

SELECT ON PROCESS CHOOSING A BUSINESS STRUCTURE An attorney with small or home business expertise can assist you in selecting the structure for your business: a sole proprietorship; partnership; a corporation; or a limited liability company (LLC). An attorney can also help you complete the necessary forms to incorporate your business. Further, it’s important to have the name and address of an attorney for a loan document or any leases you need to have reviewed.

SAFEGUARDING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY An attorney can also help you safeguard your intellectual property, and reserve your own Internet domain name, copyrights, trademarks, and patents. An attorney can also help you to avoid violating other companies’ copyrights, trademarks, or patents.

CONFLICT MEDIATION An attorney can also help you mediate conflicts with consumers and with vendors before they become expensive litigation or before relationships with them are beyond repair. An attorney can also advise you on how to handle potential claims and avoid lawsuits.

You should do as much for your part-time business as “you can yourself; however, a lawyer should review the complex issues. ” Home Business

An attorney can review contracts and agreements drawn up for your work as an independent contractor or to subcontract work out. Prior contracts with former employers can also be reviewed to ensure you are free of any non-compete agreements that you may have signed.


Use a two-step approach to find a good attorney. First, carefully select a firm by getting personal references and then examining the firm’s web site. The web site can give you information on that particular firm’s areas of expertise and their specialty. Also contact state bar associations to check an attorney’s bar certification. You don’t have the time or money to pay someone to learn about your specific industry, so find a professional who is servicing your business sector already. If your company is highly specialized, a business trade publication may list professionals who will understand your specific needs. Second, when you have settled on one or two law firms, conduct a face-to-face interview with the candidates before you hire. Interview the specific individuals who will service your business and are close in proximity. Ask questions, such as where they went to school, what their expertise is, and if they have experience in your industry. Other good questions include: ■ What is your hourly billing rate? ■ How often do you increase your rate? ■ Can I talk to one or two other small business people you work for? ■ What types of work do you most enjoy?




| September/October 2009

Attorneys make their money by invoicing you. Most business owners can do about eighty percent of the work themselves and hire a lawyer to do the rest. While there are many exceptional lawyers, their images precede them for a reason. Do not use a “superstar” firm or any firm with more than six to eight attorneys; you cannot afford their rates. Select a smaller firm or a one-person office, preferably someone who has expertise in your area of business. Go in and say, “I am starting this part-time company and here is what I want.” Have officers, stakeholders, and addresses all written up. The more preparation you do, the lower your cost will be. Many times, the problems that businesses encounter could have been avoided by getting the appropriate legal advice beforehand. The advice of an attorney can also save time and money. Jim R. Sapp is an international business consultant and speaker with more than 25 years experience as a business owner and entrepreneur. He is founder and director of the American Small Business Institute, and recipient of both the “Entrepreneur of the Year” award and “Blue Chip Enterprise Award” for inspirational achievement in business. His book “Starting Your First Business” is available from www.sappbiz.com or by calling 800.570.5436.

For more information visit www.homebusinessmag.com and click the Management >> Legalese Channel. homebusinessmag.com




Management Innovative Techniques to Tame a NeverEnding Start-Up To Do List By Linda Walker You need a way to categorize and prioritize your tasks.


he absolute BIGGEST challenge that entrepreneurs, artists, authors, and other creative geniuses that come to me for help is productivity. Some know they need help with time management techniques. Others are struggling, but they haven’t discovered that poor time management is the source of their frustration. By asking a few questions, I zero in on the source of their misery, and evaluate whether they can benefit from the special time management techniques I teach. I just look for certain things they have in common. Four Things All Entrepreneurs, Authors, and Other Creative Geniuses That Need Time Management Help Have in Common: ■

They are amazingly creative yet they feel like underachievers because even though they generate brilliant ideas with jawdropping ease, they struggle to act on them. These “live-wire” geniuses are adventurous, ambitious, and energetic. They’ll start a hundred projects, but then bog down because of indecision, procrastination, or a feeling of being overwhelmed. They search relentlessly for new time management tips and try anything to improve their time management skills regardless of past struggles, but standard, “common sense” time management techniques just don’t work. Despite their best efforts, they’ve accumulated a never-ending To Do list (I call it their To Do “book”), and they’re frustrated with time management techniques that don’t work.

These thrill-seeking rebels share another characteristic. Each was diagnosed with

ADD or ADHD as a child, has adult ADHD, or exhibits many adult ADHD traits. Their brains work differently than most people. But, as soon as they turn on to my counter-intuitive time management techniques, they experience a dramatic turnaround almost overnight. See, you have to understand that your productivity depends on your mental and physical energy. Yes, you produce less when you’re tired, but your energy levels fluctuate far more than you realize. How Your Energy Levels Affect Your Productivity ■

At times, you have ample mental energy. You can laser-focus on anything that interests you, you’re amazingly productive, and you keep going long after other people are exhausted. Other times, you have plenty of physical energy, but your brain is also racing. You can’t concentrate. You’re eager to move and go through short (physical) tasks with ease. You need time to recharge. Your brain isn’t a plough-horse, plodding sedately. It’s a racehorse, capable of stunning bursts of power and speed. Like a racehorse, you must recharge between races. You also have your own unique energy fluctuations between these that create periods when you’re better at some tasks than you are at others.

Your energy fluctuations follow an identifiable pattern. When my clients track their energy level fluctuations at work and at play, within a week they have an accurate map of their daily energy levels, and the pattern repeats almost identically from week to week.

… you have to understand that your productivity depends on your mental and physical energy.


Home Business


| September/October 2009

As a creative genius, you’ll always have many tasks on your To Do list! You effortlessly think up cool things to do or important things you should do. But you have to commit to do those tasks at a specific time by moving them from your To Do list to your agenda. Unfortunately, the large, unstructured space of your blank agenda often leads to indecisiveness and procrastination. Think of it as writer’s block for time management. A Time Management Technique That Will Add Productive Hours to Your Day and Cut Your “To-Do” List Down to Size Guaranteed

You need a way to categorize and prioritize your tasks. Traditional time management techniques group tasks by importance. But assigning letter and number combinations to signify priority loses its effectiveness when you have 47 “A” tasks, at least six of which are important enough to be an “A1!” Instead, you should group your tasks by the energy required. Now, here’s the secret to doubling your productivity and cutting your To Do list down to size. Use the map of your energy fluctuations to match tasks from your To Do list with a time when you typically have the ideal energy level for that task. Almost effortlessly, you’ll give your productivity a huge shot in the arm. Match your activities with times when you have the ideal energy type and level for maximum productivity doing that task, and you’ll tear through your To Do list like a tornado. Linda Walker coaches entrepreneurs, artists, authors and other creative geniuses who want to realize their dreams and overcome their needless struggle with traditional time management techniques that don’t work with rebel, thrill-seeking, creative brains. Now, discover the “productivity myths” holding you back, and learn how to overcome them: www.productivitymythsbusted.com.

For more information visit www.homebusinessmag.com and Management Channel. homebusinessmag.com


NYS Corrections Officer also Works from Home Maintaining Great Customer Service Keeps Him Recession-Proof 9By Home Business Magazine


he inspiration to start Tony’s Canvas and Leather really came when Tony O’geen’s son was a young hockey player. He realized there was a real demand for sports repair, and no one around the North Country was offering the services. Tony traveled to Montreal, Quebec to learn the art of Re-Palming Hockey Gloves. From there, he began not only repairing sports equipment but producing quality Custom Sports Bags. While maintaining his growing homebased business, Tony continues to work full-time as a NYS Corrections Officer. He strives to provide his customers with top quality products and services in his home-based business. “Maintaining great customer service is very important to my business,” says Tony. “We answer questions and concerns in a timely manner via e-mail or over the telephone.” Tony thinks advertising is extremely important for any home-based business. He

tries to promote his business through his logos on products, business cards, radio ads, and by putting flyers in with every bag and glove repair to put up in Hockey Arenas. He’s also developed his own web site, tonsycanvas.com, to reach customers worldwide. Word of mouth is still and always will be great for marketing his business. Tony believes local businesses and residents are still his primary buyers. Through his web site, he’s been able to reach more customers locally and nationwide. Tony feels that working with local college hockey teams including St. Lawrence University, Clarkson University, and Potsdam State has propelled his business to the next level. He also continually takes small business courses through the Small Business Administration and Clarkson University. As a full-time corrections officer and father of three, working at home allows Tony to spend time with his family while

Tony’s Canvas and Leather not only repairs sports equipment but produces quality Custom Sports Bags.

maintaining his growing business. His kids enjoy spending time in the shop while learning the trade. Tony really enjoys his homebased business; he is his own boss and sets his own hours. As Tony’s business grows, he’ll have to look into the idea of expanding his shop. He looks forward to continuing his business with his customers from around this great country while opening his business to Federal and State Government contracts.


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| September/October 2009


Tired of Playing the Corporate Game Happy Home Business Owner Never Wants to Return to Her Old Corporate Life By Home Business Magazine


n 2006, Lorraine White knew it was time for a change. As a vice president with a public company, she was tired of playing the game. For over twenty years, she had worked long hours, traveled extensively, and carried a heavy load of responsibility. The change Lorraine had in mind was to find something she could do as a home-based business. Lorraine knew technology had dramatically altered the business landscape. She began researching different opportunities and came across Environmental Waste Solutions (EWS) — a waste management consulting affiliate program that caught her attention. After doing research on the solid waste and recycling industry and on EWS, Lorraine began to understand the potential for this opportunity in the marketplace. So, she signed up for the Affiliate program, attended the training seminar, and began her new career.

Building a waste consulting business took some time and a lot of hard work, but Lorraine’s business did begin to grow and grow. Throughout the entire process, she received great Affiliate support from EWS. It was like having a corporate office to reach out to for guidance and support. Today, Lorraine’s business is thriving, and she still works out of her home office. She has developed a healthy client base that includes large and small businesses in all types of industries. Her clients vary from single grocery store locations to large manufacturing facilities to commercial and residential property management companies. Lorraine believes her company has made a positive impact in her market area, because most of the new business comes through customer referrals. “As a business owner, I recognize the value of this kind of advertising,” says Lorraine. “Nothing speaks louder than a satisfied customer.”

Lorraine White is a home-based affiliate for Environmental Waste Solutions.

Lorraine loves the convenience of working from home. Her operating expenses are minimal, and she is able to work efficiently and effectively with few distractions. “I am in charge of my schedule, my time, and my direction,” says Lorraine. “ Lorraine’s plan is to continue building the waste consulting business for the next several years and then transition to early retirement. All in all, Lorraine says she has made a great decision to start her own waste consulting business. She has never once wanted to return to her old corporate life. Visit www.environmental-waste.com.

September/October 2009 | Home Business




System Mechanic


Tune-Up Your Computer

Weapon of Mass Reconstruction


hile everyone realizes that computers slow down with time, few people know that all it takes is a simple PC tune-up for your PC to run faster, run more efficiently AND save energy. System Mechanic costs less than $50, works on three PCs (i.e. perfect for home businesses), and is easy to use – all your computer’s energy- and timehogging errors are analyzed with one click, and fixed with another. According to System Mechanic, it is the #1 best-selling PC tune-up software in the US, used by more than 21 million users worldwide. iolo labs is conducting detailed research on the energy consumption of 6-month-, 1-year- and 2-year-old PCs and that of a PC that’s been properly tuned up (i.e. unneeded start-up items were removed, Windows registry was cleaned up and compacted, hard drive and RAM defragmented, etc.). The initial savings as a result of PC tune-up amount to $15 a month, that is $180 a year. That might not sound like a lot but for a small business struggling in this economy, being green doesn’t have to be costly — it can be a very efficient way to save a business money. For more information, visit www.iolo.com.

The Accidental Startup Business Basics for the Chance Entrepreneur


midst unstable economic times and spiraling unemployment, people need to count on something—and that something is THEMSELVES! For those motivated to create a rewarding work experience on their own terms, opportunities exist especially during this volatile business climate. In The Accidental Startup, Business Basics for the Chance Entrepreneur, ($18.95, ISBN: 9781592578863, Alpha Books), Danielle Babb, Ph.D., MBA, examines the reasons and motivations that lead to entrepreneurship and plots a step-by-step guide to starting and running a business. As a small business owner herself (www.thebabbgroup.com ), Dr. Dani offers readers first hand knowledge of what it takes to make it on their own. In addition to her own experience, Dr. Dani also provides survey data from small business owners. Whether unemployed due to cutbacks, feeling underemployed in a position that doesn’t utilize one’s skills to the fullest, or fearful of the next round of lay-offs, Dr. Dani helps chart a course in tough economic times and identifies entrepreneurs as risk takers who focus on the possibilities and are willing to put in the hard work to realize the potential rewards that accompany pride of ownership — independence, flexibility, financial security. 70

Home Business


| September/October 2009


n a world battered by economic crisis, Sramana Mitra believes entrepreneurship is the only sustainable path forward to a healthy economic world order. And core to the success of entrepreneurial ventures today is the invigorating art of bootstrapping. Sramana Mitra—a serial entrepreneur, strategy consultant and Forbes columnist—takes aim at this essential route along the roadmap to startup success with Bootstrapping: Weapon of Mass Reconstruction (Entrepreneur Journeys Vol. 2; BookSurge; June 1, 2009; $16.95 paperback). Along with the incisive analysis and commentary that have popularized her blog and Forbes columns, Mitra showcases a dozen successful entrepreneurs and their lessons from the bootstrapping trenches. Overflowing with lively entrepreneurial tangents, theories and behind-closed-doors-experience, the book rises to the level of an economic policy discussion while simultaneously offering practical advice from experienced bootstrappers. “From my perspective it is clear that small business must be a top policy priority,” explains Mitra. “Let us hope that in the coming decade the number of small businesses will double, then triple and quadruple. For here is the most powerful engine of economic growth and sustenance. Here is our way back.”

Nuance’s PDF Converter Save Time with Electronic Documents


hen it comes to software, free isn’t always better. Free PDF tools often lack critical capabilities — they’re just a reader, they convert, but you can’t edit or search, highlight, tag; the list goes on and on. There is an alternative: Nuance’s PDF Converter is a third of the cost of Adobe Acrobat and has the same functionality (even more with its latest version), including everything you need to create, convert, and edit PDF files. Nuance’s PDF Converter 6 includes new features (and STILL at a fraction of Adobe’s cost): ■ Document Assembly – Can build PDF documents faster and easier with “Drag and Drop” assembly, Split by Size option, and more. ■ Scan to PDF – Includes OCR technology with up to 100% accurate searchable PDF. ■ Advanced Web browser support – View a PDF on the Web, then add notes, highlights and save for later. Offers support for both Internet Explorer and Firefox, and is in the process of becoming certified for Google Chrome. ■ Document Comparison – Compare content across PDF and Word formats. ■ Sharepoint support – Complete integration into all leading ECM solutions, now including Sharepoint. For more information visit www.homebusinessmag.com and click the Home Office >> Office Equipment Channel. homebusinessmag.com

Sneak a Start-Up Around Your Day Job! Continued from page 21



Here are some additional considerations in running your business around your day job: * Prevent Burnout – Starting a business while working a regular job and still maintaining a private life, can result in sleep deprivation, lack of focus, and a strain on personal relationships. Discuss your business plans with your family for their feedback and even help or support. Cut-back on non-essential activities; but schedule family/ personal time and vacations to have fun and relieve stress.

* Concentrate on Customers– Marketing daily is a must with any new venture. Strive to build a steady growth of new customers while satisfying your current customers with excellent offerings and customer service. Thank them with special sales, cards, online coupons, and other expressions of appreciation. Encouraging satisfied customers’ word-ofmouth praise and referrals is one of the most effective marketing strategies you can do.

* Get Help, Organize – Delegate tasks to family, or hire experts and/or other entrepreneurs; or barter/exchanges services with them for duties that you do not have to do (or are qualified for) so you can focus on business duties you do best. Prioritize your personal job and business tasks. Automate as much detail work as possible.

* Handling Growth – Growing too fast can often Analyze any typical day at your job, and you will find at least an hour or two you can utilize to run your business lead to business failure. instead of chatting with co-workers, making personal calls, Include a contingent growth or engaging in other non-work activities. sub-plan in your business plan that includes resources and people with whom you can barter time, or even, a period of absence without or subcontract to help you when needed. pay. Though, not all jobs lend themselves to * Plan, Focus – Plan each workday, but stay If your venture starts getting too busy work around a start-up business, more often flexible; and focus your goals on moving your to handle, especially in seasonal ventures, than not with today’s advances in mobile business forward and becoming profitable. consider taking accrued days off, vacation technology, you will be able to find some time during your work day to research, plan, or complete even simple business tasks so you can get your venture launched. Web Answers to 5 Frequently-Asked Home/ Depending on your customer numbers, it may take several years or more before you Small Business Questions** can go full-time with your business; or you Where do I find information about… may prefer keeping it part-time and not have the stress to produce sufficient profits to Q: …operating my business in my state or territory? support you and your family. A: --U. S. – www.usa.gov/Agencies/State_and_Territories.shtml --Canada – www.cbsc.org

Q: …my tax obligations and getting tax ID #s from my state and federal government? A: --Your state’s or territory’s office of revenue --U. S.: www.IRS.gov; --Canada Revenue Agency: www.cra-arc.gc.ca/ Q:…networking with others starting a home business? A: You can sign up for Home Biz Connect, HBM’s “social network for the home-based entrepreneur: http://connect.homebusinessmag.com/ Q: …government grants for small business start-ups? A: Generally such grants are for non-profit organizations; however, there are a number of loan resources. --U. S. govt. loans: SBA Loan Primer http://app1.sba.gov/training/sbafp/ --Canada: Financing Your Business: http://tinyurl.com/mnzrbp


each tech or non“techResearch device to see which ones best fit your schedule, your business and your wallet.

In these unpredictable economic times, having a business on the side may be your “back-up” income should an unavoidable job loss occur. More importantly, you will be giving yourself a golden opportunity to start your entrepreneurial “journey” for generally less money and risk, with the potential for a future lucrative home-based business doing work you really enjoy.

Q: ...qualifying to bid on state and federal contracts? A: --Your state’s or territory’s office of contract opportunities --U. S. government contracts: www.business.gov/expand/government-contracting/ register.html --Canada: http://contractscanada.gc.ca/en/how-e.htm

Priscilla Y. Huff (www.PYHuff.com) welcomes comments at Home Business Connect http://connect.homebusinessmag.com/; and on Twitter: http://Twitter.com/HerHisBizWriter.

**Visit this U. S. Small Business Administration (SBA) page for additional business FAQs: www.business.gov/faqs/

For more information visit www.homebusinessmag.com and click the Start-Up Guide Channel.

Home Business


| September/October 2009


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September/October 2009 | Home Business



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