Home Brews My Records

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SG - FG x .129 = Alcohol Content Labeled # 1 - - William's Stout = 1 Labeled # 2 - - William's Double Stout = 4 Labeled # 3 - - William's Honey Wheat = 2 Labeled # 4 - - William's German Wheat = 1 Labeled # 5 - - William's Raspberry Wheat = 2 Labeled # 6 - - William's Fireside Ale = 1 Labeled # 7 - - William's Blackberry Mead = 1 Labeled # 8 - - William's Apricot Ale = 1 Labeled # 9 - - Northern’s Sweet Stout = 1 Labeled # 10 - Northern’s Tongue Splitter = 3 Labeled # 11 - Northern's Cream Ale = 1 Labeled # 12 - Northern's Winter Warmer = 2 Labeled # 13 - BiLL's Triple Hopped Ale = 1 Labeled # 14 - BiLL's Holiday Mead = 1 Labeled # 15 - BiLL's Holiday Ale = 1 Labeled # 16 - BJJS's Christmas Mead = 1 Labeled # 17 - Belgian Strong Golden Ale = 1 Labeled # 18 - Brewer's Best - Classic English Pale Ale = 1 Labeled # 19 - Northern's Nut Brown Ale = 1 Labeled # 20 - Northern's American Wheat Beer = 1 Lableed # 21 - BiLL's Cherry Mead = 1 Labeled # 22 - BiLL's Black Molasses Mead = 2 Labeled # 23 - Steve's Mead = 1 Labeled # 24 - Brewer's Best / Russian Imperial Stout = 1 Labeled # 25 - BiLL's Log Cabin Mead = 1 Labeled # 26 - Bruce's Concord Grape Mead = 1 Labeled # 27 - BiLL's BlueBerry Mead = 1 Labeled # 28 – BiLL’s New Down State Mead

?????????????????????????????????????????? ??????? 2/23/2003 I went over to Craig's house to help him bottle his Barely Wine. Had one of his Imperial stouts. I really like it!!! **************************************************************************** *********************

William's Double Stout # 1 Started Feb 16, 2002, I used white vinegar to sanitize everything. Had three boilovers that afternoon. I made the mistake of covering the pot.The wort was placed in the sink to cool and took an hour. Fermentation started the second day and went crazy for two days before slowing down.The color was

black, and now is a light brown. Feb.20, 2002 The wort is a dark brown and the bubbles have almost stopped. The temperature is at 70 deg. this morning. Going to move the carboy to the computer room. Feb.27, 2002 The bubbles have slowed to one every minute or so. March 4, 2002 Checked the beer with the hydrometer and it was 1.030 . Jill helped to prime and bottle the beer. It went smoth.I tasted the stout and it's "real good". As for the carboy I think it will make a good coin container. It is a pain to clean, but need to make a batch in the bucket to see how it turns out March 10 2002. I moved the beer from the hall whitch stayed around 65 to 75 deg out to the shop the temp stays between 55 to 60 deg. I had a pint of the stout sitting on the table. It was to much for me and I had to try it. Man it was GOOD!!!! March 15 2002. Craig and Steve stopped and had a few beers. The stout went down easy and put a smile on everyones face. March 16 2002. John Robinson tried the stout and the raspberry wheat. Said it was real good, I think he liked the stout better, I know I do. March 25 2002. Had the last of the stout today. NEED MORE !!!!!!!! ************************************************************************************ **************

William's Raspberry Wheat # 1 Started Tuesday Feb.19,2002 at 09:30. We used Brewer's Edge to sanitize everything this time.The boiling went smoth as Jill helped me this time. "NO BOILOVERS!" This batch made the house smell like a carmel apple. We used the wort chiller on this batch.Sent the cold water in the top and out from the bottom. It cooled the wort in 15 minutes. I can see that the trub settled more when cooled faster, was almost like mud in the bottom of the pot. Two hours after starting the water boiling the wort was in the fermenter.And sitting in the hall beside the carboy of Double Stout.The temp is staying around 65deg. Feb.20,2002 It didn't start working as fast as the stout, but is bubbling at a steady rate. The temperature is up to 70 deg. in the hall, will move it to the computer room with the stout. Feb.27,2002 Bubbles have slowed to a couple every minute. March 4,2002 Labeled # 5 The beer was checked and the gravity was good 1.015 so we primed the beer. I only put half the raspberry flavor in it. Was a lot easier with the bucket over the glass carboy. Took a little longer to drain the beer but the bucket is cleaned and away. The carboy is still soaking. March 10 2002 Move the beer to the shop the temp is cooler out there.55 to 65 deg. March 15 2002. Craig , Steve, and myself had a sampleing day, got a good buzz on and had a good time.

Don't think the raspberry was as popular as the stout. March 16 2002. John said his wife would like this beer. Going to send some back with him for her to try. I think that the next batch I'll only put 1/4 of the raspberry extract in. April 1 2002. The beer is dam good now, not much in the frig anymore. **************************************************************************** ************************

William's Honey Wheat # 1 Started This morning March 16 2002 at 11am. Went faster this time, we know what we are doing, sort of. Letting the malt sit in hot water for a wile helps in getting it all out of the pack when it's time. I changed directions of the water sent the cold water in the bottom and out the top. That cut the cool down time to 11 minutes. The yeast took longer than the first two batches, four days. We will see how it turns out. This wort had a different smell when cooking. March 17 2002. The wort started to work this morning , it is 70 deg. The bubbles are fast and steady. Nicole said it keeps her up at night , it is loud at night when it's all quiet in the house.The plastic bucket is like a drum !! March 18 2002. Going to move the fermenter to the hall outside my room.The temp dropped tp 60 deg lastnight and the bubbles have slowed. I want to make a jacket for the bucket to keep it from getting a fast temp change. March 30 2002. The bubbles are slow and steady. Temp is staying around 60 deg. Aprial 1 2002. Bottled the beer today in 1 hour. I hope it turns out better than it tasted today. It's a light brown in color and real thick. The gravity is at 1.017. April 7 2002. The beer is clearing a lot !! Has an 1/8 inch of steament in the bottles. Going to drop the temp tomorrow morning by moveing them to the shop. April 14 2002. I don't realy care for the honey wheat. Has a lot of carbination, and is real "STRONG" I can feel it hitting me hard. Bruce and his girl friend had one, she said it was strong too. I guess it works, it's just under 5%. April 30 2002. The beer has to much carbination and will foam up real bad. Found out that if you let it sit a minute or two after the top is opened it's not so bad. I still don't care for the honey wheat,or it was a bad batch??? **************************************************************************** *************************

William's Mead # 1 Blackberry Honey April 12 2002 The Mead kit came in from Williams.I got blackberry honey for the mead. Steve came over and we started brewing. Went a lot faster we cooled the pot from the bottom to top. April 14 2002 The mead is bubbleing in sperts every ten seconds or so.

April 15 2002 Put the water bed heater under the wort to raise the temp to 68 - 70 deg. And put a blanket around the three fermenters to keep the light out, heat in too. April 18 2002 The wort is going nuts again. It likes the heat and the extra blanket is blockin all of the light. April 29 2002 I moved the fermenter to the heater room where it will keep at 75 deg. It was getting a little cool in the computer room for it, but it was still bubbleing just slowed down a little the last day or two. April 30 2002 Wort is now going nuts after I moved it to the heater room, it is up to 70 deg May 2 2002. We tranfered it to the second fermenter, and got a sample for us!!!! June 26 2002 Labeled # 7 The mead has picked up a blackberry flaver and is now KICK ASS!!! At 18%!!! **************************************************************************** *************************

William's German Wheat # 1 April 12 2002. I learned to pop the yeast pack when the kit gets here. April 14 2002. Did the wort today, cooled it from the bottom to top. Has a good smell to it, better than the honey wheat.Put about half the trub in the carboy. Got it in the glass carboy because I want to use the bucket for the double stout. Need to make a blanket for the glass to keep the light from the yeast in the wort. April 29 2002. Labeled # 4 We bottled the beer this morning. Did not check the gravity because it was three days over do. Put it out in the shop 60 deg and covered it up. May 14 2002. Drinking the beer and it's good. I like it better than the honey wheat. **************************************************************************** *************************

William's Double Stout # 2 April 12 2002. I popped the yeast pack on the second double stout. April 14 2002. Cooked the wort this afternoon. Cooled it from the top to bottom. Did not get a good break in the wort as when cooled from the bottom to top. April 29 2002. Jill and I bottled the stout this morning. The gravity was right on 1.032. We put it out in the shop where it will keep at 60 deg. in the dark. May 9 2002. Put a few of them in the frig. Not bad but still don't campair to the first batch. May 20 2002. I drank the last of the Stout today. But I forgot that I have a three 7oz bottles on the door of the frig. ************************************************************************************ *****************

William's Double Stout # 3 April 30 2002. Poped the yeast pack this morning. I started the pot of water to boil and opened the kit. Keep forgetting about the yeast takes three days to get ready. Will Do it on Friday that works out

good because it's my next day off. Need to find a better way to open the malt anyway. Maybe a small razer blade??? May 5 2002. Boiled the water in the afternoon for the wort. Steve, Jill and myself teamed up on the pot and made it a lot more fun brewing. I need to change the cooling coil around to cool from the bottom to top. May 21 2002. Bottled the beer today after I got up from a nap. I let the beer drop into the primer to areate it a lot. Put it in the heater room for the 7 days. **************************************************************************** ***********************

William's Double Stout # 4 Aug. 31 2002. Brewed the stout on a low slow boil. Cooled it the same way as the last, it seams to get a better brake that way. The yeast pack was not swelled all the way, but to late now. Will see how it turns out, might take a few more day to ferment. The gravity at the start is 1.072 Sept 1 2002. The wort started to work the next day, and is bubbleing like nuts. Sept 9 2002. The wort has stopped bubbleing, I put the heater on the two fermenters to get it going again. It is 60 deg at night and with the house fan on it gets down to 68 deg in here. Sept 14 2002. The beer is not beer yet, gravity is only at 1.035 so I stered it put the lid back on and let it sit. Sept 17 2002. I checked the wort today, IT'S BEER NOW!!! The gravity came down to 1.028 = 5.67%. This morning we bottled the beer 51 bottles. Labeled # 2 and put in black plastic bag to carbinate & age. Oct. 1 2002 I started drinking the BEER!!!!! I like this stuff !!! Has a real creamy way about it. I think I got the secrate down for this brew. Hope the stout from Northern is as good. Oct. 24 2002. We still have eight double stouts in the frig. Might try one today to see how they are after sitting a few weeks. I almost got one just now but I looked at the clock and it's only 5:00 Am. Think I'll wait because I want to brew today. Before I go to work. **************************************************************************** ************************

William's Fireside Ale # 1 Sept. 1 2002. Started the fireside ale today. The wort has about the best smell to it of all the beers we brewed so far. Has a light red color to it.The gravity is 1.060 at the start of ferment. Sept. 2 2002. It is working faster than the stout at this time. Nicole has to close her bedroom door, she said the noise keeps her up at night. Sept. 9 2002. The nights are cool, 60 deg and the computer room gets down to about 68 deg or so. The bubbles are slowing and I put the heater on the fermenters. Sept. 17 2002. Labeled # "6" on the caps. The finishing gravity is 1.031 = 3.74% We bottled the beer this morning

51 bottles of beer out of this batch. Put it in black plastic bags to carbinate & age. Sept. 23 2002 I sampled a bottle of the ale, good clean red color, nice smell and a good taste. Sept. 30 2002 We took some to Craig's house today. Charlie, Mom, Joan, Craig, and even Dad liked the beer a lot. It didn't last to long, so I guess it was good. I know everybody was laughing loud and haveing a great time. Oct. 23 2002. Jill & I talked about getting more of this ale for Christmas presents. I like that idea, a few for them and a lot for me. Will work out nice, want to try it in glass and see the difference. **************************************************************************** *************************

William's Honey Wheat # 2 Sept. 7 2002. Popped the yeast pack today and waiting for the pack to swell so I can cook the wort. Sept. 10 2002. The first beer brewed on the new stove. 25 minutes to boil the water and 15 minutes to bring it back to a boil after adding the malt and hops. Then dropped the temp to 4.5 on the stove and it was a nice slow boil. Going to use the glass carboy for this batch. Still cooling the wort top to bottom. It's cooled and the gravity is 1.056 at 75 deg. I put it in the glass carboy to ferment. Want to use all glass carboys. Sept. 23 2002 We bottled the beer tonight after dinner. Mom helped me with it, she rinsed the bottles and then filled them. I sanitized the bottles and capped them. Labeled # 3 and put in black plastic bags to carbinate & age. Sept. 30 2002 We took a 12 pack of each beer, to Craig's. The Honey Wheat was not the first to go. I like the ales and stouts better. Mom liked the Honey Wheat. Oct. 3 2002 I gave Mom and Dad a six of the Honey Wheat to take home. **************************************************************************** *************************

William's Apricot Ale # 1 Labeled # 8 Sept. 21 2002. Jill picked out this one. Needed caps and she wanted an Corona bottler opener and cap catcher. Oct. 4 2002. Still waiting on the yeast to swell ??? The kits from Northern swelled overnight on me. Oct. 15 2002. Brewed the kit tonight. It went good because of the new stove. Put the heat on 8.0 after the boil started set the timer and let it go for an hour. Starting gravity 1.043. After pitching the yeast I put the wort in a glass carboy. Oct. 17 2002. The wort started to work sometime lastnight. Bubbleing steady, the glass is not makine a lot of noise like the plastic buckets do. Oct.24 2002. Just a slow bubble on the BEER this morning. Soon time to bottle, Tuesday after work. Oct.26 2002. The bubbles slowed to 12 seconds apart. Still needs a few days of

fermenting. Oct.28 2002. The bubbles in the air lock are at 15.73 seconds apart this morning.03:10Am @ 68 Deg. When I got home tonight the bubbles were 8 Seconds apart @ 73 deg. We Bottled the beer. Nov.3 2002. I opened a bottle and Jill tried it, I got a taste of that bottle. The beer is real good already. Nov.12 2002. We opened a bottle tonight after bottleing and brewing. It is turning out real good with an apricot flavor that is not over powering. It teast better when it's warm. Nov.13 2002 Janice came over and helped stack fire wood today, for a glass of Apricot ale. I can say that she likes it a lot. One glass turned into two, I don't mind, I'm glad she likes it. Dec.21 2002. Steve & Janice stopped over, Janice had one apricot ale. It went down fast so I guess they are good. Need to get more of this one. Got a few of them put aside for Janice when she comes over. I might have to try one, to see how the taste now that they have aged. Feb.27 2003. Two bottles apeared in the fig, when I asked Jill about them she said that they were in her hiding spot??? **************************************************************************** *************************

Northern’s Sweet Stout # 1 Labeled # 9 Oct. 2 2002. The kits came and I popped the yeast pack. When I got up the next day it was half swelled already. By the time I get home from work it will be ready to go. Oct. 3 2002. Got home from work and Jill had the water ready to start brewing. It took a little longer because of the grains I had to steep. I like the malt in the plastic jugs, it was easy to get it all out and not as much of a mess. The starting gravity is 1.052. Oct. 5 2002. The beer stopped bubbleing fast and the temp is just right with the window closed 68 deg. Oct. 21 2002. Mom came down and we bottled the beer tonight. Got two cases plus one bottle of beer out of it. Can't wait to try it. It's real thick and dark, more than the double stuot. Oct.26 2002. I had a bottle of the beer today. It is a creamy stout, real heavy. Not sure about it yet, going to age it and see after a few weeks what it taste like. Nov.3 2002. The beer has a different taste than the double stout I'm drinking. Not sweet but has a dark chocolate flavor to it, almost a coffee taste. **************************************************************************** **************************

Northern’s Tongue Splitter # 1 Labeled # 10 Oct. 2 2002. The first lkits came today. When I got home from work I popped the yeast packs on two.

Oct. 3 2002. Yeast is swelled this morning and ready to go??? Can not beleave it happened that fast. Will have to brew this bacth tonight after work. I got home and Jill had the water ready. I started and in one and a half hours we had two batches brewed. The starting gravity is 1.046. Oct. 8 2002. The beer stopped bubbleing and is just holding pressure on the water, with a bubble every now and again. Need to keep the window closed in the room to keep it at 68 deg. Oct.15 2002. The beer has started to work again. Need to take a reading on it to find out what the gravity is. Oct.17 2002. The gravity is 1.019 and the smell takes your breath away!! 3.483% Oct.21 2002. Mom wants to help bottle the beer, I think she like it. It has a real heavy, hoppy, strong smell. I tryed a sip of it and man is it good. Hope I can wait to try it aged. Oct.26 2002. Steve came over and we had a few of the beers. He was real inpressed with the way it tasted, Had a lot of different flavors to it with every sip. Said the complexity of the beer was inpressing. It's got a body like wheat beer and a clean taste of a light ale. Oct.27 2002 Craig stopped over to have a sample of the beer, and drop off a stopper for a carboy. Took a three bottles over to Craig's house for dinner. Mom and Dad were there, after dinner we opened them. Went over big, it raised the eye brows of everybody there. **************************************************************************** *******************

Sarsaparilla Soda Pop # 1 Oct.16 2002. Jill and I made the sarsaparilla from Northern this afternoon. It went fast and easy, no need to boil the water like with beer. Warm water to start the yeast and four gal of water with 8 cups of sugar and 2 Oz. of soda extract. Bottle and let sit for three days, we put some in plastic bottles to see how long it will take to carbinate. Oct.22 2002. I opened a bottle of it and it's still not carbinated. Has a good flavor, and a nice smell. Not going to do anymore till we get the keg system for it. Oct.26 2002. The plastic bottle is hard but want to wait a few days to let it carbinate more. We tried it and it is still on the flat side, But taste dam good!!!! **************************************************************************** *******************

Northern's Cream Ale # 1 Labeled # 11 Oct.16 2002 Need to order a fermenter for this one. I want to go all glass anyway. Oct.26 2002 I could not wait, poped the yeast pack this morning. Oct.27 2002 Brew day for the cream ale. Going to use a stopper from Craig for a five gal glass carboy. I put the grain into the water at 125 Deg. Raised the heat to 152 Deg then let it sit for 30

minutes. Started the boil and added the rest of the kit. After 55 minutes I put the last of the hops in and the chiller.The wort looks like mud in the carboy. The starting gravity is 1.051 after cooling. I need to get a better way to get a sample, burned my fingers with the baster. Nov.2 2002. I moved the fermenter to the liveing room for the heat. Need to warm up the wort a little. Nov.12 2002. We bottled the beer today. When I added the priming sugar it foamed up and got a creamy look. With a FG of 1.015 that gives us 4.64% alcohol. It smelled like the cream ale I remember Dad drinking. Nov.14 2002. The beer is resting in the hallway. I am going to put all the cases out in the shop today. Dec.15 2002. I had a few of the cream ales and not to fond of them, Jill said just OK, Dad likes them, Mom said they were OK, Craig don't, Steve don't, Janice said not bad. This beer might be around for a while. **************************************************************************** *******************

Northern's Winter Warmer # 1 Labeled # 12 Oct.24 2002. Pop the yeast pack before going to work tonight. Oct.25 2002. Got home at 4:30 Am and the yeast is ready. Going to brew today if I get up in time. Well I got up in time to brew today. It went fast, before I had chance to get the grain in the water was hot. I left the grain sit in the water for 30 minutes with the heat off. The wort has a nice dark red color to it, and the smell of the three kinds of hops boiling, are great. Starting Gravity is 1.084, this one is going to be a long hall so I'm fermenting in glass. Nov.2 2002. I moved the fermenter out in the liveing room across from the stove. This room was getting to cold at night for the wort to work. It looks like stout in the carboy this morning. Nov.6 2002. I checked the beer today because the bubbles have stopped for three days now. The gravity is at 1.023 that puts it at 7.869% alc. Now it's time to wait for ageing. Will bottle it today I got everything ready to go. Nov.12 2002 I opened a bottle of the warmer tonight to try after bottleing the cream ale, and cooking the wort for the Bill's triple hopped ale. It was like the book said, dark like a stout but not as thick an heavy, leaveing me feeling warm. Nov. 24 2002. Janice tried the warmer and said it made her eyes go funny?? Said it was good but strong. Nov.29 2002. Dad and I were out in the shop sampleing and he said it was good, made him smile. Gave mom a taste and it opened her eyes. The warmer is getting better you can taste the alcohol in it now. Dec.21 2002. I had one when watching a movie and it made me all warm inside. Could tell I had something, the taste is good and clean. Not much sediment in the bottles and pours to a nice head. ****************************************************************************


BiLL's Triple Hopped Ale # 1 Labeled # 13 Oct.24 2002.Ordered the kit today. Nov.1 2002. The kits came in today and I poped the yeast on this one, will see how long it takes to swell. Nov.7 2002. The yeast pack has started to swell today. Should be ready in a day or two. Nov.12 2002. Brew day, Jill started the water for me this morning before I got home from work. Time to experiment!!! I did the kit same but into the boil I added 1.5 teaspoon of table sugar. That should raise the SG and it did. Next I added one cinnamon stick to the wort 30 minutes into the boil with the second hopps. I hope the yeast will handle it. I did a hard boil in the last 15 minutes and colled from the top down. The SG is 1.069. Nov.24 2002 Jill and Janice bottled the beer today.Steve came down too, by the time we had smoke Jill and Janice were done. FG is 1.023 = 5.90% The kit calls for 3.5% so I did something right, if it taste good after ageing. Dec.22 2002. I had a glass with Steve last night. The beer is starting to age nice and the taste is comming along great. I realy like this beer, but need to get the alcohol % up. Dec.31 2002. This one didn't make it to the new year. After the first one they went down a lot faster. When I went out to the shop to get another they were gone. Guess everyone that was here to get a teast for it. The canned beer we got was the last to go. People wanted the home made. **************************************************************************** ********************

BiLL's Holiday Ale # 2 Labeled # 15 Oct.24 2002 Ordered the kit today.Want to try something different with this batch??? Don't know yet but we'll see. Might try a little more sugar in this to bring up the starting gravity a little. That should raise the alcohol a bit. Nov.13 2002 I poped the yeast pack yesterday morning and it ready to go. Have been sitting them on the fish tank light, the warm helps out, or the little guys just like it there. Nov.14 2002. I made the wort today. After the malts and before the first hops I added 2 cinnamon sticks, 1 teaspoon of ground nutmeg, and 1 teaspoon of ground ginger. OG = 1.084 Nov.24 2002. Bottled the beer today, FG is 1.033 that is 6.579 % Nov.30 2002. Dad and I opened a sample bottle lastnight, it was OK still needs to age a little. Nice amber color, the sediment in the bottle was not hard yet, and some of the yeast got into the glass. Dec.12 2002. Had a few of them lastnight, getting better. Has a strong taste and smell of alcohol, don't do bad on your head too. A few is all you need to get happy !!!

Dec.21 2002. Steve stopped by with Janice and had a glass. He was impressed with the taste. Dec.31 2002. This was another that dissapeared over the holidays. I did a good job putting this one together. Next time I will cut back on the spices a little. Have a few bottles left and might try some in a few weeks. **************************************************************************** ********************

BiLL's Holiday Mead # 1 Labeled # 14 Nov.13 2002. I started the mead this morning. Got the pot boiling and added 5 cinnamon sticks, 1 teaspoon of ground cloves, 1 teaspoon of ground ginger, 1 teaspoon of ground nutmeg, the skin of 1 orange. I boiled that for 15 minutes then added 192 oz. of wildflower honey and got it boiling for an hour. I added 2 teaspoons of table sugar 30 minutes into the boil. The SG is 1.102, the highest I have ever made. I might need to distill this batch !!! Hi Hi Nov.30 2002. The mead is still working strong, the bubbles in the airlock are the same as when it started. Dec.4 2002. Steve came over and we transfered the mead to the second fermenter. We had to sample and it was good, you can still taste sweet in it. The gravity is now 1.016 = 11.09% and still have a month to go. It seems like there is a lot of water came out of this batch I started with 5 gal and it's down to about 3. Dec.15 2002. The mead is still working slow and steady 1.76 seconds between bubbles. Dec.22 2002. I checked the temp under the fermenter's nighty and it's 65.7 deg. Need to get them to a warmer place to sit till they warm up to 75 degrees. Jan.23 2003. We bottled the mead today. FG = 1.002 @ 65 Deg. = 12.9% Not bad, now comes the hard part, "WAITING" **************************************************************************** *********************

BJJS's Christmas Mead # 2 Labeled # 16 Nov.28 2002. Going to name this one after everyone who had a hand in it,BiLL,JiLL,Janice & Steve. Jill and Janice went to a store down state and got the orange honey, Steve ordered the yeast. He dropped the high gravity ale yeast from White Labs, off to me at work today. It will support up to 25% alcohol and should make some dam good mead. Just need to make another trip to get more honey and a few other things. Nov.30 2002. Jill, Nicole and I went to the country store down state where she found the Oarnge Blossom Honey. I got raisins, lemon, apple, and oarnges for the must. So far we spent $51.69 on this batch. I started with boiling water and added 14.24 ounces of seedless raisins, sliced up one large oarnge, one

lemon, one red delisous apple. Got that boiling and added 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg, 3/4 teaspoon ground ginger, plus two cinnamon sticks we had leftover. I got that boiling for 25 minutes then dropped the temp to 184 deg before adding 240 ounces of orange blossom honey,that dropped the temp to 165 deg.I keeped the must at that temp for 20 minutes, this is called flash pasteurization. The honey is never boiled. Then strained it into the prineing tank added the rest of the water then into the carboy. I am going to let it cool outside that should take a few hours, so I can pitch the yeast at 85 deg. I had a sip of it from the sample glass and it's real DAM GOOD!!!!! OG = 1.117 !!!!! that is the highest yet !!! Dec.5 2002. The must started out going to town and I had to use a blow off tube, all the water in the bubbler blew out on me and you can hear it hissing. Dec. 7 2002. I put the airlock back on and it's still going strong but the water is staying in the air lock. Dec.15 2002. The bubbles are at a slow steady pace now 13.96 seconds apart. Looks like it might stall. Dec.21 2002. Steve & Janice stopped by and we had to sample the mead. Got a smile on Steve's face when he took a sip. And the glass didn't last, I was going to split it between us but didn't get a chance. Feb.15 2003. Steve & Janice came over and we bottled the mead. Had a few samples, Man is this one ever good. It warms you belly like brandy and has an orange after tast. This is going to be a hard one to save and age. Should be ready by summer. FG = 1.023 @ 66.5 Deg. = 12.25% But it warms you up better than the last batch. Feb.24 2003. Had a bottle today, the teast is starting to mellow out, not as sweet as it was when we bottled. It don't take a lot of this to put you out. Charlotte and Nelson said they don't like it. Dad likes it, said it was real good with a smile. **************************************************************************** **********************

Belgian Strong Golden Ale #1 Dec.19 2002. Today the beer kit came. And I'm looking forward to makeing it. Dec.21 2002. I poped the yeast pack lastnight before I went to bed, & put it on the fish tank light. It was ready when I got up today. Got the water up to 125 deg before I sweeped the grains. I held it at 140 deg for 15 minutes then took it slowly to 170 deg. The water turned a dark golden color, I removed the grain & added the clear rock candi. Then turned the heat back on and raised the temp to 210 deg before adding the powdered malt extract. That is when it turned into mud!!! I hope it clears up. Added the hops after the boil started and at 55 minutes. I cooled it from top to bottom. Dumped it to the priming bucket and pitched the yeast. I used super yeast from White Labs. OG = 1.085.

Dec.22 2002. The wort started working strong this morning. Jan. 8 2003. I racked the beer and cleaned the fermenter. Added the priming sugar and put it back into the fermenter to work some more. It's at 11.8 % now and should go to 18 or 20%. Feb.15 2003. Steve had a glass of this one before we bottled mead and beer. All he keeps saying is it's dam good. **************************************************************************** **********************

Brewer's Best - Classic English Pale Ale Feb. 5 2003. Today Jill and I went to How Do You Brew and got a kit and some other suplies. I started at 2pm and took the water to 97 deg before I added the grains. Let it sit there for 25 minutes then slowly raised the temp to 155 deg. Held it there for 15 minutes. The to 170 Deg. for 15 minutes. That made a good start nice and dark from the grains, got a lot out of them. I added one cup of table sugar and boiled that for 10 minutes. From there I added 1 gal of water and got that boiling. Added the Light Liquid Malt Extract, 1 oz. of Yakima Magnum hops. Boiled for a minute or so and added the dry malt extract, with 1 oz.of Columbus hops.Boiled for 30 minutes and added 1.5 oz.of Willamette hops, and 1 oz. of Perle Bittering hops. boiled for 45 minutes then cooled from top to bottom. I used White Labs - Hight Gravity Ale Yeast # WLP099. OG is at 1.051, if I get a good drop it will be around 10 to 12% Alcohol. Feb. 15 2003. Steve an I bottled this one. He had a glass of the Belgian Strong Golden Ale when they first got here. I had a few stouts and was not thinking eather. We forgot to check the gravity!!!!! But going by the smell it's up there with the rest I have been maken. That is around 12% to 14% range. Will see in a week or so, I can check it after it ferments and get a close reading. Feb.24 2003. The beer takes some getting used to. It's good but bittie, real hoppy teast. **************************************************************************** *****************************************

Northern’s Tongue Splitter #2 Nov.21 2003 Started after work this morning. Got the water up to 100 deg and added the malt the the grain and took it to 165 Deg. Stayed at 165 to 170 for 15 minutes before goting to a boil. Dec. 25 2003 It has been sitting in the bottles in the liveing room for two weeks now. Am going to try a bottle today!!! I opened a bottle while brewing the Nut Brown Ale. It's good and had a few more, 5 so far. **************************************************************************** *****************************************

Northern's Winter Warmer # 2

Nov. 21 2003 Started the winter warmer next and it went well. The wort foamed over and out the top over night. Dec. 25 2003 Going to check today, have a sip and maybe bottle it. I bottled the beer tonight before starting the Nut Brown Ale. It has a good smooth flavor. **************************************************************************** *****************************************

Nut Brown Ale #1 Dec. 25 2003 Popped the yeast packs this morning. Would like to start it today if I get time. The yeast took off in about two hours and is ready to go. I started the wort at 6 Pm. Got the water 170 deg then started seeping the grains. Keeped it there for 30 minutes before takeing it to a boil. I moved it to a primeing tank and added cold water, that dropped the temp to 102 deg and I put it into the carboy. The glass dropped the temp a little more to 98 deg. I let it cool on the table for three hours then pitched the yeast. **************************************************************************** *****************************************

American Wheat Beer #1 Dec. 25 2003 Popped the yeast pack today on this one too. Might not wait for it to swell and make it today. 4 hours after popping the yeast pack it's ready. Dec. 26 2003 Today I made the wort. Let it cool in the kitchen, slow in the fermenter before adding the yeast 5 hours later. Dec. 27 2003 The wort is working fast today, almost blowing the water out of the bubbler, as is the Nut Brown Ale doing the same. I stopped checcking the OG & FG on the last four batches. The alcohal level is above what it's calling for anyway. All I know is if I hold the water at 169 to 170 deg for 30 minutes while steeping the grain I get all the starch out of them before the boil. Sept. 24 2004 - We had a few of them. The aged well and had a good teast. **************************************************************************** *******************************************

BiLL's Cherry Mead # 1 Sept. 24 2004 - We found Dutch Gold Clover Honey at Cosscos. Got 30 Lbs to get started on some mead. I made the must this evening, got the boil going and added the honey, also put the juise for 4 lbs jar of cherries in it. Boiled for 45 minutes, then went to a hard boil the last 15 min.Let it cool in the carboy over night before adding the yeast. S.G.-112.9 Sept. 25 2004 - Useing White Labs Sweet Mead Wine Yeast # WLP720. Added the yeast and put the covers on set them in the liveing room for the long haul. March 12 2005 - The cherry mead is OK the alcohol is up there with the rest but the flavor is not there.They all have been racked off and in the second fermentation. April 16 2005 - We bottled the meads and put them in the frig overnight. I

went to sears and got a house water filter and filtered the mead through it. That worked great. **************************************************************************** *******************************************

BiLL's Black Molasses Mead # 1 Sept. 24 2004 - I used Dutch Gold Clover Honey and started just after the cherry must was done. I added 2 tablespoons of black molasses to the must and boiled for 45 minutes. The last 15 I took it to a hard boil the cooled over night in the carboy. S.G.-111.6 Sept. 25 2004 - Useing White Labs Sweet Mead Wine Yeast # WLP720. Added the yeast and put the covers on set them in the liveing room for the long haul. March 19 2005 - The Black Molasses Mead is the best of them all so far. When anyone comes over they want this one. Going to check the Alcohol today.They all have been racked off and in the second fermentation. April 16 2005 - We bottled the meads and put them in the frig overnight. This one is 27%Alcohol at the time we racked it off. I went to sears and got an inline house water filter and filtered the mead through it useing air pressure. That worked great. **************************************************************************** *******************************************

Steve's Clover Mead # 1 Sept. 24 2004 - I called Steve and told him about the honey. While I had all the stuff out and sterll if he got 15 lbs of it we would made a batch for him. So as soon as the black molasses must was done and in the carboy I started to boil water for him. He added 1 cup of table sugarat the middle of the boil. We did the same as the other 2 must and let it cool over night in the carboy.S.G.-111.4 Sept. 25 2004 - Useing White Labs Sweet Mead Wine Yeast # WLP720. Added the yeast and put the covers on set them in the liveing room for the long haul. March 21 2005 - Steve likes the plain mead. They all have been racked off and in the second fermentation. Need to check the alcohol on the three batches today. Gravity is 104.1@ 75deg. 9.417% **************************************************************************** *******************************************

BiLL's Black Molasses Mead # 2 March 21 2005 - Started out this one with boiling water. Added 20 lb Dutch Gold-Clover honey, 32 oz. Golden Barrel unsulfured supreme baking molasses, and 2 cups of sugar. I let it just under a boil for 45 minutes then put it into the fermenter to cool outside. 7 gal of water is in the carboy. S.G. is @ 113.3 I am going to add a cup of mead from the last batch with the White Labs Sweet Mead

Wine Yeast # WLP720 to see if it will take off. April 19 2005 - I moved the must into another carboy letting it drop to aerate it and added #WLP099 High Gravity Ale Yeast from White Labs. Now it's just a waiting game. April 27 2005 - We went today and picked up 20 lbs of Dutch Gold-Clover Honey, 24oz. Golden Barrel Unsulfured Supreme Black Molasses, 5 oz corn sugar, 2 oz corn syup, 1 table spoon of Bulliard's Louisiana Supreme Hot Sauce. Then put it all in the 15 gal carboy to work. July 9 2005 - Have been hitting the mead hard, IT"S DAM GOOD!!! Going to check the gravity today and see. The last time I check it was at 27%, but didn't record it. Will not forget today!!!! July 25 2005 - Bottled 24 12Oz bottles, 1 16Oz and 1 1liter today. Put the rest into a keg on tap. I cleaned up the beer chiller and hooked it up. Will see what CO2 dose to the mead. It's at 31% when I tested it this morning. **************************************************************************** ********************************************

Russian Imperial Stout #1 April 16 2005 - We went to how do you brew and ordered the 15 gal fermenter and picked up some hight gravity yeast. April 19 2005 - I started early 07:00 heating 2 gal of water up to 161.7 deg. Then 1 lb. of crushed crystal 60L malt into one seeping bag and 8 oz. of crushed roasted barley and 8 oz. of black patent malt into another. Letting them soak at that temp for 35 minutes. Bring the "almost wort" to a boil then added 6.6 lbs. of dark malt extract along with 2 lbs. of dark spray-dried malt and let that boil for 55 minutes. Going to jazz it up a bit with 1 oz. columbus hops for the nose and 1 oz. yakima magnum hops for the bittering! I upgraded to White Labs #WLP099 High Gravity Ale Yeast.S.G. is at 1.082. April 20 2005 - The wort went crazy this morning , foaming up and blew the top off hitting the ceiling and made a mess. It was so loud Jill heard it out on the back porch and came in to see what was going on.We moved it to the kitchen sink and let it sit there all day. The top blew off once more that afternoon before slowing down. I finaly got water to stay in the air lock. **************************************************************************** *********************************************

BiLL's Log Cabin Mead #1 July 8 2005 - Started this afternoon with a trip to Costco to get 60 lbs of clover honey and 128 fl. oz. of log cabin maple syrup. Batch one, 35 lbs Dutch Gold Clover Honey, 128 Fl Oz Log Cabin Original Maple Syrup, 1 tablesoon Red Cayenne Ground Pepper, 2 latels Vanille Extract. 170 deg for 45 minutes then a hard boil for 20 minutes. add to the big fermenter and wait for it to cool.S.G. = 1.121 Going to use the yeast

that I have been growing on top of the kitchen frig in 26% mead. August 8 2005 - Going to raise the room temp up a few deg. it is at 68 deg now. I am going to get it to 70 deg. today and see how it acts. The yeast is going strong but could be going faster I think. Got a lot of foam on the top and witht the narrow neck it is working though the top half of the must. **************************************************************************** **********************************************

Bruce's Grape Mead # 1 July 9 2005 - Started out not knowing what kind of mead to make today. Talking to Bruce and all he said was grape!!! So off to the store I went. We got the honey yesterday, Dutch Gold Clover Honey 15 lbs. 34.5 Fl. Oz. of Welch's Concord Grape Frozen Concentrated Juice Cocktail. Light boil for 45 minutes then a hard boil the last 15 minutes. Let cool and add water to make 5 gal and put into carboy. Useing the same yeast from the top of frig. S.G.=1.127 August 8 2005 - Going to raise the room temp up a few deg. it is at 68 deg now. I am going to get it to 70 deg. today and see how it acts. The yeast is going strong but could be going faster I think. **************************************************************************** ***********************************************

BiLL's BlueBerry Mead #1 August 6 2005 - Started out with 2.75 lbs fresh blueberries in 1 gal water. Heated them to 170 deg for 15 minutes, then boiled them hard for 10 minutes. Added 12.5 lbs Dutch Gold Clover Honey, and got that to a light boil for 1 hour. Then a hard boil for 10 minutes and turned off the heat. Let the must sit for 45 minutes to cool a little. Straining that into a bucket and add the rest of the water to get 5 gal. Mixing and transfer to a carboy. Let that sit overnight before pitching the yeast. S.G.=1.095 August 7 2005 - I took a sample of the grape mead with the active yeast and added it to the carboy. August 8 2005 - The Yeast is working, getting a slow bubble in the airlock. Going to raise the room temp up a few deg. it is at 68 deg now. I am going to get it to 70 deg. today and see how it acts. **************************************************************************** *******************************

Whats Next ????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????? **************************************************************************** **************

BiLL’s Down State Mead 12-17-07 Started the wood stove and got a pot of filtered water going. Then added 15 lbs of orange blossom honey and simmered for 1 hour, with 2 tablespoons of ground cinnamon, 2 tablespoons of vanilla & ½ teaspoon of ground nutmeg. And a 15 minute hard boil and transfer to carboy and let sit to cool and wait for the yeast.

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