Holly Upchurch

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Vol. XXXVIII • No. 8 • April 25, 2008

“Among Friends” Four weeks ago I asked a handful of FBC’s leaders to join me at Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church for an evening with George Bullard. George helps congregations discern the future that God has in mind for them. He has been called one of the most experienced and effective church consultants working in the United States today (and he happens to be Shellie Johnson’s uncle!). Joining me at Glenn Memorial were Beth Smith, Galen Swint, David Bennett, Kurt Varney and Ryan Forbes. Harriet and Wilson Holland also were there (Harriet is the Director of The Glenn School). Below are some of Beth Smith’s reflections on the evening. From Beth Smith: On March 28 I joined Glenn Memorial UMC leaders in their ministry and strategic planning session with George Bullard who has 37+ years of wisdom and experience in leading churches from stagnation through preservation and into new life in Christ. Wow! George’s session exceeded my expectations and set me to thinking about how his presentation relates to our congregation. I’d like to share four of George’s ten “congregational issues for generative dialogue” and how, together, these four areas impact a congregation’s decision making: 1. Visionary Leadership—the congregation has a strong, clear and passionate sense of who they are, what they value, where they’re headed and how they are getting there. 2. Relationship Experience— encompasses evangelism, discipleship development and lay mobilization. 3. Programmatic Emphases—includes the congregation’s programs, ministries, and activities designed to meet real, identified spiritual, social and emotional needs of people. 4. Accountable Management—includes the congregation’s teams, committees and boards. Ideally the management systems support the visionary leadership efforts of the pastor, staff and congregational leadership. In fact, the management systems within a church should be so agile that visionary leadership can take us, unhindered, to where God is leading. We were asked to envision these four areas as passengers in a car: In the most vibrant, thriving, healthy churches the car’s driver is Visionary Leadership (Prov. 29:18, 2 Cor. 5:7), the navigator is Relationship Experience, the backseat passenger behind Visionary Leadership is Accountable Management, and the backseat passenger behind Relationship Experience is Programmatic Emphases. The idea is that management provides the infrastructure behind visionary leadership so that vision can soar God-ward. Accountable Management is accountable to Visionary Leadership, not the other way around. If, however, Vision rests and takes a nap in the back seat, Management drives. If Relationship rests and takes a nap in the back seat, Programs navigate. So—whom do you think is driving and navigating at FBC Decatur? Who is providing infrastructure and support? How are we making decisions? Hmmm…I’m thinking a lot about this and hope you will, too. Beth Smith, Finance Committee Vice-Chair

Welcome New Members!

John Stanfield April 6, 2008 (by baptism)

Gib Stanfield April 6, 2008 (by baptism)

Kate Crabtree Chris and Amanda Faulkner April 6, 2008 (Chris by statement; (by baptism) Amanda by baptism)

Rick and Tanya Rodriquez, Mia and Ana April 13, 2008 (by letter)

Glen and Cherie Bennett, Elizabeth April 13, 2008 (by statement)

Diane (Alta) Headen April 20, 2008 (by letter)

Upcoming Wednesday Night Schedule April 30-God is Alive in Thailand! Images and stories from the Thailand mission team. May 7—Micro-Trends for churches: Stained Glass Ceiling Breakers led by Lou Ann Brown May 14—Little Ones Praise God! FBC children’s music ministry night. May 21—Micro-trend for churches: Working Retired led by Larry Connelly May 28—Yard Sale Prep and Prayer

Congregational Life Casual “Meet & Greet” Opportunity with Sharyn Dowd--Saturday, May 3 Because some FBC folks will not be able to attend the combined Bible study gathering on May 4, there is an additional opportunity to visit with Sharyn over a cup of punch on Saturday afternoon, May 3, from 3:00-4:00 in the church parlor.

Prayer Concerns as of April 21, 2008

Special Combined Sunday School Gathering—Sunday, May 4 On May 4th all adult and youth Sunday School classes are invited to gather in Carreker Hall for a light breakfast and Bible study taught by Sharyn Dowd. Coffee and a continental breakfast will be available starting at 9:30 (Fresh Start worship will take place on the front lawn that day). Bible study will begin at 10:00. At 10:40 the congregation will be asked to vote on the recommendation by the Deacons that Sharyn be called as Minister of Adult Spiritual Formation and Mission Engagement. Please note that we will not be voting in either worship service—only during the Sunday School hour.

In The Hospital: ▪ Bill Trawick, Emory, ICU-G-217. ▪ Louise Blackledge, DeKalb Medical, Room 3203 ▪ Tyler Cagle, ICU, Phoenix, AZ ▪ Maxine Westmoreland, Emory. Sympathy To: ▪ The family of Charles Pritchard. ▪ Mrs. Bob Battle on the death of her daughter, Gloria Priest.

Administrative Professional’s Day Wednesday, April 23, is Administrative Professional’s Day! We have a great administrative staff at First Baptist Church of Decatur who are always willing to go the extra mile. Our support staff is made up of Nancy Norman, Beth Thompson, Amy Russell, and Holly Upchurch. They help keep our church running and the information flowing. The next time you get a chance, be sure to thank these terrific people for the part they play in the ministry and mission of our church.

Tithes & Offerings

Parents’ Night Out-This Friday—6:00-9:00p! The Spring Parents’ Night Out is this Friday, April 25 from 6:00-9:00 and is offered to children from 3 months-5th grade. If you are able to volunteer for this event please contact Debbie Britt, [email protected] or 404-373-1653. We need at least 75 volunteers to help us make this event a success! Celebrating our Sunday School Volunteers—This Sunday This Sunday following 11:00 worship, we will celebrate all that God is doing through our gifted Sunday School leaders. Lunch will be provided at no cost for all Sunday School volunteers and their families. Please RSVP to the church office so that we can prepare enough meals— 404-373-1653. Mission Ministry Team Meeting The next Mission Ministry Team Meeting will be Wednesday, April 30, 2008 at 7:30 pm “Big Band” Evening on our Front Lawn—Friday, May 2, 6:30p Don’t miss FBC’s annual Big Band concert and dance with The Atlanta 17! Bring your own picnic supper. The concert is free but there is a $10 reservation fee if you’d like a table and 8 chairs reserved in your name. The church will furnish bottled water and soft drinks. The event is open to the entire church family and Decatur community. Dress is casual. Tables can be reserved until April 30 or until we run out of tables. Sponsored by Young at Heart (a ministry of FBCD). Graduate Recognition Day—May 4 On May 4th in both worship services we will recognize all those who are graduating! Will you send us your name and information? We’d love to publish your accomplishment and celebrate with you as a congregation. Please email Amy Russell in the church office. ([email protected]) Help a Hagar’s House child go to summer day camp! It costs $125 per child per week for a Hagar’s House child to go to summer day camp. If you would be willing to help a child attend day camp this summer please send a check to the finance office with “Hagar’s House Summer Day Camp” indicated on the check. Housing Needed for Summer Missionaries The Moncrief Center is seeking housing for three summer missionaries (two females, one male) in the Decatur/Tucker/Chamblee, East Point/Hapeville/College Park area, or anywhere reasonably accessible to MARTA. The students arrive near the end of May and stay through the end of July. FBC Decatur member Tara Jonick is Director of the Moncrief Center. Contact her at [email protected] or at 404-580-6692. Decatur Cooperative Ministry Volunteer Needs DCM is looking for Financial Management Teachers that could guide clients through a curriculum designed to both teach financial skills and to provide support to those struggling financially. The sessions would be three evenings in a row, several time a year. Additional training is provided if you are willing to teach. If interested contact Rachel Small, DCM volunteer manager at 404-377-5365.

A Generous People 2008 Ministry Action Plan Weekly Need: .....................$ 27,361 Received on Apr. 6: ............$ 37,484 Received on Apr. 13: ..........$ 14,843 Y-T-D Need:.....................$ 410,420 Y-T-D Received: ..............$ 350,610 Surplus/(shortfall):.............. (59,809) Net Income at 3/31/08 ........$ 25,333 “Years of Opportunity 2007-09” Campaign Given to Date:...................$ 294,745 Bank Loan Balance:..........$ 271,229 Owed to FBC Fdn.:...........$ 180,000

Wednesday Dinner Menus April 30 Beef Tips in Mushroom Gravy, White Rice, Italian Cut Green Beans, Carrot Raisin Salad, Yeast Rolls, Fruit Cocktail Cake Kid’s Menu Turkey and Cheese Sandwiches, Vegetable Soup, Ice Cream Bars May 7 Fried Chicken Tenders w/ Honey Mustard, Potato Salad, Italian Cut Green Beans, Salad Bar, Yeast Rolls, Apple Pie Kid’s Menu Chicken Nuggets, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Yeast Rolls, Fresh Fruit

Youth Sp•t Our youth have been shaken by the recent accident that one of our former youth/youth interns suffered. This tragedy has helped our youth pull together for special times of prayer in the past week and we are sponsoring a 24 hour time of prayer for Tyler. Times like these are good times for reflection on the relationships in our lives. We ask that you keep the youth and Tyler in your prayers over the coming months as Tyler recovers and as we embark on a summer filled with ministry and mission. If you want to keep up with our youth ministry you can visit our website! www.decaturyouth.org Important Summer Youth Dates Yard Sale (May 29-May 31) Junior/Senior Retreat (June 6-June 14) Intown Mission Week (June 22-June 28) Out of Town Mission Week (July 12-July 19) Beach Retreat (August 3-August 8)

Kid’s Zone The kids’ summer beach trip is coming up soon. They will be heading to Jekyll Island from June 1-June 6. If you are interested give Debbie Britt a call in the church office, 404-373-1653. Thank you to our extended session volunteers! Apr. 27 Eargle Perry R. Leeth Henderson

May 4 Herndon Williams Minor Visser

May 11 Bigbie Kennedy Palmer Milton

This summer our youth will be involved in all kinds of things that are designed to help them become intentional followers of Christ. These are things that happen each week like Sunday Morning Bible Study and once a year events like Intown Mission Week, Out of Town Mission Week, and the Beach Retreat. Some of these things are very inexpensive and some of them end up costing a good bit of money! We have been blessed in the past by a successful Youth Yard Sale that helps cover most of our youth ministry costs and we are looking forward to another successful Yard Sale this year. Our Yard Sale Opens at 7:00 AM on Thursday, May 29 and closes around noon on Saturday, May 31, 2008. This is not only an incredible fund raiser it is also a way for youth to grow a strong community and see the blessings of God who is the only one who can make this happen each year. As always, we need your help to make this year’s sale a success! We need your prayers --- prayers for good weather and safety and financial success. This event is also a big outreach event for our church. Each year we have shoppers who end up coming to church and some of them have made First Baptist Church Decatur their church home. We still need your donations and the donations of your friends and family. Remember that we are always available to come and get your donations! We also can use your help sorting and pricing over the next month. You can come in almost any day and work on the sale --- just call Kurt and find out what to do when you arrive. We are also thankful for your donations of bottled water and snacks for the week --- these can be brought to the church office at anytime. We will be having a special church wide work day and time of prayer on Wednesday, May 28! Look for more details in your next Outlook! The Outlook, a publication of the First Baptist Church of Decatur, Georgia, is mailed to members and friends of the First Baptist family. Main Office......................................404-373-1653 Finance.............................................404-370-7694 First School ......................................404-370-7688 Activities ..........................................404-373-2442 FAX ..................................................404-370-7692 Debbie Britt .....................................404-373-1653 Ryan Forbes.....................................404-370-7690 Julie Pennington-Russell.................404-370-7684 Kurt Varney......................................404-373-1653 Bob Williamson ...............................404-370-7687 Computer Connections: Website—http://www.fbcdecatur.com E-Mail—[email protected]

The Outlook, USPS 600-320, is published bi-weekly, except Christmas week, by First Baptist Church Decatur, GA Postmaster: Please send address changes to First Baptist Church, 308 Clairemont Avenue, Decatur, GA 30030

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