Hmt Labor Welfare

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  • Words: 1,221
  • Pages: 33

Shagun Gupta

Company Profile of HMT Ltd  Incorporated as first Machine Tool Manufacturing Company in 1953.  Company has its Headquarters at Bangalore.  Company pursues strategies as development of Brand Equity, interface with regulatory agencies etc.  Company produces products as machines, watches, tractors, bearings etc.

Different HMT Units  HMT Machine Tool : Manufacturing units are located at Bangalore, Kalmassey, Hyderabad, Pinjore and Ajmer.  HMT Watches : Manufactured at Bangalore, Tumkur, Ranibagh and Srinagar. Today is “ Time Keeper of Nation”.  HMT Tractors : Started manufactuing tractors in 1971 and today has manufacturing units at Pinjore and Hyderabad.

Corporate Objectives and Goals of HMT  To achieve market leadership in India.  To encourage modernization of Indian Industry.  To maintain technological leadership of the Company.  To globalize the Company’s operations.  To ensure growth of Company’ s Stock Holders.

Industrial Relations “Industry” refers to any productive activity in which an individual (or group of individuals) is/are engaged. “Relations” are the relationships that exist within the country between the employer and his workmen. Thus, Industrial Relations explain the relationship between employees and management which stem directly or indirectly from union-employer relationship.

Industrial Relation : 3 Perspectives  Unitary Perspective : Management and all members of the organization work together towards the shared mutual goals.  Pluralistic Perspective : Approach sees conflicts of interests and disagreements of profits as normal and inescapable.  Marxist Perspective : It focuses on fundamental division of interest between capital and labor and assumes conflict in employment relationship is reflective of structure of society.

Functions of Industrial Relations  Establish communication between workers and management.  Establish rapport between managers and the managed.  Ensure creative contribution of trade union to avoid industrial conflicts.  To promote understanding and co-operation to raise industrial productivity.

Grievance Handling at HMT  “Sangh” has been established to address the various grievance issues of the employees.  The employee can present his/her grievance to immediate superior, Head of Department, Divisional Head and General Manager/Managing Director in succession if not satisfied with the solution provided by the predecessor.  Company considers and processes all grievances carefully in accordance with the provisions of the procedure.

Labor Welfare at HMT  A residential colony of 1100 houses for employees and 2 schools for educating their children.  Two clubs – Officer’s Club and Sports Club where sports activities are organized.  Two Co-Operative societies namely Employees CoOperative Consumer Society and HMT Employees Thrift & Credit Society are in service of Employees of HMT.  3 Banks namely UCO, PNB and HDFC are in service of employees of HMT.

Safety Measures

 Fencing of Machines.  Provision for excessive light.  Appointment of Safety Officer.  Availability of device for cutting off power.  Proper maintenance of floor and stairs.  No young person working on dangerous machines.

Strengths of HMT  Proper organization structure for smooth working of the employees.  HMT takes care of the employee welfare.  There is proper delegation of Authority and Responsibility.  Provides good canteen facility at all working hours.  There is proper channel of Communication i.e. top to down and down to up.

Weaknesses of HMT  Facing financial crises.  Due to non revision of wage, Employee turnover is high.  Due to lack of Working Capital, production is hampering.  Government is not making any revival policy for this loss making PSU.  Company is unable to continue some basic facilities which were earlier started.

Research Methodology Objective of the study : 1.To study the measures of labor welfare and status of Industrial Relations in HMT Ltd, Pinjore. 2.To know the satisfaction level of the employees towards labor welfare measures adopted in HMT Ltd, Pinjore.

Scope of study : Employees of HMT, Pinjore. Sample Size : 50 Employees Type of Data : Primary Data Sampling Technique : Convenience Sampling Technique Statistical Tools used : Pie Charts

Analysis Organization gives freedom to employees use their skills in your area of job.



44% 42%

Strongly agree Agree Strongly disagree Disagree

Company communicates every new change to employees that occurs

Strongly agree Agree 10%

Strongly disagree



Feedback given to employees by their supervisors about the work done M o tiv a tin g D e m o tiv a tin g

31% 44%


N e u tr a l

Does management provides any recognition for good work


Strongly agree Agree Disagree



Employees relation with their immediate superiors 8%

G ood S atis fac tory Uns atis fac tory



Are employees at HMT satisfied with their Jobs 6%


Strongly agree Agree D isagree


How employees perceive medical reimbursement scheme of the Company 8%



Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory


How is the Transport Facility of the Company





Exec el l ent Good Sat i s f act or y Uns at i s f ac t oy

How are the safety measures adopted by the Company

2% 29%


Ex el l ent Good Sat i s f ac t or y 31%Uns at i s f ac t or y

How are the wage policies adopted by the Company

Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory 10% 18%


How do employees perceive the training provided in the Company 2%



Good Average




How are the welfare activities provided by the Company 4%

E xc e lle nt




Good A ve ra g e Poor

44% F req ue ntly

S om e tim es 56%

Research Findings 10% employees are of the opinion that some facilities started earlier by management have been withdrawn due to loss making PSU.  42% employees are of the opinion that organization provides freedom to use their skills for the growth of the organization.  57% of the employees are of the viewpoint that every new change at HMT is being communicated to them.

 44% employees feel that supervisors provide motivating feedback for their work done.  89% employees feel that recognition is given to them for their work done.  59% employees have good relation with their supervisors.  86% employees are satisfied with their jobs at HMT.  46% employees feel that medical reimbursement scheme of HMT is good.  56% employees are of the opinion that HMT has good transport facility.

 38% employees feel that HMT has good safety measures.  72% employees are unsatisfied with the wage policies adopted by the Company.  53% employees feel that HMT provides good training to its employees to achieve the goals.  40% employees feel that HMT has good welfare activities.

Suggestions  Enforcement of Discipline.  HMT should try to create a sense of belongingness among its employees by introduction of new schemes and facilities.  HMT should follow the policies laid with full devotion which will be helpful for the Company in the long run.

Sample size is small so results can not be generalized. Time was the biggest constraint for carrying out the survey.  Employees were hesitant to give full and accurate information sought. Thus, an element of bias may be there. 

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