Hmm: Theorical Recall And Application

  • June 2020
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Hidden Markov Model: theorical recall & applications Introduction to HMM and using of it in speech synthesis context

Claudio Zito

Overview HMM as statistical signal models From MC to HMM. Example: coin toss Three basic problems for HMMs Short introduction to TTS systems HMM-based speech synthesis system Claudio Zito

Overview HMM as statistical signal models From MC to HMM. Example: coin toss Three basic problems for HMMs Short introduction to TTS systems HMM-based speech synthesis system Claudio Zito

Why HMM? The model is very rich in mathematical structure and hence can form the theorical basis for use in a wide range of applications The model, when applied properly, work very well in practice Claudio Zito

Introduction Real-world processes osservable outputs characterized as signal

generally produce which can be

Discrete or continuous Stationary or non-stationary Pure or corrupted

A problem of fundamental interest characterizing such real-world signals terms of a signal models Claudio Zito

is in

Introduction Deterministic approach: the model generally exploit some know specific proprieties of the signal (the signal is a sin wave, sum of exponetials, ecc). All that is request is to estimate values of the parameters of the signal model (e.g. amplitude, frequency, etc.) Statistical approach: the model tries to characterize only statistical proprieties of the signal (Gaussian processes, Poisson processes, Markov models, ect.) Claudio Zito

Introduction Deterministic approach: the model generally exploit some know specific proprieties of the signal (the signal is a sin wave, sum of exponetials, ecc). All that is request is to estimate values of the parameters of the signal model (e.g. amplitude, frequency, etc.) Statistical approach: the model tries to characterize only statistical proprieties of the signal (Gaussian processes, Poisson processes, Markov models, ect.) Claudio Zito

Introduction The underlying assumption of the statistical model is that the signal can be well charaterized as a parametric random process, and that the parameters of the stochastic process can be determinate (estimate) in a precise, well-defined manner

Claudio Zito

Markov Chain  Consider a system with N distinct states S1, S2,…,SN  At regularly spaced discrete times, the system undergoes a change of state in according to a set of probabilities associated with the state. Claudio Zito

Markov Chain  Let denote the time instances associated with state chances as t=1,2,…  Let denote the state at time t as qt  A full probabilistic description of the system would, in general, require specification of the current state (time t) as well as all the predecessor states  Special case of first-order Markov Chain this probabilistic description is truncate to just current state and its predecessor state P[qt = Sj | qt-1 = Si, qt-2 = Sk, …] = P[qt = Sj | qt-1 = Si] Claudio Zito

Markov Chain  Process is independent of time by leading to the set of state transition probabilities aij of the form: aij = P[qt+1 = Sj | qt = Si], 1 ≤ i,j ≤ N  State transition coefficients having the follow proprieties since they obey standard stochastic constraints aij ≥ 0 ∑Nj=1aij = 1 Claudio Zito

Overview HMM as statistical signal models From MC to HMM. Example: coin toss Three basic problems for HMMs Short introduction to TTS systems HMM-based speech synthesis system Claudio Zito

Extension to HMM We extend the concept of MC to include the case where the observation is a probabilistic function of the state The resulting model is a double embeded stochastic process with an underlying stocastic process that is not observable (hidden), but can only be observed through another set of stocastic processes that produce the sequence of observations Claudio Zito

Coin toss model Assume the following scenario: you are in a room with a barrier through which you cannot see what is happening. On the other side of the barrier is another person who is performing a coin (or multiple coins) tossing experiment. The other person will not tell you about what he is doing exactly, but only the result of each coin flip

Given the above scenario, the problem of interest is how do we build an HMM to explain the observed sequence of heads and tails Claudio Zito

Coin toss model: how many state?

 In Fig (2) a 2-state model, each state One choice would bea corrispond to  In The Fig phisycal (3) mechanism a that 3-state to assume different, biased, coin. a which model. accounts This formodel how single biased coin  Each state is state transitions corrisponds to usingare 3 was being tossed characterized by and a selected could biased coins,itself be probability distribution and model a setweofcould choosing from indipendent among of andbased tails, and the situation a coinheads the three, tossed, orwith some on transition between 2-state model (i.e. other some probabilistic event states are characterized heads or tails) by state transition matrix. Claudio Zito

Coin toss model which model best match? It should be clear that the simple 1-coin model has only 1 unknown parameter; the 2-coin model has 4 unknown parameters; and the 3-coin model has 9 unknown parameters.

It mught be the case that only a single coin is being tossed, then using the 3-coin model would be inappropriate, since the actually physical event would not corrispond to the model being used Claudio Zito

Elements of an HMM  N, number of states in the model  Single states as S = {S1, S2,…,SN}  The state at time t = qt  M, the number of distinct observation symbols per state  Single state as V = {V1, V2,…, VM}  The state transition probability distribution A = {aij} where aij = P[qt+1 = Sj | qt = Si], 1 ≤ i,j ≤ N  The observation symbol probability distribution in state j, B = {bj(k)} where Bj(k) = P[Vk at t|qt = Sj], 1 ≤ j ≤ N, 1 ≤ k ≤ M  The initial state distribution π = {πi} where πi = P[q1 = Si], 1≤i≤N Claudio Zito

Elements of an HMM

Claudio Zito

Elements of an HMM Given appropriate values of N, M, A, B and π, the HMM can be used as generator to give an observed sequence O = O1O2…OT As follows: 1. Choose a initial state q1 = Si in according to π 2. Set t = 1 3. Choose Ot = Vk according to bi(k) 4. Transit in a new state qt+1 = Sj in according to aij 5. Set t = t+1; return to 3) if t < T; otherwise terminate the procedure  For convenience we use the compact notation λ = (A, B, π) 

Claudio Zito

Overview HMM as statistical signal models From MC to HMM. Example: coin toss Three basic problems for HMMs Short introduction to TTS systems HMM-based speech synthesis system Claudio Zito

The three basic problems for HMMs 1. Given the observed sequence O = O1O2…OT and the model λ = (A, B, π), how do we efficiently compute P(O| λ)? 2. Given the observed sequence O = O1O2…OT and the model λ, how do we choose a corrisponding state sequence Q = q1q2…qT which is optimal in some meaningful sense? 3. How do we adjust the model parameters λ = (A, B, π) to maximize P(O| λ)? Claudio Zito

To fix ideas: simple isolated word speech recognizer  Idea: for each word we want to design a separate N-state HMM  Input: the speech signal of a given word represents as a time sequence of coded spectral vectors  Task 1: to optimally estimate model parameters for each word model (problem 3)  Task 2: to segment each of the word training sequences into states, and then study the spectral vectors’ proprieties that lead to the observations occurring in each state (problem 2)  Task 3: once the set of HMMs has been designed and optimized, recognition of unknown word is performed (problem 1)

Claudio Zito

To fix ideas: simple isolated word speech recognizer

Claudio Zito

Output probability of HMM

Claudio Zito

The three basic problems for HMMs 1. Given the observed sequence O = O1O2…OT and the model λ = (A, B, π), how do we efficiently compute P(O| λ)? 2. Given the observed sequence O = O1O2…OT and the model λ, how do we choose a corrisponding state sequence Q = q1q2…qT which is optimal in some meaningful sense? 3. How do we adjust the model parameters λ = (A, B, π) to maximize P(O| λ)? Claudio Zito

Solution to the evaluation problem We wish calculate the P(O| λ) The most straightforward way is P(O|Q,λ) = Πt=1TP(Ot|Qt,λ) that involves O(2TNT) calculations A more efficient procedure is called “forward-backward procedure” that involves O(N2T) calculations Claudio Zito

Forward-backward procedure  Forward variable αt(i) defined as αt(i) = P(O1…Ot,qt=Si|λ)  We can solve αt(i) inductively, as follows:  Initialization α1(i) = πibi(O1), 1 ≤ i ≤ N  Induction αt+1(j) = [∑j=tN αt(i) aij ]bj(Ot+1), 1 ≤ t ≤ T-1, 1≤j≤N

∑ =S P(O QP(q t+1 j|λ) 1…O t,q t=S i|λ) P(qt+1=Sj|  Termination qt=S i) P(O|λ) = ∑j=1N αT(i) Claudio Zito

Forward-backward procedure  backward variable βt(i) defined as βt(i) = P(Ot+1…OT|qt=Si,λ)  We can solve βt(i) inductively, as follows:  Initialization β1(i) = 1, 1 ≤ i ≤ N  Induction βt(j) = ∑j=1Naij βt+1(i)bi(Ot+1), t = T-1,T-2,…,1 1≤i≤N

 Backward part is not strictly necessary to solve the evaluation problem, but it will be used to help solve the learning problem Claudio Zito

The three basic problems for HMMs 1. Given the observed sequence O = O1O2…OT and the model λ = (A, B, π), how do we efficiently compute P(O| λ)? 2. Given the observed sequence O = O1O2…OT and the model λ, how do we choose a corrisponding state sequence Q = q1q2…qT which is optimal in some meaningful sense? 3. How do we adjust the model parameters λ = (A, B, π) to maximize P(O| λ)? Claudio Zito

Solution to the decoding problem  We wish calculate the “optimal” state sequence associated with the given observed sequence  One possible optimality criterion is to choose the states qt which are individually most likely… problem: the “optimal” state sequence may not even be a valid state sequence  A widely used reasonable criterion is to find the single state seq (path) which maximizes P(Q|O, λ), and equivalentely P(Q,O|λ) (Viterbi algorithm) Claudio Zito

Viterbi Algorithm We need to define the quantity δt(i) δt(i) = maxpathP[q1…qt=Si,O1…Ot|λ] where path = q1…qt-1 By induction we have δt+1(j) = [maxjδt(i)aij]bj(Ot+1) And then, we need to keep track of the argument which maximized the formula above, per each t and j. We do this via ψt(j) Claudio Zito

Viterbi Algorithm  It is similar in implementation to the forward calculation  Major difference is the maximization in the recursion step over previous states which is used in place of the summing procedure Claudio Zito

The three basic problems for HMMs 1. Given the observed sequence O = O1O2…OT and the model λ = (A, B, π), how do we efficiently compute P(O| λ)? 2. Given the observed sequence O = O1O2…OT and the model λ, how do we choose a corrisponding state sequence Q = q1q2…qT which is optimal in some meaningful sense? 3. How do we adjust the model parameters λ = (A, B, π) to maximize P(O| λ)? Claudio Zito

Solution to the learning problem  We wish a method to adjust the model parameters (A, B, π) to maximize the probability of the given observed sequence  There is no known way to analitically solve the problem  Given any finite observation sequence as training data, there is no optimal way of estimating the model parameters  We can choose λ = (A, B, π) such that P(O| λ) is locally maximized using  Iterative procedure (Baum-Welch)  Gradient techniques

Claudio Zito

Baum-Welch algorithm 

 

A set of reasonable parameters are





(easily to calculate by using forward and backward variables) The iterative procedure using reestimated parameters improve the probability of O being observed from the model until some limiting point is reached Procedure output is called maximum likelihood estimated by HMM

Claudio Zito

Notes on reestimation procedure Forward-backward algorithm leads to local maxima only The reestimation formulas can be interpreted as an implementation of EM algorithm Claudio Zito

Overview HMM as statistical signal models From MC to HMM. Example: coin toss Three basic problems for HMMs Short introduction to TTS systems HMM-based speech synthesis system Claudio Zito

History and development of speech synthesis The earliest efforts to produce synthetic speech were made over two hundred years ago. In St. Petersburg 1779 Russian Professor Christian Kratzenstein explained physiological differences between five long vowels (/a/, /e/, /i/, /o/, and /u/) and made apparatus to produce them artificially

Claudio Zito

History and development of speech synthesis  A few years later, in Vienna 1791, Wolfgang von Kempelen introduced his "Acoustic-Mechanical Speech Machine", which was able to produce single sounds and some sound combinations.  Kempelen started his work before Kratzenstein, in 1769, and after over 20 years of research he also published a book in which he described his studies on human speech production and the experiments with his speaking machine.  The essential parts of the machine were a pressure chamber for the lungs, a vibrating reed to act as vocal cords, and a leather tube for the vocal tract action. By manipulating the shape of the leather tube he could produce different vowel sounds. Consonants were simulated by four separate constricted passages and controlled by the fingers. Claudio Zito

History and development of speech synthesis  In about mid 1800's Charles Wheatstone constructed his famous version of von Kempelen's speaking machine.  It was a bit more complicated and was capable to produce vowels and most of the consonant sounds. Some sound combinations and even full words were also possible to produce.

Claudio Zito

History and development of speech synthesis  In late 1800's Alexander Graham Bell with his father, inspired by Wheatstone's speaking machine, constructed same kind of speaking machine.  Bell made also some questionable experiments with his terrier. He put his dog between his legs and made it growl, then he modified vocal tract by hands to produce speech-like sounds Claudio Zito

History and development of speech synthesis  First device to be considered as a speech synthesizer was VODER (Voice Operating Demonstrator) introduced by Homer Dudley.  VODER was inspired by VOCODER (Voice Coder) developed at Bell Laboratories in the mid-thirties.  The original VOCODER was a device for analyzing speech into slowly varying acoustic parameters that could then drive a synthesizer to reconstruct the approximation of the original speech signal. Claudio Zito

History and development of speech synthesis

Claudio Zito

Text-To-Speech system  Modern speech synthesis technologies involve:  Front-end  Analyses text and converts to linguistic specification

 Back-end  Converts linguistic specification to speech  Formant synthesis  Concatenate small pieces of pre-recorded speech  Generate speech from a model

Claudio Zito

From words to linguistic specification

Claudio Zito

Concatenative corpus-based unit selection TTS  Waveform is made by concatenating different acoustical units form a database  No digital synthesis  Pro  More natural voice

 Cons  Large database  Target and concatenation cost  Speaker dipendent Claudio Zito

Overview HMM as statistical signal models From MC to HMM. Example: coin toss Three basic problems for HMMs Short introduction to TTS systems HMM-based speech synthesis system Claudio Zito

HMM-based TTS system (HTS)  It can generate various voice characteristics  The system overview  In the training part, spectrum and excitation parameters are extracted from speech database and modeled by context dependent HMMs.  In the synthesis part, context dependent HMMs are concatenated according to the text to be synthesized. Claudio Zito

From linguistic specification to speech /dh/

Claudio Zito





HTS implementation on Festival  Training data: 524 sentences from CMU Communicator database  HMM input: speech signal was sampled at 16kHz, windowed by a 25-ms Blackman window with 5-ms shift. Melceptral coefficients were obtained by mel-celptral analysis technique  Architecture: 5-state left-to-right HMMs with single diagonal Gaussian output distribution  HMM output: spectrum part and excitation part of the waveform  Each context-dependent HMM corrisponds to a phoneme-sized speech unit Claudio Zito

HMM-based TTS system (HTS)  Synthesis part performs  An arbitrarily given text to be synthesized is converted to a context-based label sequence.  According to the label sequence, a sentence HMM is constructed by concatenating context dependent HMMs.  State durations, mel-cepstral coefficients and values including voiced/unvoiced of the sentence HMM are determined so as to maximize the output probability for the HMM Claudio Zito

HMM-based TTS system (HTS)

Claudio Zito

Summary  state-of-the-art unit selection speech synthesis can generate naturalsounding high quality speech  human-like talking machines require to generate speech with  arbitrary speaker's voice characteristics  various speaking styles including native and non-native speaking styles in different languages  varying emotional expressions  it is still difficult to have such flexibility with unit-selection synthesizers, since they need a large-scale speech corpus for each voice  By statistical parametric speech synthesis based on HMMs  Original speaker's voice characteristics can easily be reproduced  Using a very small amount of adaptation speech data  It still difficult generate a natural-sounding high quality speech Claudio Zito

References  L.R. Rabinier. A tutorial on Hidden Markov Models and Selected Applications in Speech Recognition. In Proceeding IEEE, 77(2):257-285, 1989  K. Tokuda, H. Zen, A.W. Black, AN HMM-BASED SPEECH SYNTHESIS SYSTEM APPLIED TO ENGLISH, 2002  History and Development of Speech Synthesis, url: st/chap2 .html HMM-based  Speech Synthesis System (HTS), url:  Effective Multilingua Interaction in Mobile Environments (EMIME), url: Claudio Zito

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