Hll Resource2804[1]

  • June 2020
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Tender for supply of LABOUR for Hindustan Latex Limited, Kakkanad Factory Cochin special Economic zone Cochin.

Tender No: HL/KFC/HRD/01

Dated : 04.12.2008

Tender No : HL/KFC/HRD/01/2008

Dated : 04.12.2008

TENDER NOTICE Sealed and superscribed tenders are invited in prescribed format (Schedule A) for undertaking Secondary Packing and allied works in Testing and packing areas of male and female condoms Hindustan Latex Limited, Kakkanad Factory, CSEZ, Cochin. The tender conditions are available with the tender form as Schedule A, B,& C. Interested bidders, may submit the duly filled tender format (Schedule A) quoting their lowest rate for the supply of manpower as per the requirement from Kakkanad Factory, Cochin (KFC) on a day to day-basis for a period of one year from date of finalization of the tender. Tender documents can be had from HR Department of Peroorkada Factory on all working days between 10.30 AM and 3.30 PM on producing receipt for Rs.725/-(including Tax) to be paid in the Accounts section of Peroorkada Factory towards cost of the Tender Documents. The tender documents are available in Company’s website www.hindlatex.com. also. Those who down load the Tender documents from the website shall ensure that the Tender contains DD for Rs. 725/-drawn in favour of Hindustan Latex Limited payable at Thiruvananthapuram towards cost of Tender form. The Tenders note accompanied by the DD or receipt for Rs. 725/- will be summarily rejected. The Offers should include the minimum rate for the supply of manpower (inclusive of ESI, PF Bonus, Income tax and other statutory payments as applicable). The offer shall be submitted to the DY.GENERAL MANAGER (HR), HINDUSTAN LATEX LIMITED, PEROORKADA FACTORY, PEROORKADA.P.O, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM –695 005 The last date of issue of Tender documents The Last date of receipt of Tenders Date of opening of Tenders

: 15.12.2008 at 3.30 PM : 30.12.2008 at 2. PM : 30.12.2008 at 2.30 PM

The Unit Chief of PFT reserves the right to cancel or reject this Tender fully or partially, without assigning any reason and his decision on this will be final and binding on all Tenderers.


(SCHEDULE A) TENDER FORM Sub : Tender for outsourcing of secondary packing works and other non perennial works of male and female condom testing and packing at KFC. With Reference to the tender notification dated ………………………. Published in the daily, I submit any offer for kind consideration. 1.Name and Address of the Tenderer


(a) Telephone No. : Land Line


Mobile No


(b) Fax No


(c) E mail : (d) Name of contact person with: Mobile no if any ( in case of Organization) (e) Whether individual / Proprietary: 2.

If Society / Partnership Firm / Company etc. (a) Whether registered


(b) The Act under which registered: (c) Registration no and date: (d) Name and designation of: Person who signs the tender.


Experience : (Minimum two years experience in : Engaging contract workers in Govt./ PSU Institutions. Specify the name of Institutions where workers were engaged & Also attach copies of proof).



Are you registered with PF & ESI ? If yes, the code No: s (a) EPF (b) ESI If No, can you take them within one Month once the contract is awarded.

: :

(a) No and date of License if any obtained Under the provision of Contract Labour (R&A) Act,1970.


Please attach attested Photocopies of the License. (b) If there is no License , do you agree To take License within two weeks of Awarding the work, if the work is awarded to you.



Do you agree to fully comply with the provisions of all relevant laws in respect to Labour, Payment of wages Act, minimum Wages Act, Payment Of Bonus Act etc.


I/We shall engage labours for doing Secondary packing operations and other non- perinnial works of male and female condoms testing & packing as and when required by the company @ Rs…………………. (Rupees……………… ……………………………………………………only) per man day inclusive of all payments- statutory and other wise.


I have fully understood the terms and conditions and liabilities of a contractor and here by agree to sign an agreement with the company Accordingly the above mentioned rate is quoted.

Place : Date :

Seal (In case of Society or Organisation/ Voluntary Services)


Schedule -B HINDUSTAN LATEX LIMITED (Government of India Enterprise) Kakkanad Factory, Cochin TENDER NO: HLL/KFC/HRD/01/2008

Dated :04.12.2008

MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR QUALIFYING THE TENDER 1. The tenderer should be able to undertake the secondary packing works as given in SCHEDULE A, B, & C. 2. The tenderer should have movable/ immovable property worth minimum Rupees 5 lakhs in his/her/organization name. The Bid should accompany documentary proof/ copies of documents such as ownership certificate, encumbrance certificate and copies of the Tax receipt last paid with respect to the movable and immovable property (ies) owned by the tenderer. 3. The tenderer should provide security by Cash Deposit/ Bank Guarantee from Nationalized/ Scheduled Bank for an amount of Rupees One lakh before commencement of the work, if the work is awarded. 4. The Bid should accompany a DD drawn in favour of M/s. Hindustan Latex Limited, payable at Thiruvananthapuram for Rs.10,000/-, or receipt for the same amount remitted in the Cash Counter iof KFC or Peroorkada Factory, Thiruvananthapuram towards Earnest Money Deposit, failing which the Tender will be summarily rejected. 5. A Declaration from the tenderer that the offer submitted is as per the requirements given in this Bid is to be attached along with the Bid. 6. The tenderer should have minimum One year experience in carrying out Labour contracts in State / Central Government Depts. or PSUs. 7. The Tenderer should comply with all requirements of GMP and Drugs Control Rules & Regulations. 8. However Minimum Eligibility Criteria (2) and /or (3),(4) & (6) above may be waived by HLL in the case of Registered Societies formed by the Exemployees of HLL or Association formed by the Ex-employees of HLL, charitable societies and Self Help Groups and charitable societies functioning under the auspices of Government Local Bodies.

Schedule - C HINDUSTAN LATEX LIMITED (Government of India Enterprise) Kakkanad Factory, Cochin TENDER NO: HLL/KFC/HRD/01/2008

Dated :04.12.2008

GMP REQUIREMENTS 1. SANITATION & HYGIENE All persons prior to employment shall undergo Medical examination produce fitness certificate from registered medical practicener from a and shall be free from contagious diseases. Periodical medical examination shall be there at least once in a year. People who come in contact with the product shall wear protective devices like cap. Before entering to manufacturing area personnel shall wear clean clothes. Smoking, eating, chewing pan/ tobacco and drinking shall be strictly prohibited in the work area. 2. STORAGE CONDITIONS. Packaging materials should be stored in a clean dry insect free area and protected from direct sunlight, heat and mechanical damage. Hygiene condition should be ensured. Crowding causes mix-ups and hence designated should be assigned for assigned for various activities. 3. PROCESS CONTROL & DOCUMENTATION It should be ensured that all operations are conducted properly by controls such as training, supervision and inspection. Documented procedure should be there for all the operations and proper control shall be there to ensure that the product consistently meet the required specifications.

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