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Herald Journal

Monday, Nov. 9, 2009 www.Herald-Journal.com


Volume 92, Number 18

Serving the communities of Howard Lake, Lester Prairie, Mayer, New Germany, Waverly, and Winsted, Minnesota


A welcome home 40 years overdue

Photo by Linda Scherer

Paul Paradis holds the medals he earned for his service in the Korean War from January 1951 to September 1952.

By Kristen Miller knows what it was like com- job,” he said. Staff Writer Gene Lorentz of Howard ing home. Today, communities em“Being in the military Lake served in the Marines, brace soldiers returning home (during the Vietnam era) and was in Vietnam from from war with reverence for made you a target of being 1965 through 1966. serving their country. This, a part of the system (governUpon returning, Lorentz however, was not the case for ment),” Keith said. remembered being spit on and Vietnam veterans. given the finger. “We were seen “We werenʼt welcomed as promoting “None of us were there home,” said Harvey Mauk, the war,” Keith because we wanted to be,” an Army veteran from How- said, “and we Lorentz said, who joined ard Lake who was drafted in werenʼt. We the military to fulfill a mili1966, and served two years were just tary obligation he felt he in Vietnam. doing had. With Vietnam being an o u r Unlike veterans today, unpopular war, protestors Lorentz agrees with against the war would spit at his comrades that the returning veterans and call Vietnam era veterans them baby killers, Mauk exwerenʼt given credit plained. for what they did. “If you were a VietOperation nam veteran, you Homecoming werenʼt nothing,” In 2005, Holt Tour he said. and Charter orgaSteve Keith nized a trip to Branof Cokato son, MO, where a was a Marine busload of Vietnam and served in era veterans would Vietnam from get a “welcome March 1969 to home,” 40 years April 1970. During the event, Steve Keith of Cokato and Gene Lorentz overdue. He, too, LATE THANKS, Page 22A of Howard Lake got to meet Gov. Tim Pawlenty.

The Depot and Lester’s Liquor close in Lester Prairie Submitted photo

During an award ceremony at the Pentagon Oct. 20, Dave Paschke (center) stands with under-secretary of the Army, Dr. Joseph Westphal, and captain of Troop A, John Poindexter. Paschke’s unit received a presidential citation for heroic actions March 26, 1970.

Two men who came home to Winsted from two different wars appreciate late recognition By Linda Scherer Staff Writer Two men returned to Winsted following two different wars. Both men felt lucky to be returning home from the battlefield and were ready to get on with their lives. They did not expect any kind of recognition or thank you for serving their country. Actually, both men wanted to forget the war had ever happened.

But when recognition came many, many years later, each of the men was honored and appreciative of the gesture. Paul Paradis of Winsted served in the Army in Korea during the Korean War. On the 50th anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean war, the president of the Republic of Korea, Kim Dae-jung, sent a letter and medal to every American veteran of the war telling them of his “deepest gratitude for their LATE RECOGNITION, Page 12A

By Ivan Raconteur Staff Writer The sign in front of The Depot and Lesterʼs Liquor in Lester Prairie tells the story of another business that appears to be a casualty of the economic downturn. Customers who arrived at the business last Monday morning were greeted with a locked door. Later, the sign in front of the business confi rmed that the business is closed. The business has been a gas station since Henry Wiedenroth purchased the old Lester Prairie depot from the Burlington Northern Railway and moved it to its present location southwest of Lester Prairie on McLeod County Road 1. The original 24-by-60-foot building was put on a new foundation and a 16-by-30foot addition was added, according to the book Lester Prairie Community 1886Photo by Ivan Raconteur 1986. The sign in front of The Depot and Lester’s Liquor in Lester Prairie DEPOT, Page 17A is evidence of another casualty of the economic downturn.

Two of three levy questions pass on HLWW ballot Precinct breakdown

Total voter turnout was about 40 percent for this off-year election season

Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted

www.herald-journal.com Pageviews this week: 25,954 Visits this week: 10,048

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HOWARD LAKE Question 1: ............................ 779 ................ 322 Question 2: ............................ 649 ................ 449 Question 3: ............................ 611 ................ 478

By Lynda Jensen Editor Voters in the Howard LakeWaverly-Winsted School District approved the first two questions on the ballot Tuesday – saying yes to the renewal of an existing levy and to an inflationary rate increase – but no to the third question of replacing an existing $50 per-pupil-unit levy with a $150 per-pupil-unit levy. The third question failed by only 84 votes. Unofficial election results for the operating levy questions are as follows: Question one passed, with a grand total of 1,399 yes votes and 801 no votes. Question two passed, with a grand total of 1,117 yes votes and



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WAVERLY Question 1: ............................ 295 ................ 195 Question 2: ............................ 233 ................ 255 Question 3: ............................ 234 ................ 250 WINSTED Question 1: ............................ 325 ................ 284 Question 2: ............................ 235 ................ 373 Question 3: ............................ 203 ................ 404 Source: HLWW School District

1,077 no. Question three failed with a total of 1,048 yes votes and 1,132 no votes. For voter turnout, about 40 percent of registered voters showed up at the polls. At the Howard Lake polling location, the total number of voters who turned out was 1,101, which is 44 percent, according to

People & Events . . . . . 2-4A General News. . . . . . . 5-17A Dining & Entertainment . 17A Viewpoints . . . . . . . . . 19A Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8B Churches. . . . . . . . . . . 20A Sports. . . . . . . . . . . . .1-5B Schools. . . . . . . . . . . 6-7B Public Notices . . . . . . 9-17B Classifieds . . . . . . . . 18-20B

HLWW district secretary Marilyn Greeley. In Winsted, the total number of voters who turned out was 610, which is 37 percent. For Waverly, the total number of voters who turned out was 492, or 37 percent. In 2007, Greeley noted that the voter turnout at that time was about 33 percent. This was

NEWS/FEATURE Many activities are taking place during Veterans Day

Check out comments The HJ Blog has recorded 55 comments so far regarding the HLWW ballot results. Go to www. herald-journal.com.

an off-year referendum for an HLWW levy, similar to the 2009 referendum. During the off-year election in November 2003, Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted attracted a voter turnout of 81 percent, to vote down a building bond that would have placed a k-12 school building between Howard Lake and Waverly.

Summary of questions The following is an explanation of each ballot question on this yearʼs referendum: Question one The first question voters approved proposes to extend the districtʼs current $500-per-pupil levy for 10 years. This is an existing levy that the district is asking to renew, and it doesnʼt result in

an increase in taxes. If this question passes, annual taxes for a $100,000 home will decrease by $2, because the districtʼs tax base is spread over more people than in previous years. Question two The second question proposed adding an inflationary rate to question one, and could only pass if the first question passes. “By putting the inflationary factor on there, itʼs one way for us to keep up with increases in fuel and other expenses that happen on an annual basis,” board member Al Doering said during a presentation to the Waverly City Council Oct. 13. Question three Question number three proposed taking away the existing $50-per-pupil-unit levy and replacing it with a $150-per-pupil-unit levy. The existing levy expires at the end of the 2011-12 school year.

OBITUARIES • James Edmonson, 62, Annandale • Erla Mae Quick, 91, Cokato • Raymond Schermann, 59, Winsted • Ruth Gutzmann, 84, Waconia

Page 10-11A Page 21A


Veterans to be honored Wed. In November 1919, President Wilson proclaimed Nov. 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day. The original concept for the celebration was for a day observed with parades and public meetings. On June 1, 1954, the United States Congress officially recognized Nov. 11 as the day to honor American veterans of all wars. Information regarding observances this week by local Legion posts appears on special recognition pages in this weekʼs paper.

LP play set for Friday and Saturday The Lester Prairie Drama Club will present “Youʼre Only Young Once” Friday and Saturday, Nov. 13 and 14 at 7:30 p.m. in the Lester Prairie School gymnasium. This comedy is about the sheer insanity of high school life and its societies. The plot is a simple one of lifeʼs little complications, romantic entanglements and academic pressures. Please see the article on the Schools Page. Admission is a free-will donation.

Founder of arts center to speak in Winsted The Winsted Arts Council has scheduled an open meeting Saturday, Nov. 14 at 1 p.m. in the City Hall Vollmer Room, where the founder of the New York Mills Regional Cultural Center, John Davis, will share his experiences about starting a cultural center in New York Mills, MN. Refreshments will follow the meeting.

Turkey dinner in Waverly Waverly Lions, Waverly Boosters, and American Legion Auxiliary will host a turkey dinner Saturday, Nov. 14 from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Waverly KC Hall. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children 10 and under. Carryouts are also available. There will also be bingo at 7 p.m.

Steak, shrimp dinner Sat. Prairie Archers will host a steak and shrimp dinner Saturday, Nov. 14 at the Dodge House, Lester Prairie from 5 to 8 p.m. Steak and shrimp combos are $12, steak $10, and pork chop or shrimp dinners $8. Call in reservations before 6 p.m. Friday, Nov. 13 to Jim Richardson (320) 395-2721.

FFA corn drive Fri. Howard Lake-WaverlyWinsted FFA chapter will conduct the annual Corn Drive for Camp Courage on Friday, Nov. 13 by visiting local businesses. Profits will provide additional funds for campers who wish to attend Camp Courage. HAPPENINGS, Page 3A

SPORTS LP/HT volleyball falls in sub-section finals to G-F-W. Page 1B

In honor of Veterans Day, Alex Schumacher of New Germany is remembered for serving in the Navy. He served aboard the USS Chicago Flagship of the Pacific in World War II. Schumacher was a charter member of the New Germany American Legion, after farming for many years. He worked for 20 years as a horologist for Kuempel Chime Clocks.

Engagement: Eric Vasko and Ericka Muenchow Kevin and Julie Muenchow of Plato are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Ericka Muenchow, to Eric Vasko, son of Randy and Shelly Vasko of Lester Prairie. Ericka graduated from North Dakota State University in 2008, with a bachelor’s degree in exercise science with a minor in psychology. She is currently employed by TNT Kids Fitness & Gymnastics Academy as a recreational director. Eric graduated from North Dakota State University in 2007, with a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering and management with a minor in business administration. He is currently employed by Tecton Products LLC. They plan to marry Saturday, Dec. 5, 2009, at Holy Family Catholic Church in Silver Lake. The ceremony will be followed by a reception at Pla-Mor Ballroom in Glencoe.

Birth: Grace Elizabeth Meyer Lucas Meyer and Stephanie Schroeder of Lester Prairie are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Grace Elizabeth Meyer, Monday, Oct. 26, 2009, at Glencoe Regional Health Services. Grace weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces, and measured 19 1/2 inches long. She is welcomed home by her siblings, Hunter and Daniel. Grandparents are John and Annette Schwarze of Brownton, Steve and Sandy Schwanke of Glencoe, and Luann Meyer and Myron Kuehl of New Auburn.


The family of Albert (Al) Lenzen would like to express our thanks to everyone who helped our family. And also for the cards and food that everyone donated. A special thanks to Pastor Mark S. Loder and the Ladies Auxiliary of St. John’s Lutheran Church in Winsted. A special thank you to the Winsted Police Department and American Legion. A special thanks to Chilson Funeral Home for help and comfort they provided. From the Lenzen family. 19s


Photo by Linda Scherer

Henrich receives service award Winsted Mayor Steve Stotko (left) presented Police Chief Mike Henrich with a medal for his 30 years of service to the City of Winsted at the city council meeting Wednesday. Stotko said he had only high praise for Henrich, who he has enjoyed working with since becoming the mayor. Following the council meeting, a reception took place in the Vollmer Room to celebrate the occasion.

Happy 5th Birthday Alicyn

Happy 2nd Birthday Sissy

Special thanks to all the wonderful people who were there for Laurie and gave her love and support through her painful journey. The friends who were always there for her – you will not be forgotten. Thank you to Dr. Frenning, the chemo nurses, and everybody at Connect Care for the wonderful care and support. Thank you to Betty Diers and Fr. Tony, who made our day a little brighter; the ladies who made and served the lunch; and Chilson Funeral Home. God has great rewards for all. Many thanks. Family of Laurie Poetz. 19s


May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved, and preserved throughout the world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Mary, mother of Jesus, pray for us. St. Theresa, pray for us. Say this prayer nine times a day for nine days. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. My prayers will be answered. 19s

Love Mommy

Monday, Nov. 9 > General Federated Women’s Club, 7 p.m. For information call Pat Sawatzke at (763) 972-3939. > Arthritis and Fibromyalgia support group, Meeker Memorial Hospital, Conference Room, 612 South Sibley Ave., Litchfield, 2 p.m. > Author and speaker, Kristie Verret book signing and program hosted by The Hutchinson Area Chapter of The Compassionate Friends. Her book, “Unforgotten Children” deals with the issue of miscarriages. 7 p.m. at Oakland Chapel, Main St. Hutchinson. (320) 833-2300. > The Grief Support Group: Rebuilding Hope, sponsored by Ridgeview Medical Center, 7 - 8:30 p.m. Ridgeview Medical Center. This support group is for those experiencing grief or anticipating a loss of someone they care about. For more information, call Social Services, (952)442-2191, Ext. 6190. There is no fee to attend. Tuesday, Nov. 10 > Blood drive at Zion Lutheran Church, 1200 Hwy 25 S, Buffalo. 1 - 7 p.m. > 60+ and Healthy Clinic, Howard Lake Community Center, 617 6th Ave., for senior citizens, blood pressure check, trim toenails, $15 fee for foot service, 9:30 to 11:30 am, (763) 682-7456. > Cardiac and Diabetes Support Group at Meeker Memorial Hospital Prairie Winds Cafeteria, 6:30 p.m. Topic, Medicare Prescription Renewal Plans and Other Available Services. > Support Group for Parents of Special Needs Children, Wright County Human Services, 6-7:30 p.m. For information call (763) 6827477. > Adoption support group, Monticello Community Center, Walnut St., Monticello. 6:308:30 p.m. (763) 241-2602. > Colon Cancer update presentation by Sabina Khan, MD, Ridgeview Specialty Clinic, Specializations: Gastroenterology, Internal Medicine. 6:30-7:30 p.m. Ridgeview Community Auditorium, 500 S. Maple St., Waconia. To register for this free event, call 952-442-8084. Wednesday, Nov. 11 Veterans Day- Thank a veteran! > Stroke Support Program at Buffalo Hospital Rehab Center. 1 to 2 p.m. For information call (763) 684-7121. > Bingo hosted by Holy Trinity Boosters 6 p.m. at the Blue Note, Winsted. > Look Good....Feel Better is a free service which teaches you, as a cancer patient, beauty techniques to help enhance your appearance and self-image during chemotherapy and radiation treatments. 4 – 6 p.m., Ridgeview Medical Center. Any woman currently undergoing or is about to undergo cancer treatment is invited to attend. Register at (952)442-2191, ext 6111. There is no fee to attend. Thursday, Nov. 12 > Do You or Someone You Love Suffer From Parkinson’s? Join us to learn how training and exercise through this program can have a positive impact on your life and the lives of your family members. 6:30-8 p.m. Ridgeview Community Auditorium, 500 S. Maple St., Waconia. To register for this free event, call 952-442-8084. Friday, Nov. 13 > Holy Trinity Meat Raffle, Blue Note, 5 p.m. Proceeds to support extra-curricular events at Holy Trinity School. > Farm City Day at the McLeod Co. Fairground, Hutchinson. 6 - 10 a.m. Free breakfast and entertainment. Saturday, Nov. 14 > Holiday Shopping Expo, Lester Prairie City Hall. 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. > Bingo, Winsted Legion, 6:30 p.m. Open to the public, light lunch available. > Little River Band at the Medina Entertainment Center, 500 Hwy 55, Medina. Doors open

at 7:30 p.m. 21+ (763) 4786661. > Turkey dinner at the K.C. Hall, Waverly. Hosted by the Waverly Lions, Waverly Boosters, and Legion auxiliary. 4 - 7 p.m. $10, adults, $5, children 10 and under. Carry out available. Bingo at 7 p.m. > Comedy on the Rox, featuring 4 of the funniest women in Minnesota, at the Pla Mor Ballroom, Glencoe. 8 p.m. Tickets $15. ( 320) 864-4119. > Litchfield Area Male Chorus presents the Annual Spaghetti & Song Dining Entertainment. 1st Lutheran Church, Litchfield. 5 - 7 p.m. Admission $7 per adult. Pre-school kids are free. Tickets sold at the door. 320-260-7420. > Marshall Road Band, Finn’s Place, Mayer 9 p.m.- 1 a.m. > Live music by Square One at Thirsty’s Tavern, Dassel. 8:30 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. > Creative candle gift jars program for ages 10 - adults at the Delano Public Library. 10-11 a.m. Preregistration required. (763) 972-3467. > Pop top belts program for teens and adults at the Delano Public Library. 11 a.m. - noon. Preregistration required. (763) 972-3467. > Crochet necklace program for teens and adults at the Delano Public Library. noon- 1 p.m. Preregistration required. (763) 972-3467. > Health and Wellness presentation , Community Room at Citizens State Bank, Montrose. Free. 10 a.m. Space is limited (402) 980-3195. > Crafts, Small Home Business and Bake sale, Blue Note, 320 3rd St., Winsted. 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. > Arise! Cry Out! hosted by Moms In Touch. A worldwide day of prayer for children and schools. Non-denominational. At Annandale Evangelical Free Church, 10252 St Hwy. 55 E., Annandale. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. (320) 274-3143. Sunday, Nov. 15 > Belgian Waffle breakfast at St. Ignatius Catholic Church, Annandale. 9 a.m.- 1 p.m. > French toast, pancake, sausage and scrambled egg breakfast. 7 to 11 a.m. Waverly KC hall. Benefit for hall maintenance. Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Freewill offering. > Breakfast fundraiser hosted by the Holy Trinity Mission Group of Winsted at the Holy Trinity school cafeteria. 9 a.m. - noon. Monday, Nov. 16 > Card Marathon, Delano Middle School Media Center, 7:30 p.m. Sponsored by the GFWC of Delano. For more information, call Pat Sawatzke (763) 972-3939 or Norma Wandersee (763) 972-2068.

Visit All 3 Events and be entered in a drawing to win Gift Certificates!

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Alex Schumacher remembered

welcome, dinner/meeting, LP City Hall, 6:30 pm SATURDAY, NOV. 14 • Sons of Norway Lodge 1-676, genealogy and reseach discussion by Diane Hjelter, light meal, Shalom Baptist church, 1215 Roberts Road SW, Hutchinson, 5:30 pm SATURDAY, NOV. 14 • Lake Mary VFW Post 9232, American Legion Club, Winsted, 11 am MONDAY, NOV. 16 • Marysville Merrymakers 4H Club, St. John’s Lutheran Church, Howard Lake, 7:30 pm • Montrose Lions, Montrose Community Center, 7 pm • Lester Prairie Senior Citizens, Thanksgiving meal, meeting, LP City Hall, noon WEEKLY EVENTS MONDAY • Alcoholics Anonymous, St. Mary’s Care Center, resident dining hall, Winsted, 8 pm; and Trinity Lutheran Church, Watertown, 8 pm TUESDAY • Alcoholics Anonymous, First Presbyterian Church, Howard Lake, 7:30-8:30 pm; and Lester Prairie City Hall, 8 pm • Celebrate Recovery, Freshwater Community Church, St. Boni., (952) 446-9090, 7 pm • Overeaters Anonymous, everyone welcome, call (320) 485-2544, Holy Family Church School, Silver Lake, 6 pm WEDNESDAY • Al-anon group, “Never to be Organized,” Recovery Resources, 471 Second Street N., Winsted, (320) 485-4767, 7:15 pm • Narcotics Anonymous, DDS basement, 131 Main Ave. W, Winsted, 7:30 pm • Montrose Seniors Group, lunch $3.25, call (763) 6753127, activities, cards, games, community center, noon THURSDAY • Hutchinson Toastmasters II, Ridgewater College, enter door 420, room 475, 7 am • Business Network International, Network Masters, Independence City Hall, 7:30 pm. For more information, call Randy (320) 485-2535 • Weight Watchers, HL Community Center, Howard Lake, 5:30 pm • Celebrate Recovery, HL Christian Church, 7 pm FRIDAY • Howard Lake Senior Citizens, potluck, Marlys and Burton hosts, community room, above HL Public Library, noon • Tri-county Toastmasters, Crow River Coffee Co., Watertown, 7 am, for more information, call Deb (320) 485-4398


Kristie Hatlestad of Lester Prairie, a 2003 graduate of Holy Trinity High School in Winsted, was recently awarded the US Air Force Achievement Medal. The award was for her meritorious service while serving with the 51st MSS of the 51st Fighter Wing at Osan Air Base in South Korea. A1C Hatlestad is currently serving with the 31st MSS at Aviano Air Base in Italy.

GOVERNMENT MONDAY, NOV. 9 • Montrose City Council, Montrose Community Center, 7 pm • Mayer City Council, Mayer City Office, 6:30 pm • Hollywood Township, Hollywood Town Hall, 8 pm • Victor Township, Victor Town Hall, 8 pm • Woodland Township, Woodland Town Hall, 7 pm • HLWW School Board, 6 pm TUESDAY, NOV. 10 • Wright County Commissioners, county commissioner board room, government center, Buffalo, 9 am • HL Planning & Zoning, city offices, 7 pm • LP City Council, city hall, 7 pm • Waverly City Council, Waverly City Offices, 7 pm • Middleville Township, Middleville Town Hall, 7:30 pm • LP School Board, retreat, LP media center, 6:30 pm WEDNESDAY, NOV. 11 • NG Planning & Zoning, city hall, 7:30 pm • Winsted Planning Commission, city hall, council chambers, 6 pm THURSDAY, NOV. 12 • Bergen Township, Bergen Town Hall, 7 pm • Camden Township, Camden Town Hall, 7:30 pm • Winsted Township, Winsted City Hall, 8 pm MONDAY, NOV. 16 • LP School Board, LP media center, 6:30 pm ORGANIZATIONS MONDAY, NOV. 9 • Waverly Lions Club, business, Waverly KCs Hall, 7 pm • Waverly Lake Association, city office TUESDAY, NOV. 10 • Winsted Airport Commission, city hall, council chambers, 8:30 am • Winsted Sportsmen’s Club, Papa Tom’s Bar & Grill, 7 pm • Parent Support Group, for all parents of children with special needs, Wright County Human Services, Buffalo, 6-7:15 pm • MOPS, Bible Study, choir room, St. John’s Lutheran Church, Howard Lake, 7-9 pm THURSDAY, NOV. 12 • HL Legion Post 145, Legion, 7 pm • LP Lions, city hall, 6:30 pm • Lake Mary VFW Post 9232 Auxiliary, American Legion Club Room, Winsted, 2:30 pm • Hollywood Booster Club, Old Hollywood Shed, 8 pm • Hutchinson Area Bird Club, Hutchinson Public Library, basement, 7 pm • LP Lions, men and women


Kristie Hatlestad earns medal






Herald Journal Community


HERALD JOURNAL, Monday, Nov. 9, 2009, Page 2A

Herald Journal Community

50 years ago: Peterson new basketball coach of LP High School


READ party at HL Library Saturday The Howard Lake Library is helping READ (Reading Education Assistance Dogs) celebrate its 10th anniversary by observing activities from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday at the community room above the library in Howard Lake. The local chapter of READ is providing a record number of four dog handler teams for the library event. Friends of the Howard Lake Library are providing treats, games and activities, and will announce a new Read-to-YourDog reading program and contest that will run through the end of the school year. All readers ages 3-12 and their family members are welcome.

West Metro Allergy Connection meeting today The West Metro Food Allergy Connection will meet tonight, Nov. 9, 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Howard Lake Community Room. Agenda includes use of a epi pen, new information, and an open forum.


Winsted lighting contest date set The Winsted Outdoor Lighting contest, sponsored by the Winsted Area Chamber of Commerce, is set for Wednesday, Dec 2. Residents of St. Mary’s Care Center, along with members of the Winsted Area Chamber of Commerce, will judge the entries. To participate, turn on the lights to your holiday display Wednesday early evening. First place wins $100, second place $75, and third place $50. All prizes awarded in Winsted Bucks.

HL Legion to host Thanksgiving dinner A goodwill dinner will be served starting at 1 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 26 by the Howard Lake Legion, its employees and Reinhart Foods. This dinner is offered without cost to families or anyone who has fallen upon hardship and cannot eat at a Thanksgiving meal elsewhere. Turkey with all the side dishes will be served. RSVP by Friday, Nov. 20 to (320) 543-2554.

From the Herald Journal files of past newspapers. Nov. 15, 1999 (10 years ago) Martin Krueger American Legion Post 407 awarded 55 year membership pins to Ralph Rathmanner and Don Roufs. Lester Prairie volleyball coach Lori Schwirtz is named Section 2A Coach of the Year. Norman and Della Van Stender celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. Submitted photo Births: Madison Rose, to Charlie and Melanie Fiecke, Howard Lake Princess Christine Bobrowski, dressed up as Ginger, Nov. 1; Renee Lynn, to Wiland Miss Howard Lake Ellen Korsbon, dressed up as Mary Ann, set liam and Michelle Ahlbrecht, sail on the S.S. Minnow from Gilligan’s Island in the Halloween Nov. 7; Rachel and Claire, to Mace and Eve Pfutzenreuter, parade in Anoka Oct. 31. Nov. 8. Nov. 14, 1984 (25 years ago) Security State Bank in Howard Lake holds its first annual

They took a three-hour tour

Zion book fair is Sunday and Monday, Nov. 15-16 The public is encouraged to participate in a book fair at Zion Lutheran School Sunday, Nov. 15 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., and Monday, Nov. 16 from 3 to 5 p.m. All books will be on display in the school gym. Visitors may purchase and take books home the day of the event. There will be a large selection of books for everyone – from preschool-age to adult. These books make great Christmas gifts, and support the Zion Parent Teacher League program. Lost and found The City of Mayer periodically comes across items that are left on city property or at the Mayer Community Center. If you have lost an article or left something by mistake, call the city offices at (952) 6571502 to see if it may be among the city’s lost and found. To date, we are holding a lost stroller, diaper bag, umbrella, child’s camera, cell phone, and a bracelet. Identify any of these items, and they are yours. Compost site The city’s compost site will remain open until all of the leaves are down. That means this could be the last week it will be open for you to bring your leaves, garden waste, and small branches (no bigger than 4 inches in diameter) to the site, which is located on County Road 30, just west of town. Remember to take your

empty bags home with you for proper disposal. For more information, call the city offices at (952) 6571502. Senior potluck Nine people enjoyed a delicious potluck meal and fellowship Nov. 2 at the Mayer Community Center. Bunco was played afterwards. It was decided to have a white elephant gift exchange at the December get-together, Monday, Dec. 7, which will be the group’s Christmas potluck and party. Activities and meetings Friday, Nov. 6 – There will be garbage and recycling pickup this week. Have bins curbside by 7 a.m. Monday, Nov. 16 – The Mayer Fire Department will have a training meeting starting at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 17 – Members of the Mayer Economic Develoment Authority will meet at 6:30 p.m. News items needed If you have items of importance you would like to have put in the paper, call me at (952) 657-2128 by Tuesday evening the week before publication.

Fine arts expo and craft fair Nov. 21

Herald Journal

Tickets on sale now for HLWW play Tickets for the HLWW play “Once Upon a Mattress,” are on sale now. The performance is scheduled for Thursday through Saturday, Nov. 19-21 at 7:30 p.m. each night at the Laker Auditorium. Cost is $6 for the performance only ($4 for students) and $20 per plate for dinner and the show. No HLWW activity passes will be accepted. Reservation deadline for the dinner is Friday, Nov. 13. Contact Kathleen Messer for tickets at (320) 543-4600.


Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.


• Shopper: 9 a.m. Wednesdays • Newspapers: Noon Thursdays • Classified Final: 9 a.m. Fridays* Deadlines usually 24 hours earlier near major holidays

*Classifieds received after shopper deadline can still be published in newspapers and web, but charge is full rate.


Addresses in McLeod, Wright, and Carver counties $34/yr.; elsewhere in Minn. $39/yr.; out of state $44/yr. Prorated portions available. How to Subscribe: • Send payment and exact mailing address to Herald Journal, Box 129, Winsted, MN 55395. • Call us at (320) 485-2535. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and Amex. • Online: click “Subscribe” at www. herald-journal.com

Correspondent customer appreciation days with coffee and cookies being served, registration for gift certificates, and a free 11 x 14 family portrait taken by a professional studio available to customers. Enrollment at Lester Praire Schools is up to 486 students, which is the highest since the 1978-79 school year. Births: Jenna Leigh, to Stephen and Judith Gagnon, Nov. 3; Danielle Norby, to Steve and Laura LePage, Nov. 9. Nov. 13, 1969 (40 years ago) Named all-conference at

Correspondent (952) 657-2128

Cans for vets collected in Winsted

A holiday craft and bake sale is planned for Sunday, Nov. 22 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at St. Mary’s Care Center, Winsted. A silver tea will be offered from 1 to 3 p.m. Everyone is welcome.

Teresa Jagodzinski

Mayer News

The sixth annual dinner concert at St. John’s Lutheran Church, Winsted will feature the Golden Strings Friday, Dec. 4 with the concert beginning at 7 p.m. Concert only tickets are Photo by Linda Scherer still available for $10 by contacting Bonnie at (320) 485-2353 or Donated aluminum cans are being collected during the month of Rose at (320) 485-2252. November for the McLeod County veterans transportation fund. The drop-off is just north of JMS Custom Service at Main Avenue and McLeod County Road 1. The money received from sale of the cans is being used for the upkeep and replacement of two handiThe 31st annual Fine Arts cap vans used to transport veterans to veterans’ hospitals at St. Expo and 29th annual Creative Paul and St. Cloud. Crafts and Collectibles Fair is set for Saturday, Nov. 21 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the HLWW Middle School in Howard Lake. Over Copyright 2009, Herald Journal Publishing, Inc. 100 exhibitors are expected. Herald Journal, 120 6th St. N., Winsted, MN 55395. USPS No. 687-000. Refreshments will be available. Published weekly. Periodicals postage paid at Winsted, MN. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Herald Journal, PO Box 129, Winsted, MN 55395. A bake sale is planned by the STAFF HLWW After Prom Committee. TO REACH US Dale Kovar, general mgr., (320) 282-6501 There is no admission Chris Schultz, advertising mgr., (320) 282-7865 • 120 6th St. N., PO Box 129 Winsted, MN 55395 Local/Metro (320) 485-2535 Fax (320) 485-2878 • www.herald-journal.com [email protected]

Years Ago

Cathy Stifter

Golden Strings Dec. 4 at St. John’s

Holiday sale at St. Mary’s Nov. 22

HERALD JOURNAL, Monday, Nov. 9, 2009, Page 3A

Lynda Jensen, HJ/ED editor, (320) 282-6558 Ryan Gueningsman, DHJ editor, (320) 282-6530 Kristen Miller, staff writer Ivan Raconteur, staff writer, (612) 799-6825 Linda Scherer, staff writer, (320) 282-0059 Starrla Cray, staff writer (320) 455-0986 Aaron Schultz, sports editor, (320) 282-6514 Matt Kane, sports writer, (320) 282-0669 Stephen Wiblemo, sports writer, (612) 384-3936 Bill Norman, sales, (320) 282-6518 Bruce Johnson, sales, (612) 203-0555 Randy Heuer, sales, (763) 439-8698 Dori Kimball, sales, (612) 597-6935 Cheri Luhman, customer service/classifieds Paulie Johnson, customer service Troy Feltmann, sign dept. mgr., (320) 282-6520 Brandon Vandesteeg, sign dept. Jami Berg, printing dept. manager Kip Kovar, printing dept. Evelyn Fowler, production mgr. Wendy Lankki, production Denise Ernst, production Jessica Artibee, production/web Janey Oberg, production Shawn Baudler, production Alicia Boltz, production Scott Niska, production Dan Birkholz, web dept. manager Linda Krienke, bookkeeping Amy Hoese-Schultz, office Kathy Tupa, office/circulation Karen Oestreich, receptionist/circulation Sarah Baker, office/circulation Val LePage, Paul Alberts, Dan Holje, delivery Gladys Jones, maintenance

Photos by Duran Photography

Miranda Stifter won first place, and Ethan Fiecke was the second place costume winner at the Blue Note Oct. 31.

Halloween party at Blue Note By Linda Scherer Staff Writer The third annual Halloween party at the Blue Note included a costume contest. Pictured are the first, second, and third place winners. Each of the three winners will receive an 8x10 color photo from Duran Photography. In addition, the first place costume winner Miranda Stifter won movie and Subway passes. The second place winner, Ethan Fiecke won two wristbands to the Nickelodeon theme park at the Mall of America. The third place costume winner. Kennedy Kohler, won movie passes to area theaters. Nancy Fasching won the adult drawing for two Chanhassen dinner/theater passes.

Holy Trinity for football are John Koch, Frank Hertzog, and Ed Hahn. Fifteen-year-old Ron Koch shoots a 10-point, 244 pound. buck in the Blackduck area on his first hunting trip. Nov. 12, 1959 (50 years ago) The Howard Lake Laker football team is co-champions of the Wright County League. Richard Peterson is the new basketball coach at Lester Prairie High School. Births: Dawn Susan, to Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Zrust, Oct. 25; Scott Edgar, to Mr. and Mrs. Agmar Spleiss, Oct. 31; a boy, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Latzig, Nov. 4; a girl, to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sexton, Nov. 7.

Cookie walk and boutique event Dec. 5 A ladies boutique is being added to the annual cookie walk offered by St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Waverly, set for Saturday, Dec. 5 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The event will be hosted in the fellowship hall at the church. This first-ever boutique in Waverly is particularly geared to showcase small businesses in Waverly and the surrounding area, Mary Pettit said. This includes vendors who offer Creative Memories, Young Living essential oils, and Daily Blue, as well as others, such as Posey Patch, and Montrose Chiropractic. Door prizes will be offered by all the booths. This will be the fourth year that the cookie walk has taken place. There will be a chili lunch served, which will benefit the youth of St. Mary’s parish.


Holasek Greenhouse open house Fri. & Sat. Fred Holasek and Son Greenhouses will host its annual winter open house Friday, Nov. 13 and Saturday, Nov. 14. Register for giveaways. Refreshments available.

Holiday shopping expo in LP Sat. Several independent vendors will host a holiday shopping Kennedy Kohler was third place expo 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, costume winner at the Blue Nov. 14 at the Lester Prairie Note Oct. 31. City Hall. Among the vendors are: Watkins, Tupperware, Scentsy, Longaberger Baskets, Designer Inspired, Angel Company, and more. Food will be available from the Lester Prairie Legion Auxiliary. quired for school enrollment. This is a time for screening to identify potential problems, not time for treatment or counCrafters and vendors will ofseling. Problems identified may be handled by referring fer a holiday shopping event 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 14 the child to other resources. There will be seven forms at the Blue Note, Winsted. Vendors such as Tastefully which need to be filled out in advance and brought to the Simple, Mary Kay, Life Coachscreening. These forms will be ing for Relationships, along sent after signing up for an ap- with crafts will be available. A variety of baked goods pointment. To make an appointment or will also be offered. Breakfast and dinner will be for more information regarding ECDS, call Kathy Fiecke at available. Prizes will be given away throughout the day. (320) 395-2521.

Early childhood screening in Lester Prairie Nov. 12 Lester Prairie School will provide early childhood screening for children whose birthday falls before Nov. 12, 2006 and have not been previously screened. The screening will take place Thursday, Nov. 12 at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, 77 Second Avenue S. in Lester Prairie. The purpose of this program is to identify children who may have health or developmental problems. Early identification of health and developmental problems is helpful in preventing these problems from becoming more serious. This is a screening program and is not intended to be a substitute for health care from other providers. The screening will take one to one and one-half hours, and will consist of the following components: vision, hearing, height, weight, speech, health history, immunization review, family circumstances review, and summary interview. Participation in this program is re-

Happy Birthday


Friday, Nov. 13

Business and bake sale Saturday

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Normal and reasonable care is taken to avoid errors and omissions. The newspaper’s liability from any ad shall not exceed the amount of the price to be charged for space in which the error/omission occurred. In cases where an ad was scheduled to run more than once, the newspaper’s liability shall be limited to the price of the first publication only. When an ad is scheduled to run more than once, first publication shall be considered to be a proof to the advertiser; the customer remains responsible for the cost of all ads beyond the first publication. Ads cancelled after stated deadlines may be removed from publication but will be charged at full rate.

Love, Gammy & Papa

John W. Ringold, R.Ph., Margaret A. Packard, R.Ph., Leanne K. Rindahl, R.Ph. M, T, W, F 8 am - 5:30 pm • Th. 8 am - 6 pm • Sat. 8 am - 1 pm • Sun. CLOSED

Herald Journal Churches

HERALD JOURNAL, Monday, Nov. 9, 2009, Page 20A

These weekly messages are contributed by the concerned citizens and businesses who urge you to attend the church of your choice.

Jilek Insurance Agency Lester Prairie/Silver Lake (320) 395-2587 800-723-0181

Distinctive Dental Services, P.A. Dr. Thoennes 131 Main Ave. Winsted

Dr. Glavan

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(320) 485-4344 (320) 543-2233

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(320) 485-3831



(320) 543-3171 BOX 570 - 1005 6TH ST. HOWARD LAKE, MN 55349

ALBION EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH 11480 5th St. NW, Rural Cokato Philip Geoffrion, Pastor (320) 286–5442 Wed., Nov. 11 - Adult prayer and Bible study 7 pm Sun., Nov. 15 - Sunday School 9:15 am; Coffee Fellowship 10:15 am; Worship celebration 10:30 am BEREAN BAPTIST CHURCH 727 16th St. E., Glencoe Paul Friberg, Pastor Steve Nelson, Youth Pastor (320) 864–6113 Tues., Nov. 10 - Mens Bible study 6 am Wed., Nov. 11 - Service on Glencoe Cable Channel 10 8 pm Fri., Nov. 13 - SWAT Youth group 7 pm Sun., Nov. 15 - Sunday school 9 am; Service on Glencoe Cable Channel 10, 10 am; Worship Service 10:20 am BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH 77 Lincoln Ave. N, Lester Prairie Erick Thompson, Pastor www.lpbethel.org Wed., Nov. 11 - Confirmation clas 5:30 pm; ASK Youth 6:30 pm; Choir 7 pm Sun., Nov. 15 - Contemporary Worship 9 am; Sunday school 10 am; Christianity 101 10:15 am; Worship at the windows 11 am; Carnival 12 pm

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Spending time with God


BLESSED HOPE CHURCH HLWW High School auditorium Fellowship of Christian Assemblies Russ Doebler, Pastor (320) 543–2196 Wed., Nov. 11 - Nursery and High School Youth Group at the High School, Adult Intercessory Prayer 6:30 pm Sun., Nov. 15 – Adult Bible Hour and Kids Choir Practice 9 am; Worship 10 am CELEBRATION COMMUNITY CHURCH 2nd Street E., Montrose (Montrose Elem. School gym) Frank Moyer, Pastor (763) 675–3003 Thurs., Nov. 12 – Youth Group 7 pm Sun., Nov. 15 – Sunday School (pre-School to Adult) 9 am; Worship 10 am ELIM MISSION CHURCH 405 Broadway Ave. S, Cokato Wally Glucklich, Pastor Adam Sarff, Youth Director Ben Brandt, Music Director Tues., Nov. 10 - Womens Bible study 9 am; Dorcas 1:30 pm Wed., Nov. 11 - Christmas Program Prac. 3:30 pm; Leaders meal 5 pm; 9th grade BIC, AWANA/JH Youth 6 pm; SH Youth, Worship team 7:30 pm; Prayer/Dorcas room, Mens Bible study 8 pm Thur., Nov. 12 - Women’s Bible study 6:30 pm Sat., Nov. 14 - Elder meeting 7 am Sun., Nov. 15 - Worship/Adult seminars 9 am; Hospitality time 10:15 am; Worship, sunday school 10:45 am; Bible fellowship at John and Shannon Walter’s 6 pm; Financial Peace University 7 pm; Prayer encounter 7:30 pm www.elimMission.org EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 280 Third St. E, Cokato Steven Thorson, Pastor Nate Bendorf, Youth Director Mon., Nov. 9 - Large staff meets 1 pm; Faithfully fit forever 5:30 pm; Women’s Bible study, Christian education team meets 6:30 pm Tues., Nov. 10 - Esther circle meets 9:30 am; Alpha training 6 pm Wed., Nov. 11 - Bulletin supplement copy deadline 12 pm; Piano lessons 3:20 pm; Sixty fifthers meet 3:30 pm; Chapel choir rehearsal 4:30 pm; Cherub choir rehearsal (K-2) 5 pm; Supper 5:45 pm; Prayer team meets, chancel choir rehearsal 6:30 pm; YDT (7-9 gr.) 6:45 pm; Mary/Hannah Circle meets 7 pm; Proclaim Worship team rehearsal 7:45 pm Thur., Nov. 12 - Piano lessons 3:25 pm; Piano Lessons 5:15 pm; Faithfully fit forever 5:30 pm Fri., Nov. 13 - Worship at Cokato Apt. Bldg III 10 am; Bulletin assembly crew meets 2:30 pm; Piano lessons 4:45 pm Sat., Nov. 14 - Men’s Bible study 7 am Sun., Nov. 15 - Traditional Service 8:30 am; Coffee fellowship 9:30 am; Sunday school 9:45 am; Rightly explaining the word of truth Bible study 10 am; Contemporary Communion Service 11 am; Alpha 5 pm; Forum with Pastor Linda Pedersen from ELCA SW MN Synod office 6:30 pm; YDT for Sr. High (grades 9-12) 7 pm www.equalsharing.com FAITH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 108 Main St. W, Silver Lake Christina Berry, Pastor Wed., Nov. 11 - Confirmation, Hand bells 6:15 pm; Choir 7 pm Sun., Nov. 15 - Sunday school 9 am; Worship Service 10 am; Fellowship (Pola-Czesky) 11 am FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 395 Broadway Ave. N., Cokato Danville K. Swanson, Pastor Steve Stahl, Youth Pastor Mon., Nov. 9 - MOPS Bible study at Sanborn’s 6:30 pm; Sew Friendly quilting 7 pm Tues., Nov. 10 - Mission Guild 9 am; Deacon meeting 6:30 pm Wed., Nov. 11 - Family meal 6 pm; Classes for all ages 6:30 pm Sat., Nov. 14 - Men’s breakfast and Bible study 8 am Sun., Nov. 15 - Worship 8:15 am; Sunday school 9:30 am; Worship 11 am

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 721 9th Street, Howard Lake Myra A. Carroll-Pezzella, Pastor (320) 543-2806 e-mail: [email protected]

Mon., Nov. 9 - family meeting 7 pm Tues., Nov. 10 - Sing a long at Good Samaritan 10:30 am; AA meeting 7:30 pm Wed., Nov. 11 - Meals on wheels 11:45 am; Youth 5 pm; DinnerTressie Weege 5:45 pm; Youth 6:15 pm; Prayer 7:15 pm Sun., Nov. 15 - Christian ed 9 am; Worship 10:30 am; Fellowship 11:30 am www.firstpreshl.org GOOD SHEPHERD FREE LUTHERAN CHURCH 5939 Oliver Ave. SW, Cokato Lyndon Korhonen, Pastor Wed., Nov. 11 - Womens Bible study 9 am; Senior confirmation 3;45 pm; Junior confirmation 4;30 pm; Confirmation supper 5:15 pm; Peniel Youth group 6 pm; Treasure seekers (Gr. 4-6) and Adult study 6:30 pm Sun., Nov. 15 - Sunday school for all ages 9 am; Fellowship 10 am; Prayer time 10:10 am; Worship with Bible school Gospel teams, potluck following Worship 10:30 am; Deeper teen Bible study at Matt and Lori Nelson’s home 1 pm GRACE BIBLE CHURCH 300 Cleveland Ave., Silver Lake, Dr. Tom Rakow, Pastor (320) 327-2266 Wed., Nov. 11 - Prayer time and puppet practice 7 pm Sat., Nov. 14 - Mens Bible study 7 am Sun., Nov. 15 - First light radio program on KARP 106.9 FM 7:30 am; Pre-Service prayer time 9:15 am; Morning Worship Service - guest speaker Jon Pixler 9:30 am; Sunday school for all ages 10:35 am; Evening Service 7 pm HARVEST COMMUNITY CHURCH 431 4th St. N., Winsted (Winsted Elem. School gym) Pastor Tom Starkjohn (320) 485–4611 Sun., Nov. 15 – Worship 10 am; Children’s church 10:30 am HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC 720 Main St. E., Silver Lake Fr. Brian Oestreich Confessions before weekday Masses Sun., Nov. 15 - Mass 9:30 am HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH 111 Winsted Ave. W., Winsted Father Tony Hesse, Pastor (320) 485–4421 Mon., Nov. 9 - Holy family social hall 6 pm; CCW wrap up meeting for Bazaar HT mtg. room 7 pm Tues., Nov. 10 - Eucharistic adoration 9 am; St. Anne’s Luncheon/mtg. social hall 1:30 pm; Education Committee meeting 4 pm; Mass 6 pm; CCW meeting S. Hall, KC’s officers meeting 7 pm Wed., Nov. 11 - Mass 8:15 am; Worn a bit shop open 12;30 pm; Religious education/Adult formation 6:30 pm Thur., Nov. 12 - Mass 8:15 am; Alpha 6:30 pm Fri., Nov. 13 - Mass 8:15 am; Won a bit shop open 12:30 pm Sat., Nov. 14 - Pre-Baptism class 9 am; Mass 5:15 am Sun., Nov. 15 - Mass 8:30 am; Mass 10:30 am HOWARD LAKE CHRISTIAN CHURCH A non–denominational Evangelical congregation 800 5th Ave., Howard Lake Rick Messer, Pastor Dennis Entinger, Worship and Administrative Pastor Matt Wagner, Youth Pastor (320) 543–3955 *Various small Group Bible studies throughout the week. Call for more info. Tues., Nov. 10 - Life group at the Wood’s 6:30 pm Wed., Nov. 11 - Kids club 3:30 pm; Fusion for 6th - 12th grade Youth, Life group at the Day’s 6:30 pm; Lifegroup at the Goneau’s 7 pm Thur., Nov. 12 - Celebrate recovery 7 pm Sun., Nov. 15 - Praise team rehearsal 8:30 am; Coffee and cookie fellowship time 9:30 am; Quilt and bond 2 pm; Thanksgiving banquet 5 pm JACOB’S WELL 218 Quail Drive, Montrose Lisa Ellwoods, Pastor (763) 675–2707 http://jacobswellprayer.blogspot. com Sun., Nov. 15 – “Mission to Montrose” 10 am Jacob’s Well is a Christian neighborhood church dedicated to serving the community of Montrose. For more information and directions, contact Pastor Ellwoods MONTROSE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 230 Center Ave. SW, Montrose Ingrid Bloom, Pastor (763) 675–3571 www.MontroseUnitedMethodist.org A welcome, always, to newcomers in our community Spiritual Growth 1st and 3rd Thursday Mens Group 2nd Wednesday 6 pm Modern Christian Women 4th Thursday 7 pm UMW 2nd Wednesday Movie Night 1st Friday 7 pm Bell Choir practice 2nd and 4th Tuesday 7 pm Sun., Nov. 15 - Worship Service 9:30 am; Sunday school 10:40 am MOUNT HERMON LUTHERAN CHURCH

1284 Keats Ave. NW, Annandale Marianne Zitzewitz, Pastor (320) 963–3284 Sun., Nov. 15 - Worship Service (with Communion on the 1st & 2nd Sunday of each month) 9:30 am Family night Meetings on 2nd Sunday of each month. Women of the ELCA Meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. NEW LIFE ASSEMBLY OF GOD 190 Johnson Ave., Cokato Allen R. Jones, Pastor Mon., Nov. 9 - Girl Power/God’s soldiers 5 pm; Men’s Bible study 7 pm Wed., Nov. 11 - Prayer at Church 5:30 pm; Adult Bible study, Youth group, Royal Rangers, Missionettes, Rainbows 7 pm Thur., Nov. 12 - Ladies Bible study 7 pm Sun., Nov. 15 - Praise and Worship Service, coffee and fellowship following Service 10 am; Cell groups 6:30 pm OPEN ARMS COMMUNITY CHURCH Meets in the HL Community Room, above HL library Pastor Steven Basney (320) 286–5858 Sun., Nov. 15 - Worship 10 am Other weekly Events at Open Arms community Church: (Call the number listed above for location of these Events): Healing Hearts 6:30 pm Mondays Prayer 6:30 pm Wednesdays Home Group 6:00 pm Every other Sun. OSTER EVANGELICAL COVENANT CHURCH 11912 Emerson Ave. SW, Waverly (3 1/2 miles east of Winsted) Robert Ramphal, Pastor Sun., Nov. 15 – Family Sunday School 9 to 10 am; Worship 10 am PRAIRIE EVANGELICAL U.C.C. Lester Prairie’s Community Church 700 1st Ave. N., Lester Prairie Bill Baldwin, Pastor (320) 395–2320 www.ucclp.org [email protected] Holy Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month. Second Wednesday of each month is church council at 8 pm Tues., Nov. 10 - Council meeting 7 pm Wed., Nov. 11 - Choir 7 pm, Council meeting 8 pm Sun., Nov. 15 - Worship 9 am ST. JAMES LUTHERAN 1000 Seventh Ave., Howard Lake Michael Nirva, Pastor Martin Schoenfeld, Assoc. Pastor (320) 543-2766 www.stjameshl.org Mon., Nov. 9 - Naomi Guild 1 pm Tues., Nov. 10 - Circuit Pastors 9 am; Finance 7:30 pm; Bell choir 8 pm Wed., Nov. 11 - Chapel 8:15 am; CC Communion 3:20 pm; CC Chapel 4 pm; PS Confirmation 5 pm; Mid week Worship, women’s Bible study 7 pm; Worship choir 8 pm Thur., Nov. 12 - CC Bible 10:15 am; ABC Bible study 1:30 pm; Social Ministry 7 pm Sat., Nov. 14 - Scrapbooking at School 9 am Sun., Nov. 15 - Holy Communion 8 am; SS, Youth and Adult Bible study 9:15 am; Blended Worship 10:30 am; Bowling at Maple Lake 12 pm ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 625 12th Avenue, Howard Lake Joel Swedberg, Pastor (320) 543–2227 Mon., Nov. 9 - Womens Bible study/ Chr. room 9 am; Do day quilters 10:30 am; Meals on wheels 11:45 am; Womens Bible study/Chr. room, praise band, deacons, mens Bible study/rm. W102 7 pm Tues., Nov. 10 - Church council 6:30 pm; MOPS Bible study at Sonstegard’s 7 pm Wed., Nov. 11 - OOWAPOI Bible study 9:30 am; Teen night 5 pm; Confirmaiton, Jr. Choir 6:30 pm; Mens Bible study/Rm. W102 7 pm; Senior choir 7:30 pm Thur., Nov. 12 - Women’s Bible study/chr. rm 9 am; Womens Bible study/Chr. rm, Mens group/fellowship hall 7 pm Sat., Nov. 14 - Prayer class/Choir room 9 am; Purity conference/fellowship hall 9a m Sun., Nov. 15 - Trad. Worshiop w/Don Leonard VVMI w/comm. w/sr. choir 8:30 am; Coffee fellowship 9:30 am; Sunday school all ages 9:45 am; Contemp. Worship w/comm. 11 am; Alpha course w/healing Service 5 pm ST. JOHN LUTHERAN CHURCH OF HOLLYWOOD TOWNSHIP 17725 53rd St., New Germany Rev. Robert Rupprecht Sun., Nov. 15 – Worship 9:30 am ST. JOHN’S EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH 410 First St. No., Winsted (320) 485–2522 Pastor Mark Loder Mon., Nov. 9 - Sunday school teachers meeting 6 pm Wed., Nov. 11 - Confirmation class 4:30 pm; Choir 6:30 pm Thur., Nov. 12 - Bible study 10 am; Bible study brunch 12 pm; LWML 7 pm Sun., Nov. 15 - Sunday school 8:30 am; Bible hour 8:45 am; Worship with holy Communion 10 am ST. MARK LUTHERAN CHURCH 510 Broadway St., New Germany (952) 353-2464 Rev. LeRoy LaPlant Sat., Nov. 14 – Service 5 pm Sun., Nov. 15 – Service 9 am Communion Service on the first and third Saturday of the month, 5 p.m.; and the second, third, and fifth Sunday of the month, 9 am ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC CHURCH 606 Elm Ave., Waverly

“Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” Luke 5:15-16 (NIV) Jesus never let the busyness of ministry keep him from spending time with His Father. He had a habit of getting up early and going to a quiet place. Jesus understood that he needed to be refreshed and spiritually renewed to take on the challenges of the day. That reminds me of my grandma. Growing up on the south side of Chicago, I remember my grandma, Dora Friberg, reading her Bible early in the morning. While everyone else was sound asleep, she got up early to carve out some time to be refreshed and spiritually renewed for the challenges of the day. When we pray, we are talking to God about our problems and trials. But when we read His Word, the Creator of heaven and earth is speaking to us. If someone would ask us how many Bibles we have, we could easily reply, “two or three.” Yet, many times, they go unused. Last week, the Glencoe Camp of the Gideons invited the local pastors to Pizza Ranch to hear reports of their worldwide Bible distribution. They told a remarkable story of a man who received a Bible and after looking at it, said “I don’t need this.” He threw it a far as he could, and it went on top of a roof. Later, a man approached a representative from the Gideons that was passing out Bibles on the sidewalk. He said that he was repairing the roof, and a Bible hit him in the head. He opened it and said, “This is what I need. This Bible fell out of the sky. What a gift!” The Bible is God’s love letter to us. On its pages it tell the life-changing story of how God loved us so much that He sent his Son, Jesus Christ into this

Pastor's Corner

Pastor Paul Friberg Berean Baptist Church Glencoe world to redeem us. By believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, we can be saved. That is a wonderful gift. There is so much hope and encouragement found in God’s Word. That is why I have challenged the Berean family to read through the Bible, all 66 books, this year. You may think this is an impossible task, but it is not as hard as you think. It requires reading just four chapters a day, to read it all in one year. I have also found a one-year Bible that lays out the whole year very neatly for the reader. Some find this very helpful because it is dated and it is easy to stay on track. In addition, there are dramatized versions of the Bible on CD, which are easy to listen to as you drive your car or clean your house. I enjoy getting up early, while the house is quiet, and reading my Bible. It is necessary to find a quiet place, without distractions, to listen to God. Moses met with God on Mount Sinai, according to Exodus, chapter 19. Here, Moses was able to talk with God, faceto-face. Alone time with God gave Moses some direction and help on how to lead the Israelites through the desert and to the Promised Land. Where is the place that you spend time with God? It may be in a corner of the living room like Grandma Friberg, or locking the bathroom door and hanging a “Do Not Disturb” sign on it. Wherever that place may be, let me encourage you to spend time with the Lord each day. Let this be the year you read through the Bible. If you need a Bible, call our church office at (320) 864-6113.

Day of prayer Saturday Moms In Touch International is hosting a worldwide day of prayer that is going to be watched on DVD by women around the world. “Arise! Cry Out!” will take place Saturday, Nov. 14 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Annandale Evangelical Free Church, 10252 State Highway 55 East in Annandale. This event is non-denominational. All women are encouraged to attend – moms, grandmas, aunts, sisters, any woman

who wants to pray for a child. Organizers explain, “Children are in desperate need of prayers. Women are encouraged to join with others from around the world as they pour out their hearts to the Lord for the lives of the children in communities and around the world.” Register at www.MomsInTouch.org, or contact Mimi Baker at (320) 274-3143 for more information.

(763) 658–4319 Father Timothy Cloutier Tues., Nov. 10 - Mass 8 am Wed., Nov. 11 - Mass deceased family memebers of Mary and Mack McDonough 8 am; Pro life rosary 2 pm Thur., Nov. 12 - Individual confession 5 pm; Mass 5;30 pm Fri., Nov. 13 - Mass, Eucharistic Adoration in Old Chapel 8 am; Benediction 4:30 pm Sat., Nov. 14 - Mass the family of Mary Kalk 10 am; Sacrament of reconciliation 3:30 pm; Mass 5 pm Sun., Nov. 15 - Mass St. Mary’s 8 am; Mass 10:30 am

Deadline for bulletin 12 pm; Adult choir 7 pm Sun., Nov. 15 - Worship w/cont. line comm. 8 am; Adult Bible study/ sudnay school 9:15 am; Worship w/cont. line comm. 10:30 am; ACT Youth group 5 pm

ST. PAUL’S EV. LUTHERAN 310 Buffalo Ave., Montrose Robert Hellmann, Pastor (763) 675–3201 Tues., Nov. 10 - Worship at Trinity 7 pm Wed., Nov. 11 - Confirmation class 6 pm Sun., Nov. 15 - Sunday school, Bible class 9:20 am; Worship 10:30 am

ST. PETER LUTHERAN CHURCH 77 S. Second Ave. PO Box 217, (corner of Co. Rd. 1 & 2nd St. S) Lester Prairie David R. Erbel, Pastor (320) 395–2811 [email protected] Holy Communion offered on the first and last Sunday of the month Sun., Nov. 15 - Worship Service 9 am; Sunday school and Bible class 10:15 am

ST. PAUL EV. LUTHERAN 124 Maple St. N., Lester Prairie Eric Nelson, Pastor [email protected] Tues., Nov. 10 - Young women’s Bible study 7 pm Wed., Nov. 11 - Bible study 9 am;

ST. PAUL’S UCC 308 1st St. E., Plato Pastor Bill Baldwin Wed., Nov. 11 - Mens coffee 9 am; Confirmation 3:30 pm; Adult choir 6 pm Sun., Nov. 15 - Sunday school and Adult Bible study 9:15 am; Worship 10:30 am; Prayer time 11:30 am

ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH 209 Bluejay Ave., Mayer (952) 657–2566 Sun., Nov. 15 - Communion 10 am; SS, BC, NMC 9:15 am; Communion 10:30 am

Herald Journal Obituaries

HERALD JOURNAL, Monday, Nov. 9, 2009, Page 21A

James R. Edmonson, 62

Erla Mae ‘Carole’ Quick, 91 Raymond Schermann, 59

James Richard Edmonson, age 62, of Annandale and Dassel, died Thursday, Oct. 29, 2009, at Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis. James was born Feb. 26, 1947, in Minneapolis, to Donald and Rosella (Ratzlaff) Edmonson. He graduated from Howard Lake High School in 1965, and went on to Hutchinson Vocational-Technical College for welding. James worked for Fairbault Foods in Cokato, and R.M. Johnson Company in Annandale; he also worked as a farmer. He was a member of Rockford Bible Church. James enjoyed gardening, tending to his apple trees and dairy cows, doing welding projects, and inventing things – from solar panels to motorized bicycles. He is survived by his brothers and sisters, Marilyn (Har-

Raymond Raymond Frank Schermann, After retireis survived ment, Carole age 59, of Hutchinson, and forby brothers volunteered at merly of Winsted, died Friday, Marty (Janice) the Concerned Oct. 30 in Hutchinson. Scher mann, Raymond was born March 30, Women for D e a n 1950, to Edward and Anastasia America. Scher mann, (Gritz) Schermann in Cokato. A memand Tom He was baptized into his faith ber of the Mt. (Connie) Olivet Lu- at Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Schermann; sisters Elaine theran Church in Minneapolis, Winsted. and Emily Raymond attended Holy Trin- Schermann Carole sang in the choir. She ity School through the eighth Schermann; a nephew and four later joined North Heights Lu- grade. After that, he worked on nieces; and one grand nephew theran in Arden Hills. various farms, mowed lawns, and four grand nieces. She is survived by a son, split wood, and helped people A Mass of Christian Burial Robert (Jan) Quick of Colorado whenever he could. took place Monday, Nov. 2 at Springs, CO; grand daughters Raymond enjoyed visiting 10:30 a.m at Holy Trinity CathoMichelle Quick and her chil- family, neighbors, and friends. lic Church in Winsted with Fadren Tanisha, Delante, and Ti- His hobbies included collecting ther Tony Hesse as the celebrant. ana of Maple Grove; and Diana small decks of cards, padlocks, Alice Nowak was the organist for Simon and her children Unique, miniature John Deere tractors, the Mass. Interment followed at Precious, Destinee, and Mar- and miniature cars and trucks. Holy Trinity Cemetery. Visitation was Sunday, Nov. 1 He enjoyed listening to music quis of Coon Rapids. from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Chilson Erla Mae was preceded in and watching TV. A quiet, gentle man, Raymond Funeral Home in Winsted, with a death by her parents; four sisdealt with various health issues prayer service at 7:30 p.m. ters; and three brothers. Casket bearers were Paul The funeral service was as they occurred. When he was Schermann, Jeremy Cardinal, unable to care for himself, he Saturday, Nov. 7 at 11 a.m. at Swanson-Peterson Funeral moved to Burns Manor Nursing Matt Bogema, Tim Koshenina, Mark Schermann, and Donald Home in Cokato, with visita- Home. Fasching. He was preceded in death by tion for one hour prior to the Memorials may be made to dren Lindsey, Bennett and Paige service. Interment was in the his parents, Edward and Anastasia Schermann; a baby sister, the HAHC Senior Care Building Soderberg, Andrew, Katelin and Cokato City Cemetery. Rita Ann; grandparents Frank Fund. Preston Klohn, and Oscar Crews; The Chilson Funeral Home in and Mary Schermann and Maras well as other relatives and Winsted served the family. tin and Anna Gritz; and many many friends. aunts and uncles. Funeral services took place Friday, Nov. 6 at 10:30 a.m. at Faith Ev. Lutheran Church in Waconia with the Rev. Dale Peterson officiating. The pianist was Shelly Hilgers. Soloist Stephanie Smith sang “The Borning Cry.” Congregational hymns were “Amazing Grace” and “What A Friend We Have In Jesus.” Interment was in the Winsted Public Cemetery. Visitation was Thursday evening, Nov. 5 at the Paul-McBride Funeral Chapel in Norwood Young America. Serving as casket bearers were Randy Gutzmann, Bob Anderson, Bradley Soderberg, Todd Klohn, Peter Crews, Jon Lowery, Brian Moeller, Mark Anderson, Ethan Gutzmann-Williams, Bennett Soderberg, Andrew Klohn, Preston Klohn, and Oscar Crews. The Paul-McBride Funeral Chapel in Norwood Young America handled the arrangements. For Choose from 4 sizes: Window Box Tips; 2-3ft Tips; 4-5ft Tips; 6ft Tips online guestbook visit www.mcbridefuneralchapels.com

old) Knynsberg of Edmonton, Alberta, Andrea of Medina, Ronald (Donna) of Maple Lake, Donald of Annandale, Stephen (Janice) of Buffalo, Michael (Anna) Mulhall of Oklahoma, Timothy (Mary), and Elisabeth, all of Annandale; and many nieces, nephews, great nieces and great nephews. James was preceded in death by his parents; and a sister-inlaw, Janet. Funeral services took place Sunday, Nov. 1 at 2 p.m. at Dingmann Funeral Care Chapel, Maple Lake with Craig Fordahl officiating. Music was provided by Keith Yates. Interment was in Sylvan Cemetery. James’ nephews were pallbearers. Arrangements are entrusted to Dingmann Funeral Care, Maple Lake. Obituary and guestbook online at dingmannfuneral.com

Ruth S. Gutzmann, 84 Ruth Selma Bertha (Asmus) Gutzmann, age 84, of Waconia, died Monday, Nov. 2, 2009, at the Auburn Home in Waconia. She was born Nov. 7, 1924, in Hollywood Township, Carver County, the daughter of Oscar and Mayme (Sieg) Asmus. Ruth was baptized shortly after her birth in the family home, and confirmed in the faith April 10, 1938, at the St. James Lutheran Church in Howard Lake. Ruth attended the St. James Parochial School and graduated from the Howard Lake High School in 1942. She was united in marriage with Wayne R. Gutzmann Oct. 20, 1945, at St. John’s Lutheran Church of Hollywood Township. The couple made their home on the Asmus family farm, making it a three-generation farm. After retiring from farming, Wayne and Ruth moved to a home in Waconia in the late 1980s. Ruth suffered the death of her husband in March of 1992. She had lived at the Crossings and Westview Acres before becoming a resident of Auburn Home in Waconia the past year. Ruth had been a past 4-H leader and PTA member during the school years of her children.

She was an active member of her church. She enjoyed volunteering for over 15 years at Ridgeview Medical Center. Ruth enjoyed gardening, reading, and listening to music. She appreciated all aspects of nature. As she shared by example, Ruth’s family was her world. In addition to her husband, Wayne, Ruth was preceded in death by her parents, Oscar and Mayme Asmus; an infant daughter; and son-in-law Roger Hildebrand. She is survived by children Rachel Hildebrand of Savage, Susan Anderson (Bob) of Redwood Falls, Randy Gutzmann (Barb Luehmann) of Stillwater, and Miriam Gutzmann (El Vaughn Williams) of Waconia; grandchildren Michelle Soderberg (Bradley), Melissa Klohn (Todd), all of Shakopee, Sonja Anderson (Peter Crews) of Minneapolis, Gretchen Lowery (Jon) of St. Paul, Kelly Moeller (Brian) of St. Paul, Mark Anderson (special friend Heather Oehler and Jack) of Eagan, and Ethan Gutzmann-Williams of Minneapolis; great-grandchil-

Erla Mae Johnson “Carole” Quick, age 91, of Minneapolis, died Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2009, at Mercy Hospital in Coon Rapids. She was born May 28, 1918, to Lars Olaf and Rachel (Loberg) Johnson on the farm near Albright’s Mill in Middleville Township. She grew up there and attended Melquist country school, then graduated from Cokato High School. Carole went on to Normal Teachers Training at St. Cloud State University and attained her teaching certificate. Her first teaching job was at the Howard Lake Public School. She moved to Minneapolis and worked as a secretary at WPBC Radio, and WLOL Radio. Carole then went to work at the Milwaukee Road Railroad Company, as an executive secretary. She worked there many years and retired.

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Herald Journal News

HERALD JOURNAL, Monday, Nov. 9, 2009, Page 22A

Chocolate on HJ Facebook Like chocolate? Are you on Facebook? Join HJ’s account as a fan, and be entered in drawings By Lynda Jensen Editor Herald Journal has a Facebook account with the user name Herald Journal Publishing. Online readers are encouraged to check the Facebook account for newsy tips online – and get a slice of chocolate “Molten Lava” cake from Sun-

niʼs Grille, a free drink from the Blue Note (pending age verification of winner) or some jerky from Garberʼs Meats in Lester Prairie. Join by going to the web site www.herald-journal.com and clicking the Facebook button on the right hand side. Other prizes include two free wall prints from Herald Journal

of the “city lights” photo of Winsted, and a sunrise shot of Howard Lake, which is featured on the front of the guidebook right now. An optional print for the winner may be a print of Waverlyʼs night lights that will be on the cover of its guidebook, yet to be out. Prizes will be drawn from fans who join HJ Facebook

between now and Thanksgiving (Thursday, Nov. 26). The Herald Journal enjoys an average of nine million pageviews each year on all the different components of its web site, with that number rising every year. Herald Journal also has a Twitter “HeraldJournalP,” which makes regular tweets.

A welcome home 40 years overdue WELCOME HOME, from 1A

The week-long celebration was called “Operation Homecoming USA,” and included such things as a parade, concerts, a traveling Vietnam memorial wall, rides on a Vietnam helicopter, and much more. “Oh, they treated you like a king,” said Mauk, who went on the trip with his wife, Linda. “Strangers youʼve never seen thanked you for serving the country,” he said. The trip to Branson stirred up a lot of emotion, as well, said Keith. “Veterans had been hiding a lot of their emotions,” he said. “It was a release for many.” Because of the stigma Vietnam carried with it, emotions for veterans were two-fold. Many veterans didnʼt want to talk about their experiences because they didnʼt feel respected coming home and also because war is personal, Keith explained. “War is war,” he said. “Only people there can truly understand.” A warʼs effect is being seen now with veterans coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan. “They come back with issues because it does forever change you,” Keith said. Because of the treatment Vietnam era veterans endured, Keith senses people are more caring today and open to people serving in the military. “The Vietnam era opened up peopleʼs eyes – and 9/11 – realizing that veterans were just doing a job,” Keith said. “Iʼm proud for myself and

Submitted photo

Last June, Vietnam era veterans from the Dassel-Cokato area took part in Minnesota Honors Vietnam Veterans Era Celebration at the state capitol. The Holt Tour and Charter bus stopped to pick up participants in Silver Lake before being escorted by a patriot guard to the capitol. other veterans who have done the same,” he said about serving. This past July, Minnesota honored its Vietnam era veterans at the state capitol, which was also a reunion for those who attended the Branson trip four years earlier.


craft, and much more. A highlight for Lorentz was meeting Governor Tim Pawlenty as he walked off the stage after speaking to the crowd. “It was fantastic,” Lorentz commented of the entire event dedicated to men and women like him.

Lorentz, Keith, and Mauk were among the 50 area veterans and family members who participated in Minnesota Honors Vietnam Veterans Era Celebration. The event included a parade of colors, special speakers, several fly-overs of military air


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