History Questions

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History questions

1) Describe the key decisions made at Yalta? In Febuary 1945 the big three met at yalta in the ussr to decide what would HAPPEN AFTER THE DEFEAT OF Germany. However Churchill and Rooosevelet wanted to build up Germany for trade whereas Stalin wanted to weaken germany and make it work for the ussr and pay war reparations. Nevertheless they all came to an agreement. The agreed that BELIN and Germany would be split into four zones, that Roosevelt and Churchill would accept rusiian influence in the east, Poland should be a separate country, the ussr was invited to hjoin the united nations and would help America fight Japan . In addition the big thre agrred to put the nazi war criminal on trial and that all the contries tht were under the nazi rule would be set free and can have their own elections. 2) (USSR AND POLAND) Explain why there was tension between Britain and the Ussr at this time. In Febuary 1945 it was decided that countries set free from the Nazis should have free elections and choose their own democratic government, this include Poland, and in yalta stalin agreed to this. However he broker the agrrement by the time of Potsdam july 1945. Stalin also agrred to hold free election howver he did not, insted he areested the non-communist leaders and 100,000 members in the peoples party, the government ran a propaganda war against the non-communist. When elections came in January 1947 it was not free or democratic at all, people were bullied into votting for the communist who won 394 out of 444 seats. Britain and Ameriac could not stop this but they were very angry. With Russia, this also deepend the feeling of distrust. Also Churchills speech abouth the iron curtain in march 1946 added to the tension as he said he wanted Britain and America to resust the soviets, thios made stalin angry and in some ways it is believed that his speech was the start of the cold war. 3) Explain how the following contributed to tension between the allies in 1945: • The delay in opening the second front • Poland • The atomic bomb 1945 was the year when the cold war and tension started to arise between the ussr and the allies for numorous of reasons. The delay in popening the second front in 1944 made stalin think that Britain and America wanted Germany and the USSr to destroy each other, this did not help relations.

In yalta febuaury 1945 it was decided that the ussr would let Poland have free elections however in 1945 stalin did not hod free elections instead he arrested non-communists and had 100,000 members of the peoples party arrested. In January 1947 the elections were not democratic or free as people were bullied to vote for the communist who won 394 seats out of 444. This made Britain and ameriac angry as stalin went bak on his word, this also deepend the distrust and heightend tension. To make matters worse Truman in the potasdam meetin in july 1945 did not mention the creation of the atomioc bomb. This angered satlin, which contributed to the tension. 1) Explain what is meant by ‘the Big three.’ This was a term used for the leaders of the usa, America and the ussr. The big three contained stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill. They meet together in places like yalta which is in the ussr in febuary 1945 to disscuss what going to happen to Germany after they were defaed. 2) Why was the soviet union able to secure controle of much of eastern Europe after the end of the second world war? Durrind the war communist fled to Russia where they were taught how to take over their countries for communism. First they joined the government like everybody eles and then they made sure that they took controle of the army and police, then they accused and arresested all the noncommunist one-by one. Fibnally when there was noe to oppose them the held a election. Also most of the countries in east Europe was under the contole of the nazi government therefore when they were liberated they were left vunrable to communist influence. Stalins techinics were also a major factor in why the soviet union were able to secure controle of east Europe. Stalin organised non-communsist to be arreseted, for example this was done in Poland which led to the comminst winning the elections in January 1947. 3) What was the Truman Doctorine and Marshall aid In MARCH 1947 truman told the American congress that it was amercias job to stop communism from growing stronger. It was said that Truman advocated containment. In june 1947 general goerge marshall visted Europe and he came bak thinking that Europe was soo poor that it was about to turn communist. Therefore masrshall and Truman asked trhe congress for 17 billion dollers to help the fund the European recovaery programme which was nickednamed marshall plan, to get the conomy of Europe up agin. This was in interest for America due to trade and simply that they did not klike communism. However the congress refused until march 1948 when

czhoolsikvaia turned communist. This adid was givwen in forms of food, grants, equipment etc 4) Describe how the western powers responded to stalins decision to blockade Berlin In 1948? America did not want to start war therefore they decieded to fly supplies into west Berlin.

8)Describe the key features of the bay of pigs.

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