History Of Photography

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 571
  • Pages: 4
History of Photography: 1660 - Portable version of camera obscura developed, 1725 - Johann Schulze experiments with chemicals to produce phosphorescent stone only to discover silver chloride contamination. 1777 - Carl W. Scheele repeated Schulze’ experiment and carried experiment further to discover the basic chemistry of photography – (expose silver chloride to produce a fixed image with ammonia)

1817 - Experimentation began trying to produce a photographic image on paper. - Joseph N. Niepce developed an emulsion and produced the first permanent camera image. (blurs of light and dark) 1835 - France’s Louis Daguerre discovered that silver was the key to producing better images. - First photographic process to be used outside the laboratory: The Daguerreotype. 1835 - England’s William Talbot experimented and succeeded in producing an number of photographs. His process known as calotype or Talbotype enabled photographers to make multiple copies of a single image. 1849 - Stereoscopic Camera introduced. This produced a 3-D effect by combining two images. 1850 - Books of photographs were first published.

1850 - Two opposing factions of Artist/Photographers had been established: - Pictorialist: believed the photograph should look as much like a painting as possible. Heavily influenced by Delacroix. - Naturalist: believed that a work of art ought ot express ‘correct sentiment’ and to be decorative. - Practical photographers’ work showed the hard edge of reality.

1851 - Frederick S. Archer introduced collodion wet plat process that yield high quality images and multiple copies.

1880 - Photography’s primary purpose at this time was: a) to promote social reform b) record historical events c) aid scientific investigations

1880 - Flexible film appeared. - Edward Muybridge invented a device called a zoopraxiscope which produced a series of images of a moving subject.

1890 - George Eastman had introduced the Kodak Camera.

1907 - First commercial color film (autochrome) hit the market. - Autochrme produced transparencies that could not be enlarged.

1914 - Oscar Barnack employs German mieroscope manufactured Leitz developed camera using the modern 24X36mm from and sprocketed 35mm movie film – SPROCKETS.

1924 - Leitz markets a derivative of Bornacks camera commercially as the ‘Leica’, the first hight quality camera.

1925 - Leica introduced Minature camera – the first to use 35mm film amateur photography became an international passion,

1935 - Kodak introduced Kodachrome – and improved slide film.

1936 - LIFE Magazine started and began a whole Photojournalism and advertising using photography were used to catch attention.

1936 - Development of Kodachrome, the first color multi-layered colour film, developed of exacta pioneering 35mm single-lens reflex (SLR) camera.

1937 - Single Lens Reflex (SLR) introduced to US by Exacta.

1941 - Kodacolor film for making color prints introduced.

1947 - First Polaroid Camera developed by Edwin Land.

1954 - First high speed film TRI-X comes to market.

1955 - Edward Steichen curates Family of Man exhibits at New York’s MuModern Art.

1959 - Development of first zoom lens.

1963 - First color film developed * Instamatic released by Kodak (was mass produced)

1966 - Konica introduces first professional quality automatic exposure camera.

1972 - Polaroid adds color to its instant camera.

1975 - Steve Sasson at Kodak built the first working CCD based digital still camera.

1990 - Adobe PhotoShop released.

1991 - Kodak DCS-100, first digital SLR amodified Nikon f3.

2004 – Kodak ceases producing film.

2005 - Canon EOS 5D, first consumer-priced full-frame digital SLR, with a 24X36mm CMOS Sensor for $3000.

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