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History of Pakistan And India paper 1 Part 2 Q2. "Conquest of sind produced everlasting results not only in sindh but also in al over the South asia" discuss. Q3. " Shamuddin iltutmish organizedthe adminstration in newly conquered territories as a loose decentralizad system in which high noble were treated as the peers of king". discuss. Q4. " ghiyasuddin balban managedthe defence of the country against the foreign agression and internal danger but called for reorganization of administrationto make it effective".comment. Q5.Estimate the charater and achievements of zahee ud din baber. Q6. Highlight the role of noor jahan in the reign of jahangir. Q7. Give a study of origin and teaching of chistiyya order. Q8. Give an anaytical study of centrak administration of mughals.

History of Pakistan and India paper 2 Part 2 Q2. Give an account of the arrival of the English in subcontinent. Trace, historically the the manner in which they succeeded in establishing factories and trade centre in indo Pakistan. Also the circumstances which forced the east India company to assume the shape of power from peace ful trade company. Q3. Give your views about the exact nature of the revolt of 1857. was it a syp mutiny, a conspiracy or a war of independence? Q4. Examine Aligarh movement and services rendered by sir syed ahmed khan to the uplift the educational services for the awakening of the muslims of sub continent. Q5. what were the conditions which necessitated the partition of Bengal in 1905? What was th reaction of the hindus and muslims shown towards the partition? Q6.” The initial years of Pakistan were very crucial for its existence”. Discuss. Q7. “Frequent military interventions are the basic cause of failure of democracy in Pakistan”. Discuss. Q8. Give the importance of objective revolution in the history of constitution making in Pakistan. in year 614 iltumish fought with his brother in law in mansoria? a)qabacha c)yalduz d) none of these to which tribe balban belonged to? khuilch b) ibery c) mongol d) none of these in year 642 alauddin masud made balban a) b) c) d)none of these which courts hold prominence in slave dynasty and in aurangzeb reign ? qadi court ? who claimed to b consulted aboud islamic jurisdiction in delhi sultanate first ? noor ud din mubbarak ? who was author as well as a judge ? noor ud din mubbarak ? who was first wazir of iltumish ? kamal ud din ? muslim percentage in mysore ? 2 4 8 15 voiceroy of daccan from 1667 1680 shaista khan delhi life was disturbed by shifting of capital to daulatabad ?? khawaja baqi billah founded which silsilah suharwardi naqshbandi chishtiyah none of these my ans chishtiyah which is wrong virtual capital of akbar from 1585 to 1598 lahore ?

position of hindus in mahmud ghaznvi army significant shah waliullah translated Quran in persian 1817 to 1898 life time of. sir syed ahmed khan renunciation of partition of bengal october 1911 day of deliverance 22 December 1939 name of head of cliff award sir red cliff 1. Shah Waliullah translated Holy Quran in ...... language Persian 2. All India Muhammadan Educational Conference was formed by Sir syed in... 1886 3. Ist session of All India Muslim League was held at..... Karachi 4. Day of delieverance was observed on 22 December 1939 5. Poor man's budget in india just before partition was presented by... Liaquat Ali Khan 6. Annulment of Bengal 12 december 1911 7. Cripps visited India on..... 22 March 1942 8. Z.A Bhutto took oath as 4th president on.... none of these (20 december 1971 was not option) 9. 18th amendment passed in year.... 2010 10. Who was Governor General of Indo Pakistan during Ist Afghan war... Lord Auckland (18361842) 11. Lord dalhouise introduced doctrine that in absence of natural heirs the states will be annexed to company rule, it is called as...... Doctrine of lapse 12. ......... designed the mausoleum of Quaideazam Yahya merchent 13. The first state to join Pakistan after the independence.... Bahawalpur 14. sada e pakistan secret newspaper published fom.... Punjab NWFP Sindh None of these 15. Earlier It was decided that India will be given dominion status which shall comprise ..... states 2345 16. QuaideAzam joined the Lincoln's Inn in...... 1893 17. Urdu Hindi Controversy started in the year.... 1867 18. Name the personality which lived in the period 18171898 A.D.... Sir Syed Ahmed khan 8/11/2015 indo pak history paper 2012 CSS Forums http://www.cssforum.com.pk/csspastpapers/css2012papers/60763indopakhistorypaper2012a.html 6/7 #8 #9 #10

19. name of head of boundary commision Cyril red cliff 20. Which charter act allowed indians to join civil services.... Charter act of 1833 As far as I know my 17 Questions are rig

Ce:2013 Part 2 (subjective) Q2. Identify and evaluate the short term and long term impact of the Muslim's invasion on the subcontinent Q3. Narrate the steps taken by Ghiyas ud din balban for consolidating his rule. Q4. ' the reign of Firuz tughlaq closed the most brilliant Epoch of the Muslim Rule in India before the reign of Akbar" comment. Q5. give brief account of the services rendered by sufis and Ulemas in developing the Muslim society

in the sub continent. Q6. Give a brief review of the SocioEconomic conditions of the people under the sultans and Mughals. Q7. write a brief but comprehensive Essay on the factors, forces and issues which contributes in establishing mughal rule in the subcontinent 8/11/2015 Indo pak history paper 2013 CSS Forums http://www.cssforum.com.pk/csspastpapers/css2013papers/76058indopakhistorypaper2013a.html 2/14 #2

Q8. Highlight the role of art, architecture and literature inprojecting the image of muslims in the sub continent.

Q1. MCQ's 1 Which was the capital of Ummayyads at the time of Muhammad bin Qasim's invasion? a Baghdad b Kufa c Damascus d none of these 2 Which city was named as the city of gold by Arabs during Bin Qasim's invasion of Sindh? a Debul b Multan c Brahman abad d none of these 3 To which Silsila Sheikh Bahauddin Zakriya Multani belongs? a Chishtiya b Suharwardia c Qadriya d none of these 4 Which sultan adopted the policy of 'matrimonial alliances' towards his rivals who challenged his authority? a Qutb ud din Aibak b Iltutmish c Balban d none of these 8/11/2015 Indo pak history paper 2013 CSS Forums http://www.cssforum.com.pk/csspastpapers/css2013papers/76058indopakhistorypaper2013a.html 3/14

5 During which reign Khwaja Kutb ud din Bakhtyar Kaki died? a Qutb ud din Aibak b Iltutmish c Razia Sultana d none of these 6 Who ruled India from 1236 to 1240? a Iltuish b Behram Shah c Razia Sultana d none of these 7 Who succeeded Ghiyas ud din Balban? a Kaiqubad b kaikhusrau c Jalal ud din Khilji d none of these 8 Who wrote FatawaeJahandari? a Syed Ahmed Shaheed b Zia ud din Barani c Shah Walli ullah d none of these 9 Jamat khana Masjid at the Dargah of Nizam ud Din Auliya was constructed by a Ala ud din Khilji b Muhammad bin Tughlaq c Firuz Tughlaq d none of these 10 Which sultan believed that sultan is the Shadow of God? a Iltutmish b Muhammad bin Tughlaq c Akbar d none of these 11 During which dynasty Amir Taimur's invasion of India took place? a Khilji b Tughlaq c Lodhi d none of these 12 Who was the founder of Sayyid dynasty? a Khizer khan b Mohammad Shah

c Mubarak Shah d none of these 13Guru Nanak was born during the reign of a Bahlol Lodhi b Sikandar Lodhi c Ibrahim Lodhi d none of these 14 DiwaneArz related to the matters of a War b Land revenue c Finance d none of these 15 The Rohtas Fort is situated in the province of a Khyber pakhtunkha b punjab c Sindh d none of these 16 Which Mughal emperor imprisoned Sheikh Ahmed Sarhandi a Akbar b Jahangir c Shahjahan 8/11/2015 Indo pak history paper 2013 CSS Forums http://www.cssforum.com.pk/csspastpapers/css2013papers/76058indopakhistorypaper2013a.html 4/14 #3

d none of these 17 Where was shah jahan at the time of death of Jahangir a Agra b Lahore c Deccan d none of these 18 In which year Noor Jahan died a 1625 b 1635 c 1645 d none of these 19 Where is Moti Masjid a Lahore fort b Agra Fort c Rohtas fort d none of these 20 Amalgamation of Islamic, Iranian and Hindi architecture to shape IndoIslamic architecture was dond by a Iranians b Greeks c Mughals d none of these

History of Pakistan and India paper 2 Ce:2013 Objective 1.battle of plassey was fought in a.June 1757 b.may 1758 c.march 1756 d.none of these 2.first governor general of British in India a.lord clive b.lord warren hastings c.lord mayo d. none of these 3. territory of singh annexed by british in 8/11/2015 Indo pak history paper 2013 CSS Forums http://www.cssforum.com.pk/csspastpapers/css2013papers/76058indopakhistorypaper2013a.html 5/14

a.1840 b.1841 c.1843 d.none of these 4.first british viceroy of india a. lord harding b.lord canning

c.lord minto d. none of these 5.the territory of kashmir was sold in a.65 lac b.75 lac c.90 lac d. none of these 6.anjuman himayat i Islam was founded in a.1880 b.1882 c.1884 d. none of these 7.the writer of bande matram a.patel b.chatterji c.benerji d. none of these 8.syed Ameer Ali became the Judge of calcutta high court in a.1886 b.1888 c.1890 d. none of these 9.founder of jamia milliah Islamia a.maulana Azad b.maulana jauhar c.maulana zafar Ali d. none of these 10.muslim league, london branch founded in, a.1908 b.1910 c.1911 d. none of these 11. Auther of Book. The spirit of Islam a.Alama Shibli b.shaukat ali c.syed Ameer ali d. none of these 12. how long is common bounday line between pakistan and afghanistan a.1300km b.1400km c.1500km d. none of these 13.founder of unionist party 8/11/2015 Indo pak history paper 2013 CSS Forums http://www.cssforum.com.pk/csspastpapers/css2013papers/76058indopakhistorypaper2013a.html 6/14

a.chhoto ram b.sir fazal hussain c.sikandar hayat d. none of these 14. muslim league observed direct Action day a.14 july 1944 b.5 march 1945 c.16 august 1946 d. none of these 15.pakistan become member of UNO a.aug 1947 b.sept 1947 c.dec 1947 d. none of these 16.first muslim barrister of bombay high court a.Ali imam b.M.A jinnah c.Ameer ali d. none of these 17. red cliff boundary award ws announced on; a.13 aug 1947 b.15 aug 1947 c. 17 aug 1947 d. none of these 18.first chair man of senat of pakistan a.fazal Illahi b.habib Ullah khan c.wasim sajjad

d. none of these 19. the territory of Gawadar was given to Pakistan by: a.the sheikh of kuwait b.ruler of oman c.amir of qatar d. none of these 20. inauguration of karachi steel mill a.dec, 1973 b.dec, 1974 c. may 1975 d. none of these Part 2 (subjective) Q2. Analysis the impact of the British East India Company's rule (1757 1857) upon the Muslim of indo pak subcontinent Q3. bring out the role of aligarh movement in the intellectual and political awakening of the Muslims of sub continent. Q4. " the period between 19121916 was notable as a time of growing unity between the main Indian political parties." discuss Q5. trade the course of the khilafat Movement and assess its significance for the development of 8/11/2015 Indo pak history paper 2013 CSS Forums http://www.cssforum.com.pk/csspastpapers/css2013papers/76058indopakhistorypaper2013a.html 7/14 #4

Indian nationalism. Q6. " the policies of Indian national congress between 1937 to 1947 were such as to make the partition of India inevitable" discuss, Q7. analyse the policise of the Khan Liaquat Ali Khan as general secretary of muslim league and as a prime minister of Pakistan. Q8." muslim countries look towards Pakistan as a fort of Islam" discuss Pakistan's relations with the Muslim world.

1. Damascus 2. 3. Suharwardi 4. None of these 5. Iltutmish 6. Razia Sultana 7. Muiz udin Kakiabad 8. Zia udin Barani 9. 10. 11. None of these (Not sure) 12. Khizar Khan 13. 14. War 15. Punjab 16. Jahangir 17. Agra (Not sure) 18. 1645 19. Lahore fort 20. Mughals 1 Which was the capital of Ummayyads at the time of Muhammad bin Qasim's invasion? c Damascus 2 Which city was named as the city of gold by Arabs during Bin Qasim's invasion of Sindh? b Multan 3 To which Silsila Sheikh Bahauddin Zakriya Multani belongs? b Suharwardia 4 Which sultan adopted the policy of 'matrimonial alliances' towards his rivals who challenged his authority? d none of these 5 During which reign Khwaja Kutb ud din Bakhtyar Kaki died? b Iltutmish 8/11/2015 Indo pak history paper 2013 CSS Forums http://www.cssforum.com.pk/csspastpapers/css2013papers/76058indopakhistorypaper2013a.html 10/14 #6

6 Who ruled India from 1236 to 1240? c Razia Sultana 7 Who succeeded Ghiyas ud din Balban? a Kaiqabad 8 Who wrote FatawaeJahandari? b Zia ud din Barani 9 Jamat khana Masjid at the Dargah of Nizam ud Din Auliya was constructed by

d none of these(khizar khan) 10 Which sultan believed that sultan is the Shadow of God? c Akbar 11 During which dynasty Amir Taimur's invasion of India took place? b Tughlaq 12 Who was the founder of Sayyid dynasty? a Khizer khan 13Guru Nanak was born during the reign of d none of these 14 DiwaneArz related to the matters of a War 15 The Rohtas Fort is situated in the province of b punjab 16 Which Mughal emperor imprisoned Sheikh Ahmed Sarhandi b Jahangir 17 Where was shah jahan at the time of death of Jahangir a Agra 18 In which year Noor Jahan died c 1645 19 Where is Moti Masjid b Agra Fort 20 Amalgamation of Islamic, Iranian and Hindi architecture to shape IndoIslamic architecture was dond by c Mughals

History of Pakistan and India paper 2 Ce:2013 Objective 1.battle of plassey was fought in a.June 1757 b.may 1758 c.march 1756 d.none of these 2.first governor general of British in India a.lord clive b.lord warren hastings c.lord mayo d. none of these 3. territory of singh annexed by british in 8/11/2015 Indo pak history paper 2013 CSS Forums http://www.cssforum.com.pk/csspastpapers/css2013papers/76058indopakhistorypaper2013a.html 5/14

a.1840 b.1841 c.1843 d.none of these 4.first british viceroy of india a. lord harding b.lord canning c.lord minto d. none of these 5.the territory of kashmir was sold in a.65 lac b.75 lac c.90 lac d. none of these 6.anjuman himayat i Islam was founded in a.1880 b.1882 c.1884 d. none of these 7.the writer of bande matram a.patel b.chatterji c.benerji d. none of these 8.syed Ameer Ali became the Judge of calcutta high court in a.1886 b.1888 c.1890

d. none of these 9.founder of jamia milliah Islamia a.maulana Azad b.maulana jauhar c.maulana zafar Ali d. none of these 10.muslim league, london branch founded in, a.1908 b.1910 c.1911 d. none of these 11. Auther of Book. The spirit of Islam a.Alama Shibli b.shaukat ali c.syed Ameer ali d. none of these 12. how long is common bounday line between pakistan and afghanistan a.1300km b.1400km c.1500km d. none of these 13.founder of unionist party 8/11/2015 Indo pak history paper 2013 CSS Forums http://www.cssforum.com.pk/csspastpapers/css2013papers/76058indopakhistorypaper2013a.html 6/14

a.chhoto ram b.sir fazal hussain c.sikandar hayat d. none of these 14. muslim league observed direct Action day a.14 july 1944 b.5 march 1945 c.16 august 1946 d. none of these 15.pakistan become member of UNO a.aug 1947 b.sept 1947 c.dec 1947 d. none of these 16.first muslim barrister of bombay high court a.Ali imam b.M.A jinnah c.Ameer ali d. none of these 17. red cliff boundary award ws announced on; a.13 aug 1947 b.15 aug 1947 c. 17 aug 1947 d. none of these 18.first chair man of senat of pakistan a.fazal Illahi b.habib Ullah khan c.wasim sajjad d. none of these 19. the territory of Gawadar was given to Pakistan by: a.the sheikh of kuwait b.ruler of oman c.amir of qatar d. none of these 20. inauguration of karachi steel mill a.dec, 1973 b.dec, 1974 c. may 1975 d. none of these Part 2 (subjective) Q2. Analysis the impact of the British East India Company's rule (1757 1857) upon the Muslim of indo pak subcontinent Q3. bring out the role of aligarh movement in the intellectual and political awakening of the Muslims of sub continent. Q4. " the period between 19121916 was notable as a time of growing unity between the main Indian political parties." discuss Q5. trade the course of the khilafat Movement and assess its significance for the development of 8/11/2015 Indo pak history paper 2013 CSS Forums

http://www.cssforum.com.pk/csspastpapers/css2013papers/76058indopakhistorypaper2013a.html 7/14 #4

Indian nationalism. Q6. " the policies of Indian national congress between 1937 to 1947 were such as to make the partition of India inevitable" discuss, Q7. analyse the policise of the Khan Liaquat Ali Khan as general secretary of muslim league and as a prime minister of Pakistan. Q8." muslim countries look towards Pakistan as a fort of Islam" discuss Pakistan's relations with the Muslim world. Originally Posted by Z Bokhari Q1. MCQ's 1 Which was the capital of Ummayyads at the time of Muhammad bin Qasim's invasion? a Baghdad b Kufa c Damascus d none of these 2 Which city was named as the city of gold by Arabs during Bin Qasim's invasion of Sindh? a Debul b Multan c Brahman abad d none of these 3 To which Silsila Sheikh Bahauddin Zakriya Multani belongs? a Chishtiya b Suharwardia c Qadriya d none of these 4 Which sultan adopted the policy of 'matrimonial alliances' towards his rivals who challenged his authority? a Qutb ud din Aibak b Iltutmish c Balban d none of these 5 During which reign Khwaja Kutb ud din Bakhtyar Kaki died? a Qutb ud din Aibak b Iltutmish c Razia Sultana d none of these 6 Who ruled India from 1236 to 1240? a Iltuish b Behram Shah c Razia Sultana d none of these 8/11/2015 Indo pak history paper 2013 CSS Forums http://www.cssforum.com.pk/csspastpapers/css2013papers/76058indopakhistorypaper2013a.html 8/14

7 Who succeeded Ghiyas ud din Balban? a Kaiqubad b kaikhusrau c Jalal ud din Khilji d none of these 8 Who wrote FatawaeJahandari? a Syed Ahmed Shaheed b Zia ud din Barani c Shah Walli ullah d none of these 9 Jamat khana Masjid at the Dargah of Nizam ud Din Auliya was constructed by a Ala ud din Khilji b Muhammad bin Tughlaq c Firuz Tughlaq d none of these 10 Which sultan believed that sultan is the Shadow of God? a Iltutmish b Muhammad bin Tughlaq c Akbar d none of these 11 During which dynasty Amir Taimur's invasion of India took place? a Khilji b Tughlaq c Lodhi d none of these 12 Who was the founder of Sayyid dynasty? a Khizer khan b Mohammad Shah c Mubarak Shah

d none of these 13Guru Nanak was born during the reign of a Bahlol Lodhi b Sikandar Lodhi c Ibrahim Lodhi d none of these 14 DiwaneArz related to the matters of a War b Land revenue c Finance d none of these 15 The Rohtas Fort is situated in the province of a Khyber pakhtunkha b punjab c Sindh d none of these 16 Which Mughal emperor imprisoned Sheikh Ahmed Sarhandi a Akbar b Jahangir c Shahjahan d none of these 17 Where was shah jahan at the time of death of Jahangir a Agra b Lahore c Deccan d none of these 18 In which year Noor Jahan died a 1625 b 1635 8/11/2015 Indo pak history paper 2013 CSS Forums http://www.cssforum.com.pk/csspastpapers/css2013papers/76058indopakhistorypaper2013a.html 9/14 #5

c 1645 d none of these 19 Where is Moti Masjid a Lahore fort b Agra Fort c Rohtas fort d none of these 20 Amalgamation of Islamic, Iranian and Hindi architecture to shape IndoIslamic architecture was dond by a Iranians b Greeks c Mughals d none of these 1. Damascus 2. 3. Suharwardi 4. None of these 5. Iltutmish 6. Razia Sultana 7. Muiz udin Kakiabad 8. Zia udin Barani 9. 10. 11. None of these (Not sure) 12. Khizar Khan 13. 14. War 15. Punjab 16. Jahangir 17. Agra (Not sure) 18. 1645 19. Lahore fort 20. Mughals 1 Which was the capital of Ummayyads at the time of Muhammad bin Qasim's invasion? c Damascus 2 Which city was named as the city of gold by Arabs during Bin Qasim's invasion of Sindh? b Multan 3 To which Silsila Sheikh Bahauddin Zakriya Multani belongs? b Suharwardia 4 Which sultan adopted the policy of 'matrimonial alliances' towards his rivals who challenged his authority?

d none of these 5 During which reign Khwaja Kutb ud din Bakhtyar Kaki died? b Iltutmish 8/11/2015 Indo pak history paper 2013 CSS Forums http://www.cssforum.com.pk/csspastpapers/css2013papers/76058indopakhistorypaper2013a.html 10/14 #6

6 Who ruled India from 1236 to 1240? c Razia Sultana 7 Who succeeded Ghiyas ud din Balban? a Kaiqabad 8 Who wrote FatawaeJahandari? b Zia ud din Barani 9 Jamat khana Masjid at the Dargah of Nizam ud Din Auliya was constructed by d none of these(khizar khan) 10 Which sultan believed that sultan is the Shadow of God? c Akbar 11 During which dynasty Amir Taimur's invasion of India took place? b Tughlaq 12 Who was the founder of Sayyid dynasty? a Khizer khan 13Guru Nanak was born during the reign of d none of these 14 DiwaneArz related to the matters of a War 15 The Rohtas Fort is situated in the province of b punjab 16 Which Mughal emperor imprisoned Sheikh Ahmed Sarhandi b Jahangir 17 Where was shah jahan at the time of death of Jahangir a Agra 18 In which year Noor Jahan died c 1645 19 Where is Moti Masjid b Agra Fort 20 Amalgamation of Islamic, Iranian and Hindi architecture to shape IndoIslamic architecture was dond by c Mughals Q2. Identify and evaluate the short term and long term impact of the Muslim's invasion on the subcontinent List of Invasions Arabs 8th Century Mahmood Ghaznavi 11th century Turk Muhammad Ghauri 12th century Turk Zaheer ud Din Babar 16th Century Mughal Nadir Shah and Ahmad Shah Abdali lesser invasions Short Term Effects Political Instability Drain of Wealth Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural Instability The Rule of Muslims as well Long Term impacts: Religious: Islam, Reform Movements (Bhakti, Guru Nanak) Indian Nationalism: No concept of India before them Centralized Government: Delhi, Currency Impacts on Military of the region Urdu Language Introduction of age old knowledge of Indians to the world (Algebra, Chess Game, Concept of 0) Arts and Architecture: Taj Mahal, Lal Qilla, Lahore Fort Agricultural and Infrastructural Reforms: Road Linkages, Land Revenue Systems Miscellenous 8/11/2015 Indo pak history paper 2013 CSS Forums http://www.cssforum.com.pk/csspastpapers/css2013papers/76058indopakhistorypaper2013a.html 13/14 #9 #10

Q3. Narrate the steps taken by Ghiyas ud din balban for consolidating his rule. Theory of Kingship Reorganization of Army Suppression of Rebellions Mongol Policy Liquidation of The Forty Q4. ' the reign of Firuz tughlaq closed the most brilliant Epoch of the Muslim Rule in India before the reign of Akbar" comment.

Firuz Tughluq 37 years reign Agricultural Reforms Irrigation Imposition of Shariah and abolition of punishments Cities, Social Reforms, Slave System Reintroduction of Jagirs no military achievements Last great Sultan Provided peace and stability during turmoil IndoPak History Papers 2014

Q2 .How did Ghayasuddin balban consolidate his rule ?What were his major achievements as a ruler? Q3. Give an account of market regulations and price control system of Allaudin Khilji? Q4. Make a comparison between the teachngs, Khanqah organization and attitude towards the state of sufi saints of Chistiya and suharwardi orders or silsilahs of sufism in India? Q5. Why Sher shah suri is called forerunner of Akbar? which policies and measures of sher shah suri were adapted by Akbar? Q6. How would you evaluate Aurangzeb as a ruler? Discuss in lenght his successes and failures to supprt your view point? Q7. Discuss in detail the society and culture during the Sultanate period. Q8. Write a comprehensive note on the art , architecture and literature of Mughal era, mentioning all the important architectural monuments and literary works produced during the period. Blink Question 2: How the British East India Company emerged as a Political force from a TRADING FIRM ? Question 3: "No Aligarh movement No independence No Pakistan" give arguments in favor or against the common belief. Question 4: Critically examine the role of Muslim religious parties toward making of Pakistan. Question 5: Carefully examine the PostWorld War II political development of India towards the division of India and to keep it united in context with the British Government, the congress and the Muslim league. Question 6: Elucidate the reasons of constitutional crises in Pakistan after its inception. Also examine the role of civilmilitary stakeholders in lingering the constitution making process during the first decade of political history of Pakistan. Question 7: Discuss in detail various regional separatist movements which developed in Pakistan with a special reference to the mishandling of the Balochistan case. In you opinion what is the solution of the current crises of our country. Question 8: Examine the sectarian crises in Pakistan with a special concern to the Madrassa element tracing the history of Muslim educational system since the rise of Muslim power in South Asia; keeping into account the merits and the demerits of the whole syste Indo Pak History Paper 2015

PAPER I 1. Analyze the political, social and religious conditions of India at the advent of Arab invasion of Sindh. 2. Elaborate on the consolidation of Delhi Sultanate under Sultan Shamsuddin Iltutmish. 3. What was the Mongol threat to India? How far did the early Sultans of Delhi succeed in repulsing them from the frontiers of India? 4. Critically analyse the economic and social policies of the Sultans of Delhi and its effect on the local population. 5. Evaluate authority and kingship under the Sultans particularly the Theory of Kingship of Balban and its impact upon the Muslim rule in India. 6. Analyse in detail art and literature under the Mughals. 7. Discuss in detail the interaction of Islam with Indian Society and its effect on the future communal relations between Muslims and nonMuslims in the Indian SubContinent.

PAPER II 1. Analyse the political views and services of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan in the context of HinduMuslim politics. What factors were responsible for his shift from Indian Nationalism to Muslim sub


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nationalism? 2. Why the Hiindus were so vehemently opposed to the partition of the province of Bengal in 1905? Discuss in length the Hindu agitation against the partition which finally resulted in its cancellation. 3. "Though the Khilafat and Hijrat movements failed to achieve their immediate objectives but they had great impacts on the lives of the Indian Muslims." Thoroughly analyse this statement and give arguments in support of your viewpoint.

4. "The Nehru Report struck the last nail in the coffin of HinduMuslim Unity." Elucidate the statement by giving the clauses of the Nehru Report which were unacceptable to the Indian Muslims and vehemently opposed by the Muslim leaders and Muslim political organizations. 5. Write note on the elections of 1937 and the Muslim grievances under the Congress rule in the provinces from July 1937 to October 1939. 6. Give an account of the factors responsible for the delay in the drafting of the first Constitution of Pakistan for nine years focusing on the differences between the political leadership of the East and West Pakistan. 7. Discuss in length Pakistan's relations with the United States in historical perspective. What future do you foresee for Pakistan's alliance with the United States in the ongoing Global War on Terror? Indo Pak II Objectives

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

British annexed punjab in the year..... Who was the founder of Unionist Party of Punjab.... which party won the elections in punjab in 1937..... Who was the first president of Congress..... Sawaraj means.... The book "The Musalmans"Written by........ which leader first opposed the Partition of Bengal...

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