History Of European Power

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Send this message with this seal to the next kingdom and should my letter be opened kill the spy. Should word of my strategy leak out within the spy world and my invention be turned against me then send in the national guard and call this situation a state secret.

History of British Colonial Power Over 1000 years ago King Harold claimed to rule Britain under authority given him by Jesus Christ and God himself. Before this time, England was beset by problems associated with lawless societies and the need to protect the population from wandering nomads and Vikings. Plagued by insurrection and eventual defeat, the claims of King Harold were copied by Kings of England for many generations in support of sovereign claims designed to achieve superior force de ma jure and establish control over the Kingdom of England. In 1066, William the Conqueror usurped Harold’s claims of divine right and began stable and continuous conquest to protect people from foreign invasion and the cruelties of war through the sanction of personal military and spy institutions. Much is said about the history of military intervention in the history of western democratic nation states but little is published about the use and disposal of spies, an important intergenerational group of people who were of great historical importance to the function and maintenance of western power and religious systems. What follows is a speculative account of the history of secret power systems that originated within western democratic territorial states, a story for which no factual contradiction exists. The use of hidden power systems has long had a history of being in our community and includes links to present day intelligence. Over 1000 years ago, spies began a continuous and intergenerational conquest to organize under military principles on behalf of powerful families who claimed religious authority and divine right. Originally conceived as soldier-slaves, spies were raised to be loyal, perform secret work, influence the general population, and support the various policies and positions of the royal family, including the right of succession as set up in Britain after King Harold in 1066. During early and late medieval times, serious people quite likely began breeding spies to perform obligations on behalf of royal families who organized to defend territorial authority and sovereignty. Before the advent of reading and print, spies were used to control various problems associated with ruling over a large mass of people. Toward this end, a large group of intergenerational spies were raised to defend other people and to populate the more remote or less habitable areas of the Kingdom, to protect powerful church and state organizations newly designed, and to improve and maintain stable groups that could intergenerationally survive sudden invasion or attack on their own. Motivated by the pressure of existence, the family groups were raised willing to die and they were generally under the direction or control of intelligence spies raised loyal to people who more than likely spent an entire lifetime surrounded by hidden forms of power within the emerging monarchy state system, they were born to take a place near important

people involved in state or religious secrets and probably kept dumb about everything except the exercise of secret power and the interpersonal consequences of non-conformity, they were not recruited, but born into a servant class. Linked to royal forms of monarchy government, spies were viewed as a class of lower-class people, privy to the secrets of power, and set up to live near important people organized under the divine right of Kings. They provided a serious interpersonal option for those trained in military and secret arts on the basis of an expectation to perform dangerous work and control space. In later or more formal times, conventions existed that raised spies both in and out of public life, but mostly raised in secret and kept apart from other people. They were given the role of occupying the lower classes and spontaneously defending territory against unexpected invaders, foreign agitation, and upstart loyalists all performed under the pretence of protecting life and property. Powerful families encouraged each other to groom spies to maintain order and engage in the suppression of local or foreign populations as a matter of course, with or without them knowing. It was not always necessary for a spy to survive, as their use value was in being disposable, but it was generally necessary for the spy family to survive and become a percentage of the general population, and to produce people capable of secretly weeding out dissenters, enemies, and rebellious free citizens alike. They were expected to spontaneously perform work when the army was someplace else in order to maintain control and safety for the ruling class in times of trouble and without fail despite their lower class position and disposable role. As they were not connected to the army but to powerful families who thought them useful as insurance against conflict and revolt, spies were used to further a military policy when the army was not viewed as the legitimate vehicle for control. In comparison with free soldiers who were raised as sons of an enlightened educated ruling class, spies were considered useful if they remained poor and performed hidden acts of leverage against friends and enemies alike. Raised without public origin, family, or occupation, they were trained to use intelligence in war, control information, and perform acts of leverage that would ensure obligations and agreements between powerful and important people. Families with access to spies could send secret messages to subordinates within a hierarchy system, distant relatives, or foreign power systems, to show each other who was serious enough to be in charge of running a Kingdom. Sending a spy or even killing a spy might be enough to convince others to conform to the wishes of the ruling family. In order to support this kind of power, shortly after the conquest of William the Conqueror, wealthy families were encouraged to established personal authority, within secret dungeon environments that operated without the rule of law beyond the prison system. Given the existence of such a serious situation, a spy was probably a person who was taught to remain ignorant about the world but to respect and survive the rules of a force de ma jure cultural group backed up by an underground dungeon apparatus. Serious spies could be expected to live or work

near important people who would calculate and study domestic art and war centred on loyalty to family within a caste system. Over time, spies traveled and operated independently of their loyalty-owner families but were groomed for secret forms of leverage and to do what was necessary to respond to enemies of the ruling class. It is quite likely that to support war, order, and authority, spies and powerful families were given access to tunnels and buildings under the earth and groomed to protect secrets not acceptable to the general public. Sometimes looking like police, sometimes looking like vermin, they were raised to respect an institutionalized mainstream secret society with a potentially heavy admission price and a culture all their own. Most probably, when organized, the man-atarms would run the spy dungeons and force the work, while the clergy would educate the spies through the control of religious information in support of a God given right to rule over the domestic population unified by a family of Kings and cousins. In general, a royal monarchy spy loyalty system was created that over time became a secret society of soldier-slaves who organized dungeon warfare and exercised secret power to defeat enemies of the ruling class and support royal succession prior to the end of the dark ages. After that time, citizens trained in war, politics, and theology, were probably responsible for the expansion of these systems under the pretence of maintaining order and control of local cities and towns. In early and then late medieval times, spy dungeons were quite likely placed under the earth or in secret buildings by wealthy people in almost every European city serious about managing power on behalf of state and religious power systems loyal to God, Christ, and King. With the appearance of a continuous dungeon culture, the powerful people of Europe re-invented an organization of soldier-slaves not seen since the Greek City State, an organization that has been in a state of continuous use and disposal ever since. Ironically, it would be the very existence of dungeon culture and the pressure to avoid threats associated with the secret use of power that would set the limits and growth of such a system. From the thirteenth century to the sixteenth century, there are depictions of “dungeon culture” organized out in the open in Europe near fields of rich villas and palaces as represented in paintings of their time. A certain percentage of the spy population was likely born and raised entirely within a dungeon environment, kept ignorant of political and economic considerations, and used to weed out enemies within the domestic population of local and foreign countries. The images appear to represent domestic power, families, and ignorant people killing the less fortunate in wealthy settings near villa’s, courtyards, and farmland. Whether they had failed to control the use of spies or let power escape the dungeon, their failure was responsible for paintings that were not afraid of depicting cycles of torture against peasant populations as part of a rural domestic scene. Rooted in the resentment of being born a slave, spies would likely support the reverse belief that torture and power were normal expressions of maintaining wealth and power and not be against killing people to earn respect for the form of power they wielded, against friends and enemies alike. As absolute power

absolutely corrupts, families engaged in such a serious past-time might find themselves in a race to protect each other from retaliation and cruelty, a race that eventually would be driven by fear and guarantees of retaliation. In order to achieve spies who were willing to be loyal and ignorant, it is quite likely that some people raised the unfortunate spies with the philosophy of Plato’s cave, watching shadows on the wall while hearing voices of instruction, imagining puppets were real rather than illusory, and conforming to distortions of the truth or jails designed to alter normal learning and perception. The unfettered laws of dungeon culture and the pressure of controlling spies would lend itself to breeding pools of perception distortion and mind control that aimed to achieve safety of those in charge while ending at various times with the creation of Dante’s description of hell. The pressure of working near cruelty would of itself create the need for a dependable spy system that might consider a reinvention of Plato’s trinity power system that involved a good charioteer and two steeds, one steed, a noble truth seeker, and the other steed, an unruly never truth-seerer, for command of the good charioteer, as described by Plato fifteen hundred years earlier. The best way to achieve this idea would be to reverse information about the truth and prevent people with perception distortions from learning belief systems that would lead them to exist beyond the dungeon system. This would be done, to out-compete and survive other spy families also engaged in dungeon culture and the lawless use of cruelty. As such an enterprise was as large as a military campaign and designed to enforce authority and loyalty on behalf of serious and well organized people capable of breeding disposable people, all in agreement on keeping a secret, locations and historical references to dungeons and their results have generally been ignored, covered up, or never found, rather we have public descriptions of political turmoil and legal jail systems that quite likely operate in front of these other more serious systems of choice and decision. However, the activities of domestic servants/breeding spies ready to kill, serve, and rudely obey powerful families are well represented by paintings and portraits of people during the French Revolution and to a lesser degree, the American Revolution. In the thirteenth century, Italy, the home of Rome was in charge of religious authority and the existence of cruelty motivated a religious quest to control the use of silent power. Religious spies travelled all of Europe on behalf of important people who set out to create contacts and unify secret dungeon culture by enforcing rules of conformity and authority linked to trinity power systems. Under pressure to conform to the best moral principles, serious people would use spies to dominate civilian populations or control power through various forms of leverage. Spies would generally be used to protect secret family power and weed out upstart families within the general population and to protect territory through the use of basic force de ma jure logic and the supremacy of predictable spy families. Over time, these wealthy families began to create looks that matched royal family looks of higher born, royal family people in order to infiltrate power systems of

other countries, and these matches can be seen in paintings of the time. France, Italy, Spain, Holland, Britain, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Portugal, Russia, Austria, Hungary, etc. and all other areas linked to the royal families of Europe were required to have people from these families in order to survive being famous. It is quite likely that dungeon spies were created with the same family gene pools as royal family power systems loyal to God, Christ, or King or whoever wielded the axe. In this manner, a large demographic spy pool grew up side by side with royal breeding for positions of authority and power, use and war, under wealthy estates kept top secret and conjoined by blood with powerful families, in what would become democratic nation states organized to meet the needs of serious people groomed in leadership and political survival, all looking like the same family gene pool for the sake of identification and loyalty. Peace treaties and inter-state-royal family weddings would be important affairs for people of this time as spies would change breeding patterns based on which gene pool was in power over time. Spies went to war or loved each other on the basis of gene pool matches to support newly formed state power relationships linked to secret family power and good breeding. Groomed to look like family, spies were used as servants and used to provide an option for power to surround or replace important people while providing an outlet for the sexual desire of the ruling class. Since the end of the dark ages and the beginning of the colonial expansion period, these spy networks were used to entrench European conquest and control local power in distant locations. In this manner, spies sent from one country to another country would be trained to recognize spy families and out of loyalty or fear of retaliation, not attack. Given a by-birth loyalty system, the very presence of a spy gene pool could be used to send a direct message to one of these families. The spies would copy the family gene pools of powerful people in charge and know them and each other by sight. Hidden from view, breeding supremacy trends began to favour spy gene pools only, and all territorial power gradually consolidated under the supremacy of “legitimate” Kings of Europe whose initiative and invention favoured the spy culture. Under such a system, changes of royalty would be serious as the loyalty and family of the dungeon spies would not match the ruling family gene pool. By the fourteenth century, power reached a plateau of entrenched outward normalcy and many royal families had already shared wealth and family to support each other and peace with other families in other countries. Well aware of the pressures related to the use of spies who looked like people from their family they organized instructions to increase the skills of spy culture through the invention of spy triads within the general population and under the earth to protect secret power as part of their duty and perogative associated with being the nation state or one of its constituent powerful members. The dungeon spy system was expanded to support large underground brothels composed of family loyalty for easy identification and conformity within a trinity or triad safety attack system. Generally used to weed out power from other than spy families, it became important that all members of the ruling class be associated with spy families,

regardless of nationality. In England, by the fifteenth century, portraits of important people were created that very particularly demonstrated the gene pool of the person being painted. By the sixteenth century the system was already under collapse and the portraits were very carefully restyled to ensure that a depiction of the painted person’s gene pool could not be picked out. At this time all the great countries of Europe were at war with each other, and each feared being tortured to death by their enemies or enemy spies. During Elizabethan times, the legitimacy of such a system began to break down, and monarchy power went beyond legitimate inheritance under the guise of religious warfare, i.e. Mary Queen of Scots, and new families gained power within the monarchy system, an influence that would increase pressure to change the breeding of spies. After the fall of the King of England in 1650 to Cromwell, the monarch system backed by secret family networks was replaced by parliamentary representation and a democratic legislative legal equity framework. The spy system fell into less and less use, but its existence was real and not accounted for in any legal sense of the law. Hidden from view, and paranoid about detection, the royal aspect of the spy network turned into an inheritance operating beyond the law but with a will to continue in silence against all knowledge of their existence, convincing all involved to obey rules of secrecy, while hiding underground secret debaucheries, and rumours of royal mason lodges in league with Satan, death or torture, and obscured by symbols of ancient privilege. The result of such a system is also represented by historical information produced in the Seventeenth Century in Spain under the organizational structure and pressures that created the Spanish inquisition where spies in charge of dungeon culture were raised to wear dunce caps. What kind of a secret life exists beyond the law insofar as citizens of Europe are wearing dunce caps in the seventeenth century to maintain order in a torture dungeon under the direction of the clergy loyal to God and Jesus Christ? Historically, corruption of such systems would tend, over time, to create reoccurring stages of tyranny and oppression against civilian populations, particularly when important people caved in to the corruption of personal power and the joy of killing and torturing the less fortunate living near or in conflict with the power structure, such as depictions of decadence found in the history of Transylvannia after the decline of the Austria-Hungarian Empire system. During the time of the French Revolution, examples of torture from dungeon people were out in the open and depictions begin to exist that portray very ignorant, low life people in many famous paintings and caricatures near people of power. The paintings often characterize the use of violence as being barbaric, but it was probably just a representation of resentment from a class of seriously oppressed dungeon people living within their normal culture. The Revolution, fuelled by resentment of serious royal oppression, went against very specific royal family gene pools and was carefully watched over by spies of other countries such as England, whose gene pool families at the time would have been complicit with underground spy triads hidden in locations where, four centuries earlier, the most wealthy serious people built underground homes located under the earth of what then became densely populated urban centres. The design of such a system

would have aimed for a long term stable situation to protect the health and safety of survivors capable of achieving influence topside to maintain and surround power, while keeping state secrets that included purging information, or reversing truth, to motivate people to never leave dungeon areas unless necessary, to hide out in the open, and govern the interest of royal family or royal spy families with loyalty gene pool expressions. Oftentimes, this system would turn against the very people such a system was created to protect, a light versus dark, top versus bottom, royal versus dungeon, family project. The influence and pressure of such a system would have continued to increase its scale, limited only by information, food and health. The inheritance of royal families continued to be an important aspect of power that was necessary to control throughout Europe and the New World. Inclusion of the interests of royal family people would insure the greatest care for underground people, who were part of their family, by those who represent the loyalty culture. Reinvorgated during Napoleon’s conquest of the civilized world, the unification of Europe supported the creation of the last royal family hierarchy used to govern tunnel family gene pools, by people named Bonapart, who were capable of uniting the army and civilian populations in France while claiming to be blessed of the highest moral principles. In fact, the conquest of Europe, unified the dungeon spy culture and Napoleon reconstructed the ancient power system under the international title of Emperor of Europe in Rome, supported by a King’s King leviathan royal birth legitimacy situation built on top of a hidden pressure, motivated never to tell, watched by serious spy people, European-Colonial empire system, with a modern civilian military government state power licence to kill in secret for the benefit of itself under the emerging democratic nation state system. His attempt to remain in power did not succeed, however, and he was exiled for the remainder of his life.

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