History Ixth Std

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  • Words: 920
  • Pages: 3
Omtex – Classes “The home of text” 1. In which languages was the literature of the Renaissance produced? Ans. The literature of the Renaissance was produced in vernacular languages. 2. What is the famous work of Dante called? Ans. The famous work of Dante is called the Divine Comedy. 3. Write names of any two English authors of Renaissance period? Ans. The two English authors of the Renaissance period were Edmund and Chaucer. 4. Who invented the telescope? Ans. Galileo invented the telescope. 5. Why was the need to discover new sea-routes? Ans. a. The Turks closed the land route for trade between Europe and Asia. b. The European countries very much needed spices from the east. c. The church was also interested in spreading Christianity. d. Thus the discovery of new sea routes was the need of the time. 6. What was Columbus’s idea about reaching the Indian shores? Ans. In the days of Columbus on the map there was no land – mass between Europe and India via west. He left for India on 3rd August 1492 and reached ashore on 12th October 1492 feeling that it was India. This was later known as West Indies. 7. What were the effects of the invention of the printing press? Ans. It helped the spread of knowledge. It helped the common people to read and write books. 8. By what route did Vasco – da – Gama reach India. ? Ans. Vasco - da - Gama in 1498, left for India. He reached the southern tip of Africa through Cape of good hope. He then sailed to the east and reached Calicut, India. 9. What were the effect of geographical discoveries on a. Expansion of Trade and b. Colonization. Ans. The effects of geographical discoveries are_ Expansion of Trade:• Because of the new sea – route to India, Europe imported from the east precious metal, spices, silk etc. • Trade of the European countries flourished and commercial banks and trading companies were established. European Colonization. • European countries like Spain, Portugal, Holland, England and France established their colonies in America. • Colonies were established in Australia, New Zealand, and Africa. • European countries secured raw material and ores from the colonies.


Omtex – Classes “The home of text” 1. Why was there a conflict between the Pope and the Kings? Ans. The interference of the Church in the political matters led to a conflict between the Pope and the Kings. 2. Why did the European rulers support reformation? Ans. The European rulers supported the Reformation because they disliked the Pope’s power and authority. 3. What did Zwingli tell the people? Ans. Zwingli told the people not to consider the words of a priest but to rely on what is said in the Bible. 4. What is Reformation? Ans. Reformation means movement to challenge unrestrained authority and unscientific attitude of the church. 5. What were Martin Luther’s views on religious reforms Ans. Martin Luther’s views of religious reforms were • Martin laid the foundation of individualism and rationalism. • He was of the opinion that the relationship between the worshipper and the worshipped was individual matter. • He wanted everyone to read and understand the holy books. • He was opposed to blind beliefs and ritualism. 6. Discuss the reformation movement with help of the following points. Ans. The Medieval Church: • The church had lost its spiritual importance. It was more of a political power. • This created conflicts between the Pope and Kings. • This situation took away the affinity between church and the common man.

The need for religious reforms:

•The church had become absolute and ignored scientific progress.

The work of the Reformers:

•Reformers like John Wycliffe, John Huss, Erasmus, Zwingli came out openly to criticize the church. •They also opposed the corruption in church. •The Bible was translated into English, French and German language. •Martin Luther protested the Pope and opposed the sale of Indulgences. He published his 95 theses.

The nature of reformation:

•The rulers of Europe were also opposed to the power of the church. •They supported the reformation movement. •The merchants and the middle class too favoured reformation. •All these factors gave birth to the ‘Protestant Sect”.


Omtex – Classes “The home of text” 1. What did Americans do when England imposed taxes on certain goods/ Ans. When England imposed taxes on certain goods, the Americans boycotted these goods. 2. What were the three principles on which emphasis was given in the Declaration of Independence? Ans. The principles on which the emphasis was given the Declaration of Independence were: a. Fundamental rights of every Individual. b. Sovereignty of people. c. Right to revolt against all oppressive rule. 3. In what manner did the colonists help the American War of Independence/ Ans. The Colonists helped the American War Independence in three ways. a. no tax movement. b. Boycott of British goods. c. Extending help to the fighting forces. 4. What were the principle on which the colonists refused to pay taxes to Britain? Ans. The principle on which the colonists refused to pay taxes to Britain was_ ‘NO Taxation without representation. 5. What were the effects of the American War of Independence? Ans. a. The American war of Independence took place during the years 1775 to 1783. b.The General of the Army was George Washington who successfully defeated England. c. George Washington was the first President of this federal state U.S.A d. Right to revolt and right to freedom were established.


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