History 8 - Lessons 46-75

  • August 2019
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  • Words: 565
  • Pages: 1

LESSON 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75


Read pp. 153-155, up to “The War of 1812 Begins.” Answer p. 158, Check Up questions 1-6 Read pp. 155-157. Answer p. 158, Check Up questions 7-11 Read pp. 157-159. Answer p. 158, Check Up questions 12 and p. 162, Check Up questions 1-4 Read pp. 159-161, up to “A Nation Growing Up.” Answer p. 162, Check Up questions 5-7. Geog. Proj. 7 is due in L51 Read pp. 161-162. Answer p. 162, Check Up questions 8-10. Geog. Proj. 7 is due in the next lesson. Current events are due next lesson Read pp. 165-167, up to “Preserving the Union.” Answer p. 170, Check Up questions 1-6 Read pp. 167-169. Answer p. 170, Check Up questions 7-9 Read pp. 169-170, up to “Indian Removal.” Answer p. 170, Check Up question 10 and p. 175, Check Up questions 1-2 Read pp. 170-173. Answer p. 175, Check Up questions 3-4 Read pp. 173-176. Answer p. 175, Check Up questions 5-9 and p. 176, Check Up questions 1-3. Current events are due next lesson Read pp. 178-180. Answer p. 182, Check Up questions 1-6 Read pp. 180-183. Answer p. 182, Check Up questions 7-8 and p. 186, Check Up questions 1-2 Geog. Proj. 8 is due in lesson 59 Read pp. 183-185. Answer p. 186, Check Up questions 3-7. Geog. Proj. 8 is due in the next lesson Read pp. 186-188. Answer p. 190, Check Up questions 1-9. Current events reports are due in lesson 61 Read pp. 188-190. Answer p. 190, Check Up questions 10-14. Assigned current events reports are due in the next lesson Study chap. 8-10 for Test 4 in L63. Answer p. 163, Chapter 8 Review, Critical Thinking question 3 Study chapters 8-10 and Geog. Proj. 7-8 for Test 4 in next lesson Read pp. 192-194. Answer p. 196, Check Up questions 1-4 Read pp. 194-196, up to “Missions…” Answer p. 196, Check Up questions 5-6 and p. 199, Check Up question 1 Read pp. 196-199, up to “Challenges to Christianity.” Answer p. 199, Check Up questions 2-7. Current events are due in the next lesson Read pp. 199-201. Answer p. 201, Check Up questions 1-5. Current events are due in lesson 71 Read pp. 201-204. Answer p. 205, Check Up questions 1-6 Read pp. 204-208. Answer p. 205, Check Up questions 7-10 and p. 208, Check Up questions 1-5 Read pp. 210-213. Answer p. 213, Check Up questions 1-5 Read pp. 213-216. Answer p. 216, Check Up questions 1-6. Geog. Proj. 9 is due in L72. Assigned current event are due next lesson Read pp. 216-220. Answer p. 220, Check Up questions 1-9. Geog. Proj. 9 is due in the next lesson. Current events are due in L76 Answer p. 221, Chapter 12 Review, Critical Thinking #1. Study chapters 11-12 and Geography Project 9 for Test 5 in lesson 74 Study chapters 11-12 and Geography Project 9 for Test 5 in the next lesson. Current events reports are due in lesson 76 Read pp. 222-224. Answer p. 224, Check Up questions 1-4 Read pp. 224-227. Answer p. 230, Check Up questions 1-5. Current events are due in the next lesson. Geog. Proj. 10 is due in L77

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