History 17 Syllabus

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History 17 Rizal’s Life, Works and Writings History 15 or 16 Three (3)

Course Description: The Rizal Course is a study of the biography of Dr. Jose P. Rizal, the Philippines foremost national hero, and so far, the documented Filipino hero today. Specifically, it focuses on his crucial role behind the making of the Filipino nation, as seen in the influence made by his novels, the “Noli Me Tangere” and the “El Filibusterismo” on the thinking of the men and women behind the Philippine Revolution of 1896, as well as, the other Filipino leaders who would later carry on the stewardship of the new-born nation. The study of his novels and other writings would allow the students a view into the historical realities of the Spanish colonial era in the Philippines, specifically the 19th century from the perspective, not only of a direct observer, but also of a participant in the making of history. General Objectives: One semester of study of Rizal Course is designed to accomplish the following goals: 1. To inculcate in the minds of students the inspiring life and achievement, especially the selfless contribution to the growth of nationalism, of our national hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal, which have shaped to a large extent of our national identity; 2. To inspire the students with a special love of country through a closer study of the biography of Jose Rizal. 3. To inspire the students to dedicate their lives to the ideals of freedom and nationalism; 4. To develop in the minds of the students the moral virtues that could be learned through a closer look into the life of Dr. Jose Rizal; 5. To develop in a more realistic manner the ideals of moral character, personal discipline, and civic virtues as inspired by Dr. Rizal; 6. To develop a more meaningful understanding of the relevance of the study of the multi-faceted aspects of Rizal’s life so that the students may truly appreciate his great love and services of his country and fellowmen.

Specific Objectives


Learning Activity

Time Frame


4 hours


Unit I- Introduction 1) to acquaint students with some 1.Why Rizal Became our controversies behind Rizal’s heroification National Hero 2) to explain the role of Claro M. Recto in 2. Claro M. Recto and His the postwon nationalist movement Time

Group discussion presentation

Ocampo, Ambeth. Rizal witout the Overcoat Prologue Constantino, Renato. Veneration without Understanding

3. RA 1425: Provisions/Exemption Clause

Garcia, Carls. Rizal in Restrospect pp. 226-227

Unit II – Historical Background 1) to explain nationalism as concept in 1. Nationalism ideology

Library research

2) to develop a through understanding of 2. The Spanish Colonial the impact of Spanish Colonial System on System (1565-1770) the lives of the Filipino.


3) to provide an insight into the socio- 3. The Europe in the 19th economic, political and religious develop Century: Its impact on the in Europe and it impact on the Philippines Philippines

Creative Presentation

8 hours

Stavrianos, L. Western Civilization, pp. 264-267 Abueva, Jose. Filipino Nationalism: Various Meanings and Continuing Constant Changing Goal Relevance. General Introduction Capino, M. Gonzales, et al. Rizal’s life, works and Writings. Chapters 1 &2 Schumacher, John. The Making of the Nation. Chapter 2 Hornedo, Florentino. Ideas and Ideals. Chapter 12

4) to explain the role of the ilustrados and 4. Catalysts of Philippine the Filipino clergy in the Philippine Nationalism Nationalists movement and their influence on Rizal Unit III – The Biography Part I 1 to explain the role played by Rizal’s 1. Family life and background family particularly his mother and brother on the development of his political thinking and personal character

Creative group presentation

Creative group presentation

Austin Coates. Philippine Nationalist and Martyr. Unit I 6 hours

2) to develop an appreciation on the role 2. Intellectual Development of education in nation building (Ateneo & UST) 3) to extract messages from the earliest writings and explain their relevance in out contemporary society. Part II 1) to develop an appreciation of the results 1. The Idealist Reformist achievement in his first sojourn 2) to explain the transformation of Rizal’s 2. Brindis Speech political thinking and religious views as revealed in his writings 3) to analyze Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere in 3. NOLI ME TANGERE its historical context and explain its relevance in our contemporary society

Creative group presentation and discussion

12 hours

Austin Coates. Philippine Nationalist and Martyr. Unit II Zaide, Gregorio. Rizal’s life, Works and Writings

Collage/caricature making

Campino, M. Gonzales, et al. Rizal’s life, works and Writings. Chapter 10 Locsin, Maria Soledad. Noli Me Tangere

Part III 1) to trace the routes taken by Rizal in his 1. Rizal second sojourn in second sojourn and describe Rizal as a Europe (Hongkong, Macau, traveler Japan, USA, London)

Creative group presentation and discussion

Austin Coates. Philippine Nationalist and Martyr. Unit IV 8 hours

2) to develop an appreciation of Rizal’s 2. Propaganda activities literary achievements and his role in the propaganda movement

Newspaper Making

Locsin, Maria Soledad. El Filibusterismo Zaide, Gregorio. Rizal’s life, Works and Writings

3) to analyze Rizal’s El Filibusterismo in 3. EL FILIBUSTERISMO its historical context and explain its relevance in our contemporary society 4) to explain the implication of Rizal’s 4. the Sabah project Sabah project in our contemporary realities

Role play from selected chapters Quibuyen, C. Floro. A Nation Aborted. Chapter 5

Group Sharing/Reflections

5) to discuss the significance of La Liga 5. La Liga Filipina and Filipina and its influence on the Katipunan Katipunan Part IV 1) to gain inspiration, as well as, to learn 1. Rizal’s exile in Dapitan certain lessons and appreciate Rizal’s (1892-1896) ability to survive the boredom of exile and explain the impact of his exile on the people of Dapitan 2) to understand the role of Josephine 2. Josephine Bracken Bracken in the life of Rizal 3) to explain the importance of Rizal to 3. Rizal and the Philippine the cause of the Katipunan and Philippine revolution revolution

8 hours

Rizal sa Dapitan (Albert Martinez)

Film viewing Austin Coates. Philippine Nationalist and Martyr. Unit VI, VII Zaide, Gregorio. Rizal’s life, Works and Writings Creative group presentation Debate

Quibuyen, C. Floro. A Nation Aborted. Chapter 2

4) to develop an appreciation of Rizal’s 4. Trial and Execution Martyrdom Issue of Retraction

Bayaning Third World Film Viewing

Unit IV 1)to understand Rizal’s ideas on the role 1. Letter to the Women of of the Filipina in general, and the mothers Malolos in particular, in preparing active participation in nation building

Library research

Zaide, Gregorio. Rizal’s life, Works and Writings

Quibuyen, C. Floro. A Nation Aborted. Chapter 2 2) to appreciate Rizal’s grasp of the 2. The Indolence of the impact of Spanish colonialism on the Filipinos motivation of the Filipinos to work hard

Group presentation and Discussion

3) to appreciate Rizal’s keen 3. The Philippines Within the understanding of international economic Century and political developments and their impact on the Philippines during his time, 4. My Last Farewell particularly on the imminent end of Spanish Colonialism. COURSE REQUIREMENTS 1. unit tests, quizzes 2. midterm and final exams 3. group presentation 4. reaction/research papers Grading System: MG = class standing (2/3) + Midterm Exam (1/3) FG = class standing (2/3) + Midterm Exam (1/3) +MG/2

BIBLIOGRAPHY Agoncillo,Teodoro and Oscar M. Alfonso. A Short History of the Filipino People. Quezon City: University of the Philippines,1961. Ancheta,, Celedonio. Jose Rizal’s Life and his Complete Works. Quezon City: University of the Philippines, 1969. Bonoan, Raul SJ. The Rizal-Pastell’s Correspondence. Quezon City: ateneo de Manila University,1994. Capino M., Gonzalez and Pineda, F. Rizal’s Life, Works and Writings. Quezon City:Jmc Inc.,1977. Coates, Austin. Rizal: Philippine Nationalist and Martyr.Hongkong: Oxford University Press,1968. Cortes, Rosario,Celestina B. Boncan,Ricardo T. Jose. The Filpino Saga: History as a Social Change.Quezon City:New Day Publishers,2000. De la Costa, Horacio SJ. Reading in Philippine History. Manila: Bookmark,1992. __________________ The Trial Of Rizal.W. E. Retana’s Transcription of the Official Spanish Documents. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University,1961. Garcia, Carlos(ed.) Rizal in Retrospect. Quezon City:R.P> Publishing Company,1961. Hernandez, Jose Ma. Esteban de Ocampo,Ella Zosimo. A College Anthology of Rizal’s Works. Manila: R. P. publishing Co., 1958. Hornedo, Florentino. Ideas And Ideals; Coginitive History. Manila: university of Santo Tomas Press,2000. Joaquin Nick. A Question of Heroes: Essays in Criticism on Ten Key Figures of Philippine History. Makati: Filipinas Foundation,1977. Locsin- Lacson, ma. Soledad. Noli Me Tangere. Makati City: Bookmark Inc. ,1996. __________________ El Filibusterismo. Makati City: Bookmark Inc., 1996. Morga, Antonio. Historical Events of the Philippine Islands. Published in Mexico in 1609. Centennial Edition. Manila: Jose Rizal Centennial Commission,1962. Ocampo, Ambeth. Rizal Without the Overcoat. Manila: Anvil Publishing Inc.,1990. Quibuyen, Floro. A Nation Aborted:Rizal, American Hegemony, and Philippine Nationalism.Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University,1999. Rajaretnam, M. (ed.) Rizal and the Renaissance. Manila: Solidaridad Publishing House,1990. Romero, ma. Corona, Julieta Sta. Romana and Lourdes Santos. Rizal and the Deevelopment of National Consciousness. Quezon City: JMC. Press,1978. Schumacher, John. The Making of a Nation: Nineteenth Century Philippine Nationalism. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press,1996. ______________ The Propaganda Movement(1880-1885). Manila: Solidaridad Publishing House,1969. ______________ Revolutionary Clergy.: The Revolutionary Clergy and the Nationalist Movement, (1850-1903). Quezon Citry: Ateneo de Manila University Press,1981. ______________ Father Jose Burgos: A Documentary History. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press,1999. Zafra, Nicolas. Jose Rizal: Historical Studies. Quezon City:University of the Philippines Press,1977. WEBSITE SOURCES: http://www.joserizal.ph/homehtm http://www.los-indios-bravos.com/english http://www.jose-rizal.com/firstfilipino http://www.webmanila.com/nolimetangere/01.html http://www.admu.edu.ph/central/archives/joserizal.htm http://www.mywings.de/mabuhay/pages/craig

http://www.mozcom.com/~rsj/rizal/justice.htm http://www.angelfire.com/il/saintjaret/jprizal.html http://www.home.earthlink.net/~vgendrano/bracken.html http://www.upm.edu.ph/bagumbayan/ec96/josephine http://www.univie.ac.at/voelkerkunde/apsis/aufi/rizal/retana2.htm http://www.agham.asti.dost.gov.ph/1st/rizalgeo.htm http://www.tribo.org/history/bayani http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_Revolution http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_Enlightenment http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=4mmoZFtCpuoC&oi=fnd&pg=PR11&dq=nationalism&ots=e45MhNYbnb&sig=vXDQ5BBAs9LpkTXFf0pP6Yojz p0 http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=QFuRyNAiJdAC&oi=fnd&pg=PR9&dq=industrial+revolution&ots=Dx4zUp4lsN&sig=eDko5gw8umAdAir4zZy5 CBjr7f4 http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=V4l7Zs-mtA8C&oi=fnd&pg=PR9&dq=patriotism&ots=mYYggz14y1&sig=LjuIjoNRDTu0YA_jclHTeg9wVRw http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=jl7t2yMfxwIC&oi=fnd&pg=PR7&dq=nationalism&ots=e-sHJDyDf4&sig=2EWCvYMuRINppxxHEhNUprTUXsE http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=lwVjsKcHW7cC&oi=fnd&pg=PR9&dq=enlightenment&ots=8OJr3bMTvt&sig=Y3_UmGD9EkAogxUkOVR_FTr3KY http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/bpsoc/bjsp/2001/00000040/00000002/art00001

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