Historical Fiction

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 347
  • Pages: 2
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Due:October 30, 2009

Titte of Book l-listoricalFiction Book Report HistoricalFictionis o bookgenrein which the authorhas basedtheir story on history. The basicstory is a work of fiction but the hisforical referencesare real. Youwill be readingo historicalfiction bookand of the mokinga bookjacket of your story to showyour understanding bookyou read. Directions: Step 1: Chooseo l'listoricolFictionbookandread. Step 2: Usethe poperprovided.On the front cover,draw a picture that relates to the story. Do nof copy the picfure from the coverof the book. Makeup your own cover. Makesure to includethe narneof fhe book,your ndmeand the due dote. Your front covershouldbe coloredwith crdyonor coloredpencils. Pleaseno morkers! Step 3: On the back covertwrite a shorf parogrophsummaryabout the to usecorrect paragraphstrucfure. The summary story. Remember shouldbe a basicpordgraphabout ihe sfory not a play by ploy of every momentin the story. Keepit simple! flap, drow a smallpictureof onecharocter andgive Step 4: Oneinside of him/her. Makesure to includeal least 3 personality o description traits and examplesfrom the story. Step 5: Other insideflap, write your opinionof the story. Why did you like or dislikethe story? Makesure to explainin detail your opinionof fhe story.



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