His Name Yesha

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His Name

Some claim the Moshiach’s Name while on Earth was Yahshua or a variation thereof, such as Yahushua or Yehoshua or Yahusha, etc. when there are no scriptures to verify it, only human reasoning to attempt to substantiate the claim, but would He have sent His Son into the Lion’s Den unannounced? Would He assign His most difficult task to His most trusted assistant and let Him arrive and depart anonymously? Wouldn’t it be more in keeping with His character for YHVH to conceal this valuable secret to be revealed unto His Kings and Priests at an appropriate time? As Son’s and Daughters of the King of Kings we have the right to investigate and to unlock even the hidden mysteries kept secret for centuries. As Princes and Princesses of the El of Y’Sar’El it is not only our right, but our duty to accept nothing less than the truth! So without further ado, let’s dig for some long buried treasure, because He promised those who seek with their whole heart that they would find! Pro 25:2 It is the glory3519 of God430 to conceal5641 a thing:1697 but the honor3519 of kings4428 is to search out2713 a matter.1697 Isa 52:6 Therefore3651 my people5971 shall know3045 my name:8034 therefore3651 they shall know in that1931 day3117 that3588 I589 am he1931 that doth speak:1696 behold,2009 it is I. The First time the word Shua is used in scripture as a proper Name is this reference; (1Sa 14:49) Now the sons1121 of Saul7586 were1961 Jonathan,3083 and Ishui,3440 and Melchi-shua:4444 and the names8034 of his two8147 daughters1323 were these; the name8034 of the firstborn1067 Merab,4764 and the name8034 of the younger6996 Michal:4324

Melchi-shua breaks down into two words using Strong’s H4428 & H7769 which together mean King of Riches or King of Wealth, referring to earthly mammon or money; H4444 ‫מליׁשּוע‬ malkîyshûa‛ mal-kee-shoo'-ah From H4428 and H7769; king of wealth; Malkishua, an Israelite: Malchishua. H4428 ‫מלך‬ melek meh'-lek From H4427; a king: - king, royal. H7769 ‫ׁשּוע‬ shûa‛ shoo'-ah From H7768; a halloo: - cry (as in cry for HELP!), riches. The next time it is used as a proper Name, it is used alone in this scripture; (1Ch 2:3) The sons1121 of Judah;3063 Er,6147 and Onan,209 and Shelah:7956 which three7969 were born3205 unto him of the daughter4480, 1323 of Shua7770 the Canaanitess.3669 And Er,6147 the firstborn1060 of Judah,3063 was1961 evil7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD;3068 and he slew4191 him. Shua was Yehudah’s Father-In-Law, a Canaanite; therefore when first used in scripture the word or Name Shua is not even a Hebrew word, but a Canaanite word.

The Rule of First Mention dictates that whenever and wherever in Scripture that YHVH FIRST uses any word, that meaning denotes the meaning of the word FOREVER, because HE always gets everything right the first time. Therefore, Shua could not have been any part of His Son’s Name because it was a word that was assimilated or absorbed into the Hebrew language from the people YHVH overthrew, the Canaanites. It would be absurd for Him to take away the Land of the Canaanites and give it to His children, the Israelites, and then Name His own Son after the unrighteous Canaanites, so you can discount the possibility of shua being any part of His Son’s Name on that testimony alone, but there are other reasons that lend support to this argument as we will see if we continue to dig. Secondly, the meaning of the word refers to earthly wealth, something we were instructed not to seek for ourselves, something He also shunned in favor of giving everything He owned to others. Earthly wealth played no part in His personality and the only way it relates to Him is that He had another person give away whatever earthly wealth was given to Him while He lived. Third, the other meaning of the word shua, refers to a “halloo” or cry for help. Yesha was the strongest Man whoever lived on this Earth, if not for His tremendous strength and courage, none of us would be alive today. Not once did He ever break down and cry for help, quite the contrary, He epitomized the words “character”, “strength”, and “fortitude”. In fact the night before He was executed He prayed, “Not my will but Yours be done”. So again, you can discount the word shua as having any relationship to His Son’s Name because it is completely out of character for this Great Man. Fourth, proper names are always learned and repeated as close to the original name as possible, and it is considered universally impolite to translate or even transliterate a proper name. For example, when I travel to China, and disembark from the airplane, my Passport stills says “Eric Hopkins” on it, it does not magically translate into “Wang Chung” or “Ping Pong” just because I’m in another Country, and the

people there will do everything within their power to address me with respect by attempting to pronounce my name correctly. I hope. Case in point, you’d find it impossible to go to an airport ticket counter and purchase a one-way ticket to “The January River”, but any airport in the world can sell you a ticket to “Rio de Janeiro”. Why? Because proper names never translate. Though my native language is English, I still know precisely where Rio de Janeiro is located, and how to go about purchasing a ticket to get there. The same rule applies to our President George Bush when he traveled to South America; he was not introduced as “President Jorge Shrub”, and by the same rule, Benjamin Netanyahu was not called “Son of My Joy, Gift of Yahu” (the English Translation of his Name) when he was introduced to our House of Representatives last year. This SAME Rule would most certainly apply to the Great Names of The Creator of the Universe, and to The Name He gave His only Son, because they are ONE and the SAME and not just similar. (Joh 10:30) I1473 and2532 my Father3962 are2070 one.1520 In fact we’ve been forewarned not to take His Great Name in vain, and changing His Set Apart (Qodesh) Name would certainly violate this Commandment, and we would no longer be counted “guiltless” but would in fact be found “Guilty” as charged. Exo 20:7 Thou shalt not3808 take5375 (853) the name8034 of YHVH3068 thy Elohim430 in vain;7723 for3588 YHVH3068 will not3808 hold him guiltless5352 (853) that834 taketh5375 (853) his name8034 in vain.7723 If we really want to know His Son’s Name, then I would suggest we go to His last known address and out of love and respect ask Him or His Father how He wishes to be remembered, and there are several scriptures that permit us to do just that. Yesha said that after He left us here on earth, we would find Him sitting on the right hand of His Father, then at a further point in time, coming in the clouds of Heaven.

(Mat 26:64) Yesha2424 saith3004 unto him,846 Thou4771 hast said:2036 nevertheless4133 I say3004 unto you,5213 Hereafter575, 737 shall ye see3700 the3588 Son5207 of man444 sitting2521 on1537 the right hand1188 of power,1411 and2532 coming2064 in1909 the3588 clouds3507 of heaven.3772 (Mar 14:62) And1161 Yesha2424 said,2036 I1473 am:1510 and2532 ye shall see3700 the3588 Son5207 of man444 sitting2521 on1537 the right hand1188 of power,1411 and2532 coming2064 in3326 the3588 clouds3507 of heaven.3772 (Psa 110:1) A Psalm4210 of David.1732 YHVH 3068 said5002 unto my Lord,113 Sit3427 thou at my right hand,3225 until5704 I make7896 thine enemies341 thy footstool.1916, 7272 (Mat 22:44) The3588 YHVH2962 said2036 unto my3450 Lord,2962 Sit2521 thou on1537 my3450 right hand,1188 till2193 I make5087 thine4675 enemies2190 thy4675 footstool?5286, 4228 We can find Him there today sitting at the right hand of His Father fulfilling His position as our advocate. So then, understanding this first, that He was the lamb slain before the founding of the world would lead us to believe that He was also named before the founding of the world, and armed with this revelation we can look into all the scripture references referring to His position of Authority as The Right Hand of the Father, the position He held before He came here, and the position to which He returned. So let’s look at the ancient Hebrew words wherein He describes His High Office, the position as His Right Hand in Heaven; (Psa 138:7) Though518 I walk1980 in the midst7130 of trouble,6869 thou wilt revive2421 me: thou shalt stretch forth7971 thine hand3027 against5921 the wrath639 of mine enemies,341 and thy right hand3225 shall save3467 me. Take note of two of Strong’s words together, side by side; #3225 & #3467. The very next word after “Right Hand” is the Hebrew word for; “Savior” Strong’s #3467 pronounced “YESHA” or “YASHA”. H3467 ‫יׁשע‬

yâsha‛ yaw-shah' A primitive root; properly to be open, wide or free, that is, (by implication) to be safe; causatively to free or succor: - X at all, avenging, defend, deliver (-er), help, preserve, rescue, be safe, bring (having) salvation, save (-iour), get victory. How can we be certain that this refers to His only Son? By investigating the first uses of the words referring to YHVH’s “Right Hand” found in early Scriptures; (Exo 15:6) Thy right hand,3225 YHVH,3068 is become glorious142 in power:3581 thy right hand,3225 YHVH,3068 hath dashed in pieces7492 the enemy.341 The earliest mention of the righteous people placing their trust or faith in His Right Hand to SAVE them also confirms this; (Psa 17:7) Show thy marvelous lovingkindness,6395, 2617 O thou that savest3467 by thy right hand3225 them which put their trust2620 in thee from those that rise up4480, 6965 against them. Again the word “Save”, Strong’s #3467, and the words “Right Hand” used in conjunction as keeping within the pattern throughout scripture. (Psa 18:35) Thou hast also given5414 me the shield4043 of thy salvation:3468 and thy right hand3225 hath holden me up,5582 and thy gentleness6038 hath made me great.7235 His “Salvation” is the same word and exact Hebrew spelling as Strong’s word #3467, with a slightly different vowel sound, Strong’s word #3468; H3468 ‫יׁשעיׁשע‬ yesha‛yêsha‛

yeh'-shah, yay'-shah From H3467; liberty, deliverance, prosperity: - safety, salvation, saving. In reality, there is no difference in these two words, and both words are ancient Hebrew ROOT words, and neither is formed by foreign words crept into the pure language of ancient Hebrew. (Psa 60:5) That4616 thy beloved3039 may be delivered;2502 save3467 with thy right hand,3225 and hear6030 me. This same pattern continues throughout His scriptures, as we see in many verses; (Psa 80:15) And the vineyard3657 which834 thy right hand3225 hath planted,5193 and the branch1121 that thou madest strong553 for thyself. (Psa 80:17) Let thy hand3027 be1961 upon5921 the man376 of thy right hand,3225 upon5921 the son1121 of man120 whom thou madest strong553 for thyself. In both of the preceding verses, we see mention of these symbolic words used together; “the BRANCH”, “the SON of MAN”, “thy RIGHT HAND”, each time referring to His only Son, the Savior, “Yesha”. (Psa 98:1) A Psalm.4210 O sing7891 unto YHVH3068 a new2319 song;7892 for3588 he hath done6213 marvelous things:6381 his right hand,3225 and his holy6944 arm,2220 hath gotten him the victory.3467 Notice how the last word, “VICTORY” is the very same word or Name, “YESHA”, Strong’s #3467, the Right Hand or Right Arm that did marvelous things, and that got Him the Victory? (Psa 108:6) That4616 thy beloved3039 may be delivered:2502 save3467 with thy right hand,3225 and answer6030 me. (Psa 109:31) For3588 he shall stand5975 at the right hand3225 of the poor,34 to save3467 him from those that condemn4480, 8199 his soul.5315

Both clear references to YESHA, the Savior of the poor and needy, His beloved, who died for those who required salvation and deliverance, both scriptures mentioning His Right Hand along with the word, “Yesha” Strong’s #3467. (1Sa 9:16) Tomorrow4279 about this time6256 I will send7971 thee a man376 out of the land4480, 776 of Benjamin,1144 and thou shalt anoint4886 him to be captain5057 over5921 my people5971 Israel,3478 that he may save3467 (853) my people5971 out of the hand4480, 3027 of the Philistines:6430 for3588 I have looked upon7200 (853) my people,5971 because3588 their cry6818 is come935 unto me.413 Whenever YHVH mentions (generically) “a man of Israel”, He is always referring prophetically to His Son, Yesha, because there is no greater example of “a Man of Israel”. In the scripture above we see another of His Son’s titles used prophetically before His arrival on earth. The title, “Captain over My people Israel”, is another of the many crowns worn by His Son alone, and again we see the mention of the name, “Yesha” Strong’s #3467 coupled with the Strong’s word #853 that does not translate into English, but has been recognized as belonging to the “ALEF-TAV” a hidden, secret reference to another of His Son’s Titles and Crowns meaning “the Beginning & the End”. (Isa 17:10) Because3588 thou hast forgotten7911 the Elohim430 of thy salvation,3468 and hast not3808 been mindful2142 of the rock6697 of thy strength,4581 therefore5921, 3651 shalt thou plant5193 pleasant5282 plants,5194 and shalt set2232 it with strange2114 slips:2156 In the preceding verse, we see YHVH through YeshaYahu haNaviy AKA (Isaiah the Prophet), chastising His people for forgetting Him, and for remembering the “pleasant plant” or “strange cutting” which scholars have shown to be referring to “Adonis” or “Tammuz” both the same false G-d under different names, but note the Strong’s word #3468, Yesha, used next to His own Title, Strong’s #430, Elohim.

H430 ‫אלהים‬ 'ĕlôhîym el-o-heem' Plural of H433; gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative: - angels, X exceeding, God (gods) (-dess, ly), X (very) great, judges, X mighty. (Psa 20:6) Now6258 know3045 I that3588 YHVH3068 saveth3467 his anointed;4899 he will hear6030 him from his holy6944 heaven4480, 8064 with the saving3468 strength1369 of his right hand.3225 And in this verse, we have the Name of the Father, YHVH #3068, the Name of His Son, Yesha #3468, and the Title under which He came, “Moshiach” #4899 or anointed, as well as mention of the words, “Right Hand” #3225, does it get any clearer than this? All these references refer to the Name of His Son, the One who occupies the position of His Right Hand in the Heavens, our Advocate, the Anointed One, the Moshiach who was sent to draw us out, the Alef-Tav, the Savior, the Salvation of Israel, the Captain of (or Ruler) over the children of Israel, and nearly every reference was mentioned alongside His Father’s Qodesh Name, YHVH or His Father’s title “Elohim”, precisely as Yesha had mentioned Himself; John 5:43 I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. The letter “Yud” refers to the Father as the “Infinite Point of Light” and hidden or concealed “Goodness” the “Spark” of “All Life” The letter “Shin” is found on every Mezuzah and denotes THE Name, and refers to the “Divine Revelation” bound to “Divine Essence” The letter “Ayin” is the letter for “Divine Providence” and the “eyes” of Elohim.

The Hidden Goodness, the Divine Essence, the Eyes of Elohim all point to the fact that Yesha is His Name, and had the Rulers of the Synagogues heeded these references in Holy Writ to His Name mentioned so many times alongside YHVH’s own Name and YHVH’s Right Hand, they might not have crucified the Master of Glory, the King of Kings, but as it was foretold, these things they did ignorantly and thereby fulfilled YHVH’s purpose for His Son dieing to save His people Israel. (Act 3:15) And1161 killed615 the3588 Prince747 of life,2222 whom3739 God2316 hath raised1453 from1537 the dead;3498 whereof3739 we2249 are2070 witnesses.3144 (Act 3:16) And2532 his846 name3686 through1909 faith4102 in his846 name3686 hath made this man strong,4732, 5126 whom3739 ye see2334 and2532 know:1492 yea,2532 the3588 faith4102 which3588 is by1223 him846 hath given1325 him846 this5026 perfect soundness3647 in the presence561 of you5216 all.3956 (Act 3:17) And2532 now,3568 brethren,80 I wot1492 that3754 through2596 ignorance52 ye did4238 it, as5618 did also2532 your5216 rulers.758 Is all this concern over His Name important? Does it matter or is this just semantics? Well, it’s always best to get His opinion, since it is the only one that really matters, and His Scriptures say it’s a matter of Life & Death. (Act 4:12) Neither2532, 3756 is2076 there salvation4991 in1722 any3762 other:243 for1063 there is2076 none3777 other2087 name3686 under5259 heaven3772 given1325 among1722 men,444 whereby1722, 3739 we2248 must1163 be saved.4982 And is there a scripture where He actually claims this word, “YESHA” to be His Name? In fact there is and we’d better pay attention to it!!! (Isa 43:11) I,595 even I,595 am YHVH;3068 and beside4480, 1107 me there is no369 savior.3467 (YESHA) Rav Harley

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