Hiring Staff & Faculty 09

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 192
  • Pages: 7
Thoughts for Hiring Faculty and Staff Arlene Carney August 20, 2009

Search Committees • Appoint a diverse search committee – gender, race, ethnicity, etc. • Be aware of the rank of women and faculty of color – If these faculty are always the junior faculty on the committee, their influence and contribution is limited.

Search Committees • Be aware of implicit biases that all of us have. • Try this web site at Harvard to assess some implicit biases.  https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/ 

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Search Committees • Write an unbiased search advertisement. • Consider the broad sweep of candidates.

Search Tactics • Have recruiting materials available that address: – Relocation – Dual career couples http://www1.umn.edu/ohr/rap/spousepartner/ 

Higher Education Recruiting Consortium (HERC) http://www.uppermidwestherc.org/home/index.cfm?site_id=4166

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Search Tactics • Send these materials to all candidates. • You have opened the door to a discussion of dual career hires. • This will enhance the chances that the candidate will bring up couple issues at an earlier time in the hiring process. • • •

Search Tactics • Link the candidates to programs for faculty – Wish You Were Here website 

http://www1.umn.edu/wishyouwerehere/ 

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