Hill Exhibit List

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Case 3:07-cr-00289-M

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Filed 07/02/2009

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This PDF was made with UNITED the DEMO versionDISTRICT of PDFtypewriter. STATES COURT The full version will not add this text to your PDFs. YouNORTHERN can purchase the full version at FOR THE DISTRICT OF TEXAS http://ctdeveloping.com UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ) ) Plaintiff, ) v. DON HILL, et al., Defendants.

) ) ) ) ) )


DEFENDANT DONALD HILL’S FIRST AMENDED EXHIBIT LIST Defendant Donald Hill, by and through undersigned counsel, file the Hill Exhibit list in this case as follows: No. 1.

Description Articles About Need For Affordable Housing in Dallas — Dallas Morning News and Dallas Business Journal a. 1/8/06- “Long-Struggling Vickery Meadow Showing Promise b. 6/22/08 — “Bridging Dallas’ North-South Gap” c. 6/16-22/06 — “Rehabbing The System” d. 6/10/07 — “Where Are They Going to Live?” e. d. 6/10/07 — “Federal funding only goes so far with projects.” f. 6/10/07 — “High Standards at Low Costs”

2. 3.

g. 6/11/07- “Developers Tout Need For Teardowns” John Lewis Bank Statements (2005 Iolta Account) a. 5/16/04 Dallas Morning News article

Offered Admitted

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Filed 07/02/2009

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This PDF was made with the DEMO version of PDFtypewriter. The full version will not add this text to your PDFs.Dallas You Morning can purchase the full version at b. 5/16/04 News chart http://ctdeveloping.com 4. a. 5/15/05 Dallas Morning News article

5. 6.


b. 5/15/05 Dallas Morning News article 5/14/06 Dallas Morning News article a. 10/22/02 Dallas Morning News article b. 10/24/02 Dallas Morning News article 3/8/00 TDHCA News Press Release Laura Miller a. 10/2/02 — “Making ‘affordable housing’ a cut above Developer wants to win over critics, politicians who fear Dallas plans” b. 1/2/04 — “Developers are investing in southern Dallas”

8. 9.



12. 13. 14.




4/25/06 Congressional Record. Email and documents relating to Sheila Farrington, Don Hill, Andrea Spencer, Mac Fulbright, Bernice Butler and others regarding Southern Sector Dallas development Texas Government Code § 2306.6725: TDHCA scoring of application for the low income housing tax credit program Texas Tax Code § 11.1825: Organizations constructing or rehabilitating low-income housing: property not previously exempt Qualified Allocation Plan for 2003 TDHCA 2004 Housing Tax Credit Program Qualified Allocation Plan and Rules. TDHCA 2005 Housing Tax Credit Program Qualified Allocation Plan and Rules with Emergency Amendments. 10/20/2004, 2004 Private Activity Bond and Tax Credit Projects Briefing to DCC (pre-revision). Notes “State Rule for City Approvals.” a. 1/6/05 DCPC meeting agenda on Laureland community housing. b. 1/6/05 DCPC meeting minutes on Laureland community housing. a. DCPC stall’s recommended conditions for a

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This PDF was made with the DEMO PDFtypewriter. The full version will not specific use permit for version Laurelandofcommunity add this text to your PDFs. You can purchase the full version at housing. http://ctdeveloping.com b. 4/14/05 DCPC meeting agenda on Laureland community housing.






23. 24.

25. 26. 27. 28.

c. 4/14/05 DCPC meeting minutes on Laureland community housing. a. 4/28/05 DCPC meeting agenda on Laureland community housing. b. 4/28/05 DCPC meeting minutes on Laureland community housing. 10/1/2004 DHFC and TDHCA: Dallas Multifamily Applications 2004 Briefing to the Housing and Neighborhood Development Committee. 10/20/2004 2004 Private Activity Bond and Tax Credit Projects Briefing to the Dallas City Council. 12/07/2004 e-mail from Glenda Aguirre to Don Hill asking him to call D’Angelo Lee to discuss SWH Deal. 12/20/2004 e-mail exchange among Myron Mims, Randy Alligood, and Deepak Sulakhe (Brian Potashnik, Don Hill, Sheila Farrington cc’d). Deed Restriction for Laureland. a. Deed Restriction for Scyene b. 12/13/04 e-mail from Brian Potashnik to D’Angelo Lee. 12/13/04 e-mail from Brian Potashnik to D’Angelo Lee. 9/17/04 DCC briefing letter and presentation. 6/05 City of Dallas Development Guide. a. 10/27/04 DCC meeting agenda. b. 10/27/04 DCC agenda information sheet.


c. 10/27/04 DCC meeting minutes. a. 10/27/04 DCC meeting agenda.


b. 10/27/04 DCC meeting agenda. a. 10/27/04 DCC meeting agenda. b. 10/27/04 DCC meeting agenda.

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This PDF was with the DEMO 31. made 10/9/03 DHFC Meetingversion Minutes.of PDFtypewriter. The full version will not add this text You can hearing purchase the full version at 32. to your 7/8/03PDFs. TDHCA public transcript. http://ctdeveloping.com 33. 10/15/2004 City of Dallas Memorandum on 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39.


41. 42.



Cherrycrest. 11/5/2004 memo from Ryan Evans to City Council Members and Laura Miller. Dallas City Counsel Voting History on Oct/Nov 2004 Projects. 10/25/2004 City of Dallas Memo. 12/30/2004 TDHCA Multifamily underwriting analysis. 2/1/2005 TDHCA interoffice memorandum (SWH cced). SWH Deal Charts a. 10/13/04 SWH Dormant/Dead Deals b. 10/13/04 SWH Active Deals 5/20/04 e-mail from Bernice Butler at Development Strategy Group to Donald Hill and Sheila Farrington. 9/15/04 e-mail from Donald Hill to Glenda Aguirre. a. 11/3/04 calendar appointment for meeting between Sheila Farrington, Donald Hill, Myron Mims, D’Angelo Lee and Mark Willis. b. 11/3/04 e-mail from Glenda Aguirre to Donald Hill. 11/05/04 calendar appointment for meeting between Sheila Farrington, Donald Hill, George Roberts and John Abbott. Farrington & Associates Professional Consulting Agreements with Dallas Urban League a. 2/1/05 b. 3/1/05

45. 46. 47.

c. 3/1/05 (handwritten notes) Dallas Urban League invoices and checks for $3,500.00 dated 5/12/05. Farrington & Associates invoice to Dallas Urban League dated 6/15/05 for $5,000.00. 1/4/05 Letter of Support from Donald Hill to

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This PDF was made with the DEMO version of PDFtypewriter. The full version will not Brooke Boston of TDHCA concerning Laureland. add this text can purchase theHill fulltoversion at 48. to your 1/4/05PDFs. Letter You of Support from Donald http://ctdeveloping.com Brooke Boston of TDHCA for Scyene. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62.

2/9/05 task list pertaining to strategy for Southern Sector. 5/19/04 e-mail from Bill Fisher to Leon Backes. 8/24/04 Donald Hill’s calendar entry. 9/2/04 Donald Hill calendar entry. TDHCA 2004 Housing Tax Credit Program Qualified Allocation Plan and Rules. Transcript of call between D’Angelo Lee and Brian Potashnik on 3/11/04. Social Services Agreement between Bright III and SWH. 11/29/04 e-mail from Glenda Aguirre to Donald Hill. 11/1/04 e-mail from Andrea Spencer to Mac Fulbright of Bright III. 12/2/04 e-mail from Myron Mims to D’Angelo Lee, Sheila Farrington, Donald Hill. 12/2/04 e-mail from Myron Mims to Sheila Farrington, D’Angelo Lee and Donald Hill. 12/2/04 e-mail from Sheila Farrington to Myron Mims. 12/2/04 e-mail from Donald Hill to Myron Mims, D’Angelo Lee and Sheila Farrington. a. 12/2/04 e-mail from Myron Mims to Randy Alligood, D’Angelo Lee and Sheila Farrington. b. 1/4/05 e-mail from Myron Mims to Randy Alligood, D’Angelo Lee and Sheila Farrington.

63. 64.



c. 1/5/05 e-mail from Myron Mims to Glenda Aguirre and Sheila Farrington. 12/2/04 Farrington & Associates invoice faxed to SWH. 12/16/04 e-mail from Andrea Spencer to Sheila Farrington and Toska Medlock Lee. 1/28/05 bank records showing Bright III’s payment of $12,500 to Farrington & Associates for consulting services. 11/1/04 Farrington & Associates Professional Consulting Agreement with SWH faxed from Bright III fax machine. Bright III Board Resolution regarding Sheila

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This PDF was made with the DEMO version of PDFtypewriter. The full version will not Farrington ‘ s employment agreement for add this text to your PDFs.Farrington You can was purchase theasfull version at $30,000.00. employed senior http://ctdeveloping.com project manager. 67. 10/14/05 Letter from Dallas Urban League to Mathew Yarbrough concerning Dallas Urban Leagues services for Laureland. 68. Farrington Contract with SWH. 69. Checks from SWH to Farrington & Associates a. Check No. 13161 dated 10/22/04 for $14,583.00 b. Check No. 26 dated 12/1/04 for $7,291.50 c. Check No. 25 dated 2/1/05 for $7,291.50 d. Check No. 32 dated 2/28/05 for $7,291.50 e. Check No. 35 dated 2/28/05 for $7,291.50 f. Check No. 44 dated 3/31/05 for $7,291.50 g. Check No. 40 dated 3/31/05 for $7,291.50 i. Check No. 52 dated 5/02/05 for $7,291.50 j. Check No. 45 dated 5/2/05 for $7,291.50 k. Check No. 65 dated 6/14/05 for $7,291.50


1. Check No. 53 dated 6/14/05 for $7,291.50 Farrington & Associates Invoices to SWH a. 10/22/04 b. 2/1/04 c. 3/1/04 d. 4/1/04 e. 10/04-1/05 f. 12/1/04 g. 5/1/05 h. 6/1/05

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This PDF was made with the DEMO version of PDFtypewriter. The full version will not add this text to your PDFs. You can purchase the full version at i. 6/1/05 http://ctdeveloping.com j. 7/11/05 k. 9/6/05 1. 9/12/05 m.

71. 72. 73. 74.


n. 9/27/05 — 10/24/05 SWHD General Ledger dated 11-29-07. 12/2/04 e-mail from Sheila Farrington to Brian Potashnik. 1/1/04 Kathy Nealy Consulting Contract with Bill Fisher. a. 3/2/05 invoice from Laura Reed for $25,000.00 for Pecan Grove consulting fees b. 10/18/04 e-mail from Bill Fisher to Carol Reed Associates


76. 77.

c. 10/19/04 e-mail from Saleem Jafar to Bill Fisher MasterPlan/SWH Consulting Services a. Invoices b. Invoices c. Invoices d. Check registers BSEAT/SWH Independent Contract (unexecuted) SWH DIP Financial Ledgers showing classification relating to Farrington & Associates. a. 12/06 Scyene b. 2003-2004 Laureland


c. Laureland SWH cost reports for Laureland showing correct classification relating to Farrington & Associates a. 3/24/05 b. 11/28/07 c. (undated).

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Filed 07/02/2009

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This PDF was DEMO version of PDFtypewriter. The full version will not 79. made SWHwith costthe reports for Scyene showing correct add this text to your PDFs. You cantopurchase full version at classification relating Farringtonthe & Associates. http://ctdeveloping.com a. 12/04


b. (undated). Invitations a. 11/9/04 Memorandum from Sheila Farrington to Brian Potashnik.


b. D’Angelo Lee sends e-mail to Brian Potashnik, Andrea Spencer. Contributions a. 11/9/04 invoice of Check for $1,700.00 to Farrington & Associates from Ron Slovacek

82 83. 84.

85. 86.

b. Leon Backes (Bill Fisher’s business partner) sends check for $2,000.00 to Farrington & Associates. Donald Hill’s 11/9/04 birthday guest book. Letter from Sheila Farrington to Brian Potashnik dated 11/29/04. E-mail from Donald Hill to Sheila Farrington dated 12/2/04. Sheila Farrington received a $12,500.00 check from Bright III on 1/28/05. Sheila Farrington received from Millennium Land Dev. LLC a. 1/15/05 - $3,500.00 b. 3/11/05- $5,500.00 c. 3/31/05 - $18,000.00 d. 6/2/05 - $12,000.00

87. 88. 89.

e. 6/29/05 - Check Register. Mac Fulbright E-mail resume to Sheila Farrington on 9/29/04. Loan document from Sheila Farrington and Donald Hill to James “Mac” Fulbright. TDHCA 2005 Housing Tax Credit Program

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Filed 07/02/2009

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This PDF was made withAllocation the DEMO version of PDFtypewriter. The full version will not Qualified Plan and Rules with add this text to your PDFs.Amendments. You can purchase the full version at Emergency Section 49.9(f)(4)(E). http://ctdeveloping.com 90. Tex. Government Code § 2306.6734. 91. 92. 93.



96. 97.

98. 99. 100. 101. 102.

103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109.

1/5/05 e-mail from Don Hill to Myron Mims and D’Angelo Lee. 12/7/04 e-mail from D’Angelo Lee to Tim Loft (Myron Mims, Don Hill, Brian Potashnik cc’d). 12/9/04 e-mail exchange between D’Angelo Lee (through Glenda Aguirre) and Tim Lot D’Angelo Lee, Don Hill, Brian Potashnik, Beverly Brooks, and Ann Loft cc’d. Steven Williams bcc’d. 12/14/04 e-mail from Glenda Aguirre to Brian Potashnik. Myron Mims, D’Angelo Lee and Don Hill cc’d. 12/13/04 e-mail exchange between Glenda Aguirre (on behalf of D’Angelo Lee) and Brian Potashnik. D’Angelo Lee, Myron Mims, and Don Hill cc’d. 10/27/04 Ron Slovacek’s email to Andrea Spencer 10/28/04 Article IV bid for Arborwoods ($809,543.04) with fax cover from Andrea Spencer to Matt Martin. 11/11/04 Article IV bid for Arborwoods. 11/17/04 e-mail from Ronald Slovacek to Andrea Spencer 11/30/04 Article IV bid for Arborwoods. 12/10/04 Article IV bid for Arborwoods. 10/4/04 Ron Slovacek’s fax to Matt Martin of SWH including proposal for Arborwoods from RONSLO. 10/5/04 Kent-Anderson Concrete LP bid for Arborwoods. 11/1/04 Kent-Anderson Concrete LP bid for Arborwoods. 12/22/04 Article IV concrete subcontract for Arborwoods. 1/7/04 Article IV sidewalk subcontract for Arborwoods. 12/22/04 LCG Development subcontract for Arborwoods. 1/7/05 LCG Development subcontract for Arborwoods. 1/7/05 LCG Development subcontract for Arborwoods.

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Filed 07/02/2009

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This PDF110. was made with the DEMO of PDFtypewriter. The full version will not a. 10/29/04 e-mail chainversion begins from Matt Martin add this text to your PDFs. You can the full version at to Brian Potashnik (Kentpurchase Plemons cc’d) http://ctdeveloping.com b. 12/7/04 e-mail further from Matt Martin to Brian Potashnik. Kent Plemon, Greg Moss and Chris Martin cc’d.

111. 112.

c. 12/16/04 e-mail continues from Matt Martin to Brian Potashnik. Kent Plemon, Greg Moss and Chris Martin cc’d. NCTRCA Certification for LCG Development Group. Affordable Housing Construction Checks to LCG and Dual Check Agreements a. 3/29/05 —check no. 29132 $41,680.00 b. 3/29/05- check no. 29131 $10,890.00 c. 4/26/05 — check no. 29434 $106,470.00 d. 2/7/05 - dual check agreement e. 4/25/05 — dual check agreement

113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125.

f. 2/18/05 e-mail from Matt Martin to Andrea Spencer and Ronald Slovacek. 3/17/05 e-mail from Ronald Slovacek to Andrea Spencer. 4/12/05 LCG bid ($1,962,081.78) for Scyene. 4/13/05 LCG bid ($2,191,580.97) for Scyene. 4/14/05 LCG bid ($2,151,11.58) for Laureland. 4/15/05 LCG bid ($2,191,580.97) for Scyene. 4/27/05 e-mail from Ronald Slovacek to Andrea Spencer. 5/9/05 e-mail from Ronald Slovacek to Andrea Spencer. 5/9/05 e-mail from Ronald Slovacek to Andrea Spencer. 11/26/05 LCG bid ($2,191,580.97) for Scyene. 12/6/06’ LCG bid ($2,191,580.97) for Scyene. 12/6/06 LCG bid ($2,151,111.58) for Laureland. 11/26/06 LCG bid ($2,151,111.58) for Laureland. 5/13/05 e-mail from Andrea Spencer to Matt Martin, Chris Martin and David Montoya (Brian Potashnik cc’d).

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Filed 07/02/2009

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This PDF was made with the DEMO version of PDFtypewriter. The full version will not add this text to your PDFs. You can purchase the 5/13/05 e-mail from Brian Potashnik to full Mattversion at http://ctdeveloping.com Martin, Chris Martin and David Montoya

126. 127. 128. 129. 130.

131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144.

5/16/05 e-mail from Matt Martin to Brian Potashnik, Chris Martin, David Montoya. 5/17/05 E-mail from Matt Martin to Andrea Spencer. 5/16/05 e-mail from Matt Martin to Brian Potashnik, Chris Martin, David Montoya. 4/26/05 call between D’Angelo Lee and Brian Potashnik. 4/29/05 e-mail from S&S to David Montoya of SWH. 5/17/05 e-mail from Chris Martin of SWH to Andrea Spencer (Matt Martin and Brian Potashnik cc’d). 5/17/05 e-mail from Andrea Spencer to D’Angelo Lee and Ron Slovacek. S&S Subcontract for Scyene. Agenda for the DCC meeting on April 27, 2005. Agenda Information Sheet for the DCC meeting on April 27, 2005. DCC Meeting Minutes dated April 27, 2005. Transcript of the DCC meeting on April 27, 2005. 10/8/04 e-mail from Ron Slovacek to D’Angelo Lee. 10/6/04 e-mail from Ron Slovacek to D’Angelo Lee. 12/9/04 RON-SLO bid to Article IV. 10/6/04 Ron Slovacek’s e-mail to D’Angelo Lee. 10/11/04 Ron Slovacek’s email to D’Angelo Lee. 10/11/04 Ron Slovacek’s email to D’Angelo Lee. 12/5/06 RON-SLO bid to Article IV. Lee, Hill, Spencer/Slovacek Correspondence a. 10/06/04 e-mail from Ronald Slovacek to D’Angelo Lee. b. 10/6/04 e-mail from Ronald Slovacek to D’Angelo Lee. c. 10/6/04 e-mail from Ronald Slovacek to D’Angelo Lee.

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Filed 07/02/2009

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This PDF was made with the DEMO of PDFtypewriter. The full version will not d. 10/8/04 e-mail from version Ronald Slovacek to add this text to your PDFs.Lee. You can purchase the full version at D’Angelo http://ctdeveloping.com e. 10/11/04 e-mail from Ronald Slovacek to D’Angelo Lee. f. 10/11/04 e-mail from Ronald Slovacek to D’Angelo Lee. g. 10/12/04 e-mail from Ronald Slovacek to D’Angelo Lee. h. 2/3/05 e-mail from Ronald Slovacek to D’Angelo Lee. i. 2/8/05 e-mail from Ronald Slovacek to D’Angelo Lee. j. 2/11/05 e-mail from Andrea Spencer to Ronald Slovacek and D’Angelo Lee. k. 2/11/05 e-mail from Andrea Spencer to dv@vestalbuilders (copying Ronald Slovacek and D’Angelo Lee). 1. 2/23/05 e-mail from Victor Toledo to Ronald Slovacek and D’Angelo Lee.

145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155 156. 157.

m. 2/28/05 e-mail from Ronald Slovacek to Andrea Spencer and D’Angelo Lee. RON-SLO deposit register. Call among Don Hill, D’Angelo Lee, Ron Slovacek and Andrea Spencer. Call between D’angelo Lee and Ron Slovacek dated June 9, 2005. Call between Don Hill and D’Angelo Lee dated May 3, 2005. 4/13/05 Call between Lee, Spencer and Slovacek. 4/22/2005 D’Angelo Lee calls Ron Slovacek. 5/12/05 Spencer call to Lee. 5/12/05 Lee call to Spencer. 5/13/05 Lee call to Slovacek and Spencer. 5/14/05 Hill call to Potashnik. 5/18/05 Potashnik call to Lee. 5/26/05 Lee call to Spencer. 12/15/04 Leo Chaney notes

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Filed 07/02/2009

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This PDF 158. was made with Fisher the DEMO version of PDFtypewriter. The full version will not 10/28/97 employment application with add this text to your SWHPDFs. You can purchase the full version at http://ctdeveloping.com 159. 2/13/03 email re Fisher resignation 160. 161.

162. 163. 164.


166. 167. 168.

169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179.

2/12/03 Articles of Organization for Provident Odyssey Partners, LP 9/10/04 Amendment to Certificate of Limited Partnership for Provident Odyssey Partners, LP changing name to Odyssey Residential Partners, LP 10/8/04 Amended Certificate of Limited Partnership of Odyssey Residential Partners, LP 2/12/03 Articles of Organization of Provident Odyssey LP, LLC 9/10/04 Amendment to Articles of Organization of Provident Odyssey GP, LLC changing name to Odyssey Residential Partners GP, LLC 10/7/04 Articles of Amendment to the Articles of Organization of Odyssey Residential Partners GP, LLC 2/21/03 Articles of Organization of 1029 GP, LLC 2/21/03 Certificate of Limited Partnership for 1029 Family Limited Partnership 2/29/04 Kathy L. Nealy & Associates Consulting Services Agreement with Provident Odyssey Partners, LP 5/7/04 Email re Minority participation 5/19/04 Email string re CDC and upcoming meetings 7/15/04 City Development Services brief re Pecan Grove 7/15/04 City Plan Commission Minutes re Pecan Grove 8/5/04 City Development Services brief re Memorial Park 8/23/04 Email re Zoning case for Fisher 8/23/04 Articles of Organization for Odyssey Residential GP, LLC 8/24/04 Certificate of Limited Partnership of Odyssey Residential Holdings, LP 8/24/04 Article of Organization of ORH Acquisitions, LLC 8/25/04 City Council Minutes re Village Fair 8/31/04 Email re Bruton and St. Augustine

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This PDF 180. was made with thereDEMO version of PDFtypewriter. The full version will not 9/3/04 Email C.M. Hill Provident meeting add this text PDFs. You can purchase the full version at 181.to your 9/13/04 Email re Laureland http://ctdeveloping.com 182. 9/15/04 Reply to CPC from Clyde Hargrove 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192.

193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204

9/19/04 Email string re participation agreement 9/21/04 Email re Dallas West Village 9/22/04 City Council minutes re Pecan Grove 9/22/04 City Development Services brief re Memorial Park 9/22/04 City Council minutes re Memorial Park Letter to Hill from Fisher re Laureland Homes Single Family Lot Development 9/22/04 Email attaching Dallas West Village site packet 9/22/04 Draft of letter to BSEAT CDC from Fisher re Dallas West Village 10/1/04 Email string re Dallas City Council resolution for one mile rule 10/1/04 Letter to Tommy Hoang and Ron Ferguson from Bill Fisher re Dallas West Village, Pecan Grove, and Memorial Park Eric Maas Lease Worksheet Don Hill Employment Records John Lewis Bank Account Summary 2/14/97 Dallas Morning News article Briefing to Dallas Cit Counsel Housing Department 10/20/04 All wiretaps from Don Hill’s Phone All wiretaps from D’Angelo Lee’s Phone Email from Toska Medlock 11/2/04 DMN Article on Laura Miller accusing Fantroy of Ethics Lapse Audio of John Lewis telling Bill Fisher the cost per deal John Lewis Factual Resume All audio recordings from DCC meetings

Dated: July 2, 2009

Respectfully Submitted, /s / Ray Jackson______________ Ray Jackson Attorney for Defendant Don Hill SBN 00797754 2989 N. Stemmons Freeway Dallas, TX 75247

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This PDF was made with the DEMO version of PDFtypewriter. The full version will not 214.651.6250 Office add this text to your PDFs. You can purchase the full version at 214.651.6244 Facsimile http://ctdeveloping.com Dallas, Texas 75206 Attorneys for Defendant Donald Hill

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the 2nd day of July, 2009, I electronically submitted the foregoing Exhibit List with the clerk of the Court for the United States District Court, Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division, as well as to all counsel of record, via the electronic case files system (a.k.a. ECF) of the Court.

/s / Ray Jackson______________ Ray Jackson

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